Ecoseram Sum

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e co se rAM pro j e ct de ve l o pme n t * b i o & fo o d fai r t rade t rai n i n g & b u si n e ss su ppo rt * *

company summary

Jerusalem bio-food & farm project Lake Tana, Bahir Dar, Amhara Region, Ethiopia

...ecoserAM, JeCCDO farm project, 2033, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia *** [email protected]

ecoservices in Amhara Region Our aim is to create good practice – solutions for local problems and to actively network and cooperate with like-minded businesses and other partners (government, universities, institutions and organizations) in this. Our vision is to bring in international good practice in organic food production and processing and adapt what works best under local conditions to locally produce high quality food products for the local as well as international markets.

Given the overall situation of the Amhara Region (with traditional small scale farming as major economic basis), there is an obvious demand for intensifying agricultural production, but at the same time securing and improving the livelihoods of the local people and avoid displacement and further impoverisation. From our point of view, a more systematic use of the methods of organic agriculture can be one workable approach to address this. In particular in the past year, a steep increase in food prices in combination with anticipated shortages in supplies has been observed, hence a promising strategy seems to be to produce more quality food at comparatively low costs. This is our entry point. ecoserAM, together with our partners, would like to develop training for the production (farmer, local & investors) and processing (start-ups, SMEs & investors) of natural and organic food, at the same time establishing standards and certification for organic production.With this strategic approach we aim to increase the local production of quality foods. This should improve local supply, the surplus will then be processed and traded through our joint trade channels. With view to the social fabric and the economic environment it is an ethical precondition for us that the local people share of the benefits of improved agricultural methods and trade channels – we would like local people to built up livelihoods by producing quality foods, as our suppli-

ecoserAM Jerusalem bio farm & training project, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia


ers, subcontractors, partners, friends, supporters –

. Together with our

partners, we would like to build up a future“Centre of Knowledge of Organic Agriculture” for the Amhara Region.

ecopia – company summary (cont.)

ecoserAM is a social enterprise. With a combination of innovative spirit, a social and ethical entrepreneurship concept and commitment to transfer of skills to local people, we will develop certification & training programs, projects, develop ideas into businesses and bring our new products to the markets through our joint trading channels. ecoserAM will function as service provider and apply and train modern business management. Services will be developed in close cooperation with the local needs and demands as well as the requirements of partners and customers. To achieve this, capacitated human resources,





needed. ecoserAM will apply a systematic approach for the development of the human resource as well as standards for fair traded natural/organic products from the Amhara Region. After all, the human and natural resources are an immense, yet largely undeveloped wealth of the region - and her greatest potential.

ecoserAM Jerusalem bio farm & training project, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia


objectives for the start-up phase 1.

setting up a (gradually accredited) training center & certification agency


setting up and managing of model units and test plots for organic food processing, packaging and marketing


develop an organics incubation support program in cooperation with local and international partners

Management services, training, marketing and trading of our natural & organic agricultural products and processed foods are our core business. Further projects and services such as market outlets, cafeteria & dormitory, management of trade fairs and –events and open days will be developed during the start-up phase. Substantial investment in time and resources has already been made over the past 2 years in research and networking in the agro food processing sector and the potential for natural/organic food in the Amhara Region. On the basis of a joint memorandum of understanding, ecoserAM will start operations with the JeCCDO/Jerusalem Farm Project in Bahir Dar, Amhara Region by setting up crop test plots, suitable and professional ecoserAM Jerusalem bio farm & training project, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia


model food processing units, training and incubation support facilities. ecoserAM’s prior research and professional advice from partners has led to the identification of the following model units to start with: 1. production units: PU 1: cheese, butter & diary products PU 2: honey & honey products (mobile production) PU 3: organic wild coffee PU 4: organic fruit products (sun-dried, marmelades, fruit pur rees, compots, juices, herbs&spices, as per season) PU 5: organic seed station PU 6: nursery others to be developed.

2. management units: MU 1: packaging, labeling, printing, quality control & standards, dispatch preparation MU 2: marketing & promotion, market link GM: general management, training & certification, business support

3. project units: PRO 1: modern ecological architecture for farming facilities (PPP request/AA university internship project?) PRO 2: water & energy (irrigation, drinking water, solar, wind)

4. test plots: min. 5 ha land of farm land for test plots for product development: plot 1: mung beans > soya products

ecoserAM Jerusalem bio farm & training project, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia


plot 2: oilseeds > organic edible oil production plot 3: cash crop organic fruits, herbs & vegetables plot 4: grains plot 5: herbal cosmetics & medicine

the team: The ecooserAM management team will be composed of one senior professsional and four Ethiopian junior managers, responsible for their respective units. The team will be complemented by a network of partners and short term experts. The management team will also be responsible for managing ecoserAMs centre and facilties, including the support staff. Our joint professional backgrounds cover development cooperation, economics, event-, training & seminar management, food technology and facilities management with a common background in organic and ethical principles and processe

our partners: •“Ecological Products of Ethiopia, (Ecopia)” is a social company that orchestrates the value chain of organic food, cosmetics and herbal production, processing and marketing. The head quarter is in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Essentially, ECOPIA is involved in the commercial movement of organic food from field to the consumers. eco services Amhara is a sister company of ecopia and as such part of a business concept to enhance the capacities for the production of natural (organic) food and food products. •“Jerusalem Childrens and Community Development Organisation” (JeCCDO) is our partner in availing the facilities of the “Jerusalem Farm” compound in Bahir Dar and cooperating in developing the local resources. With JeCCDO we will operate on the basis of a ‘Memorandum of Understanding’and ensure, that also the most vulnerable mebers of society can access our services. ecoserAM Jerusalem bio farm & training project, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia


List of potential partners that will be addressed during the start-up phase: •naturland, rapunzel, allos(?) & biofachverbände D •BD university •German universities •donor agencies in Ethiopia for internship & ‘project to business’ funds, PPPs •Amhara Region: Amhara Agricultural Research Institute, Bureau of Trade and Industry, Bureau of Agriculture, Bureau of Capacity Building

company value: starting capital/assets

100,000 EUR

estimated value capital/assets (incl. knowledge) within 3 years of operations:

500,000 EUR

ecoserAM Jerusalem bio farm & training project, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia


What are the environmental benefits of organic agriculture?

Sustainability in the long term. Organic agriculture has a positive medium- and long-term effect on the agro-ecosystem. The aim is to produce high quality food while establishing an ecological balance. With this, organic agriculture takes a proactive approach as opposed to treating problems after they emerge.

“Pure Joy of Nature”: Organic agricultural production benefits the environment by using earth-friendly agricultural methods and practices.

eco ser A M p r o j ect d evel o p men t * b i o & f o o d f ai r trad e * trai n i n g & b u si n ess s u p p o r t * *

ecoserAM Jerusalem bio farm & training project, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia


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