Economics Environment And Behaviour

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  • Words: 10,757
  • Pages: 48
True/False Question In a survey conducted to assess the segment of public responsible for corruption it was found that the government servants were the most corrupt Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The industrial relations machinery calls for radical changes such as Correct Answer to allow easier discharge of workers , Make strikes and lockouts more difficult , make both trade unions and management equally liable for indiscrete and unlawful management Your Answer Make strikes and lockouts more difficult , make both trade unions and management equally liable for indiscrete and unlawful management , try to always maintain cordial relations between the management and labour Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which is the only country among the BRIC countries to have a growth rate above 3% by 2050 Correct Answer India Your Answer India Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is India's World rank based on purchasing Power Parity ?(PPP) Correct Answer 4th Your Answer 4th Select The Blank Question ________often evade taxation by dual accounting Correct Answer Co-operatives Your Answer Co-operatives Match The Following Question Correct Answer

Your Answer

Bretten woods convention


Chinese revolution


1950's 1950's

the great American Depression

1930's 1930's

Russian Change from Feudalism to communism

1910's 1910's

Select The Blank Question The market capitalization of Traded stocks in India was assessed at ________ Correct Answer 11.8 Lac crores 1

Your Answer

13.1 Lac crores

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question An example of debt security is : Correct Answer Certificate of Deposit Your Answer Certificate of Deposit True/False Question In a recent judgment the Supreme court has absolved all major Political parties from Filing income tax returns Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the countries which have been economically more successful than India despite having high population growth rate? Correct Answer Malaysia , Indonesia , Thailand Your Answer Malaysia , Indonesia , Thailand Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the expanse of India's road network Correct Answer 3.3 mn kms Your Answer 3.3 mn kms Select The Blank Question The peak rate of customs duty was reduced to ________ Correct Answer 0.2 Your Answer 0.2 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What are the current trends in the world with respect to privatization of public corporations Correct Answer All PSU's to be privatised Your Answer Only loss making PSU's to be privatised True/False Question The factories act 1968 enactments do not pertain to the protection of environment Correct Answer False Your Answer False Select The Blank Question ________ is the possessor of the largest crude oil in the world 2

Correct Answer Your Answer

Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the significant aspects of small scale sector which are noteworthy? Correct Answer In 2002 -03 there were 110.10 lacs SSS units , Value of output Rs2 10,636 Crs , SSS exports during 2002 -03 were 86,013 Crs Your Answer In 2002 -03 there were 110.10 lacs SSS units , Value of output Rs2 10,636 Crs , SSS exports during 2002 -03 were 86,013 Crs Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question When a multinational company in India resort to a buy back of their entire shareholding it may have an objective of Correct Answer Delisting from the Stock Exchange , Regain control and flexibility to operate , repatriate higher profits to parent company Your Answer Regain control and flexibility to operate , repatriate higher profits to parent company , Delisting from the Stock Exchange Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the employment in the organized sector in India in FY 2002 ? Correct Answer 27.3 mn Your Answer 27.3 mn Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In order to finance infrastructure the government has allowed banks to raise finance by what means ? Correct Answer Long term Bonds Your Answer ADR's & GDR Match The Following Question Correct Answer Corporate Governance

Your Answer

Kumar Mangalam Birla committee Kumar Mangalam Birla committee

SEBI Code on corporate Governance

Code on corporate Governance

CMIE Premier research organisationPremier research organisation Competition Act 2002 Upholding competition in Indian Market Market

Select The Blank Question ________ is the Father of Indian constitution 3

Upholding competition in Indian

Correct Answer Your Answer

Dr B R Ambedkar Dr B R Ambedkar

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question SEBI has laid down regulations governing the various participants in the capital markets which include Correct Answer Insider trading , Takeover Your Answer Insider trading , Takeover Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The civil aviation sector provides the following categories services Correct Answer Infrastructure , regulatory and developmental , Operational Your Answer Infrastructure , regulatory and developmental , Operational Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is India's world rank in terms of Human Poverty Index? (HPI) Correct Answer 48 Your Answer 48 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The focus of Self Help Group (SHG) bank linkage programme is largely on the following Correct Answer Small and Marginal farmers , Agricultural labourers , Artisans and Craftsmen Your Answer Small and Marginal farmers , Agricultural labourers , Artisans and Craftsmen True/False Question The IRDA was constituted by the act of Parliament Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False Question Recently the government decided that the long term capital gains taxed would be eligible for tax exemption if an individual invests in second house Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In budget 2003 -04, what was the government projections of earnings through divestment Correct Answer 14500 Crs Your Answer 14500 Crs True/False Question

The Indian Railways is the largest employer in the world 4

Correct Answer Your Answer

True False

True/False Question Commercial Banks hold substantial portion of Gilt Edged securities against SLR requirements Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Financial Institutions provide direct financial assistance in the following ways Correct Answer Term Loans , Foreign Currency Term loans , Suppliers credit Lines Your Answer Term Loans , Foreign Currency Term loans , Suppliers credit Lines Select The Blank Question The European bosses on an average take home ________ times as much as their workers Correct Answer 11 to 24 Your Answer 11 to 24 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the difference between FDI (Foreign Direct Investment ) and Portfolio Investment Correct Answer FDI underlines a firm desire by an investor to be associated in the long term Business activities while the portfolio investment does not Your Answer FDI underlines a firm desire by an investor to be associated in the long term Business activities while the portfolio investment does not True/False Question Administration of party finances is a pre requisite for parties to contest an election in India Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question How many industries require licensing as on date ? Correct Answer 6 Your Answer 6 Select The Blank Question April 1,2005 has been set as the date for implementation of ________ Correct Answer Value Added Tax Your Answer Value Added Tax


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the measures to improve the efficiency and performance of power plants Correct Answer improve power load factor , Connecting power plants to the national grid to channelise surplus power Your Answer improve power load factor , Connecting power plants to the national grid to channelise surplus power Select The Blank Question ________was set up in 1998 with an Authorised capital of Rs. 5000 crores Correct Answer IDFC Your Answer IDFC Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the states where bulk Venture Funds are in use ? Correct Answer Maharashtra , Gujarat , Andhra Pradesh Your Answer Maharashtra , Gujarat , Andhra Pradesh Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the industries wherein industrial licensing is compulsory under the industries (Development and regulations) act 1951 Correct Answer Breweries , cigarettes and manufactured tobacco substitutes , Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Your Answer Breweries , cigarettes and manufactured tobacco substitutes , Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In a survey carried out by Transperancy international what is India rated in terms of the prevelant corruption out of a survey of 133 countries ? Correct Answer 83 Your Answer 75 Select The Blank Question ________ of population is still rural based Correct Answer 0.7 Your Answer 0.7 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question TO avoid sprouting of small parties which country provides for a minimum 5% votes to get any representation in the parliament Correct Answer Germany Your Answer Germany


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question ICRA offers following services Correct Answer Credit rating , Advisory services , Investment information Your Answer Credit rating , Advisory services , Investment information Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the total FDI attracted by India till date ? Correct Answer US $3 bn Your Answer US $3 bn Select The Blank Question ________ is a chronically loss making PSU Correct Answer Bharat Gold Mines Your Answer National Bicycle corp. of India True/False Question As per analysis a per capita is the best indicator of a country's human welfare and quality of life Correct Answer False Your Answer True

( 2) LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS True/False Question Japan Still holds to a communism or a single party government Correct Answer False Your Answer False True/False Question Muslim countries control about 85% of crude oil resources in the world Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which sectors have witnessed major inflow of External commercial Borrowing during the year 2003 -04 7

Correct Answer Your Answer

Power , Financial Institutions Shipping , Power , Petroleum and natural gas

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What was the total number of Joint stock companies as on March 2003 Correct Answer 8334 Your Answer 6348 Select The Blank Question An estimated ________ people all over the world take internet connection Correct Answer 55 mn Your Answer 12 mn Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The objective of the telecom disputes settlement and appellate tribunal is to adjudicate : Correct Answer Between Licensor and Licensee , Between two or more service providers , to hear appeal against any decision of TRAI Your Answer Between Licensor and Licensee , Between two or more service providers , to hear appeal against any decision of TRAI True/False Question As per the EXIM policy 2002 -07, the penal rate of bonafide defaults has been brought down from 24 to 15% Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question ________ has been created to prevent overuse of arbitrary power by Politicians and bureaucrats Correct Answer Central Administrative Tribunal Your Answer CVC Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Rail vikas Nigam Ltd was set up in January 2003 with an objective of Correct Answer Creating New institutional mechanisms for implementing railway projects Your Answer Improving the operational efficiency of the existing network Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the parameters that impact a countries economy Correct Answer Technology , Public institutions , Macro economic environment Your Answer Technology , Macro economic environment , Micro economic environment


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In future in view of the political accountability to the electorate a voter should retain the privilege of Correct Answer Right to prevent the bill from being tabled , Right to recall , right to have a bill tabled Your Answer Right to recall , right to have a bill tabled , right to remove an elected member Match The Following Question Correct Answer Reliance industries MRTP Act growth

Your Answer

petro products Small Scale industries

Retard Capital Investment

recognized as one of the important drivers for economic

FDI recognized as one of the important drivers for economic growth Economic affairs ministry of external affairs

Chairman Secretary, Dept of

FIPB Chairman Secretary, Dept of Economic affairs ministry of external affairs petro products

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Amongst the emerging countries which are the least stable countries Correct Answer Algeria , Azerbaijan , Columbia Your Answer Algeria , Mexico , Columbia True/False Question Mr Vincent Fox is the new president of Mexico Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the cost of living difference between Tokyo and Johannesburg ? Correct Answer 3 times Your Answer 10 times Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the Stock Exchange has the highest number of transactions per year Correct Answer NSE Your Answer NSE Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The present laws on taxation state that gift from unrelated persons would be taxed if it exceeds what amount (Rupees) 9

Correct Answer Your Answer

25000 10000

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The process of converting Physical shares into electronic form is known as Correct Answer Dematerialisation Your Answer Demutualisation Select The Blank Question The Rakesh Mohan Committee reports on Infrastructure Estimates that an investment of ________is necessary over the next 5 years Correct Answer US $ 215 billion Your Answer US $ 115 billion Match The Following Question Correct Answer

Your Answer

Financial institution DFHI Mutual Fund Negotiable instrument denominated in US$ GDR ICRA Offers rating , information and advisory services


Units Mutual Fund RBI

True/False Question Belgrade is one of the best places to live in Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the economic reforms concerning the capital markets Correct Answer FII's allowed to hold upto 24% in local companies , Comptroller of Capital issues abolished , IPO norms tightened to improve quality of issues Your Answer FII's allowed to hold upto 24% in local companies , Comptroller of Capital issues abolished , IPO norms tightened to improve quality of issues Select The Blank Question ________ is not open for FDI Correct Answer retail trading Your Answer retail trading


Select The Blank Question During the year 2002 -03, India's major exports were to ________ countries Correct Answer OECD Your Answer OECD True/False Question The FDI has been increased upto 100% in Private sector Banks Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The leading members of scientists and engineers migrating to the USA were from Correct Answer Britain , Taiwan , India Your Answer India , Taiwan , Germany Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What percentage of the networth are indian companies allowed to invest abroad as per the RBI monetary and credit policy for 2004 -05 Correct Answer 1 Your Answer 0.25 Select The Blank Question Foreign Institutional investors allowed to hold upto________ in local companies Correct Answer 0.24 Your Answer 0.24 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the factors which has helped the turnaround of the Japanese economy ? Correct Answer China's economic Boom which helped Japanese steel manufacturer's , fall of the Yen against the euro , corporate restructuring of numerous large corporations Your Answer China's economic Boom which helped Japanese steel manufacturer's , fall of the Yen against the euro , corporate restructuring of numerous large corporations True/False Question Employment level is correlated with education. Higher the education lesser is the unemployment Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the necessary steps to promote foreign trade Correct Answer Projection of our abilities to the world , Projection of a realistic brand image through business luminaries , Updation of legal machinery to settle internal disputes and litigations 11

Your Answer Projection of our abilities to the world , Projection of a realistic brand image through business luminaries , Underpricing of products to gain market share Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The Singapore declaration instructs the working group to focus on : Correct Answer Transperancy Your Answer Transperancy Multiple Choice Single Answer Question To what percentage was the government share and equity restricted to, as per the TATA memorandum Correct Answer 0.26 Your Answer 0.49 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the detterants for better profitability in nationalized banks Correct Answer High rate of CRR , High rate of SLR , Priority Sector Lending obligation Your Answer High rate of CRR , High rate of SLR , Competition from Financial Institutions Select The Blank Question ________ has achieved the fastest growth rate during recent years Correct Answer China Your Answer China Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which country is a protagonist of a parliamentary cabinet form Correct Answer UK Your Answer USA True/False Question Sri lanka is ranked at 81st place as per the Freedom index ratings Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The MRTP Act has been replaced by which Act ? Correct Answer Competition Act 2002 Your Answer Industries Act Select The Blank Question FDI increased upto ________ in Public sector Banking Correct Answer 0.74 12

Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the factors which lead to pressures on Global Financial and currency market Correct Answer US interest rate hike , High oil prices , Current and Fiscal account deficit Your Answer US interest rate hike , High oil prices , High import duties Select The Blank Question ________ is more of a necessity than Luxury for entire world Correct Answer Globalization Your Answer R&D True/False Question Interest earned on NRE account is taxable Correct Answer True Your Answer False True/False Question It is estimated that around 6000 Crs of venture funds is in circulation and finds outlets as equity capital in companies Correct Answer False Your Answer True Select The Blank Question The market capitalization of stock exchanges of the world could be estimated between ________ Correct Answer 35 to 37 Trillion US $ Your Answer 35 to 37 Trillion US $ Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the Fiscal Deficit as a percentage of GDP as of March 31 2004? Correct Answer 0.045 Your Answer 0.035 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the measures that could be proposed to make the population a resource rather than a drag on wealth extortion Correct Answer Increase in quantum of physical work , increase managerial inputs through education and training , technological inputs through increased investments Your Answer increase managerial inputs through education and training , technological inputs through increased investments , increase the productivity of manpower


Select The Blank Question People working in ________ put in an average of 5.2 hrs of work per day and still maintain their reputation as the richest city of the world Correct Answer New York Your Answer New York

(3) LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Select The Blank Question The market capitalization of stock exchanges of the world could be estimated between ________ Correct Answer 35 to 37 Trillion US $ Your Answer 10 to 13 trillion US $ Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the major barriers pointed out by Mckinsey Global Institute in the study of economic reforms in India Correct Answer Renewal of reservation for small scale sector , Elimination land market barriers , Poor transport infrastructure Your Answer Renewal of reservation for small scale sector , Elimination land market barriers , Poor transport infrastructure Select The Blank Question The annual growth rate of FDI was estimated at ________the rate of world GDP Correct Answer 3 times Your Answer 5 times Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question When a multinational company in India resort to a buy back of their entire shareholding it may have an objective of Correct Answer Delisting from the Stock Exchange , Regain control and flexibility to operate , repatriate higher profits to parent company Your Answer Delisting from the Stock Exchange , Regain control and flexibility to operate , repatriate higher profits to parent company Select The Blank Question The availability of sugar per capita per day has increased to ________gms during the year 2003 -03 Correct Answer 16.3 14

Your Answer


Select The Blank Question The BIFR has issued a total of ________ winding up notices as on 31.03.2004 Correct Answer 125 Your Answer 29 Match The Following Question Correct Answer Chancellor of Germany

Your Answer

Helmut Kohl Helmut Kohl

Constitution review committee

M N Venkatchalaih

Centre state relations R S Sarkaria Committee report

Helmut Kohl R S Sarkaria Committee report

Chief election commissioner J M Lyngdoh M N Venkatchalaih

True/False Question Banks can determine their PLR's with RBI permission Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the total FDI attracted by India till date ? Correct Answer US $3 bn Your Answer US $3 bn True/False Question Options and Futures trading contracts stand permitted for about 60 companies on NSE Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question An example of debt security is : Correct Answer Certificate of Deposit Your Answer Certificate of Deposit Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the PSE's considered unviable by BIFR / Expert agencies and have been closed thereof


Correct Answer Mining and allied machinery coporation ltd , Rehabilitation industries corporation ltd , Bharat brakes and valves ltd Your Answer Rehabilitation industries corporation ltd , Bharat brakes and valves ltd , National jute manufacturing corporation Select The Blank Question The subsidies of petrol and diesel have been pruned with the removal of ________for petroleum products Correct Answer administrative price mechanism Your Answer Incentives Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the significant aspects about rural Indian markets Correct Answer with the lowering of interest rates a shift is expected from bank savings to consumer spending , greater awareness due to the advent of televisions , Increased product promotion by corporates Your Answer with the lowering of interest rates a shift is expected from bank savings to consumer spending , greater awareness due to the advent of televisions , Increased product promotion by corporates Match The Following Question Correct Answer

Your Answer

NTM Custom Valuation procedures Income Tax concessions SEZ's Income Tax concessions

Basket of Currencies

Exchange rate Basket of Currencies Encourage exports Devaluation

Encourage exports

US Dollars

Select The Blank Question For Financing the development activities in the sugar sector an amt of Rs________ per quintal has been levied Correct Answer 14 Your Answer 12 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is India's World rank based on purchasing Power Parity ?(PPP) Correct Answer 4th Your Answer 4th True/False 16

Question Strengthening of the Country's Banking system is not a precondition to Capital Account convertibility as suggested by a committee appointed by the government Correct Answer False Your Answer True True/False Question Sri lanka is ranked at 81st place as per the Freedom index ratings Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the industries wherein industrial licensing is compulsory under the industries (Development and regulations) act 1951 Correct Answer Breweries , cigarettes and manufactured tobacco substitutes , Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Your Answer Breweries , cigarettes and manufactured tobacco substitutes , Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Select The Blank Question ________is the least available source of energy Correct Answer Nuclear Energy Your Answer Thermal Energy Select The Blank Question The Exim policy 2002 announced additional facilities for ________ to boost exports Correct Answer Special Economic zones Your Answer Exporters with overseas offices Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question As per the world economic forums recent global competitiveness report, which are the least competitive countries ? Correct Answer Turkey , Indonesia , Russia Your Answer Turkey , Indonesia , Russia Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In a recent study of 27 countries to ascertain the quality of life, what was the rating scored by New Delhi ? Correct Answer 2nd last Your Answer 2nd last True/False Question Deng Xiao peng was the architect of modern China Correct Answer True 17

Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What are the current trends in the world with respect to privatization of public corporations Correct Answer All PSU's to be privatised Your Answer Only loss making PSU's to be privatised Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The sale of which PSU' s shares has fetched a maximum PE ratio Correct Answer Maruti Your Answer CMC True/False Question The airport infrastructure policy 1997 permits private equity participation in development of airport infrastructure Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What was the production of the small scale sector in terms of value at constant prices Correct Answer between 225000 Crs to 230000 Crs Your Answer between 125000 Crs to 130000 Crs Select The Blank Question Adult literacy has improved from18.33% to ________ in 2001 Correct Answer 0.6538 Your Answer 0.6887 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Pradhan Mantri Bharat Jodo Project was launched to develop one of the following Correct Answer Road connecting state capitals and national highways Your Answer Road connecting state capitals and national highways Multiple Choice Single Answer Question As per RBI data, at the end of March 2002 how many units were identified by banks as sick units Correct Answer 177336 Your Answer 57346 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the objective of the Indira Awas Yojana 18

Correct Answer Provide dwelling Units to members of SC/ST and bonded labour below the poverty line free of cost Your Answer Provide employment to the unemployed Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question After USA which are the Top Competitive countries as per the world competitiveness index Correct Answer Finland , Taiwan , Singapore Your Answer Finland , Taiwan , Poland Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the system of elections followed by India Correct Answer First past the post Your Answer First past the post Select The Blank Question According to the department of Public Enterprises (DPE ) as on March 31 2004 ________ central Public sector undertakings were operating in the country Correct Answer 227 Your Answer 227 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which is the only country among the BRIC countries to have a growth rate above 3% by 2050 Correct Answer India Your Answer India Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the percentage of population still living below the poverty line? Correct Answer 0.26 Your Answer 0.45 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question ICRA offers following services Correct Answer Credit rating , Advisory services , Investment information Your Answer Credit rating , Advisory services , Investment information True/False Question Employment level is correlated with education. Higher the education lesser is the unemployment Correct Answer False Your Answer False


True/False Question As per a study family controlled businesses have lower returns on equity as compared to professionally managed companies Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the approximate cost per km of constructing a four lane highway? Correct Answer 4.5 Crs. Your Answer 4.5 Crs. True/False Question Listed Companies must publish unaudited results every 6 months Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The major political parties in Germany are namely Correct Answer Christian Democrats , Social democrats Your Answer Christian Democrats , Social democrats , Republicans Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In a survey carried out by Transperancy international what is India rated in terms of the prevelant corruption out of a survey of 133 countries ? Correct Answer 83 Your Answer 83 Select The Blank Question Foreign Institutional investors allowed to hold upto________ in local companies Correct Answer 0.24 Your Answer 0.23 True/False Question As per the EXIM policy 2002 -07, the penal rate of bonafide defaults has been brought down from 24 to 15% Correct Answer True Your Answer True


LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS True/False Question In a survey conducted to assess the segment of public responsible for corruption it was found that the government servants were the most corrupt Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the number of democratic countries which could be described as democratic as of 2004 ? Correct Answer 119 Your Answer 119 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer 21

Question What are the measures to improve the efficiency and performance of power plants Correct Answer improve power load factor , Connecting power plants to the national grid to channelise surplus power Your Answer improve power load factor , Connecting power plants to the national grid to channelise surplus power True/False Question The reservation for women in the parliament has been raised to 1/5th of the seats Correct Answer False Your Answer False True/False Question A Unified access license regime introduced in October 2003 provides a policy framework to the power sector Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question As per the estimates highest percentage of shadow economy exists in which continent ? Correct Answer Africa Your Answer Africa Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the measures that could be proposed to make the population a resource rather than a drag on wealth extortion Correct Answer Increase in quantum of physical work , increase managerial inputs through education and training , technological inputs through increased investments Your Answer Increase in quantum of physical work , increase managerial inputs through education and training , technological inputs through increased investments Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Who has defined inflation as "a systematic destruction of the wealth of a country by its own government " ? Correct Answer Peter Drucker Your Answer Peter Drucker Multiple Choice Single Answer Question AS per a survey by UBS Switzerland , what is the total working hours per day put in by and average person residing in Mumbai ? Correct Answer 5.6 Your Answer 5.6 Multiple Choice Single Answer 22

Question What is the cost of living difference between Tokyo and Johannesburg ? Correct Answer 3 times Your Answer 3 times Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the main issues which require the attention of planners ? Correct Answer Balancing the roles and weightages of agriculture, manufacturing and services , improvement in C:O ratio of the economy , Growth of employment Your Answer improvement in C:O ratio of the economy , Growth of employment Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which sectors have witnessed major inflow of External commercial Borrowing during the year 2003 -04 Correct Answer Power , Financial Institutions Your Answer Power , Financial Institutions Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the main reasons for faster growth of China as compared to India? Correct Answer Better infrastructure , Better labour policies , Heavy FDI Inflows Your Answer Better infrastructure , Better labour policies , Heavy FDI Inflows Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the events which have cast a gloom of insecurity around the world during the past few years ? Correct Answer 9/11 attack on WTC , Afghan War , Bali Bombings Your Answer 9/11 attack on WTC , Afghan War , high oil prices Select The Blank Question ________ is expected to post an overall growth of 7 percent plus in 2004 Correct Answer Asia Your Answer Asia Select The Blank Question ________ is more of a necessity than Luxury for entire world Correct Answer Globalization Your Answer Globalization True/False Question During 2003 -04 the inflation stood at 7.5% in India Correct Answer False Your Answer False


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the countries which have been economically more successful than India despite having high population growth rate? Correct Answer Malaysia , Indonesia , Thailand Your Answer Malaysia , Indonesia , Thailand Select The Blank Question ________ is the possessor of the largest crude oil in the world Correct Answer Saudi Arabia Your Answer Saudi Arabia Select The Blank Question The market capitalization of Traded stocks in India was assessed at ________ Correct Answer 11.8 Lac crores Your Answer 11.8 Lac crores Select The Blank Question ________ has achieved the fastest growth rate during recent years Correct Answer China Your Answer China True/False Question It is estimated that around 6000 Crs of venture funds is in circulation and finds outlets as equity capital in companies Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Amongst the emerging countries which are the least stable countries Correct Answer Algeria , Azerbaijan , Columbia Your Answer Algeria , Azerbaijan , Columbia Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The focus of Self Help Group (SHG) bank linkage programme is largely on the following Correct Answer Small and Marginal farmers , Agricultural labourers , Artisans and Craftsmen Your Answer Small and Marginal farmers , Agricultural labourers , Artisans and Craftsmen Select The Blank Question ________ has the highest number of scientist per million population Correct Answer Japan Your Answer Japan


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which country is a protagonist of a parliamentary cabinet form Correct Answer UK Your Answer UK Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which is the world's most expensive city as per the cost of living index? Correct Answer Tokyo Your Answer Tokyo Match The Following Question Correct Answer TN government

Your Answer

UNIDO modelUNIDO model

13700 polluting industries Supreme court order to pay their share for setting up a effluent treatment plant Supreme court order to pay their share for setting up a effluent treatment plant 200 tanneries in Tamil Nadu Court ordered closure due to non compliance of pollution norms ordered closure due to non compliance of pollution norms


Reliance industries Court order to pay 10 lacs to affected villagers due to pollution caused order to pay 10 lacs to affected villagers due to pollution caused


Match The Following Question Correct Answer

Your Answer

Financial institution DFHI SEBI Negotiable instrument denominated in US$ GDR GDR Offers rating , information and advisory services


Units Mutual Fund Mutual Fund

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In terms of Population the percentage below the poverty line stands at Correct Answer 0.26 Your Answer 0.26 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the world rank of France in terms of GDP per head ? Correct Answer 16th 25

Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The election commission guidelines for electoral candidates with criminal background has certain loopholes hence the guidelines should include Correct Answer Persons convicted of offences and awarded 1 year imprisonment may not be allowed more than one appeal in a Higher court , a person ineligible to contest for election debarred being called upon to become Chief minister or prime minister Your Answer Persons convicted of offences and awarded 1 year imprisonment may not be allowed more than one appeal in a Higher court , a person ineligible to contest for election debarred being called upon to become Chief minister or prime minister Select The Blank Question During the time of framing of the constitution, it was initially desired that India adopt the French Presidential form with the ________ modification Correct Answer Swiss Canton Your Answer Swiss Canton Select The Blank Question ________ was considered unviable by BIFR and was closed down Correct Answer Cycle corp. of India (CCIL) Your Answer Cycle corp. of India (CCIL) Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the rating of Pakistan as per the world Economic Freedom Ranking study of 1999 ? Correct Answer 97 Your Answer 97 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In the budget for the year 2004 -05 FDI cap in Insurance has bee raised to Correct Answer 0.49 Your Answer 0.49 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Who has drawn the highest salary amongst Promoter CEO's / executives of Indian corporates ? Correct Answer Mukesh and Anil Ambani Your Answer Late Dhirubai Ambaini True/False Question

The IRDA was constituted by the act of Parliament 26

Correct Answer Your Answer

True True

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the expanse of India's road network Correct Answer 3.3 mn kms Your Answer 3.3 mn kms True/False Question Nepal is credited a rating of 89 three notches above India as per the World economic freedom ratings Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question The Rakesh Mohan Committee reports on Infrastructure Estimates that an investment of ________is necessary over the next 5 years Correct Answer US $ 215 billion Your Answer US $ 215 billion Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the following needs to be given highest priority to improve the quality of life ? Correct Answer Literacy Your Answer Literacy True/False Question There are about 35 Stock Exchanges in India including NSE and OTCEI Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question As per the corruption index India's rank is : Correct Answer 71 Your Answer 71 True/False Question Japan Still holds to a communism or a single party government Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In which country has the government changed virtually every year for the past 50 years 27

Correct Answer Your Answer

Italy Italy

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The shortage of power for the years 2003 -04 is estimated to be about Correct Answer 0.112 Your Answer 0.112

(4) LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the main issues which require the attention of planners ? Correct Answer Growth of employment , Balancing the roles and weightages of agriculture, manufacturing and services , improvement in C:O ratio of the economy Your Answer Growth of employment , Balancing the roles and weightages of agriculture, manufacturing and services , improvement in C:O ratio of the economy Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question A Company could offer shares to the public through the following modes Correct Answer Public issue , IPO , Private Placement Your Answer Public issue , IPO , Private Placement Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In which of the following states does the reservations for backward classes exceed 50% Correct Answer Madhya Pradesh Your Answer Madhya Pradesh Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the percentage of population still living below the poverty line? Correct Answer 0.26 Your Answer 0.26 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The worthiness of a electoral candidate could be ascertained by the following parameters Correct Answer educational background , IT payment record , Position held in business or any other organization Your Answer educational background , IT payment record , Position held in business or any other organization 28

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question At what rate of interest the government has asked bank to provide credit to SSI sector? Correct Answer 2% above PLR Your Answer At PLR Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the most stable of the emerging countries as assessed by the Stability index Correct Answer Hungary , Poland , Mexico Your Answer Hungary , Poland , Mexico Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The examples of money market debt securities are Correct Answer Treasury bills , Commercial Papers , Certificate of Deposits Your Answer Treasury bills , Commercial Papers , Fixed Deposits True/False Question Article 356 of the constitution has been regularly used to good effect during the last few years Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question As per the estimates how many state level MLA's have a criminal background Correct Answer 700 Your Answer 120 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the features of an electoral trust created by a corporate to fund political parties Correct Answer Parties holding more than 5% of the seats before the elections to be entitled , Parties adhering to democratic principle would be eligible , parties not supporting secessionist and terrorist activites to be eligible Your Answer Parties holding more than 5% of the seats before the elections to be entitled , Parties adhering to democratic principle would be eligible , parties not supporting secessionist and terrorist activites to be eligible Match The Following Question Correct Answer

Your Answer

Bank Rate in November 20030.06


Bank Rate in October 1997




Bank Rate in March 1999



Bank Rate in March 2001



True/False Question China Gained maximum stability in last one year Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question As per the world economic forums recent global competitiveness report, which are the least competitive countries ? Correct Answer Turkey , Indonesia , Russia Your Answer Turkey , Indonesia , Russia Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the objective of the Indira Awas Yojana Correct Answer Provide dwelling Units to members of SC/ST and bonded labour below the poverty line free of cost Your Answer Provide dwelling Units to members of SC/ST and bonded labour below the poverty line free of cost Select The Blank Question During the year 2003 -04, the import of Gold and silver account for ________ of the imports Correct Answer 0.087 Your Answer 0.097 Select The Blank Question The BIFR has issued a total of ________ winding up notices as on 31.03.2004 Correct Answer 125 Your Answer 29 True/False Question Banks can determine their PLR's with RBI permission Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What was the rate of growth of overall industrial production during 2003 -04 Correct Answer 0.069 Your Answer 0.039 30

Select The Blank Question A Presidential form of government can drift into ________ in absence of a well conceived system of checks and control Correct Answer dictatorship Your Answer Civil unrest Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The investment ceiling for FII's in Debt Funds presently stands at Correct Answer US $1.75 Billion Your Answer US $3 Billion Select The Blank Question Adult literacy has improved from18.33% to ________ in 2001 Correct Answer 0.6538 Your Answer 0.6538 Match The Following Question Correct Answer

Your Answer

Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd Golden Quadrilateral Western Union Money Transfer FDI in Power Sector 1 Post Office


Western Union Money Transfer

Golden Quadrilateral

ERC Act 1998 CERC State Electricity Board

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The golden quadrilateral is a road project spanning Correct Answer 5846 kms Your Answer 5846 kms Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the significant aspects about rural Indian markets Correct Answer with the lowering of interest rates a shift is expected from bank savings to consumer spending , greater awareness due to the advent of televisions , Increased product promotion by corporates Your Answer with the lowering of interest rates a shift is expected from bank savings to consumer spending , greater awareness due to the advent of televisions , Increased product promotion by corporates


Select The Blank Question As per the FDI manual, issued by the department of Industry an industrial undertaking is defined as a small scale unit if the investment in Financial assess in Plant and Machinery does not exceed Rs ________ Correct Answer 10 mn Your Answer 2 mn Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The recently permitted Mutual Funds come under the Purview of Correct Answer SEBI Your Answer SEBI Select The Blank Question One of the Top scoring cities for transportation includes________ Correct Answer Singapore Your Answer Singapore True/False Question Insider trading is beneficial to the Stock markets Correct Answer False Your Answer True Select The Blank Question In the USA a bullish stock exchange coupled with innovative minds often attracted adequate venture capital for start ups and often gave an attractive of over ________ per annum Correct Answer 0.4 Your Answer 0.3 Select The Blank Question India is ranked at ________ out of 175 countries in terms of Public spending on health Correct Answer 171 Your Answer 35 True/False Question Enactment making primary education compulsory does not exist in India Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question which factor has added to the center state divide Correct Answer interference by central government in Selection of chief minister Your Answer State Boundary demarcation


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The planning commission assesses the amount of black money in India as a percentage of GDP. For the year 2002 03 what is it as a percentage of GDP ? Correct Answer 0.23 Your Answer 0.23 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the rank of Bangladesh as per the corruption index Correct Answer 102 Your Answer 17 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What do you understand by Public liability insurance act Correct Answer To provide cash to companies to meet unforeseen liabilities arising out of accidents Your Answer To provide cash to companies to meet unforeseen liabilities arising out of accidents True/False Question The Tata memorandum spells out a clear doctrine on corporate Governance Correct Answer False Your Answer False Select The Blank Question During the time of framing of the constitution, it was initially desired that India adopt the French Presidential form with the ________ modification Correct Answer Swiss Canton Your Answer Proportional system Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the basic features needed for a economy to reflect a good healthy growth? Correct Answer Fiscal prudence and low inflation , High savings and investment rates , Positive foreign trade balance Your Answer Fiscal prudence and low inflation , High savings and investment rates , Positive foreign trade balance True/False Question Any multinational promoting its products in India should give credence to the purchasing power parity of the rupee instead of converting the prices of its products in foreign currency to Indian rupees Correct Answer True Your Answer False


True/False Question Penalty for a defaulter is restricted to 20 times the value of the commodity as per the consumer protection act Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the percentage of literacy of India in 2001 ? Correct Answer 0.6538 Your Answer 0.6538 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A study finds that an inverse calculation existing between the rate of inflation and the extent of autonomy is enjoyed in central bank in a country. Which country's central bank enjoy's high degree of autonomy and lower rate of inflation as compared to the other countries ? Correct Answer Switzerland Your Answer Portugal

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS True/False Question Divestment in BALCO was initiated by the ministry of Finance Correct Answer False Your Answer True Match The Following Question Correct Answer Reliance industries MRTP Act growth FDI

Your Answer

petro products Retard Capital Investment

Retard Capital Investment

recognized as one of the important drivers for economic

recognized as one of the important drivers for economic growth

R & D Activities

FIPB Chairman Secretary, Dept of Economic affairs ministry of external affairs Small Scale industries

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the two industries reserved for the public sector Correct Answer Atomic energy , Railway transport , Electronic aerospace and defence equipment 34

Your Answer

Atomic energy , Railway transport , Electronic aerospace and defence equipment

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question As on March 2004 the number of Venture Capital funds registered with SEBI is Correct Answer 44 Your Answer 24 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Why was the MRTP Act of 1969 repealed? Correct Answer With the CCI coming into effect Your Answer It was obsolete True/False Question Belgrade is one of the best places to live in Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the economic reforms concerning the capital markets Correct Answer FII's allowed to hold upto 24% in local companies , Comptroller of Capital issues abolished , IPO norms tightened to improve quality of issues Your Answer FII's allowed to hold upto 24% in local companies , Comptroller of Capital issues abolished , IPO norms tightened to improve quality of issues Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the parameters that impact a countries economy Correct Answer Technology , Public institutions , Macro economic environment Your Answer Technology , Public institutions , Macro economic environment Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of these Organisations cover export risk insurance ? Correct Answer ECGC Your Answer ECGC Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Financial Institutions provide direct financial assistance in the following ways Correct Answer Term Loans , Foreign Currency Term loans , Suppliers credit Lines Your Answer Term Loans , Foreign Currency Term loans , Suppliers credit Lines Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Amongst the following which of these account for major inflows on the capital accounts Correct Answer Foreign Investment , ECB , NRI Deposits 35

Your Answer

Foreign Investment , ECB , NRI Deposits

Select The Blank Question The campaigning period for electoral candidates has been reduced to ________days Correct Answer 14 Your Answer 21 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the percentage of literacy of India in 2001 ? Correct Answer 0.6538 Your Answer 0.6538 True/False Question The first Venture Capital Scheme in India was started by ICICI Correct Answer False Your Answer True Select The Blank Question ________often evade taxation by dual accounting Correct Answer Co-operatives Your Answer Co-operatives Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the features of an electoral trust created by a corporate to fund political parties Correct Answer Parties holding more than 5% of the seats before the elections to be entitled , Parties adhering to democratic principle would be eligible , parties not supporting secessionist and terrorist activites to be eligible Your Answer Parties holding more than 5% of the seats before the elections to be entitled , Parties adhering to democratic principle would be eligible , parties not supporting secessionist and terrorist activites to be eligible Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the rank of Bangladesh as per the corruption index Correct Answer 102 Your Answer 29 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Competitive pricing is dependant on certain critical factors namely : Correct Answer Input costs , Taxes and levies , Efficient Logistics Your Answer Input costs , Taxes and levies , Efficient Logistics Select The Blank 36

Question ________ of population is still rural based Correct Answer 0.7 Your Answer 0.4 True/False Question The MRTP Act of 1969 has been very effective in restricting monopolistic practices of Indian Companies Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What was the percentage net reduction in employment in Public sector units from 1991 92 to 2000 -2001? Correct Answer 0.2 Your Answer 0.05 Select The Blank Question ________ has been created to prevent overuse of arbitrary power by Politicians and bureaucrats Correct Answer Central Administrative Tribunal Your Answer Central Administrative Tribunal Multiple Choice Single Answer Question 0 Correct Answer Align the pricing of credit to assessment of credit risk Your Answer follow prudential norms of lending Select The Blank Question FDI increased upto ________ in Public sector Banking Correct Answer 0.74 Your Answer 0.74 True/False Question Interest earned on NRE account is taxable Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question In the presidential form followed by ________ a member of council and minister is not a member of parliament Correct Answer France Your Answer USA


True/False Question Equity related mutual funds will continue to exempt from tax Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the rate of growth for Indian Exports as suggested by the Exim Policy 2002 -07 ? Correct Answer 0.12 Your Answer 0.12 True/False Question The government aims to privatize 50% of the profit making PSU's by 2007 Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the detterants for better profitability in nationalized banks Correct Answer High rate of CRR , High rate of SLR , Priority Sector Lending obligation Your Answer High rate of CRR , High rate of SLR , Priority Sector Lending obligation True/False Question NRI Investment accounts for the largest percentage of Foreign Exchange inflows Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question As per the Human development report which is the least poverty stricken country Correct Answer Barbados Your Answer Burkina Faso Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the basic features needed for a economy to reflect a good healthy growth? Correct Answer Fiscal prudence and low inflation , High savings and investment rates , Positive foreign trade balance Your Answer Fiscal prudence and low inflation , High savings and investment rates , Positive foreign trade balance Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The planning commission assesses the amount of black money in India as a percentage of GDP. For the year 2002 03 what is it as a percentage of GDP ? Correct Answer 0.23 Your Answer 0.19 38

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the changes which have come about in the legal system during the previous year ? Correct Answer Punishment and procedures of cheque dishonor tightened , Passing of the act on securitisation , revised norms on corporate governance Your Answer Punishment and procedures of cheque dishonor tightened , Passing of the act on securitisation , revised norms on corporate governance Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question On what basis is the GNP measured Correct Answer Exchange rate basis , Purchasing power Parity Your Answer Exchange rate basis , Purchasing power Parity , Fiscal Surplus Match The Following Question Correct Answer Mr. Paul Bremer

Your Answer

chief of US operation chief of US operation

Toshiku fukui Governor of Japan Central Bank

president of Federal Reserve

Alan Greenspan

president of Federal Reserve Secretary General of UN

Mr. Kofi Annan

Secretary General of UN

Emperor of China

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question India's population as on March 1,2001 as per the provisional figures are? Correct Answer 1.027 Bn Your Answer 1.011 Bn Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is India's rank as per the world economic freedom ratings for the year 1999 ? Correct Answer 82 Your Answer 58 Select The Blank Question In the USA a bullish stock exchange coupled with innovative minds often attracted adequate venture capital for start ups and often gave an attractive of over ________ per annum Correct Answer 0.4 Your Answer 0.35 Select The Blank 39

Question A Presidential form of government can drift into ________ in absence of a well conceived system of checks and control Correct Answer dictatorship Your Answer Communism Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the significant aspects of small scale sector which are noteworthy? Correct Answer In 2002 -03 there were 110.10 lacs SSS units , Value of output Rs2 10,636 Crs , SSS exports during 2002 -03 were 86,013 Crs Your Answer In 2002 -03 there were 110.10 lacs SSS units , Value of output Rs2 10,636 Crs , SSS exports during 2002 -03 were 86,013 Crs Multiple Choice Single Answer Question At what rate of interest the government has asked bank to provide credit to SSI sector? Correct Answer 2% above PLR Your Answer 2% above PLR True/False Question The Flexible wage system has proven to be effective in India Correct Answer False Your Answer True True/False Question The fifth pay commission has recommended not only substantial increase in salaries of government employees but also resumption of 6 working days per week Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the difference between FDI (Foreign Direct Investment ) and Portfolio Investment Correct Answer FDI underlines a firm desire by an investor to be associated in the long term Business activities while the portfolio investment does not Your Answer FDI underlines a firm desire by an investor to be associated in the long term Business activities while the portfolio investment does not True/False Question Interest on savings accounts reduced to 3.5% as per banking and finance reforms Correct Answer True Your Answer True



LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS True/False Question Divestment in BALCO was initiated by the ministry of Finance Correct Answer False Your Answer True Match The Following Question Correct Answer Reliance industries MRTP Act growth FDI

Your Answer

petro products Retard Capital Investment

Retard Capital Investment

recognized as one of the important drivers for economic

recognized as one of the important drivers for economic growth

R & D Activities

FIPB Chairman Secretary, Dept of Economic affairs ministry of external affairs Small Scale industries

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which are the two industries reserved for the public sector Correct Answer Atomic energy , Railway transport , Electronic aerospace and defence equipment Your Answer Atomic energy , Railway transport , Electronic aerospace and defence equipment 42

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question As on March 2004 the number of Venture Capital funds registered with SEBI is Correct Answer 44 Your Answer 24 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Why was the MRTP Act of 1969 repealed? Correct Answer With the CCI coming into effect Your Answer It was obsolete True/False Question Belgrade is one of the best places to live in Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the economic reforms concerning the capital markets Correct Answer FII's allowed to hold upto 24% in local companies , Comptroller of Capital issues abolished , IPO norms tightened to improve quality of issues Your Answer FII's allowed to hold upto 24% in local companies , Comptroller of Capital issues abolished , IPO norms tightened to improve quality of issues Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the parameters that impact a countries economy Correct Answer Technology , Public institutions , Macro economic environment Your Answer Technology , Public institutions , Macro economic environment Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of these Organisations cover export risk insurance ? Correct Answer ECGC Your Answer ECGC Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Financial Institutions provide direct financial assistance in the following ways Correct Answer Term Loans , Foreign Currency Term loans , Suppliers credit Lines Your Answer Term Loans , Foreign Currency Term loans , Suppliers credit Lines Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Amongst the following which of these account for major inflows on the capital accounts Correct Answer Foreign Investment , ECB , NRI Deposits Your Answer Foreign Investment , ECB , NRI Deposits 43

Select The Blank Question The campaigning period for electoral candidates has been reduced to ________days Correct Answer 14 Your Answer 21 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the percentage of literacy of India in 2001 ? Correct Answer 0.6538 Your Answer 0.6538 True/False Question The first Venture Capital Scheme in India was started by ICICI Correct Answer False Your Answer True Select The Blank Question ________often evade taxation by dual accounting Correct Answer Co-operatives Your Answer Co-operatives Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the features of an electoral trust created by a corporate to fund political parties Correct Answer Parties holding more than 5% of the seats before the elections to be entitled , Parties adhering to democratic principle would be eligible , parties not supporting secessionist and terrorist activites to be eligible Your Answer Parties holding more than 5% of the seats before the elections to be entitled , Parties adhering to democratic principle would be eligible , parties not supporting secessionist and terrorist activites to be eligible Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the rank of Bangladesh as per the corruption index Correct Answer 102 Your Answer 29 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Competitive pricing is dependant on certain critical factors namely : Correct Answer Input costs , Taxes and levies , Efficient Logistics Your Answer Input costs , Taxes and levies , Efficient Logistics Select The Blank Question ________ of population is still rural based 44

Correct Answer Your Answer

0.7 0.4

True/False Question The MRTP Act of 1969 has been very effective in restricting monopolistic practices of Indian Companies Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What was the percentage net reduction in employment in Public sector units from 1991 92 to 2000 -2001? Correct Answer 0.2 Your Answer 0.05 Select The Blank Question ________ has been created to prevent overuse of arbitrary power by Politicians and bureaucrats Correct Answer Central Administrative Tribunal Your Answer Central Administrative Tribunal Multiple Choice Single Answer Question 0 Correct Answer Align the pricing of credit to assessment of credit risk Your Answer follow prudential norms of lending Select The Blank Question FDI increased upto ________ in Public sector Banking Correct Answer 0.74 Your Answer 0.74 True/False Question Interest earned on NRE account is taxable Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question In the presidential form followed by ________ a member of council and minister is not a member of parliament Correct Answer France Your Answer USA


True/False Question Equity related mutual funds will continue to exempt from tax Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the rate of growth for Indian Exports as suggested by the Exim Policy 2002 -07 ? Correct Answer 0.12 Your Answer 0.12 True/False Question The government aims to privatize 50% of the profit making PSU's by 2007 Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the detterants for better profitability in nationalized banks Correct Answer High rate of CRR , High rate of SLR , Priority Sector Lending obligation Your Answer High rate of CRR , High rate of SLR , Priority Sector Lending obligation True/False Question NRI Investment accounts for the largest percentage of Foreign Exchange inflows Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question As per the Human development report which is the least poverty stricken country Correct Answer Barbados Your Answer Burkina Faso Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the basic features needed for a economy to reflect a good healthy growth? Correct Answer Fiscal prudence and low inflation , High savings and investment rates , Positive foreign trade balance Your Answer Fiscal prudence and low inflation , High savings and investment rates , Positive foreign trade balance Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The planning commission assesses the amount of black money in India as a percentage of GDP. For the year 2002 03 what is it as a percentage of GDP ? Correct Answer 0.23 Your Answer 0.19


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the changes which have come about in the legal system during the previous year ? Correct Answer Punishment and procedures of cheque dishonor tightened , Passing of the act on securitisation , revised norms on corporate governance Your Answer Punishment and procedures of cheque dishonor tightened , Passing of the act on securitisation , revised norms on corporate governance Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question On what basis is the GNP measured Correct Answer Exchange rate basis , Purchasing power Parity Your Answer Exchange rate basis , Purchasing power Parity , Fiscal Surplus Match The Following Question Correct Answer Mr. Paul Bremer

Your Answer

chief of US operation chief of US operation

Toshiku fukui Governor of Japan Central Bank

president of Federal Reserve

Alan Greenspan

president of Federal Reserve Secretary General of UN

Mr. Kofi Annan

Secretary General of UN

Emperor of China

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question India's population as on March 1,2001 as per the provisional figures are? Correct Answer 1.027 Bn Your Answer 1.011 Bn Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is India's rank as per the world economic freedom ratings for the year 1999 ? Correct Answer 82 Your Answer 58 Select The Blank Question In the USA a bullish stock exchange coupled with innovative minds often attracted adequate venture capital for start ups and often gave an attractive of over ________ per annum Correct Answer 0.4 Your Answer 0.35 Select The Blank


Question A Presidential form of government can drift into ________ in absence of a well conceived system of checks and control Correct Answer dictatorship Your Answer Communism Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the significant aspects of small scale sector which are noteworthy? Correct Answer In 2002 -03 there were 110.10 lacs SSS units , Value of output Rs2 10,636 Crs , SSS exports during 2002 -03 were 86,013 Crs Your Answer In 2002 -03 there were 110.10 lacs SSS units , Value of output Rs2 10,636 Crs , SSS exports during 2002 -03 were 86,013 Crs Multiple Choice Single Answer Question At what rate of interest the government has asked bank to provide credit to SSI sector? Correct Answer 2% above PLR Your Answer 2% above PLR True/False Question The Flexible wage system has proven to be effective in India Correct Answer False Your Answer True True/False Question The fifth pay commission has recommended not only substantial increase in salaries of government employees but also resumption of 6 working days per week Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What is the difference between FDI (Foreign Direct Investment ) and Portfolio Investment Correct Answer FDI underlines a firm desire by an investor to be associated in the long term Business activities while the portfolio investment does not Your Answer FDI underlines a firm desire by an investor to be associated in the long term Business activities while the portfolio investment does not True/False Question Interest on savings accounts reduced to 3.5% as per banking and finance reforms Correct Answer True Your Answer True


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