Economical Pavements With Geosynthetics

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Economical Pavements With Geosynthetics Muhannad Ismeik Department of Civil Engineering, University of Jordan, Amman 11942, Jordan Voice: (962-6) 5355000, Fax: (962-6) 5355588, E-Mail: [email protected]

Abstract This paper is written to present the results of an on-going experimental laboratory-based research program to quantify the benefits obtained by the addition of geosynthetics to the base course layer of flexible pavements. Instrumented sections have been constructed in a laboratory based pavement test facility. Measurements of stress and strain in the pavement system layers are presented and used to quantify the system’s behavior that was responsible for the levels of reinforcement benefit observed in the test sections. Results obtained from test sections illustrated the possibility of reducing the thickness of the base course layer such that a roadway of equal life results or in extending the service life of the roadway.

Introduction The use of geogrid and geotextile products as an inclusion in the base course layer of flexible pavements for reinforcement has been demonstrated to be a viable technology through studies conducted over the last 17 years. Barksdale et al. (1989), Cancelli et al. (1999), Collin et al. (1996), Haas et al. (1988), Kinney et al. (1998), Miura et al. (1990), and Webster (1993) have demonstrated that the service life of the pavement, as defined by the number of load repetitions carried by the pavement to reach a particular permanent surface deformation, can be increased by a factor ranging from just over one to in excess of 100 by the inclusion of a geosynthetic in the base aggregate layer. Anderson and Killeavy (1989), Cancelli et al. (1996), Haas et al. (1988), and Webster (1993) have shown that the base aggregate thickness of a reinforced section can be reduced by values ranging from 22 % to 50 % such that equal service life results. Perkins and Ismeik (1997a) have provided a comprehensive review of these studies and have summarized and discussed design procedures and numerical modeling efforts in a companion paper (Perkins and Ismeik, 1997b). The reinforcement function of a shear-resisting interface develops through shear interaction of the base course layer with the geosynthetic layer contained in or at the bottom of the base aggregate, as shown in Figure 1, and potentially consists of four separate reinforcement mechanisms. Vehicular loads applied to the roadway surface create a lateral spreading motion of the base course aggregate. Tensile lateral strains are created in the base below the applied load as the material moves down and out away from the load. Placement of a geosynthetic layer in the base course allows for shear interaction to develop between the aggregate and the geosynthetic as the base attempts to spread laterally. Shear load is transmitted from the base aggregate to the geosynthetic and places the geosynthetic in tension. The relatively high stiffness of the geosynthetic acts to retard the development of lateral tensile strain in the base adjacent to the geosynthetic. Lower lateral strain in the base results in less vertical deformation of the roadway surface. Hence, the first mechanism of reinforcement corresponds to direct prevention of lateral spreading of the base aggregate.

σ v, ε v Increased σ h Reduced ε h


Base course Geosynthetic


Geosynthetic Tensile Strain


σ v, ε v



Subgrade (-)

Figure 1. Illustration of shear-resisting interface mechanism of reinforcement Shear stress developed between the base course aggregate and geosynthetic provides an increase in lateral stress within the base. This increase in lateral confinement leads to an increase in the mean effective stress, which in turn results in an increase in elastic modulus. Hence, the second reinforcement mechanism results from an increase in stiffness of the base course aggregate when adequate interaction develops between the base and geosynthetic. The increased stiffness of this layer results in lower vertical strains in the base. The presence of a geosynthetic layer in the base can also lead to a change in the state of stress and strain in the subgrade. For layered systems, where a less stiff subgrade material lies beneath the base, an increase in modulus of the base layer results in an improved, more broadly distributed vertical stress on the subgrade. This means that surface deformation will be small and more uniform. Hence, a third reinforcement mechanism results from an improved vertical stress distribution on the subgrade. The fourth reinforcement mechanism results from a reduction of shear stress in the subgrade soil. Less shear stress, coupled with less vertical stress results in a less severe state of loading leading to lower vertical strain in the subgrade.

Pavement Test Facility Test Container and Loading Arrangement Laboratory-scale pavement test sections were constructed in a reinforced concrete box having inside dimensions of 2 m by 2 m in plan and 1.5 m in height and shown in Figure 2. A load actuator, consists of a pneumatic cylinder, was used to provide an average load of 40 kN. A load cell was used to monitor the load applied to a 305 mm diameter steel plate that rests on the pavement surface. A waffled rubber pad 4 mm in thickness was placed between the steel plate and the asphalt concrete (AC) surface to aid in distributing the load, resulting in an average plate pressure of 550 kPa. A binary regulator and a data acquisition/control unit, which has been set to provide a flat-topped

triangular load pulse with a period of approximately 1.5 seconds, controls the timehistory of load. A series of linear variable differential transducers (LVDT's) were used to monitor permanent pavement surface deformations.

Load actuator Surface LVDT

Rollers φ 305 mm

Load cell AC Base


1.50 m


2m Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the pavement test facility

Pavement Layer Materials Hot-mix asphalt concrete, of a nominal thickness of 75 mm, was used for all the test sections with an asphalt cement content of approximately 6 %. A crushed stone aggregate was used for the base course material. The material classifies as A-1-a according to the AASHTO classification system and as a GW according to the Unified Soil Classification System with 100 % passing the 19 mm sieve. Specific gravity of the base course was 2.64. A high-plasticity natural clay with a specific gravity of 2.7 was used for the subgrade for the sections reported in this paper. The material has 100 % passing the number 200 sieve, a liquid limit of 100 % and a plastic limit of 40 %, classifying the material as an A-7-5 or a CH. Modified Proctor compaction tests result in a maximum dry density of 16.0 kN/m3 occurring at a water content of 20 %. The clay was prepared by mixing to a target water content of 45 %. The clay was dumped and compacted in 75 mm lifts using a “jumping-jack” trench compactor. The clay was compacted at a water content of approximately 45 %. Laboratory, unsoaked CBR tests performed at this water content resulted in a CBR of 1.5. Additional tests showed that only a relatively small change in CBR occurs with this material for compacted water content ranging from 43 to 46 %. The subgrade thickness was 1045 mm for all sections except for the 375-mm thicker base sections, C3 and C6, where the thickness was 970 mm.

Table 1. Geosynthetic material properties Reference Name Geogrid A Geogrid B Geotextile Material Polypropylene Polypropylene Polypropylene Structure Punched Punched Woven Drawn, Biaxial Drawn, Biaxial Mass/Unit Area (g/m2) 215 309 250 Aperture Size (mm) Machine Direction 25 25 None Cross-Machine Direction 33 33 Wide-Width Tensile Strength (at 5% Strain, kN/m) Machine Direction 9 11 10 Cross-Machine Direction 13 20 22 Ultimate Wide-Width Tensile Strength Machine Direction 13 19 31 Cross-Machine Direction 20 31 31

Section C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

Table 2. Constructed test section variables Base Subgrade Geosynthetic Position Thickness Type (mm) 300 Clay Control Not applicable 300 Clay Control Not applicable 375 Clay Control Not applicable 300 Clay Geotextile Base/subgrade interface 300 Clay Geogrid A Base/subgrade interface 375 Clay Geogrid A Base/subgrade interface 300 Clay Geogrid A 100 mm above interface 300 Clay Geogrid B Base/subgrade interface

Two biaxial geogrids, referred to as geogrid A and B, and one woven geotextile were used in the test sections. These products were chosen to provide a wide range of parameters thought to control reinforcement in this application. Table 1 provides material properties for the three geosynthetics used, where these properties were based on manufacturer’s data. Table 2 provides information on the types of test sections constructed. Instrumentation An extensive array of instrumentation was used to quantify the mechanical response of the pavement sections. In addition to the load cell and surface LVDT’s shown in Figure 2, stress cells, strain cells and strain gages were used to monitor response in the pavement layers. Stress cells were used to measure stress in the base and subgrade materials. Strain in the base and subgrade was measured using soil LVDT’s. Stress and strain cells were oriented in the base and subgrade soils to measure response in the vertical and radial directions. In the base layer, the instruments were concentrated towards the bottom of the base and above the geosynthetic layer and as close as possible to this layer. In the subgrade, the sensors were concentrated towards the top of the subgrade, however sensors were also placed at various depths throughout the layer.

Bonded resistance strain gages were mounted to the geogrid materials at different locations and directions.

Rutting Behavior Figure 3 shows the development of permanent surface deformation with applied load cycle for the test sections listed in Table 2. Figure 4 shows the traffic benefit ratio (TBR) plotted against permanent surface deformation. TBR is defined as the number of cycles to reach a particular permanent surface deformation for a reinforced section divided by the number of cycles to reach this same deformation in an unreinforced section with the same layer thicknesses. In Figure 4, the sections listed as C4, C3, C5, C7 and C8 used section C1 as the comparison, whereas section C6 used C3 as the comparison. Using the above definition of TBR for section C3 reflects the “reinforcement” provided by an additional 75 mm of base aggregate. Figure 3 shows that all the geosynthetic products used provided a performance benefit as defined by permanent surface deformation. The two geogrid products used provided improvement that was superior to the geotextile product selected. Comparison of C5 and C8 suggests that with all other factors being equal, an increase in stiffness and strength of the geosynthetic results in superior pavement performance. Comparison of C5 and C7 indicates that placement position of the geosynthetic in the base course layer has a significant impact on pavement performance. In this particular case, placing the geogrid 100 mm up into the 300 mm thick base provided superior performance to placing the same geogrid at the interface. These results suggest that the improvement seen by moving geogrid A 100 mm up into the base was superior to placing the stiffer geogrid B at the interface. Figure 4 shows that maximum TBR values for sections C8, C4, C7 and C5 ranged from 8 to 56. A comparison of C3 and C6 in Figure 3 also shows a significant improvement due to reinforcement for the 375 mm thick base, although not quite as great as with the 300 mm thick base course sections.

Permanent surface def.(mm)


C1 C3 C2






C8 C7

10 5 0 0

100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 Cycle number

Figure 3. Permanent surface deformation versus load cycle

Traffic Benefit Ratio (TBR)g

100 C7

C8 C5



C4 C3


0.1 0

5 10 15 20 Permanent surface deformation (mm)


Figure 4. TBR versus permanent surface deformation Figure 4 further illustrates this point where a maximum TBR of 14 was seen for section C6. This may imply that with a thicker base, and with the geosynthetic placed at the bottom of the base and hence further away from the applied load, additional rutting was required to mobilize the reinforcement and that the effects of reinforcement diminish as the base thickness increases over some threshold value. The latter conclusion has been clearly demonstrated by Collin et al. (1996). These results also suggest that moving the geogrid up higher in the base would have provided better performance in this situation. Section C3, which was an unreinforced section with a 375 mm base, was compared to C1 in Figure 4 in terms of TBR to illustrate the benefits of an additional 75 mm of base material. In this figure it is seen that an additional 75 mm of base aggregate results in a peak TBR of 3.2. All reinforced sections provided a TBR greater than the addition of 75 mm of base material, indicating that each reinforcement product is equivalent to at least 75 mm of base aggregate.

Reinforcement Mechanisms Base Aggregate Lateral Restraint A possible reinforcement mechanism for this application is the prevention of lateral movement of the base course aggregate through the development of shearing resistance with the geosynthetic. Figure 5 shows the permanent radial strain developed in the bottom of the base 50 mm above the geosynthetic and at a radius of 100 mm from the load plate, where it is seen that all sections develop tensile strain at this radius with the unreinforced sections (C1 and C2) exhibiting considerably more strain than the reinforced sections. In Figure 5 and all remaining figures, R is defined as the radial distance from the load plate and Z is defined as the depth below the pavement surface.


Permanent radial strain (%)

0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5



-2.0 -2.5



-3.0 -3.5


-4.0 0


40,000 60,000 Cycle number



Figure 5. Permanent radial strain in the base versus load cycle (R=100 mm, Z=325 mm)

Permanent radial strain (%)


C4, Z= 375 mm C5, Z= 375 mm C7, Z= 275 mm C8, Z= 375 mm


2.0 C5

1.5 C7

1.0 0.5


0.0 0


20,000 Cycle number



Figure 6. Permanent radial strain in the geosynthetics versus load cycle (R=15 mm)

Permanent vertical strain (%)

Radial strain development in the reinforced sections as compared to the unreinforced sections is a good indicator of improvement due to reinforcement, however the difference between the reinforced sections is not particularly great. A manifestation of lateral base restraint is the development of significant tensile strain in the geosynthetics. 0.9 Figure 6 shows significant development C2,ofZ=permanent radial strain directly beneath the 300 mm 0.8 C4, Z= 300 mm load in the 0.7geosynthetics. Figure 7 shows that the lateral base course restraint C5, Z= 300 mm C7 C7, Z= 200 mm C5results mechanism described in this section in a reduction of permanent vertical strain in 0.6 C2 C8, Z= 300 mm 0.5 the base layer. C4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1


0 0

100,000 200,000 Cycle number


Figure 7. Permanent vertical strain in the base versus load cycle (R=65 mm) Shear in Top of Subgrade Shear stress created in the bottom of the base layer is intercepted and carried by the geosynthetic as interface friction develops between the two materials. As a result, less shear stress is experienced in the materials below the geosynthetic. A reduction in shear stress results in lower radial strain.

Permanent vertical strain (%)



4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0




2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5



0.0 0

100,000 200,000 Cycle number


Figure 8. Permanent vertical strain in the subgrade versus load cycle (R=65 mm, Z=450 mm) The result of an improved vertical stress distribution on the subgrade and reduced radial strain in the top of the subgrade is a reduction of permanent vertical strain. Figure 8 shows the permanent vertical strain developed in the top of the subgrade beneath the load plate. The reinforced sections show considerably less vertical strain than the unreinforced sections. In addition, the geotextile section, C4, shows more vertical strain than the other geogrid sections.

Discussion and Conclusions Overall measurements from the test sections have demonstrated that significant improvement in pavement performance, as defined by permanent surface deformation, results from the inclusion of geosynthetic reinforcement. With the geogrid products used, the stiffer geogrid B provided for better pavement performance as compared to geogrid A. Geogrid A and B were identical in terms of composition and size and differed only by the strength and stiffness of the material. The importance of placement position of the geosynthetic was seen by comparing two sections with geogrid A placed at the subgrade-base course interface and 100 mm up in a base layer having a thickness of 300 mm. Significantly better performance was observed when the geogrid was elevated in the base. Additionally, when geogrid A was placed at the bottom of a thicker base (375 mm), improvement as compared to a similar unreinforced section was not as great as the same reinforcement configuration for a base layer having a thickness of 300 mm. This also indicates that placement position of the geosynthetic in proximity to the applied load is an important design consideration. Test sections with the two geogrids used in this study performed better than the sections using the geotextile product, while improvement seen with the geotextile was still appreciable. The differences between the geogrid and geotextile sections is believed to be due primarily to the differences in shear-interaction properties of the material with the surrounding base aggregate and to intrinsic load-strain properties of the material. Relatively high Traffic Benefit Ratios (TBR) were seen for the reinforced sections. Comparison of reinforced sections with a 300 mm base to an unreinforced section with a 375 mm base showed better performance with the reinforced sections, indicating that the reinforcement allows for at least a 20 % reduction in base thickness. Given the substantially better performance of the reinforced sections as compared to this unreinforced section, this number is most likely considerably greater than 20 %. An examination of stress and strain measures in the pavement layers illustrates several reinforcement mechanisms taking place in this application. Reinforcement has the effect of considerably reducing the radial strain developed in the bottom of the base, which leads to a reduction of vertical strain in the base. In conjunction with this effect is the development of significant tensile strains in the geosynthetics. In the subgrade layer, reinforcement has the effect of distributing the vertical stress more widely, which leads to a reduction of vertical strain beneath the load plate. It is believed that an improved vertical stress distribution is due to an increase in radial stress in the bottom of the base which leads to a layer of stiffer base aggregate. Reinforcement had the effect of reducing radial strain in the top of the subgrade. This is believed to be an indication of less shear stress reaching the top of the subgrade due to shear transfer to the geosynthetic. Similar to the result of an improved vertical stress distribution, less radial strain results in less vertical strain in the subgrade.

Acknowledgements The work presented in this paper was funded by the Federal Highway Administration and the Montana Department of Transportation under grant 8106. Amoco Fabrics Company and Tensar Earth Technologies, Incorporated donated the geosynthetic materials.

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