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UNIT I Pulse Modulation Sampling Theorem for strictly band - limited signals 1.a signal which is limited to − W < f < W , can be completely n   described by  g ( ). 2 W   n   2.The signal can be completely recovered from  g ( )  2W  Nyquist rate = 2W Nyquist interval = 1

2W When the signal is not band - limited (under sampling) aliasing occurs .To avoid aliasing, we may limit the signal bandwidth or have higher sampling rate.

Let gδ (t ) denote the ideal sampled signal gδ (t ) =

∑ g (nT ) δ (t − nT )

n = −∞



where Ts : sampling period f s = 1 Ts : sampling rate


From Table A6.3 we have ∞

g(t ) ∑ δ (t − nTs ) ⇔ n = −∞

1 G( f ) ∗ Ts =

∑ δ( f

m = −∞

∑ f G( f

m = −∞

m ) Ts

− mf s )


g δ (t ) ⇔ f s

∑ G( f

m = −∞

− mf s )


or we may apply Fourier Transform on (3.1) to obtain Gδ ( f ) =

∑ g (nT ) exp(− j 2π nf T )

n = −∞


or Gδ ( f ) = f s G ( f ) + f s


∑ G( f

m = −∞ m≠0


− mf s ) (3.5)

If G ( f ) = 0 for f ≥ W and Ts = 1

2W jπ n f n Gδ ( f ) = ∑ g ( ) exp(− ) 2 W W n = −∞ ∞


With 1.G ( f ) = 0 for

f ≥W

2. f s = 2W we find from Equation (3.5) that 1 G( f ) = Gδ ( f ) , − W < f < W (3.6) 2W Substituti ng (3.4) into (3.6) we may rewrite G ( f ) as jπnf ) , − W < f < W (3.7) W n = −∞ n g (t ) is uniquely determined by g ( ) for − ∞ < n < ∞ 2W n   or  g ( ) contains all information of g (t ) 2 W  

1 G( f ) = 2W


∑ g ( 2W ) exp(−

n   To reconstruct g (t ) from  g ( ) , we may have  2W  ∞

g (t ) = ∫ G ( f ) exp( j 2πft ) df −∞




1 2W

n = −∞


n jπ n f ) exp(− ) exp( j 2π f t )df 2W W

n   exp j 2 π f ( t − )  df (3.8) ∫−W  2W  ∞ n sin( 2π Wt − nπ ) = ∑ g( ) 2 W 2π Wt − nπ n = −∞ n 1 = ∑ g( ) 2W 2W n = −∞


n ) sin c(2Wt − n) , - ∞ < t < ∞ ∑ 2W n = −∞ (3.9) is an interpolation formula of g (t ) =



Figure 3.3 (a) Spectrum of a signal. (b) Spectrum of an undersampled version of the signal exhibiting the aliasing phenomenon.

Figure 3.4 (a) Anti-alias filtered spectrum of an information-bearing signal. (b) Spectrum of instantaneously sampled version of the signal, assuming the use of a sampling rate greater than the Nyquist rate. (c) Magnitude response of reconstruction filter.

3.3 Pulse-Amplitude Modulation

Let s (t ) denote the sequence of flat - top pulses as s (t ) =

∑m(nT ) h(t − nT ) s

n =−∞




∑m(nT )δ (t − nT ) s

n =−∞



mδ (t ) ∗ h(t ) = ∫ mδ (τ )h(t −τ )dτ −∞




∑m(nT )δ (τ − nT )h(t −τ )dτ s


n =−∞

∑m(nTs )∫ δ (τ − nTs)h(t −τ )dτ (3.13) −∞

n =−∞

Using the sifting property , we have mδ (t ) ∗ h(t ) =

∑m(nT )h(t − nT ) s

n =−∞



The PAM signal s (t ) is s(t ) = mδ (t ) ∗ h(t )


⇔ S ( f ) = Mδ ( f ) H ( f )


Recall (3.2) gδ (t ) ⇔ fs Mδ ( f ) = f s S( f ) = fs

∑ G( f − mf )

m = −∞

∑M( f −k f ) s

k = −∞

∑ M ( f − k f )H ( f )

k = −∞



(3.2) (3.17) (3.18)

Pulse Amplitude Modulation – Natural and Flat-Top Sampling

The most common technique for sampling voice in PCM systems is to a sample-and-hold circuit. 

The instantaneous amplitude of the analog (voice) signal is held as a constant charge on a capacitor for the duration of the sampling period Ts. 

This technique is useful for holding the sample constant while other processing is taking place, but it alters the frequency spectrum and introduces an error, called aperture error, resulting in an inability to recover exactly the original analog signal. The amount of error depends on how mach the analog changes during the holding time, called aperture time. 

To estimate the maximum voltage error possible, determine the maximum slope of the analog signal and multiply it by the aperture time ∆T 

Recovering the original message signal m(t) from PAM signal

Where the filter bandwidth is W The filter output is f s M ( f ) H ( f ) . Note that the Fourier transform of h(t ) is given by H ( f ) = T sinc( f T ) exp(− jπ f T ) amplitude distortion

delay = T



⇒ aparture effect Let the equalizer response is 1 1 πf = = (3.20) H ( f ) T sinc( f T ) sin(π f T ) Ideally the original signal m(t ) can be recovered completely.

Other Forms of Pulse Modulation In pulse width modulation (PWM), the width of each pulse is made directly proportional to the amplitude of the In pulse position modulation, constant-width pulses are used, and the position or time of occurrence of each pulse from some reference time is made directly proportional to the amplitude of the information signal.

Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Pulse code modulation (PCM) is produced by analog-todigital conversion process. As in the case of other pulse modulation techniques, the rate at which samples are taken and encoded must conform to the Nyquist sampling rate. The sampling rate must be greater than, twice the highest frequency in the analog signal, fs > 2fA(max) 3.6 Quantization Process

Define partition cell

J k : { mk < m ≤ mk +1} , k = 1,2,, L


Where mk is the decision level or the decision threshold. Amplitude quantization : The process of transforming the sample amplitude m(nTs ) into a discrete amplitude

ν (nTs ) as shown in Fig 3.9 If m(t ) ∈ J k then the quantizer output is νk where νk , k = 1,2,, L are the representation or reconstruction levels , mk +1 − mk is the step size. The mapping ν = g(m) (3.22) is called the quantizer characteristic, which is a staircase function.

Figure 3.10 Two types of quantization: (a) midtread and (b) midrise

Quantization Noise

Figure 3.11 Illustration of the quantization process. (Adapted from Bennett, 1948, with permission of AT&T.)

Let the quantization error be denoted by the random variable Q of sample value q q = m −ν Q = M −V , ( E[ M ] = 0)

(3.23) (3.24)

Assuming a uniform quantizer of the midrise type 2m max L − m max < m < m max , L : total number of levels the step - size is ∆ =

∆ ∆ 1  , −
σ = E[Q ] = ∫ 2 Q




1 ∆2 2 q f Q (q )dq = ∫ ∆ q dq ∆ −2 2

∆2 = 12


When the quatized sample is expressed in binary form, L =2R


where R is the number of bits per sample R = log 2 L


2m max (3.31) 2R 1 2 σQ2 = mmax 2 −2 R (3.32) 3 Let P denote the average power of m(t ) ∆=

⇒( SNR ) o = =(



3P )2 2 R 2 mmax


(SNR) o increases exponentially with increasing R (bandwidth).

Pulse Code Modulation

Figure 3.13 The basic elements of a PCM system.

Quantization (nonuniform quantizer) µ - law ν = dm dν


log(1 + µ m )


log(1 + µ )

log(1 + µ ) (1 + µ m ) (3.49) µ

A - law A(m)  1  1 + log A 0 ≤ m ≤ A ν = 1 + log( A m ) 1  ≤ m ≤1 A  1 + log A  1 + log A dm  = A d ν (1 + A) m 

0≤ m ≤

1 A

1 ≤ m ≤1 A



Compression laws. (a) m -law. (b) A-law.

Figure 3.15 Line codes for the electrical representations of binary data. (a) Unipolar NRZ signaling. (b) Polar NRZ signaling.

(c) Unipolar RZ signaling. (d) Bipolar RZ signaling. (e) Split-phase or Manchester code. 3.8 Noise consideration in PCM systems (Channel noise, quantization noise)

Time-Division Multiplexing

Digital Multiplexers

3.11 Virtues, Limitations and Modifications of PCM Advantages of PCM 1. Robustness to noise and interference 2. Efficient regeneration 3. Efficient SNR and bandwidth trade-off 4. Uniform format 5. Ease add and drop 6. Secure 3.12 Delta Modulation (DM)

Let m[ n] = m(nTs ) , n = 0,±1,±2, where Ts is the sampling period and m(nTs ) is a sample of m(t ). The error signal is e[ n] = m[ n] − mq [ n − 1] eq [ n] = ∆ sgn(e[ n] )

mq [ n] = mq [ n − 1] + eq [ n]

(3.52) (3.53) (3.54)

where mq [ n] is the quantizer output , eq [ n] is

the quantized version of e[ n] , and ∆ is the step size The modulator consists of a comparator, a quantizer, and an accumulator The output of the accumulator is


m q [ n] = ∆ ∑ sgn(e[ i ]) i =1


= ∑ eq [ i]


i =1

Two types of quantization errors : Slope overload distortion and granular noise Slope Overload Distortion and Granular Noise Denote the quantization error by q[ n ] , mq [ n ] = m[ n] − q[ n ] (3.56) Recall (3.52) , we have e[ n ] = m[ n] − m[ n −1] − q[ n −1] (3.57) Except for q[ n −1], the quantizer input is a first backward difference of the input signal To avoid slope - overload distortion , we require ∆ dm(t ) ≥ max (3.58) Ts dt On the other hand, granular noise occurs when step size ∆ is too large relative to the local slope of m(t ). (slope)

Delta-Sigma modulation (sigma-delta modulation)

The modulation which has an integrator can relieve the draw back of delta modulation (differentiator) Beneficial effects of using integrator: 1. Pre-emphasize the low-frequency content 2. Increase correlation between adjacent samples (reduce the variance of the error signal at the quantizer input ) 3. Simplify receiver design Because the transmitter has an integrator , the receiver consists simply of a low-pass filter. (The differentiator in the conventional DM receiver is cancelled by the integrator )

Figure 3.25 Two equivalent versions of delta-sigma modulation system.