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It'sSaturdaynight,Joy is at a hotelwitha friend,Mark.They'dhad a nicedinnerwithsweetwhitewineandwerebackin the room.Joy u firstandafterbrushingherteethshechangedintoher the bathroom newsilknighty.Sheknewit was sexybut Markhadbeena friendfor ; longtimeand he wouldn'tmind,in fact,she knewhe likedto lookat herbodyandwhy not?

Markwas lyingon hisbedwhenshecameout.Phew,he letouta sm St frombehindby the lampat herbedside. whistle,Joywas silhouted flashedhima littlesmile.lt mighthavebeena shysmilebutfor the naughtylookin the eyes.He smiledback.

He waswearinga smallhoteltowelaroundhiswaist,whichdid nothi to concealthe shapeof hispenislyingbetweenandon top of his legs to liethereas he watchedJoy move He felt it stir,but continued aroundthe room.He feltit growingandfor a few secondshe did Joy hadseenit before. nothingto coverhiscondition.

Shebentoverthe bedandthe shortnightierodeup ontoherbuttock

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givinghim an intimateglimpseof her behind.He noticedhow therewr indentsat the top of her innerthighsand how perfectlyher smooth hairlesspudendapoutedthere.Markthoughthow he lovedthiswome

Theyhadworkedtogetherfor a year,and hadspentspenta lot of tha timeon the roadat onesiteor another.He knewthata lotof his thoughthe andJoywerelovers,buttheywerent.They'd co-workers nakedin the riverwas oneof thosetlmes,but comeclose!Swimming andhe was normallybusywithone loveror another hada boyfriend to beinggoodfriendsin a theirrelationship They'dlongago resigned professional setting. Joy hadsettleddownon herbedto read.He got up,stilllookingat her.Herdarknipplesshowedclearlyunderherthinslipandwere proudlythrusting against thesilk.

travelling do Joylookedat himas he moved,herglanceinadvertantly at the smalltowel.Witha smallshockshe his leanbodyandstopping sawhowthe toweloutlinedhissemierectionandher mindwent to thatday in the riverwhenshe hadheldit in herhand. immediately howheavyit had beenthenand howherownbody She remembered reacted.

Hereyesquicklycamebackup andthistimeit was Markwho hadthe he small,naughtysmileon hisface."l'mgoingfor a coldshower." said. dee SaidJoy,hervoice,normally "Letme knowif you needanything." soundedevenmoreso. Markleftthe door aJarandshe heardthe hissof the showeras it startedandthenthe slappingof wateron the tilesas it sheetedoff his body.Shesuddenlyrealizedhowturnedon shewas,therewas a poundingsensationbetweenher legs and she knewwithoutcheckin

shewas swollenandwet. Thewaterwasnt coldand had no effecton Mark.In factthe erotic momentthey'djustsharedhadarousedhim moreandhispolewas He foughtagainstthe arousalbutthat stickingout at the horizontal. didnthelp.He wasturnedon andthe firein his loinswastoo hotfor thewaterto douse. "Do youwantme to scrubyourback?"Camea gravellyvoicefromth opendoorbehindhim.Joyhadtakenoff hernightieandwithoutwait for a replyshesteppedintothe shower.He halfturnedbutshehad alreadyhadthe soapin herhandandstartedto latherit on his shoulders. as he gavehimselfup to the soaping.His Hisheadsaggedfonryard

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verticalwitheachbeatof his heart.He lookeddownat it,the head the lipat the ba swollenlikethe headof a mushroom, wasengorged, defined. of the glansenowsharpely

rais Joy pushedhersoapyhandsunderhisarmpitsandhe obediently hisarms.Herhandsworkedtheirway overhischestandsoapedhis them,rolling nipples.Shefoundthemwithherfingersandsqueezed themwithhernails.He couldfeelher themandfinallypinching breastsnowagainsthisback,buthe didn'tmove.

Joywas takinghertime.Sheknewthattonightwouldbe the nighttha theywouldfinishwhattheyhadstartedin the river.Shelet herhands the rollof workslowlyfromhis chesttowardshis belly.Shecarressed good conc andthenmoveddown.He was in muscleat hisdiaphragm Hisbellywas almostflatandshe lingeredthere,herhandsmaking the bushof his pubichair,beforemoving smallcircles,justtouching awayagain.Shefeltheaton the backof her handsandshe newwhe from. was radiating

Hermindwentto the river.Theyhadbeensplashingeachother playfully, she haddivedtowardhimbut he hadbackedaway.Shediv again,he movedagain,butthistimehe trippedon a rockandherarn closedaroundhislegsas he fell.She heldon underwaterherface throughthethinmaterial Shefeltthe hardness againsthisswimsuit. andpressedher lipsagainstit.Thenshe ranout of air andhadto let go.

again.Thisti Hewas alsogaspingfor airandquicklyshesubmerged he didn'tmoveawayandshegrabbedhim.He let her.Shecuppedhi sheslippedherthum bulgewithherhandbutwantedmore.Quickly, intothe bandof hisclothandpulleddown. Hermindcamebackto herhandsin the shower.Shebroughtherha thenall sidesof his buttocks, aroundhis hipsandontothe indented theway arounduntilshewas cuppingthe strongrubberyglobes.

Marktriedto movearound,he wantedher now,butshewouldn'tlet h turn.Shewasteasinghim.Herhandsgrippedhimtightlyandhe to her.Sheslippedone handintothe soapycrackof his surrendered buttocksand rubbedherfingersup anddownoverhisanus,eachtim He openedhislegs pushinga littlefurthertowardshistesticles. obediently.

overhisan Joyworkedher handsthroughhislegsfromhis buttocks, buiwhenshe cameto hisscrotum,sheslippedaroundit andup into1 thickbushof pubichair,untilherfingerstouchedthe baseof his shaft.

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he remembered the river.Shehadpulledhis pantsdownandgrabbe cockand ballsin hersmallhands.He hadknownthenthattheywoulc makelove,butwhenhe reachedfor hershe hadpulledawayanddivr off intothe clearwaterlaughing. He hadchasedherbutshewas slippery. Hisfingershookedon her pantiesand he hadpulledthemdr and off. Joyturnedin thewaterandlookedat himwitha seriousexpressionI movedfonruard andgrabbedheraroundthe waist.He liftedherand sl wrappedher legsaroundhiswaist,stilllookingdeeplyintohiseyes. Smiling, shewrappedherarmsaroundhisneckandpulledherselfup kisshim.

He archedhis hipsfonruard andhis peniscameup againsther.Herkir was sweetat firstbutwhenshefelthiscockpushingagainstherslick passionately. openingshestartedto kisshimhungrily, Shepushedb: againsthim,buttherewas resistance and he didntslipintoher.

Withone handshe reachedbackto directhimbutwhenshetouched shegaspedintohismouthandopenedhereyes.lt was massivein he hand.He startedpushing againstheragainandsheobediently aimed heavyheadintoherself.

Stilltherewas resistance, he was too bigfor her,but he was in the madnessof fullarousalandwasntgivingup.Shethoughtabouttryin1 to stophim,it startedto burnas shewas stretched. Shegasped,"No, pressure stop,it'stoo big,it hurts!"Buthe keptup the andshe didnttakeher handawayfromthethickness his of shaft.Thenshe knewthatshe couldntstophim,didn'twantto, evenif it hurt,she was alsofullyarousedandshefeltthe madnesstakeoverhermind. He pushedwithslowsteadypurpose,her bodygradually openedto h Shefelt a sensationshe'dneverfelt beforeas he inchedhisway in. Thenhe stoppedpushing. Oh God,why stopnow,she pusheddown himtryingto takehlminsidebuthe gentlypushedheraway.

Joywas confusedas the riversidecamebackintofocus,thenshe sal why he hadstopped, therewas a pick-upcomingdownthedustytrac towardsthem.lt was a colourthatJoy knewwell.Quicklysheducked underthe waterandswamaway.Godshe,caughtin the act.Marksti hadher pantsin hishandandhe threwthemto heras thetruck disappeared behindsometrees. It hadturnedoff the track,goingfurtherupstreamto anotherbeach, lookingfor them,buttheyhadntbeenseen.Quickly, theyleftthe riverand climbedintoMarks4WDwhichhadbeenscreened by thetr, Stillsoakingwettheydrovebackup the dirttrack,throughthedust stillfloatingin the airfromthewheelsof the othervehicle.

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Page5 of 7

That had beenweeksago, but here they were again, finishingwhat they'dstarted.Any guiltthey might have felt was washedaway by

desire. Markgaspedas Joyfinallycuppedhistesticlesin a soapyhandand themgently.Shestoppedfor moresoapandhe turned.Tf massaged timeshe let him. andhisgenitalswhereat eye levelfor her,butshe Shewas squatting washinghisballsfromthefront lookedintohiseyesas shecontinued slippingherfingersaroundthe baseof hissolidorgan. occasionally Shewas playingwithhimstill.Herrefusalto lookdirectlyat the He knewhis pul ramrodstiffmembermadehimevenmorefrustrated. A shaftwasfillinghalfof hervisionbutshe keptsteadyeyecontact. smallsmileon herlips. Justas he was aboutto pickherup and carryherto the bed,sheslid a soapyhandup high,behindthe bulgingglans.Hercircledfingers werean inchshortof meetingaroundhis shaft,andtheywereforced widerapartas shestartedto slideher handbackdown,pastthe midd of hiscockwhich,exceptforthehead,wasthe thickestpart.He took herheadin hishands. themin a m Shestillcuppedhisballsin onehandandshe massaged pleasing way.Herotherhandnowsmoothlyslidingup anddowntheI trunkof histree,fromthe densebushof wet hair,up to the purple swollenheadand backdownthe longthic ridgebehindthe massivety trunkagain. he wouldsoo He startedmoaningandsheknewthatif she continued climax.She pulledhiscockdownandfinallylookedat it.Thewholein the middlewas swollenopenandfilledwiththe nectarof his She putoutthetlp of hertongueand insertedit intohis excitment. openedhermoul leftherandshegreedily herrestraint opening.Then andsuckedin as muchof the purpleheadas herjawswouldallow. as he nearedhisclimax.Shefelthiscock Hismoansgrewin intensity startto hiccupin herhandand her mouthwas floodedwithhotsperm she heardhiscry,loudandprimal.Shesuckedit downgreedily, wantingeverydrop,untilat lasthe pulledher headaway.

Latertheylay nakedon herbedin the poolof yellowlightfromthe bedsidelamp.He wasslowlyrunninghisfingersup anddownherboc circlinga breastbuttakingcarenotto touchthe bunchec occasionally nipples.Nowit was histurnto tease.He was gladhe'dalready climaxedin the shower.Nowhe wasthe masterandcouldgo all nigh he wantedto.

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Page4 of 7

he remembered the river.Shehadpulledhis pantsdownandgrabbe cockand ballsin hersmallhands.He had knownthenthattheywoulc makelove,butwhenhe reachedfor hershe hadpulledawayanddiv off intothe clearwaterlaughing. He hadchasedherbutshewas slippery. Hisfingershookedon herpantiesand he hadpulledthemdr and off.

Joyturnedin thewaterandlookedat himwitha seriousexpressionI movedforwardandgrabbedheraroundthe waist.He liftedherandsl wrappedher legsaroundhiswaist,stilllookingdeeplyintohiseyes. Smiling, shewrappedherarmsaroundhisneckandpulledherselfup kisshim.

He archedhis hipsfonruard andhis peniscameup againsther.Herkir wassweetat firstbutwhenshefelthiscockpushingagainstherslick openingshestartedto kisshimhungrily, passionately. Shepushedbe againsthim,buttherewas resistance and he didntslipintoher.

Withone handshe reachedbackto directhimbutwhenshetouched shegaspedintohismouthandopenedhereyes.lt was massivein he hand.He startedpushing againstheragainandsheobediently aimed heavyheadintoherself.

Stilltherewas resistance, he was too bigfor her,but he was in the madnessof fullarousalandwasntgivingup.Shethoughtabouttryin1 to stophim,it startedto burnas shewas stretched. Shegasped,"No, stop,it'stoo big,it hurts!"Buthe keptup the pressure andshe didnttakeher handawayfromthethickness of hisshaft.Thenshe knewthatshe couldntstophim,didntwantto, evenif it hurt,she was alsofullyarousedandshefeltthe madnesstakeoverhermind. He pushedwithslowsteadypurpose,her bodygradually openedto h Shefelt a sensationshe'dneverfelt beforeas he inchedhisway in. Thenhe stoppedpushing. oh God,why stopnow,she pusheddown himtryingto takehiminsidebuthe gentlypushedheraway.

Joywas confusedas the riversidecamebackintofocus,thenshe sal why he hadstopped, therewas a pick-upcomingdownthe dustytrac towardsthem.lt wasa colourthatJoy knewwell.Quicklysheducked underthe waterandswamaway.Godshe,caughtin the act.Marksti hadher pantsin hishandandhe threwthemto heras thetruck disappeared behindsometrees. It hadturnedoff the track,goingfurtherupstreamto anotherbeach, lookingfor them,buttheyhadntbeenseen.Quickly, theyleftthe riverandclimbedintoMarks4WDwhichhadbeenscreened by the tr, Stillsoakingwettheydrovebackup the dirttrack,throughthedust stillfloatingin the airfromthewheelsof the othervehicle.

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Page6 of 7

whenhisfingerscan Joywas enjoyingtheteasing,herbodytwitching place.Shewas moreturnedon thanshethought neara sensitive possibleand knewthatshewouldclimaxat the smallest touchto her out of hercleft. clitoriswhichwas swollenandthrusting

going Marksfingersslowlyworkedtheirway overher body,gradually closerto the placesthatshewantedthemto be,butso slowly.The Shewantedto beghimto touchh agonyof herarousalwasdelicious. therebutshe onlygroanedwhenhe got close.Thenhe tookherbrea intohis mouthandshefeltthe shockin herclitoris.He startedto nibblegentlyon hernipplebeforesuckingher breastintohismouth.

Shecouldntstopherselffrombeggingany more."Fuckme!"shegas "PleaseMark,lvr was ragged. "Pleasenow...fuckme!"Herbreathing it now!"She begged.Withoutlettinggo of her breasthe movedovertl top of herandsheopenedherlegsto givehimaccessto the hotwet placethatwas acheingwiththe needto be filled.He thrustfonryard gentlybutfirmlyandshefeltthe bluntheadof the giantsnakepush againstheragainas it hadin the river.

Thistimetherewas no waterto diluteherarousalandherpoutinglips whereslipperywithherlust.Herbodyopenedmoreeasilywiththe to the andshesoonfeltherelasticvaginasurrendering lubrication pressureof the heavycock.

as shewasstretched burningsensation Againshefeltthatdelicious to himandas it didso the open.Slowlyshefelthervaginayielding sculptedpurpleheadpusheddeeperintoher.Hervulvafeltlikeit was that th beingpushedintohervagina,butheropeningwas so slippery to slipintoher untilat lasttherewas onlythe ridge snakecontinued to go in.Thethickestpart. The burningbecamemoreintenseandshe criedout,butdidnttry to stophim.Shecouldn'thave,shewantedthistoo badly,shehad andwas histo do withas he chose. surrendered

as the erectridgefinallymadeit throug Shefelta poppingsensation of the openingto hervagina.Nowthe pressure the elasticresistance was notagainstherbutinsideher,pushingagainstthewallsof her The burninggavewayto this vaginaandthefeelingwasglorious. andshegaspedaloudwithpleasure. immensesensation

Markfeltthe momentshelet himin and he relaxed,shehadbeentigt of hisinitia butnowthe goingwas easier.He keptup the momentum at thrust,movingslowlydeeperanddeeperuntilhe feltthe snugness thetip of hiscockthatmeanthe couldntgo anydeeper.

Herstomachwas doinglittlespasmsand he knewshewason the ed

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beforeslowlystartingto withdrawagain.As he did he felt hervagina in littleshocksof friction. himandthenreleasing wallsclutching

Joystartedto cry out,littlecriesat firstbutthenlouderand louder.As his swollenheadcameto her G spotshe startedto jerk himi his name.Hervaginasqueezed andshescreamed convulsively painfully and her hipsjerkedfromsideto side.He feltthefloodof herjuicesoverhisshaftandballs.She buckedwildlyunderhimfor a few momentsmoreandthenshe laystill,onlyhervaginaandstomac in smallspasms. musclesstillclenching

Joy hadneverhadan orgasmlikethatbefore.Hersenseshadwithdr andshewas awareonlyof the roaringecst fromthe worldcompletely thathadburstuponherfromwithin.She heardherselfcryout butin as thoughthe crycamefromsomeoneelse. the distance, grinasked,"l Sheturnedherfaceup to Mark,andwitha mischievous thatthe bestyou cando?" thiswasgoingto be a goodnight."Areyousureyou're He laughed, ready?"He replied. Sheliftedone leg up to the sideandsuddenlyswungit acrossusing In a secondhe foundhimselfon his herarmsto helpthe momentum. withherastride.Hewas stillsolidinsideherandsheslowlystarted to move,up anddown,uPanddown. shesaid. horsey." "Giddyup

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Pleaselet me knowthatyougot my emails.

Atso,whenI am donewithyou I willsayso, andtherewillbe no doub I stillloveyou,and I stillwantyou.I leftin yourmindaftenrvards. or in Laos,but I don'tknowhowto wantto tivewithyou in Thailand, woulc is toughenough.Livingin Vientiane findworkin Laos.Thailand there. be no good,unlessyoutransferred PerhapsI shouldgo andteachin Udonafterall andseeyouat wouldwork? MaybeVientiane weekends. l'llspeakto you latertonight. Lovefrom Doug

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,vlail- [email protected]

wrote: sukapunapand at 1:18PM,tuangkanok On Mar 11,2006, > My LoveDouggie, > | havea feelingthatyou'vechosennotto carryon the relationship > with me. ls my sensecorrect? > You do whatyou wantmy love.Evenyou'vechosento leavebut I s > loveyou andalwaysdo.You'rethe loveof my life. > lf youwantto comebackto me,just come.My armsis alwayswaitit > to holdyou,my bodyis waitingto be holdby you. > My heartis achingandsadevenl'vesensedit beforethatthis > thingmighthappenonedaY. > l keepprayingforyoufor a goodlifeandhappiness... > For my future,I don'tknowyet. By the newcontractI haveno who has beenforcedto leave. > securityin worksimilarto Mr.Martini > juststayherefor a few moremonthsand see... ltake.. > That'sallfromme rightnow.I'mmissingeverybreath > with loveall of my heart, > Amy > Yahoo!Mail

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DearAmy, Pleaselet me knowthatyougot my emails.

Also,whenI am donewithyou I willsayso, andtherewillbe no doub I stillloveyou,and I stillwantyou.I leftin yourmindaftenryards. or in Laos,but I don'tknowhowto wantto livewithyou in Thailand, woul is toughenough.Livingin Vientiane findworkin Laos.Thailand there. be no good,uhlessyoutransferred PerhapsI shouldgo andteachin Udonafterall andseeyouat wouldwork? MaybeVientiane weekends. l'llspeakto you latertonight. LovefromDoug

- tuangkanok@yahoo,com ,vlail

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On Mar 11,2006,at 1 : 1 8P M ,t u a n g k a n o sk u k a p u n a p a nwdr o t e : > My LoveDouggie,

> I havea feelingthatyou'vechosennotto carryon the relationship > with me. ls my sensecorrect? > You do whatyouwantmy love.Evenyou'vechosento leavebut I s > loveyou andalwaysdo.You'rethe loveof my life. > lf youwantto comebackto me,justcome.My armsis alwayswaiti > to holdyou,my bodyis waitingto be holdby you. > My heartis achingandsadevenI'vesensedit beforethatthis > thingmighthappenoneday. > | keepprayingfor youfor a goodlifeand happiness...

> For my future,I don'tknowyet.By the newcontractI haveno > securityin worksimilarto Mr.Martini who has beenforcedto leave. > juststayherefor a few moremonthsandsee... > That'sallfromme rightnow.I'mmissingeverybreath I take.. > with loveall of my heart, > Amy > Yahoo!Mail


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Re: HappyValentinesdaY

DearAmy,my love AfterI spoketo you and RaffieI lookedout of my windowandsaw Dc andit Suthepup in the sky.Thelighthidthe outlineof the mountain lookedlikeheavenhighup abovethe city. I am sorry| got angrytonight.I don'treallysuspectyouand thatyouare Olivier.I alsodon'tthinkthatit is impossible withhim.ButI likehim,andif I can'ttrustyouwithhim sleeping thenI justcan'ttrustyou. I was annoyedthatyoudidn'ttellme straightawaywhenI askedyou thatyoujustwantedto whatyouweredoing,but I alsounderstand takethe lineof leastresistance. and I'mveryglady Valentinemessages Anyway,I readyourcolourful wrotethem.Thankyou. I loveyou Amy

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HappyValentines daymy LoveDouggie > Howare you ? > lwriteto say I loveyouas I alwaysdo. I'm missingyoueveryhour.l > the memoryof you in my brian,myblood,my vein,my breathandin > | wishwe couldlivetogetherverysoon. > withall of my love, > yourAmy t

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