Dvar Torah On Hadran Of Gemara

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 397
  • Pages: 1
Dvar Torah on Hadran of Gemara ‫)לפי רמ"א )רבי משה איסרל"ש‬ Chanina bar Papa was a wealthy man who, whenever he completed a tractate, used to make great celebrations to which he invited his ten sons, as well as many others. As a result, he brought glory to the Torah, which was reflected in the scholarly attainments of his sons. The nation, therefore, honors Rav Pappa and his family by mentioning them at every siyum. Esoterically, Rav Pappa represented Moshe and the names of his sons symbolize the Ten Commandments, as demonstrated below.

10 Sons of Pappa

10 Commandments

10 Utterances

‫פפא‬ 81 ‫גמטריא‬

Moshe speaks with Hashem ‫פ ה אל פ ה‬ 81 ‫אנכי גמטריא‬

Need to start again (like Simchas Torah does with Bereshis) ‫תורה נקראת ראשית‬

‫חנינא בר פפא‬

‫'לא יהיה לך וגו‬ Do not have mercy (‫ )לא תחנם‬on idol worshipers, the opposite of concept of mercy towards all

‫בראשית‬ World was created with Chesed

‫רמי בר פפא‬

‫לא תשא‬ Raising and exalting (‫)רממות והתנשאות‬ another to a similar place as HaShem

‫יהי אור‬ Separation of light as reward for the future (similar to Terumah)

‫נחמן בר פפא‬

‫לא תעשה לך פסל‬ After making an idol one see it is nothing and has regrets (‫)נחם‬

‫יהי רקיע‬ Waters cried and HaShem had regrets and comforted the waters with promises to be poured on the Altar

‫אחאי בר פפא‬

‫לא תרצח‬ First murder between brothers that forgot they were brothers

‫שני המארות‬ At first the Sun and Moon were created twins, like Yaacov and Esav

‫אבא מרי בר פפא‬

‫כבד את אביך‬ Honor your father

‫נעשה אדם‬ One father to all

‫רפרם בר פפא‬

‫לא תנאף‬ Temptation makes contact with the fluttering (‫ )רפרף‬of the eyelashes

‫ישקו המים‬ Fish in the water are examples of proper conduct ‫פריה ורביה‬

‫רכיש בר פפא‬

‫לא תגנוב‬ Do not desire improper possessions ( ‫)רכוש‬

‫נתתי לכם כל עשב‬ Main purpose of possessions is to provide food & nourishment

‫סורחב בר פפא‬

‫לא תענה‬ Serach was a witness regarding bones of Yosef

‫יקוו המים‬ Allows earth to appear in proximity to the Mishkan ‫סרח המשכן‬

‫אדא בר פפא‬

‫שבת‬ ‫אדא גמטריא שש‬six days of the week

‫תדשא הארץ‬ Mist (‫ )אד‬went up

‫דרו בר פפא‬

‫תוצא הארץ נפש חיה‬ ‫לא תחמוד‬ Animals were created to serve humans Do not covet another’s house (wife) ‫דירה‬ Placed under burdens (‫)רדו‬

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