Dsofc Lang

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 9,772
  • Pages: 93


1. implement the insertion sort algorithm 2. addition,subtraction,multiplication and division of elements of two arrays 3. illustrate the operations on doubly linked lists 4. illustrate the implementation of circularly linked lists 5. the implementation of stacks using arrays 6. implementation of stacks using linked lists 7. implementation ofstack operations 8. implementation of queues using arrays 9. implementation of QUEUES using pointers 10. implementation of circular queues 11. check the given number is pallindrome or not 12. convert the given string lower to upper case 13. Addition,subtraction, multiplication of two matrix 14. Tree operations 15. Implementation of circular queues 16. Traversal of a binary tree 17. Implementation of linear search 18. Binary search 19. All operations for Binary search tree using pointers 20. Binary search by recursion 21. Bubble sort 22. Transpose of a Sparce matrix 23. Merge sort algorithm 24. Heap sort algorithm 25. Polynomial addition 26. Searching an element of a linked list 27. Sorting using linked list 28. Reverse a given linked list 29. Concatenate the given two linked lists 30. Warshall's algorithm 31. Creation of a tree 32. Heap sort using array 33. Hash search algorithm

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š

/* Write a program in C implement the insertion sort algorithm*/ #include <stdio.h> main() { int c,i,j,n,v[50]; printf("Program for insertion sort\n\n"); printf("Enter element(-0 to exit):"); scanf("%d",&n); c=0; while(n!=-0) { j=c-1; while((n=0))) { v[j+1]=v[j]; -j; } v[j+1] = n; printf("\n After insertion element %d",n); for(i=0;i<=c; i++) printf("%5d", v[i]); printf("%n"); printf("Enter element(-0 to exit) :"); scanf("%d", &n); ++c; } printf("\n\t Final Sorted Array \n"); for(i=0;i
OUTPUT: Program for insertion sort Enter element(-0 to exit):10 After Enter After Enter After Enter After Enter

insertion element 10 10 element(-0 to exit) :20 insertion element 20 10 element(-0 to exit) :30 insertion element 30 10 element(-0 to exit) :40 insertion element 40 10 element(-0 to exit) :50

20 20





After insertion element 50 10 Enter element(-0 to exit) : -0 10





Final Sorted Array 20 30 40 50

.pa_ _ `_-___ミ 3____________________ __Š /*Write a program in C for addition,subtraction, _ _ ú_ú_ _ __multiplication and division of elements of two arrays*/ #include <stdio.h> main() { int i, num, option; float arr1[50], arr2[50], arr3[50]; printf("Program for operations on array \n\n"); printf("Enter size of array (1 to 50) :"); scanf("%d", &num); printf("\nEnter %d element of 1st array\n", num); for(i=0;i=1) && (option <=4)) { if(option == 1) { for(i=0;i
_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š if(option == 3) { for(i=0;i
Enter 5 element of 2st array 11 22 33 44 55 Choice Option 0 1 2 3 4 Enter your option:1

: : : : :

Exit Summation Subraction Multiplication Division

: : : : :

Exit Summation Subraction Multiplication Division

Summation of two arrays *** Original array 1 *** 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 *** Original array 2 *** 11.00 22.00 33.00 44.00 55.00 *** Result *** 21.00 42.00 63.00 84.00 105.00

Choice Option 0 1 2 3 4 Enter your option:3

Multiplication of two arrays *** Original array 1 *** 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 *** Original array 2 *** 11.00 22.00 33.00 44.00 55.00 *** Result *** 110.00 440.00 990.00 1760.00 2750.00 .pa_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š /* Write a program in C to illustrate the operations on _ _ Â_Â_ _ __doubly linked lists,namely, create, insert, delete and display*10*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> struct node { int item; struct node *right, *left; }; void main()

{ struct node *root, *last; int new_item, posn, quit; char c; struct node *create(); void insert(); void delete(); void display(); printf("Program for doubly linked list\n"); root = NULL; quit = 0; do { printf("\n\tOptions\t\tChoice"); printf("\n\tCreate\t\tC"); printf("\n\tInsert\t\tI"); printf("\n\tDelete\t\tD"); printf("\n\tExit\t\tE"); printf("\n\tEnter choice:"); do c=getchar(); while (strchr("CcIiDdEe",c) == NULL); switch(c) { case 'c': case 'C': root = create(&last); printf("*** Doubly Linked list ***\n"); display(root,last); break; case 'i': case 'I': printf("\n Enter the element to be insertd :"); scanf("%d", &new_item); do { printf("\nEnter the position of insertion:"); scanf("%d",&posn); }_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š while(posn < 1); insert(&root, &last, ヘ new_item, posn); printf("*** Doubly linked list ***\n"); display(root, last); break; case 'd': case 'D': delete(&root, &last); printf("*** Doubly Linked list ***\n"); display(root, last); break;

case 'e': case 'E': quit = 1; } } while(!quit); printf("\n"); } struct node *create(last) struct node **last; { struct node *root, *new; int temp, size; size = sizeof(struct node); printf("Enter an integer (-9999 to end):"); scanf("%d", &temp); *last = root = NULL; while (temp != -9999) { new = (struct node *)malloc(size); new->item = temp; new->right = NULL; if(root == NULL) { new->left = NULL; root = new; } else { new->left = (*last); (*last)->right = new; } (*last) = new; printf("Enter an integer (-9999 to end) :"); scanf("%d", &temp); } if(root != NULL) (*last) = new; return root; } _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š void display (start,last) struct node *start, *last; { printf("\n *** Forward direction ***"); while(start != NULL) { printf("%d->", start->item); start = start->right; } printf("\n *** Backward direction ***"); while(last != NULL) { printf("%d ->", last->item);

last = last->left; } return; } void insert(start, last, new_item, posn) struct node **start, **last; int new_item, posn; { struct node *new_node, *temp; int i; if((posn == 1) || ((*start) == NULL)) { new_node = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); new_node->item = new_item; new_node->right = *start; new_node->left = NULL; if((*start)!= NULL) (*start)->left = new_node; else (*last) = new_node; *start = new_node; } else { temp=*start; i=2; while((i<posn) && (temp->right != NULL)) { temp = temp->right; i++; } new_node = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); new_node->item = new_item; new_node->right = temp->right; if(temp->right != NULL) temp->right->left = new_node; new_node->left = temp; temp->right = new_node; } _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š *last=new_node; }

if(new_node->right == NULL)

void delete (start, last) struct node **start, **last; { struct node *temp, *prec; int i,element; printf("\n Element to be deleted:"); scanf("%d", &element); if(*start != NULL)

{ if((*start)->item == element) { if((*start)->right == NULL) *start=*last=NULL; else { *start = (*start)->right; (*start)->left = NULL; } } else { temp=*start; prec=NULL; while((temp->right != NULL) && (temp->item != element)) { prec=temp; temp=temp->right; } if(temp->item != element) printf("Element not found\n"); else { if(temp == *last) *last=prec; else temp->right->left = temp->left; prec->right = temp->right; } } } else printf("\n Empty list ...\n"); return; }

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š


Program for doubly linked list Options Create Insert Delete Exit Enter choice:C Enter Enter Enter Enter

an an an an

integer integer integer integer

Choice C I D E

(-9999 (-9999 (-9999 (-9999

to to to to

end):10 end) :20 end) :30 end) :-9999

*** Doubly Linked list *** *** Forward direction ***10->20->30-> *** Backward direction ***30 ->20 ->10 -> Options Create Insert Delete Exit Enter choice:I

Choice C I D E

Enter the element to be insertd :40 Enter the position of insertion:3 *** Doubly linked list *** *** Forward direction ***10->20->40->30-> *** Backward direction ***30 ->40 ->20 ->10 -> Options Create Insert Delete Exit Enter choice:D

Choice C I D E

Element to be deleted:20 *** Doubly Linked list *** *** Forward direction ***10->40->30-> *** Backward direction ***30 ->40 ->10 -> .pa_ _ °_3___ミ 3____________________ __Š /*Write a program in C to illustrate the implementation of _ _ *_*_ _ __circularly linked lists showing the function create() creates a _ _ *_*_ _ __circularly linked list and the functions display(),insert() and _ _ __ _ __delete() have the usual meanings.*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> struct node { int item; struct node *next; };

struct node *create(last) struct node **last; { struct node *root, *new; int temp, size; size = sizeof(struct node); printf("Enter an integer (-9999 to end) :"); scanf("%d",&temp); *last = root = NULL; while(temp != -9999) { new = (struct node *) malloc(size); new->item = temp; if(root == NULL) root = new; else (*last)->next = new; (*last) = new; printf("Enter an integer (-9999 to end) :"); scanf("%d", &temp); } if(root != NULL) new->next = root; return root; } void display (start, last) struct node *start, *last; { printf("\nRoot->"); if(start != NULL) { do { printf("%d->",start->item); start = start->next; } _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š while(last->next != start); printf("Root\n"); } else printf("NULL\n"); } void insert (start, last, new_item, posn) struct node **start, **last; int new_item, posn; { struct node *new_node, *temp; int i; new_node = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

new_node->item = new_item; if((posn == 1) || ((*start) == NULL)) { new_node->next = *start; *start = new_node; if((*last) != NULL) (*last)->next = *start; else *last = *start; } else { temp=*start; i=2; while((i<posn) && (temp->next != { temp = temp->next; ++i; } if(temp->next == (*start)) *last = new_node; new_node->next = temp->next; temp->next = new_node; }


} int delete (start, last, posn) struct node **start, **last; int posn; { struct node *temp; int i, return_value = 1; if(*start != NULL) if(posn == 1) { if((*start)->next != *start) { *start = (*start)->next; (*last)->next = *start;_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š } else *start = *last = NULL; } else { temp = *start; i=2; while((temp->next != (*start)) && (i<posn)) { temp = temp->next; ++i; } if(temp->next != *start) {

if(temp->next == *last) *last = temp; temp->next = temp->next->next; } else return_value = 0; } else return_value = 0; return return_value; } void main() { struct node *root, *last; int new_item, posn, quit; char c; printf("Program for singly circularly linked list\n"); root = NULL; quit = 0; do { printf("\n\tOptions\t\tChoice"); printf("\n\tCreate\t\tC"); printf("\n\tInsert\t\tI"); printf("\n\tDelete\t\tD"); printf("\n\tExit\t\tE"); printf("\n\tEnte choice :"); do c=getchar(); while(strchr("cCiIDeE", c) == NULL); switch(c) { case 'c': case 'C': root = create(&last); printf("*** Single Linked list ***\n"); _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š display(root, last); break; case 'i': case 'I': printf("\nEnter the element to be inserted :"); scanf("%d", &new_item); do { printf("\nEnter the position of insertion :"); scanf("%d", &posn); } while (posn <1); insert(&root, &last, new_item, posn); printf("*** Single linked list ***\n");

case case

case case

display (root, last); break; 'd': 'D': do { printf("Enter position of deletion :"); scanf("%d", &posn); } while(posn <1); if(!delete(&root, &last, posn)) printf("Cannot delete element at position %d\n",posn); else { printf("*** Singled linked list *** "); display(root, last); } break; 'e': 'E': quit = 1;

} } while(!quit); printf("\n"); }

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š OUTPUT: Program for singly circularly linked list Options Choice Create C Insert I Delete D Exit E Ente choice :C Enter an integer (-9999 to end) :10 Enter an integer (-9999 to end) :20 Enter an integer (-9999 to end) :-9999 *** Single Linked list *** Root->10->20->Root

Options Create Insert Delete Exit Ente choice :I

Choice C I D E

Enter the element to be inserted :30 Enter the position of insertion :1 *** Single linked list *** Root->30->10->20->Root Options Choice Create C Insert I Delete D Exit E Ente choice :D Enter he position of deletion :2 *** Singled linked list *** Root->30->20->Root .pa_ _ p_/___ミ 3____________________ __Š

/*Write a program in C forthe implementation of stacks _ _ d_d_ _ __using arrays*/ #include <stdio.h> int first, check; void main() { int stack[10], element, quit; char c; int pop(); void push(); void display(); printf("Program of Stack with array\n"); first = 1; quit = 0;

do { printf("\n\tOptions\t\tChoice"); printf("\n\tPush\t\tP"); printf("\n\tPop\t\tO"); printf("\n\tExit\t\tE"); do c=getchar(); while(strchr("PpOoEe",c) == NULL); switch(c) { case 'P': case 'p': printf("\n Enter an element to be pushed:"); scanf("%d",&element); push(stack,element); if(check) { printf("\n\t*** Stack ***\n"); display(stack); if(first == 9) printf("\n Stack overflow\n"); }

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š

else printf("\n Stack overflow... don't push\n"); break; case 'O': case 'o': element = pop(stack); if(check) { printf("Popped element = %dn",element); printf("\n\t *** Stack ****\n"); display(stack); } else printf("Stack underflow...don't pop"); break; case 'E':

case 'e': quit = 1; } } while(!quit); printf("\n"); } void push (stack, element) int stack[], element; { if(first == 9) check=0; else { check=1; ++first; stack[first]=element; } }

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š void display(stack) int stack[]; { int i; if(first == -1) printf("\n **** Empty ****\n"); else { for(i=first;i>=0;--i) printf("%7d",stack[i]); } printf("\n"); } int pop(stack) int stack[]; { int srs; if(first == -1) { srs = 0; check = 0; } else {

check = 1; srs = stack[first]; --first; } return srs; } .pa_ _ _"___ミ 3____________________ __Š Options Push Pop Exit


Choice P O E P

Enter an element to be pushed:10 *** Stack *** 10 Options Push Pop Exit

Choice P O EP

Enter an element to be pushed:20 *** Stack *** 10


Options Push Pop Exit

Choice P O EO

Popped element = 20 *** Stack **** 10 .pa_ _ ミ_!___ミ 3____________________ __Š /*Write a program in C for implementation of stacks using _ _ d_d_ _ __linked lists*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> struct node { int element; struct node *next; }; void main()

{ struct node *start; int quit; char c; struct node *push(); struct node *pop(); void display(); printf("Program of stack with linked list\n"); start= NULL; quit=0; do { printf("\n\tOptions\t\tChoice"); printf("\n\tPush\t\tP"); printf("\n\tPop\t\tO"); printf("\n\tExit\t\tE"); printf("\n\tEnter choice:"); do c=getchar(); while(strchr("PpOoEe",c) == NULL); switch(c) { case 'P': case 'p': start=push(start); printf("\n\t *** Stack ***\n"); display(start); break; case 'O': case 'o': start=pop(start); printf("\n\t *** Stack ***\n"); display(start); break; case 'E': case 'e': quit = 1; break; } }_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š while(!quit); printf("\n"); } void display (record) struct node *record; { printf("\n Root"); while(record != NULL) { printf("-> %d",record->element); record = record->next; } printf("->NULL\n");

return; } struct node *push(first) struct node *first; { struct node *new_node; int new_element; printf("Enter an element to be pushed :"); scanf("%d", &new_element); new_node = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); new_node->element = new_element; new_node->next = first; first = new_node; return(first); } struct node * pop(first) struct node *first; { struct node *temp; int element; if(first == NULL) printf("\n *** Empty ***\n"); else { printf("Popped element = %d", first->element); temp = first->next; free(first); first=temp; if(first == NULL) printf("\n *** Empty ***\n"); } return(first); } _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š OUTPUT: Program of stack with linked list Options Push Pop Exit Enter choice:P Enter an element to *** Stack *** Root-> 10->NULL

Choice P O E be pushed :10

Options Push Pop Exit Enter choice:P Enter an element to

Choice P O E be pushed :20

*** Stack *** Root-> 20-> 10->NULL Options Push Pop Exit Enter choice:O

Choice P O E

Popped element = 20 *** Stack *** Root-> 10->NULL .PA_ _ __(___ミ 3____________________ __Š /* Write a program in C for implementation ofstack operations*/ #include <stdio.h> #define MAX 50 enum boolean { true = 1, false = 0, negone = -1 }; enum boolean push (stack, prs, s) int *prs; char stack[MAX], s; { if (*prs ==0) return false; else { *prs = *prs - 1; stack[*prs]=s; } return true; } enum boolean pop(stack,prs, s) int *prs; char stack[MAX], *s; { if(*prs == MAX) return false; else {

*s = stack[*prs]; *prs = *prs + 1; } return true; } enum boolean peep(stack, prs, s, ch) int prs, ch; char stack[MAX], *s; { int si; if(prs == MAX) return false; si = prs + ch; if(si >= MAX || si < prs) return negone; *s = stack[si]; return true; }

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š enum boolean change (stack, prs, s, ch) int prs, ch; char stack[MAX], s; { int si; if(prs == MAX) return false; si = prs + ch; if(si >= MAX || si <prs) return negone; stack[si] = s; return true; } void diprslay(stack, prs) int prs; char stack[MAX]; { int i; for(i=0;i<prs;i++) printf(" "); for(i=prs;i<MAX;i++) printf("%c", stack[i]); if(i!=80) printf("\n"); if(prs == MAX) printf("\t *** Empty ***\n"); else { for(i=0;i<prs;i++) printf(" ");

printf("^"); if (i!= 79) printf("\n"); } } void main() { int prs = MAX, ch, quit; char stack[MAX], s, c; enum boolean flag; printf("Program for stack operations\n"); quit = 0; do { printf("\n\tOptions\t\tChoice"); printf("\n\tPush\t\tU"); printf("\n\tPop\t\tO"); printf("\n\tPeep\t\tP"); printf("\n\tEmpty\t\tM"); _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š printf("\n\tChange\t\tC"); printf("\n\tExit\t\tE"); printf("\n\tEnter choice: "); do c=getchar(); while(strchr("UuOoPpMmCcEe",c) == NULL); fflush (stdin); switch(c) { case 'U': case 'u': printf("\n Enter an element to be pushed:"); s=getc(stdin); if(push(stack,&prs,s) == false) printf("Stack Full\n"); diprslay(stack,prs); break; case 'O': case 'o': if(pop(stack, &prs, &s) == true) printf("Popped element =%c\n",s); else printf("\n\t *** Empty ***\n"); diprslay(stack,prs); break; case 'P': case 'p': printf("\n Enter an index into stack:"); scanf("%d",&ch); flag = peep(stack, prs, &s, ch); if(flag == false) printf("\n\t *** Empty *** \n");

else if(flag == negone) printf("Index not exist\n"); else printf("Element at %d = %c\n", ch,s); diprslay(stack, prs); break; case 'M': case 'm': printf("Do you want empty stack(Y/N)?"); s=getc(stdin); if (s == 'Y' || s == 'y') { prs = MAX; printf("\n\t *** Empty ***\n"); } diprslay(stack,prs); break; _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š

case 'C': case 'c': printf("\nEnter the index into stack:"); scanf ("%d",&ch); fflush (stdin); printf("\nEnter the value to be put:"); s=getc(stdin); flag = change(stack, prs, s, ch); if(flag == false) printf("\n\t *** Empty ***\n"); else if(flag == negone) printf("Index not exist\n"); diprslay(stack, prs); break; case 'E': case 'e': quit = 1; } } while (!quit); printf("\n"); }

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š

OUTPUT: Program for stack operations Options Push Pop Peep Empty Change Exit Enter choice: U

Choice U O P M C E

Enter an element to be pushed:10 Options Push Pop Peep Empty Change Exit Enter choice: U

Choice U O P M C E

Enter an element to be pushed:20

Options Push Pop Peep Empty Change Exit Enter choice: M

Choice U O P M C E

Do you want empty stack (Y/N) ?:Y *** Empty *** .pa_ _ _2___ミ 3____________________ __Š /*Write a program in C for implementation of queues _ _ d_d_ _ __using arrays*/ #include <stdio.h> int first, last, check, count = 0; void main() { int queue[10], element, quit; char c; void insert(); void delete(); void display(); printf("Program of queue with array\n"); last = first = quit = 0; do { check = 1; printf("\n\tOptions\t\tChoice"); printf("\n\tInsert\t\tI"); printf("\n\tDelete\t\tD"); printf("\n\tExit\t\tE"); printf("\n\tEnter choice :"); do c = getchar (); while(strchr("IiDdEe",c) == NULL); switch(c) { case 'I': case 'i': printf("Enter an element to be inserted"); scanf("%d", &element); insert(queue,element); if(!check) { printf("*** Queue ***"); display(queue); } break; case 'D':

case 'd': delete(queue); if((!check) && (count)) { printf("*** Queue ***"); display(queue); } break; case 'E': case 'e': quit = 1; } } while(!quit); printf("\n");_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š void insert(queue, element) int queue[10], element; { if(last<10) { last++; queue[last] = element; if(!first) first = 1; check = 0; count++; } else { printf("Queue overflow ... don't insert\n"); check = 1; } return; } void display(queue) int queue[10]; { int c; for(c=first;c
first = 0; last = 0; printf("\n\t *** Empty *** \n"); } else first++; } else { printf("Queue underflow ... don't delete\n"); check = 1; } return; }_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š OUTPUT: Program of queue with array Options Insert Delete Exit Enter choice :I

Choice I D E

Enter an element to be inserte10 *** Queue *** 10 Options Insert Delete Exit Enter choice :I

Choice I D E

Enter an element to be inserte20 Insert I Delete D Exit E Enter choice :I Enter an element to be inserte20 10

*** Queue *** 20 Options Insert Delete Exit Enter choice :D

Element deleted = 10

Choice I D E

*** Queue *** 20 .PA_ _ ` .___ミ 3____________________ __Š /*Write a program in C for implementation of QUEUES _ _ °_°_ _ __using pointers*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> struct node { int element; struct node *next; }; void main() { struct node *first = NULL, *last = NULL; int quit,new_element; char c; void insert(); void delete(); void display(); printf("Program of queue with linked list\n"); quit = 0; do { printf("\n\tOptions\t\tChoice"); printf("\n\tInsert\t\tI"); printf("\n\tDelete\t\tD"); printf("\n\tExit\t\tE"); printf("\n\tEnter choice :"); do c = getchar (); while(strchr("IiDdEe",c) == NULL); switch(c) { case 'I': case 'i': printf("\n Enter an element to be inserted"); scanf("%d", &new_element); insert(&first, &last, new_element); printf("\n\t *** Queue ***\n"); display(first); break; case 'D': case 'd': delete(&first); printf("\n\t *** Queue *** \n"); display(first);

break; case 'E': case 'e': quit = 1; }_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š } while(!quit); printf("\n"); } void insert(first,last,i) struct node **first, **last; int i; { struct node *new_node; new_node = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); new_node->element = i; new_node->next = NULL; if((*first) == NULL) { (*first) = new_node; (*last) = new_node; } else { (*last)->next = new_node; (*last) = new_node; } return; } void display(record) struct node *record; { printf("\n Root"); while(record != NULL) { printf("-> %d", record->element); record = record->next; } printf("->NULL\n"); return; } void delete(first) struct node **first; { struct node *temp; if((*first)!=NULL) { temp = *first; (*first) = (*first)->next;

free(temp); } return; }_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š OUTPUT: Program of queue with linked list Options Insert Delete Exit Enter choice :I

Choice I D E

Enter an element to be inserted10 *** Queue *** Root-> 10->NULL Options Insert Delete Exit Enter choice :I

Choice I D E

Enter an element to be inserted20 *** Queue *** Root-> 10-> 20->NULL Options Insert Delete Exit Enter choice :D

Choice I D E

*** Queue *** Root-> 20->NULL .PA_ _ __(___ミ 3____________________ __Š

/*Write a program in C for implementation of circular queues*/ #include <stdio.h>

#include <malloc.h> struct node { int element; struct node *next; }; void main() { struct node *first = NULL, *last = NULL; int quit,new_element; char c; void insert(); void delete(); void display(); printf("Program of circular queue\n"); quit = 0; do { printf("\n\tOptions\t\tChoice"); printf("\n\tInsert\t\tI"); printf("\n\tDelete\t\tD"); printf("\n\tExit\t\tE"); printf("\n\tEnter choice :"); do c = getchar (); while(strchr("IiDdEe",c) == NULL); switch(c) { case 'I': case 'i': printf("\n Enter an element to be inserted"); scanf("%d", &new_element); insert(&first, &last, new_element); printf("\n\t *** Queue ***\n"); display(first); break; _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š

case 'D': case 'd': delete(&first,&last); printf("\n\t *** Queue *** \n"); display(first); break; case 'E': case 'e':

quit = 1; } } while(!quit); printf("\n"); } void insert(first,last,i) struct node **first, **last; int i; { struct node *new_node; new_node = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); new_node->element = i; if((*first) == NULL) { (*first) = new_node; (*last) = new_node; } else { (*last)->next = new_node; (*last) = new_node; } new_node->next = *first; return; } void display(record) struct node *record; { struct node *temp; temp = record; printf("\n Root"); if(record != NULL) { _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š

do { printf("-> %d", record->element); record = (record->next); } while(record!= temp); printf("->Root\n"); } else printf("NULL\n");

return; } void delete(first,last) struct node **first, **last; { struct node *temp; if((*first)!= (*last)) { temp = *first; (*first) = (*first)->next; (*last)->next = *first; free(temp); } else { if((*first) != NULL) free(*first); (*first) = NULL; (*last) = NULL; } return; } .pa_ _ 0

+___ミ 3____________________ __Š


Program of circular queue Options Insert Delete Exit Enter choice :I

Choice I D E

Enter an element to be inserted10 *** Queue *** Root-> 10->Root Options Insert Delete Exit Enter choice :I

Choice I D E

Enter an element to be inserted20 *** Queue *** Root-> 10-> 20->Root Options Insert Delete Exit Enter choice :D

Choice I D E

*** Queue *** Root-> 20->Root .pa_ _ ð_'___ミ 3____________________ __Š word is _ _ ¢_¢_ _ __palindrome or not*/

/*Write a program in C to test whether a given

main() { int i, j; char word[10]; printf("Enter a word to test for palindrome feature-->"); scanf("%s",word); i = strlen(word); i --; j = 0; while (j<= i) { if (word[i] != word[j])

{ printf("\nThe given word %s is not a palindrome \n", word); goto ending; } i --; j ++; } printf("\nThe given word %s is a palindrome \n", word); ending : printf("\n\n"); } .pa_ _ ______ミ 3____________________ __Š


Enter a word to test for palindrome feature-->HELLO The given word HELLO is not a palindrome .pa_ _ ð-____ミ 3____________________ __Š _ _ „_„_ _ __/Dsp19- Writ a program in C to convert a given string of small _ _ j


_ __letters

into capital letters*/

#include<stdio.h> main() { char str[20],I; int i,k; printf("Enter a word-->"); scanf("%s",str); k=strlen(str); printf("Before conversion the string is %s \n", str); for (i=0;i='a'&&str[i]<='z') str[i]=str[i]-32; } printf("After conversion the string is %s \n", str); } .pa_ _ Ð ____ミ 3____________________ __Š OUTPUT: Enter a word-->hello Before conversion the string is hello After conversion the string is HELLO .pa_ _ à.____ミ 3____________________ __Š /*Write a program in C for addition,subtraction and _ _ _


_ __multiplication of two matrices*/ # include <stdio.h> main() { int i, j, k, l, m, n, o, option; int mat1[50][50], mat2[50][50], mat3[50][50]; printf("Program for operations on matrix \n\n"); printf("\n Enter row and column of 1st matrix (1 to 50, 1 to 50) :"); scanf("%d %d", &k, &l); printf("\nEnter %d element of 1st Matrix\n", k*l); for(i=0;i=1) && (option <=4)) { if(option == 1) { if((k == m) && (l == n)) { for(i=0;i
Program for operations on matrix Enter row and column of 1st matrix (1 to 50, 1 to 50) :2 2 Enter 4 element of 1st Matrix 1 2 3 4 Enter row and column of 2nd matrix (1 to 50, 1 to 50) :2 2 Enter 4 element of 2nd matrix 1 0 0 1 Choice Option 0 : Exit 1 : Summation 2 : Subraction 3 : Multiplication Enter your option:1 *** Matrix 1 *** 1 2 3 4 *** Matrix 2 *** 1 0 0 1 *** Result *** 2 2 3 5 Choice Option 0 1 2 3 Enter your option:3 *** Matrix 1 *** 1 2 3 4 *** Matrix 2 *** 1 0 0 1 *** Result *** 1 2 3 4

: : : :

Exit Summation Subraction Multiplication

.PA_ _ À_4___ミ 3____________________ __Š _ _ T_T_ __/*Dsp21-Write a program in C for operation on trees*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h>

typedef struct tree { int item; struct tree *left, *right; }tree; tree *insert (item,p) int item; tree *p; { if(!p) { p=(tree*)malloc(sizeof(tree)); p->item=item; p->left=NULL; p->right=NULL; return(p); } if(item < p->item) p->left = insert(item, p->left); else if(item > p->item) p->right = insert(item, p->right); return(p); } void output(temp, level) tree *temp; int level; { int i; if(temp) { output(temp->right, level+1); printf("\n"); for(i=0;iitem); output(temp->left, level+1); } }

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š

void depthbr(temp, depth, level)

tree *temp; int *depth, level; { if(temp) { if(level > *depth) *depth = level; depthbr(temp->left, depth, level+1); depthbr(temp->right, depth, level+1); } } tree *repl(s,p) tree *s, *p; { tree *data; if(s->right != NULL) s->right = repl(s->right, p); else { data = s; p->item = s->item; s=s->left; free(data); } return(s); } tree *del(p,item) tree *p; int item; { tree *s; if(!p) { printf(p); } else { if(item < p->item) p->left = del (p->left, item); else if(item > p->item) p->right = del(p->right, item);

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š


{ s=p; if(s->right == NULL) { p= s->left; free(s); } } if(s->left == NULL) { p=s->right; free(s); } else s->left = repl(s->left,s); } return(p); } void main() { int item,depth,quit=0 ; char c; tree *temp = NULL; printf("Program for operations of tree \n"); do { printf("\n\tOptions\t\t\tChoice"); printf("\n\tInsert\t\tI"); printf("\n\tDelete\t\tD"); printf("\n\tExit\t\tE"); printf("\n\tEnter choice :"); do c=getchar(); while(strchr("IiDdEe",c) == NULL);

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š

switch(c) {

case 'I': case 'i': printf("Enter element :"); scanf("%d", &item); temp = insert (item, temp); printf("\n\t *** Tree *** \n"); output(temp,1); depth = 0; depthbr(temp, &depth, 0); printf("\nDepth = %d\n", depth); break; case 'D': case 'd': printf("Enter element :"); scanf("%d", &item); temp = del(temp, item); printf("\n\t *** Tree ***\n"); output(temp,1); depth = 0; depthbr(temp, &depth, 0); printf("\nDepth = %d\n", depth); break;

case 'E': case 'e': quit = 1; } } while(!quit); printf("\n"); } .pa_ _ 0

+___ミ 3____________________ __Š


Program for operations of tree Options Insert I Delete D Exit E Enter choice :I Enter element :10


*** Tree *** 10 Depth = 0 Options Insert I Delete D Exit E Enter choice :I Enter element :20


*** Tree *** 20 10 Depth = 1 Options Insert I Delete D Exit E Enter choice :D Enter element :10


*** Tree *** 20 Depth = 0 .PA_ _ à_&___ミ 3____________________ __Š _ _ „_„_ _ __/*Dsp22-Write a program in C for creation and traversalas of a _ _ d_d_ _ __binary tree */ #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> typedef struct tree { int item; struct tree *left, *right; }tree; tree *binarytree(vector, first, last)

int *vector, first, last; { tree *temp; int mid; mid = (int) (first + last)/2; if(temp!=(tree*)malloc(sizeof(tree))) { printf("No memory : Error"); return(temp); } temp->item = vector[mid]; if(first>=last) { temp->left = NULL; temp->right = NULL; return(temp); } if(first <= mid - 1) temp->left = binarytree(vector, first, mid-1); else temp->left = NULL; if(mid + 1 <= last) temp->right = binarytree(vector, mid+1, last); else temp->right = NULL; return(temp); } void preorder(temp) tree *temp; { if(temp) { printf("%d", temp->item); preorder(temp->left); preorder(temp->right); } }_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š void inorder(temp) tree *temp; { if(temp) { inorder(temp->left); printf("%d", temp->item); inorder(temp->right); } } void postorder(temp) tree *temp; {

if(temp) { postorder(temp->left); postorder(temp->right); printf("%",temp->item); } } void triangle(temp, branch) tree *temp; int branch; { int i; if(temp) { triangle(temp->right, branch+1); printf("\n"); for(i=0;iitem); triangle(temp->left, branch+1); } } void diagonal(temp, branch) tree *temp; int branch; { int i; if(temp) { printf("\n"); for(i=0;iitem); diagonal(temp->left, branch+1); diagonal(temp->right, branch+1); } } _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š

void main() { int v1[50],i,j,temp,total,quit=0; char c; tree *bintree; printf("Program for tree creation and traversal of binary tree \n"); printf("Enter number of elements in vector :");

scanf("%d", &total); for(i=0;i v1[j]) { temp = v1[i]; v1[i] = v1[j]; v1[j] = temp; } } } printf("Data in ascending order\n"); for(i=0;i
Options\t\t\tChoice"); Triangular\t\t T"); Diagonal\t\t D"); Exit \t\t\t E"); Enter choice :");

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š

do c=getchar(); while(strchr("TtDdEe",c) == NULL); switch(c) { case 'T': case 't': printf("\n\t *** Binary Tree ***\n"); triangle(bintree,1); printf("\n Preorder traversal :"); preorder(bintree);

printf("\n Inorder traversal :"); inorder(bintree); printf("\n Postorder traversal :"); postorder(bintree); break; case 'D': case 'd': printf("\n\t *** Binary Tree ***\n"); diagonal(bintree, 1); printf("\n Preorder traversal :"); preorder(bintree); printf("\n Inorder traversal :"); inorder(bintree); printf("\n Postorder traversal :"); postorder(bintree); break; case 'E': case 'e': quit = 1; } } while(!quit); printf("\n"); }

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š OUTPUT: Program for tree creation and traversal of binary tree Enter number of elements in vector :3 Enter element 0 :10 Enter element 1 :20 Enter element 2 :30 Data in ascending order 10 20 30

.pa_ _ #____ミ 3____________________ __Š

/*Write a program in C to illustrate the implementation of the _ _ F_F_ _ __sequential search algorithm of an array of elements for a _ _ V_V_ _ __given key value*/ #include <stdio.h> main() { int i,j,n,v[50],yn=1; printf("Program for linear search\n\n"); printf("Enter size of the array:"); scanf("%d", &n); printf("\nEnter %d elements\n",n); for(i=0;i
.pa_ _ p_/___ミ 3____________________ __Š OUTPUT:

Program for linear search Enter size of the array:5 Enter 5 elements 10 20 30 40 50 Enter element to be searched :30 Original array 10 20 30 40 50 Element 30 is at location 3 .pa_ _ °"____ミ 3____________________ __Š /*Dsp25 Write a program in C to illustrate the binary _ _ ü_ü_ _ __search algorithm*/ # include <stdio.h> main() { int i,j,n,v[50], yn=1, first, mid, last; printf("Program for binary search\n\n"); printf("Enter size of the array :"); scanf("%d", &n); printf("\n Enter %d element\n",n); for(i=0;iv[mid]) first = mid + 1; else if(j==v[mid]) { printf("\n Element %d is at location %d\n", j, mid+1); yn=0; break; } if(yn) printf("\nElement %d not found in array\n", j);

} }

.pa_ _ P -___ミ 3____________________ __Š


Program for binary search Enter size of the array :5 Enter 5 element 10 20 30 40 50 Enter element to be searched :50 Original array 10 20 30 40 50 Element 50 is at location 5 .pa_ _ €%____ミ 3____________________ __Š /*Dsp23A-Write a program in C to illustrate the all the concepts _ _ 8_8_ _ __including searching for an element in a binary search tree*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> struct tree { int item; struct tree *left, *right; }; struct tree *node; int ele, tele; void depth(node) struct tree *node; { if(node->left == NULL) if(eleright); } tele--;

} void preorder(node) struct tree *node; { if(node != NULL) { printf("%i", node->item); preorder(node->left); preorder(node->right); } } void inorder(node) struct tree *node; { if(node != NULL) { inorder(node->left); printf("%i", node->item); inorder(node->right); } } _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š void postorder(node) struct tree *node; { if(node != NULL) { postorder(node->left); postorder(node->right); printf("%i", node->item); } } void disp() { printf("\nPreorder traversal :"); preorder(node); printf("\nInorder traversal :"); inorder(node); printf("\nPostorder traversal :"); postorder(node); printf("\n"); } void ins() { struct tree *temp, *prev; int n,c,check; do {

printf("Enter number of elements :"); scanf("%i", &n); fflush(stdin); } while(n<1); do { printf("Enter elements :"); scanf("%i", &c); fflush(stdin); temp=node; check=0; if(temp == NULL) { node=(struct tree*)malloc(sizeof(struct tree)); temp=node; } else { while(temp!=NULL && !check) { prev = temp;_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š if(c == temp->item) { printf("%i is in the tree",c); printf("\n"); check=1; } else { if(c < temp->item) temp=temp->left; else temp=temp->right; } } if(!check) { temp = (struct tree*)malloc(sizeof(struct tree)); if(c<prev->item) prev->left = temp; else prev->right = temp; } } if(!check) { temp->item = c; temp->left = NULL; temp->right = NULL; n--; }

} while(n > 0); } void search(c, srs,prs) int c; struct tree **srs, **prs; { *srs = NULL; *prs = node; while(*prs != NULL && (*prs)->item != c) { *srs = *prs; if( c< (*prs)->item) (*prs) = (*prs)->left; else (*prs) = (*prs)->right; } } _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š void delet0(prs, srs) struct tree *prs, *srs; { struct tree *temp; if(prs->left == NULL) temp=prs->right; else temp=prs->left; if(srs != NULL) if(prs == srs->left) srs->left=temp; else srs->right=temp; else node = temp; } void delet1(prs, srs) struct tree *prs, *srs; { struct tree *suc, *srssuc; suc = prs->right; srssuc = prs; while(suc->left != NULL) { srssuc = suc; suc = suc->left; } delet0(suc, srssuc); if(srs != NULL)

if(prs == srs->left) srs->left = suc; else srs->right = suc; else node=suc; suc->left = prs->left; suc->right = prs->right; } void del() { struct tree *prs, *srs; int n, c; do { printf("Number of element (for deletion) :"); scanf("%i", &n); fflush(stdin); } while(n < 1);_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š

do { printf("Enter the element :"); scanf("%i", &c); fflush(stdin); search(c, &srs, &prs); if(prs == NULL) printf("Element not found\n"); else if(prs->left != NULL && prs->right != NULL) delet1(prs,srs); else delet0(prs, srs); n--; } while(n>0); } void main() { int quit=0; char c; node=NULL; printf("\nProgram for operations of binary tree\n"); do { printf("\n\tOptions\t\t\tChoice"); printf("\n\tInsert\t\tI");

printf("\n\tDelete\t\tD"); printf("\n\tDisplay\t\tO"); printf("\n\tExit\t\tE"); printf("\n\tEnter choice :"); do c=getchar(); while(strchr("IiDdOoEe",c) == NULL); switch(c) { case 'I': case 'i': ins(); break;

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š

case 'D': case 'd': del(); break; case 'O': case 'o': disp(); if(node == NULL) printf("Tree empty\n"); else { ele=0; tele=0; depth(node); printf("Depth of tree = %i\n", ele); } break; case 'E': case 'e': quit=1; } } while(!quit); printf("\n"); } .pa_ _ €_ ___ミ 3____________________ __Š


Program for operations of binary tree

Enter Enter Enter Enter

Options Insert I Delete D Display O Exit E Enter choice :I number of elements :3 elements :10 elements :20 elements :30


Options Insert Delete Display Exit Enter choice :O

Choice I D O E

Preorder traversal :102030 Inorder traversal :102030 Postorder traversal :302010 Depth of tree = 0 .PA_ _ 0_____ミ 3____________________ __Š

_ _ 8_8_ _ __/*Dsp-26 Write a program in C to implement the Binary search _ _ d_d_ _ __by recursion*/ #include <stdio.h> void main() { int v1[50],i,j,number,pos,search,temp,mid; void binary_search(); printf("\nBinary search by recursion\n"); printf("Enter number of elements of array (1 to 50):"); scanf("%d", &number); printf("Enter %d element\n",number); for(i=0;iv1[j]) { temp = v1[i]; v1[i] = v1[j];

v1[j] = temp; } printf("Enter element to be searched :"); scanf("%d", &search); printf(" *** Original array in ascending order ***\n"); for(i=0;imax) pos = 0;

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š else { mid = (min + max)/2; if(searchv1[mid]) { min = mid + 1; binary_search(v1,min,max,pos,search); } else pos=mid; if(pos>0) printf("Your element %d is at position no %d\n", search,pos+1); } }

.pa_ _ `_-___ミ 3____________________ __Š OUTPUT: Binary search by recursion Enter number of elements of array (1 to 50):4 Enter 4 element 10 20 30 40 Enter element to be searched :10 *** Original array in ascending order *** 10 20 30 40 Your element 10 is at position no 1 .pa_ _ €%____ミ 3____________________ __Š _ _


_ _ __/*Dsp29-Write a program in C to implement the Bubble sort algorithm*/ #include<stdio.h> main() { int i, j, n, v[50], temp, last, yn=1; printf("Program for bubble sort\n\n"); printf("Enter size of the array :"); scanf("%d", &n); printf("\nEnter %d elements\n",n); for(i=0; iv[j+1]) { temp = v[j]; v[j]=v[j+1]; v[j+1]=temp; yn=0; } } } if(!yn) yn=1; /* printf("\n sorted array\n");*/ for (i=0;i

/*Write a program in C to give the transpose of a sparse #include <stdio.h> int m,n,count=0; main() { int a[10][10], i, j, b[10][10], c[10][10]; clrscr(); printf("Enter m and n\n"); scanf("%d %d", &m, &n); printf("Enter the matrix\n"); for(i=0;i<m;i++) for(j=0;j

sparse(int a[][10], int b[][10]) { int r[10], c[10], v[10], i, j, k=0, l=0, p=0; v[k]=count; r[k]=m; c[k]=n; k=1; for(i=0;i<m;i++) { for(j=0;j
# include <stdio.h> main() { int i,j,k,l,m,n,v1[50],v2[50],v3[50]; void sort_vect(); printf("Program for merging without duplicate elements\n\n"); printf("Enter size of the array 1:"); scanf("%d", &n); printf("\nEnter %d element \n",n); for(i=0;i v2[i]) { v3[k] = v2[j]; j++; k++; } _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š else {

v3[k] = v1[i]; i++; j++; k++; } } if(i sv[i+1]) { temp = sv[i]; sv[i] = sv[i+1]; sv[i+1] = temp; flag = 0; } } } }_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š OUTPUT: Program for merging without duplicate elements

Enter size of the array 1:4 Enter 4 element 10 20 30 40 Enter size of the vector 2:3 Enter 4 element 1 2 5 22 Sorted Vector 1 10 20 30 40 Sorted Vector 2 1 2 5 Merged array (without 0 dupilicates) 1 2 5 10 20 22 30 40 .PA_ _ _-____ミ 3____________________ __Š _ _ Â_Â_ _ __/*Dsp32-Write a program in C to implement the Heap sort algorithm*/ #include <stdio.h> main() { int v[50],i,n; void crheap(); void sort(); printf("Program for heap sort\n"); printf("Enter size of the array :"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\nEnter %d elements\n",n); for(i=1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%d", &v[i]); /*printf("\n\t *** Original Array ***\n");*/ for(i=1;i<=n;i++); printf("%6d", v[i]); printf("\n"); sort(v,n); printf("\n\t *** Sorted array ***\n"); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) printf("%6d",v[i]); printf("\n"); return; } void crheap(v,n) int v[50],n;

{ int i,j,key,q; for(q=2;q<=n;++q) { i=q; key=v[q]; j=(int)(i/2); while((i>1) && (key >v[j])) { v[i]=v[j]; i=j; j=(int)(i/2); if(j<1); j=1; } v[i] = key; } return; } _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š void sort(v,n) int v[50],n; { int q,temp,i,j,key; crheap(v,n); for(q=n;q>=2;--q) { temp = v[1]; v[1] = v[q]; v[q] = temp; i=1; key = v[1]; j=2; if((j+1)v[j]) j=j+1; while((j<(q-1)) && (v[j] > key)) { v[i] = v[j]; i=j; j=2*i; if((j+1)v[j]) j=j+1; else if(j>n) j=n; } v[i] = key; } return; }

.pa_ _ °_#___ミ 3____________________ __Š Program for heap sort Enter size of the array :5


Enter 5 elements 10 30 3 4 2 *** Sorted array *** 2 3 4 10 30 .pa_ _ _, ___ミ 3____________________ __Š /*Dsp4-Write a program in C for implementation ofPolynomial addition*/ #include <stdio.h> struct list { int coef, exp; /* COFFICIENT AND EXPONENT OF POLYNOMIAL FUNCTION*/ struct list *next; }*first, *second, *new, *ptr, *prev, *p, *sum, *pt; main() { clrscr(); first=second=new=ptr=prev=p=sum=pt=NULL; printf("\n Enter the values of first function:"); polyfirst(); printf("\n Enter the values of second function:"); polysecond(); printf("The Sum of first & second poly function:"); polysum(); } polyfirst() { char ch='y'; while(toupper(ch) == 'Y') { new=(struct list *)malloc(sizeof(struct list)); printf("\n Enter the Coeff & Expo of variables of first function"); scanf("%d%d", &new->coef, &new->exp); new->next=NULL; if(first == NULL) { first=new; ptr=new; } else { ptr->next=new; ptr=new; } printf("\n Do U want to add a variables in first functino "); fflush(stdin); ch=getchar();

} }

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š polysecond() { char ch ='y'; while(toupper(ch) == 'Y') { new=(struct list *)malloc(sizeof(struct list)); printf("\n Enter The Coeff & Expo of Variables of second function"); scanf("%d %d", &new->coef, &new->exp); new->next= NULL; if(second == NULL) { second = new; prev=new; } else { prev->next=new; prev=new; } printf("\n Do U want to continue add variables in second function"); fflush(stdin); ch=getchar(); } } polysum() { new=(struct list *) malloc(sizeof(struct list)); for(ptr=first, prev=second;(ptr!=NULL) && (prev!=NULL);) { if(ptr->exp == prev->exp) { new->exp=ptr->exp; new->coef=ptr->coef+prev->coef; ptr=ptr->next; goto a; } if(ptr->exp > prev->exp) { new->exp=ptr->exp; new->coef=ptr->coef; ptr=ptr->next; goto a; } if(ptr->exp < prev->exp)

{ new->exp=prev->exp; new->coef=prev->coef; ptr=ptr->next; goto a; } a:; _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š new->next = NULL; if(sum==NULL) { sum=new; pt=new; } else if(sum!=NULL) { pt->next=new; pt=new; } new=(struct list *)malloc(sizeof(struct list)); } if((ptr==NULL) && (prev != NULL)) { new->exp=prev->exp; new->coef=prev->coef; prev=prev->next; goto a; } if((ptr!=NULL) && (prev==NULL)) { new->exp=prev->exp; new->coef=prev->coef; ptr=ptr->next; goto a; } for(p=sum;p;p=p->next) { printf("%d %d",p->coef, p->exp); } getch(); } .pa_ _ ð_'___ミ 3____________________ __Š Enter the Enter the 1 Do U want Enter the 0 Do U want


values of first function: Coeff & Expo of variables of first function1 to add a variables in first functino Y Coeff & Expo of variables of first function1 to add a variables in first functino Y

Enter the Coeff & Expo of variables of first function1 1 Do U want to add a variables in first functino N Enter the values of second function: Enter The Coeff & Expo of Variables of second function1 2 Do U want to continue add variables in second functionN The Sum of first & second poly function:1 21 21 21 2 .PA_ _ °"____ミ 3____________________ __Š /*Write a program in C for searching an element of a linked list*/ #include <stdio.h> #define NULL 0 struct list_element { int item; struct list_element *next; }; typedef struct list_element node; main() { node *start; int key,choice; node *create(); void display(); node *lookup(); node *locate(node*,int); printf("Program for searching an element of a linked list\n"); start=create(start); printf("\n\t *** Linked List ***\n"); display(start); start=lookup(start); return; } node*create(first) node*first; { node *temp,*prev; int info; prev=first=NULL; printf("\n Enter the integer (-999 to exit):"); scanf("%d", &info); while(info != -9999) { temp = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); temp->item = info; temp->next = NULL; if(first == NULL) first = temp; else prev->next = temp; prev = temp;

printf("\n Enter the integer (-9999 to exit):"); scanf("%d",&info); } return first; }

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š void display (first) node *first; { printf("\nRoot ->"); while(first!= NULL) { printf("%d->",first->item); first=first->next; } printf("NULL\n\n"); } node *locate(record, target) node *record; int target; { static pos = 1; if(record->item==target) { printf("\n Element at position %d\n",pos); return(record); } else if(record->item==-9999) return(NULL); else { pos++; locate(record->next, target); } return; } node *lookup(first) node *first; { node *locate(); node *tag, *temp; int target,newitem, opt; tag = first; printf("Element to be searched ? "); scanf("%d", &target); tag = locate(first, target);

if(tag==NULL) { printf("\n Element not found\n"); return(first); } return(first); } _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š OUTPUT: Program for searching an element of a linked list Enter the integer (-999 to exit):10 Enter the integer (-9999 to exit):20 Enter the integer (-9999 to exit):-9999 *** Linked List *** Root ->10->20->NULL Element to be searched ? 20 Element at position 2 .PA_ _ Ð ____ミ 3____________________ __Š _ _ š š _ __/* program sorts a given linked list */ #define NULL 0 struct element_list { int info; struct element_list *next; }; typedef struct element_list node; main() { node *start, *list, *pass; int key, choice,temp; node *create(); void display(); printf("Program for sorting of linked list\n"); start = create(start); printf("\n\t *** Linked list ***\n"); display (start);

list = start; for(list;list->next != NULL;list=list->next) { for(pass=list->next; pass !=NULL; pass=pass->next) if(list->info > pass->info) { temp = list->info; list->info = pass->info; pass->info = temp; } } printf("\n\t *** Sorted Linked list ***\n"); display(start); return; } node *create(first) node *first; { node *temp, *prev; int element; prev = first = NULL; printf("\n Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) :"); scanf("%d", &element);

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š

while(element != -9999) { temp = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); temp->info = element; temp->next = NULL; if(first == NULL) first = temp; else prev->next = temp; printf("\n Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) :"); scanf("%d", &element); } return first; } void display(first) node *first;

{ printf("\nRoot->"); while(first != NULL) { printf("%d->", first->info); first = first->next; } printf("NULL\n\n"); }

.pa_ _ à_&___ミ 3____________________ __Š


Program for sorting of linked list Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) :10 Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) :20 Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) :5 Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) :2 Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) :-9999 *** Linked list *** Root->10->20->5->2->NULL *** Sorted Linked list *** Root->2->5->10->20->NULL .PA_ _ _-____ミ 3____________________ __Š _ _ *_*_ _ __/*Dsp8-Write a program in C that reverses a given linked list*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<malloc.h> #define NULL 0 struct element_list { int info; struct element_list *next; }; typedef struct element_list node; main() {

node *first, *prev, *current, *save; int key, choice; node *create(); void display(); printf("Program for reversing of linked list\n"); first=create(first); printf("\n\t *** Linked list ***\n"); display (first); printf("\n"); current = first; prev = NULL; while(current != NULL) { save = current->next; current->next = prev; prev = current; current = save; } first = prev; printf("\n\t *** Reversed Linked list ***\n"); display(first); printf("\n"); } node *create(record) node *record; { node *temp, *prev; int element; prev = NULL; record = NULL; printf("\n Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) :"); scanf("%d", &element);

_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š

while(element != -9999) { temp = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); temp->info = element;

temp->next = NULL; if(prev == NULL) record = temp; else prev->next = temp; prev=temp;

printf("\n Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) :"); scanf("%d", &element); } return (record); } void display(record) node *record; { printf("\nRoot->"); while(record != NULL) { printf("%d->", record->info); record = record->next; } printf("NULL\n\n"); return; }

.pa_ _ ð_'___ミ 3____________________ __Š OUTPUT: Program for reversing of linked list Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) :10 Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) :20 Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) :30 Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) :-9999 *** Linked list *** Root->10->20->30->NULL *** Reversed Linked list *** Root->30->20->10->NULL .PA_ _ Ð ____ミ 3____________________ __Š _ _ 8_8_ _ __/*DSlab-9 Write a program in C to concatenate the _ _ x_x_ _ __linked lists into one list*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #define NULL 0 struct element_list

two given

{ int item; struct element_list *next; }; typedef struct element_list node; main() { node *start, *one, *two, *three; int key, choice; void create(); void display(); void concat(); printf("Program ot concatenate two list\n"); printf("First list\n"); one = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); create(one); printf("Second list\n"); two = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); create(two); printf("\n\t *** Linked list 1 ***\n"); display(one); printf("\n\t *** Linked list 2 ***\n"); display(two); three = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); concat(one,two,three); printf("\n\t *** Concatented list ***"); display(three); printf("\n"); } void create(record) node *record; { printf("Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) :"); scanf("%d", &record->item); if(record->item == -9999) record->next = NULL; else { record->next = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); create(record->next); } return; }_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š void display(record) node *record; { if(record->next!= NULL) { printf("%d->", record->item); display(record->next); } return;

} void concat(one, two, three) node *one, *two, *three; { while(one->next!=NULL) { three->item = one->item; one = one->next; three->next=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); three=three->next; } while(two->next!= NULL) { three->item = two->item; two= two->next; three->next = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); three = three->next; } three->next = NULL; return; } .pa_ _ ミ_!___ミ 3____________________ __Š


Program ot concatenate two list First list Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) Second list Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) Enter the integer (-9999 to exit) Enter the integer (-9999 to exit)

:10 :20 :30 :-9999 :40 :50 :60 :-9999

*** Linked list 1 *** 10->20->30-> *** Linked list 2 *** 40->50->60-> *** Concatented list ***10->20->30->40->50->60-> .PA_ _ À!____ミ 3____________________ __Š _ _ „_„_ _ __/*Dsp-23 Write a program in C for implementation of warshall's _ _ r_r_ __algorithm*/ #include<stdio.h> main() { int i, j, k, n, A[50][50],p[50][50],temp,last,yn=1; printf("Program for transitive closure\n\n");

printf("Enter size of the graph :"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\nEnter %d elements\n",n); for (i=0;i

Program for transitive closure Enter size of the graph :2 Enter 4 elements 1 0 0 1 The adjecency matrix is 1 0 0 1 The transitive closure is 1 0 0 1 .PA_ _ ミ$____ミ 3____________________ __Š

_ _ ’_’_ _ __/* Dslab-20 Write a Program in C to _ _ ¾_¾_ _ __two strings*/

concatenate the given

#include<stdio.h> main() { char s1[20], s2[20], s3[40]; int i,j,k; printf("Enter the first string =="); scanf("%s", s1); printf("\nEnter the second string =="); scanf("%s", s2); i = strlen(s1); j = strlen(s2); for (k=0; k

Enter the first string ==hello how are Enter the second string == you Two strings are hello how are and you new string is hello how are you .PA_ _ + ___ミ 3____________________ __Š

_ _ __/*

’_’_ _ Dsp33-Write a program in C for the creation of a tree*/

#include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> typedef struct tree { int item; struct tree *left, *right; } tree; tree *insert (item,s) int item; tree *s; { if(!s)

{ s=(tree*)malloc(sizeof(tree)); s->item=item; s->left=NULL; s->right=NULL; return(s); } if(item < s->item) s->left = insert(item, s->left); else if(item > s->item) s->right = insert(item, s->right); return(s); } void display(ped, level) tree *ped; int level; { int i; if(ped) { display(ped->right, level+1); printf("\n"); for(i=0;iitem); display(ped->left, level+1); } } _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š

void main() { int item; tree *ped = NULL; printf("Program for tree creation\n"); while(1) { printf("\n Enter item (-9999 to exit) :"); scanf("%d", &item); if(item == -9999) break; ped = insert(item, ped); printf("\n\t *** Tree ***\n"); display(ped,1); } }

.pa_ _ ð-____ミ 3____________________ __Š


Program for tree creation Enter item (-9999 to exit) :10 *** Tree *** 10 Enter item (-9999 to exit) :20 *** Tree *** 20 10 Enter item (-9999 to exit) :30 *** Tree *** 30 20 10 Enter item (-9999 to exit) : -9999 .PA_ _ _-____ミ 3____________________ __Š _ _ _ _ _ __/* Heap Sort */ #include<stdio.h> #include crheap(int k[20],int n) { int i,j,key,q; for (q=2; q<=n; q++) { i=q; key=k[q]; j=(int)(i/2); while ( (i>1) && (key > k[j]) ) { k[i]=k[j]; i=j; j=(int)(i/2); if (j < 1) j=1; } k[i]=key; } } heapsort(int k[20],int n) { int q,temp,i,j,key;

crheap(k,n); for (q=n; q>=2; q--) { temp=k[1]; k[1]=k[q]; k[q]=temp; i=1; key=k[1]; j=2; if ( (j+1) k[j]) j++; while( (j<=(q-1) ) && (k[j] > key) ) { k[i]=k[j]; i=j; j=2*i; if ( (j+1) < q) if (k[j+1] > k[j]) j++; else if (j > n) j=n; k[i]=key; } } } _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š main() { int k[20],i1,n; printf("Enter the size of the vector to be sorted: "); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Input the given number: "); for (i1=1; i1<=n; i1++) scanf("%d",&k[i1]); printf("\n"); heapsort(k,n); printf("The srted vector is: \n"); for (i1=1; i1<=n; i1++) printf("%4d",k[i1]); getch(); } OUTPUT: Enter the size of the vector to be sorted: 5 Input the given number: 10 20 5 333 25 The srted vector is: 5

10 20 25 333 .PA_ _ _"___ミ 3____________________ __Š _ _ H_H_ _ __/* Circular Queue */ #include<stdio.h> struct cirqueue { int data; struct cirqueue *link; }*front=NULL,*rear=NULL,*temp; void insert(int ); void display(); int isempty(); int delete(); int size(); void main() { int opt,n; do { clrscr(); printf("\n\t\t##CIRCULAR QUEUE OPERATIONS##\n"); printf("\n\t\t1:INSERTION\n"); printf("\t\t2:DELETTION\n"); printf("\t\t3:ISEMPTY\n"); printf("\t\t4:DISPLAY\n"); printf("\t\t5:SIZE\n"); printf("\t\t6:EXIT\n"); printf("\n\t\tEnter your option:"); scanf("%d",&opt); printf("\n\t\t"); switch(opt) { case 1: printf("Enter element to insert:"); scanf("%d",&n); insert(n); break; case 2: if(!isempty()) printf("Deleted element is:%d",delete()); else printf("Queue is empty"); break;

case 3: if(isempty()) printf("Queue is empty"); else printf("Queue is not empty"); break; _ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š case 4: if(!isempty()) display(); else printf("Queue is empty"); break; case 5: printf("Size of the queue is:%d",size()); break; case 6: exit(1); otherwise: printf("Invalid option"); } getch(); }while(opt<7); } void insert(int m) { temp=(struct cirqueue*)malloc(sizeof(struct cirqueue)); temp->data=m; temp->link=NULL; if(front==NULL) { front=temp; rear=temp; } else { rear->link=temp; rear=temp; } rear->link=front; return; } int delete() { int m; temp=front; if(front==rear) front=rear=NULL; else { front=front->link;

rear->link=front; } m=temp->data; free(temp); return(m); }_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š int isempty() { if(front==NULL) return(1); else return(0); } void {

display() int m; temp=front; printf("\n\t\tFront"); do { printf("<-%d",temp->data); temp=temp->link; }while(temp!=front); printf("<-Rear"); return;

} int size() { int m=0; temp=front; do { temp=temp->link; m++; }while(temp!=front); return(m); } .pa_ _ À_$___ミ 3____________________ __Š OUTPUT: ##CIRCULAR QUEUE OPERATIONS## 1:INSERTION 2:DELETTION 3:ISEMPTY 4:DISPLAY 5:SIZE 6:EXIT Enter your option:1

Enter element to insert:10

##CIRCULAR QUEUE OPERATIONS## 1:INSERTION 2:DELETTION 3:ISEMPTY 4:DISPLAY 5:SIZE 6:EXIT Enter your option:1 Enter element to insert:20 ##CIRCULAR QUEUE OPERATIONS## 1:INSERTION 2:DELETTION 3:ISEMPTY 4:DISPLAY 5:SIZE 6:EXIT Enter your option:4 Front<-10<-20<-Rear .pa_ _ €_0___ミ 3____________________ __Š

/*Dsp27-Write a program in C to implement the Hash _ _ H_H_ _ __searching algrithm*/ #define MAX_SIZE 50 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #include<stdio.h> main() { int i,j,n,v[50], yn=1, first, mid, last; int p,f,size; printf("Program for hash searching\n\n"); printf("Enter size of the array :"); scanf("%d", &n);

printf("\n Enter %d elements of the array\n",n); for(i=0;i
_ _ ð_7___ミ 3____________________ __Š

if(table[start]==key) { active=FALSE; found=TRUE; temp=table[start]; } else { temp=table[start]; table[start]=key; } while(active){ position=(position+1)%tablesize; if (table[position]==key) {

active=FALSE; if(position!=start)found=TRUE; } else if(table[position]==empty)active=FALSE; } table[start]=temp; } .pa_ _ €_ ___ミ 3____________________ __Š OUTPUT: Program for hash searching Enter size of the array :5 Enter 5 elements of the array 10 20 30 40 50 Enter element to be searched :30 10

Original array 20 30 40 50 The element 30 is found at 3


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