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ARRANGED BY: RIFKI WIJANARKO (1215210267) ISWARA HAPSARI S. (1216210079) LINGGAR RAHMANDANI (1216210085) MELINDA MAJID (1216210094) SAHNA CARISSA (1216210142)



PREFACE Our praises to the Almighty God, Allah SWT, on his blessings so we were be able to complete this paper entitled ‘Drug Abuse in Indonesia’ This paper was arranged to fulfill our duty towards English subject. We hoped that our paper can be used for another great purpose. In this paper, we feel that there is a lot of lacks and mistakes at writing techniques, remember our limited skills. For that, all of the criticize and suggestion is really helpful for improving our paper Our infinite thanks to many people that help us finished this paper, especially: 1. Dra. Sri Pudjihastuti Redya P., M.M. as our teacher at English subject that giving us the task and guidance so we can finish this task. 2. Our fellow at EAP class Business Law Faculty of Economy and Business University of Pancasila 3. And especially we would like to give our thanks to our beloved family that support us for finishing this paper. 4. All of the parties that we couldn’t mention one by one, that giving us support and help in this paper.

We hoped that Allah give his blessings for everyone that help us, Ameen.

Jakarta, April 11 2017

Team Writer

TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER…………….................................................................................……………...i PREFACE…………................................................................................……………...ii TABLE OF CONTENTS…...................................................................………….…...iii

CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1.1. Backgorund…................................................................................…………..…....4 1.2. Formulation of The System.....................................................................…..…......5 1.3. Goals…………..…………….....................................................…………….........5 1.4 Writing Methods……………………………………………………………..…….6 1.5 The Writing System..……………………………………………………..…….….6

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION 2.1. Drugs and Reproduction Health....................................................……………......7 2.2. Overview of the Drug Abuse Theory ………………................…….………........9 2.3. Drugs Case in Indonesia ……………………………….………………………..12 2.4 Prevention Efforts……………………………….………………………………..14

CHAPTER III FINALE 3.1. Conclusion ......................................................................................…………….17 3.2. Suggestion.....................................................................................……………...18



Background Drug abuse is a case that day by day rising, either in quantity or quality. This is a problem

that should be taken seriously because lot of drug abuse case actually happen to young generation, the future generation. Drug abuse cause drug addiction, according to WHO defined as “the condition of periodical or chronicle intoxication generated by the repeated use of drugs (natural or synthetic). Characteristic features: (1) the emergence of strong need or desire to keep using drugs and have it in any other way; (2) the addiction is increases; (3) generally physically dependent on the drug’s effect; (4) the effect corrupt himself and the society”. There’s three important component that should be noted in drug abuse case, there is the user, the abuser, and the addict. In drug abuse case like heroin, morphine, and cocaine, usually that kid is marketed illegally (CA Department of Justice, 2001). In Indonesia drug abuse cases is rising recently. This thing can be seen from the news on media frequently contain drugs cases. Although since Mei 2001 the government has launched the antidrug movement, but this movement seems cant effectively reduce the drug abuse case. Even National Narcotics Coordinating Board (BKNN), a board made by the government to overcome the drug cases, have not shown any satisfactory results. The data from Drug Addiction Hospital (RSKO), a rehabilitation medical center in Jakarta that handles the patient because of drug abuse, mention that since 1996 to 1999 there’s an increase in the number of patient up to 400%. There’s data from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta that also showed us a significant of an increase in the number of patient, that from 62 cases at 1998 become 203 cases at 1999 with the different kind of drugs, there is 166 opiates (of heroin), and 37 case OD amphetamine. From 203 cases, 11 people dead. It is feared that the impact from this rising cases of drug abuse is occurred a lose generation. This matter based on the assumption that most of the drug abuser is the young generation. There’s a lot of user who’s young that could threat the young generation life, which is the future generation. The data from RSKO mention that 78,6 percent drug user patient is boys


and girls below 25 years old. Even, Akhmil Luthan, the Daily Head of BKNN, as mention at Kompas said that almost 82 percent drug user victim is the productive ages. Drug abuses had the negative impact to our health because it can caused the addiction, beside the health problem. If the drugs is used regularly, the body will keep asking for the drugs in larger doses in order to achieve the same level, which is commonly referred as drug tolerance. (CA Department of Justice, 2001). The user will face the health problem, like the respiratory tract infections, sore, and the loss of weight, but the most affects is the mental health like an occur to depression, anxious, and aggressive (Klee and Reid, 1998). Beside the impact to health problem in general, the drugs user will also have the impact to the reproductive health disorders. 1.2

Formulation of The System

From the background we have been discussed earlier, there are three main points that will be discussed in Drug Abuse in Indonesia such as: 1

What is the impact of drugs?


Who is the main target of drug abuse?


What can we do to cure the drug user?



1. General goals There's a goal that we'd like to achieve through this paper is to informing people the dangerous of drugs and any other impact caused by drugs, and also the youth generation as the primary target by the drug dealer as a user. 2. Special purpose: 

So the readers be able to know and understand the impact of drug abuses

So the readers be able to know who's the primary target from this drug abuse.

So the readers know and understand the way to prevent and overcome the drug abuse.



Writing methods

We are using the literature study methods to write this paper. The references in this paper not only come from the books, but also come from another media like e-book, websites, and another media that we took from the internet. 1.5

The Writing System

This paper was arranged into three chapter, namely, the preliminary, the discussion and finale. The preliminary was divided into the background, the problems, writing goals, writing methods. The discussion was based on a subchapter that was related to Drug Abuse in Indonesia. While in finale there were the conclusion and suggestion.



Drugs and Reproduction Health Drug use can have the negative impact to the user. One of them affects to the user’s

reproduction health, like impotent, infertility, any problem with the baby on the womb, cervical cancer, etc. For women of reproductive age, weeds cause menstrual disorders three times more often resulting in no ovulation or short fertile period (Public Health Office DKI Jakarta, 1987). In reproduction health context, susceptibility of the drugs users is getting worse by the increasing at injection drug use. The Faculty of Medicine Padjadjaran University, Bandung declares that people with drugs more difficult to cure because there’s another possibility that they had another disease caused by the injection, such as, HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, tuber, hepatitis, and the damage to the nervous system of the brain (Suara Pembaruan, August 27 2000). In the United States, the increased transmission of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis B and C is the consequent from the increased methamphetamine abuse, especially in people who inject drugs and the use of syringes simultaneously. It is mentioned that one from three people of the United States who infected with HIV/AIDS caused by the drugs and syringes uses. The injection drugs user is the main factor that accelerate the spread of HIV/AIDS (NIDA, 2001). Injection drugs user is really vulnerable to contracting the HIV/AIDS because the syringes that are used interchangeably. According to UNAIDS, 10 percent HIV infection all around the world gained by the needles or injection equipment. Using a syringe and the syringe alternately with people living with HIV / AIDS means to inject the virus directly into the blood so that this behavior is the most effective means of transmission than the other way (Utomo, dkk, 2000). The Washington Post report based on research results in China, India, and United States shows the rising on drugs using in the local area reflects the raising on the HIV/AIDS spread. According to state press reports on August 1999, 70 percent injection drugs user on some region in China containing positive-HIV (Aids dan Narkoba, No. 3, August 2000). Based on the RAR (Rapid Assessment and Responses) result in Yogyakarta, as much as 54,7 percent drugs user ever use the drugs by injecting it. Among the injection drugs user (IDU) 14 percent, have 13 friends sharing needles (Arsanti, dkk, 2000). IDU is the highly vulnerable groups to HIV/AIDS


because they often used the syringes alternately. According to forecast of WHO/UNAIDS, as much as 3 percent of ODHA (people living with HIV/AIDS) in Indonesia infected through needle (Berita NAZA, No. 9, November 1999), meanwhile in Malaysia reported that 80 percent ODHA is infected through IDU. The using of syringe alternately on IDU is become the second way to spread the HIV/AIDS after sex (Budiharsana, 2000). IDU knows the danger and how to spread the HIV/AIDS. From the RAR results in Yogyakarta it was found that 85 percent user know how to spread the HIV/AIDS infection (Arsanti, dkk, 2000). However, the measly actions to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS through sex or the using of syringe alternately (Astaga!com, September 12 2000). The research result in Jakarta show that 75 percent IDU ever used the used syringe, but the way they clean it, as much as 78 percent still doing it with the cold water (Sucahya, dkk, 2001). The result of survey-holding in unlink anonymous at RSKO on November 1999 to January 2000 show that as much 15 percent (more or less) IDU positively infected HIV. Meanwhile the data from RSCM show that every week, 50 drug user that used the unsterile syringe positively infected HIV. The drug user at 18yo from Surabaya infected hepatitis C and HIV after using the heroin drugs through the syringe that used by his friend (Jawa Pos, September 28 2000). In Makassar drug consumption through injection were estimated reach more than 500 IDU and most of the user didn’t know the HIV spreading potential through injection. HIV/AIDS spreading apart as the impact from the using of syringe alternately is also caused by the way of the unsterile drug using. Before using the drugs, the drug powder often dissolved into the unsterile water or even using the saliva that potentially contains bacteria. With this way, besides risk to infected HIV/AIDS it is also can caused another disease like lung disease, tuber, the weakening on nervous system, etc. People living with HIV/AIDS in the drug user community at least approaching 50 percent from the user total, even maybe bigger. This matter remember the subculture that become part of the drugs user that is “Sex, Drugs, and Rock’n’Roll”. As a result, they who have the risky behavior on injection is also have the risky behavior on sex although perhaps in Indonesia has not been supported by accurate data.


In Indonesia there has been no results of a survey published regarding the drugs user and the spreading of HIV/AIDS. However, according to WHO, Indonesia included in “Pattern – III Country”. This matter means that prevalence HIV/AIDS infection in Indonesia still low. Patients generally had contact with other people so it is not impossible that Indonesia will be the “Pattern – II or Pattern – I Country” because of the HIV/AIDS spreading occurs through sex between the drugs user with injection that happen in Thailand (Suara Pembaruan, August 27 2000). This matter become more complicated on women, either it’s the user or nonuser. For nonuser women, the sexuality value that exist faced them to the risky sexual behavior with their partners that happens as a users, meanwhile for the user women, their condition is getting worse when related with economic problems, which is when they are in need of drugs. Will very likely they get it by way of willing to have sex with BD (the drug dealer). Except that, date rape and any other kind of compulsion doing the sex that will impact their reproduction health, either the infection through PMS or any other sexual function disorder. Besides related to the reproduction function, the drugs using also related to the issue of trafficking in women. Research result at some region in Indonesia, like reported by Irwanto (2000) there are cases of women for drug trafficking. The increasing use of drugs among young women exploited by syndicates to sell drugs. Another discovery related to the women for drug trafficking cases that increased women for drug trafficking with the purpose to get a drugs. Young girls trafficked by her own boyfriend in the street willing to have sex with someone and the results are then bought drugs. On this case the PMS and HIV/AIDS spreading potential getting bigger because that woman must have to do sex with lot of partners. 2.2

Overview of the Drug Abuse Theory The drug using actually has long existed in medicine science intended to treatment. This

condition become interesting social phenomenon when there is a deviation from the original function, moreover these irregularities later have a negative impact, either physical or social (Soetomo, 1995). Deviation is a phenomenon that requires supervision or control. Generally layman found drugs and alcohol is a stimulant, but the truth is toxic protoplasmic that has depressant effects on the nervous system (Soekanto, 1992).


According to Hawari (1999) the drug abuse divide into 3 major groups. First, primary dependence. The user group usually characterized by the presence of psychiatric disorders, anxiety and depression, which is generally found in people with an unstable personality. Against these psychiatric disorders, they try to self-medicate without consultation of the doctor / psychiatrist. Second, the dependency of systematic. This group is the one that had the antisocial personality (psychopath). The impact from this phenomenon is the appearance of free sex and another deviation behavior. Third, the reactive dependent, is a dependence found on users who want to know, because environmental influences and peer group pressure. As the years go, drugs have become a part of lifestyle (Klee and Reid, 1998). Drugs are often used as an escape to the problems faced by someone. As stated by Pipher (1994) that the use of addictive substances as a coping strategy is common in a teenager woman who often feel confused, depression, and anxiety. However, this breakout attempts is not only done by teenage girls, but also carried out by men. However, the female drug users will result in worse. Women will experience depression twice as high than men (Swan, 1997). Drug use is mostly done by teenagers or younger age groups. It is not separated from the nature of the teenager who has a great curiosity. Any personally behind the factors of drug abuse is a curious teenage greatly to the drugs and the desire to try it (Hendrojuwono, 1995). A sense kicks to have fun can be the beginning of the drug abuse. In addition, environmental factors are also influential. There are three major environments that affect the chances of someone using drugs, namely: (1) a place to stay that is in an environment circulation or drug use; (2) school in the environment that is vulnerable to drugs; and (3) associating with drug users. In addition, the family also has a dominant contribution to the child's behavior taking drugs. Are not harmonious family can cause the child to feel have received less attention so that more children are seeking compensation outside the home that could have a negative impact (RI Health Department, 2000). Various issues to be faced by drug users, such as ecstasy and other amphetamine use, is the existence of psychological difficulties such as depression, insomnia, addiction or paranoia; Physical symptoms such as muscle tension, blurred vision, and sweating; increase in blood pressure and heart rate (Parents. The Anti-Drug, 2001). Drug use heroin also affect the brain because initially the user will feel pleasant sensations and effects of heroin is working very fast in the brain that will cause a dependency. By NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse), report,


the use of heroin constantly will have an impact on the short term and long term. Table 1 shows the impact caused by the use of Heroin Table 1 The impact caused by Heroin in short and long term Short Term Impact

Long Term Impact

Rush (the rush sensation on brain)


The respiratory oppressed

Infected HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis B and C

Chaotic mental function

Nervous System Disorders

Nausea and vomiting

Bacterial infection

The suppress of pain


Sudden abortion

The heart valves infection

Source: NIDA, 2001 CASA (The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse) research mention that the user of alcohol and drugs, like cocaine and methamphetamine initially will increase their sexual drive, but the chronic stage will interfere with the function and performance of the reproductive organs (CASA, 2000). The same thing is also reported by NIDA that the use of methamphetamine for long term will cause the degradation of sexual function, especially on men (NIDA, 2001). Drug abuse if related with reproductive health problems that accompany is also vary. As stated by Ardjatmo Tjokronegoro on Republika (July 30, 2000) that on reproduction health, the side effect caused by the drug and alcohol is very big. For example on weed, the impact that caused on men could cause a degradation on sperm quality, destroy the chromosome, and shrink the testicles and seminal gland. On heroine, both men and women who poisoned can result in sexual disorders. Even on babies, it is very dangerous when they drinks breast milk from drug users. Additionally, other effects caused by use of drugs, such as marijuana, is increasing the menstrual cycle with insufficient corpus stage, lowering progesterone and prolactin, causing infertility and a drop in milk production (Poussaint and Linn, 1999). Drug using on women correlated directly to their reproduction health. The correlation were found in a few things. First, the pattern of the drug user behavior which is done in a groups


and accompanied by an orgy between users so that their chances of contracting various sexually transmitted diseases are particularly vulnerable. The second variation through injection drug use interchangeably in IDU allow drug addicts infected with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV / AIDS. Third, regarding the condition of women drug users, especially when the woman of the lower economic that can’t afford to buy drugs, so should rely / selling her body as barter. Fourth, the clinical impact of drug use on women's reproductive health which is could affect the pregnancy (Sobari, and colleagues, 2000). Evidence that drug use can interfere with pregnancy evidenced in the following Berita NAZA. Ecstasy could interfere with the normal growth of the baby during the first weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is most vulnerable. Of the 78 live births, 12 had congenital abnormalities, which is approximately five to seven times the normal rate, 2.3

Drugs Case in Indonesia According to the news in media, the cases of drug abuse in Indonesia is quite high and

happen not only in a big city. Research result of Social Department on 1985 show the different thing from a stereotype that exist because there’s lot of user that come from the small town and middle town, and not only come from the upper class children or broken family. The drug abuse case in Indonesia has already become a concern for government from a long time ago with the establishment of Executive Coordinating Board Instruction 6/1971 (Bakolak Instruction 6/1971) with the task of coordinating drug control. Drug using considered as a part of modern lifestyle like the nightlife (disco, pub, night club, or bar) who adopted the western lifestyle. There’s a rise in drug using, but there’s no accurate data on the exact numbers. On 1971 an estimated 2000 – 3000 cases drug addiction cases were being treated in hospital in Indonesia. Marijuana, alcohol, barbiturate, and sedative become popular among the Indonesia teenager without any law control. On 1984 Social Department estimated that there’s 80.000 drug user in Indonesia (AHRN Newsletter, Vol. 19-20, 2000). On 1990 appear drug user type of amphetamine that is the ecstasy and methamphetamine. Lately it is also reappears heroine in a form of putaw (another cheaper kind of heroine) and the increased use of drugs of this type by injection. Syringe according to RAR result in big city in Indonesia like Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Medan and Makassar occupied the largest portion in terms of how the use


of drugs. It was revealed that more than 50 percent of needle drug users admitted that they used a syringe alternately with usage frequency at least once a day. Occupying the highest rate of heroin use. (Astaga!Com, September 12, 2000). The results of the study in Yogyakarta said that 48.72 percent of respondents said that the first age is 15-24 years old and the drug injected was heroin (47.86 percent) (Arsanti, and colleagues, 2000). The amount of drug users in Indonesia currently not showing the exact number. It is estimated that about 2 percent of Indonesia's population (4 million people) have been categorized as users (addicts) with a mortality rate of 17.6 percent (Utomo, and colleagues, 2000). The increasing cases of drug abuse in Indonesia can’t be separated from the role of an international drug trafficking network. Today Indonesia has become a global business destination of narcotics, is no longer just place of transit. As a global business destination, the reach of drug distribution in Indonesia is quite extensive Overall, the largest drug abuse cases happened in Jakarta. Based on data from the National Police Headquarters in July 1999 recorded eight suspects were arrested with 44 packages of heroin, 525 grams of methamphetamine, 39 193 ecstasy pills and 245 kilograms of marijuana, while in August 1999 as many as 145 people were arrested with 81 packages (350 kg) of heroin, 12 684 ecstasy, 9.3 kg of crystal methamphetamine, and 245 kg of marijuana (AHRN Newsletter, Vol. 19-20, 2000). Detective Chief Police Headquarters, Col. Pol. Wilhelmus Laurette, estimates that in Indonesia at least 1.5 kg of drugs sold each day or 45 kg / month. Cases of drug abuse also started a lot happening in other cities outside Jakarta. In South Sumatra reported a total of 70 drug cases until May 2000. Data from several Police said that in Singapore for a period of 5 years an increase in drug cases which is quite high, from 19 cases in 1994 to 227 cases in 1998. In Palu reported up to September 2000 recorded 560 drug abuse cases netted. In Pontianak during the period from January to September 2000 was 32 cases sales and circulation of drugs with the number of suspects to 50 people. Meanwhile, Central Java reported that the drug case until April 2000 reached 576 cases. The number of drug cases in South Kalimantan in the period January - October 1999 recorded 492 cases. In Jayapura reported that 48 people from drug users still a student high school / vocational school. Most of the drug users were young people and still a student or college students. Cases of drug abuse among students is quite high. In Bandar Lampung as many as 37 students of UNILA


(University of Lampung) tested positive as drug users (Kompas, September 30, 2000). Meanwhile, in Jakarta reported that every carried out a raid there was found about 40-60 percent of students carrying drugs. Data from the Jakarta Police said that until August 2000 the number of patients with drug addicts among junior high school students totaled 1,734 people and students high school/vocational school amounted to 1,800 people. Significant data is also revealed by Kompas (February 4, 2000) that about 15 percent of the 1,019 high school in Jakarta has been the scene of drug abuse, while of 217.130 students high school/vocational school, 1,115 of them being the user. 2.4

Prevention Efforts

Drug abuse prevention efforts which is co-ordinated by the Bakolak Presidential Instruction 6/1971 the result was very ironic (Media Indonesia, August 28, 2000) for over 30 years since the establishment of the agency in fact an increase in illegal drug use 150 times as much. The government can’t act firmly in drug abuse prevention, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative. Efforts to combat the drug problem requires a synergy and coordination between the government and public institutions to make it work effectively. There is a proposal to establish a sort of Drugs Enforcement Agency (DEA) in the United States. The step it is indeed should be considered for drug trafficking has penetrated all levels of society (Voice Reform, November 20, 2000). Currently, the government has been cooperating in efforts to address the drug problem in Malaysia because Malaysia was considered successful in the rehabilitation of drug users. There are three categories for overcoming the drug problem, which is: (1) increasing the application of laws on the drug users. This approach does not encourage drug use, but has a destructive side effects, including growing drug subculture criminal organizations; (2) treatment program, for drug users to help them stop the use of drugs; The most successful treatment programs is to use various forms of support groups; and (3) increasing social tolerance of drug use included in this category is the legalization, decriminalization, and management of rehabilitation clinics. Evaluated from a legal perspective, Indonesia is actually already have a law that regulate the drug problem, which is: Law No. 5 of 1997 on psychotropic and Law 22 of 1997 on


narcotics. It's just in enforcing the law matter of users, traffickers and drug dealers in Indonesia has not touched the sensitivity, in a sense still biased in their handling. In legal proceedings, a dealer or a city can eventually be considered to be a user, or the user can be accused of being a dealer. Legally in handling all three categories (users, dealers, and city) is different in the sentence. Adrianus Meliala in a statement as quoted by Media Indonesia (7 September 2000) revealed that there are two treatment options if someone has been exposed to drugs, which is rehabilitation to recover without getting caught by the police, or leave it to the police to handle. Related to the rehabilitation efforts, it seems that the existing policy does not yet support. The cost of care in rehabilitation centers is quite expensive and not all drug users can be handled. The treatment programs that are widely applied in the United seem to be quite effective in treating heroin addicts. Treatment offered vary depending on the individual, but methadone program in the form of synthetic opioids may limit the effects of heroin and eliminates symptoms of recurrence. Treatment programs that exist are: 1) detoxification, which aims to reduce the recurrence of symptoms when the patient is in a free state of narcotics; 2) methadone, a narcotic drug which is used as a substitute for heroin in the treatment of addicts; using methadone, a heroin addict can stop use without the severe side effects; 3) LAAM (levo-alphaacetyl-methadol), such as synthetic opioid methadone in the form that serves to prevent the effects of heroin for up to 72 hours after drinking; and 4) behavioral therapies, many scientists who suggested to integrate the behavioral treatments with pharmacological the treatment as this is the most effective approach (NIDA, 2001). In efforts to handle the drug problem required a specific approach. Drug abuse is almost the same as infectious disease, so Nasution (2000) suggested epidemiological approach known as the tripartite concept of AHE (agent, host, and environment), which is prevention to agent (ecstasy), host (addicts) and the environment (environmental) drug abuse , These prevention efforts very closely related to reproductive health problems, both involving user / addict, family, and community circles. To dealing with the addict and the environment can be done in two ways, the reduction of supply and demand. Inventory reduction will be related to the production and the applicable law, which can’t run smoothly because each country has its own interest and related to the drug mafia globalized. Efforts that effectively and efficient is the reduction of demand


(Irwanto, and colleagues, 1994). Demand reduction efforts are intended to suppress the demand for drugs from the user side. This needs to be done to the potential users, such as youth and families by providing information and knowledge as a result of drug abuse. By the increased widespread injecting drug use, the necessary efforts to handle seriously enough because injection drug usage at high risk of being infected with HIV/AIDS. Effective efforts to deal with the problem of injecting drug use is the loss reduction program (harm reduction), which is seeking ways for injecting drug users (IDUs) can be reduced his pain. It means as they are already suffering from drug abusers, especially when infected with HIV / AIDS, of their suffering even severe. In conjunction with this program attempted the use of sterile syringes because there is no culture "syringe cycle" in among injecting drug users. To avoid transmission of HIV / AIDS among IDUs in some countries have been introduced the reduction of losses through needle exchange (needle exchange), by providing sterile syringes (Berita NAZA, No. 7, 1999). The loss-reduction program is still taken ambivalently. On the one hand there is a desire to reduce the loss of injection drug users, but on the other hand still could not accept the loss reduction programs with needle exchange. Loss reduction program through needle exchange this appears to such the implementation of safe sex advice to using a condom (Harahap, 2000). In America, IDUs with high risk who followed the needle exchange program were twice as likely to stop using needles rather than a non-participating (Berita NAZA No. 17, 2000). Syringe exchange programs can be an important element in reducing the spread by the blood infections among IDUs at high risk.




The Advantages of Drugs: The use of drugs in Medicine (a) Cocaine is used as a painkiller in the skin, used for anesthesia specifically for eye surgery, nose, and throat (b) Codeine is a weak analgesic. Its strength approximately 1/12 of morphine. Therefore, it is not used as an analgesic codeine, but as a powerful anti-cough (c) Morphine was processed from raw opium or opiate. Morphine has a bitter taste, a fine white powder or a white-colored liquid. Morphine, mainly used to relieve severe pain that can’t be treated with non-narcotic analgesics. If the pain is more severe then, the doses used are also higher. All analgesic drugs could lead to addiction. Morphine is also used to ease the tension on the patient to be operated on (d) Heroin was drug that is very easy to make someone addicted because the effect is very strong. These drugs can be found in the form of pills, powders, and also in liquid form. Heroin had a power of two times stronger than morphine and commonly be misused by people. Heroin is also called putaw (e) Methadone, methadone is now widely used in the treatment of the opium dependency. Antagonist of opioid (narcotic analgesics) was created to treat the overdose of opioids and opioid dependence and is used as an analgesic for patients with soreness (f) Meperidine (commonly also referred to pethidine, Demerol, or dolantin) is used as an analgesia. These drugs are effective for diarrhea. Meperidine is shorter working power than morphine (g) Alcohol can kill germs, so it is usually used for cleaning medical equipment in the sterilization process

The Disadvantages of Drugs: Drug abuse is related to the reproductive health problems, especially with the potential for

transmission of STDs and HIV/AIDS. Injecting drug users further aggravate this condition as a result of the frequent occurrence of needle use jointly among injecting drug users. Free sex


behavior among users often considered as part of a subculture of their lives so that the potential transmission of STDs and HIV / AIDS among users is huge. Therefore, reproductive health problems in drug users should receive serious attention. Drug abuse problem in Indonesia requires an effective and efficient handling because it may threaten sustainability of a nation. This relates to the user or the parties involved who are mostly the younger age group so it is feared would happen threat of loss of a generation. Besides the problem of drug abuse in the future is expected to be more complicated because it is not only related to the user, but also had to face an international network. Existing national policies, namely Law No. 5 of 1997 on psychotropic and Law No. 22 of 1997 concerning narcotics in reality can’t be enforced. Law enforcement officials considered weak in terms implementing the legislation. 3.2

SUGGESTION Cooperation between government and public institutions or NGOs are indispensable in

order to optimize and synergize the efforts to control drug problems. Institutions established by the government, such as BKNN, are considered not able to overcome the problems. The government needs to give more attention to prevention efforts. Drug treatment programs such as rehabilitation centers at least easily accessed by the public. Moreover, a program of information and campaigns about the dangers of drugs needs to more activated. Loss reduction program as an effort to control the spread of HIV / AIDS among injecting drug users need support from various parties.



1. "Addressing the problem of drugs: Indonesia". 2000. AHRN Newsletter Vol. 19-20: 3-7. 2. Aids and Drugs. 2000. No. 3 August. 3. CASA. 1999 Dangerous Liaison: Substance Abuse and Sex. New York: The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University. 4. Ministry of Health. 2000. Guidelines for Dissemination of Information on Drug Abuse Prevention. Jakarta: Directorate General of Food and Drug Administration. 5. Jakarta Health Agency. 1987. Issue Counter Narcotics / Alcohol / Addictive substances and Abatement. Jakarta. 6. Hawari, Dada. 1999. Al-Qur'an: Life and Medical Science of Mental Health. Yogyakarta: Yasa Prima Bhakti Fund. 7. Hendrojuwono, Wisnubrata. 1995. "Psychological Aspects of the misuse of narcotics and dangerous drugs". National Seminar on Integrated Efforts Combating Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Abuse Towards Prosperity of the Nation, the XXXII Anniversary of Padjadjaran University. 8. Irwanto. 2000. Trafficking and Children in Indonesia: a Preliminary Description of the Situation. Jakarta: The cooperation of the ILO and the University of Indonesia. 9. Klee, Hilary and Paul Reid. 1998. “Drug use among the young homeless: Coping through Self-Medication”, Health 2 (2): 115-134. 10. “The Background of Drug User”. August 26, 2000. Media Indonesia. 11. “Drug abuse in Indonesia continue to increase”. Compass 2000. November 30th.


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