Dp Guidlines

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 62
Defect Prevention Guideli Version Number 0.1

on Guidelines

Login Screen Test Cases Login Screen The following test cases are for the Login Screen in Web Applications The following assumptions are made 1. There exists a Username field which is a text box 2. There exists a Password field which is a text box 3. There exists an OK button 4. There exists a Cancel button

Scenario No

Scenario Description

1 Type some characters in the username field as well as password field 2 Enter spaces in user name and password field and click on ‘Submit’ 3 Enter special symbols like &, $, #, @, (, ), ! in the username and password fields 4 Check for case sensitiveness of ‘Password’ 5 Enter valid Username and valid Password. Then click on the OK button 6 Enter valid Username and invalid Password. Then click on the OK button 7 Enter valid invalid Username and valid Password. Then click on the OK button 8 Leave the Username and Password fields blank. Then click on the OK button 9 Enter valid Username and leave the Password field blank. Then click on the OK button 10 Enter valid Username and valid Password. Then click on the Cancel button 11 Check to create a user and assign different roles 12 Click on Esc key 13 Observe the values in the URL when the user provides valid user id and password 14 Checking for the possibility of copying password 15 Checking for the password when the user clicks on back once he has logged in successfully to the site Forgot Password The following test cases can be used for the Forgot Password screen The following assumptions are made Forgot password has a question field and answer field an ok button and cancel button.

Scenario No 1

Scenario Description Verify the answer Fields


Verify the question field.


Verify the ok button

4 5

Select one question and enter correct answer. Click on OK button Select one question and enter wrong answer. Click on OK button.


Click on cancel button.

Change Password The following test cases can be used for the Change Password screen The following assumptions are made Change password has three edit fields and ok and cancel button Edit Fields are the following: Old password New password Confirm new password

Scenario No

Scenario Description

1 2 3 4

Type in all edit fields Click on OK button without entering anything in the edit fields Click on Cancel button without entering anything in the edit fields Enter the old password, and enter the new password in new password field and confirm new password field. Click on ok button


Enter old password and new password. Click on ok button.


Enter old password and confirm new password. Click on ok button.


Enter new password and confirm new password. Click on ok button.


Enter incorrect old password with both the other two fields having new password. Click on ok button Enter old password and new password in new password field and some other value in confirm password field. Click on ok button.

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Enter the old password, and enter the new password in new password field and confirm new password field. Click on Cancel button Enter the old password, and enter the new password in new password field and confirm new password field. Click on Cancel button Enter old password and new password. Click on Cancel button. Enter old password and confirm new password. Click on Cancel button. Enter new password and confirm new password . Click on Cancel button. Enter incorrect old password with both the other two fields having new password. Click on Cancel button.


Enter old password and new password in new password field and some other thing in confirm password field. Click on Cancel button. Checking for the mandatory length of the password Logout

The following test cases can be used for the Logout functionality

Scenario No 1 2

Scenario Description Click on the link provided for logout After logging out click on back button in the browser

Screen Test Cases Login Screen

Required Output The characters typed in user name field should be visible in normal alphanumeric format and those in password field should be masked with * Appropriate error message should be displayed Appropriate error message should be displayed to the user. ‘Password’ should be case sensitive The Home page of the application should be displayed A message "Invalid Password" should be displayed and the cursor should wait in the Password field A message "Invalid Username" should be displayed and the cursor should wait in the Username field A message "Username should not be blank" should be displayed A message "Password should not be blank" should be displayed The Username and Password fields should be cleared and the cursor should wait in the Username filed The application should not allow to access any screens other than the allowed ones. The application should behave same as Cancel button press The password should not appear in clear in the URL when the user submits the data The user should not be able to copy the password and paste the same else where example notepad When the user clicks on Back button after successful login he should be bought back to the login page with the password cleared Forgot Password


and cancel button.

Required Output The answer field should be blank.

The question field should contain question which the user entered while registering else the question field should be blank. If one or more question are there it should be listed in a combo box. The ok button should be enabled only when both the question and answer field contain some text. The password should be displayed Message indicating that answer is wrong should be shown. The Forgot password screen should be closed

Change Password en

Required Output The typed item should be in asterisk. Error message should pop up saying that all fields are blank. The change password screen should close. A message indicating that password changed should pop up. An error message should pop up saying that confirm password should not be blank An error message should pop up saying that new password should not be blank An error message should pop up saying that old password should not be blank An error message should pop up saying that old password is wrong. An error message should pop up saying that the new password in confirm password is different. The old password should be retained. The change password screen should close. The change password screen should close. The change password screen should close. The change password screen should close. The change password screen should close.

The change password screen should close. When the user changes the password the mandatory length of the password should be the same as and when we create the user Logout

Required Output It should take to the login screen It should not go to the previous page

GUI Related Reusabl Scenario No

Scenario Description

For Windows 1 Check for the properties of the window 2 Check for the addressable nature of the data contained in the window 3 Check for the closing action of the window by all means like clicking on X upper right corner, pressing 4 button Click ononminimize button in the windowALT + F4, using menu close item, Control Box etc 5 using Click on Maximize button in the window 6 Click on Resize button in the window 7 Click on minimize and maximize buttons and see that repainting of the windowwhether happens 8 Check allproperly the pull down menus, toolbars, scrollbars, dialog boxes, and other controls displayed 9 and Havebuttons, multipleicons windows and check for available the namesand on properly the individual window 10 Check for the active window when there are multiple windows 11 Check the updating of the windows when multi-tasking is going on. 12 Have multiple windows and click the mouse in some of the windows to it active 13 make Click on the Move button and drag with the mouse 14 Click on the Move button and move using up arrow key 15 Click on the Move button and move using down arrow key 16 Click on the Move button and move using backward arrow key 17 Click on the Move button and move using forward arrow key 18 Check the look and feel of windows 19 Check the multiple instances of a window 20 Check when the screen is a model window user can access the other screens in the application with out closing the model window For Text Boxes 21 Check the height of the text boxes 22 Check the width of the text boxes 23 Observe the font and size of the values of the text boxes 24 Observe the alignment of the text boxes 25 Observe the non editable text boxes 26 Checking for the indentation of text (alpha Characters) 27 Checking for the indentation of text (Numeric Characters) For Combo Boxes 26 Check the height of the combo boxes 27 Check the width of the combo boxes 28 Observe the font and size of the values of the combo boxes 29 Observe the non editable combo boxes 30 Observe the alignment of the combo boxes 31 Observe the elements in the combo boxes 32 Using mouse able to position the item 33 Using arrow keys able to position the item 34 Enter values in the combo box (editable combo box) 35 Check the data populated in the combo box 36 Check the data in combo box 37 Check to access the values in the combo box 38 Check the value in combo box when the screen popup 39 Check the Combo box values

40 When the field is a mandatory field; checking for the default value For List Boxes 40 Check the height of the List boxes 41 Check the width of the List boxes 42 Observe the font and size of the values of the List boxes 43 Observe the non editable list boxes 44 Observe the alignment of the list boxes 45 Observe the elements in the list boxes 46 Use mouse to scroll down and select the items in the list 47 Use arrow keys to scroll down and select the items in the list 48 Try to enter new entries in the list 49 For multi line List box 50 Check whether search criteria is working when first character is typed 51 Check the data in the list box 52 Check the data in the list box 53 Check to access the values in the list box 54 Check the value in list box when the screen popup 55 Check the values in List box 56 When the field is a mandatory field; checking for the default value For Labels 56 Observe the height of the labels 57 Check the label description 58 Observe the positioning of labels 59 Observe the font and size of the labels 60 Check whether the label is enabled or disabled 61 Observe the alignment of the labels For Radio Buttons 62 Check for selecting a radio button 63 Check for the Radio button label description 64 Check for the alignment of the Radio Buttons For Check Boxes 65 Check for selecting a check box 66 Check for the Check Box label description 67 Check for the alignment of the Check Boxes For Command Buttons 68 Observe the description of the command buttons 69 Test for the short keys for command buttons 70 Check for the height and width of the command buttons 71 Check for the alignment of command buttons 72 Test for the accessibility of the command buttons 73 Test for the accessibility of the command buttons using mouse click 74 Test for the accessibility of the command buttons using short keys 75 Check the command button which is not used some times For Picture Buttons 76 Observe the picture provided for the picture buttons 77 Test for the tool tips for picture buttons

For Date Picker 78 Click on the Date Picker icon 79 Click on Today button 80 Click on Right arrow 81 Click on Left arrow 82 Check for all the date entry. For Message Boxes 83 Observe the title of the window 84 Check for the window close button 85 Check for the window maximize or minimize buttons 86 Observe the message in the message box window 87 Check for the short cut key for the command buttons 88 Check the command button functionality present in the message box For Dialog Boxes 89 Observe the title of the Dialog Box 90 Check for the dialog box close button 91 Check for the window maximize or minimize buttons 92 Observe the message in the dialog box window 93 Check for the short cut key for the command buttons 94 Check the command button functionality present in the message box Field Alignments 95 Check for the alignment of numeric fields 96 Check for the alignment of character fields 97 Check for the alignment of the controls For Tab order settings 98 Test for the tab order 99 Observe for the default focus in the screen 100 Test for the shift + tab function 101 Click tab on the last field 102 Check the Tab order (Backward / Forward) 103 Check the read only fields are avoided in the tab sequence For Status Bar 104 Check for the status in the status bar 105 Check for the position of the status bar 106 Check for the message displayed For Progress Bar or Progress Indicator 107 Check for the incremental steps as the process progresses in the control 108 Check that once the process is over, control is not present 109 Check for the percentage of the completion of the process 110 Check for any static information since its not interactive For Sliders/Track bar 111 Check for the range and indicator on the control 112 Try to set or adjust the value on a continuous range using the bar 113 Drag the control using mouse 114 Drag the control using keys 115 Check for the tab functionality, access key for the text in the label 116 Check for the length, height of the slide indicator and slide bar component

117 Check for the increments of the slider and tick mark on the control 118 Check for the label position of the control 119 Check for the Label style of the control For Scroll bar 120 Check for the scroll arrow buttons in the scroll bar 121 Type more than one line of text in the scroll box and try to read 122 Check for the scrolling increment 123 Check that scroll arrow is disabled when window cannot be scrolled any in amouse particular direction 124 further Keep the cursor on the scroll arrow and hold for sometime in the window. For Scroll box 125 Check for the vertical bar and horizontal scroll bar in the scroll box for 126 visible Check portion for the size of the scroll box 127 See that user can be able to scroll a window by dragging the scroll box 128 Start dragging the scroll box and then moves pointer outside of the scroll 129 bar. Check for the functionality of the arrow keys. 130 Observe the items in the tree control 131 Check for the icons displayed when it is expanded and collapsed 132 Check for the functionality of arrow keys & text keys for navigation 133 Press * on the numeric pad on any branch Hot Keys 134 Check for the alternative(hot-key) key for menu options 135 Check for the duplicate hot key's Upload file 136 Check to upload a huge file through the upload screen 137 Check to upload files which contains the data in different format Uploading files from shared network drives Disturb the upload during a upload Download file Checking for the downloading of files to read-only path Disturb the download during a download General Test No. Test Cases 138 Check to save the data in the screen with out entering the mandatory fields 139 Check all the mandatory fields should displayed with * sign in the caption or with different colour 140 Check the application is focusing to the same field when there is an error 141 Check to close the parent window when the child window is open 142 Check the tool tip information 143 Check the Help Menu 144 Check the menu command options for each menu 145 Check all the buttons on the tool bar menu 146 Check the default focus 147 Check the spell check (Screen / Message box / Menu / Lables..etc) 148 Check for the field prompts/backgrounds colour

149 Check prompts/backgrounds In read-only mode 150 Check look and feel of dialog boxes 151 Checking for the editing of data on the parent window when the child window is opened and minimized 152 Checking for the hour glass when there is some back ground processing is 153 happening Checking for the focus of buttons - if the button is O.k.

GUI Related Reusable Test Cases Required Output

The window can be moved, resized, minimized, maximized and scrolled both vertically and horizontally All the data contained within the window are properly addressable with a mouse, function keys, directional arrows and keyboar The window should close properly Window should be minimized Window should be maximized Window should be resized Window should properly regenerate when it is overwritten and then recalled All the controls should be properly displayed on the window Names on the all the windows should be properly displayed Active window should be properly highlighted When multi-tasking is used, all windows should be updated at appropriate times There should not be any unexpected side effects on the other windows Window should be moved in the mouse direction Window should move in the upward direction Window should move in the down direction Window should move in the backward direction Window should move in the forward direction All windows should have a consistent look and feel. This functionality is application specific The user should not able to access the window with out closing the model window

The height of the text box should be consistent across the form The width is accepting the maximum length of allowable characters (preferably enter all “W” to check for visibility(Capitals)). W cannot be displayed, is in allowed to view fullsize contents The values should bescrolling displayed consistent fontthe and across the form The textbox should be properly aligned both horizontally and vertically The textbox should be disabled when it is not editable All the fields in the text box should be left aligned (should start from the left part of the edit box) All the fields in the text box should be right aligned (should start from the right part of the edit box) The height of the combo box should be consistent across the form The width should be set to the maximum length of characters The values should be displayed in consistent font and size across the form The combo box should be disabled when it is not editable The combo box should be properly aligned both horizontally and vertically The values in the combo box should be sorted and verification should be done to ensure that all required items are present It should be possible to use mouse to scroll down and select It should be possible to use arrow keys to position the required item and select It should accept any new entries (unless defined otherwise) Data populated in the combo box and in the table should match The data in the combo box should display in the sorted order The combo box should display the values as per the entered key combinations Combo box should display either the default value or blank Ensure that the names are not abbreviations / cut short

When the field is a mandatory field the default value should always be pre-populated

The height of the List box should be consistent across the form The width should be set to the maximum length of characters The values in the list box should be displayed in consistent font and size across the form The list box should be disabled when it is not editable The list box should be properly aligned both horizontally and vertically The values in the list box should be sorted and verification should be done to ensure that all required items are present It should be possible use mouse to scroll down and select It should be possible to use arrow keys to position the required item and select It should not accept any new entries If it’s multi line list box, vertical scrollbar and horizontal scrollbar should appear as appropriate The list should select the matching initial character of the first word in the list entry, scrolling if necessary to keep the user’s sele Data populated in the list box and in the table should match The values in the list box should display in the sorted order The list box should display the values as per the entered key combinations List box should display either the default value or blank Ensure that the names are not abbreviations / cut short When the field is a mandatory field the default value should always be pre-populated

The height of the Labels should be consistent across the form The Label description should be meaningful, self explanatory and in proper case The Labels should appear either on top or left of text/combo/list box The Labels should be having consistent font and size across the form The label should be disabled The labels should be aligned both horizontally and vertically

The user should be able to select only one item in the list of radio buttons either with mouse or by pressing space bar on the fie The label description should be self explanatory and should be in proper case The radio button should be aligned both vertically and horizontally Able to toggle (check/uncheck) the check boxes either with the help of Mouse or by pressing space bar on the field The label description should be self explanatory and should be in proper case The check box should be aligned both vertically and horizontally It should be short, meaningful and should be in proper case They should have short keys and they should be unique The height and width should be uniform The command buttons should be aligned properly They should be invoked by either mouse click or short keys or by placing cursor on them and pressing the Enter key They should be invoked by mouse click They should be invoked by short keys The command buttons should be grayed. They should be appropriate and meaningful Meaningful tool tips should be provided for picture buttons

On clicking on date picker, the Calendar for the current month with cursor on current date should be displayed On clicking on Today button, current date should be picked Clicking on Right arrow the next month should be displayed Clicking on Left arrow the previous month should be displayed All the date entry's should be in the same format

The title for the window should be meaningful and should be in proper case The window close button should be present The window minimize or maximize button should be present The message in the window should be precise and the first character should be capitalized Any command buttons should have short cut keys Command buttons should function either clicking on it or with use of short cut keys or positioning the cursor on the command b Enter key

The title for the Dialog box should be meaningful and should be in proper case The dialog box close button should be present The window minimize or maximize button should not be present The message in the window should be precise and the first character should be capitalized Any command buttons should have short cut keys Command buttons should function either clicking on it or with use of short cut keys or positioning the cursor on the command b Enter key

All the numeric fields should be right aligned by default. If decimals are used, decimal point should be displayed and generally point should be displayed All character fields should be left aligned by default All controls should be properly aligned. Both vertically as well as horizontally The tab order should be in the order of the fields arranged, either from left to right or top to bottom or logical order First enabled field on the screen should be getting the focus On pressing shift + tab the cursor focus should be moving in the reverse order On pressing tab on the last field, cursor should be positioning on the first field Tab order should in sequence and go in sequence from top left to bottom right Read only files should remove from the tab sequence It should display the status of the activities being performed Normally displayed on top of screen or at the bottom The message should be changing as the status changes It should displays the progress of process in incremental steps as defined. The control should provide more visual feedback to Once the process is over, the progress bar should disappear Normally displayed in percentage of completion. It displays information, it is typically not interactive There should be some static text or other information to help communicate the purpose

It should consists of bar that defines the extent or range of the adjustment and an indicator that show the current value for the c User should be able to set or adjust the values on a continuous range, such as volume or brightness User should able to move or drag slide by clicking through mouse User should able to move or drag slide by arrow keys There should be support for the tab key and access key for the static text field of the label The length, height of the slide indicator and the slide bar component, should be unique across the form.

There should be constant increment of the slider, control should have tick marks on it Label should be positioned either to the left of the slider or above it and aligned with the left edge of the slider Use sentence-style capitalization for the slider label Scroll arrow buttons should appear at each end of a scroll bar pointing in opposite directions away form the center of the scroll When the user clicks a scroll arrow revealing information should moves in the direction of the arrow in appropriate increments. Same scrolling increment should be maintained through out a window When a window cannot be scrolled any further in a particular direction, scroll arrow in that direction should be disabled. Window should continue its scrolling in the associated direction as long as the pointer remains over the arrow button.

The scroll box, should move along the scroll bar to indicate how for the visible portion is from the top (for vertical scroll bar) horizontal bar) box can vary to reflect the diff between what is visible in the window and the entire contents of the file The size ofscroll the scroll The user should be able to scroll a window by dragging the scroll box. It should update the view continuously as the user move Scroll box should return to its original position. Pressing arrow key, page up and page down keys should allow to scroll A tree view control is a special list box control that displays a set of objects as an indented outline based on their logical hierarc Different icons can be displayed when the user expands or collapses the item in the tree Using arrow keys and text keys should be able to navigate through the control It should expand the current branch and all its sub-branches Assure that each menu command has an alternative(hot-key) key sequence which will invoke it where appropriate Ensure that duplicate hot keys do not exist on each screen The application should not hang and should display proper message The application should allow to upload files with specified file format only. The application should allow to upload files with specified file format only. The application should throw a appropriate error message; and should not hang The application should throw proper error message The application should throw a appropriate error message; and should not hang

Required Output Should not allow the user to save. Should popup a information message box Should display the * sign or with different colour Should focus to the same field when there is an error Should not allow to close the parent window. The information in the provided tool tip should be proper Assure the existence of the "Help" menu. Assure that the proper menu command options are available in each menu. Assure that all buttons on all tool bars have a corresponding key combinations. The focus should be on to the first field in the screen when the screen pops up Assure there is no spelling mistakes. Prompts/backgrounds color should be uniform.

Prompts/backgrounds color should be uniform in read only mode All dialog boxes should have a consistent look and feel. The user should not be allowed to enter any data into the parent screen when the child window is opened and minimized

Then the application has some back end process happening; the application should let the user known that its busy by displayi When the there is any confirmation message like "Do you want to Save" the focus should always be on O.k.

Field Level Validation Test Cases Scenario No

Scenario Description

For input box which accepts the numbers between the range x and y where x and y are any integers with x
32 Test for the length of input characters to the field 33 Test for vertical scroll bar for multilined fields 34 Test for the horizontal scroll bar when the field takes more characters than the size of the edit box 35 Test for the case sensitiveness of the input box For date field which accepts date in mm/dd/yyyy format 36 Check for blank entry 37 Enter characters 38 Enter any special symbol like *,(,#,$ etc 39 Enter space character 40 Enter date in dd/mm/yy format 41 Enter date in dd/mm/yyyy format 42 Enter date in dd/yy/mm format 43 Enter date in mm-dd-yyyy format 44 Enter date in dd-mm-yyyy format 45 Enter date in yy/dd/mm format 46 Enter month greater than 12 47 Enter date greater than 31for any month 48 Enter date greater than 30 for all the months which have only 30 days 49 Enter date greater than 28 for the month Feb and which is not leap year In case of automated jobs; check what will happen to a job if it was to run on 31st of every month (this has to be checked month of Feb and months that does not have 31 in their calendar Scheduled job; how are they handled in case of Daylight Saving period. 50 Enter date greater than 29 for the month Feb and which is a leap year 51 Enter negative values in date, month and year columns 52 Enter the value zero in date, month or in year field 53 Leave either date or month or year blank and enter the other details 54 Enter date in mm/dd/yyyy format 55 If there are two date fields where in one is From date and the other is To date, then try to enter From date greater than To date 56 If there are two date fields where in one is From date and the other is To date, then try to enter From date less than or equal to To date

dation Test Cases Required Output

y where x and y are any integers with x
h accepts only numbers It should accept It should accept It should accept Application specific Application specific It should not accept Application specific It should not accept It should not accept It should not accept Application specific

cepts only positive integers It should accept It should not accept It should not accept It should not accept Application specific Application specific It should not accept It should not accept It should accept Application specific It should not accept

epts alphanumeric characters It should accept It should accept It should accept Application specific It should not accept

Application specific After typing to its capacity, the vertical scroll bar should display Horizontal scroll bar should be displayed Application specific

pts date in mm/dd/yyyy format Application specific It should not accept It should not accept It should not accept It should not accept It should not accept It should not accept It should not accept It should not accept It should not accept It should not accept It should not accept It should not accept It should not accept Job should either run on the last day of the month or the First of every month Job should be run at the first minute after the change in timing; Next job should run on the scheduled time It should not accept It should not accept It should not accept It should not accept It should accept the date It should not accept It should accept the dates

Security Test Cases Scenario No

Scenario Description

1 Login as a normal user and try to access the admin screens. 2 Login as a normal user and try to create a new user 3 Login as a normal user and try to modify the user privileges of a different user 4 Check for the encryption of security information 5 Check the handling of cookies information 6 Check the application "https" or the SSL connection 7 Logout from the secure page 8 Check for User name in URL while logging into application 9 Check after "n" number login attempts by giving wrong password 10 Right click on the application once the Home page is displayed 11 Check the secured data in the log file Web based

Scenario No

Scenario Description

1 Type the URL of the Home page in the address bar of the browser and try to access the application bypassing the Login page 2 Login into the application by giving valid Username and Password. Then logout from the application. Then click on the Back button of the browser 3 Check whether the password field is stored in encrypted format in the database 4 Try to delete or modify user details when he is logged in from an administrator login 5 Try to cut and paste the password to password field and try to login to application

ty Test Cases Required Output The application should not allow to access the Administration screens The application should not allow the normal user to create a new user The application should not allow the normal user to change the privileges to normal user All the security information stored should be in the encrypted format The application should not handle the cookies through code The application should display a message box "You are about to view pages over a secure connection" The applications should display a message box "You are about to leave a Secure internet connection" The URL should not display the user name during login process After "n" Attempts the user account permissions should be locked View source option should be disabled Log file secured data should be encrypted

Web based

Required Output The Login page of the application page should be displayed and the user should not be allowed to access the application directly The Login page should be displayed and user should not be allowed to view the previous page The password should be stored in the database in encrypted format Appropriate error message should be displayed modification/deletion should not be allowed This should not be allowed or appropriate error message should be displayed

Database Test Cases Scenario No

Scenario Description

1 Check the database Indexing 2 Check the Normalization of the database 3 Check the Redundant data storage 4 Check to execute the stored procedures 5 Check to execute the Triggers 6 Try to execute a database query on a large volume of data 7 Check to insert data into table more than the specified length 8 Check by inserting Alphanumeric data into a numeric field 9 Check to Add/ Delete/Update records from the database by assigning different access to the users 10 Try to enter Invalid data in the database and access from the application 11 Check to enter huge volume of data than the defined table size configuration. 12 Check for the stored User passwords 13 Check to delete a record which is under modification 14 Check the maximum field lengths Data Migration checks 1 Perform a field mapping with different versions of application 2 Perform a role mappings with different versions of application 3 Perform a permission mappings with different versions of application 4 Verify the report content and format 5 Verify all the notifications and message alerts 6 Check the data in different versions of application 7 Verify the process comparison in different versions 8 Perform a regression comparison in different versions 9 Check for the values appear in drop downs

Database Test Cases Required Output If Database indexing can be done If normalization can be done The database should not store Redundant data Stored procedures should execute successfully Triggers should execute successfully Add/Delete/Update data from the database The application should return the result fast The database should throw an error The database should throw an error The database should allow to do the operations only to the user who is having the rights The application should not crash The application should not crash User passwords should store in the encrypted mode The application should not allow the user the delete the record. Proper message should be displayed to the user. There should not be truncated characters

Data Migration checks application application sions of application

s ons

Guidelines for Performance Testing Load/Volume testing

Typically, performance is stated as a measure of response time, throughput and/or resource usage, as measured under various c

· Different workloads and/or system conditions · Different use cases · Different configurations The test will be conducted to do measurements during progressive load and determine if the system can endure loads similar to continuous duration of time. The results of these tests would give symptoms of slowness and facilitate bottleneck analysis The Load test also measures the capability of an application to function correctly under load, by measuring transaction respons various time critical transactions and business processes and ensure that they are within the expectation. Approach - Determine the serviceability of the system for a volume of x concurrent users. - Measure response times for users. Steps The following details need to be identified in the traversal document.

Idenify frequently used business scenarios,Risk scenarios with the helf of Business team. Identified scenario get approval fro gather previous performance issues and design scenarios) 1. Virtual users estimation: Arrive at a maximum number of concurrent users hitting the system where the system response ti threshold and the system is stable. This number would be the virtual user number and should be higher by a factor of x times th 2. Virtual users profiles and their distribution for client operations: Identify the transactions/scenarios performed by each us Usage Profile is available with the Business side rather than the Development Side (Meet the right people) 3. Load simulation schedule: Design the schedule for concurrent user testing with a mix of users and the number of iterations cyclically repeated starting with x number and than progressively approach y and measure the system response time. Define intervals of the load.

Endurance testing Objective Validate systems behavior for Continuous Hours of Operation (CHO) for projected load conditions Approach Endurance testing – check resource usage and release namely; CPU, Memory, Disk I/O and network (T continuous hours of operation Determine the robustness - check for breakages in the web server, application server and data base serve Steps 1. Arrive at a base line configuration of the web server and application server resources i.e. CPU, RAM an and reliability test. 2. The test would be stopped when one of the components breaks. A root cause analysis is to be carried ou described under the server side monitoring section. Client side monitoring Failure rate -- web server responses/timeouts/exceptions and incomplete page downloads Response time degradation under peak load numbers (concurrent users) Server side monitoring


Collect CPU, Disk and Memory usage for analysis Check for application server slow down/freeze/crash Check for resource contention/deadlocks Database server load and slow down Web server crashes, application server logs for exceptions, resource deadlocks Collect data for analysis to tune the performance of web server, application server and database server If there is an alarm support in the tool through an agent, check for alerts when the activity level exceeds If there is a load balancing configuration deployed, check if it is able to distribute the requests.


The result of this test will be a proof of confidence for Continuous Hours of Operation. The data collected in this phase wou reliability of the system and fix any configuration, component parameters for reliable performance.

Stress testing Objective Verify if the software reaches breaking point during low resources, contentions and excessive demands of resources in Approach

Increase the load on the system beyond the maximum design load until the system fails for want of resources and/or c resources (shared memory, queues, socket connections)

Run iterative load tests that demand resources and look for component breakdowns. The components can be the softw application server.

Repeat test if the failure rate is high with additional resources to eliminate resource bottlenecks/contentions Steps Design test cases that o involve high frequency of virtual users e.g.: searches, large queries o do large number of simultaneous operations e.g.: registrations o activate more than one process competing for the same resource. o require maximum memory o cause excessive hunting for disk-resident data, high I/O o large number of slow virtual users connecting which results in large number of socket connections Record system response time for each permutation of the stress test case/s Record resource utilization and statistics for root cause analysis/bottleneck analysis Repeat tests if there is a component break down and check if this condition repeats Add additional resources e.g.: Memory, Kernel parameters etc., to see if the break down can be overcom Result The result of this test will list the configuration and will be a measure of the systems robustness to hand

s at the web server end.

Browser Based Test Cases Scenario No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24


26 27 28







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Browser Based Test Cases Scenario Description Check that in password input box, text should appear in the form 10*” (Asterisk) Check the browser ‘Stop’ button while doing any of the functions w.r.t application click on Check for the expiration of the session. Check the page downloading time Check the color coding of the links Check that the copy right information is in specified area of the site Check that all information conveyed with color is also available without color. Check that the site is designed end user in mind - check that application/site fulfills end users expectation Click on application URL. Enter the login details - user id and password Check for special characters in user id field Check for MAX character field in user id textbox Check for MAX character field in password textbox Check for alpha characters in user id field Check for incorrect user id Check for incorrect password Check for new user registration Button Check for SignIn button Check for "Forget password" Link Click on the "Forget password" Link

Check the Header of the page Check the Footer of the page Check URL hack -Junk characters Check URL hack -Special characters

Check URL hack - Same URL in Different system

Check URL hack -Change the content in logged in page Check if 'Login username' and 'password' is case-insensitive Check valid 'username' and the valid 'password'

Check valid 'username' and the invalid 'password'

Enter invalid 'username' and the valid 'password'

Enter invalid 'username' and the invalid 'password'

Enter a valid user name and leave the password field blank

Leave the username field blank and enter a valid password

Leave the username field blank and also leave the password field blank

Check if the 'user group' of the logged in member is inactive Check if the 'user group' of the logged in member is inactivated in between a session Check if the 'member' who is logged in is inactive Check if the 'member' who is logged in is inactivated in between a session Check for the configuration of the 'Login name' Check whether login follows the standard for the defined type of user groups Check if the application accepts special characters (out of defined character) in the password of a member login Check for the 'maximum' number of characters in the password of a member login Check for the 'minimum' number of characters in the password of a member login Session validation Profile refreshing time Server side caching Check for the access privilege validation on a 'user group' over each 'application' Check if a member is able to access the applications within the portal Check for the response time of each page

Tool bar and menu on top of screen Check for the resolution of the screen Check for the ticker in the login page Check for the format of the portal screen Check the 'content format' for all pages

Check that the password is not retained on the login page once a user logs in.

Login to the site and click on ‘Refresh’ button on the browser To check history, browse few pages Click on ‘Back’ button on the browser Click on ‘Forward’ button on the browser Search some feature on site, once it start searching , click on ‘Stop’ button Right click on a link and select ‘Open in a New Window’ Right click on a link and select ‘Open Link’ Right click on a link and select 'Save Target as' Login to a web site and create a lengthy transaction

Login to a web site and leave the session unused/idle Click on the link on web site to download certain information Check the functionalities in all the browsers like different versions of IE, different versions of Netscape etc… Check the color coding of the links Bring the mouse control over a link Click on the search button in the web page Check all the screens accessed through key board Check when the screen is a Model window user can access the other screens in the application with out closing the model window Check the title of the internet explorer window. Check the Breadcrumps breadcrumb of the page Check the size of buttons in all windows. Check the size of pop up screen. Check the placement of all the controls. Check the color in all window/background. Check the font and size of font in different pages Check that the application/Company logo Check that the size and colors of Logo Check all the tables are aligned correctly Check for spacing between images and text Check for images are displayed in correct order Check that the copyright information is in specified area of the site Check for the Links in the footer page Check the link's color changed to the vlink color Check the link's color changed to the link color Check the link's color changed to the alink color Check the URL is added to Favorites Check that the data tables row and column headers.

Check that foreground and background color combinations provide sufficient contrast when viewed by someone having color deficits or when viewed on a black and white screen.

Check that the target of each link has been identified Check that site map or table of contents is available Check that navigation mechanisms is in a consistent manner. Check that the expansion of each abbreviation or acronym is documented where it first occurs. Check that the primary natural language used is consistent Check that end users receive documents/information according to their preferences (e.g., language, content type, etc.) Check that navigation bars is highlighted and access has been given to the navigation mechanism. Check that the distinguishing information is at the beginning of headings, paragraphs, lists, etc. Check for any broken and orphaned links. Check that the grid is consistent across pages. Check that pages are usable and if this is not possible, ensure that equivalent information on an alternative accessible page is available

Check that for time-based multimedia presentation (e.g., a movie or animation), synchronize equivalent alternatives (e.g., captions or auditory descriptions of the visual track) are available.

Check that the requested/specified controls are blinking Check that periodically auto-refreshing of page is not happening unless specified. Check that auto-redirect is available if it is specified. Check that the label is properly positioned. Check that the end users can't move content, avoid movement in pages unless specified.

Check that any element that has its own interface can be operated in a device-independent manner. Check the logical tab order through links, form controls, and objects. Check the keyboard shortcuts to important links Check that equivalents for dynamic content are updated when the dynamic content changes. Check that dynamic content is accessible or provide an alternative presentation or page. Check that search functions are provided, enable different types of searches for different skill levels and preferences.

Check that a skip is allowed for introduction or avoid introductory movies all together Check that the animation are not overused unless specified. Check that the key navigation links appear first on web page. Check that the site is designed keeping business goals in mind. Check that site communicates the application or business objectives. Check that the site is designed end user in mind - check that application/site fulfills end users expectation

Check that there is no hidden navigation once a end user navigates various controls. Check the home page or login page load time. Check that the clear differentiation is given for mandatory and non-mandatory fields Check that the label aligned Are the Spacing between Label and Field in accordance with the layout and positioning? (TBD) Is all the first letter of the field in capitals? Are labels, text and placement, consistent in color, font, and sizes in all screens? Is keyboard focus appearing in the first text field? Is read-only input box disabled/differentiated from other active input fields? All input box are standard in height (suggested: not less than 18px and not more than 20px)?

Are the complicated input-boxes supported with Help/hint text? Are they consistent in color, font, and sizes in all screens? Is background color of the text field “lighter” or in contrast with the font color. suggested : white background for input box for better readability) Any pop-up-buttons/icons appearing along with input box and text area should have same size, text, and hyperlink property (cursor: hand). Do they appear the same across all screens? Check that the mandatory input fields displays error message when not filled and submitted Check that headline capitalization used for List box Values Check that Checkbox selections are for inclusive selection Check that radio button selections are for exclusive selection Check that "Select All” check box checks all the checkbox available. Check that the column head and rows are differentiated with font, color, and size Check that the values in the cell aligned according to the text type Check that the pagination text consistent in all places. Check that number of items in a table, total items, current page number, are available. Check the pagination works as expected [eg:enter 2 to traverse to page 2] Check the pagination by entering special characters to the text box area Check the pagination by entering Junk characters to the text box area Check the pagination by entering negative numbers [ex:-1] Check the pagination by entering Zero [ex:0]

to the text box area

to the text box area

Check the pagination arrows work as expected Check that the tab appears in single row and not in two rows? (Not to be confused with sub-menu under each tabs)

Check that the total numbers of tabs visible with the name shortened with ellipses (…) when number of tabs exceeds the display area? Is the common content across all tabs visible in all tabs? (Example: “Save” button / “Continue” button and other common content, if any)

Check that the Buttons type consistent in all screens? ( It could be"text" based or "text and icon" or "just icons" based wherever applicable) Check that the Icon-based buttons have hyperlink property (cursor: hand)? (Suggestion : Pop-up, Calendar) Check that the placement of the same action buttons same in all screens? (Example : If “Save” button is right-aligned, it should be followed in all places) Check that the page have a horizontal scroll, including pop-up, error messages, secondary windows etc? (Suggestion : It should be avoided) Check the compatibility of browsers, different browser version, different operating systems, and different machines.

Check that site usability from the end user perspective who has disabilities Check that Terms and conditions are available Check that Help is available Check for the user friendliness Check for Look and Feel of the Screen Select "Remember my ID for this computer" check box and login. Once you logout and refresh the page. Once you login into your account and use the back button Try to open the same link in different windows at the same time Check for Loging in same user ID and password in different windows Check for Loging in same user ID and password in different windows Check the cookies are able to store the login information Check the cookies are not dropped if browser restrict cookies Check the Javascript/Vb script supported page display JS/VBS page Check the sspage names for each links Check the race conditions :User sign in from first window

Check the race conditions :User sign in from second window

Check the race conditions :User sign in from third window

Check for GET & POST method

Required Output

Ensure that by default ‘Back’ button and ‘Forward’ buttons are disabled Ensure that the Password text appears in the form of “****” (Asterisk) Ensure that the special characters does not break the page Ensure that character greater than max character is not accepted Ensure that character greater than max character is not accepted Ensure that alpha character is accepted in the user id field Ensure that user is not allowed to login Ensure that user is not allowed to login Ensure that the new user registration Button is available Ensure that the SignIn Button is available Ensure that the "Forget password Link " is available Ensure that the new page is the correct page, as indicated by the link text Ensure the standard header is displayed for all the page Ensure a standard footer page is displayed for all the pages Ensure by entering some junk characters to URL doesn't break the page Ensure by entering some special characters to URL doesn't break the page

Ensure that after successful login copy the URL & paste it in different system browser and make sure that login page get displayed Ensure that user id and password are case-insensitive The user should be able to login into the portal and should be ONLY able to access the applications based on the access privileges of the user group. The user should NOT be able to login into the portal. The application should prompt the member with a message: <Error: Authentication Failure Not a valid Username or Password> The application should allow the The user should NOT be able to login into the portal. The application should prompt the member with a message: <Error: Authentication Failure Not a valid Username or Password> The application should allow the The user should NOT be able to login into the portal. The application should prompt the member with a message: <Error: Authentication Failure Not a valid Username or Password> The application should allow the The user should NOT be able to login into the portal. The application should prompt the member with a message: Error: Authentication Failure Not a valid Username or Password The application should allow the

The user should NOT be able to login into the portal. The application should prompt the member with a message: <Error: Authentication Failure Not a valid Username or Password> The application should allow the The user should NOT be able to login into the portal. The application should prompt the member with a message: <Error: Authentication Failure Not a valid Username or Password>[This text are general] The application should allow the The session should expire and prompt the member to re-login The session should expire and prompt the member to re-login The session should expire and prompt the member to re-login The session should expire and prompt the member to re-login It should allow the alphanumeric characters but not special characters The login must follow the standard for the defined type of user groups The application should NOT accept special characters (out of defined character) in the password The maximum number of characters in a password should not exceed " " The minimum number of characters in a password should not be less than " "

A 'user group' should only be able to access the applications for which that group has the access privilege A member must be able to access the applications within the portal The response time of each page should be benchmarked at an average of 8-10 seconds on a normal 56kpbs dialup line

The bar and menu on top of screen must be REMOVED from top of the screen The resolution of the screen should be 10*8 with support for keyboard The ticker should not be present in the login page The 'content format' for all pages should be as follows: Component Value Corporate background color <> (Hex Value:<>) Corporate text color <> Corporate font <> Corporate font text <> Ensure that message similar to this appears - The page you requested was created using information you submitted in a form. This page is no longer available. As a security precaution, Internet Explorer does not automatically resubmit your information for you. To resubmit your information and view this Web page, click the Refresh button.

Ensure that the page is refreshed Ensure that 'Back' button is enabled Ensure that the previously visited page which appears before the current page is displayed Ensure that the next browsed page is displayed Ensure that search process stops Ensure that the Home page or first page for that link opens in new window Ensure that the Home page or first page for that link opens in same window Ensure that the home page of the link is saved to specified location. Ensure that session is open for predefined time, the session should not get expired in between some operations are being performed

Ensure that session is time out after at the pre-defined settings. Ensure that download time is within the pre-defined download time limit( e.g. 5-10 sec) Ensure that look and feel and functionalities are consistent. Ensure that the fonts, colors and presentation is consistent Ensure that the link is highlighted Ensure that Search page and criteria are available Ensure that all screens are accessed by Keyboard Ensure that the title of the page is displayed as expected Ensure that the breadcrumps of the page is displayed as expected Ensure the size of button in all the windows Ensure the size of pop up screen ? Ensure the color in all window and background is as expected Ensure the font and font size is as expected Ensure that it appears in the specified location Ensure that the size and color of logo are as specified Ensure that the tables are aligned correctly Ensure that the spacing between Ensure that the Jpeg/Gif images are displayed and in correct order Ensure that copyright information is placed in footer of the page Ensure that Links in the footer of the page displays correct page. Ensure that the visited link's color changed to purple color Ensure that the standard link's color changed to blue color Ensure that the active link's color changed to red color Ensure that the Url is added to Favorites tab Ensure that the data table rows and column are expected

Ensure that foreground and background color combinations provide sufficient contrast when viewed by someone having color deficits or when viewed on a black and white screen. Ensure the target of each link as expected Ensure the site map or table contents is available Ensure the navigation mechanism is in consistent manner Ensure that the expansion of each abbreviation or acronym is documented where it first occurs. Ensure that the primary natural language used is consistent Ensure that end user receive documents/information according to their preferences. Ensure that the navigation bars is highlighted and access has been given to the navigation mechanism Ensure that the distinguishing information is at the beginning of headings, paragraphs, lists, etc. Ensure no broken and orphaned links are present. Ensure that the grid is consistent across pages Ensure that pages are usable and if this is not possible, ensure that equivalent information on an alternative accessible page is available Ensure that time-based multimedia presentation (e.g., a movie or animation), synchronize equivalent alternatives (e.g., captions or auditory descriptions of the visual track) are available. Ensure that requested/specified controls are blinking Ensure that periodically autorefreshing of page is not happening unless specified. Ensure that auto-redirect is available if it is specified. Ensure that label is properly positioned. Ensure that the end users can't move content, avoid movement in pages unless specified.

Ensure that any element that has its own interface can be operated in a device-independent manner. Ensure that the logical tab order through links, form controls, and objects. Ensure that the keyboard shortcuts to important links Ensure that the equivalents for dynamic content are updated when the dynamic content changes. Ensure that dynamic content is accessible or provide an alternative presentation or page. Ensure that search functions are provided, enable different types of searches for different skill levels and preferences. Ensure that skip is allowed for introduction or avoid introductory Ensure that animation are not overused unless specified. Ensure that key navigation links appear first on web page. Ensure that the site is designed keeping business goals in mind Ensure that the site is designed end user in mind - check that application/site fulfills end users expectation Ensure that there is no hidden navigation once a end user navigates Ensure that home page or login page load time is as expected Ensure the clear differentiation is given for mandatory and nonmandatory fields Ensure that the label aligned Ensure that the spacing between Label and Field in accordance with the layout and positioning Ensure that all the first letter of the field in capitals Ensure labels, text and placement, consistent in color, font, and sizes in all screens Ensure keyboard focus appearing in the first text field Ensure read-only input box disabled/differentiated from other active input fields Ensure input box are standard in height

Ensure complicated input-boxes supported with Help/hint text Ensure Is background color of the text field “lighter” or in contrast with the font color. suggested Ensure any pop-up-buttons/icons appearing along with input box and text area should have same size, text, and hyperlink property Ensure that the mandatory input fields displays error message when not filled and submitted Ensure that the headline capitalization used for List box Ensure that the checkbox selections are for inclusive selection Ensure that the radio button selections are for exclusive selection Ensure that "Select All” check box checks all the checkbox available. Ensure that column head and rows are differentiated with font, color, and size Ensure that the values in the cell aligned according to the text type Ensure that the pagination text consistent in all places. Check that number of items in a table, total items, current page number, are Ensure that pagination works as expected Ensure that pagination by entering special characters to the text box area Ensure that pagination by entering Junk characters to the text box area Ensure that pagination by entering negative numbers [ex:-1] to the text box area Ensure that pagination by entering Zero [ex:0] to the text box area Ensure that pagination arrows work as expected Ensure that the tab appears in single row and not in two rows

Ensure the total numbers of tabs visible with the name shortened with ellipses

Ensure that the Buttons type consistent in all screens Ensure that the Icon-based buttons have hyperlink property Ensure that the placement of the same action buttons same in all screens Ensure that the page have a horizontal scroll, including pop-up, error messages, secondary windows etc Ensure that compatibility with different browser, different version, different operating system and different machines Ensure that the site supports usability for user with disabilities Ensure that when clicked it displays the contents. Ensure that help content is displayed when clicked Ensure your testing as a end user Ensure it is as expected Ensure only user ID is displayed and not the password Ensure only user ID is displayed and not the password Ensure the link gets opened Ensure you are able to login in only one window Ensure you are able to login in only one window Ensure userid stored in the cookies are displayed in the web page Ensure the cookies are not dropped if browser restrict cookies Ensure that the Javascript/Vb script supported page display JS/VBS Ensure that the sspagename which appear in bottom of the page when mouse is move over the link Try to access same account from two or three different windows and commit login from first window and in other windows when committed login Error page is delivered. Try to access same account from two or three different windows and commit login from second window and in other windows when committed login Error page is delivered.

Try to access same account from two or three different windows and commit login from third window and in other windows when committed login Error page is Ensure GET & POST methods are handled correctly.

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Installation Check Description

Support of the different platforms and configurations needed? Is the installation able to calculate needed disk space? Is the installer capturing the baseline free space before launching the installer? Does the amount of space the installer claims it needs for the various type of installation is actually taken up or How much disk space is used by the installer if the installation is quit midway (this would help gathering inform Is the installation able to recover in case an error is met during the installation? Is the installer able to Repair any corrupt installation? If the application installed properly for each type of installation (for typical, custom and complete)? Is the Installation working over the network? If any file association is made during installation, upon uninstallation, does the association is removed and the b Does running the installer, followed by launching the program to run some tests, and then running the uninstall Does uninstallation leave any registry entry, data files in the system? If there exists a version of the app to be installed already on the machine, does the installer identify that? Does the installer identify if some needed components (such as, MSDE etc.) are already installed on the system Does running two instances of the installer should prompt a message to the user that an installation setup is alr If the user logged in, doesn’t have write permission for the machine, how installation reacts to this?   What happens if the installer tries to install to a directory where there is no write access? Is the installation path configurable/non configurable? Check to ensure that when installing the product, it should provide a browse button which enables the user to i Is the registering and un-registering the components (dlls) on installation and uninstallation is occurring proper Are all the files installed in the respective folders and path? Whether all the files/registry values/services are installed properly. Check whether the shortcuts are installed properly and also the PATH (any other ENV variables) is updated prop Does the installation support, 'UnInstall', 'Modify', 'ReInstall' options?? If yes, does it work? If the installer is supporting upgrade feature, does it preserve all the necessary settings (mostly user preferenc Check for the user privileges before starting installation. (In most of the cases, installer requires ADMIN privileg Check the uninstaller entry in add-remove programs. (Check for display string, Display icon and Support inform Does running the installer, and then running the uninstaller, return the machine to the base state? Reinstallation should, apart from identifying previous versions, also should give an option to Remove and Repai Check to ensure that if an evaluation version is installed, then a proper message should be displayed when the Check to ensure that, if Windows Services are installed then it should install in the Services folder of windows d Check to ensure that if any product is installed and it is dependent on some other product, then it should give p If the product to be installed uses any third party dll and if it is already installed by some other product confirm If the dll is already there in the system how does the installation work? And also while uninstalling, check should be made as to whether that the shared dll is left without affecting oth “Usability” consideration of the installer. Check for compatibility

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