Download Speed Limit Based on the Extension [Winbox] Internet users in the restaurant who same downloading files with IDM is rattling disturbing others who are feeding or activity games, on this housing we crapper add the separate for this Downloaders with a lowercase player in his Rules Filter firewall blemish and then on into queues. internet -> analyse ext (add to come list) -> blemish (mark packets) -> queues (slowing speed) -> client
1. Go to winbox -> IP -> Firewall -> -> Filter Rules -> Add Filter Rules. configure: a. concern = forward b. Protocol = 6 (tcp) c. Content = .exe d. Action = add dst to come list e. Address List = downloaders f. Timeout = 01.00.00 * Content filtering is filled with rules that would be closed ext * Address List for a.k.a. identify Downloaders <- some study * Timeout up to you, 5 transactions or 3 life (3d) * Create a conception as such depends ext, .Exe, .Rar, .Avi, .Mpg, .Iso, .Zip, .Flv, etc.
2. Go journalism Mangle, winbox -> Ip -> Firewall -> Mangle -> Add newborn Mangle Rule. Configure: a. Chain = forward b. Protocol = 6 (tcp) c. Src. Address List = downloaders d. Action = evaluation packet e. New Packet Mark = turunin speed f. Passtrough = yes * Src Address List is the itemize we add’ve prefabricated in the initial travel is Downloaders <- superior in the modify downbound box. * New Packet for a.k.a. Mark pace pace <- some name * Passtrough checked
3. Go to Queues, winbox -> Queues -> Simple Queues -> add newborn ultimate queues. Configure: a. Name = download-files b. Target Upload Max Limit / Limit at = 64k c. Target Download Max Limit / Limit at= 64k d. Packet businessman = pace speed
e. Priority = 4 * Packet evaluation and Priority is in the Advanced tab, superior the modify downbound incase that is the conception that we’ve prefabricated in the blemish had the pace speed * 64k = 8KBps di IDM.
after that gratify tested.
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