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Depth of Field Calculator for Digital Cameras Sensor Height (in mm): 24 Vertical Sensor Resolution (pixels): 2704 diameter near far focus of circle of focal object object depth of depth of Hyperfocal distance aperture confusion length distance distance field field distance s a c f Dn Df Dd Dd Dh (feet) (f/ no.) (mm) (mm) (feet) (feet) (inches) (feet) (feet) 65.6 1.0 0.00888 200 65.33 65.91 6.919 0.58 14785.65 65.6 1.1 0.00888 200 65.29 65.94 7.767 0.65 13172.52 65.6 1.3 0.00888 200 65.26 65.98 8.718 0.73 11735.38 65.6 1.4 0.00888 200 65.21 66.03 9.786 0.82 10455.03 65.6 1.6 0.00888 200 65.16 66.08 10.984 0.92 9314.38 65.6 1.8 0.00888 200 65.11 66.13 12.330 1.03 8298.17 65.6 2.0 0.00888 200 65.05 66.20 13.840 1.15 7392.83 65.6 2.2 0.00888 200 64.98 66.27 15.535 1.29 6586.26 65.6 2.5 0.00888 200 64.90 66.35 17.439 1.45 5867.69 65.6 2.8 0.00888 200 64.81 66.44 19.575 1.63 5227.52 65.6 3.2 0.00888 200 64.71 66.55 21.973 1.83 4657.19 65.6 3.6 0.00888 200 64.61 66.66 24.666 2.06 4149.08 65.6 4.0 0.00888 200 64.48 66.79 27.689 2.31 3696.41 65.6 4.5 0.00888 200 64.35 66.94 31.083 2.59 3293.13 65.6 5.0 0.00888 200 64.20 67.10 34.894 2.91 2933.84 65.6 5.7 0.00888 200 64.03 67.29 39.173 3.26 2613.76 65.6 6.3 0.00888 200 63.84 67.50 43.979 3.66 2328.59 65.6 7.1 0.00888 200 63.62 67.74 49.376 4.11 2074.54 65.6 8.0 0.00888 200 63.39 68.01 55.439 4.62 1848.21 65.6 9.0 0.00888 200 63.13 68.31 62.251 5.19 1646.56 65.6 10.1 0.00888 200 62.83 68.66 69.906 5.83 1466.92 65.6 11.3 0.00888 200 62.51 69.05 78.512 6.54 1306.88 65.6 12.7 0.00888 200 62.15 69.50 88.189 7.35 1164.30 65.6 14.3 0.00888 200 61.75 70.00 99.076 8.26 1037.27 65.6 16.0 0.00888 200 61.30 70.58 111.332 9.28 924.10 65.6 18.0 0.00888 200 60.81 71.24 125.138 10.43 823.28 65.6 20.2 0.00888 200 60.27 72.00 140.707 11.73 733.46 65.6 22.6 0.00888 200 59.68 72.87 158.281 13.19 653.44 65.6 25.4 0.00888 200 59.02 73.87 178.150 14.85 582.15 65.6 28.5 0.00888 200 58.30 75.03 200.655 16.72 518.64 65.6 32.0 0.00888 200 57.52 76.37 226.203 18.85 462.05 65.6 35.9 0.00888 200 56.66 77.94 255.293 21.27 411.64 65.6 40.3 0.00888 200 55.73 79.77 288.538 24.04 366.73 65.6 45.3 0.00888 200 54.72 81.94 326.711 27.23 326.72 65.6 50.8 0.00888 200 53.62 84.52 370.804 30.90 291.07 65.6 57.0 0.00888 200 52.45 87.62 422.122 35.18 259.32 65.6 64.0 0.00888 200 51.18 91.39 482.430 40.20 231.03 Note: Distances s, Dn, Df, and Dh are measured from the entrance pupil of the lens. (That is the apparent position of the diaphragm (iris) as seen from the front of the lens.)

Depth of Field Calculator for Digital Cameras Sensor Height (in mm): 24 Vertical Sensor Resolution (pixels): diameter near far focus of circle of focal object object depth of depth of distance aperture confusion length distance distance field field s a c f Dn Df Dd Dd (Meters) (f/ no.) (mm) (mm) (Meters) (Meters) (cm) (Meters) 20.00 1.0 0.00888 200 19.97 20.03 5.36 0.05 20.00 1.1 0.00888 200 19.97 20.03 6.01 0.06 20.00 1.3 0.00888 200 19.97 20.03 6.75 0.07 20.00 1.4 0.00888 200 19.96 20.04 7.58 0.08 20.00 1.6 0.00888 200 19.96 20.04 8.50 0.09 20.00 1.8 0.00888 200 19.95 20.05 9.54 0.10 20.00 2.0 0.00888 200 19.95 20.05 10.71 0.11 20.00 2.2 0.00888 200 19.94 20.06 12.03 0.12 20.00 2.5 0.00888 200 19.93 20.07 13.50 0.13 20.00 2.8 0.00888 200 19.92 20.08 15.15 0.15 20.00 3.2 0.00888 200 19.92 20.09 17.01 0.17 20.00 3.6 0.00888 200 19.91 20.10 19.09 0.19 20.00 4.0 0.00888 200 19.89 20.11 21.43 0.21 20.00 4.5 0.00888 200 19.88 20.12 24.05 0.24 20.00 5.0 0.00888 200 19.87 20.14 27.00 0.27 20.00 5.7 0.00888 200 19.85 20.15 30.31 0.30 20.00 6.3 0.00888 200 19.83 20.17 34.02 0.34 20.00 7.1 0.00888 200 19.81 20.19 38.18 0.38 20.00 8.0 0.00888 200 19.79 20.22 42.86 0.43 20.00 9.0 0.00888 200 19.76 20.24 48.11 0.48 20.00 10.1 0.00888 200 19.73 20.27 54.01 0.54 20.00 11.3 0.00888 200 19.70 20.31 60.63 0.61 20.00 12.7 0.00888 200 19.67 20.35 68.06 0.68 20.00 14.3 0.00888 200 19.63 20.39 76.40 0.76 20.00 16.0 0.00888 200 19.58 20.44 85.76 0.86 20.00 18.0 0.00888 200 19.53 20.49 96.28 0.96 20.00 20.2 0.00888 200 19.47 20.56 108.09 1.08 20.00 22.6 0.00888 200 19.41 20.63 121.35 1.21 20.00 25.4 0.00888 200 19.34 20.70 136.25 1.36 20.00 28.5 0.00888 200 19.26 20.79 152.99 1.53 20.00 32.0 0.00888 200 19.18 20.90 171.80 1.72 20.00 35.9 0.00888 200 19.08 21.01 192.94 1.93 20.00 40.3 0.00888 200 18.97 21.14 216.71 2.17 20.00 45.3 0.00888 200 18.86 21.29 243.45 2.43 20.00 50.8 0.00888 200 18.73 21.46 273.55 2.74 20.00 57.0 0.00888 200 18.58 21.65 307.45 3.07 20.00 64.0 0.00888 200 18.42 21.88 345.66 3.46 Note: Distances s, Dn, Df, and Dh are measured from the entrance pupil of the lens. (That is the apparent position of the diaphragm (iris) as seen from the front of the lens.)

2704 Hyperfocal distance Dh (Meters) 14785.65 13172.52 11735.38 10455.03 9314.38 8298.17 7392.83 6586.26 5867.69 5227.52 4657.19 4149.08 3696.41 3293.13 2933.84 2613.76 2328.59 2074.54 1848.21 1646.56 1466.92 1306.88 1164.30 1037.27 924.10 823.28 733.46 653.44 582.15 518.64 462.05 411.64 366.73 326.72 291.07 259.32 231.03