Does Quran Resemble Taurat & Zabur & Injil??

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 152
  • Pages: 1
Does Qur'an Resemble Zabur, Taurat wal Injil? 'An Watslah 'an Rasulullaahi Shalallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallama qaala "U'thiitu makaanat Taurati Sab'u thiwala wa a'thaitu makaanaz Zabuuri miaina wa a'thaitu makaanal Injiilil Matsaani (Al Fatihah) wa fudhiltu bil Mufashshali (HR.Mu'jam Al Kabir by Ath Thabrani, Syua'ibul Iman by Al Baihaqi in Shahih Jami'ush Shaghir, Takhrij At Targhib 2/217, Silsilah Hadits Ash Shahihah no.158: Ath Thayalisi, Ath Thahawi, Ath Thabari, ibn Mundah. [quote] "To me in Al Qur'an given place of Taurat in 7 long Surah, and given the place of Zabur 200 times, and given the place of Injil in Matsaani (Al Fatihah) and I'm being blessed with the neat category Surah (from Qaaf until An Naas)." Assalaamu’alaikum manit taba’al huda (May peace, development and safety from guile to who follow the guidance). Assalaamu’alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh (May peace, development and safety from guile and Allah’s mercy and Allah’s blessings be upon thee).

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