Documentum Introduction

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 14
Documentum Content Management solution Enterprise content management Enterprise content management (ECM) is the category of software that helps you manage all of the unstructured information or content in your enterprise. This information exists in many digital forms as text documents, engineering drawings, XML, still images, audio and video files, and many other file types and formats. ECM helps you create content with common desktop applications and easy-to-use content authoring templates. It can also capture and incorporate existing content from a variety of sources. ECM manages this content and the content from other enterprise applications such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and enterprise portals. It adds intelligence by creating categorization schema, metadata, and tags that make search and retrieval faster and more efficient. ECM also manages the review, revision, and approval process for any piece of content according to user-defined business rules capability known as workflow and lifecycle management. Truly robust solutions allow you to manage relationships between pieces of content, allowing one piece of content to have multiple identities depending on how it is used in various contexts and renditions. This is the “object model” of content management. Combined with intelligent tagging of content, the object model supports efficient repurposing of information. ECM also controls the publishing of content through multiple channels. For example, a single piece of content may be published simultaneously to a Web site, broadcasted as a fax, printed as a text document, and sent to a hand held wireless device. ECM is generally considered to be an amalgamation of a number of distinct but interrelated applications enterprise document management (EDM), Web content management (WCM), digital asset management (DAM), enterprise records management (ERM), business process management (BPM), enterprise content integration (ECI), and collaborative content management (CCM). BPM goes beyond workflow and lifecycle management to define, model, and manage all kinds of business processes consistently and reliably across multiple organizations, systems, and applications. ECI technology, a subset of ECM, enables the integration of all content sources inside and outside the enterprise regardless of content location or how content is accessed. Collaboration technology, another subset of ECM, is becoming increasingly important in organizations. Working in harmony with BPM, collaboration allows the participants in a business process to come together to optimize the process to mutual benefit. This brings partners, suppliers, customers, and agencies together in a controlled way and manages and leverages collaborative content such as discussion threads, voting results, and documents. All of this functionality has one purpose to leverage enterprise knowledge assets for competitive advantage. Documentum from E MC Corporation is a unified content management system that provides tools for Working with many types of content documents, drawings, scanned images, hard copy in a single repository that can span multiple departments and functional areas.

By managing all content in a single repository, it makes it easier to Share and reuse information. Find information by means of full text searches, keyword queries, databasestyle SQL queries, and Windows Explorer-like navigation through disk directories Secure and control access to information, Track changes, versions, and access logs Maintain audit trails and records for the purposes of regulatory compliance Automate or streamline business process and workflows Documentum Architecture

The Four Layers of the Documentum ECM Platform • The services layer, consisting of Documentum Content Server and a variety of extended services, provides the content management functionality and serves as the foundation for all other products • The interface layer, consisting of Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC) and its related APIs, provides communication between the services layer and the clients that use the services • The client layer, consisting of end-user products, developer tools, and integrations with other systems, provides access to the content management functionality in the context of particular business functions • The application layer, consisting of products from Documentum, its partners, or custom built, provides the integrated applications that use content management functionality as part of their business solutions

The first three layers comprise the Documentum platform supporting the application layer. Documentum also offers products that combine features from different layers to provide vertical solutions. Content Repository and Services Layer At the base of the Documentum platform is the enterprise content repository and Documentum Content Server, which manages the repository and implements the core content management capabilities. Content Server makes these capabilities available to clients and applications through the interface layer. Documentum Content Server is the software that manages the content repository and provides the fundamental content management capabilities. The Documentum content repository uses an extensible object model to store content and its associated metadata. The enterprise content repository that Documentum manages is an abstract repository consisting of data stored in distinct physical sources; Content Server coordinates the different forms of data to create the object-based repository. Documents are composed of content files (the source file in its native format) and document attributes (also known as metadata or properties), such as document owner, version, and creation date, These attributes seen as metadata describing the content and the relationships between this content and other objects in the repository. The repository uses the metadata to organize the content, and users can use it to search for content that is relevant to them. A Documentum repository can store its content files in any of these types of storage Content Server maintains its content store in a protected set of directories, so that users do not have uncontrolled access to them from outside of the Documentum system. Where security is paramount, the content can be encrypted using Trusted Content Services

Interface Layer Web Servers Clients and applications use the interface layer to communicate with Content Server and interact with the content repository. The interface layer consists of Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC) and a number of standard interfaces built on top of DFC. Documentum Foundation Classes Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC) represents the richest API exposing all Documentum functionality. DFC provides an object-oriented framework for accessing the capabilities of Content Server DFC exposes the Documentum object model as an object-oriented client library for content management applications to use. It is an API that can be used from a host of applications, including those developed in Java, Visual Basic, C#, and C++. DFC is implemented as a set of Java classes and interfaces, along with a

Java-COM bridge for accessing DFC via COM from Visual Basic or Visual C++. Every computer running an application that accesses Content Server has a copy of the DFC software running on a Java Virtual Machine (NM). The application on the client machine performs a method call through DFC, which translates the call into the Content server’s native API. Content Server instantiates the object, executes the method call, and returns the result to the client application. Applications access Content Server through DFC using a client object. Creating a client object loads the necessary shared libraries. The client object interface then serves as a factory for session objects, which represent connections to the repository. The application creates new repository objects or obtains references to existing objects through the session interface Documentum Business Objects Documentum also provides a way to extend DFC using the Documentum Business Objects Framework (BOF). Documentum Business Objects Framework provides a framework and a methodology to develop reusable business logic components called Business Objects. This framework is built into DFC and accessible from applications written using DFC. It is designed to provide the ability to develop pluggable components, each component implementing one or more middle-tier business rules. BOF can implement business logic in reusable business object components that can be plugged into middle tier or client applications. BOF enables programmers to develop highly reusable components that can be shared by multiple applications. There are two types of Documentum Business Objects, type-based business objects and Service-based business objects. A type-based business object can extend a Content Server persistent object type and extend its capabilities by providing new methods for those types and allow overriding of existing methods. A type based business object enables developers to define type-specific behavior without the need to customize each client type the same business object can be used with WebTop or Desktop-based applications. A service based business object provides methods that perform more generalized procedures that are not usually bound to a specific object type or repository. At any level, a method of a business object can be called by other DFC-based applications. JSP, ASP, Visual Basic, and other languages all have access to the business objects. Web Services DFC and BOF enable developers to encapsulate custom business logic that can be exposed as Web service. They provide a way to call functions on other computers across the intranet or World Wide Web. For example, a CRM system can communicate with Documentum through Web service. For Documentum customers, this means broader, industry standard access to content management functionality. Developers can create their own service on our platform. Developers work with their preferred development environments, toolkits, and application servers to develop Web services over the Documentum API. Web services can be deployed on a Web server, where they are available to any networked client a desktop application, a Web application or portal, or even another Web service or remote client/system.

Standard interfaces Documentum provides a number of standard interfaces in addition to the DFC API, simplifying access to the repository from authoring applications, application servers, and other components of the enterprise infrastructure. The standard interfaces include: • ODBC and OLEDB Many reporting tools, such as Crystal Reports and Microsoft Access, leverage Microsoft data access protocols for communicating with the Documentum repository using Documentum ODBC Reporting Services. • JDBC Many application server applications use the standard Java data access protocol to access content in the Documentum repository through Documentum JDBC Services. • WebDAV Documentum WebDAV Services provides a WebDAV server that enables WebDAV-aware applications, such as Adobe Photoshop and Documentum Desktop for Macintosh, to use this protocol to communicate with the Documentum repository. • FTP Documentum FTP Services is a FTP server for the Documentum repository that enables tools such as Macromedia Dreamweaver to integrate with the repository using the Internet-standard file transfer protocol. Client Layer The client layer consists of basic applications for users to access the Documentum repository. It includes end-user interfaces, administrator tools, and integrations with popular authoring tools and enterprise applications. Applications on the client layer are built from reusable components that build on the content management service available from lower layers in the architecture. A Documentum client application is a collection of components that work together to fulfill a business purpose. The same components may appear in other client applications or as Portlets in an enterprise portal. Because components of both Microsoft Windows-based applications and Web-based applications share the repository’s data dictionary and business objects, developers and users can be sure of consistent results from all client applications. Microsoft Windows-Based Applications Documentum Desktop is a Microsoft Windows application that gives end-users access to one or more Documentum repositories and exposes all enterprise document management capabilities. It is integrated with Windows Explorer, presenting repository contents in an interface parallel to Explorer’s access to file-system contents. The functionality of Documentum Desktop is made available through COM components. Some of the components are written in Visual Basic, and the source code is provided. A workstation running Documentum Desktop has a copy of DFC, which the components use to communicate with one or more Content Servers. Documentum Desktop also provides integration to popular third-party applications, such as Microsoft Office, to allow them to request content management services directly from the application’s user interface. Documentum Desktop includes these integrations among others: • Windows Explorer • Microsoft Office

• Microsoft Outlook • Acrobat Business Tools and Exchange • Arbor text Epic and other XML editors For activities that do not require immediate interaction with Content Server, Documentum Desktop offers the option to ‘work offline.” This feature enables users to download content from the Documentum repository to their local machine and work on them while disconnected from the repository. When they reconnect to the repository, the system synchronizes the offline content with the matching objects in the repository. The synchronization process updates the repository with any changes the user has stored on the local machine. Authoring Integration Services (AIS) provides integration with content authoring tools to Documentum on both Macintosh and Windows platforms. AIS includes a server component that allows network drive access through a client’s operating system, This server allows the operating system to treat the Documentum repository as a file system without compromising its security, From the authoring tools’ point of view, they are reading and writing file from a disk, The AIS server is the primary access point for browsing, reading from and writing to the Documentum repository. Additional client side development provides enhanced Documentum-specific features including import, check out, check in, metadata update, and version control, This development is achieved through the unified client framework. Unified Client Framework The unified client framework provides a mechanism in which client applications can interact with Documentum to utilize common content management functions such as metadata assignment, versioning, and lifecycle initiation. Documentum Web Based Applications Documentum WebTop is a Web-based application that gives end-users access to one or more Documentum repositories. It provides a user environment similar to Documentum Desktop, running through a browser rather than Microsoft Windows Explorer. WebTop is built using the Documentum Web Development Kit (WDK), Just as developers can incorporate Documentum Desktop components in a Windows application (as delivered or in customized form), and they can use WDK components in custom Web applications. The WDK uses a development approach based on a form-control- event approach, consistent with NET Web Forms and the developing Java Server Faces standard (JSR 127). This approach enables developers to create production-quality user interfaces far more quickly than traditional Web development techniques. The WDK component model encapsulates customized and localized functionality into a package of closely related files, managed separately from the base product to ensure that the functionality is presented during an upgrade. Many key Documentum applications are built using WDK. For example, many Documentum products include a WDK-based administration module. Documentum Administrator, the core administration application for Content Server, is a WDK application. Documentum Web Publisher is a WDK-based application that enables customers to create, manage, and publish Web pages and Web sites using Documentum

content management capabilities. Documentum Digital Asset Manager is a WDK-based tool for marketing departments or any other organization that deals with rich media. Documentum Client-Server Architecture

Application Layer Content Services Integration with Enterprise Applications Documentum offers several products that enable interaction with the Documentum content management system from within other enterprise applications. Among the products are: • Documentum Content Services for SAP • Documentum Content Services for Siebel e-Business Application • Documentum Content Services for Lotus Notes Mail • Documentum Content Services for Portals Also available are Content Service products for delivering content to various application server, such as BEA Web Logic and IBM Web Sphere. Content Services links content in Documentum repositories with objects in the enterprise application, providing users with access to key Documentum functionality using the familiar interface of the enterprise application, eliminating the tune and costs associated with searching for, filing, and storing documents. For example, an accounts payable clerk using an SAP application can instantly see a vendor’s contract, invoice, purchase requisition, and paid check from a single click on an SAP transaction report. Project managers can review standard operating procedures, material safety data sheets, engineering drawings, and specifications from within an SAP material master form.

Key Features Security Documentum provides better security than a file system. With a file system, if someone has access to your hard drive, they can pretty much read, edit, and even delete any file on the hard drive. With Documentum, you can prevent any individual user (or group of users) from seeing the file. In fact you can give Joe access to read the file but not change it while Bob can change it but not delete it, while Fred can’t even see that it exists. Version Control In Documentum, each time you make a change to a file, it gets saved as a new version of the file, and you can go back in time and access any old versions. Search Engine You can search Documentum like you search the web by looking for a certain word or phrase in every file. But Documentum is even better than that. You can assign attributes (also called meta-data or properties) to the document. For example, you can specify a document’s author, title, subject, and any number of keywords to describe it. You can even make up special attributes - if the document is a report, you can put in the report number or if the document is a letter, you could enter the date the letter was written. Then if someone is looking for the file and they know the report number or the date the letter was sent, they can bring it right up. Of course, you can do wild card searches and date range searches (for example, give me all the letters written last month that have the word computer in the subject).

Workflow You can route documents around for approval inside the Documentum system. Each user has his own inbox that shows all the files that he needs to look at. You can approve the file or reject it, and you can have a whole approval process where it goes to your boss first and then to his boss, etc. It’s kind of like email, but it’s more automated and it keeps track of everybody’s comments and who approved it when. Access Control Lists (ACLs) Access Control Lists (ACLs) are Documentum’s method of restricting access to important documents. ACLs control Documentum’s security layer, one of the most flexible and powerful security schemes around. Major Benefits Some of the major benefits of Documentum ACLs are: • You can assign seven different levels of access to your documents • You can assign access to individual users or to groups of users • Users can create their own private ACLs that only they can use • System Administrator can create System-Wide ACLs that can be used by everyone • Extended Permissions let you really tweak what a user can do to an object Lifecycles A lifecycle in Documentum defines a chain of states that a document can pass through during its lifetime. Each state has a name, like “Draft”, and can be configured to perform certain actions as documents enter or leave it. Lifecycles can be built, maintained, and packaged for deployment using Documentum Developer Studio. Lifecycles should not be confused with workflows which route tasks among users and are built using Documentum Workflow Manager Virtual Document A virtual document is a document that contains components or children documents. A virtual document is similar to a folder. When you open a folder, you see the objects inside that folder. When you open a virtual document, you see the objects inside that virtual document. The main differences between a folder and a virtual document are that a virtual document can have content (a folder cannot), and a virtual document can be versioned-version 1.0 can have three children while version 1.1 can have five children and version 2.0 has no children at all (in which case it is just a normal document). Full Text Engine Full Text Engine is a powerful search tool embedded within Documentum’s Content Server. It enables a user to search both attributes and content stored within the Docbase without leaving the Documentum environment. Using the full-text search a user can perform a comprehensive search of both attributes and content through the execution of a single query. Important Products of Documentum

Content Server EMC Documentum Content Server is the foundation of EMC Documentum’s content management system. EMC Documentum Content Server is the core functionality that allows users to create, capture, manage, deliver, and archive enterprise content. The functionality and features of Content Server provide content and process management services, security for the content and metadata in the repository, and distributed services. EMC Documentum Content Server governs the EMC Documentum content repository. Content Server gives you a rich set of content management services and a comprehensive infrastructure for all content applications. And when you couple Content Server with EMC Documentum High-Volume Server, you have the foundation to support highvolume transaction and archive environments. Content Server provides the scalability, robust functionality, and service-orientation for global enterprise deployments. With Content Server, you can store, manage, and deploy all types of content including HTML and XML, graphics, multimedia, other types of rich media, and traditional documents created with desktop applications. Documentum Administrator (DA) Documentum Administrator enables you to monitor, administer, configure, and maintain Documentum servers, repositories, and federations located throughout your company from one system running a web browser. For example, using Documentum Administrator you can: • Monitor repository system and resource usage • Configure a repository • Create or modify repository users and groups • Create or modify repository object types • Create or maintain permission sets (also known as access control lists, or ACLs) • Create or modify repository federations • Create or modify formats • Monitor repository sessions • Monitor and configure Documentum system resources • Run server APIs and issue DQL queries • Create or modify storage areas • Create and run methods and jobs • Administer full-text indexing • Administer privileged clients • Administer EMC Documentum Site Caching Services • Administer EMC Documentum Content Intelligence Services • Administer EMC Documentum Content Transformation Services Documentum WebTop WebTop is a WDK based application. A WDK based application is built on WDK (Web Development Kit) functionality. A WDK based application lets you access an EMC Documentum repository over the web. WDK functionality lets you access, edit, and manage content in multiple repositories. WDK functionality lets you distribute content

through automated business processes, restrict access to content according to permission sets, and assign version numbers to content to help keep track of revisions. A repository is a virtual storehouse for the content you work on, and share with other employees. Each repository provides security, tools, and processes for sharing content among many users. Processes control the automated routing of content, and assign document Lifecycles to content. Processes allow you to create, edit, and forward content regardless of your technical expertise. A repository stores two kinds of information for a content file: • The content, which is the text, graphics, sound, video, binary content, or other content that makes up the file. • The properties, which are descriptive characteristics about the file, such as creation date, author, version number, and other information. Property values can only be edited by the file’s creator or a user with high enough security settings. Documentum Web Publisher EMC Documentum Web Publisher is a web browser-based application that simplifies and automates the creation, review, and publication of websites. Web Publisher is a web based application, using EMC Documentum Content Server to store and process content and EMC Documentum Site Caching Services (SCS) to publish to the web. Documentum Digital Asset Manager (DAM) EMC Documentum Digital Asset Manager exposes a set of powerful administration, transformation, and intellectual property rights management capabilities that enable you to fully leverage the value of your digital assets. This interface enables you to take advantage of the complete set of content management capabilities offered by the EMC Documentum platform, and manage all your content through a single web-based interface. Digital Asset Management (DAM) is also known as Rich Asset Management (RAM), Media Asset Management (MAM), Digital Media Management Software (DMMS), Brand Resource arrangement (BRM) and also lately as a key component of Enterprise Content Management (ECM). DAM is defined as a value chain of software products that enable the archival and management of digitized content. DAM can be provided through installed deployments or as hosted product suites with logger software at one end of the value chain, core DAM solutions in the middle and digital delivery systems and services at the other end. Products that come within the scope of the DAM space are used in the management of both static and time-based digital content, including audio, video, graphics, CAD files, images, medical imaging, print layouts, animation, text files, presentations and spreadsheets among others. Documentum Compliance Manager EMC Documentum Compliance Manager manages controlled or regulated content for organizations in life sciences, manufacturing, utilities, high technology, and financial services. Documentum Compliance Manager helps you achieve compliance with external regulations such as FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and internal policies while meeting product and service quality standards.

Users can create, review, revise, approve, and distribute controlled content online within an audited environment, replacing elaborate manual or e-mail-driven processes. Integration with collaboration, retention, and branch office caching services allows you to extend compliance from content creation to disposition. EMC Documentum Compliance Manager delivers: Features Benefits Regulatory compliance

Manage content in compliance with good manufacturing practices (cGMP), 21 CFR Part 11, and ISO 9000 quality guidelines.

Secure, centralized repository

Control all enterprise wide content in a secure, central repository for review, approval, and reuse.

Windows-based, web access

Leverage compliance services with minimal training using a hierarchical, folder-based user interface.

Controlled lifecycle

Assign a lifecycle to a document to enforce business rules for document review, approval, and distribution.

Pure WebTop extension

Use advanced user interface (UI) features such as modal dialogues, extended search capabilities, and configurable presets.

Collaboration and retention support

Collaborate while authoring content and control retention and disposition with integrated platform services.

Enhanced auditing

Satisfy regulatory and legal discovery requirements to ensure chain of custody and enforce electronic signoffs.

Compliance controls

Enforce proper approvals with justifications, eSignatures, and print control with banner and watermarks.

Business Process Suit or Business Process Manager (BPM) A complete tool set for business process management equally well-suited for managing loosely structured collaborative processes and highly structured high-volume transactional processes. Documentum Process Suite comprises the following EMC Documentum products: Business Process Analyzer: Provides a graphical modeling environment enabling nontechnical users to easily create powerful data-driven process models which can be examined using a comprehensive set of analysis capabilities. These include dynamically generated, multi-dimensional process visualization maps; process model validation; and pre-configured and customizable reports for understanding process design, goals, resources, costs, and more. Business Process Analyzer also provides an enterprise process repository, which helps you understand process information in the context of the overall organization and enables

you to leverage this information within a collaborative design environment. The Mobile Process Analyzer add-on option allows users to work offline from Business Process Analyzer’s client-server environment, and then sync up with the process repository as needed. Business Process Simulator: Runs simulated usage scenarios for process models designed in Business Process Analyzer. Business Process Simulator can evaluate the performance of processes under different use loads, compare the performance of current processes with revised versions, and uncover bottlenecks and resource constraints before processes are put into production. Business Process Navigator: Provides a browser-based process analysis interface so stakeholders throughout the organization can view and interact with process models designed in Business Process Analyzer. Process designers can collaborate with people who use and manage business processes, and business users can access the enterprise process repository to generate process maps, multi-dimensional process views, reports, and analyses as needed. Business Process Manager: Enables technical staff to easily implement and deploy process models in Documentum Process Engine (see below). This graphical tool employs a set of pre-defined templates to configure process activities such as automated tasks, user-handled tasks, and integrations with external systems. Process Engine: Executes, orchestrates, and manages business processes running in a production environment, assigning process tasks to the correct system, group, or individual at the appropriate time. Documentum Process Engine uses configurable policies and queue management to efficiently handle high volumes of incoming work, and enforces task priorities and deadlines required to meet service-level agreements. It also provides audit data that can be used to tune processes, monitor business activity, and meet compliance initiatives. Business Process Services: Integrates Documentum process, content, and repository services with external systems using a standards-based, service-oriented architecture framework. It offers a comprehensive set of methods for integration with external systems and applications in order to trigger a process, automate a workflow activity, and import or export data. The result: processes can communicate with enterprise applications, message brokers, services, and even individuals via the Business Process Services automated e-mail delivery/receipt capabilities. Business Activity Monitor: Provides real time alerts and reports on process execution data pulled from Documentum Process Engine. Business Activity Monitor tracks defined key performance indicators (KPI5), providing process information at both the aggregate and instance level through user-configurable dashboards and issuing alerts when KPI conditions fall outside defined thresholds. It can also feed performance information back into Business Process Analyzer and Business Process Simulator, using actual business conditions to optimize process design and efficiency. Forms Builder: Allows users to input information through a standards-based electronic forms interface. Documentum forms can be used to capture, validate, and reuse data throughout a process, as well as to initiate activities or complete workflow tasks within a process. Process Connectors: Integrates Documentum Process Suite with best-of-breed, third party applications such as rules engines and auditing, analytic, and reporting tools. EMC

also offers a set of connectors for importing processes modeled outside of Documentum Process Suite, enabling you to expose them to advanced process analysis, simulation, and design capabilities in Documentum. Documentum Composer or Documentum Application Builder EMC Documentum Composer provides a unified development platform for assembling, configuring, and deploying EMC Documentum applications. Based on the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Composer helps you create and maintain EMC Documentum application elements such as workflow templates, lifecycle definitions, security settings, aspects, and object types. Composer's popular Eclipse plug-in model supports the broader ecosystem of customers, partners, and systems integrators. For faster access to content-enabled services, Composer exposes a Services Catalog Viewer that allows developers to rapidly develop, publish, search for, and consume reusable services. EMC Documentum eRoom Enterprise EMC Documentum eRoom Enterprise is an enterprise platform that combines the tools found in Documentum eRoom with content management capabilities. With eRoom Enterprise collaboration software, people from different organizations and different time zones can work together on projects, programs, and processes while managing the content that is generated. Leveraging an intuitive, web-based workspace and an industryleading content management platform, eRoom Enterprise delivers a universally accessible, web-based collaborative environment, plus full access to enterprise content and workflow processes.

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