Docket 1615

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SPACE Chapter



Agent Y





pending to




who must Uon is rated be given to give by ainstrument flight Instructor flight instruction.

ment rating without regard to his total flight time. They also contended that: (1) By making it easier to secure an instrument rating, many more private pilots would be encouraged to secure additional instrument training and an instrumentrattng, and, insodoing, beoome better and safer pilots and able to get more utility from the aircraft they fly;

Interested persons have been afforded an opportunity to participate in the making of this amendment, and due consideration has been given to all relevant matter presented. In consideration of the foregoing. § 61.36 of Part 61 lNewl of the Federal Aviation Regulations is amended, effecrive July 27, 1964, to read as follows:

(2) total pilot experience Is a poor meastire of airman competency; and (3) a pilot is often more receptive to instru•ment trainingsoon afterhaving quailThe purpose of this amendment to fledfor a privatecertificate than he is Part 61 [Newl of the Federal Aviation afterhaving reached the 200-hour total Regulations is to revise the instrument time Point with a considerable amount of experience and minimum flight time requirements for the issuance of an instruunsupervised flying, ment rating. It was proposed in Draft Two commenters suggested that, as an Release No. 63-6 issued February" 19, alternate solution to the experience re1963 (28 F.R. 1881). qulrement, the private pilot applicant be Many writtencomments on the draft requiredto meet only the cross-country releasewere receivedfrom industryor- Portions of the commercial pilot exganizations,flying schools,flight in- perieneerequirements. structors,private pilots,and executive Other comments indicatedthat some operatorsand pflots, persons misconstrued proposed § 61,35 The comments were almost unani(e)as not requiringthatthe 15 hours of monsly in favor of the proposedincrease instrumentflightinstructionbe givenby in instrument flightinstruction and ada flightinstructorwho iscertificated to ditionalflighttrafningmaneuvers, giveinstrument flightinstruction.This Strong objectionswere receivedto the has been clarified, proposeddeletion of theconunerclalpilot The proposed reductionin totalflight experiencerequirementsfor the private time for the privatepilotapplicantfor pilot who applies for an instrument an instrument rating is a controversial rating. On the other hand, some corn-, item,with strongarguments on each side. reenters wholeheartedly endorsed the After carefulconsiderationof allissues proposaland hailed it as a progressive involved,theAgency has concludedthat, stepand a definite contribution to safety, in view of the foregoing arguments The principalobjectionsto reduction againstthe proposed change, it issufof the experience requirementsfor the ficiently doubtfulthat thisactionwould privatepilotapplicantwere based on the permit the maintenance ofpresentsafety feeling that a person with less than the levels in IFR operations, as to make its total flight time required for a commeradoption inappropriate. Therefore, the cial pilot certificate would not have the Agency has dropped the proposed change, "seasoning" and maturity of Judgment The increase in amount of instrument which is very important in modern IFR flight instruction and the additionaL, operations. Considerable concern was flight training maneuvers proposed in expressed in a number of comments the draft release received very favorable about flying under IFR if pilots with the comments. These proposed changes limited experience which would be poswould provide for more realistic and slble under the proposal in Draft Release practical training standards and there63-6 were allowed to engage in IFR opfore are being adopted, erations. It was also contended that the Accordingly, § 61.35(a) (_.) is amended mere ability to satisfactorily accomplish to clarify that an applicant who is a the maneuvers in the instrument rating private pilot must meet the requirements flight test gives no assurance that a pilot of § 61.115(a) except subparagraphs (3) would exhibit the same skills and judgand (4) thereof. This will dispel any ment under the stress of actual IFR opdoubt as to the applicability of the 200eration and, consequently, that the hour flight time requirement and be conpresent total flight time requirements sistent with § 61.29(a). The regulatory providean overallbackground ofexperthistory of this requirement as conence which should not be reduced. A tained in Part 20 of the CivilAir Regunumber of comments pointed out that lationsmakes it clear that the intent betterequipped aircraft, the diversity of was to exempt the applicantonly from ground facilities, and increased IFR the 10 hours of flight instructionin trafficactuallycomplicate rather than preparation for the commercial pilot simplifyinstrument operations, wlth reflighttest. This is the interpretation suitingincreaseddemands on the pilot which has been followed in the past. and that,if any change is to be made, In complying with § 61.35(c),the appllthe flighttime requirements should be cant willhave met the requirementsof Increased instead of decreased. § 61.115(a) (4). Proponents of the proposed eliminaSection 61.35(c) is amended to incortion of the commercial pilot experience porate the additional instrument flight requirement for the private pilot appliinstruction and training maneuvers as cant contended that the acquisitionof proposed in the draft release,except an additionall_Ohours or soof mlscella- that the language isrephrased to_avold neous flyingwould giveno assurancethat any misunderstanding of the fact that the pilot would have any better judgthe 15 hours of instrument flight instruc(.As


under or ment IFR,be than betterwould qualified be the tocase operate ff he were permitted to qualify for an instru-

Revision of Minimum Aeronautical Experience Requirements for an Instrument Rating





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§ 61.35 Instrument ratins;; knowledge and experience requirements. (a) An applicant, for an instrument rating must hold at least-(1) A commercial pilotcertificate; or (2) A private pilot certificate and meet the requirements of § 61.115(a) exeept subparagraphs (3) and (4) thereof. (b) An applicant for an instrument rating must pass a written test on-(I) This subchapter as it appliesto flight under IFR conditions; (2) Radio navigation systems and procedures,instrument landing systems and procedures,and radio eonununicationprocedures;and (3) Meteorology,includingthe characteristlcs of air masses and frontsand the weather associatedwith them, elementary principlesof forecasting,and the availability, evaluation,and utillzatlonofmeteorological reports. (c) An applicant for an instrument rating must have at least40 hours of instrtmaenttime under actual or simufated conditions (including time acqulred in a synthetictrainer), of which at least20 hours were in flightand at least 15 hours were instrument flight instructiongiven by a flightinstructor with an instrument rating on his flight instructor certificate. The required instrument flight instruction must include at least-(1) An instrument approach down to the published minimums at two different locations, at or least of which have a VOR ILS one facility that is must used for the approach; Two instrument approachesfrom made in (2) accordance with a clearance air traffic control and including transition from en route airways instrument flight to the approach fix or facility from which the approach will begin; and (3) One flight of at least 200 nautical miles on Federal airways while operating in accordance with an approved IFR flight plan. The flightrequiredby subparagraph (3) of this.paragraphmust includeat least two compulsory reportingPointsand use VHF navigation facilities for at least one legof the course. During the flight at leastone instrument approach must be made down to the publishedminitaurus,at a place where the traineehas not previously made an instrument approach. (ttecs. 313(a), 601,602 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1956; 49 U.S.C. 1354, 1421, 1422) Issued in Washington, D.C., on May 19, 1964. N.E. HZLAay, Administrator. [F.R.Doc. 64-5150;Filed,Maz_ 22, 1964; g:4s a.m.| on




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