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Introduction To The Science Of Lymphology And The Art Of Lymphasizing

Dr. Stephen E. West

A Revolution in the Physiology of the Living Cell"- Dr. Gilbert N. Ling

As a man thinketh Books by James Allen

Boger's General Analysis 7; digestion affected: aeth ANT-C arg-n ars BRY CALC CHIN FERR merc NUX-V olnd phos PULS Boger's General Analysis 7; eating; agg.: arg-n ARS bry calc carb-an CARB-V chin kali-bi kali-c lach LYC nat-m nux-m NUX-V PHOS PULS sep sulph Boger's General Analysis 7; eating; agg.; long after: aeth anac carb-an carb-v ferr KALI-BI KREOS nat-m PHOS PULS sulph zinc

Boger's General Analysis 7; joints, arthritic complaints: ARN bell BENZ-AC BRY CALC caust CHAM cimic COLCH dros dulc graph guai kali-bi kalm led lith-c lyc MERC nux-v PHYT puls RHUS-T ruta SABIN SIL staph sulph urt-u

‘Healthcare designed by nature’.-heel Germany

Client Focused. Results Driven.-

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. —MARK TWAIN

It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success nor more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who would gain by the new one. —NICCOLÒ MACHIAVELLI

For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled. —RICHARD FEYNMAN

If you want to be liked, talk about disruption. If you want to be hated, practice it. —R. F. LOEB

Science advances one funeral at a time. —MAX PLANCK

Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker’s excellent book on biotoxins, Surviving Mold, Julia Graves: the Language of Plants; a guide to the Doctrine of Signatures.

The Homocysteine Revolution Kilmer McCully, MD Optimal Wellness- Ralph Golan, MD Breaking the Vicious CycleIntestinal Health Through Diet

Gurpareet-indian superfood Childhood Illness and the Allergy Connection Zoltan P. Rona, MD  Laboratory Evaluations for Integrative and Functional Medicine  • Case Studies in Integrative and Functional Medicine  • The Metametrix Handbook

Case studies in integrative and functional medicine Author:Kara N Fitzgerald; J Alexander Bralley

Culbert, Timothy C, Olness, Karen, eds. (2010) Integrative Pediatrics. Oxford University Press. Integrative Medicine Library Series. • Kemper, Kathi (2010) Mental Health, Naturally. American Academy of Pediat rics. • Kemper, Kathi (2002) The Holistic Pediatrician. Harper Collins, 2nd edition, HarperQuill. • Loo, May (2008) Integrative Medicine for Children,1st edition, Saunders.

Elaine Gloria Gottschall

For practitioners interested in the AAP’s recommendations on CAM, please refer to the AAP’s section on Integrative medicine and please refer to the following two articles: • Kemper KJ, Vohra S, Walls R. “The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Pediatrics: A Clinical Report,” Pediatrics. Volume 122, Number 6, December 2008, pp. 1374–1368. • “Recommendations for pediatric clinicians who discuss alternative complemen tary and unproven therapies with their families” available in the article Counsel ing Families Who Choose Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Their Child With Chronic Illness or Disability. Pediatrics. Vol. 107 No. 3 March 1, 2001, pp. 598–601.

As an example, in a child suffering from allergic rhinitis, an Ayurvedic practitio ner may make a variety of suggestions: • Diet: Restrict of heavy, sticky (kapha) foods including cheese, milk, yogurt, ice cream, peanut butter, cream sauces, ripe bananas, mangos, dates, and figs. Use heating spices in food including black pepper, cumin, salt, chili powder, etc. • Lifestyle: Eliminate late night meals, ensure regular/proper eating times, ensure regular/proper sleep/wake times, reduce “sleeping in” and naps, promote exer cise and physical exertion • Cleansing: Sauna treatment for dry heat; Sunning for heat; Ensure regular bowel movements • Herbal treatment: Gentle, clearing herbs that are heating such as Zingiber of ficinale (ginge

Handbook of integrative dermatology : an evidence-based approach by Peter A Lio; Toral Patel; Neill T Peters; Sarah Kasprowicz; vahr 40 years of practice Cough with mucous rales. Ipec, Tart. Emetic calc,causticum Cham.. belladonna,pulsetilla

RATTLE IN THE CHEST, BUT DON'T EXPECTORATE (Am-C., Ant-T., Carb-V., Lobelia inflate Nat-S.) (B.).

Cough with if there is much expectoration, Sulph calc Puls., Phosph acid.lachesis dulcamara Staphys., Stann., Carbo veg., Ipec, Hep., Bry., SiL, China, Lyc;

9c Recommended Reading      

The New Atkins for a New You, by Westman, Phinney, Volek, ISBN 978-0091935573 Wheat Belly, by William David, ISBN 978-1609611545 Why We Get Fat, by Gary Taubes, ISBN 978-0307272706 Good Calories, Bad Calories, by Gary Taubes, ISBN 978-1400033461 The Paleo Diet, by Loren Cordain, ISBN 978-0470913024 The Paleo Solution, by Robb Wolf, ISBN 978-0982565841

The Primal Blueprint, by Mark Sisson, ISBN 978-0982207703

Andrew Saul ortho molecular nutritionist good books

Dr. Jack Kruse Gerard Mullin

Multi-botanical antimicrobial formula Bilberry extract (25% anthocyanosides), noni, milk thistle, echinacea (purpurea & angustifolia), goldenseal, shiitake, white willow (bark), garlic, grapeseed extract, black walnut (hull and leaf), raspberry, fumitory, gentian, tea tree oil, galbanum oil, lavender oil (plant and flower), oregano oil (plant and flower) OTHER INGREDIENTS Vegetable Glycerine, Water, Capsule (plant cellulose, titanium dioxide), < 5% alcohol (potato and/or cane source)

Linus Pauling, in How to Live Longer and Feel Better The germ is nothing; the terrain is everything. Louis Pasteur The carpenter desires timber, the physician disease. Rig Veda IX. 7.9

Hunger is not the cause of death, for deaths approach the man who has eaten. Rig Veda X. 10.5

I find medicine is the best of all trades because whether you do any good or not you still get your money. Moliere: "A Physician in Spite of Himself," 1664

The best doctor gives the least medicines. Benjamin Franklin For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect. Carl C. Pfeiffer, M.D., Ph.D.

A vegetarian diet can prevent 97% of our coronary occlusions. Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 176, No. 9, June 3, 1961, p 806.

One-quarter of what you eat keeps you alive. The other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive. (Hieroglyph found in an ancient Egyptian tomb.) The physician is Nature's assistant. Claudius Galen (c. AD 129 - AD 216)

Pomegranate as a Possible Treatment in Reducing Risk of Developing Wound Healing, Obesity, Neurodegenerative Disorders, and Diabetes Mellitus Author(s): Manaf AlMatar*, Md Rashedul Islam, Osman Albarri, Isil Var, Fatih Koksal.

Neurodegenerative diseases: From available treatments to prospective herbal therapy Author links open overlay panelIshaSolankiPriyankaPariharMordhwaj SinghPariha

Dysglycemia and Abdominal Obesity Author(s): Eberhard Standl.

Metabolism. 2019 Jan 30. pii: S0026-0495(19)30025-3. doi: 10.1016/j.metabol.2019.01.010. [Epub ahead of print]

A novel healthy metabolic phenotype developed among a cohort of families enriched for longevity. Marron MM1

Serum Cholesterol and Incident Alzheimer's Disease: Findings from the Adult Changes in Thought Study Zachary A. Marcum PharmD, PhD Fat for Fuel

Vail Brandt B. ¡nflammalion Means Healing.

TEXTS: (a) Obligatory for ALL students: 1) Energy Medicine – The Scientific Basis – OSCHMAN 2004 Elsevier ISBN 0-44306261-7

2) The Emerging Science of Homoeopathy – complexity bio-physics, bio-dynamics and nano-pharmacology. Bellavite and Signorini. 2nd Edition 2002. North Atlantic Books USA. ISBN 1-55643-384-0 (pbk) “22.50 3) Virtual Medicine. Dr Keith Scott-Mumby. Timpanogos Publishers USA ISBN 0 – 93529 – 02 -1 or Interactive CD ROM from 4) Physiology & Anatomy –A Homoeostatic Approach 2nd edition John Clancy & Andrew J McVicar - Hodder Arnold ISBN 0-340- 76239 -X The foregoing, (with practitioner discount); are available from NutriCentre (books). Tel (020) 7323 2382 Fax (020) 7636 0276 Obligatory for ALL students – HOMOTOXICOLOGY BooksAvailable F.O.C. from Admin, P.O.Box 217, Ashford, Kent. TN23 6ZU 1) Bio-Therapeutic Index – Ordinatio Antihomotoxica et Materia Medica. HEEL. Revised English Edition 2000. 2) The Fundamentals of Homotoxicology – Diagnosis and Therapy of Homotoxicoses. Gabriele Herzberger, Prof D Hartmut Heine. Et al. 2001. AurieliaVertag GmbH. ISBN 3-922907-82-2 3) Homotoxicology and Ground Regulation System. Prof Dr Hartmut Heine. 1st English Edition 2000. ISBN 3-922907-69-5 4) Inflammation means Healing. Bruno van Brandt. 2004 Inspiration Press Belgium. ISBN 90-802503-5-X

Other Relevant Books are:(for Reckeweg adjuvant therapies) 1) Intestinal Microbiology and Probiotics. Prof M F Kirkman and Dr Lennart Cedgard. 1st Edition 2002. ISBN.0-9543405-0-7 Available from Bio-Pathica Ltd. at £12.95 + £2.50 p&p. from PRINCIPAL – cheques to Prof. M.F. Kirkman

REfERENCES 1. holland J. Emergence: From Chaos to Order. oxford, uk: oxford university Press; 2000. 2. Van regenmortel MH. reductionism and complexity in molecular biology. Scientists now have the tools to unravel biological and overcome the limitations of reductionism. EMBO Rep. 2004;5(11):1016-1020. 3. Zimmermann Gr, lehar J, keith CT. Multi-target therapeutics: when the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Drug Discov Today. 2007;12(1-2):34-42. 4. bradesi S, Mcroberts JA, Anton PA, Mayer eA. inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome: separate or unifed? Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2003;19(4):336-342.

5. lehár J, krueger AS, Avery W, et al. Synergistic drug combinations tend to improve therapeutically relevant selectivity. Nat Biotechnol. 2009;27(7):659-666. 6. McChesney Jd, Venkataraman Sk, henri JT. Plant natural products: back to the future or into extinction? Phytochemistry. 2007;68(14):2015-2022. 7. Mattioli TA, Milne b, Cahill CM. ultra-low dose naltrexone attenuates chronic morphine-induced gliosis in rats. Mol Pain. 2010 Apr 16;6:22. 8. Milne b, Sutak M, Cahill CM, Jhamandas k. low doses of alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonists augment spinal morphine analgesia and inhibit development of acute and chronic tolerance. Br J Pharmacol. 2008;155(8):1264-1278. 9. Mannaioni Pf, Mastroianni r, Mastrangelo d. Adrenaline inhibits the immunological activation of human basophils at pharmacological and ultra-low doses. Med Sci Monit. 2010;16(7):br227-br232. 10. Wang J, lou P, lesniewski r, henkin J. Paclitaxel at ultra low concentrations inhibits angiogenesis without affecting cellular microtubule assembly. Anticancer Drugs. 2003;14(1):13-19. 11. nappi C, di Spiezio Sardo A, Acunzo G, et al. effects of a low-dose and ultra-low-dose combined oral contraceptive use on bone turnover and bone mineral density in young fertile women: a prospective controlled randomized study. Contraception. 2003;67(5):355-359. 12. Smit A, o’byrne A, Van brandt b, bianchi i, kuestermann k. Introduction to Bioregulatory Medicine. Stuttgart, Germany: Thieme; 2009. 13. evans J, rzhetsky A. Philosophy of science. Machine science. Science. 2010;329(5990):399-400. 14. Csermely P, Agoston V, Pongor S. The effciency of multi-target drugs: the network approach might help drug design. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2005;26(4):178-182.

The Headache Triggers Sensitivity and Avoidance Questionnaire: Establishing the Psychometric Properties of the Questionnaire Sonja U. Kubik Evans, P., Hucklebridge, F., Clow, A., 2000. Mind, Immunity and Health: The Science of Psychoneuroimmunology. Free Associations Books, London.

Gruzelier, J.H., 2001. A review of the impact of relaxation, imagery and hypnosis training on aspects of immunity and health. Stress. In press

Boger's General Analysis 7; fibrous tissue: BRY CALC calc-f colch FL-AC GRAPH GUAI KALI-M LYC phyt rhod rhus-t ruta sabin SEC SIL Generalities; pain; fibroid tissue, ligaments: berb BRY CALC CALC-F caul chin cimic COLCH coloc FL-AC gels gnaph goss GRAPH GUAI hedeo KALI-M LYC merc nat-ar PHYT RHOD RHUS-T RUTA SABIN SEC SIL STAPH zing Back; fibrositis; dorsal region; scapulae: dys-co Back; fibrositis: BA-SV DYS-CO MORG plb prot SYC-CO thuj

Combination of Ayurveda and Yoga therapy reduces pain intensity and improves quality of life in patients with migraine headache Cluster headache: pharmacological treatment and neurostimulation 

Massimo Leone

Management of Tension-Type Headache with Ayurveda: A Case Series Sanjeev Rastogi

Handbook of Clinical Neurology . 2013;117:379-93. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-534910.00031-6. Heart rate variability. Cygankiewicz I1, Zareba W. "Ultra-Longevity" by Mark Liponis, MD

The Healing Power of Illness DE THLLEFSEN, DAHLKE, Harper Collins 1997 "Prime-Time Health" by William Sears, M.D. with Martha Sears, RN

Your Inner Physician and You: Craniosacral Therapy and Somato Emotional Release Introduction to Bioregulatory Medicine Dr SMIT,ALTA, VAN BRANDT, BR UNO,

Introduction to Bio regulatory Medicine- Alta Smit Treatment with melatonin after onset of experimental uveitis attenuates ocular inflammation Lipoic acid lessens Th1-mediated inflammation in lipopolysaccharide-induced uveitis reducing selectively Th1 lymphocytes-related cytokines release

inflammation, Lifestyle and Chronic Diseases: The Silent Link edited by Bharat B. Aggarwal, Sunil Krishnan, Sushovan Guha Nathan C. Points of control in inflammation. Nature 2002; 420(6917):846-852.

Wu SD, Lo PC. Inward-attention meditation increases parasympathetic activity: a study based on heart rate variability. Biomed Res 2008; 29(5):245-250. 15. Paul-Labrador M, Polk D, Dwyer JH, Velasquez I, Nidich S, Rainforth M, Schneider R, Merz CN. Effects of a randomized controlled trial of transcendental meditation

on components of the metabolic syndrome in subjects with coronary heart disease. Arch Intern Med 2006; 166(11):1218-1224

Huston JM, Tracey KJ. The pulse of inflammation: heart rate variability, the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway and implications for therapy. J Intern Med 2011; 269(1):45-53. 13. Immunthrombocytopenic purpura as a model for pathogenesis and treatment of autoimmunity- P. Imbach J. Akatsuka -European Journal of Pediatrics April 1995, Volume 154, Supplement 4, pp S60–S64

Modern healthcare is expensive so many Americans are struggling with a broken healthcare system. 1 in 5 Americans are struggling with medical debt right now and 62% of personal bankruptcies are caused by medical debt.

Boger's General Analysis 7; eating; agg.: arg-n ARS bry calc carb-an CARB-V chin kali-bi kali-c lach LYC nat-m nux-m NUX-V PHOS PULS sep sulph Boger's General Analysis 7; eating; agg.; little, a: bry carb-an CHIN con kali-c LYC NUX-V petr PHOS puls SULPH Boger's General Analysis 7; eating; agg.; long after: aeth anac carb-an carb-v ferr KALI-BI KREOS nat-m PHOS PULS sulph zinc Boger's General Analysis 7; tendo achilles: anac berb CAUST kali-bi merc MUR-AC sabin SEP valer ZINC Cara ©1997 Miccant Ltd Boericke - Locomotor FEET, HEELS, PAINS, TENDO-ACHILLES, PAIN (13) 3 BENZ-AC, 2 calc-caust, 2 caust, 3 CIMX, 2 ign, 2 med, 3 MUR-AC, 2 ruta, 2 thuj, 2 upa, 3 VALER, 2 arist-cl, 2 tet Cara ©1997 Miccant Ltd Boehenhousen - Lower Extremities DRAWING FOOT: HEELS: TENDO-ACHILLES: (10) 1 acon, 1 alum, 1 ang, 1 graph, 1 mur-ac, 1 nat-m, 1 nat-s, 1 sulph, 3 VALER, 1 zinc Cara ©1997 Miccant Ltd Phatak - Phatak TENDO ACHILLES (7) 1 anac, 1 benz-ac, 1 kali-bi, 2 mur-ac, 1 sep, 1 valer, 2 zinc Cara ©1997 Miccant Ltd Phatak - Phatak TENDO ACHILLES, CONTRACTED (1) 1 cimic Cara ©1997 Miccant Ltd Phatak - Phatak TENDO ACHILLES, CRAMP (1) 1 caust

Cara ©1997 Miccant Ltd Phatak - Phatak TENDO ACHILLES, PAINFUL (2) 1 benz-ac, 1 kali-bi Cara ©1997 Miccant Ltd Phatak - Phatak TENDO ACHILLES, STIFF (2) 1 cimic, 1 sulph Cara ©1997 Miccant Ltd Phatak - Phatak TENDO ACHILLES, STIFF, WALKING WHEN (1) 1 ant-t Cara ©1997 Miccant Ltd Phatak - Phatak TENDO ACHILLES, WALKING < (4) 1 am-m, 1 ant-t, 1 cinnb, 1 colch

Boger's General Analysis 7; skin: apis ARS bell bry calc caust graph hep LACH LYC MERC nit-ac petr phos puls RHUS-T sep sil SULPH Boger's General Analysis 7; nose and sinuses: acon aesc alum ARS AUR calc graph HEP hydr ign iod KALI-BI KALI-I LYC MERC merc-i-f NATM nit-ac nux-v phos PULS SEP SIL spig sulph Boger's General Analysis 7; flatulence: ARG-N arn asaf CARB-V CHAM CHIN cocc GRAPH IGN kali-c LYC mag-c NUX-M NUX-V phos PULS sil SULPH valer zinc Boger's General Analysis 7; warts, fungoid growths, condylomata, proud flesh etc.: ant-c ars bar-c calc carb-an CAUST DULC ferr-pic lach lyc MERC NAT-S NIT-AC ph-ac phos sabin sil staph sulph THUJ

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