Dna Computing

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  • Words: 1,098
  • Pages: 26
“ I believe things like DNA computing will eventually lead the way to a “molecular revolution” which ultimately will have a very dramatic effect on the world.” Said by:“ .……………‘ Leonard Adleman’ ( father of DNA computer )”

A Presentation On ‘‘DNA Computing Beyond SILICON

Computing’’ 1. Nishant Khandelwal (2nd year ,E&C,PCE)


What is DNA ? 

DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid

 All organisms on this planet are made of the same type of genetic element.  DNA carries the genetic information of a cell. This information is the code used within cells to form proteins and is the building block upon

Within the cells of any organism is a substance called DNA which is a double stranded helix of nucleotides.  Strands of DNA are long polymers of millions of linked nucleotides.  Each strand is a series of 4 different nucleotides Adenine (A) Guanine (G) Thymine (T) Cytosine (C)

DNA Structure :

DNA Structure : The key thing to note about the structure of DNA is it’s inherent complementarity  A binds with T and G binds with C  One strand is therefore the “mirror image of another”

Complement of AGGCT is TCCGA  Complement of TAGGA is ATCCT  Complement of GATTACCA is CTAATGGT Interesting Facts :  DNA molecule is 1.7 meters long  Stretch out all the DNA in your cells and you could reach the moon 6000 times!

DNA Computing :1. Around 1950 first idea (Precursor Feynman) 2. First important experiment 1994: Leonard Adleman

Molecular level (just greater than 10-9 meter) 1.In only 5 grams of DNA we get around 1021 bases !

2.Each DNA strand represents a processor !

A completely new method of general computation alternative to electronic/semiconductor technology. Uses biochemical processes based on DNA DNA strands take part in chain reactions -Act as a kind of Parallel Processing Extremely dense information storage. Enormous parallelism.

DNA computing is utilizing the property of DNA for massively parallel computation.

With an appropriate setup and enough DNA, one can potentially solve huge problems by parallel search.

Utilizing DNA for this type of computation can be much faster than utilizing a conventional computer

Leonard Adleman proposed that the makeup of DNA and its multitude of possible combining nucleotides could have application in computational research techniques.

The Hamiltonian Path Problem(HPP): • A Hamiltonian path in a graph is a path visiting each node only once, starting and ending at a given locations. Traveling Salesmen Problem : Chicago

Adleman’s Experiment Here each city is being treated as a node

Los Angeles


New York


Generate all possible routes.  Select path that start with the proper city and end with final city.  Select path with the correct no. of cities.  Select path that contain each city only once. 

Encode city names in short DNA sequences. Encode path connecting the city sequence for which routes exist.

Los Angeles








New York


City Encoding


Miami to NewYork GCCTAC Route Encoding

Hybridized DNA

Miami NewYork C T A C G GA T G C C G GCCTAC Miami to NewYork

Why DNA computing


As convential computers have a • Limit of miniaturization , beyond that they can not be miniaturize. •Have a limited range of speed.

(i) The information density of DNA is much greater than that of silicon : 1 bit can be stored in approximately one cubic nanometer. Others storage media, such as videotapes, can store 1 bit in 1,000,000,000,000 cubic nanometer. (ii) Operations on DNA are massively parallel: a test tube of DNA can contain trillions of strands. Each operation on a test tube of DNA is carried out on all strands in the tube in parallel.

Massive parallel machines (potential) :Desktop PC


109 ops/sec

Supercomputer : 1012 ops/sec 1 µmol of DNA : 1026 reactions…(isn’t amazing)

Dense Information Storage : This image shows 1 gram of DNA on a CD. The CD can hold 800 MB of data. The 1 gram of DNA can hold about 1x1014 MB of data. The number of CDs required to hold this amount of information, lined up edge to edge, would circle the Earth 375 times, and would take163,000 centuries to listen .

Uniqueness of DNA How Dense is the Information Storage? • With bases spaced at 0.35 nm along DNA, data density is over a million Gbits/inch compared to 7 Gbits/inch in typical high performance HDD.

Uniqueness of DNA How enormous is the parallelism? • A test tube of DNA can contain trillions of strands. Each operation on a test tube of DNA is carried out on all strands in the tube in parallel !

DNA Computers v/s Conventional Computers: DNA BASED COMPUTING SILICON BASED COMPUTING Slow at individual operations

Fast at individual operations

Can do billion operations simultaneously

Can do fewer operations simultaneously

Can provide huge memory in small space

Smaller memory

Setting up a problem may involve considerable preparations

Setting up of a requires keyword input

DNA is sensitive to chemical deterioration

Electronic data are vulnerable but can be backed up easily

MAYA-II First DNA computer :Stand for (Molecular Array of YES and AND logic gate ) •Replacing the normally silicon-based circuits, this chip has DNA strands to form the circuit •MAYA-II has more than 100 DNA circuits

Parallel Computing- DNA computers are massively parallel. :- Now what is parallel computing ?

Incredibly light weight- With only 1 LB of DNA you have more computing power than all the computers ever made.

Low power- The only power needed is to keep DNA from denaturing.

Solves Complex Problems quickly- A DNA computer can solve hardest of problems in a matter of weeks

Time factor.

Occasionally slower-Simple problems are solved much faster on electronic computers.

It can take longer to sort out the answer to a problem than it took to solve the problem.

Reliability- There is sometime errors in the pairing of DNA strands..(kundali software)

[ 2+2*345+87(43/34*765?90*123^4*564+98)-675+908 ]

The beauty of DNA research trends is found in the possibility of mankind’s utilization of its very life building blocks to solve its most difficult problems.

The field of DNA computing is still in its infancy and the applications for this technology are still not fully understood.

Is DNA computing viable – perhaps, but the obstacles that face the field such as the extrapolation and practical computational environments required are daunting.



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