D.marshall Bio1a Characteristics Lab

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 499
  • Pages: 3
HMS Lab: Characteristics of Life Name: Date:

Choose one of the five specimens you observed and answer the following questions. Some questions will require longer answers than others, and some you might not be able to fully answer. Your observations are what are important. Specimen name (plant, animal, spider, insect, etc.): 1.


Describe in detail the specimen. Write down the physical characteristics (approximate size, color, noticeable patterns, animal or plant, etc.). Well Snails were a shell on there back and they have to eyes .most snails are of a dark gray kinda color but it most likely there are othere shades What evidence did you detect for growth and development? The Shell That A Snail Wears Is Change Constantly Because The Snail May Out Grow it.


What evidence did you detect for reproduction? Theres No Evidence From The Picture But I Know That They Can Reproduce.


What evidence did you detect that the organism responded to its environment? When it Rains The Snail Will Come Out From Hiding. But When The Sun Comes Up The Snail Hides. What evidence did you detect that the organism uses and obtains energy? The evidence is the way it move its body is constantly on the ground so it must pick up some for of energy on the ground.


Is the organism composed of one cell or of many cells? Explain your answer. It composed of many cells because it is not a single celled organism


Does the organism make its own food, or does it rely on other organisms for its food? Its eats the dead things in the ground


What makes this specimen unique from the others you have observed? Its unique because it use a shell for shelter and protection

To answer the following questions, refer back to the information you learned in the discussion group while comparing and contrasting your specimen with your classmates. 9. What is the name of the classmate with whom you were sharing information? I Did This Alone 10. What specimen (insect, spider, plant) did your classmate observe? N/A 11. In what ways were your specimens and the specimens of your fellow classmate alike? N/A 12. In what ways were your specimens and the specimens of your fellow classmates different? N/A 13. What made you decide if an organism made its own food or relied on other organisms for food? Because it’s a organism and not a plant

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