Dm B7 Staff Members Fdr- Email Guide- Kara Email Re Ji-penttbom Info- Withdrawal Notice Re Guidelines- Email Re Contact W Friends At Agencies 386

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9-11 COMMISSION EMAIL GUIDE All staff members now have an official Commission email address. We encourage everyone to begin using these addresses immediately, as staff announcements will be sent exclusively via Commission email. If you would prefer to have your Commission email forwarded to a secondary address, please contact Garth Wermter at gwermter@91 To access your Commission email: 1) 9-11 Commission email can be accessed from any location with Internet access using an unclassified web browser. 2) Go to Do not type "www." 3) Click on "Webmail 3.1" in the upper left corner. 4) You will then be asked for your email and password. Your email is your entire email address. Email addresses consist of your first initial and full last name, followed by "@9-l" (i.e. skaplan@9-l'). Your temporary password consists of your first and last initials, followed by the word "pass" (i.e. skpass). 5) Please change your password as soon as you activate your account. To change your password: 1) Go to the main webmail screen at http://webmail.9-l 2) Select the "Email Account Control Panel" icon. 3) Enter your username portion (e.g. skaplan) in the User Account field and "91" in the Domain Name field. 4) Type in your current password in the Password field, and then click "Login." 5) On the following screen, select "Modify User" from the menu. Enter your full name under "Real Name," and change your password by entering the new one and then re-entering it under "Verify." 6) Leave everything else as is, and click "Modify User." 7) Once done, click "Log Out," and your password will be changed. Other tips: To communicate to the entire Commission staff, you may email staff® 91 In order to facilitate email communication between and among teams, we have established "team" email addresses. For example, members of Team One can be contacted by simply emailing teaml @9-l The same pattern applies to the remaining eight teams. Technical assistance may be obtained from Garth Wermter at [email protected] or 434-242-5081.

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Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 08:03:01 -0400 From: [email protected]^ To: [email protected] Subject: Work already done



As the several teams start their work it might be worthwhile to tell you about work already done while on the Joint Inquiry Staff that our leadership is working to obtain. Using primarily the FBI PENTBOM spreadsheets on the hijackers I built color-coded Excel spreadsheets/graphs that depict hijacker activity by month since 1990, by week for the year 2001, and by day for the period Apr-Sep 2001. Those files are on a CD at JIS and will migrate over here, hopefully, at an appropriate time. They are largely unclassified, but must be handled as Law Enforcement Sensitive. The compilation needs to be verified as you work with it and is as accurate as the underlying FBI data. In addition, at the TS Codeword C level I created a JIS Timeline 2.0 in Powerpoint. That 80 or so page file is by month/week/day/hour/ depending on the time period and extends back to 1998. Each chart displays current Intel, Intel Community reporting, USG Actions, Key Events and hijacker activity compared over time. It also depicts a running scorecard of which hijackers (with pictures) were in the U.S. and when they arrived. JIS Timeline 1.0 was displayed at the first Inquiry open hearing and dealt with major events up to the summer of 2001. Moreover, I have recently recreated/replicated a couple of charts that I have passed on to Team 1. Those charts tell the story of the assembly of the hijackers in 2001 in the United States and the story of the contrast between hijacker activity and USG activity from 1 April onward. That start date was chosen to coincide with the movement of Hanjour and Nawaf al Hazmi from Arizona to Virginia, the beginning of a definable "assembly" phase. A caution. I connect dots differently than most other people and often do so chaotically. I also tend to think in pictures as opposed to words. Lew Moon and Mike Jacobsen can reliably be counted on to keep me honest and to make sure logic prevails. The combination of the three of us should save each team time and effort in the early going. Just ask us—whatever the subject at least one of the three of us touched it at some point over the past year. Over the past few weeks I have also built timelines for flights AAll, AA77 and UAL175 for the day of 9/11 itself, based on information in the public domain. Happy to help, and rest assured the "Force Is With You." Miles


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ACCESS RESTRICTED The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file: Folder Title: Staff Members Document Date: 04-16-2003 Document Type: Memorandum From: Philip Zelikow To: Campagna; Ivicic; Kaplan


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Mail:: Drafts: contacts with agency officials

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119MB /476.84MB (0.25%) Move Copy I nis message to Officials (1 Of 1) Delete I Reply | Reply to AH | Forward j Redirect J Blacklist | Message Source | Resume | Save as | Prtnt Back to Drafts < Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 20:11:51 -0400 From: [email protected]^ To: staff@9-11^ Subject: contacts with agency officials

Many of you have friends and former colleagues in agencies we are or will be seeking information from. Now that we have been given official points of contact at these agencies, however, we need to be especially careful in our discussions with these friends and ex-colleagues. Philip and I are now engaged in the process of inital meetings with the offical POCs, which will be followed by more detailed meetings, in which some of you will be involved, once the team work plans are set. While the pattern will vary from agency to agency, there will undoubtedly be regular day-to-day contacts — on-site or by phone or email — by many of you with the POCs and others designated by them once we establish the particular mode of operation at each agency. In general, we should restrict requests for documents, other information, and interviews to those officals channels established with the agency POCs. Of course, we do not want to cut off natural and useful contacts you may have with friends and former colleagues. They can be useful sources of information, e.g., as to who is doing what at the agency and it may be helpful if they understand what the Commission is trying to do. But we should avoid making requests of them that could be considered a circumvention of the process that we have agreed to followw for seeking information and documents from the agency. If you have any questions aboiut a proposed contact, talk to Philip, Chris or me. Delete | Reply | Reply to All (Forward 1 Redirect t Blacklist | Message Source | Resume i Save as | Print

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