Divinity In Islam

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 4
DIVINITY IN ISLAM : WHY TO CHOOSE ISLAM? I read one of the Hindu website. They want to promote the Hindu religion. Everybody wants to protect ones religion. But actually religion has taken the existence to save humanity. So, religion is for human being. Now from the Hindu website, it clearly indicates that they make open aggressive statements against other religions. They are hurting them. So, actually, they are not serving to their own religion. All the religions teach us the way to reach at the almighty God or Allah. But even God has sent so many messengers to show the right path and to guide towards the right path. Now when one messenger comes on the earth, due to his noble and kind efforts, the world gets the peace. After the demise of the messenger or saint, the kind effect of the world slowly and slowly goes on deteriorating until very crudeness (cruelty) takes the place. Sins are then increased to its high peak. Then almighty God has to send next messenger to improve the world. This system worked until the last messenger and Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) arrived. It must be noted that the messenger of God is directly connected to almighty God whereas the saint is connected to God through messenger of God. In Islam, there exist uncountable number of saints, known and unknown. But all of the Islamic saints are connected to God through (via) messenger Prophet Mohammed. It must be noted that when the messenger is sent, he brings laws of God with him which he orders the worldly people to follow. These rules can be different for different prophets. But when next prophet arrives with latest rules to follow, the previous prophet’s rules are replaced by new prophet’s rules. Not necessarily that all the rules are changed. Some rules are modified. The system of following the rules of the freshly sent prophet is just like our parliament law making. When a new modified law comes, it automatically replaces the previous law. In this way, it is worth noting that the latest laws are those which were brought by the last prophet who is Mohammed (peace be upon him). So, all the people must follow the laws given by Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). Hence the Muslims follow the ultimate and final laws given by Islam. Those not believing in these rules are called infidels. This word is given by God (Allah). Islam has come into existence from one person who is messenger of Allah and whose name is Mohammed (Pbuh). You must recognise him that his single being was able to convince the system of God. So, I don't want to tell about his super natural matters. The great miracle was that he had no shadow of his own body against any light like sun rays or lantern light. He was totally light then how can a light form its own shadow. The secret reason behind this was, in fact, Allah did not want to even insult to the shadow of his beloved prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). It is natural that if anybody is standing in hot sun, he must have his shadow on the ground and some other person can walk over his shadow. Think, when the God did not like the shadow of his beloved prophet be insulted lest one should walk over even unknowingly. The present time is a time in which the God almighty has given dominance to Satan, the evil, and hence cartoons of such a pious Prophet are made! Otherwise, no good people can even think of such a bad idea for so great Prophet.

More than 1430 years passed after the passing of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) from this world, the evil has raised its peak killing humans by humans. This is prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) for whom, kalki avtaar was told of. Even a book has been published by a Hindu pandit giving logical proofs, who is working in a University in Uttar Pradesh. You people must consider this thing into account. It is against logic that a very small group can give torture to a big majority. When Islam was rising, only a few people started to accept it. Those few can be counted by fingers. How can it be possible that those few were able to oppress against uncountable vast majority and conquered and gave rise to Islam? In fact, it was a divine power which worked. Even now a day, the miracles happen from the graves of holy saints of Islam. I have recorded video of their miracles. So, Islam is a great religion. By practicing Islam, I have awakened my kundalini and running it full flow. In Islam the kundalini awakening is called as lataaif energy in which the chakras are called as lataaif. I am non-vegetarian. All the religions lead to a right path. But God prefers to those who obey the rules and system of last messenger, the last prophet who is the prophet of Islam who is for the mercy of all the worlds. We the Muslims believe in all previous prophets including prophet of Jews and prophet of Christian. It is compulsory for the Muslims to believe in all prophets but they must obey the laws and systems of the last prophet who is head of all previous prophets according to quran. Now the Jews and the Christians are also termed as infidels due to their denial of last prophet ( Prophet Mohammed ) and due to their denial to follow the rules and systems brought by the final messenger. To disregard any one of the prophets arrived in this world is defined as infidel or non-believer. This is not a definition made by any human but by the God (Allah), the almighty himself. Islam is the latest religion on the earth and hence has included all the essence of the previous religions. At the time of very old era, when all humanity was created from one mother and one father, the very first generation of their children was real brothers and sisters. They married with real brothers and real sisters. It was religiously legal then. But as the years passed by, now the same God ordered new law not to marry with real brothers and sisters. So, God is same but he changed the laws as per the demand of the time. Such was his intension to send different prophets with their laws and systems. In this way, the Muslims are the only human group who is following the systems and laws of the final prophet, the latest laws of almighty Allah(God). Now modern religious leaders like Nirmala Devi, are mixing Islam with her own religion or other religions. God can be pleased if one follows the last prophet and his systems. One can reach up to certain level in the divinity by practicing any religion but ultimate target can be achieved if Islam is accepted. Money can be achieved by right way and by wrong way. But money achieved by right way gives you divine happiness. Certain divinity obtained by practicing other religious prayers will not yield divine happiness. Even the Satan (witchcraft, the devil) can show you different illusive divinity. Such illusive devil divinity occurred in front of Muslim saints but they recognised it and defeated it due to Islamic divinity-the ultimate true divinity they had.

Islam has two types of prayers. Open prayers and hidden prayers. Hidden prayers are those carried with meditation. They perform Pas Anfas (prana yaam ). They perform stopping breath practice called Nafase dam. These prayers are for obtaining higher level divinity. The open prayers like Namaaz (salaat) etc are for establishing network and brotherhood and lower level divinity. Of course, now a day, some followers of Islam have been depriving of the hidden treasures of Islam and some Islamic groups’ beliefs are decayed about their own saints, the Islam has to suffer a lot. But if the gold biscuit is worsened by falling into mud or dung, it never loses its identity as gold. So, after all Islam is Islam. It is a chosen religion by Almighty Allah, the ever lasting God. The God (Allah) cannot give birth. The Christian started to consider Christ as God’s son is a defective faith. The Jews consider themselves as sons of God are also adopting a defective faith. To say that God gives births from him is a great sin according to Islam. God is eternal. He has no father and no son. He created the creation by his own order only. The Hindus are idol worshipping and hence have a defective faith, for, only God (Allah) is the one who must be worshipped. Also we see that the saints are merged or communion with God. He (friend of Allah-saint) himself is a light reflection of God then how can he worship the man-made idol (Statue). God cannot be made by man. So, to believe man-made idol as a God is a great defective belief. In this regards, only Islam gives you the true direction. Due to such faulty beliefs which human accrue, the last prophet was sent who improved the beliefs, the moral character and ethical values of the society. The human is the best creation of the God and how can a best created worship or bow down to the one which is inferior to him, i.e. the idol. The Muslims humbly believe that there is no compulsion in converting the human to Islam. By changing the heart, Islam can be poured into the hearts of the non-believers. This is the reason; India is contained by Hindu majority in spite of the 300 years of the Muslim rulers’ rule in India. The religious wars though took place. What if the Muslims were burnt while they were sleeping into their houses? What the Muslims should do when non believer’s country imposes war and intrudes on their country. What the Muslims should do when one army person per seven Muslim people are placed in Kashmir. In the name of terrorist entry in the Kashmir from Pakistan border, Indian army are killing innocent Muslims in Kashmir putting army in the ratio of 7: 1 In the time of British rule in Palestine, the Jews were settled in Palestine and when Palestine was liberated, those Jews settlers formed Israel with the help of the Jews and Christians. Who killed more number of innocent people – America or the terrorists? How many people were killed by Russia and America in Afghanistan? So, imagine, who are the main culprit? This is the time when the world is sunk into the power of devil. The devil is running behind the Islamic world. This is the reason why Islam is blamed. The God (Allah) almighty has told that the chosen religion-Islam is disliked by the enemy of Allah. Islamic prophet had forecasted such situation that his followers would be cut like vegetables. But have you ever thought, thousands of goats are cut but it cannot reduce its numbers? Big animal like Camel is happy to live in deserts where water and trees and other vegetation are very scarce, but they live in tens of hundreds of thousands! The almighty God gives its sustenance. Because these are the animals provided for the

Muslims for their food. Such is the case for cows. All these animals are allowed for the food of the Muslims. When creator has allowed such animals for the Muslims then who are the created ones to prohibit them. When the mercy is the case, then close (shut down) the factories producing the pesticides. Don’t kill caterpillars, worms, insects, bugs, fleas, humans in the wars, etc. as these are the living creations. If you cut vegetables, there is a life in vegetables too. So, only to harass the Muslims, one should not use ones religious tactics. The Hindus are violating the fundamental rights of the Muslims in India by hindering them in the practice of their religion- the Islam by prohibiting cow slaughter at the festival of Bakri Eid. The Hindus definition about vegetarian is very confusing! Those Hindus who are calling them as vegetarian consume Milk and Eggs though these are not a product directly coming out from soil. Vegetables are living things always coming out from soil directly. They argue that Milk and Eggs are allowed in Vedas. So they are defining vegetables according to Vedas. But they could have said that certain non-vegetables are permitted in Vedas. So their vegetarian criteria are illusive. Islam grew up when the entire Europe was in the darkness era when license to paradise was given in the name of donation to the church. Martin Luther came to rescue and the protestant sect in the Christianity came to the existence. But on the other hand, the Islam gave the world the idea and demonstration of a democracy. Islam’s first four head of states (khalipha) were elected and set on the throne one after the other who ruled for twenty five years and extended Islamic state boundaries up to present day Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Afghanistan and the capital city had to be moved from Madinah to Damascus. (1)Islam gave first idea and demonstration of the democracy to the entire world (2)Islam gave respect to the female first in the world by stopping baby(infant) girl killings and arranging marriages with the widowers. (3)Islam gave rights to women from the properties of their parents (4)Islam protected women from illegal sex abuse due to man shortages due to killings in wars and comparative life survival difference by allowing to marry with up to maximum four women. This marvelously prevented illegal sex activities. (5)Islam gave women their rights of education and work as can be seen from the history of Razia Sultan. (6)Islam gave the world the order to destroy interest rates of the banks and demonstrated trade without interest. The world face bankruptcy due to anti-islamic follow up of interest based banking. (7)Islam gave social financial justice and balance by implementing compulsory levy on the rich and prosperous people at the rate of 2.5 per cent of their income, which is called as zakat.

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