Distributed Database Management Notes - 1

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Chapter 6 Distributed DBMS Architecture This chapter introduces the architecture of different distributed systems such as client/server system and peer-to-peer distributed system. Due to diversity of distributed system, it is very difficult to derive an equivalent architecture for distributed DBMS. Different alternative architectures of the distributed database system and the advantages and disadvantages of such systems are discussed here in detail. This chapter also introduces the concept of multi-database system (MDBS) which is used to manage the heterogeneity of different DBMSs in a heterogeneous distributed DBMS environment. The classification of multi-database system and the architectures of such databases are thoroughly presented in this chapter. The outline of this chapter is as follows. Section 6.1.1 introduces different alternative architectures for client/server system and pros and cons of this system. In Section 6.1.2, alternative architectures for peer-to-peer distributed system has been discussed. Section 6.1.3 focuses on multi database system (MDBS). The classifications of MDBS and their corresponding architectures have been illustrated in this section. 6.1 Introduction The architecture of a system reflects the structure of the underlying system. It defines the different components of the system, the functions of these components and overall interactions and relationships among these components. This concept is true for general computer systems as well as software systems also. The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprises software elements or modules, the externally visible properties of these elements and the relationships among them. Software architecture can be thought as a representation of an engineering software system and the process and discipline for effectively implementing the design(s) of such system. Distributed database system can be consider as a large-scale software system, thus, the architecture of distributed system can be defined in a similar manner like software systems. This chapter introduces the different alternative reference architectures of distributed database systems such as client/server, peer-to-peer and multi-database systems. 6.1.1 Client/Server System In the late 1970s and early 1980s smaller systems (mini computer) were developed that required less power and air conditioning. The term client/server was first used in the 1980s and gaining acceptance in reference to personal computer (PCs) on a network. In the late 1970s, Xerox developed the standard and technology that is familiar as Ethernet today. This provided a standard means of linking together computers from different manufactures and formed the basis for modern local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs). Client/server system has been developed to cope up with the rapidly changing business environment. The general forces that drive the move to Client/Server system are as follows:


• • • • •

A strong business requirement for decentralized computing horsepower. Standard, powerful computers with user-friendly interfaces. Mature, shrink-wrapped user applications with wide spread acceptance. Inexpensive, modular systems designed with enterprise class architecture such as power and network redundancy and file archiving network protocols to link them together. Growing cost/performance advantages of PC-based platforms.

The Client/Server system is a versatile, message-based and modular infrastructure that is intended to improve usability, flexibility, interoperability and scalability as compared to centralized, mainframe, time-sharing computing. In the simplest sense, the client and the server can be defined as follows. • •

A Client is an individual user’s computer or a user application that does a certain amount of processing its own and sends and receives requests to and from one or more servers for other processing and/or data. A Server consists of one or more computers or an application program that receives and processes requests from one or more client machines. A server is typically designed with some redundancies in power, network, computing, and file storage.

Usually, a client is defined as a requester of services and a server is defined as the provider of services. A single machine can be both a client and a server depending on the software configuration. Sometimes, the term server or client refers to the software rather than the machines. Generally, server software runs on powerful computers dedicated for exclusive use to business applications. On the other hand, client software runs on common PCs or workstations. The properties of a server are: • • •

Passive (slave) Waiting for requests On request serves clients and sends reply.

The properties of a client are: • • •

Active (Master) Sending requests Waits until reply arrives.

Server can be stateless or stateful. A stateless server does not keep any information between requests. A stateful server can remember information between requests. Advantages and disadvantages of Client/Server System A client/server system provides a number of advantages over a powerful mainframe centralized system. The major advantage is that it improves usability, flexibility, interoperability and scalability as compared to centralized, mainframe, time-sharing computing. In addition, a client/server system has the following advantages: 103

• • •

A client/server system has the ability to distribute the computing workload between client workstations and shared servers. A client/server system allows the end user to use microcomputer’s graphical user interfaces, thereby improves functionality and simplicity. It provides better performance at a reduced cost for hardware and software than alternative mini or mainframe solutions.

The client/server environment is more difficult to maintain for a variety of reasons which are as follows. • • • • •

The client/server architecture creates a more complex environment in which it is often difficult to manage different platforms (LANs, operating systems, DBMS etc.). In a client/server system, the operating system software is distributed over many machines rather than a single system, thereby increases complexity. A client/server system may suffer from security problem as the number of users and processing sites increases. The workstations are geographically distributed in a client/server system and each of these workstations are administrated and controlled by individual departments, which adds extra complexity. Furthermore, one communication cost is incurred with each processing. The maintaining cost of a client/server system is greater than alternative mini or mainframe solutions. Architecture of Client/Server Distributed System Client/Server architecture is a prerequisite to the proper development of Client/Server systems. The Client/Server architecture is based on hardware and software components that interact to form a distributed system. In a client/server distributed database system, entire data can be viewed as a single logical database while at the physical level data may be distributed. From the data organizational view, the architecture of a client/server distributed database system is mainly concentrated on software components of the system and this system includes three main components: clients, servers and communications middleware. (i)

A Client is an individual computer or process or user’s application that requests services from the server. A Client is also known as front-end application since the end user usually interacts with the client process. The software components require in client machine are client operating system, client DBMS and client graphical user interface. Client process is run on an operating system that has at least some multitasking capabilities. The end users interact with the client process via graphical user interface. In addition, a client DBMS is required at client side, which is responsible for managing the data that is cached to the client. In some client/server architecture, communication software is embedded into the client machine to interact efficiently with other machines in the network as a substitute of communication middleware.



A Server consists of one or more computers or is a computer process or application that provides services to clients. A Server is also known as back-end application since the server process provides the background services for the client processes. A server provides most of the data management services such as query processing and optimization, transaction management, recovery management, storage management and integrity services to clients. In addition, sometimes communication software is resided into the server machine to manage communications with clients and other servers in the network instead of communication middleware.


A communication middleware is any process(es) through which clients and servers communicate with each other. The communication middleware is usually associated with a network that controls data and information transmission between clients and servers. Communication middleware software consists of three main components: Application Program Interface (API), Database translator and network translator. The application program interface (API) is public to client applications through which it can communicate with the communication middleware. The middleware API allows the client process to be database server independent. The database translator translates the SQL requests into the specific database server syntax, thus, enables a DBMS from one vendor to communicate directly with a DBMS from another vendor without a gateway. The network translator manages the network communications protocols, thus, it allows clients to be network protocol independent. To accomplish the connection between the client and the server, the communication middleware software operates at two different levels. The physical level deals with the communications between the client and the server computers (computer to computer) whereas the logical level deals with the communications between the client and the server processes (interprocess). Graphical User Application Interface Program Client Machine OS Client DBMS


SQL Queries Communication Middleware

Query optimizer Transaction Manager Server Machine

Recovery manager


…………………… Runtime Support Processor 105 Figure 6.1

Client/Server Reference Architecture


A Client/Server architecture is intended to provide a scalable architecture, whereby each Communication Middleware computer or process on the network is either a client or a server. Architectural Alternatives for Client/Server System A Client/Server system provides several architectural alternatives known as two-tier, three-tier and multi-tier or n-tier. Two-tier architecture: A generic Client/Server architecture has two types of nodes on the network: clients and servers. As a result, these generic architectures are sometimes referred to as two-tier architectures.  With two tier client/server architecture, the user system interface is usually located in the user's desktop environment and the database management services are usually in a server that services many clients. Processing management is split between the user system interface environment and the database management server environment. The general two-tier architecture of a Client/Server system is illustrated in the following figure.



…… ….


Communication Network

Print Server

Figure 6.2

File Server

DBMS Server

Two-tier Client/Server Architecture

In a two-tier client/server system, it may occur that multiple clients served by a single server, called multiple client-single server approach. Another substitute is multiple servers provide services to multiple clients, called multiple clients multiple servers approach. In case of multiple client single server approach, two alternative management strategies are possible: either each client manages its own connection to the appropriate server or each client communicates with its home server, which further communicates with other servers as required. The former approach simplifies server code but complicates the client code with additional functionalities that leads to heavy (fat) client system. On the other hand, the latter approach loads the server machine with all data management responsibilities, thus, leads to light (thin) client system. Depending on the extent to which the processing is shared between the client and the server, a server can be described as fat or thin. A fat server carries the larger proportion of processing load where as a thin server carries a lesser processing load.


The two-tier client/server architecture is a good solution for distributed computing when work groups are defined up to 100 people interacting on a local area network simultaneously. It provides a number of limitations also. The major limitation is performance begins to deteriorate when the number of users exceeds 100. A second limitation of the two tier architecture is that implementation of processing management services using vendor proprietary database procedures restricts flexibility and choice of DBMS for applications. Three-tier architecture: Some networks of Client/Server architecture consist of three different kinds of nodes, clients, application servers which process data for the clients and database servers which store data for the application servers. This is called three-tier architecture. The three-tier architecture (also referred to as the multi-tier architecture) emerged to overcome the limitations of the two-tier architecture. In the three-tier architecture, a middle tier was added between the user system interface client environment and the database management server environment. The middle tier can perform queuing, application execution, and database staging. There are various ways for implementing the middle tier, such as transaction processing monitors, message servers, web servers, or application servers. The typical three-tier architecture of a Client/Server system is depicted in figure 6.3.

Graphical User Interface, Web Interface


Application Server or Web Server

Application Programs, Web Pages

Database Server

Database Management System

Figure 6.3

Three-tier Client/Server Architecture

The most basic type of three-tier architecture has a middle layer consisting of Transaction Processing (TP) monitor technology. The TP monitor technology is a type of message queuing, transaction scheduling, and prioritization service where the client connects to the TP monitor (middle tier) instead of the database server. The transaction is accepted by the monitor, which queues it and takes responsibility for managing it to completion, thus, freeing up the client. TP monitor technology also provides a number of services such as updating multiple different DBMSs in a single transaction, connectivity to a variety of data sources including flat files, nonrelational DBMS & the mainframe, the ability to attach priorities to transactions and robust security. When all these functionalities is provided by third party middleware vendors, it complicates the TP monitor code which is referred as “TP heavy” and it can service thousands


of users. On the other hand, if all these functionalities is embedded in the DBMS and can be considered as two-tier architecture, it is referred to as “TP Lite”. A limitation to TP monitor technology is that the implementation code is usually written in a lower level language, and not yet widely available in the popular visual toolsets. Messaging is another way to implement three tier architectures. Messages are prioritized and processed asynchronously. The message server connects to the relational DBMS and other data sources. The message server architecture is mainly focuses on intelligent messages. Messaging systems are good solutions for wireless infrastructure. The three-tier architecture with a middle layer consisting of Application Server allocates the main body of an application on a shared host for execution rather than in the user system interface client environment. The application server shares business logic, computations, and a data retrieval engine. Thus, major advantages with application server are with less software on the client side there is less security to worry about, applications are more scalable, and installation costs are less on a single server than maintaining each on a desktop client. Currently, developing client/server systems using technologies that support distributed objects has gaining popularity, as these technologies support interoperability across languages and platforms, as well as enhancing maintainability and adaptability of the system. There are currently two prominent distributed object technologies; one is Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) and another is COM (Component Object Model)/DCOM. The major advantage of three-tier client/server architecture is that it provides better performance for groups with a large number of users and improves flexibility with respect to two-tier approach. In case of three-tier architecture, since data processing is separated from different servers it provides more scalability. The disadvantage of three-tier architecture is that it puts a greater load on the network. Moreover, in case of three-tier architecture, it is much more difficult to program and test software than in two-tier architecture, because more devices have to communicate to complete a user’s transaction. In general, a multi-tier (or n-tier) architecture may deploy any number of distinct services, including transitive relations between application servers implementing different functions of business logic, each of which may or may not employ a distinct or shared database system. 6.1.2 Peer-to-Peer Distributed System The peer-to-peer architecture is a good way to structure a distributed system so that it consists of many identical software processes or modules, each module running on a different computer or node. The different software modules stored at different sites communicate with each other to complete the processing required for the completion of distributed applications. A peer-to-peer architecture provides both client and server functionalities on each computer. Therefore, each node can access services from other nodes as well as providing services to other nodes in a peerto-peer distributed system. In contrast with the client/server architecture, in a peer-to-peer distributed system each node provides user interaction facilities as well as processing capabilities.


Considering the complexity associated with discovering, communicating, and managing the large number of computers involved in a distributed system, the software module at each node in a peer-to-peer distributed system is typically structured in a layered manner. Thus, the software module of peer-to-peer applications can be divided into the three layers, known as the base overlay layer, the middleware layer, and the application layer. The base overlay layer deals with the issue of discovering other participants in the system and creating a mechanism for all nodes to communicate with each other. This layer ensures that all participants in the network are aware of other participants. The middleware layer includes additional software components that can be potentially reused by many different applications. The functionalities provided by this layer include the ability to create a distributed index for information in the system, a publish subscribe facility and security services. The functions provided by the middleware layer are not necessary for all applications, but they are developed to be reused by more than one application. The application layer provides software packages intended to be used by users and developed so as to exploit the distributed nature of the peer-to-peer infrastructure. There is no standard terminology across different implementations of the peer-to-peer system, and thus, the term “peer-to-peer” is used for general descriptions of the functionalities required for building a generic peer-to-peer system. Most of the peer-to-peer systems are developed as single application. As a database management system, each node in a peer-to-peer distributed system provides all data management services and it can execute local queries as well as global queries. Thus, in this system there is no distinction between client DBMS and server DBMS. As a single application program, DBMS at each node accept user requests and manages execution. Like client/server system, in a peer-to-peer distributed database system data is also viewed as a single logical database although the data is distributed at the physical level. In this context, the identification of the reference architecture for a distributed database system is necessary. Reference Architecture of Distributed DBMS This section introduces the reference architecture of a distributed database system. Due to diversities of distributed DBMSs, it is much more difficult to represent an equivalent architecture that is generally applicable for all applications. However, it may be useful to represent a possible reference architecture that addresses data distribution. Data in a distributed system is usually fragmented and replicated. Considering this fragmentation and replication issue, the reference architecture of a distributed DBMS consists of the following schemas (as described in figure 6.4): • • • •

A set of global external schemas A global conceptual schema A fragmentation schema and allocation schema A set of schemas for each local DBMS, conforming to the ANSI-SPARC three-level architecture.

The reference architecture of distributed DBMS is illustrated in figure 6.4.


Global external schema1

Global external schema2

Global external schema n

Global conceptual schema

Fragmentation schema

Allocation schema

Local mapping schema1

Local mapping schema2

Local mapping schema n

Local conceptual schema1 schema1

Local conceptual schema2

Local conceptual schema n

Local internal schema1

Local internal schema2

Local internal schema n


Figure 6.4



Reference Architecture of Distributed DBMS

Global External Schema. In a distributed system, user applications and user accesses to the distributed database is represented by a number of global external schemas. This is the top most


level in the reference architecture of a distributed DBMS. This level describes the part of the distributed database that is relevant to different users. Global Conceptual Schema. The global conceptual schema represents the logical description of the entire database as it is not distributed. This level corresponds to the conceptual level of the ANSI-SPARC architecture of centralized DBMS and contains definitions of all entities, relationships among entities, security and integrity information for the whole database stored at all sites in a distributed system. Fragmentation Schema and allocation Schema. In a distributed database, the data can be split into a number of non-overlapping portions, called fragments. There are several different ways to perform this fragmentation operation. The fragmentation schema describes how the data is to be logically partitioned in a distributed database. The global conceptual schema consists of a set of global relations and the mapping between the global relations and fragments is defined in the fragmentation schema. This mapping is one to many, that is, a number of fragments correspond to one global relation but only one global relation corresponds to one fragment. The allocation schema is a description of where the data (fragments) is to be located, taking account of any replication. The type of mapping defined in the allocation schema determines whether the distributed database is redundant or non-redundant. In case of redundant data distribution the mapping is one to many while in case of non-redundant data distribution the mapping is one to one. Local Schemas. Each local DBMS in a distributed system has its own set of schemas. The local conceptual and local internal schemas correspond to the equivalent levels of ANSI-SPARC architecture. In a distributed database system, the physical data organization at each machine is probably different and therefore it requires an individual internal schema definition at each site, called local internal schema. To handle fragmentation and replication issues, the logical organization of data at each site is described by a third layer in the architecture, called local conceptual schema. The global conceptual schema is the union of all local conceptual schemas, thus, the local conceptual schemas are mappings of the global schema onto each site. This mapping is done by local mapping schemas. The local mapping schema maps fragments in the allocation schema into external objects in the local database and this mapping depends on the type of local DBMS. Therefore, in a heterogeneous distributed DBMS, there may have different types of local mappings at different nodes. This architecture provides a very general conceptual framework for understanding distributed databases. Furthermore, such databases are typically designed in a top-down manner, therefore, all external view definitions are made globally. Component Architecture of Distributed DBMS This section introduces a component architecture of distributed DBMS which is independent of the reference architecture. The four major components of a Distributed DBMS that has been identified are as follows. •

Distributed DBMS (DDBMS) component


• • •

Data communications (DC) component Global System Catalog (GSC) Local DBMS (LDBMS) component

Distributed DBMS (DDBMS) Component. The DDBMS component is the controlling unit of the entire system. This component provides the different level of transparencies such as data distribution transparency, transaction transparency, performance transparency and DBMS transparency (in case of heterogeneous Distributed DBMS). [OZSU] has identified four major componets of DDBMS as listed in the following. (a) The user interface handler – This component is responsible for interpreting user commands as they come into the system and formatting the result data as it is sent to the user. (b) The semantic data controller – This component is responsible for checking integrity constraints and authorizations that are defined in the global conceptual schema before processing the user requests. (c) The global query optimizer and decomposer – This component determines an execution strategy to minimize a cost function and translates the global queries into local ones using the global and local conceotual schemas as well as the global system catalog. The global query optimizer is responsible for generating the best strategy to execute distributed join operations. (d) The distributed execution monitor- It coordinates the distributed execution of the user request. This component is also known as distributed transaction manager. In execution of distributed queries, the execution monitors at various sites may and usually communicate with one another. Data Communications (DC) Component. The DC component is the software that enables all sites to communicate with each other. The DC component contains all information about the sites and the links. Global System Catalog(GSC). The global system catalog provides the same functionality as system catalog of a centralized DBMS. In addition with metadata of the entire database, a GSC contains all fragmentation, replication and allocation details considering the distributed nature of a distributed DBMS. It can itself be managed as a distributed database and thus, it can be fragmented and distributed, fully replicated or centralized like any other relations into the system.(The details of global system catalog management has been introduced in Chapter 12, Section 12.2) Local DBMS (LDBMS) component. The local DBMS component is a standard DBMS, stored at each site that has a database and responsible for controlling local data. Each LDBMS component has its own local system catalog that contains the information about the data stored at that particular site. In a homogeneous distributed DBMS, the local DBMS component is the same product, replicated at each site while in a heterogeneous distributed DBMS, there must be at least two sites with different DBMS products and/or platforms. The major components of a local DBMS are as follows. 112

(a) The local query optimizer – This component is used as the access path selector and responsible for choosing the best access path to access any data item for the execution of a query (the query may be local query as well as part of the global query executed at that site). (b) The local recovery manager – The local recovery manager ensures the consistency of the local database inspite of failures. (c) The run-time support processor – This component physically accesses the database according to the commands in the schedule generated by the query optimizer and responsible for managing main memory buffers. The run-time support processor is the interface to the operating system and contains the database buffer (or cache) manager. Distributed Data Independence The reference architecture of a distributed DBMS is an extension of ANSI/SPARC architecture, therefore data independence is supported by this model. Distributed data independence means that upper levels are unaffected by changes to lower levels into the distributed database architecture. Like centralized DBMS, both distributed logical data independence and distributed physical data independence are supported by this architecture. In a distributed system, the user queries data are irrespective of its location, fragmentation or replication. Furthermore, any changes made to the global conceptual schema do not affect the user views at global external schemas. Thus, distributed logical data independence is provided by global external schemas in distributed database architecture. Similarly, the global conceptual schema provides distributed physical data independence in the distributed database environment. 6.1.3 Multi-Database System (MDBS) In recent years, multi-database system has gaining attention of many researchers that attempts to logically integrate several different independent distributed DBMSs while allowing the local DBMSs to maintain complete control of their operations. Hence, complete autonomy means that there can be no software modifications to the local DBMSs in a distributed DBMS. Thus, Multidatabase system (MDBS) is an additional software layer on the top of the local DBMSs which provides the necessary functionality. A multi-database (MDBS) system is a software that can be manipulated and accessed through a single manipulation language with a single common data model (i.e, through a single application) in a heterogeneous environment without interfering the normal execution of the individual database systems. The MDBS has developed from a requirement to manage and retrieve data from multiple databases within a single application while providing complete autonomy to individual database systems. To support DBMS transparency, MDBS resides on top of existing databases and file systems and presents a single database to its users. A MDBS maintains a global schema against which users issue queries and updated, and this global schema is constructed by integrating the schemas of local databases. To execute a global query, the MDBS first translates it into a number of sub queries, and updates these sub queries into appropriate local queries for running into local DBMSs. After completion of execution, local


results are merged and final global result for the user is generated. A MDBS controls multiple gateways and manages local databases through these gateways. MDBSs can be classified into two different categories based on the autonomy of the individual DBMSs. These are nonfederated MDBS and federated MDBS. A federated MDBS is again categorized as loosely coupled federated MDBS and tightly coupled federated MDBS based on who manages the federation and how the components are integrated. Further, a tightly coupled federated MDBS can be classified as single federation tightly coupled federated MDBS and Multiple federations tightly coupled federated MDBS. The complete taxonomy of multi-database systems [Sheth and Larson, 1990] is depicted in figure 6.5. Multi-database System

Non-federated MDBS

Federated MDBS

Loosely Coupled Federated MDBS

Tightly Coupled Federated MDBS

Single Federation Tightly Coupled Federated MDBS Figure 6.5

Multiple Federations Tightly Coupled Federated MDBS

Taxonomy of Multi-database Systems

Federated MDBS. A federated multi database system (FMDBS) is a collection of cooperating database management systems that are autonomous but participate in a federation to allow partial and controlled sharing of their data. In a federated MDBS, all component DBMSs cooperate to allow different degrees of integration. There is no centralized control in a federated architecture because the component databases control access to their data. To allow controlled sharing of data while preserving the autonomy of component DBMSs and continued execution of existing applications, a federated MDBS support two types of operations; local or global (or federation). Local operations are directly submitted to a component DBMS and they involve data only from that component database. Global operations access data from multiple databases managed by multiple component DBMSs via federated multi-database management system. Therefore, a federated MDBS is a cross between a distributed DBMS and a centralized DBMS. It


is a distributed system to global users whereas a centralized DBMS to local users. In simple way, a multi-database system is said to be federated multi-database system (FMDBS), if users interface to a multi-database system through some integrated views and there is no connection between any two integrated views. The features of a FMDBS are listed in the following. • •

• •

Integrated schema exists - The FMDBS administrator (MDBA) is responsible for the creation of integrated schemas in the heterogeneous environment. Component databases are transparent to users – Users are not aware regarding the multiple component DBMSs in a FMDBS, thus, the users only need to understand the integrated schamas to implement the operations on FMDBS. They cannot change the integrated component when they operate this FMDBS. A common data model (CDM) is required to implement the federation – The CDM must be very powerful to represent all data models in different components. The integration of export schemas of component data models is placed on the CDM. Update transactions is a difficult issue in FMDBS – The component databases are completely independent and join the federation through the integrated schema. It is difficult to decide whether the FMDBS or the local component database systems will control the transactions.

Two types of FMDBS has identified, namely, loosely coupled FMDBS and tightly coupled FMDBS depending on how multiple component databases are integrated. A FMDBS is loosely coupled if it is the user’s responsibility to create and maintain the federation and there is no control enforced by the federated system and its administrators. Similarly, a FMDBS is tightly coupled if the federation and its administrator(s) have the responsibility for creating and maintaining the integration and actively control the access to components databases. A federation is built by a selective and controlled integration of its components. A tightly coupled FMDBS may have one or more federated schemas. A tightly coupled FMDBS is said to have single federation if it allows the creation and management of only one federated schema. On the other hand, a tightly coupled FMDBS is said to be multiple federations if it allows the creation and management of multiple federated schemas. A loosely coupled FMDBS always supports multiple federated schemas. Non-federated MDBS. In contrast to a federated multi-database system, a non-federated multidatabase system does not distinguish local and global users. In a non-federated MDBS, all component databases are fully integrated to provide a single global schema (sometimes called enterprise or corporate) known as unified MDBS. Thus, in a non-federated MDBS, all applications are global applications (because there is no local user) and data are accessed through single global schema. It logically appears to its users like a distributed database. Five-Level Schema Architecture of federated MDBS The terms federated database system and federated database architecture introduced by Heimbigner and McLeod (1985) to solve the interactions and sharing among independendently designed databases. Their main purpose was to build up a loosely coupled federation of different component databases. However, [Sheth & Larson, 1990] has identified five-level schema


architecture for a federated MDBS to solve the heterogeneity of FMDBS, which is depicted in figure 6.6. (i) (ii)

Local Schema – A local schema is used to represent each component database of a federated MDBS. A local schema is expressed in the native data model of the component DBMS and hence different local schemas can be expressed in different data models. Component Schema – A componet schema is generated by translating local schemas into a data model called the canonical or Common Data Model (CDM) of the FMDBS. A component schema is used to facilitate negotiation and integration among different divergent local schemas to execute global tasks.

External Schema

External Schema

Federated Schema

Export Schema

External Schema

Federated Schema

Export Schema

Component Schema

Export Schema

Component Schema

Local Schema

Local Schema

Component database

Component database

Figure 6.6 Five-level Schema Architecture of Federated MDBS





Export Schema – An export schema is a subset of a component schema and it is used to represent only those portions of a local database which is authorized by the local DBMS for accessing of non-local users. The purpose of defining export schemas is to control and management of autonomy for component databases. Federated Schema – A federated Schema is an integration of multiple export schemas. It is always connected with a data dictionary which stores the information about the data distribution and the definition of different schemas in the heterogeneous environment. There may be multiple federated schemas in a FMDBS, one for each class of federation users. External Schema or Application Schema – An external schema or application schema is derived from the federated schema and is suitable for different users. Application schema can be a subset of a large complicated federated schema or may be changed into a different data model, to fit in a specific user interface for fulfilling the requirements of different users. This allows users to put additional integrity constraints or access control constraints on the federated schema. Reference Architecture of Tightly Coupled Federated MDBS The architecture of a federated MDBS is primarily determined by which schemas are present, how they are arranged and how they are constructed. The reference architecture is necessary to understand, categorize and compare different architectural options for developing federated database systems. This section describes the reference architecture of a tightly coupled federated MDBS. Usually, a federated MDBS is designed in a bottom-up manner to integrate a number of existing heterogeneous databases. In a tightly coupled federated MDBS, federated schema takes the form of schema integration. For simplicity a single (logical) federation is consider for the entire system, and it is represented by a global conceptual schema (GCS). A number of export schemas are integrated into global conceptual schema, where export schemas are created by negotiation between the local databases and the global conceptual schema. Thus, in a FMDBS, the global conceptual schema is a subset of local conceptual schemas and consisting of the data that each local DBMS agree to share. The global conceptual schema of a tightly coupled federated MDBS involves the integration of either parts of local conceptual schemas or local external schemas. Global external schemas are generated by negotiation between global users and the global conceptual schema.


Global External schema

Global External schema

Global Conceptual schema Local External schema

Local External schema

Local External schema

Local External schema

Local conceptual schema

Local conceptual schema

Local internal schema

Local internal schema


Figure 6.7


Reference Architecture of Tightly Coupled Federated MDBS Reference Architecture of Loosely Coupled Federated MDBS In contrast with tightly coupled federated MDBS, schema intergration is not takes place in loosely coupled federated MDBS; therefore, a loosely coupled federated MDBS can not have a global conceptual schema. In this case, federated schemas for global users are defined by importing export schemas using a user interface or an application program or by defining a multidatabase language query that references export schema objects of local databases. Export schemas are created based on local component databases. Thus, in a loosely coupled federated MDBS, a global external schema consists of one or more local conceptual schemas. The reference architecture of a loosely coupled federated MDBS is depicted in figure 6.8.


Global External schema

Local External schema

Global External schema

Local External schema

Local External schema

Local External schema

Local conceptual schema

Local conceptual schema

Local internal schema

Local internal schema

DB Figure 6.8

DB Reference Architecture of Loosely Coupled Federated MDBS

6.2 Chapter Summary This chapter introduces several atternative architectures for a distributed database system such as Client/server, peer-to-peer and multidatabase system. •

A Client/Server system is a versatile, message-based and modular infrastructure that is intended to improve usability, flexibility, interoperability and scalability as compared to centralized, mainframe, time-sharing computing. In a client/server system, there are two different kinds of nodes; clients and servers. In simplest sense clients request for the services to the server and servers provide services to the clients.

In a peer-to-peer architecture, each node provides user interaction facilities as well as processing capabilities. A peer-to-peer architecture provides both client and server functionalities on each node.


A multi database system is a software system that attempt to logically integrate several different independent distributed DBMSs while allowing the local DBMSs to maintain complete control of their operations. MDBSs can be classified into two different categories: Nonfederated MDBS and federated MDBS. A federated MDBS is again categorized as loosely coupled federated MDBS and tightly coupled federated MDBS. Further, a tightly coupled federated MDBS can be classified as single federation tightly coupled federated MDBS and Multiple federations tightly coupled federated MDBS.

6.3 Review Questions 1. Describe the architecture of a Client/Server system. Compare and contrast between Client/Server and Peer-to-peer architectures of Distributed DBMS. 2. Write down the benefits of Client/Server System. 3. Compare and contrast between two-tier and three-tier architecture of a client/server system. 4. Write a short note on peer-to-peer architecture. 5. Briefly discuss the component architecture of a distributed DBMS. Draw the reference architecture of distributed database. 6. Why the top three layers in the reference architecture for distributed database systems are often referred as site independent schemas? Define physical image of a global relation at a site. 7. Comment on the different types of dependency for the bottom layers in the reference architecture of distributed DBMS. Explain the role of local mapping schema towards the integration of heterogeneous multi-site databases in this context. 8. Comment on the statement “The allocation schema in distributed database architecture is site independent”. 9. What is distributed data independence? Explain how distributed data independence is provided by the architecture of a distributed DBMS. 10.What is Multi-database system? Discuss the utilities of such database system. 11. Briefly discuss the classification of multidatabase system. 12. Differentiate between federated and non-federated multidatabase system. 13. Write down the features of a federated multidatabase system. 14. Compare between federated schema and export schema of a federated MDBS. 15. Describe the reference architecture of loosely coupled federated multidatabase system. Exercises 1.

Multiple Choice Questions:


Which of the following computing models is used by distributed database system? a. Mainframe computing model b. Disconnect, personal computing model c. Client/Server computing model d. None of these.



Which of the following is not a property of a server? a. Active (Master) b. Waiting for requests c. On request serves clients and sends reply d. None of these.


Which of the following is not a property of a client? a. Active (Master) b. Sending requests c. Waits until reply arrives. d. None of these.


Which of the following statement is correct? a. A heavy client complicates the server code b. A heavy client simplifies the client code c. A heavy client simplifies the server code d. None of these.


A thin client a. Simplifies the server code b. Complicates the client code c. Complicates the server code d. Simplifies both client and server code.


In distributed DBMS, distributed physical data independence is provided by a. Local conceptual schema b. Local external schema c. Global conceptual schema d. Local mapping schema.


In distributed DBMS, distributed logical data independence is provided by a. Local conceptual schema b. Global external schema c. Global conceptual schema d. Local mapping schema.

(viii) Which of the following statement is correct? a. There is no local user in a federated MDBS b. There is no global user in a non-federated MDBS c. There is no local user in a non-federated MDBS d. None of these.



Which of the following statement is incorrect? a. A MDBS provides DBMS transparency b. A MDBS provides complete autonomy to individual database systems c. A MDBS controls multiple gateways d. None of the above e. All of the above.


Which of the following statement is true? a. A loosely coupled federated MDBS has no global conceptual schema b. A tightly coupled federated MDBS has no global external schema c. A loosely coupled federated MDBS has no local external schema d. A tightly coupled federated MDBS has no local conceptual schema.


In a peer-to-peer architecture, a. Each node has the client functionality b. Each node has the same capability c. Each node has the client functionality as well as server functionality d. Both a. and c.


Which of the following schema is used in federated MDBS? a. Component schema b. Federated schema c. Export schema d. All of these e. None of these.


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