Lesson Summary 25.07.2009 Grammar in the case of a man / men a woman / women *If the usage concerns a singular noun, an article is needed.
to weigh oneself they/she/I scaled... = they/she/I weighed... (e.g. 90 pounds or 40 kg)
to pay attention to sb. / sth. to give the wrong impression to sb./sth. to know sb. well
to take notice of sb. / sth. to express an unintended opinion/idea/feeling
*well is the adverb for good. Vocabulary
to take care of oneself nosy belittle halitosis
to look after one’s health / appearance showing too much curiosity about other’s affairs make someone seem little or unimportant medical term for “bad breath”
Pronunciation improvement critical criticizing intimate
imPROVEment KRITikal KRITisIZeing INtimet
Awkward Questions and Dealing with Them Ways of asking:
integrating such a question into the situation makes it more effective.
Can I ask you a personal question? "polite" I know this is a bit personal, but . .."unsure of social limits" I know this is a bit nosey, but . . ."trying one's luck" I hope you don't mind me asking, but ..."fake politeness" Formation:
Ways of answering: Formation:
ignoring, making a joke out of it (these are subtle approaches)
That's a rather personal question. “polite” I'm afraid that's really none of your business. “polite, but forceful.” Why do you ask? “defensive, but not impolite.” I'd rather not answer that (if you don't mind). “blunt refusal (can be cheeky)” Mind your own business! “rude refusal”