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  • Pages: 4
1) Discovery Indians  Bering Straight ➢ During the last ice age the depth of the oceans sank allowing people to walk across the Bering St. to Alaska. ➢ Walked southerly ➢ Covered all of North and South America within a thousand years ➢  Paleo Indians ➢ Many tribes ➢ Hunted big Animals ➢ Gathered berries ➢ Started farming maze(corn)  Indian Empires ➢ Aztecs, Maya, Inca ➢ Emperors, Armies, large cities ➢ Maya declined because of a drought ✔ Were great mathematicians ✔ Had calendars ✔ Became primitive ➢ Aztecs were conquered by Cortes in 1521 ✔ Had human sacrifices of surrounding tribes, so the surrounding tribes easily revolted with Cortés’s help ➢ Incas similar to Aztecs, conquered by Francisco Rizaro  Eastern Woodlands ➢ Not as advanced ➢ Three Languages ✔ Algonquin(Great Lakes) ✔ Iroquois(New York) ✔ Muskegon(Southeast) 1400s Europe  Sailing Technology ➢ Carville invented by the Portuguese ➢ Magnetic Compass ➢ Astrolabe(gives latitude) ➢ Egyptian’s sail, gave direction (was a triangle shape rather than square)  Overpopulation ➢ Black death in 1300 ➢ Not as many jobs because of the black death ➢ Enclosures system: No people needed  Protestant Reformation ➢ Clergymen were not leading religious lives ➢ Martin Luther was significant

➢ Many Kings and Queens supported Luther and Protestantism ➢ ½ of Europe became protestant ➢ Had the Inquisition: Many people decided to leave instead of being tortured. Exploration  All-Water Route ➢ Wanted to get to east Asia/India, without going over land ✔ Crime would cause the lost of caravans  Portugal started the all water Route. ➢ Worked their way around Africa ➢ Spain: was jealous(Rule, Conquer, Intermarry ) ➢ Portuguese had the Africans against the Spanish so it wasn’t safe to take that route. ➢ Spain decided to go west instead. ➢ But miscalculated the circumference of the earth. ➢ Columbus reached San Salvador thinking it was India. ➢ On the third voyage he found gold ➢ Conquistadors: went to Hispaniola ➢ Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean ➢ Ponce de Leon went up through Florida ✔ Had attack dogs ✔ But Indians still killed him ➢ Hernan Cortes, 1519: found Aztec and defeated them with the help of other Indians. ➢ Francisco Rizaro: got gold from Incas ➢ Hernando Desoto: went up Mississippi ✔ Was murdered by troops ➢ Cortes Coronado: went all the way up through New Mexico ➢ Encomienda system ✔ Black Legend ✔ Las Casas ✔ Not fair ➢ 1550s:No more Indians because of disease (Measles, Munks, Chickenpox) ➢ Indians gave Europeans diseases too. ➢ Exploration made Spain the greatest country.  France(were allies with Indians) ➢ Went down St. Lawrence River ➢ Wanted Beaver and Otter furs ➢ Started in Quebec ➢ Settles all the way down in Louisiana ➢ Fur trappers and black robes ➢ Not enough French came ➢ Protestants(Huguenots) were not allowed to go to the New World

 England(were culture bound) ➢ Religious turmoil slowed them down ➢ 1588: Defeated the Spanish Armada ➢ Historian: R. Hakluyt : 3 reasons to go to New World ✔ Attack Spanish (Pirates) ✔ Passage to Cathy (China) ✔ To get raw materials ➢ Colony at Roanoke disappeared ✔ Someone wrote on a tree: Croatia First English Settlements  Jamestown ➢ Harsh life ➢ Joint-stock company to come to new world ✔ Outfitted ships ➢ Settled around swamp, killing them ✔ Seasoning ➢ Had no pioneering skills ➢ Nothing to take from the Indians ➢ Captain John Smith came ✔ Started crops ✔ Gave purpose to organization ➢ He left and they had disunity ➢ Lord Delaware shaped up colony again. ➢ Then Governor Dale ➢ Without these authoritarian like leaders the colony would not have survived. ➢ Tobacco grew well ✔ Gave them a purpose to stay ➢ Virginia Company gave fifty acres of land per head. ✔ Self government ✔ All to get people to come ➢ 1625: of 1200 about 1 in 4 people lived. ✔ Parliament control  Plymouth ➢ Everyone in England became protestant ➢ Sir Thomas Moore last Catholic ➢ Catholic Mary came, and purged England of Protestants ➢ Next Queen Elizabeth I, tolerated ➢ Puritans did not like Elizabeth ➢ Catholic Charles I came ➢ Separatist Puritans left (Pilgrims) ✔ Went to Holland ✔ Then back to England ✔ Then to the New world in the leaky Mayflower

Small pox ridden society Squanto brokered trade between Indians and Pilgrims Pilgrims were very lucky They showed that the English could survive in the cold Massachusetts ➢ Then 20,000 Englishmen traveled to New World Indians vs. Europeans  Material Exchange ➢ Colombian Exchange ➢ Indians got: meat and pack animals (cows, pigs etc.) ➢ Europeans got: food crops (Corn, potatoes etc.) ➢ Indians grew corn, beans and squash (sister crops) ➢ Europeans thought the Indians were inferior ✔ Were not Christian ✔ Did not work land ✔ Were not ambitious (didn’t own anything) ✔ Not unified (did not follow order from chief) ✔ Weaponry ➢ Spanish: conquer, rule, and marry ➢ French: trade well ➢ English: didn’t really communicate too much ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

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