B.E / B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION,NOV/DEC 2007 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING VII SEMESTER Time : 3 Hrs Max Marks : 100 PART A (10 X 2 = 20 ) 1. What are the applications of digital image processing? 2. Define Haar transform. 3. What is image averaging? 4. Define contrast ratio and inverse contrast ratio. 5. What is speckle noise? 6. What is pseudo inverse? 7. Mention the limitations of bit- plane encoding. 8. Define optimum transform coder 9. What is the use of fourier descriptors? 10. What is textures? PART - B ( 5 X 16 = 80) 11 (a) Describe the four transform and discrete Fourier transform and discuss the properties of Fourier transform OR (b) Explain the following separatable image transforms: (i) Hadamard transform (ii) DCT (ii) Karhunen- Loeve transform 12 (a) Describe the spatial domain methods for image enhancements OR (b) Describe the following filters: (i) Laplacian filters (i) Sharpening filters 13 (a) Wiht aid of block diagram , describe the digital image restoration system and explain the image observation models OR (b) (i) Explain the constrained least mean square filtering
(ii) Discuss the blind image restoration 14 (a) Explain the following lossless compression condings: (i) LZW coding (ii) Predictive coding OR (b) (i) Explain the lossy compression wavelet coding (ii) Discuss the image compression standards. 15 (a) (i) Describe edge detection (ii) Explain the boundary representation of object and chain codes OR (b) Explain the following descriptors: (i) Regional descriptors (ii0 Simple descriptors