Digital Signature Submission Procedures 2

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  • Words: 9,103
  • Pages: 67
Draft 6/24/2008

Digital Submissions of Contract Plans and Specifications and the use of Digital Signatures on Final PDF Engineering Drawings CTDOT is currently piloting the submission of contract plans and special provisions in digital format. This document discusses the submission of Adobe PDF Contract Plans for review during the design phase, the submission of Final Design Contract Plans with Special Provisions, obtaining and applying Digital Signatures and Digital Signature Security. Questions or inquiries regarding the subject matter can be forwarded to the following contacts: William Pratt P.E. [email protected] 860.594.3320 Eric Bergeron [email protected] 860.594.3152


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Table of Contents 1.1

PREREQUISITES AND POLICIES................................................................................................ 3

1.2 Development of Adobe Acrobat PDF Contract Plans................................................................. 4 1.2.1 Preliminary Submissions ............................................................................................................. 4 1.2.2 Final Design Plans....................................................................................................................... 4 1.2.3 PDF Contract Plan Sheet Production........................................................................................... 4 1.2.4 Adobe Acrobat Version 8 PDF File vs. Adobe PDF Package..................................................... 5 1.2.5 Sheet Numbering in PDF File ..................................................................................................... 6 1.2.6 Splitting the Contract into Volumes ............................................................................................ 8 1.2.7 Converting a PDF File to a PDF Package ................................................................................. 11 1.2.8 Typical PDF Contract Sheet Naming ........................................................................................ 17 1.2.9 Creating the Digital Signature Fields ........................................................................................ 18 1.2.10 Manually placing the Digital Signature Fields using Adobe Acrobat .................................. 18 1.3 Digital ID’s and the Digital Signature Appearance................................................................... 20 1.3.1 Creating the Digital Signature Appearance ............................................................................... 20 1.3.2 Setting the Digital Signature Appearance.................................................................................. 21 1.3.3 Transmission of Public Key files for Digital Signature Validation Purposes............................ 24 1.4

Certifying and Digitally Signing the PDF Files ......................................................................... 26


Data Transmission and Mylar Back-Up – Original Contract Plans........................................ 32

1.6 Contract Plan Revisions (Addenda, Construction Orders and As-Builts) .............................. 37 1.6.1 CTDOT Revision Contract Sheet (for use on large projects) .................................................... 37 1.6.2 Addenda .................................................................................................................................... 43 1.6.3 Construction Orders .................................................................................................................. 46 1.6.4 As-Builts.................................................................................................................................... 47 1.6.5 Placing Notes on Existing PDF Contract Sheets ....................................................................... 47 1.6.6 Contract Sheet Naming of Added Sheets .................................................................................. 50 1.6.7 Inserting New Sheets into the PDF Package ............................................................................. 51 1.6.8 Final Checklist for Modifying Contract Plans........................................................................... 52 1.7 Development of PDF Contract Special Provisions (Internal DOT Staff Use Only)................ 53 1.7.1 Microsoft Word PDF Conversion Workflow ............................................................................ 53 1.7.2 Contract Specification Revisions (Addenda, Construction Orders and As-Builts) ................... 59 1.8

Digital Signature Validation........................................................................................................ 60


Future Publishing of Contract Documents ................................................................................ 61


Disclaimer – Digital ID Usage ..................................................................................................... 62

1.11 Using Digital Submissions with Legacy Projects....................................................................... 63 1.11.1 Reference: 1.2.5 Sheet Numbering in PDF File ................................................................... 63 1.11.2 Reference: 1.3.1 Creating the Digital Signature Appearance ............................................... 64 1.11.3 Reference: 1.4 Certifying and Digitally Signing the PDF Files............................................ 64 1.11.4 Reference: 1.6.1 CTDOT Revision Contract Sheet (for use on large projects) .................... 67


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1. At this time, only Adobe PDF file format for Final Design Plans can be considered for use with Digital Signatures. 2. Standard Computer Aided Design (CAD) Applications shall conform to those listed here It is recommended that a workstation be set up for PDF generation with the most recent version of Microstation XM and ProjectWise Plot Organizer to accommodate increased performance enhancements from these applications. This solution will work properly with legacy data from Microstation V8 and Microstation J. 3. This document is developed for CTDOT Projects that are developed using the CTDOT 2007 DDE. Section 1.11 Using Digital Submissions with Legacy Projects contains information on digital submissions of projects not conforming to the CTDOT 2007 DDE. More information on the CTDOT 2007 DDE can be found at the web site link above. 4. Adobe Acrobat Version 8.0, Reader 8.0 and versions beyond are the standard applications for applying Digital Signatures. 5. A designated internal (CTDOT) data management system has been set-up which will allow for retention, customizable security (protection) and data back-up. Future uses of digital signatures other than what is contained in this version must issue a revision to this document with approval from the Office of Legal Services. The following table illustrates the approved servers at CTDOT designated for preservation of digital signatures and project document integrity. Table 0-1 Digital Signature Servers

Server Name: CTDOT_Projects on SH3DGS18 ProjectWise Data Management System Digital Signatures on SH3DGS18

Data Type: Project Data Project Data Storage of Public Keys and Private Keys (Internal Staff)

6. The use of Digital Signatures has been approved for use with digital submissions of contract drawings as a pilot testing program. Results from this testing program will aid in the development of this manual and CTDOT policy going forward. 7. The digital signatures must meet the specifications of Adobe’s Certified Document Services. To purchase and install the application for applying the Digital ID, navigate to Adobe’s Certified Document Services website click on: and select one of the venders that are supplying the Digital ID’s. Once the digital ID and application are installed on a client computer, the application places a public key certificate issued from the Digital ID provider within the Windows Certificate Store (a location on the client computer where Microsoft stores Digital ID information). Adobe Acrobat and Reader access the Windows Certificate Store when signing documents. 3

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Preliminary Design submissions shall meet the following criteria: • • • •

A completely searchable multi-page PDF File. Layer names that have been carried over from MicroStation level structures. Each Contract Sheet shall be bookmarked with the Drawing Number Hyperlinks to major sections from the Index of Drawings.

Final Design Plans


All Final Design Plans, Addenda, Construction Orders and As-Builts shall meet the following criteria: •

• • • •

A completely searchable PDF Package that contains multiple digitally signed and unsigned PDF contract sheet files. For more on a PDF Package see 1.2.4 Adobe Acrobat Version 8 PDF File vs. Adobe PDF Package Layer names that have been carried over from MicroStation level structures. This requirement will be waived for plans that are “For Information Only” and requiring scanning. Proper PDF contract sheet file naming (see 1.2.9 Typical PDF Contract Sheet Naming). As Addenda, Construction Orders and As-Builts are completed a consolidated set of contract sheets will be developed Hyperlinks to major sections from the Index of Drawings.

PDF Contract Plan Sheet Production 1.2.3 The Adobe PDF files described within this document have been exported from Microstation in one of two methods. • •

Microstation’s print function using a PDF.PLT file for outputting to PDF Or by using Bentley’s ProjectWise Plot Organizer (Recommended)

ProjectWise Plot Organizer has more power and the ability to run design scripts for capturing additional data from CADD files.


Draft 6/24/2008 The workflow Creating Standard PDF Contract Sheets using ProjectWise Plot Organizer located on CTDOT – 2007 Digital design Environment shows the fundamentals of developing Adobe PDF Contract Sheet Files. 1.2.4

Adobe Acrobat Version 8 PDF File vs. Adobe PDF Package

CTDOT has selected Adobe Acrobat’s PDF Packager for Final Design Plan submissions to facilitate digital signatures and to allow delivery of Consolidated PDF Contract Plan sets when issuing Addendums and Construction Orders. Table 0-2 Adobe PDF File vs. Adobe PDF Package

Adobe PDF File + Will allow Page Numbering for final Contract Sheet Numbering + Will work with Adobe’s Document Compare for comparing Document Submissions + Will work with Adobe’s Review and Commenting session for online collaborative reviewing of submissions − Will not allow adding files after Digitally Signing

Adobe PDF Package + Combines Multiple PDF Files + Treats Files Independently + Allows Adding Files without Invalidating Digital Signatures − Does not Allow Page Numbering Across Files − Does not work with Adobe’s Document Compare − Does not work with Adobe’s Review and Commenting session

Summarizing Table 0-2 Adobe PDF File vs. Adobe PDF Package above, the Adobe PDF File has benefits until an Addendum or Construction Order is issued. With CTDOT’s desire to issue Addenda and Construction Orders as consolidated sets (entire contract including changes are reissued), the Adobe PDF Package benefits with the ability to add Contract Sheets without invalidating other Digitally Signed sheets within the contract document. After the PDF File has been transformed to a PDF Package, each contract sheet is an independent PDF file. The Package holds them together, similar to paper plan sheets being bound together with staples. The following graphic shows the timeline of contract plan development from preliminary design through FDP (Final Design Plans) and into Construction. The graphic shows an Adobe PDF File and it’s benefits being used up until FDP. At FDP and when the contract sheets are required to be digitally signed, the Adobe PDF File will be converted to an Adobe PDF Package. With this workflow, advantages can be achieved throughout the life of the project.


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Figure 0-1 Contract Drawing Timeline

1.2.5 Sheet Numbering in PDF File CTDOT has developed a recommended solution for the numbering of contract sheets. In a CTDOT contract sheet there are two numbering systems. The first is the Drawing Number. The Drawing Number is used to number subsets of the contract and have a prefix describing the subset. For example PLN-1 is a Highway Design Plan Sheet and S-1 is a Structure Sheet. The second numbering system is the sheet numbering. This is a simple running total of all contract sheets.

Figure 0-2 Contract Drawing Numbering and Sheet Numbering


Draft 6/24/2008 Although simple, this numbering can be very time consuming and difficult to predict. If the contract requires an eleventh hour one or two sheet insertion, all sheets that fall after the new sheet would need to be renumbered. It’s this reason that some designers wait as long a s possible to start numbering. In past CADD practices, the sheet number would purposely be left blank. When the lead designer completed assembling all of their tracings or mylars, they would call in a drafter to ink in all the sheet numbers. If a change happened after this procedure, it was quicker to erase and ink again than to re-plot. CTDOT has adopted the same ideas with the following contract sheet numbering solution. From 1.2.4 Adobe Acrobat Version 8 PDF File vs. Adobe PDF Package and Figure 0-1 Contract Drawing Timeline it is recommended that the contract sheets be kept in a standard Adobe PDF file format until FDP submission. This solution considers the assembly of the PDF contract sheets similar to that of the lead designer collecting their tracings. Using Adobe’s “Document/Insert Page” or “Document/Extract Page”, it is easy for the lead designer to take delivery of a subset of PDF contract sheets from each of the disciplines involved in the project. They can then insert these pages as required, hence assembling their contract set. When the lead designer has completed assembly, they can use Adobe Acrobat’s “Document/Header & Footer” to add a page number starting on sheet 2 (Title sheet is not numbered). This method works well for preliminary submissions insuring reference numbers for review comments. On large contracts, when the contract is split into volumes, this same solution can work starting at a higher number for the 2nd volume. When the Adobe PDF file is exported for the PDF Package and digital signing, the Page numbers remain. Page Numbering: 1. From PDF Contract File select “Document/Header & Footer/Add”


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Figure 0-3 Sheet Numbering

2. From “Update Header & Footer” dialog, place cursor in “Right Footer Text” and click “Insert Page Numbering” button. 3. Select additional settings as shown above. 4. Page Numbering Format and Page Range Options are also used. 5. When sheets are inserted or deleted from the contract set, the “Document/Header & Footer/Update” must be run to re establish proper sheet numbering. 1.2.6 Splitting the Contract into Volumes When the prints for a set of contract drawings becomes difficult to handle due to it’s weight and number of sheets, the contract is broken out into volumes. It is the responsibility of the lead designer to determine the number of volumes, sheet count and where the contract is split. When developing the volume count, consideration should be made for handling of the plans during construction. Components of the project may be required to stay together in a volume to keep from back and forth referencing across volumes. 8

Draft 6/24/2008 The digital submissions should be managed with the identical project volume development. A recommended maximum contract sheet count is three hundred (300) contract drawings per volume. Depending on the content of the sheets, this could create a PDF file or Package that is 75 – 350 megabytes. CTDOT wants to ensure smooth and rapid transit of files across all networks. This recommendation could bewaived with valid justification. The submission of both PDF files (Design Submissions) and PDF Packages (Final Design Plans) should contain no more than three hundred contract sheets per volume. File Naming Conventions: Submission Type Design (PDF File)

Typical Filename FD_60%_DD_0107_0188_Vol_1.pdf, FD_60%_DD_0107_0188_Vol_2.pdf

Final (PDF Package)

FD_FP_0107_0188_Vol_1.pdf, FD_FP_ 0107_0188_Vol_2.pdf

Figure 0-4 Contract Volume Naming

Note: Submissions that are not broken down by volumes do not require the “Vol_1” suffix. For more on File naming go to Appendix C in CTDOT – 2007 Digital design Environment. 1.2.7

Linking the Index of Drawings

The index of drawings shall have links to the first sheet of each subject drawing. The linking can be done within the PDF File or within the Microstation file. At this time, the following Adobe Acrobat workflow will be used until further development for Microstation linkages is completed. 1. From the Advanced Editing Tools, click on Link Tool.

Figure 0-5 Link Tool from Advanced Editing

2. Place a Rectangular Shape around the entire row describing the destination sheet.


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Figure 0-6 Setting the Target

3. Set the following within the Create Link dialog box. When linking to a different Volume, select “Open a File” below.

Figure 0-7 Create Link Settings

The next step requires scrolling to the destination sheet and clicking “Set Link”.


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Figure 0-8 Setting the Link

4. The link is now complete. Continue this process for the remaining sheets. 1.2.8

Converting a PDF File to a PDF Package

The application Relinkpdf.exe can be used to convert a multi page PDF file to a PDF Package. The application was written by Bentley Systems for CTDOT as a means to further the development of digital submissions with digital signatures. The application passes the hyperlinks from within the multi page PDF to the extracted pages. It also controls the naming of these extracted pages. The naming will be a combination of SheetNo_DrawingNo see Figure 0-16 Contract Sheet Naming. The SheetNo can be set within the Relink.bat file for multi volume projects. The DrawingNo is taken from the bookmark within the PDF file (if it exists). This bookmark has been generated from Tag data within the Title Block Tag data (Microstation file). The executable file is a command line that is set with qualifiers in the Relink.bat file. contains files and folders that should be extracted to a \PDF_Link\ folder on a client or network computer. The workflow for using this application is as follows: 11

Draft 6/24/2008 1. Extract to \PDF_Link\ folder on client or network

0-9 \PDF_Link Folder

2. Save Source PDF File as \PDF_Link\Source\Source.pdf

0-10 Source PDF Folder


Draft 6/24/2008 3. Extract all pages from Source.PDF to \PDF_Link\Extracted\

Figure 0-11 Extract Pages

4. Default sheet numbering starts at 1, If different (i.e. Volume 2), modify \PDF_Link\Relink.bat (See readme_Bentley.txt) 5.

0-12 Sheet Number starting value

6. Double Click \PDF_Link\Relink.bat

7. Create PDF Package using all files in \PDF_Link\Output 13

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0-13 Output folder with renamed Contract Sheet Files

From Acrobat, package Output/Files into a PDF Package 8. Select “Combine Files”

0-14 Combine files from Acrobat

9. Select files from PDF_Link\Output folder with the options shown below and click next


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10. Select the options shown below and click “Create”


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11. With successful completion of all files, save PDF Package with the proper naming convention.


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After Packaging all files, all links from original PDF File (Source.pdf) should work correctly. 1.2.9

Typical PDF Contract Sheet Naming

All Final Design PDF Plans used with digital signatures must be separate files that are then added together in a PDF Package as shown in the previous section. The naming conventions for each sheet within a PDF Package are as shown in Figure 0-16 Contract Sheet Naming below:


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Figure 0-16 Contract Sheet Naming


Creating the Digital Signature Fields

Prior to digitally signing PDF contract plan sheets, a digital signature field in the pdf file must be created. This field or fields can be created one of two ways. The first and recommended method is to use ProjectWise Plot Organizer from Bentley Inc to export the Microstation files to PDF format. This option will automatically create the digital signature fields in the PDF file based on the placement of a Microstation element along with a design script provided in CTDOT’s DDE. For all Projects using the CTDOT 2007 DDE, the Digital Signature field is included as a level within the CTDOT Border Cells. This level can be turned off when exporting PDF files from ProjectWise Interplot Organizer for contract sheets not requiring a signature. Assistance setting up CTDOT’s 2007 DDE can be found here: .pdf#page=10 Assistance setting up ProjectWise Plot Organizer can be found here: tep_dde_install.pdf#page=7 Using ProjectWise Plot Organizer can be found on the Web located here: _Publishing.pdf 1.2.11

Manually placing the Digital Signature Fields using Adobe Acrobat

The second is to manually place the digital signature fields using Adobe Acrobat Professional. 18

Draft 6/24/2008 1. Using Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.0, place multiple signature form fields as needed in designated areas by going to Tools>Forms>Digital Signature Tool.

Figure 0-17 Manually Placed Digital Signature Field

2. Upon the Placement of Digital Signature Fields, in the Signed Tab, you must assure to mark as read-only the signature field you are placing by picking the correct signature number. See below:

Figure 0-18 Manually Placed Digital Signature Field Properties

3. At this time, CTDOT is standardizing on Adobe Inc’s Certification Workflow for Documents requiring Multiple Signers. This process is outlined in their Digital Signature User Guide dated February 27th, 2007 and found at the following hyperlink and located on page 75: 19

Draft 6/24/2008 4. (Optional) Once your signature fields are present, Acrobat 8.0 users can enable usage rights, so that users who have Adobe Reader 8.0 can now digitally sign documents with approval signatures. Select Advanced>Enable Usage Rights in Reader.

Figure 0-19 Usage Rights



Prior to advancing to this section, Prerequisite # 5 must be completed. See 1.1 Prerequisites. 1.3.1

Creating the Digital Signature Appearance

1. Scan an image of your existing signature over your PE Stamp. Crop the image so that the image is approximately 400 pixels wide by 330 pixels high. Save the image to an area on your PC or server, where you can easily access it for later use in the signature set-up procedure. The image must be saved in PDF format.

Figure 0-20 P.E. Stamp and Signature

2. Scan an image of your existing signature alone. Crop the image so that the image is approximately 400 pixels wide by 120 pixels high. Save the images to an area on your PC or server, where you can easily access it for later use in the signature set-up procedure. The image must be saved in PDF format.


Draft 6/24/2008 Figure 0-21 Signature


Setting the Digital Signature Appearance

1. In Acrobat, go to Edit > Preferences > Security. Check “Verify signatures when the document is opened” and uncheck “View documents in preview document mode when signing”.

Figure 0-22 Preferences

2. Select the “New” to create your digital signature appearance. On the next screen, name your Appearance and import your graphic P.E. Stamp and Signature. In the configure text selection, make sure Name and Date are checked. Select Ok when complete. The same process can be followed to make a plain signature appearance.


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Figure 0-23 Configure Signature Appearance

3. In the Preferences Dialog go to Advanced Preferences. Select options as shown below in each tab: 4. Got to the Advanced Preferences within the Security Preferences and set the following:


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Figure 0-24 Advanced Preferences

Figure 0-25 Advanced Preferences


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Figure 0-26 Windows Integration

5. For just a signature without the P.E. stamp, follow the same process, selecting the signature image. 1.3.3

Transmission of Public Key files for Digital Signature Validation Purposes



Draft 6/24/2008 2. After the creation of your digital ID and preferences, your Public Key Certificate must be forwarded (emailed) to CTDOT for records and so that signatures can be validated (optional). In Acrobat, go to Advanced>Security Settings. Select the Export icon followed by selecting the Email the data to someone. Please note, these actions do not forward any of your private (private key) information to CTDOT.

Figure 0-27 Certificate Viewer

3. Address your email to [email protected] as shown below.


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Figure 0-28 Emailing Public Key



Prior to advancing to this section, Prerequisite # 5 must be completed. See 1.1 Prerequisites.

1. For any Title Sheet or other Contract Sheets that require multiple signatures, the Prime Consultant Engineer or designated Project Manager must Certify the PDF file with a Visible Signature first, followed by the remaining signing of that sheet. This certifying process allows for the multiple signatures on that one contract sheet without invalidating the prior. 2. To certify the Sheet, go to Advanced > Sign and Certify > Certify with Visible Signature or right click within the signature field and click “Certify with Visible Signature”. The figures below show an example of the typical reason and appearance for a digital signature on a Title Sheet.


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Figure 0-29 Certify with visible Signature


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Figure 0-30 Certify with Visible Signature


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Figure 0-31 Digital Signature Pass-phrase

Additional signature fields to be signed using “Sign Document”

Sign with “Certified with Visible Signature”

Figure 0-32 Title Sheet Signatures

3. Once the Sheet is certified, the additional approval signature fields can then be signed by others using the “Sign Document” option. See the figure below.


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Figure 0-33 Signing a Document

5. Applying digital signatures to individual Structural Sheets, other appurtenance sheets (i.e. Signing and Marking Plans) can be done by right clicking within the digital signature field and selecting “Certify with Visible Signature”. After signing, the software requests to save the document. The following two images show a digital signature field and a completed signature for a contract sheet developed by CTDOT staff (Note the signature appearance). The next two images show a digital signature field and a completed signature for a contract sheet developed by a Consultant Engineer (Note the PE stamp and signature appearance).

Figure 0-34 Certify Document (State Designed Contract Sheet)


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Figure 0-35 Certified Document (State Designed Contract Sheet)

Figure 0-36 Certify Document (Consultant Designed Contract Sheet)

Figure 0-37 Certify Document (Consultant Designed Contract Sheet)


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1. The present acceptable means of transmitting electronic data is via DVD, CD or FTP for Consultant designed projects. In the future, Bentley ProjectWise will serve as the data management system designated to accept secure data transmission via the web. Prior to this any submission of electronic files shall be made to the Liaison Engineer for the project on the media stated above. 2. Final digitally signed contract plans transmitted to CTDOT should be named appropriately (i.e. HW_FP_0107_0188.PDF) and transmitted to the 202_Design_Submissions folder. Upon receipt, CTDOT will consider the submission an “official” original contract document. All files must use the correct naming convention according to the Digital Design Environment Guide. When verified and processing is complete, authorized CTDOT personnel will move the plan set to the 101_Contract_Plans_PDF folder. Only certain personnel from CTDOT will be able to view and copy these documents (read only). Write access (no deletions) privileges will only be granted to the Department’s Engineering Applications Section, Contract Development Unit and the Contract Administration Unit. 3. Table 0-3 Contract Processing file naming and workflow for Contract Drawings below shows the data flow for submission of FDP Plans, Addenda and Construction Orders. The Table uses an example Discipline of HW and an example project number 0107-0188.

Project Lead Discipline Designator

Data File Cate gory


Table 0-3 Contract Processing file naming and workflow for Contract Drawings


File Naming Standard Examples

File Type Required

Proper Storage Location for Both In-House Design and CE Design in ProjectWise

Final Design Submission (Plans) HW or SB


n / a

HW or SB


n / a

HW or SB


n / a

Final Design Plans – Digitally Signed - from Designer FDP Reviewed from Processing going back to Designer (Sheets requiring Changes Only) Design Completion Drawings from Designer (Changed Sheets Only)


PDF Package



PDF Package



PDF Package



Draft 6/24/2008 HW or SB


n / a

Final Plans from Processing

PDF Package

101_Contract Drawings


PDF Package



PDF Package



PDF Package



PDF Package

101_Contract Drawings


PDF Package


HW_DS_R_0107_0188_ CA.PDF

PDF Package


n / a

Construction Order Design Completion Drawings from Designer (Changed Sheets Only)

HW_DCD_0107_0188_ CA.PDF

PDF Package


n / a

Final Plans from Engineering Applications including Construction Order A


PDF Package

101_Contract Drawings


Addenda HW or SB


n / a

HW or SB


n / a

HW or SB


n / a

HW or SB


n / a

Addenda from Designer (Changed Sheets Only) Addenda Reviewed from Processing going back to Designer (Sheets requiring Changes Only) Addenda Design Completion Drawings from Designer (Changed Sheets Only) Final Plans from Processing including Addendum No. 1

Construction Orders HW or SB


n / a

HW or SB


n / a

HW or SB

HW or SB



Construction Order from Designer (Changed Sheets Only) Construction Order Reviewed from Consultant Liaison going back to Designer (Sheets requiring Changes Only)

4. Table 0-4 Contract Processing file naming and workflow for Contract Special Provisions below shows the data flow for submission of FDP Special Provisions, 33

Draft 6/24/2008 Addenda and Construction Orders. The Table uses an example Discipline of HW and an example project number 0107-0188.

Project Lead Discipline Designator

Data File Cate gory


Table 0-4 Contract Processing file naming and workflow for Contract Special Provisions


File Naming Standard Examples

File Type Required

Proper Storage Location for Both In-House Design and CE Design in ProjectWise

Final Design Submission (Plans) n/a


HW or SB


HW or SB


n / a n / a n / a

Final Specifications - from Designer


MS Word


Final Specifications - from Processing


PDF File


Final Specifications - from Contracts – including wage rates


PDF File



MS Word



PDF File



MS Word



PDF File


Addenda n/a


HW or SB


n / a n / a

Addenda from Designer (Changed Documents Only) Final Specifications w/ Addenda – from Processing

Construction Orders n/a


n / a

HW or SB


n / a

Construction Order from Designer (Changed Documents Only) Final Specifications w/ Construction Order – from Engineering Applications

5. When a contract plan set is superseded by a consolidated contract plan set due to an Addendum or Construction Order, the superseded files shall be moved to the folder Superseded_Plans located under the folder 101_Contract_Plans_PDF within the project container. The same holds true for any special provisions that get superseded. This will be performed by either Engineering Applications or Contract Development. The following images show examples of this:


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Submission of FDP Final Plans and Digitally Signed and Stamped Plans Figure 0-38 Submission of Files

Construction Order C issuance Active Contract Plans

Figure 0-39 Final Contract Documents


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Figure 0-40 Superseded Plans Folder

Active Contract Specs

Figure 0-41 Active Specs Folder

6. Once addendums are complete and an agreement with a Contractor has been executed, a mylar copy of the PDF Contract Plans must be submitted to CTDOT and filed at the Engineering Records Center at Pascone Place. Additionally, after the project is completed, the previous Consolidated Contract Plan Mylar copy must be disposed of and replaced with a Mylar copy that is printed from the PDF Contract Plans that contains all Addenda, Construction Orders, and As-builts. This is the responsibility of the Engineer of Record. 36

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The Department has multiple guidelines on the issuance of Contract Revisions (Addenda, Construction Orders and As-Built) plans. The following documentation follows those guidelines with the exception that any changes due to Addendum or Construction Order must trigger the re-transmission of a Consolidated PDF Plan Set file that is named appropriately per Addendum, Construction Order or As-Built. 1.6.1

CTDOT Revision Contract Sheet (for use on large projects)

The purpose of including this sheet is to allow more room for Contract Revisions (Addenda and Construction Orders) on large projects and to eliminate the revisions on the title sheet. This process will make it clearer for Engineers and Contractors to distinguish revisions to contract drawings for projects requiring digital submissions. The application also minimizes MicroStation PDF Publishing and takes advantage of Adobe Acrobat Form fields. This sheet much like the Title Sheet, will not be replaced every time a contract revision is issued. If it were, there would be numerous revised sheets for every Contract Revision. On a Contract Revision submission, the current Contract Revision Sheet (includes previous revisions) shall be copied and modified to include the subject revision by the Designer using Adobe Acrobat. This sheet shall be delivered to CTDOT for replacement of that sheet within the contract set by CTDOT personnel. On the CTDOT Revision Contract Sheet, form field tables can be filled interactively and consecutively for each Contract Revision that occurs, while the sheet numbers can be filled out as well. File naming, drawing numbers and sheet numbers on the revision sheet should remain the same throughout the revision to maintain hyperlinks from the Index of Drawings on the Title Sheet. The CTDOT Revision Contract Sheet can be obtained here: For the CTDOT Revision Contract Sheet used for legacy projects, see 1.11.4 Reference: 1.6.1 CTDOT Revision Contract Sheet (for use on large projects) 1. Using Acrobat, select the Form Fields for editing via the Select Object tool (Advanced Editing tools). Drag a window around the areas requiring modifications.


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2. Right mouse click after you select the table and select properties. From the General tab, unselect the Locked selection, then unselect the Read Only selection and close.


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3. After Unlocking Form Fields, use the Select Tool or Hand Tool to modify or insert text. When complete, redo steps 1 & 2, reselecting Read Only and Locked settings for all Form Fields that were modified.


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4. After the Title block information is complete, modify the revision tables as required. Note: Separate each set of revisions with a blank row. For example, all revisions for Addendum 1 will be grouped together proceeded by a blank row, then revisions for Addendum 2 would follow.


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5. When the modification is complete, use link tool to hyperlink the entire row to the correct revision sheet with the settings shown below:


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6. Go to required contract sheet then click to “Set Link”.

1.6.2 Addenda Title Sheet Revisions: When an addendum is required on a project, the Designer shall complete a box on the original title sheet entitled "List of Drawing Revisions". This list shall be cumulative. The Designer shall use Adobe Acrobat’s Text Box Tool within the Commenting Tools to place a Text Box and the Select Tool (Arrow) to move and stretch the Text Box. The Text Box should span across the four columns. The Properties Bar in Acrobat is used to set the font to Arial, size to 12 and Color to Red. The Text Box itself should be set to No Color and No border. 43

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Figure 0-42 Drawing Revisions

When the revisions are complete, a Link shall be set from the revision note to the Sheet that has been added using the Link Tool.

Figure 0-43 Link Tool w/ Settings

The link shall encompass the entire revision note and have No Color and No Line settings. New Sheets: Changes that require new sheets to be added to the project plans shall be handled in one of two ways. 1. If the new sheet does not have to be placed in a specific location within the project plans, the new sheet shall be numbered sequentially from the last sheet of the project plans. The total number of sheets noted on the project plans stays the same. A note shall be placed on the new sheet stating, "NEW SHEET ADDED BY ADDENDUM NO."Y", where "Y" equals the addendum number. This note shall be located directly above the title block. The revision block is not filled out for an addendum. 2. If the designer determines that the new sheet must go in a specific location within the project plans, the new sheet number shall be the number of the sheet it most closely relates to followed by -1. For example, if the new drawing must be placed in the project plans right after sheet 57, the new sheet shall be numbered 57-1. The total number of sheets noted on the project plans stays the same. A note shall be placed on the new sheet stating, "NEW SHEET ADDED BY ADDENDUM NO. "Y", where "Y" equals the addendum number. This note shall be located directly above the title block. 44

Draft 6/24/2008 In addition, the drawing number of the new sheet shall be the drawing number of the sheet it most closely relates to followed by -1. For example, if the new drawing must be placed in the project plans right after drawing number C-5, the drawing number shall be C-5-1. Revisions to Existing Plans: The original sheet shall not be modified with the exception of the placement of a note stating "THIS SHEET REPLACED BY ADDENDUM NO. "Y", where "Y" equals the addendum number. This note shall be located directly above the title block. The sheet number is not changed for an addendum. The drawing number (C-1, A-2, S-1, etc.) is not changed for an addendum. In an addendum, the revised sheet is considered to replace, in total, the original. However, as in a Construction Order Request, areas of the sheet being revised are to be clouded to highlight that portion(s) of the sheet being changed. Traffic signal, signing, and pavement marking plans are the exception. These plans will not be clouded, the information shown will be completely revised For such plans, the revised replacement sheet(s) will contain a note stating “Construction Notes for Addendum.” This note will describe the revision to draw potential bidders’ attention to the area of the plan that was revised and the note will be clouded. A note shall be placed on the replacement sheet simply stating "ADDENDUM NUMBER "Y", where "Y" equals the addendum number. This note shall be located directly above the title block. The revision block is to be filled out for an addendum that is revising an existing sheet. A numbered triangle will be placed within the clouded area and a like numbered triangle will be placed in the revision block. The description in the revision block will reference the addendum number. If applicable, the approval block on the new PDF file shall be digitally signed. A Professional Engineer or Architect shall digitally sign with their Stamp and Signature appearance for new sheets when prepared by a Consultant. If a sheet requires further revisions by a subsequent addendum, the addendum shall be prepared, as detailed above, using a copy of the previously modified sheet (electronic file). This procedure will result in changes made to a particular sheet being cumulative and a record kept of all sheets issued at each stage. Note: When preparing an Addendum that will change quantities on a project that includes a "Detailed Estimate Sheet", never revise the "Detailed Estimate Sheet." A "Detailed Estimate Sheet" is never included in an addendum. Also, the "Quantities" box shown on the General Plan sheet for any structure is never to be revised. Deletion of Existing Plans: Plans that are deleted by addendum shall have a note on the original sheet, stating "THIS SHEET DELETED BY ADDENDUM NO. "Y", where "Y" equals the addendum number. 45

Draft 6/24/2008 1.6.3 Construction Orders Title Sheet Revisions: Use the same procedures as 1.6.2 Addenda. New Sheets: Changes that require new sheets to be added to the project plans shall be handled in one of two ways. 3. If the new sheet does not have to be placed in a specific location within the project plans, the new sheet shall be numbered sequentially from the last sheet of the project plans. The total number of sheets noted on the project plans stays the same. A note shall be placed on the new sheet stating, “NEW SHEET ADDED BY CONSTRUCTION ORDER REQUEST – mmdd/yy” where “mm/dd/yy” equals the month, day and year the change order request was submitted. This note shall be located directly above the title block. 4. If the designer determines that the new sheet must go in a specific location within the project plans, the new sheet number shall be the number of the sheet it most closely relates to followed by -1. For example, if the new drawing must be placed in the project plans right after sheet 57, the new sheet shall be numbered 57-1. The total number of sheets noted on the project plans stays the same. A note shall be placed on the new sheet stating, “NEW SHEET ADDED BY CONSTRUCTION ORDER REQUEST – mm/dd/yy” where “mm/dd/yy” equals the month, day and year the change order request was submitted. This note shall be located directly above the title block. In addition, the drawing number of the new sheet shall be the drawing number of the sheet it most closely relates to followed by -1. For example, if the new drawing must be placed in the project plans right after drawing number C-5, the drawing number shall be C-5-1. Revisions to Existing Sheets: The original sheets shall not be altered with the exception of the placement of the following note stating, “FOR REVISIONS OF CONSTRUCTION ORDER REQUEST – mm/dd/yy, SEE SHEET NO. XXA”. This note shall be located directly above the title block. The original sheets need not be printed and issued with the Construction Order Request. The revised sheets shall be made from a copy of the CADD file and edited as follows. The sheets shall be like-numbered and include a letter designation to indicate a revised sheet. For example, a revision to Sheet No. 23 shall be numbered 23A for the first construction order request affecting that sheet, 23B for the second, etc. In addition, the drawing number shall be changed to reflect a construction order affecting that sheet. For example, C-1 becomes C-1A, then C-1B, etc. each time that sheet is affected by a construction order request. Areas of the drawing changed with each revision shall be clouded and the appropriate revision number shall be placed in a triangle next tot he clouded area. This shall coincide with the information supplied in the revision block. 46

Draft 6/24/2008 Any details to be deleted shall be crossed out with an “X” on the revised sheet. Details shown on the original PDF Contract Sheet, but no longer required, shall not be deleted on the revised mylar or from the CADD file, but shall be crossed out. Also, as indicated earlier, under no circumstances should the original PDF Contract Sheet be altered, except as noted above. Engineering judgement must be used to produce clear and concise information for the Contractor. The revised sheet shall have a note stating, “REVISED BY CONSTRUCTIN ORDER REQUEST – mm/dd/yy”, where “mm/dd/yy” equals the month, day and year the change order request was submitted. This note shall be located directly above the title block. The revision block shall be filled out indicating the revision number, date, and a description of the changes. The revision number is specific to a particular sheet and is a numerical tracking of the number of successive changes made to a particular sheet. All changes made to a particular sheet under the same construction order request will have the same revision number. If applicable, the approval block on the new PDF file shall be digitally signed. A Professional Engineer or Architect shall digitally sign with their Stamp and Signature appearance for new sheets when prepared by a Consultant. 1.6.4


As stated in CTDOT’s Construction Manual chapter 1-327 “Final Revisions of Plans and Cross Sections (As-Builts)”, it is the responsibility of either the Contracting Engineers (Consultant Inspection) or State Forces (Office of Construction) to perform final revisions of Contract Plans (As-Builts). The current PDF Contract Plans (Including all Addenda and Construction Orders) shall be obtained by the party responsible and the As-Built information placed directly on the Contract PDF files. The Adobe Acrobat Commenting Tools shall be used to perform this procedure. When a new sheet is required to accommodate an As-Built, the procedure shall follow the same procedures as 1.6.3 Construction Orders, except the notes would state for As-Built purposes. See Table 0-5 Modifications to Existing Sheets by Addendum, Construction Orders and As-Builts When the placement of As-Built information is complete, the PDF Contract file shall be submitted back to Engineering Applications for placement in the project storage location. A future document management system will replace the submission process. 1.6.5

Placing Notes on Existing PDF Contract Sheets

When Contract Sheets are being replaced by Addenda or Construction Order, the placement of the notes on existing PDF contract sheets can be accomplished with the use of an Acrobat Custom Stamp. The Stamp crosses out the sheet and places a text box 47

Draft 6/24/2008 above the title block. The stamp is named CTDOT_Plan_Stamp.pdf and is located at Table 0-5 Modifications to Existing Sheets by Addendum, Construction Orders and AsBuilts below show the list of notes for applying to existing PDF Contract Sheets. These notes should be used when placing the CTDOT_Plan_Stamp.pdf stamp. Table 0-5 Modifications to Existing Sheets by Addendum, Construction Orders and As-Builts


Description of Use The revised sheet is considered to replace, in total, the original sheet. Sheet is deleted by Addendum.


Description of Use Used for revisions to existing sheets. Changes must be noted only on the revised sheet. Used for replacement of existing sheets.

Construction Order Notes VOIDED BY CONSTRUCTION ORDER REQUEST – mm/dd/yy

Description of Use Use this for voiding of existing sheets.


Description of Use Used when a new sheet is issued to document As-Built Conditions.


Draft 6/24/2008

Figure 0-44 Typical Sheet Replaced by Addendum 1

Figure 0-45 CTDOT_Plan_Stamp.pdf

Placing the Custom Stamp: 1. Download the CTDOT_Plan_Stamp.pdf to C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Adobe\Acrobat\8.0\Stamps\. With the “User” folder being the current user’s login Username.


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Figure 0-46 Stamps

2. As shown above, the Addendum_and_CO_Stamp under CTDOT_Stamps is now available to place under the stamps tool. 3. Place stamp in correct location, then fill in the dialog box with the correct text as required. If a mistake has been made, right click, delete and place again. After stamp is located correctly, right-click stamp and select properties. From Stamp Properties dialog, select “Locked”.

Contract Sheet Naming of Added Sheets 1.6.6 Addendum and Construction Order PDF Package naming conventions shall follow the same conventions for the added suffixes as shown in Appendix C of the 2007 CTDOT DDE. Files inside of the PDF package should be named according to Figure 0-47 Addendums and Construction Order Naming .


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Figure 0-47 Addendums and Construction Order Naming


Inserting New Sheets into the PDF Package

In order to insert sheets for an Addendum, Construction Order, or As-built, right mouse click the file listing and select Add File(s). Right mouse click the file listing and resort based on name twice or until file listing is in correct including added contract sheets. Then save the package name appropriately. See 1.6.2 Addenda and 1.6.3 Construction Orders for required notes. For appropriate naming see 1.6.6 Contract Sheet Naming of Added Sheets. See Figure 0-48 Add Files to PDF Plan Set below. .


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Figure 0-48 Add Files to PDF Plan Set

1.6.8 √ √ √ √

Final Checklist for Modifying Contract Plans

Identifying Location within Contract Plans for added Sheets Modifying Title Sheet (from Adobe Acrobat) Indicating Revisions Modifying Existing Sheets (from Adobe Acrobat) Indicating Change Inserting New Sheets w/ Digital Signatures when Required


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The Contract Special Provisions shall conform to the following at the DCD (Design Completion Date): • • • 1.7.1

A completely searchable PDF file. It is understood that some scanning of documents (i.e. permits) may be required. .The portion of the PDF file containing these documents will not be searchable. Bookmarks based on Item # and major section (i.e. Permits/Wage Rates). Applied Adobe Document Security.

Microsoft Word PDF Conversion Workflow

The following steps outline the procedures required to generate secure final PDF Special Provisions and/or Specifications. The development and submission (naming conventions etc.) of special provisions and specifications is discussed in the Department’s Digital Design Environment Guide. This workflow is intended for CTDOT’s internal staff (Contract Development and Contract Administration) that are involved with the creation of final special provisions and specifications and starts when a contract is properly assembled using the Department’s Contract Assembler application. 1. Within Microsoft Word, go to Tools > Track Changes. Be sure that Final is selected in the view of the toolbar. If Final is not selected, a PDF will be created with all the correction notations. 2. In Microsoft Word, go to Adobe PDF>Change Conversion Settings. Assure that the following settings have been checked.


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Figure 0-49 MS Word/PDF Conversion Settings

3. Next, go to the Security tab and verify that no security settings are selected. Detailed security procedures will be described later. See figure below.


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Figure 0-50 Security Settings of PDF

4. In the Word tab, be sure the following settings in the figure below are selected:


Draft 6/24/2008

Figure 0-51 Additional Settings

5. In the Bookmarks tab, be sure to uncheck everything except SpecHead1. By selecting SpecHead1 Acrobat will automatically generate bookmarks for the document. See figure below.


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Figure 0-52 Bookmarks

6. The process for generating a typical 800-900 page word document, could take up to 5 minutes to process. 7. Once the PDF is generated, applicable permits should be scanned to PDF and inserted into the document. In Adobe Acrobat go to Document > Insert Pages, then navigate to your scanned file. See below:

Figure 0-53 Inserting PDF Documents


Draft 6/24/2008

8. Once the permits have been inserted, the PDF file should be named correctly (Digital Design Environment Guide) moved to the 102_Contract_Specifications sub-folder of the project container. See figure below: At that point, additional boiler plate and variable contract documents (i.e. wage rates, executive orders etc.) must be inserted (See Figure 0-53 Inserting PDF Documents) into the PDF document by Contract Administration using Adobe Acrobat. The method used to create PDF’s from those documents can vary between scanning them with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) capability and generating PDF’s directly from web page content. Figure 0-55 Web PDF below describes a quick tip on how to create a PDF from a webpage. Creating a PDF from a webpage takes a snapshot in time of the document and does not create a link to an active page.

Location of Final PDF Specifications

Figure 0-54 Specification Storage Location

Figure 0-55 Web PDF

Use this button to convert a webpage to a PDF Document. Federal Wage Rate Site used as an example.

9. Once Contract Development and Contract Administration has completed inserting the required documents, the Contract Specifications are ready for publishing.


Draft 6/24/2008 1.7.2

Contract Specification Revisions (Addenda, Construction Orders and As-Builts)

Addenda and Construction Orders that affect the specifications/special provisions should be issued in PDF format in the same manner as present paper delivery methods. . 1. At contract award, all Addenda shall be inserted into the front of document (current practice) and a new Adobe PDF Document will be issued for use during construction. 2. At project completion, any Construction Orders requiring specification/special provision revisions are to be consolidated within the current PDF file similar to Addenda.


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The use of Digital ID’s and Digital Signatures will allow CTDOT to automatically verify the authenticity and non repudiation of digital signatures. Adobe Acrobat’s Long Term Validation feature will provide verification even if the Certificate Authority (CA) goes out of business or the Digital ID’s owner retires his or her account. Alternatively, users can validate signatures by right mouse-clicking an existing signature and selecting validate signature. Once in the Signature Properties Dialogue, select Show Certificate. In the Certificate Viewer select the Trust Tab > Add to Trusted Identities followed by the Ok button. Again, in the Signatures Properties Screen, select Validate Signature. In the circumstances where someone or an organization has questioned the identity of someone’s digital ID and does not trust the validation process described above, it is possible for CTDOT to determine if a document signature is authentic. Simply stated, a user would have to compare the Public Key Hash that was emailed to CTDOT in the signature set-up process to the same Public Key Hash that was included in the document. Originalent. Submitted Public Key is located on CTDOT Server SH3DGS18

Digitally Signed Documents contain the Same Public Key Hashes that were originally submitted.

Figure 0-56 Digital Signature


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At this time, the only alternative to paper publishing is to publish and distribute the Digital PDF contracts using DVD’s. In the future, when the Department has worked out a process to advertise through DAS’s web portal or a possible third party web portal is ready to advertise electronic documents, there will be a need to define publishing security parameters in the terms of the type of project being advertised. The below table has been developed to detail possible security levels for types of projects and methods of publishing. In the future, the security levels will need to be denoted on Contract Plans prior to advertising. Table 0-6 Project Security Levels represents a table of the possible security levels. Table 0-6 Project Security Levels

Security Level Level 1 - High Level 2 Medium Level 3 - Low

Project Type Airport or High Occupancy/Threshold Facility Project Typical Roadway, Traffic, Drainage or Bridge Project Roadway Resurfacing


Publishing Method In-House Plan Estimating Secure Web Access or DVD DAS Portal

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External users (i.e. Selected Consultant Engineers) must obtain a “My Credentials” digital id and certificate from GeoTrust / VeriSign Inc. as described in the Digital Signature, Security, and Submission Procedures. CTDOT assumes no responsibility for lost digital ids and certificates or for reimbursing external users for the subscription costs related to purchasing a digital id and certificate. Should a digital id be lost, external users must contact their Digital ID provider immediately. Once the provider reissues a new digital id or a new certificate for any reason, external users must resubmit their public key certificate to CTDOT as outlined above: 1.3.3 Transmission of Public Key files for Digital Signature Validation Purposes. CTDOT and the Consultant Engineer firm agree to give full force and effect to contract drawings or other documents that CTDOT requires to be submitted as a digitally signed and certified Adobe Acrobat PDF document, using a VeriSign CDS certificate and attaching an image of the PE signature and seal to the Digital ID file to accompany the digital signature. With respect to specified CTDOT projects, CTDOT and the Consultant Engineer firm agree that this procedure is acceptable and renders documents signed and sealed by the Consultant Engineer PE. However, this does not serve as authorization for the general use of this procedure by Consultant Engineer firms and/or PEs with respect to any other clients and/or documents. Outside the CTDOT procedure, any use of CDS certificates and digital signatures by Consultant Engineer firms and/or PEs is done so at their own discretion and risk.


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Reference: 1.2.5 Sheet Numbering in PDF File

Replace Figure 0-3 Sheet Numbering with:

Figure 0-57 Sheet Numbering


Draft 6/24/2008 1.11.2

Reference: 1.3.1 Creating the Digital Signature Appearance

Replace Figure 0-23 Configure Signature Appearance with

Figure 0-58 Configure Signature Appearance w/out Text


Reference: 1.4 Certifying and Digitally Signing the PDF Files


Draft 6/24/2008 Replace Figure 0-30 Certify with Visible Signature with:

Figure 0-59 Certify Document


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Replace Figure 0-34 Certify Document (State Designed Contract Sheet) with

Figure 0-60 Certify Document (State Designed Contract Sheet)

Replace Figure 0-35 Certified Document (State Designed Contract Sheet) with:

Figure 0-61 Certify Document (State Designed Contract Sheet)

Replace Figure 0-36 Certify Document (Consultant Designed Contract Sheet) with:

Figure 0-62 Certify Document (Consultant Designed Contract Sheet)


Draft 6/24/2008 Replace Figure 0-37 Certify Document (Consultant Designed Contract Sheet) with :

Figure 0-63 Certify Document (Consultant Designed Contract Sheet)


Reference: 1.6.1 CTDOT Revision Contract Sheet (for use on large projects)

The CTDOT Revision Contract Sheet for legacy projects can be obtained here: For working directions, see similar application 1.6.1 CTDOT Revision Contract Sheet (for use on large projects).


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