Digital Marketing Details.docx

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  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 7
A social media profile is a quick, simple and cheap way for Reema to establish an online presence. This should be the first step she takes to help customers engage with her and her business. Server hosts our site and domain name helps find it

To launch a website you need to get what’s called hosting space. Think of it like a plot of land for a house. Sometimes you have to pay a fee. In some cases it’s free. So do shop around before making your choice. This ‘plot of land’ is one of many within a server. Think of a server as a street where many companies rent out space for websites. A bit like sharing the same postcode. Each server has what’s called an IP, or internet protocol, address. This is made up of a string of numbers that can be located by any device that has internet access. Every website has a domain name. This is everything after the www. or World Wide Web part. You can think of this as the physical address of your house. Touchpoints CMS content mgt system

Rganic or unpaid results these cm aftr paid rslts or AD results or sponsored

Paid search ad results are targeted at people who are already looking for a particular kind of product or service. This means Rahul’s marketing will be seen by people who are already very likely to make a visit to his shop. Although they contain the same content as organic search results, paid ad results have a different position on the page. In addition, it’s usually made clear to people that these are adverts or paid results, so users are aware they are clicking on an ad, and there’s no trickery involved. A great benefit for Rahul is that he’s only charged if users click on the ad, not by how many times it appears in the search results Google Search Console can help Rahul to figure out if the keywords he’s using on his website are helping it appear in the search results for the kinds of searches his customers are making. It can also show him whether appearing in these results is translating into visits to his website from potential customers. Google Search Console can recommend better page titles but can’t recommend more effective content for Rahul to use or show him the type of people who usually search for businesses like his.

Google Search Console presents information for Rahul to review, and in some cases like mobile usability will give specific recommendations on how to fix issues.

When a search engine returns results some of them are paid advertisements. These tend to appear at the top and side of the page. The main list, starting underneath the paid advertisements, shows unpaid results that the search engines believe are relevant to the search phrase. These results are called ‘organic results’ and this is where Ram’s website will appear once he’s not using paid search advertising.

There are four steps to creating an SEO plan. First, Ram should do some keyword research and consider related topics. That way he’ll know what people are searching for. Next, he should see where he appears in the search results for those keywords. If there are gaps where keywords aren’t bringing traffic to his site, Ram should plan ways to fix these gaps and improve SEO performance.

SEO work is never finished – search engines evolve and so do trends. That means you should refine your keywords over time and don’t assume that if something works you can keep doing the same thing forever. Instead, keep up with how search engines work and how they’re changing. Get inspiration from other websites and don’t forget to get feedback from your customers. Remember, no agency can grant you top organic search positions. If someone does offer you this then it’s probably a scam.

The long tail of SEO means longer keyword phrases that are very specific to whatever you’re selling. These have a low search volume, which means there’s less competition, so it’s more likely to be relevant to a user’s queries.

Analytics tools are a great way to get information about how content is performing, who visits the site and turns into a customer, and what content they interact with. It will give Ram most of this information, but won’t tell him whether customers like the products they buy from his store.

The title and meta description are used by the search engine to generate the actual search result so they’d appear in the search results page. In this case, Rohan should use the phrase ‘customised gift items’ in both his title and his meta data description. A good title shows the company name and highlights what the page would be about, like Super Gift Shop: Cutomised gift items’. A good meta description is two short sentences that just summarise the page.

backlinks – that means links to his site from other websites. Social media is a great way to improve his visibility, but search engines don’t recognise the number of likes or followers an account has, so this won’t help the search rankings

Search engine best practise is to create individual pages for each language that you wish to support on your website. This will help ensure that your website is correctly indexed by search engines. He should also avoid different languages on the same page as the search engine won’t be able to decide what language the content is in. Using an automated translator is sometimes seen as spam, so he should avoid that too. Language annotations are useful as they help the search engines serve up the correct content to the correct user in a particular country

When a search engine returns results some of them are paid advertisements and some of them are ‘organic’ results. The organic results are shown in the main list on the page.

The paid advertisements are the ones that appear at the top and/or right side of the page. These are where Maya’s results will appear if she decides to pay for an ad

MAX CPC – cost per click

SEARCH ENGINE MARkEtING you pay only if someone clicks on the ad

Ads need to stand out from the crowd. The best option works because the headline is similar to what the customer would be searching for, the 25% off discount grabs people’s attention, and there’s a clear and compelling call to action.

Grouping keywords and ads this way means that Anna can show ads that are relevant to what customers are searching for. If someone searches for ‘candid wedding photos’ they see the ad specifically for her wedding photography services. Anna can run different campaigns for these ads and keep track of them separately.

Anna can choose these ‘negative keywords’ to avoid people seeing her ad when they search using those keywords. For example, if someone were to search for ‘Watercolour family portrait’ Anna wouldn’t want her ad to appear as her portraits are photographs. Similarly, if someone were to search for ‘Buy landscape photo’ Anna’s portraits wouldn’t be relevant either. Identifying negative keywords means when people see Anna’s ad it’s because it’s relevant to what they are looking for.

Content marketing can help Shweta develop a stronger brand identity and connect with the right audience.

Email marketing

You can use email marketing to tell customers about products and promotions, and even to send out discount vouchers and special offers. If you know some of your customers’ product preferences, you can send out emails with content tailored for them. Email marketing won’t let customers contact each other over email, and they’re often sent from a ‘no reply’ address, so customers wouldn’t be able to reply to them with problems or queries. A dedicated customer service email address would be better for that. Email marketing services can automatically personalise emails by including the customer’s name, but they’re not smart enough to write the whole email for you – yet! Some email marketing services are free, but some do charge. Do some research and find out which works best for you.

The best option uses the customer’s name and an engaging question or intriguing statement to get their attention. It’s also short and snappy. The less effective options (answers 2 and 3) aren’t very appealing. Using lots of rupee symbols and exclamation marks can come across as unprofessional and salesy, and lots of email providers will automatically filter those emails straight into the spam folder. Analytics will give Eisha the open rates (how many of her marketing emails are opened by customers) and clickthrough rates (how many customers have clicked links within her emails). Analytics can’t tell Eisha how frequently her emails were moved straight into the trash by a potential customer. Remember that as well as the analytics described above, Eisha can use web analytics to find out more about how customers interact with her site.

The click through rate looks at the number of times someone has clicked on a link and gone through to your website - it doesn't tell you the cause for a lower or higher rate.

Sam’s search ad would only show up when people are searching for keywords on a search engine. This is known as search engine marketing (SEM). Search ads are text based so they’re an ideal way to put content in front of people who already have an interest in a specific subject. In this case, film fans. Once a person moves away from a search engine, search ads can no longer target them. This is where display ads come in. These can appear on any website where paid advertising space is available. As display ads can contain graphics, audio and even video, they can be a lot more engaging. If Sam puts a display ad on a cinema listings page, he can draw in cinema goers who may not otherwise search for his website.


Ad networks such as Google Display Network or Yahoo are a great, cost effective way for Sam to get the attention of individual websites. Ad networks find ad spaces on websites, and sort out payment so he won’t have to. Sam can also tweet the link to his video, and post it on his Facebook profile. However, this approach can be time consuming and he can't be sure his video is appearing on the most relevant sites. It's probably better for him to use a dedicated service, and spend his time growing his business.

Online video

YouTube, social media sharing, online ads and video website content are all great ways for Kabir to reach his target audience through online video. Online video is an ideal option to reach your target audience. People all over the world like the movement, energy and messages that can be contained so concisely in videos. According to analysts, one minute of video is worth 1.8 million words! They are a great way to communicate with the world. Videos can go viral and be targeted at the same time to reach a broad audience. As access to fast internet connections continues to spread, the popularity of online video will only keep growing – which makes video marketing an ideal way to showcase your business.

Web analytics

Metrics are measurable, numerical data like time spent on site or pages viewed. Conversions are data on how many users have completed a desired action on your site, for example buying a product or signing up for a newsletter. Dimensions are groups of user data that can be used to generate a report, such as their device type or location.

Sarah can get lots of data through segmentation, such as the devices her visitors use to access her website, and what country and city they’re accessing from. The number of clicks on a page is broad information that can still be segmented. Sarah can use segmented information to find out where people are visiting her guesthouse from, and how many conversions she gets. She can also find out if many people book using their mobiles, or if they prefer booking on their computers.


Analytics tools allow you to collect and review data in real time, enabling you to gain valuable insights by analysing this information Data in itself doesn’t reach more customers, but understanding it could help you create a plan, or revise an approach, resulting in you reaching more customers.


Google Market Finder can show Harsh that there is high search traffic on antique realted terms from Colombo. To Harsh this may imply that a lot of people are looking for records out there. Low competition on search ads in Colombo would mean Harsh wouldn’t be up against lots of other antique sellers. Google Keyword Planner is a useful tool for looking at the volume of search ads. If people in Colombo are looking at his website already, then Harsh can be fairly sure that there would be potential buyers. Google Analytics can help Harsh keep track of things like who’s looking at his website and what pages they look at most and adapt his strategy as needed.

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