Digital Image Processing

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  • Words: 2,358
  • Pages: 8
A Sasmito Adibowo – 1299000029

Digital Image Processing This paper glances on several topics in the field of digital image processing. The discussion consists of brief introductions in image compression, data redundancy, image segmentation and classification.

Image Compression The main reason to support the use of image reduction and compression techniques is that digital images typically are large two-dimensional matrices of intensity values, and that these matrices often contain redundant data. The goal is to reduce the capacity required in terms of space for storage, manipulation and transmission of digital images. Relative Data Redundancy Data redundancy – the central issue in digital image compression – is not an abstract concept, but a mathematically quantifiable entity. If n1 and n2 denote how much data in two sets that represents the same information, the relative redundancy RD of the first data set (the one characterized by n1) can be defined as RD = 1 −

n1 1 . Where CR, commonly called the compression ratio, is CR = . n2 CR

For the case n2 = n1, CR = 1 and RD = 0, saying that the first representation of the information contains no redundant data compared with the second data set. When n2 n n1, CR ÷ 4 and RD ÷ 1 implying highly redundant data. In the case n2 o n1, CR ÷ 0 and RD ÷ - 4 saying that the second data set contains much more information than the first. Redundancy in digital images consists of three main categories: coding redundancy, interpixel redundancy, and psychovisual redundancy. Data compression is achieved when one or more of these redundancies are reduced or eliminated. Coding Redundancy Redundancy of this type is caused by the internal representation of digital images, which is typically a matrix of intensity values. These values are stored Page 1 of 8

using equal-sized code despite their frequency of occurrence. Data compression techniques which approaches this type of redundancy assigns smaller-sized code for less-frequently appearing intensity values. This process is commonly called variable-length coding. Interpixel Redundancy Most images from the real world are continuous that is most pixel value has little difference from its neighbors. In the digitization process, the codes assigned to pixels have nothing to do with the correlation between pixels. For example, an image of a textbook page consists of mostly white background with black text arranged in an ordered fashion: the white pixels of the background are mostly adjacent to other white pixels, and the black pixels which makes up the letters are mostly – although not always – adjacent to other black pixels. Redundancy of this type has a variety of names, including spatial redundancy, geometric redundancy, and interframe redundancy. Phsychovisual Redundancy The self-adjusting nature of the human visualization system often perceives intensity variations (Mach bands) in a region as a constant intensity. This comes from the fact that although the human eye can recognize a wide range of intensity values, it can only recognize a small subset of those values at any given time. The human observer does not analyze every pixel or luminance value in the image, but searches for distinguishing features such as edges or textural regions. Certain information simply has less relative importance than other information in normal visual processing. This information can be eliminated without significantly impairing the quality of image perception. Phsycovisual redundancy is fundamentally different from the redundancies described earlier. Unlike coding or interpixel redundancy, phsycovisual redundancy is associated with how humans visually interpret image data. Elimination of this type of redundancy implicates the loss of quantifiable information. Thus, compression that addresses this type of redundancy is inherently irreversible because it discards some visual information. Compression Methods

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There are two main categories of image compression methods, depending on how much data retained: error-free compression and lossy compression. In error free – or lossless – compression, image data are compressed using a reversible transformation. Thus, the image data can be reconstructed in its entirety. On the other hand, lossy compression eliminates unimportant information in the image. Error-free compression techniques include the Huffman coding, arithmetic coding, bit-plane coding, constant area coding, run-length coding, contour tracing and lossless predictive coding. The performance of these coding methods – both compression ratio and processing power required – varies depending on the particular input image. Thus, each method is used for compressing different types of images. For example, a variation of run-length coding is used in the CCIT standard for fax transmission since the typical fax document consists of mostly whitespace interspersed with black text. Error-free compression is used for images that do not allow – or even illegal in some circumstances – the loss of data. Examples of such applications are medical x-ray image, satellite photography, or business documents. In these and other cases, the nature or the intended use of the image motivates the need of error-free compression. Lossy compression techniques include the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) – now used to compress JPEG images, Improved Gray Scale (IGS) transform, lossy predictive coding, and Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM). Like the errorfree compression techniques described earlier, the performance of the various techniques also depends on the input image. Lossless compression is used for image storage and retrieval purposes that can tolerate a slight – relative to the particular application – degradation of the image data. Applications such as this include real-life photographs, television and motion picture transmission.

Image Segmentation The first step in image analysis is to segment the image. Image segmentation is the process of subdividing the image into its constituent parts or objects. Image

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segmentation is normally followed by image classification, which is the process of classifying image segments into meaningful objects. For example, in the application of a heat-seeking missile system, the targeting circuitry is given data from the heat sensor as an image in which heat are coded with increasing intensity. The targeting circuitry then segmentates the image according to the various heat ranges and then classify the hottest object as the target, separating it from other non-important objects. Image segmentation is done in two ways, edge-based and region-based. Edgebased segmentation works by detecting discontinuities in the image and use those discontinuities as the outline of each segment. Region-based segmentation works by grouping similar-valued adjacent pixels. Edge-based Segmentation This type of segmentation detects edges in the image by using the second derivative of the image to produce outlines which borders the segments. The derivative is obtained by applying various masks to the image. These masks are n×n matrices proposed by Sobel, Laplace, Kirch and various others. The various masks each have its own output characteristics, and a selection of a particular mask depends largely from the input image. Edge-based segmentation can detect fine edges in the image, but it typically enhances noise in the image. Although this technique requires a relatively large amount of processing power, about n times the size of the image for each n×n matrix, it always requires a finite amount of time, unlike image clustering – a technique of region-based segmentation – which does not terminate for a certain type of image. Region-based Segmentation This type of segmentation segmentates the image by grouping similar-valued neighboring pixels. Several techniques include thresholding, clustering , region growing, and splitting. Thresholding works by grouping intensity values by a set of predefined values as borders. Intensity values that are between the border values are assigned the same value, thus grouping them into the same segment. Page 4 of 8

Clustering works by first randomly picking a certain amount of pixels as starting points and then groups other pixels that have intensity values near – specified by a predetermined tolerance level – the starting points. These groups are then calculated their average values and select other points which have these values as the new starting points. This process is repeated until there are no new starting points selected. Region growing – a bottom-up approach – works by first randomly picking a certain amount of pixels as starting points and then selects adjacent pixels that have intensity values near the starting points. These pixels are then grouped as a region and the region is expanded the same way until no more pixels meet the criterion or the regions have collided. Region splitting – a top-down approach – works by subdividing the image into a set of arbitrary disjointed regions and then further merges and/or splitting the regions to meet the segment criteria. The approach works by subdividing the image into four disjointed regions called a quadtree (a tree that each node has four descendants) then subdivides it further into more quadtree when the criterion of the region is not met, or merging adjacent regions to form a segment. The steps can be summarized as follows: 1.

split into four disjointed quadrants any region Ri where P(Ri) = FALSE;


merge any adjacent regions Rj and Rk for which P(Rj c Rk) = TRUE; and


stop when no further merging or splitting is possible.

Decision theory is based on the probability density function and maximum like hood decision rule. This technique is rather complex and involves the use of artificial intelligence to segment the image based by the sample image segments used to train the system. Combination of Edge-based and Region-based Segmentation The fuse of edge-based and region-based segmentation attempts to take the best from both techniques. The procedure is of as follows: 1.

Perform edge-detection that will result in an image with only edge and nonedge pixels. Page 5 of 8


Separate the regions by searching connected regions – which are sets of 4neighbor non-edge pixels.


pi is the perimeter and ni is the area of the region Ri. Bij is the length of the perimeter between regions Ri and Rj; and Eij is the sum of edge pixels at that perimeter. For each pairs Ri and Rj calculate these three criterions:


Boundary strength: Γ ij = 1

E ij Bij

. 'ij1 has a value between 0 and 1, larger

value suggests a stronger border between the regions Ri and Rj.


Similarity measure: Γ ij =



mRi − mR j



450 × ( scaling factor )

. The larger value of 'ij2

suggests there is more chance that Ri and Rj are really a single region.


Connectivity measure: Γ i j = 3

min( pi , p j ) 4 × Bij

. The possibility of merging is

greater when the two regions have a long enough perimeter line. 4.

Region Ri and Rj are combined when these conditions are fulfilled:


ni < nj (one region is smaller)


'ij1 < ts (40% edge pixel are on the real perimeter line)


'ij2 ×'ij3 = min('ik2,'ik3) < tc (Rk fulfills both the above two conditions, search a region that best fits both the above conditions to be combined with Ri.

Image Classification There are two types of image classification: supervised and unsupervised. In supervised classification the image processing system is controlled by a human operator who is typically an expert in the type of image being processed. In unsupervised classification the computer system processes the image without any human intervention. The steps of image classification are: 1.

Object categorization In supervised classification, objects in the image are categorized by the Page 6 of 8

human operator. In unsupervised classification, clusters are classified as objects. 2.

Training data selection In supervised classification, a sample set is selected and labeled, then the statistics of each object categories are calculated. In unsupervised classification, the samples are unlabeled and the statistics of each cluster is calculated.

A group of methods of image classification is the decision theoretic methods. These methods use decision (or discriminant) functions, one function for each pattern class. It works by inputting the unknown pattern into each decision function and the function that results in the largest value yields the unknown pattern to be a member of the associated pattern class. In other words, by substituting the unknown pattern x into decision functions f1(x), f2(x),...,fn(x) when the function fi(x) results in the largest numerical value, x is then classified as member of pattern class i. Ties are resolved arbitrarily. The geometrical approach of decision theoretic method is to use the minimumdistance classifier as the discriminant function. The function is d=


− x1 ) + ( y 2 − y1 ) 2



The statistical approach of decision theoretic method is to use the Gaussian maximum-likehood classifier as the discriminant function. The function

( )

is p x| c =

 1 ( x − µ )2  1 i  exp − 2   2Π σ i  2 σi 

Object Recognition and Image Interpretation The goal of automated image analysis is to produce a computer system capable of approximating the intelligence possessed by human beings. Specifically these systems should be able to:

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Extract pertinent information from a background of irrelevant details.


Learn from examples and generalize this knowledge so that it will apply in new and different circumstances.


Make inferences from incomplete information.

The current state-of-the-art image analysis systems are based on heuristic formulas tailored to solve specific problems. For example, some machines could read printed, properly formatted documents at speeds faster than the average skilled human readers. However, these systems are too specific and have almost no extendability. Thus, current theoretic and implementation limitations in the field of image analysis imply solutions that are highly problem dependent. In image analysis systems, the objects of interest are separated from the background using one or more of the various segmentation and classification techniques. The objects are then further categorized and assigned meaningful labels. The process continues by recognizing the relation between objects and produce the intended interpretation. This process is complex and requires the mix between image processing and artificial intelligence disciplines.

References Aniati Murni [2000], Image Processing, class handouts, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia, Jakarta. Gonzalez, Rafael C, Richard E Woods [1992], Digital Image Processing, AddisonWesley Publishing Company, Inc, Reading, Massachusetts.

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