Because of the nature of this physical reaction and the easy availability of the ingredients, the eruption is a popular subject for Internet videos, and has also appeared in nonInternet sources. The explosion will generate a reaction like a rocket. , so never eat mentos and after drink Coke
Tel: 0727 797579 - Andrada Savianu
Further information on the subject of Mentos and Coca Cola you can see on Discovery Channel, on March 20 2009, 7 pm– Mythbuster Show.
Diet Coke and Mentos Eruption is a reaction of Diet Coke and mint Mentos candies, a two-liter bottle of Diet Coke (other carbonated beverages may be used instead; Diet Coke is preferred because it tends to react better) and dropping some Mentos into the bottle, usually around four. This causes the Diet Coke to foam at a rapid rate and spew into the air .
Because of the nature of this physical reaction and the easy availability of the ingredients, the eruption is a popular subject for Internet videos, and has also appeared in nonInternet sources.
You can send me photos and movies on my e-mail address which is written right here
Phone: 0727 797579 E-m a il: and ra da .sav ian u @y m