Dewitt High School Band Festival Handbook

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DeWitt High School Band Festival Handbook DRAFT 09/27/2009

PRODUCTION: ANNOUNCER This volunteer will be stationed in the press box to deliver pre-show band introductions, announce bands, and give general announcements. BAND GUIDES (teams of two) This committee will assign two volunteers (band guides) to each guest band. Volunteers work in pairs to greet the arriving band and stay with the band until the band has finished their performance. JUDGE RUNNERS This volunteer will assist the judges by picking-up the competition results from the judge’s area and delivering the information to the announcer in the press box. PERCUSSION HOLDING TANK This committee will assign a volunteer to always be present at the percussion holding area. Visiting bands store equipment in the holding area until it is their time to perform or, until they reload trucks for departure. PIT HELPERS Volunteers will assist visiting bands as they move their front ensembles into position to go on the field. Visiting bands bring their own pit crew and all equipment, but sometimes they have a last minute problem. Volunteers work on the field in the track area. TROPHIES This committee will purchase trophies to be inscribed an awarded for top scores in competitive performance.

OPERATIONS: COMMUNICATION Golf carts and walkie talkies will be used by parents to enhance communications. FESTIVAL PLANNING This group will meet together and with Mr. Norman to coordinate and plan for all areas of the festival. They will work with the budget, seek licenses, superintendent permissions and keep everyone informed. FIRST AID This committee will arrange for a first aid station to be available throughout the festival. Instructions for what is needed will be distributed to the chair of this committee. GO-FOR Two volunteers per shift will be assigned to help out whenever an “on the spot” need arises. VOLUNTEER/BAND CHECK-IN This committee will create check-in sheets for volunteers, judges, and band directors. The volunteer checkin area also serves as the general information and communication station.

FOOD & BEVERAGE: CONCESSIONS/FOOD PLANNING Volunteers will be scheduled to work a shift in the concession stand. The food planning committee will figure out what foods to sell in the concession stand and help by doing the shopping or collecting needed items such as crock pots or coolers. FOOD FOR JUDGES This committee will arrange for food to be brought in to feed the judges and monitor their food table throughout the event.

SECURITY: CROWD CONTROL This committee will plan and coordinate crowd movement to keep noise at a minimum during an on field performance. This committee may also label seating areas for visiting bands. GATE WATCHERS This committee will schedule volunteers to monitor pedestrian traffic at the double gates into the stadium, and at the gate leading directly onto the field. Those stationed at the gates allow bands (plus essential others) to enter, but direct visitors and others to the main admission gate. HERBISON WOODS CHANGING ROOMS Volunteers will supervise the Middle School rooms which is designated as a changing area for members of visiting bands. PARKING This committee will map out traffic flow and designate parking areas. This includes area for band buses, visitors, volunteers, first aid, etc. This committee will assign volunteers to monitor and guide traffic during the festival. This committee will coordinate parking with the placement of directional signs.

FACILITIES: DIRECTIONAL SIGNS This committee will create directional signs and assign volunteers to place the signs on festival day. JANITORIAL Volunteers on this committee will empty trash containers and re-stock the public restrooms as needed. SET-UP/TEAR DOWN Volunteers will be assigned to help in a number of areas before and after the festival.

SALES & MARKETING FESTIVAL PUBLICITY This committee will do the work needed to gain publicity for the festival. PHOTO SHOOT This committee will assist Bob Grzesiak with the staging of after performance group photos. PROGRAM DESIGN/ADVERTISING This committee will design the program and make sure all information including paid advertising, is received for inclusion in the program. We seek paid advertising from local businesses. PROGRAM SALES This committee will assign volunteers to sell programs before and during the festival. RAFFLE 50/50 This committee will plan a raffle, make all arrangements and assign volunteers to sell tickets during the festival. SOUVENIR SALES This committee will design buttons to sell as souvenirs and schedule volunteers to work the souvenir table during the festival. TICKETS A schedule of volunteers will sell tickets at the admission gate. This committee will secure cash boxes and account for monies in this area. T-SHIRTS This committee will design a logo to print on T-shirts and sell at the festival. Volunteers will be scheduled to work at the sales table during the festival. VIDEO-TAPING This committee is responsible for video-taping the performance of each band so that each band will receive a copy of their performance.

ADVERTISING/PUBLICITY Purpose: To prepare program to sell for day’s event, secure advertising in the program, promote event through any media feasible for budget (radio, tv, paper, school newsletters) Information put in all school newsletters – schools should be contacted to see when their deadline dates are for newsletter publication. Some schools are biweekly, Jr. High and High Schools are monthly. Also, if flyers are to be sent home with students, they should be bundled according to info below. You might check with contact people at beginning of year to see if the numbers are same or if they have changed. 2006 FESTIVAL As soon as date, event start time, and schools attending have been determined by the Band Director, update all materials (placemat, school news releases, general public news release, and flyers). Once these have been updated, they should be emailed to School Superintendent for approval. THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE ANY PUBLICITY MATERIALS CAN BE DISTRIBUTED!! Once the School Superintendent gives approval, contact Copy Queens to see if they can help with copying needs in the timeframe needed, 668-3014. They can also help with distributing any materials to schools. The Superintendent’s office will send email to all schools notifying them of approval of documents and also will forward news releases to them. This will eliminate the need for Band Booster Publicity Chairperson contacting the individual schools and trying to figure out newsletter schedules. Once the schools were contacted by Superintendent’s office, material was put into their newsletters if timing worked out. Band Booster Publicity Chairperson emailed news releases to all local media. He had all updated email addresses for media contacts. Placemats (500) were taken to Sam’s Kitchen at beginning of week of the event. Program was done in 8 ½ x 11 format this year. Band Director emailed school information as it was received and put that information into the template being used for school section. Also, parents were contacted regarding opportunity for ads congratulating their students. Costs for ads were: $15 for ¼ page; $25 for ½ page; and $50 for whole page. Filler from other programs was used if we felt it was good info for our program. Program was coordinated by Bob Mahoney who took care of making copies. This year, 400 programs were produced.

Previous Festivals

Fuerstenau School (Contact person: Melinda) [email protected] 668-3462 weekly newsletters 4 classes @ 55 each Preschool classes – 1 @ 55, 1 @ 25 Info handed out to students needs to be at school by Wednesday Schavey School Contacts: Jenny or Kim [email protected] (principal) 668-3500 weekly newsletters 16 classes @ 26, plus 12 extra

Scott School Contact: Sue Davis [email protected] 668-3442 newsletter sent out every two weeks 18 classes @ 27 Herbison Woods School Contact: Sharon Gerrish [email protected] 668-3300 newsletter sent out every two weeks 17 classes @ 30 Mr. Jennings Office (Superintendant) Contact: Sue Kirinovic [email protected] 668-3005

Newspaper Contacts TV10 Bath/Dewitt Review Lansing State Journal

[email protected] [email protected] What’s On 377-1141, [email protected]

Three main areas of publicity/advertising: - Promoting our event to the media - Publishing an event program (for sale during the event) - Special/other publicity avenues (big creativity opportunity for parent volunteers) The Band Boosters’ Publicity & Communications chair needs to form a committee to assume the tasks of promoting and publicizing this event. It is way too much work for one person to handle. (It has been noted that for all publicity we must be CERTAIN of a few facts about our event and anything else leading to it. We must be CERTAIN of starting times, places, and selling prices of food, programs, advertising well in advance, to facilitate our work and not confuse any ‘customers.’) EVENT PROGRAM BOOKLET: Get photocopies from our band director of returned band application forms / publicity forms, for information in program. Also get information on our own band and its show, similar to the information provided by other bands.

Get letters of welcome from DeWitt’s superintendent, high school principal, high school band director, and DeWitt Band Boosters (DBB) president for the program. Get a list of names, judging roles, and home towns (schools?) of all judges for the event, for inclusion in the program. Get the list from our high school band director. There were six judges, for Music Effect, Music Performance, Visual Effect, Visual Performance, Chief / Percussion judge, and Auxiliary. Include a comprehensive schedule of DeWitt Bands coming events in the program. Solicit advertising as early as possible for the program. Include soliciting band parents (many have their own businesses). DBB’s executive board must decide advertising rates early. Advertisers in the previous year’s programs should be contacted first. Advertisers should supply photo-ready copy if possible, or at least give substantive information so that an advertisement can be created. Arrange for free advertising for in-kind services from: Gordon food service; Ryder Truck Rentals in Lansing; Sunbelt Rental. Allow parents the opportunity to submit “good luck” wish advertisements to their favorite band students. Include our own DBB advertising, for our annual apple pie fundraiser, and our annual craft show. Include a (blank) chronological score sheet listing all participating bands. Include band name, show start time, class, band place, band score, and blanks (or check boxes) for each of six caption awards (best... music, marching, drum line, wind section, color guard, field command). Near the bottom include a blank for a band name for “Grand Champion award for highest score.” (Include DeWitt marching band as an entrant, but mark its performance as an “Exhibition” since, as host band for the event, it does not compete.) Include a (very) few pages highlighting sections of the DeWitt band, if the members of the sections can supply the copy. Suggested order of program contents (not absolute!)... Table of Contents Judges list Superintendent’s letter Principal’s letter Band director’s letter Band Boosters president’s letter Schedule of DeWitt Bands’ coming events Participating bands’ entry pages (one band / page) in alphabetical order, intermixed with advertising DeWitt band - band section highlight page(s) Advertisements for Band Boosters’ apple pie fundraiser and craft show, on inside back cover Score sheet on back cover

PROMOTION / PUBLICITY Start EARLY!!! Believe it or not, mid-August is NOT too early to flesh out detailed publicity plans for this event! The event’s publicity committee (band parents) should meet ASAP after the start of the school year!

SPECIAL/OTHER PUBLICITY With the superintendent’s permission (all publicity must be okayed by the superintendent’s office) distribute flyers around the community. Band students could help. Flyers could go to other DeWitt schools, to businesses, retailers, public/government locations, wherever permission can be obtained. Build a media contact list. Include area radio, TV, newspapers, WITT, etc. Send press releases as appropriate for our event, to the appropriate producers/editors, at appropriate times. Yard signs showing band student support were sold. Signs were manufactured by EGI Graphics on N. East St. for $3 to $4 apiece if the Band Boosters purchased a quantity of about 130 or so, I believe. For FUTURE programs, promotional flyers, etc., get someone to take pictures during competition and around the grounds, for our file, for the high school yearbook, for post-event publicity, etc. NOTE: Band Director Mike Norman told the Band Boosters executive board early in 2004 that one key to the future annual success of this event may be that virtually all similar corps-style marching events in the state occur far to the east or far to the west of DeWitt. That gives the DeWitt Band Boosters the opportunity to work at establishing our event as the annual MCBA-like, event in mid-Michigan. Nobody else around here does anything like this (yet). *** Festival Critique: • • • • • • • •

Program Distribution – need programs at handicap entrance too Program Design – professional 8-1/2 x 11. Free advertising this year for in-kind services. Advertising - need to establish cost of advertising (1/4 page, ½ page, full page) for future Offer parents an opportunity to purchase a message to students Publicity – start as early as possible in August Publicity – determine media contacts Flyers – schools, town, etc.

TROPHIES/AWARDS Purpose: This committee will purchase trophies to be inscribed and awarded for top scores in competitive performance. The following trophies were purchased: 4 DeWitt Marching Band Invitational 1st Place


DeWitt Marching Band Invitational Best Marching

4 DeWitt Marching Band Invitational 2nd Place


DeWitt Marching Band Invitational Best Color Guard

4 DeWitt Marching Band Invitational 3rd Place


DeWitt Marching Band Invitational Best Drum Line


DeWitt Marching Band Invitational Best Field Commander


DeWitt Marching Band Invitational Best Wind Section


DeWitt Marching Band Invitational Best Music

The type and number of trophies should be coordinated with Band Director. Once this information has been determined, chairperson can purchase what is needed. Worked with On the Spot Engraving to obtain trophies in the past. A lead time of four weeks is necessary. Festival Critique: Very nice, concern that one band received all trophies because they were the only band in that class.

SET-UP/TEAR DOWN Purpose: Volunteers will be assigned to help in a number of areas before and after the festival. This committee had no defined tasks, so they filled in where needed. The only task they undertook that no one else was assigned was striping the field. Mr. Norman made arrangements for the paint machine. It is suggested that this task be done during the day when the janitors/maintenance are on duty as they had to call the janitor/maintenance staff at home to come in and give us the equipment. Golf Carts were donated for the day by Prairie Creek. Worked with Roger Overway to get this taken care of and DBB gave Prairie Creek free advertising in our event program in return for the donation of golf carts. Striping of the field may have to be done on Friday night if event begins early Saturday morning. Chairman needs to make contact with high school staff to find out if anyone on staff can help us with this project. If the High School machine is used, we need to make sure there is paint available and someone who knows how to use it is available. Festival Critique: • • • •

Golf carts were picked up and returned without incident. It was noted that with no lights on the carts, extra precaution needs to be taken when the carts are returned. Arrangements need to be made to have the football field re-striped or have equipment available. Announce to the bands ahead of time that ladders and a podium will be available for them to use if they don’t want to bring their own. Signs on carts that read “Courtesy of Prairie Creek”. Hopefully these signs could be used year after year (magnetic possibly). Ace Graphics may be able to help with this: contact Jenny Mills.

FOOD FOR JUDGES Purpose: To provide food for judges while judging marching bands attending festival. Needed: Approximately 5 people willing to provide part of a planned meal; paper products (plates, napkins, silverware); trash container; coffee, tea/hot water. Prior to Festival: Check with Mr. Norman to find out when he wants food available. Also, confirm menu that has been planned. In the past Mr. Norman has felt that sub sandwiches were acceptable. He did not like the idea of soup as he felt it would be awkward for the judges to eat it and work at the same time. FOOD PLANNING The food for the Judges and Directors is based upon 7 judges and 13 bands participating. This year there was one person in charge, one assistant and three others donating food and one donating money. FROM CONCESSIONS: • • • • •

20 assorted pops 20 bottles of water Enough coffee for 5 pots and filters Tea bags, hot cocoa Creamer, sugar, stir sticks, napkins

NEED TO BRING: • • • • • • •

Card table Table covers Cooler for pop and water, ice for cooler Rags and bucket for washing off area before and after Five gallons of water Coffee pots (one for coffee and one for water) Extension cord(s)

Food prepared was all easy to eat by hand which the judges like • • • • •

20 sandwiches (ham, turkey, veggie and combination). Bought enough stuff with donations. Made sandwiches up and put them in sandwich bags, some half and some whole, and labeled them. Have catsup, mustard and mayo available. One fruit tray, donated. Relish tray, donated. Cookies – about 48 cookies or bars, donated. Paper products, sturdier plates and cups, donated

Drinks: get 20 pop, 20 waters from the Concession Stand. Keep in ice in a cooler. Get two coffee makers, one for coffee (they drank about 25 cups of coffee) and one coffee maker just for water for tea and hot cocoa. (Get tea, cocoa, sugar and creamer from the Concession Stand. They drank about 10 cups of tea and cocoa.) I took five gallons of water with me to make coffee and hot water. It was more than enough. Check the coffee pots after each flight.

PARKING Purpose: This committee will map out traffic flow and designate parking areas. This includes area for band buses, visitors, volunteers, first aid, etc. This committee will assign volunteers to monitor and guide traffic during the festival. This committee will coordinate parking with the placement of directional signs. We reserved the barricaded parking section south of the Jr. High School for buses and handicapped parking. The thinking was that this simplified things a bit as there is only entrance into that area and it was large enough to accommodate those particular needs. The single entrance made it easy to “guard” with a single person to keep other out (and direct them to the other areas). Post individuals at strategic points to intercept incoming traffic and direct the drivers (buses and spectators) to their respective lots. At most, we may have had only 4 people at a time doing this. For instance, one person staffed the intersection nearest the football field, one person at the bus lot entrance, and one person down each drive toward Schavey and Herbison. Festival Critique: • • • • • • • •

Volunteers should park at the High School instead of the Jr. High Busses also should be parked at the High School Judge parking should be at the Administration Building If High School is utilized for parking of busses, walk between High School and stadium should not be a problem for bands Need better map detailing complex It was suggested that the band buses park at the Herbison Woods lot and use the administration lot for guests. If it is determined to use the High School parking lot for the warm up areas this may not be necessary. It was also suggested that volunteer t-shirts are large enough to be worn over jackets. This way volunteers are easily identified even when jackets are worn because of colder weather. Use Board of Education parking lot for handicapped parking. Put busses in Herbison Woods lot and Jr. High lot.

FOOD – PLANNING/CONCESSIONS DEWITT MARCHING BAND FESTIVAL FOOD/CONCESSIONS Purpose: This committee will be to provide food and beverages for the Band Festival. This includes planning, food and beverage purchases, food preparation, food and beverage sales, and cleanup. They will assign volunteers to food and beverage stations or locations as needed during the festival. They will also assist with the placement of signs in and around the concessions area for directions.

A. Hours of Band Festival - ? 1. number of bands – 2. Find a way to have a second stand with electricity, on visitors side. 3. Earliest time the stand needed - first band performs _____pm? a. set up 12 noon - 2pm b. open for sales 2pm 4. Will deliver supplies to stand Thursday night, after JV game, 9pm? a. volunteers: b. what to bring at this time • pop • lemonade • water • coffee/ filters/scoop • cocoa • teabags • cups/lids • NEED MORE LARGE ELECTRIC HOT WATER POTS, FOR SECOND CONCESSION STAND ON VISITORS SIDE. Only 2 in boosters concession stand • dog wrapping supplies • boxes of condiments • plastic eating utensil • bowls • plates • napkins • nacho chips/ cheese • cheese warmer machine • nacho trays

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

c. d. e. f. g. h.

taco seasoning Fritos ramen noodles candy 6 cash boxes cleaning supplies signs - 5 large price signs, 10 small price signs, direction signs plastic table runner rolls tape paper pencils pens clipboards sticky notes markers scissors money bag w/zipper – Festival Treasurer utensils • long handled grill spatula for stirring large cocoa containers • strong tongs for lifting up filled roasters, to aid in adding water to bottom • hot pads • good can opener

empty coolers, fill with our pop cover football boosters supplies price signs placed over football boosters signs sticky notes denoting where "stations" signs will be trash bags containers for empty pop cans - make out of boxes or from pop company?

5. latest the stand is needed? close at 10pm, clean up til ? B. Concession stand - have announcer periodically read ad for concessions Boosters contact: 1. Electricity issues a. b. c. d.

Ask boosters about fuses/breakers What cannot be plugged in at same time? Can we use electricity/outlets anywhere else in stadium? Keep some steamers of food at one of the schools, or home close by?

• Greg wells office? • If in a school have helpers watch it? e. Would need cart/vehicle to retrieve food away from stand 2. What is supplied within stand a. 4 cash drawers – where we can put our cash boxes b. 3 movable tables c. 2 coolers for our use - empty Thu night/ refill with their drinks at cleanup time d. big electric hot water pot - 2 e. big insulated hot beverage dispensers - 2 f. 2 grills - can we use one for sign, one for grill if we supply our own propane? g. Large roasters - 2 h. Coffee maker - 1 with __2__? Pots i. Some utensils j. Soap k. Water/sinks l. Bleach? Vinegar? m. Mop/bucket 3. Cleaning products needed a. bleach? b. Vinegar? c. Dish soap d. Brillo pads e. Soft scrub w/bleach f. Dish cloths. towels 4. Scheduling of people to work - dedicated jobs for fast service a. 4 cashiers inside, 1 near grill, 1 at "visitor stands" location b. 1 ICE RUNNER c. 2 pizza servers (will also order, trash empty boxes, etc) d. 2-3 servers making marching tacos, chili, dogs, nachos e. beverage servers: 1-2 f. cocoa/ coffee maker/server: 1-2 g. dedicated inside food passer to pass items through window h. 2 hour shifts 5. Outside station - near actual building a. 1 to grill hot dogs after boiling - wrap and store in warm roaster outside? b. 1 cashier/ pop/candy obtainer c. 1 dedicated outside food passer to pass items through window. d. 1 runner between all three locations e. food supply - cold drinks, candy, fruit, dogs, condiments 6. Outside station - near "visitor stands"

a. b. c. d. e. f.

1 cashier 1 pop/ candy handler 1 runner Hot food suppliers, 1-2 foods supply – same as main concession is recommended Better signs to call attention to BOTH outside stations

C. Concession items to sell 1. Marching tacos 2. Chili 3. Pizza 4. Hot dog 5. Nachos/cheese 6. Soda 7. Lemonade 8. Water 9. Coffee, leaded and unleaded 10. Tea 11. Cocoa 12. Ramen noodle cups 13. Apples, bananas 14. Candy a. snickers b. hershey assortment c. tootsie pops d. red licorice e. skittles f. other? 15. Homemade cookies 16. POPCORN? 17. If kettle corn stand was in stadium, No Popcorn. D. Supplies needed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Empty pop can containers - labelled Walkie talkies - 1-3? 1-2 folding tables? Need 3 steamers - 1 chili, 1 taco, 1 warming in school Need 6 cash boxes

E. Signs 1. 4 large prices - inside 2. 2 large prices – outside 3. 2 large for visitor’s side stand 4. 12 small price sheets in plastic for cashiers, customer viewing 5. 4 small price sheets for visitor’s stand

6. 7. 8. 9.

"out only" for exit wording and arrows to lead to stand entrance Large signs pointing out 2 outside "convenience" stands Bathroom signs - anyone else taking care of?

F. Beverages will be needed for judges, announcer and band directors. 1. 40 bottles water? 2. 20 cans assorted pop? 3. Who will supply cooler? G. Trash a. If game Thursday night, will trash container be emptied before Saturday? b. Alternate plan - ? J. Miscellaneous suppliers 1. paper products - ? 2. fritos – ? 3. coke - ? H. Cleanup 1. Vacuum, mop, bucket supplies 2. Refill coolers with school booster drinks 3. Empty all trash 4. Leave everything cleaner than before we used it 5. Turn off a. fans b. air conditioner c. lights d. coffee pot e. electric kitchen items 6. bolt back door, lock and leave through front door - check to make sure it is locked Festival Critique: • • • • • • • •

Better communication with regard to work schedules would be appreciated. People were not sure when they were supposed to work in the concession stand. Concession lines were long, especially if someone only wanted a drink – have another area to sell just beverages Visitor side concession set up did not get much traffic Kettle corn went over very well. Can’t keep up with space, electricity if Invitational continues to grow. Need a second hot concession stand Possibly rent a trailer already set up for food preparation and sale Get electricity on visitor side of stadium

• • • • • • • • • •

Group of DeWitt Boosters to work with Hungry Howie’s was great to work with Suggested a tent for outside concessions. Better instructions for volunteers. Need pizza at both ends; however, there is limited counter space. Need a 4th cash drawer. Need more power strips. Possibly use a tent to cover grill and show where concessions area is located. More cookies for sale. NHS and BPA students as possibilities for helpers.

VIDEO TAPING Purpose: To videotape each band’s performance and give videotape to band director as part of his/her packet when leaving festival. Equipment set up in small room (far left) on first level of press box. Each band’s performance was videotaped. When finished with taping, gave videotape (labeled with appropriate school name) to Mr. Wells who was coordinating band director packets. Comments from 2004 Festival Critique: • •

Need to space bands out. Insufficient time between bands to get one tape out and another set up and ready to go. Schedule needs to be official – bands were coming in too fast. Can we use the score board with 15 minute blocks to keep an even pace.

JUDGE RUNNERS Purpose: To be available for any needs the judges may have during their time at the festival. There were two judge runners per two hour period. One person for two to three hours would probably be sufficient as they sit and wait to see if there are any needs. The number of total people needed would probably depend on the total length of the festival. Festival Critique: • • • •

Two volunteers are sufficient. Need extra pencils and a pencil sharpener available. Comments being recorded by judges leaning out the windows of the press box were disrupting spectators. Know where extra cassette tapes are in case a judge needs one to record comments.

PROGRAM SALES Purpose: To have individuals at each entrance to sell programs before and during the festival. Band Booster Treasurer will help with securing aprons and change for volunteers who are selling the programs. Volunteers should check in with Ticket Committee Chair. She will get them the aprons, money, etc. Volunteers should be at both entrances – at least two people per entrance. Total number of people needed can be determined by total length of festival and length of shifts desired.

SIGNS/DIRECTIONS Purpose: This committee will create directional signs and assign volunteers to place the signs in key locations around the community and at school campus on the day of festival. Signs need to be larger, lettering larger so that they are more visible and easier to read from the roadway. Signs should be put at specific location in the early morning and retrieved after event is over. If signs are of material that they can be used the following year, they should be returned to Band Booster Chairman. Locations that signs need to be placed: (see attached sheet). Directional signs also need to be made and then placed throughout school complex. Signs should be made for: Equipment Parking Area, Handicapped Parking, and Bus Parking Area. (SEE PARKING) Festival Critique: • • • • • •

Need more signage for restrooms More signage within school complex Need bigger signs next year – maybe more A-frames Need to be more professional with bigger printing. Printed signs need 3-4 weeks notice to be printed Also need signs for restrooms and handicap parking and seating areas.

BAND GUIDES Purpose: This committee will assign two volunteers (band guides) to each guest band. Volunteers work in pairs to greet the arriving band and stay with the band until the band has finished their performance. Things you need to know and bring: Know: Band Schedule Location of assigned seating for bands Types of Concession food available Local food ideas for bus driver’s

Bring: Watch Flashlight (for evening performances) Water (for yourself) Proper weather attire

Provided to you: One 2 way radio Hand stamps Arrive at the stadium 1 ½ hrs – 2 hrs. before your bands scheduled warm up time.  Check in at the volunteer tent located behind the ticket booth at the stadium.  Obtain a two-way radio, stamp, clip board with copy of procedures, campus map, list of concession items band sign and bands schedule.  Report to the central office area (Jr. Hi) to wait for your bus to arrive. Busses will be arriving off from Schavey Road and Herbison Rd. so you’ll need to be watching from both directions. Try to greet them before they head into the parking area. Upon arrival of your band’s bus(es):  Introduce yourself to the director  First guide leads director to sign-in (behind ticket booth) o Notify director that there is food available for them in the press box. o Remain with director and return them to their band  Second guide to remain on board the lead bus to direct them to correct parking lot (in front of school administration offices) o Introduce yourself to the chaperones and bus driver(s)  Direct pit equipment to unload at the handicap area in front of the stadium. o Notify the pit that we will have 2 ladders and a platform on the field for them if they wish to use them.  Ask if any student requires transportation to the field due to injury or handicap. o If so, call for a golf cart to your location.  As they leave the bus, stamp the hand of each band member, director(s), chaperones, bus and pit drivers, parental pit helpers. o Both guides should have a stamp and stamp pad.  Notify director: o Location for practice by band and pit. o Restroom locations (Herbison Woods and in stadium area) o Drinking water locations (Herbison Woods) o Changing in Herbison Woods (no classrooms open) o Instruments to be played in designated practice areas ONLY  This includes the playing of any cadence while marching to and from practice or the stadium  A simple snare tap is allowable.

 Approximately 10 minutes prior to their slated practice time, notify director you will take them to designated warm up area in 5 minutes.  5 minutes prior to practice time, notify director to organize band for move to practice area.  At practice area inquire how director wishes to be notified of end of practice time. o Some prefer to be told every 5 minutes for the last 10 minutes o Some only wish to know when time is up.  It is your responsibility to ensure practice ends at the designated time. o Director may NOT continue after this time … our scheduling makes this a MUST.  There are two (2) warm up areas. o Warm up “A” – behind Jr. High, behind center of building. Pit may warm up in service parking area behind Jr. High. o Warm up “B” – on south side of Herbison Woods, beyond the east side parking lot. o Bands MUST practice in designated areas to keep their practice from being heard in or near the stadium where other bands are performing.  Direct bands through the large gate at the north-west end of the stadium (up the incline).  Notify director that band will exit from the SOUTH or opposite end of the stadium. o Gate attendant notifies the band when they may enter the field. o Be positive and encourage the bands as they enter.  Await band’s exit from the field on the track at the south end of the field near gate.  Upon conclusion of performance, walk with director and band out of south gate, around stadium, return to Herbison Woods for photograph. * Exception: Pewamo, Newaygo, Grand Haven and DeWitt will have their pictures take following the awards ceremony. If you are the guide for one of these bands, please stay with your band through awards and then escort them to the Jr. High for their pictures. o All bands MUST have a photo taken. There is no charge to the band, only to “fans” who purchase at the stadium.  Walk with band back to their bus or stadium, as the director prefers.  Notify director of band’s assigned seating area in the stadium (visitor side). o Should director require band to change from their uniforms, remain with the band to direct them to assigned seating. o Notify them that there are concessions on the visitor’s side. May provide a brief listing of items available.  When you have completed your assignment, please return check out at the volunteer table, return your clipboard, band sign, radios and stamp and stamp pad.

Festival Critique: • • • • •

Need more walkie talkies for each guide Need to use permanent ink for stamping – students ended up with ink on some of their uniforms Need more stamps Some band guides didn’t show up; some showed up late; so had to find additional volunteers It might be a wise idea to have enough clipboards, stamps and ink, and radios for all band guides so that they don’t have to be handed off

Band Guide Chairperson: Purpose: To help ensure that bands have a positive experience while at our festival by having volunteers accompany them during their visit, answer questions, and assist with special requests. Items Needed: Two volunteer band guides for each band, preferably at least one adult per band; stamps and stamp pads or markers to mark hands; Frequently Asked Questions sheet; performance schedule; campus maps; seating charts; two way radios. Committee Chair Responsibilities: Prior to Festival 1. Tentatively assign band guides to bands. Assignments may need to be changed if bands do not arrive in order of performance. 2.

Update Frequently Asked Questions sheet. Obtain performance schedule, campus maps, and seating charts.


Meet with/communicate with volunteers to go over band guide responsibilities and important locations.

Festival Day 1. Arrive at least prior to the warm-up time of the first band. 2.

Review responsibilities with volunteers and answer any questions.


Distribute Frequently Asked Questions sheets, performance schedules, venue maps, and seating charts to band guides.


Be available in person and by radio to answer any questions and/or resolve any issues that band guides may have during the day.

Band Guide Responsibilities: 1.

Arrive at least prior to the warm-up time of the assigned band.


Welcome the band when they arrive. Stamp/mark hands of band director, assistants, band members, and chaperones.


One guide escorts band director to check in and band director to food area.


One guide stays with band members, chaperones, etc. This guide will probably escort them to a changing area.


Answer any questions that the band director, assistants, chaperones have. Be prepared to handle special requests or needs. Be sure to let them know that if anyone needs transportation around campus that you can request a volunteer or transport them in a golf cart.


Escort band to warm up area. Emphasize that there is no playing in the parking lots. This includes playing the cadence while marching.


Escort band from warm up area to staging area and out of the stadium after their performance.


It is not necessary to sit with the band after they perform. However, as a courtesy, find the director before the band leaves the stadium and determine if there is anything else you can do for him/her.

Festival Critique: • • • • • • • •

More lighting needs to be available at the warm up areas. The lights that were rented were not used. Better instructions need to be made available to the volunteers as to “where” the warm up areas are located. Perhaps move warm up areas to the High School. Jr. High needs to be kept unlocked until bands are finished. Need someone to stay at the Jr. High for security reasons and so students can use the drinking fountain and restrooms. . Need additional volunteers to stamp students while still on the bus or as they are getting off. One band guide gets right on the bus with the students as they are greeted at the entrance. Golf carts are available for handicap students that need assistance. Name tags for the directors. Make band directors aware that there is food available for them. Stay with the bands until departure.


Back the school buses along the concrete barriers in the main parking area across from the Board of Education building.


Park the pit equipment trucks in front of the buses that belong to that school. All other vehicles are to park in the main parking area.


If the pit equipment can’t fit through the concrete barriers, have the pit park and set up in the area in front of the stadium.


Make sure that there is no playing of instruments in the holding areas.


If the visiting pit crews need help, please give them the help they need.


Have fun.

Festival Critique: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Many favorable comments regarding our facility. People appreciated having people waiting for them when they arrived to direct them and answer questions. Comments on the late afternoon start and subsequent lat night awards. Either an earlier start in the afternoon or holding awards for the smaller school before the bigger schools got started were suggested. Possibly send information to the Band Directors explaining the purpose of this area when they register. Move one of the parking blocks from Administration parking area (I think permission to do this had been granted); or move one of the blocks and have all the bands march through the parking lot to get to the stadium. A sign designating “Percussion Holding Area” would be helpful. A copy of the schedule for all volunteers would be helpful. The ambulance parked in the Percussion Holding Area did not seem to be a problem. Most bands had their pit set up in front of their bus. Only a couple of bands could not get their pit through the barriers and used the triangular area right in front of the stadium. It was suggested that this triangular area be used for all bands. It would depend on how many bands participate. May need to have trucks unload and then move to another parking area. The bands appreciated having volunteers available to help unload pit equipment when/if necessary. No instrument playing in this area. Talk to police about closing road off by tennis courts.

VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN Purpose: This committee will create check-in sheets for volunteers, judges, and band directors. The volunteer check-in area also serves as the general information and communication station. Two Months Prior to Event: Have sheets with all committees listed available at Parent Booster Meeting for volunteers to sign up. As event draws near, communicate any areas that are still in need of volunteers. When all areas are filled, coordinate listing and distribute. Day of Event: Table set up near ticket booth in front of football stadium. Sign should be put up indicating volunteer check in area. Festival Critique: • • •

Each committee chairperson needs to provide the volunteer committee with how many volunteers they need and what time they need to be available. Many volunteers were present early on and we did not have assignments for them. If we ask for volunteers, we need to make sure there are task for them to do. Each volunteer needs to have a name tag.

GATE WATCHERS Purpose: Gate watchers will be stationed at the main gate by the concession stand and at the north gate by the football field/track to monitor people entering festival.

The main gate watcher will allow handicapped individuals with stamp to enter. The main gate watcher will allow the band waiting to perform to enter quietly with their band guide and proceed toward the visitors side of field. There was one person opening and shutting the top gate. Other than opening and shutting the gate the only other duty was to remind bands that were entering to do a silent cadence when entering if another band was performing. Some bands used rim shot. We had 2 people at the lower gate. The reason for 2 was when we told a band to go to the end of the end zone by themselves, they sometimes didn’t stop. So 1 gatekeeper would walk with the band to the end of the end zone and wait with them for their name to be announced. The 2nd person waited at the gate for the next group or extra equipment, etc. The lower gate keepers just made sure that everyone was where they needed to be. The pit workers handled the pit. When the band was finished on the field and is moving toward the pressbox side of the track, the main gate watcher will allow the next band to proceed to the visitors side of the track. The exiting band will proceed to the south gate to leave the stadium area. If another band arrives at the main gate, that band will wait outside the gate until the band in front of them prepares to take the field and the first band has exited through both gates. The main gate watcher and the north gate watcher will also allow band directors and pit crews access to and from the field. The gate watcher committee chair will check with each gate regularly to make sure everything is going well. Festival Critique: • •

Need a radio at the main gate and cart keys need to be available. Pits with tractors need to use band etiquette and not be moving while a band is performing.

JANITORIAL Purpose: This committee works with the school staff and volunteers to keep the bathrooms and a waste containers serviced on a regular basis. Festival Critique: Contact should be made with school staff to determine what help, if any, they can give us for this event. Some topics that need to be covered: Bathrooms -- if school staff cannot help, what do we need to do, where do we get additional paper towel, toilet paper, etc? If toilets develop a problem, what is procedure to be followed? Trash – Granger had 6 containers delivered and did not charge us for these. Trailer the containers to the high school for the festival and when event was over and all trash in container removed then left for them to pick up. Contact should be made with Granger to see if they can help us this year and what their procedures are – would they be willing to drop containers at school and then pick them up Monday morning? Also the Boosters will be charged if we use the High School Dumpster. Herbison Woods – it would be ideal if this building could be unlocked so that students can change, need water, etc. Contact should be made to see if this is possible. It might mean a volunteer available at all times in school area that is open. This would be very worthwhile. Contact was Brian Reeve. Have students help clean up after festival. If the students are going to help, we need to be very specific in what they are to do, where to get what they need to accomplish the task.

PIT HELPERS Purpose: Volunteers will assist visiting bands as they move their front ensembles into position to go on the field. Visiting bands bring their own pit crew and all equipment, but sometimes they have a last minutes problem. Volunteers work on the field in the track area. Festival Critique: • •

Get pits scheduled to get on the field; one pit on the field, one pit on the ramp and one pit at the gate. Need directions to get the pit off the field after the performance.

TICKETS Purpose: To schedule the volunteers that will sell tickets at the admission gate. This committee will secure cash boxes and account for monies in this area. One Month Before the Competition: Ticket committee chair needs to secure volunteers to sell tickets. Volunteers are typically scheduled in two hour to 2-1/2 hour shifts. Based on the number of ticket sales from 2006, the number of volunteers needed is as follows: Two hours before the competition start time One hour before the competition start time & during competition

One individual in the ticket booth Two individuals in the ticket booth & one individual at the Handicapped entrance

Within a Week of the Competition: Contact Community Education (668-3480) to confirm the key to the ticket booth is with the set of keys available to the custodian on duty that day. Day of Competition: Ticket Committee chair should secure cash box, apron and seed money from Band Boosters Treasurer for ticket booth, handicapped entrance and program sales. Seed money of $125 in 5’s and $150 in 1’s should be sufficient for the ticket booth. Count seed money upon receipt and sign cash verification form to verify the receipt of the funds. Separate seed money and an apron should be provided to the individual handling the ticket sales at the handicapped entrance. The individual working the handicapped entrance should receive the apron and $50 in seed money ($25 in 5’s and $25 in 1’s). This individual should also count the seed money received and sign a separate cash verification form. Secure three black stamp pads and three musical note stamps (or markers if that is what was decided) from Volunteer Chairperson or Treasurer. Two stamp pads and stamps are to be used in the ticket booth and one stamp pad and one stamp at the handicapped entrance. No actual tickets will be given to the spectators. Collect the money and stamp each individual’s hand. Admission prices should be set before the Invitational by the Band Booster’s Executive Committee. Admission prices in 2004: $5.00 $3.00 Free

Adults and students 12 and over Senior citizens and students (6-12) Children 5 years of age and younger

At the End of the Competition: At the end of the competition, all money is to be counted and witnessed by a second individual. The cash receipts form should be completed and signed by both individuals. Deliver cash box, aprons, and money receipts (admissions) to Band Boosters Treasurer. Stamp pads and stamps (or markers) should be returned to the Volunteer Check-In area. Festival Critique: • • • • •

Need to plan to have the ticket booth unlocked. Need to plan for ticket sales at the handicap entry. Need to make arrangements for a night deposit, money wrappers and a bill counting machine. Need to cash out for shifts if we have more bands. Need more five dollar bills.

CROWD CONTROL Purpose: This committee will plan and coordinate crowd movement to keep noise at a minimum during an on field performance. This committee may also label seating areas for visiting bands. Seating areas for specific schools need to be taped off prior to event. There were 6 benches for each school and a sign with that school’s name was placed every other bleacher. Specific seating for schools was not used. This seemed to work well. A list should be posted indicating the seating chart for schools. Handicapped seating should be well marked. There should be a person at top of steps in each section to monitor traffic (a rope was used last year to stop traffic unless volunteer took it down). Visitors should not be allowed to enter area or leave area while bands are playing. Visitor bleachers on far side of football field might be considered for seating of bands as well.

TREASURER/CASH OPERATIONS Chairperson: Band Booster Treasurer Purpose: To help ensure proper control over cash collected during the Festival. Items Needed: cash boxes, drawers and aprons; seed money; cash box verification forms; event tally sheets; access to night deposit box; W-9’s and Judges’ payment forms, checkbook Treasurer’s Responsibilities: Prior to the Festival: 1.

Evaluate the adequacy of seed money used for last year’s festival. Make any necessary changes in amounts.


Obtain seed money. Allocate between cash boxes, drawers, and aprons. Include a cash box verification form and an event tally sheet with each.


Request a night deposit key and bag from the bank.


Prepare W-9’s and Judges’ payment forms.

Festival Day: Arrive prior to festival opening to distribute cash boxes, drawers, and aprons. Explain cash box verification forms and event tally sheets to volunteers. Provide W-9’s and Judges’ payment forms to judges. Issue payments upon receipt of completed documents. (May need assistance from judge runners.) Collect cash boxes, drawers, aprons and cash at the end of the festival. Verify counts provided on Event Tally Sheets. Deposit cash.

OPERATIONS- MISCELLANEOUS Someone needs to be “security” at each building that is open (need to have a radio). Also, City Fire Department should be contacted to ask if they can have someone at festival for medical help if necessary. Volunteers that should have walkie talkies: parking volunteers, band guides, Booster President, Concessions Coordinator, and gate watchers. Light Tower for practice areas – Mr. Norman should be contacted to see how many practice areas he will have to determine how many light towers are needed. Joe can help with details with regard to what has to be done. Communication to school band directors should include information that ladders and podiums are available for their use if they desire. Tarps on the fence may help to cut down on wind if it is very windy

HERBISON WOODS BATHROOMS/CHANGING ROOM Purpose: Volunteers (male and female) will be stationed in changing areas Festival Critique: • • • •

There were not enough restrooms available in the Jr. High Mr. Wells unlocked locker rooms, but janitor locked them up – definitely need to have more changing space and restrooms available If using band room, classrooms for changing, windows will need to be covered up About half the bands came dressed, half of them changed when they arrived

FESTIVAL PLANNING Purpose: This group will meet together and with Mr. Norman to coordinate and plan for all areas of the festival. They will work with the budget, seek licenses, superintendent permissions and keep everyone informed. They will also seek announcers for the festival and acquire golf carts and walkie/talkies for communication purposes. Festival Critique: • • •

Start planning after the first of the year, no later than early spring Possibly send a questionnaire to band directors regarding their thoughts on how things went and their likes/dislikes Thank you notes should be sent to advertisers in program and also to volunteers

FIRST AID Purpose: This committee will arrange for a first aid station to be available throughout the festival. Instructions for what is needed will be distributed to the chair of this committee.

GO-FOR THINGS Purpose: Two volunteers per shift will be assigned to help out whenever an “on the spot” need arises.

PHOTO SHOOT Purpose: This committee will assist with the staging of after-performance group photos. Tammy: Photography of Bands (Arrive 1 hour before first band arrives and set up) 1. Table in stadium for orders (2-3 volunteers on 2-3 hour shifts) a. “Photo’s” sign attached to fence, over the heads of those taking orders b. Sample photos (3) of band from previous year c. Cash box (1) d. Two to three volunteers to handle the orders at the stadium table e. To order: i. Fill out one sticker for EACH photograph 1. Student name and school only (Avery address labels 5661) ii. If someone purchases 20 photos, we still need 20 stickers 1. Volunteers fill out the balance of stickers to save customer time iii. Prints made ONLY for paid orders 2. Shooting in the gym (Only 15 minutes from in to out due to performance schedule) a. ISO 800 and either “custom” or “auto” white balance, colors are fine in gym i. Fuji S-3 Pro w/ 28-70 f 2.8 zoom lens at 12 Mega-pixel resolution b. Use 8’ ladder to center the camera in the group to prevent distortion c. Assemble band to fill the frame for best 5x7 printing results d. Write frame numbers from camera on band sheet (for ID purposes) i. Very important if bands arrive out of order ii. Only one pose per band (2 exposures) 1. Ask if Director wants photo with or without instruments as they arrive 2. Many directors request with and without hats, instruments, etc. 3. Have bands place instruments on far side of entry area to limit damage e. Volunteers assist arranging band members (one volunteer on 2-3 hour shifts) i. Drums in front ii. Color Guard in second row iii. Flutes and clarinets next iv. Brass in row behind v. Low brass vi. Sousaphones on top vii. Be sure musician is visible while holding instrument 3. Printing a. Using Printer provided (Band Booster President should have it) b. Select the best shot of each band c. Crop to best 5x7 sizing d. Print for number of stickers on sheet e. Attach stickers to back of prints f. Batch by school g. Give to board member to ship to band directors

RAFFLE 50/50 Purpose: This committee will plan a raffle, make all arrangements and assign volunteers to sell tickets during the festival.

SOUVENIR SALES Purpose: This committee will design buttons to sell as souvenirs and schedule volunteers to work the souvenir table during the festival.

T-SHIRTS Purpose: This committee will design a logo to print on t-shirts and sell at the festival. Volunteers will be scheduled to work at the sales table during the festival. Festival Critique: • • •

Ordered 200 shirts for the event. It was also mentioned that next year we may want to consider having sweatshirts or polar fleece clothing items for sale. Glow necklaces did not sell well; sold 7 of the 12 sets of earrings Could souvenir sales be outside of the stadium to free space near the concession building

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