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  • Words: 1,417
  • Pages: 6
ARTSPACE NEIGHBORHOOD DEMOGRAPHICS Overview The following demographic analysis is a comparison between two census tracts that surround the Artspace site; one on the east side of Main Street (tract 32.03) the other on the west side of Main Street (tract 67.02). For this analysis census tract 67.02 is made up of 3 block groups, spanning from Elmwood Ave to Main Street and from Utica to North Street. Census tract 32.02, made up of five block groups, spans from Main Street to Jefferson and from Ferry to Best Street. Refer to the enlarged version of Census tract map to the right entitled Census Tracts 32.02 & 67.02. It immediately follows the written demographic section and indicates the two tracts analyzed as well as the eight block groups, and the location of the Artspace site. Income, race, age and renter versus owner occupied housing data for both census tracts will be analyzed in the following section to ultimately draw comparisons and conclusions between the two tracts and more specifically, block groups, divided by Buffalo’s Main Street. Although five block groups are analyzed in census tract 32.02 and only three block groups are analyzed in 67.02, their populations are very similar due to population density and the amount of vacant lots in each tract. The population of block groups 1,3 and 4 that make up census tract 67.02 for this analysis is 2,804; census tracts 4,5,6,7, and 8 that make up census tract 32.02 is 2,534. The population of census tract 67.02 is much denser compared to 32.02, because of the vast amount of apartment buildings on Linwood and Delaware Ave. as well as the amount of large homes converted to apartments along Linwood. The population of census tract 32.02 is less dense with a more scattered population in part because of the amount of vacant property with in the five block groups, along with a smaller concentration of residential property (Refer to Appendix 1: Land use map. Note: the black areas are vacant land or properties.)

Artspace Neighborhood Census Tract Map (An Enlarged Version of This Map is located at the end of the Demographic Section)

Income The largest amount of people with an income in the highest income bracket ($200,000 or more) is in census tract 32.02 block group 6, while the same block group has the second largest amount of people making below the poverty level or $19,000 or less. This proves that on this one block on the east side of Main Street there is a huge separation or barrier between residents in terms of household income and ultimately the residents lifestyle. The greatest amount of people making $19,000 or less is with in census tract 67.02 block groups 1 and 4; this is in part due to the senior housing facility on the corner of Delaware and North Street. The majority of people making between $125,000 and $199,000 are located in census tract 67.02; while in census tract 32.02 block group 6 no one makes over $49,999. The amount of people making between $20,000 and $49,999 is fairly consistent throughout both tracts. Similarly, the amount of people making $19,000 or less, accounts for the majority of the population in all eight block groups. In tract 67.02 block group 1, 102 people make over $50,000, where as in census tract 32.02 block groups 7 and 8 directly across from tract 67.02 but on the east side of Main Street, only 63 people make over $50,000. This is important to note because in just crossing over Main Street there is a vast difference in income levels for residents, creating not only economical barriers but social and political barriers as well. Refer to the corresponding map entitled Income Range for Census Tracts 32.02 & 67.02 at the end of the demographic Section, in addition to Appendix 2: Bar Chart.

Artspace Neighborhood Income Range Map (An Enlarged Version of This Map is located at the end of the Demographic Section)

Race In analyzing race populations with in tracts 67.02 and 32.02 white and African American populations are most noteworthy, because these races make up the majority in each tract. The population of American Indian, Asian, Native Hawaiian and some other race are to low consistently throughout both tracts to make firm comparisons. Tract 67.02 compared to tract 32.02 is much more integrated in terms of the population of white and African American residents. For instance in tract 67.02 block group 4 there are 602 white residents and 414 African American residents, while in tract 32.02 block group 5 there are 5 white residents and 407 African American residents. Block group 1, the closest block group with in tract 67.02 to Main Street and the Artspace site has the most segregated population compared to block groups 3 and 4, with a white population of 685 and an African American population of 192. Similarly in block groups 7 and 8, the two closest block groups to Main Street from the east and the Artspace site are quite segregated as well. Block group 7 has a white population of 45 and an African American population of 690, as block group 8 has white population of 27 and an African American population of 439. Refer to the corresponding race map entitled Race Populations for Census Tracts 32.02 & 67.02 following this section and Appendix 3: Bar Chart.

Artspace Neighborhood Race Population Map (An Enlarged Version of This Map is located at the end of the Demographic Section)

Age In all eight block groups that make up census tracts 67.02 and 32.02 the amount of 20-54 year olds is significantly higher that the other two age groups, 0-19 and 55-85. This is crucial not only for a growing or development area but also because of the need for a large working class surrounding Artspace. With a large working class the artists of Artspace and the residents of the surrounding area will have a common ground. The smallest age group represented in all five block groups that make up census tract 32.02 is the 55-85 range. At the same time the smallest group represented in all three block groups in tract 67.02 is the 0-19 range. Thus the east side of Main Street, our concentration area for growth and revitalization, consists of a large working class as well as growing young population. In this concentration area, the 0-19 age range will become a part of the working class in the years to come while Artspace is developing and growing as well; stressing the importance of schools and after school programs to encourage children to become a part of the working class for the betterment of their community. Census tract 67.02 represents a working class population on the verge of retirement as well as a dense retired population, thus one of this areas civil service contributions to residents are elderly homes and facilities. Refer to the Age map entitled Age Population for Census Tracts 32.02 & 67.02 as well as Appendix 4: Excel Table.

Artspace Neighborhood Age Population Map (An Enlarged Version of This Map is located at the end of the Demographic Section)

Renter/ Owner Occupied Housing As mentioned above there is an immense amount of apartment buildings on Linwood and Delaware Ave. as well as homes converted to multiple unit apartments, explaining the overwhelming amount of renter occupied units in Census tract 67.02 compared to owner occupied homes. In all three block groups in tract 67.02 there are on average 20 times as many renter occupies units as there are owner occupied. On the contrary, Tract 32.02 has a more equal distribution of renter and owner occupied housing. Block groups 4 and 5 in Tract 32.02 actually have more owner occupies housing than renter occupied. •

Owner occupied housing is vital for a growing area in terms of community or block group involvement but also for the upkeep of the property and perhaps home renovation through home improvement incentives. A good mix of renter and owner occupied housing, like in tract 32.02, is crucial for a developing area to increase residential density and to improve the overall property and landscape esthetic of the area. More active citizen involved, both renter and home owners, in a concentrated area is a recipe for simultaneous change and revitalization. Refer to the Renter versus Owner Occupied Housing map as well as Appendix 5: Bar Chart.

Artspace Neighborhood Renter Vs. Owner Occupied Units Map (An Enlarged Version of This Map is located at the end of the Demographic Section)

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