Deleting expired Archive Log Using RMAN 1. start rman using command 2. Start the RMAN executable at the operating system command line while connecting to one or more databases, as in these examples: a.% rman TARGET / CATALOG rman/cat@catdb b.% rman TARGET SYS/oracle@trgt NOCATALOG c.% rman TARGET / CATALOG rman/cat@catdb AUXILIARY SYS/oracle@auxdb
3. Use the following commands to delete expired archive logs; crosscheck archivelog all delete noprompt expired archivelog all
quit Option-2 To delete Archive log older than one week use the command;
Option-3 allocate channel for delete type disk; change archivelog until time 'SYSDATE-7' delete; release channel; or
run { allocate channel for delete type disk; change archivelog until time 'SYSDATE-7' delete; release channel; } or run{ allocate channel for maintenance type disk; crosscheck backup of archivedlogs completed between 'sysdate - 30' and 'sysdate - 7'; delete expired backup; release channel; exit; }