
  • November 2019
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#wxSand: Owen Piette's Falling Sand Game #Version 4.4, File subversion 2 #element element r g b gravity slip density conductivity visible group Lifetypes Life Waterlife Dronealien Alienspore Swamplife Lichen Mutantplant group Terrain Water Plant Rock Swamp Desert Plains Lava Snow Forest Iceberg Packice group Effects Fire Volcano Drought CompleteDrought Desertification Flood Plague Antiplague Meteorite Minor_Snowstorm Snowstorm Major_Snowstorm # Open ground. element Empty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 # Raised rocky terrain, impassible to most plants and life forms. element Rock 149 146 134 0 0 0.3 0.1 1 # Very basic life, will die if left in a barren terrain. With plants to eat, will grow and some will evolve. element Life 238 206 255 0 0 0.3 0.3 1 neighbor 0.2 Life Empty 0.99 Empty Life 0.01 Life Life neighbor 0.2 Life Life 0.99 Life Life 0.01 Stronglife Life neighbor 0.2 Life Swamp 1.0 Swamp Life neighbor 0.2 Life Swampedge 1.0 Swampedge Life self 0.005 Life 0.5 Corpse 0.5 Empty element Stronglife 220 89 33 0 0 0.3 0.3 0 neighbor 0.1 Stronglife Empty 0.99 Empty Stronglife 0.01 Stronglife Stronglife neighbor 0.1 Stronglife Stronglife 0.99 Stronglife Stronglife 0.01 Stronglife Herdlife neighbor 0.5 Stronglife Life 0.8 Stronglife Corpse 0.2 Corpse Life neighbor 0.1 Stronglife Swamp 1.0 Swamp Stronglife neighbor 0.1 Stronglife Swampedge 1.0 Swampedge Stronglife self 0.005 Stronglife 0.75 Corpse 0.25 Empty element Herdlife 249 63 0 0 0 0.3 0.3 0 neighbor 0.1 Herdlife Empty 0.99 Empty Herdlife 0.01 Herdlife Herdlife neighbor 0.1 Herdlife Plains1 0.99 Plains1 Herdlife 0.01 Herdlife Herdlife neighbor 0.1 Herdlife Plains2 0.99 Plains2 Herdlife 0.01 Herdlife Herdlife neighbor 0.5 Herdlife Stronglife 0.8 Herdlife Corpse 0.2 Corpse Stronglife neighbor 0.5 Herdlife Life 0.95 Herdlife Corpse 0.05 Life Corpse neighbor 0.1 Herdlife Swamp 1.0 Swamp Herdlife neighbor 0.1 Herdlife Swampedge 1.0 Swampedge Herdlife neighbor 0.001 Herdlife Herdlife 0.9 Herdlife Herdlife 0.1 Giantlife Empty self 0.003 Herdlife 1.0 Corpse element Corpse 56 139 75 0 0 0.3 0.3 0 neighbor 0.1 Life Corpse 0.5 Life Life 0.5 Life Corpse neighbor 0.1 Stronglife Corpse 0.5 Stronglife Stronglife 0.5 Stronglife Corpse neighbor 0.1 Herdlife Corpse 0.5 Herdlife Herdlife 0.5 Herdlife Corpse self 0.1 Corpse 0.9 Empty 0.1 Corpselife element Corpselife 107 255 81 0 0 0.3 0.3 0 neighbor 0.15 Corpselife Empty 1.0 Corpse Corpselife neighbor 0.5 Corpselife Life 0.5 Corpse Corpse 0.4 Corpselife Corpse 0.1 Corpse Life neighbor 0.5 Corpselife Stronglife 0.5 Corpse Corpse 0.2 Corpselife Corpse 0.3 Corpse Stronglife neighbor 0.5 Corpselife Herdlife 0.5 Corpse Corpse 0.05 Corpselife Corpse 0.45 Corpse Herdlife neighbor 0.5 Corpselife Shorelife 0.5 Corpse Corpse 0.3 Corpselife Corpse 0.2 Corpse Shorelife neighbor 0.15 Corpselife Swamp 0.95 Swamp Corpselife 0.05 Corpselife Corpselife neighbor 0.15 Corpselife Swampedge 0.95 Swampedge Corpselife 0.05 Corpselife Corpselife

self 0.05 Corpselife 1.0 Life # Commonly found vegetation. Will grow across entire maps. element Plant 86 163 39 0 0 1 0.7 1 neighbor 0.01 Plant Empty 0.97 Plant Plant 0.01 Plant Life 0.02 Plant Fastplant neighbor 0.001 Plant Water 1.0 Plant Waterlife neighbor 0.001 Plant Marsh 1.0 Plant Waterlife neighbor 0.001 Plant Plant 0.992 Plant Plant 0.008 Plantdisease Plantdisease neighbor 0.001 Fastplant Fastplant 0.992 Fastplant Fastplant 0.008 Plantdisease Plantdisease neighbor 0.001 Undergrowth Undergrowth 0.992 Undergrowth Undergrowth 0.008 Plantdisease Plantdisease neighbor 0.01 Plant Undergrowth 0.4 Undergrowth Plant 0.4 Plant Undergrowth 0.12 Plant Plant 0.08 Undergrowth Undergrowth neighbor 0.01 Fastplant Undergrowth 0.4 Undergrowth Fastplant 0.4 Fastplant Undergrowth 0.12 Fastplant Fastplant 0.08 Undergrowth Undergrowth self 0.8 Plant 0.45 Burnt 0.1 Burntwood 0.45 Fire hotself 70 Plant element Fastplant 105 200 49 0 0 1 0.9 0 neighbor 0.001 Fastplant Water 1.0 Fastplant Waterlife neighbor 0.001 Fastplant Marsh 1.0 Fastplant Waterlife neighbor 0.02 Fastplant Empty 0.96 Fastplant Fastplant 0.03 Fastplant Plant 0.01 Fastplant Life self 0.95 Fastplant 0.45 Burnt 0.1 Burntwood 0.45 Fire hotself 50 Fastplant neighbor 0.05 Plant Fastplant 0.9 Plant Fastplant 0.04 Fastplant Fastplant 0.052 Plant Plant 0.008 Flower Fastplant element Burnt 248 87 33 0 0 1 1.9 0 self 0.3 Burnt 1.0 Fire neighbor 0.5 Burnt Life 1.0 Burnt Burnt neighbor 0.5 Burnt Corpse 1.0 Burnt Burnt neighbor 0.5 Burnt Stronglife 1.0 Burnt Burnt neighbor 0.5 Burnt Herdlife 1.0 Burnt Burnt pexplosion Burnt Herdlife 2 Burnt # Destructive element which burns its way through forests and living things. element Fire 251 223 30 0 0 1 1.9 1 self 0.1 Fire 1.0 Empty neighbor 0.5 Fire Empty 1.0 Empty Fire neighbor 0.5 Fire Life 1.0 Fire Fire neighbor 0.5 Fire Corpse 1.0 Fire Fire neighbor 0.5 Fire Stronglife 1.0 Fire Fire neighbor 0.5 Fire Herdlife 1.0 Fire Fire neighbor 0.1 Life Plant 0.08 Life Life 0.89 Empty Life 0.03 Poison Plant neighbor 0.1 Life Undergrowth 0.06 Life Life 0.91 Empty Life 0.03 Parasite Life neighbor 0.1 Life Fastplant 0.08 Life Life 0.89 Empty Life 0.03 Poison Fastplant neighbor 0.1 Life Undergrowth 0.08 Life Life 0.91 Empty Life 0.01 Parasite Life neighbor 0.1 Stronglife Plant 0.08 Stronglife Stronglife 0.89 Empty Stronglife 0.03 Poison Plant neighbor 0.1 Stronglife Undergrowth 0.06 Stronglife Stronglife 0.91 Empty Stronglife 0.03 Parasite Stronglife neighbor 0.1 Stronglife Fastplant 0.08 Stronglife Stronglife 0.89 Empty Stronglife 0.03 Poison Fastplant neighbor 0.1 Herdlife Plant 0.08 Herdlife Herdlife 0.89 Empty Herdlife 0.03 Poison Plant neighbor 0.1 Herdlife Undergrowth 0.06 Herdlife Herdlife 0.91 Empty Herdlife 0.03 Parasite Herdlife neighbor 0.1 Herdlife Fastplant 0.08 Herdlife Herdlife 0.89 Empty Herdlife 0.03

Poison Fastplant # The starting point for life. Draw a river, a stream, a lake, an ocean et cetera... and life will gather around it. element Water 54 119 226 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor 0.001 Water Empty 0.95 Water Water 0.01 Water Plant 0.04 Shore2 Shore2 neighbor 0.5 Fire Water 1.0 Empty Empty neighbor 0.5 Burnt Water 1.0 Fire Empty neighbor 0.1 Life Water 1.0 Empty Waterlife neighbor 0.1 Life Marsh 1.0 Empty Waterlife neighbor 1.0 Water Corpse 1.0 Water Water # Life confined to the water. element Waterlife 203 223 85 0 0 1 0.3 1 neighbor 0.1 Waterlife Empty 1.0 Water Life neighbor 0.2 Waterlife Water 0.99 Water Waterlife 0.01 Waterlife Waterlife neighbor 1.0 Waterlife Marsh 0.95 Water Waterlife 0.05 Waterlife Waterlife neighbor 0.2 Waterlife Waterlife 0.98 Waterlife Waterlife 0.01 Waterlife Fastwaterlife 0.01 Waterlife Strongwaterlife neighbor 0.5 Waterlife Fastwaterlife 0.6 Waterlife Empty 0.4 Empty Fastwaterlife neighbor 0.5 Waterlife Strongwaterlife 0.3 Waterlife Empty 0.7 Empty Strongwaterlife neighbor 0.5 Strongwaterlife Fastwaterlife 0.8 Strongwaterlife Empty 0.2 Empty Fastwaterlife self 0.015 Waterlife 1.0 Water element Fastwaterlife 64 2 104 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor 0.1 Fastwaterlife Empty 1.0 Water Life neighbor 1.0 Fastwaterlife Marsh 0.95 Water Fastwaterlife 0.05 Fastwaterlife Fastwaterlife neighbor 0.4 Fastwaterlife Water 0.99 Water Fastwaterlife 0.01 Fastwaterlife Fastwaterlife neighbor 0.2 Fastwaterlife Fastwaterlife 0.99 Fastwaterlife Fastwaterlife 0.01 Fastwaterlife Strongwaterlife self 0.02 Fastwaterlife 1.0 Water element Strongwaterlife 221 172 253 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.1 Strongwaterlife Empty 1.0 Water Stronglife neighbor 1.0 Strongwaterlife Marsh 0.95 Water Strongwaterlife 0.05 Strongwaterlife Strongwaterlife neighbor 0.2 Strongwaterlife Water 0.99 Water Strongwaterlife 0.01 Strongwaterlife Fastwaterlife neighbor 0.2 Strongwaterlife Strongwaterlife 0.99 Strongwaterlife Strongwaterlife 0.01 Strongwaterlife Fastwaterlife self 0.01 Strongwaterlife 1.0 Water element Shore2 88 61 18 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Shore2 Empty 1.0 Shore2 Shore1 self 0.01 Shore2 1.0 Shore element Shore1 89 61 18 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Shore1 Empty 1.0 Shore Shore self 0.01 Shore1 1.0 Shore element Shore 89 61 18 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Shore Shore1 1.0 Shore Shore neighbor 1.0 Shore Shore2 1.0 Shore Shore element Shorelife 217 155 62 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.1 Life Shore 1.0 Empty Shorelife neighbor 0.1 Stronglife Shore 1.0 Empty Shorelife neighbor 0.1 Herdlife Shore 1.0 Empty Shorelife neighbor 0.1 Waterlife Shore 1.0 Empty Shorelife neighbor 0.1 Fastwaterlife Shore 1.0 Empty Shorelife neighbor 0.1 Strongwaterlife Shore 1.0 Empty Shorelife neighbor 0.1 Shorelife Shore 1.0 Shorelife Shorelife

neighbor 0.2 Shorelife Empty 0.98 Empty Shorelife 0.02 Shorelife Shorelife neighbor 0.5 Fire Shorelife 1.0 Empty Burnt neighbor 0.5 Burnt Shorelife 1.0 Burnt Burnt neighbor 0.2 Shorelife Plant 1.0 Empty Shorelife neighbor 0.2 Shorelife Fastplant 1.0 Empty Shorelife neighbor 0.1 Shorelife Undergrowth 0.99 Empty Shorelife 0.01 Parasite Shorelife neighbor 0.2 Shorelife Swamp 1.0 Swamp Shorelife neighbor 0.2 Shorelife Swampedge 1.0 Swampedge Shorelife self 0.01 Shorelife 1.0 Corpse element Amphibianlife 96 255 28 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.5 Life Waterlife 1.0 Amphibianlife Waterlife neighbor 0.2 Life Shorelife 1.0 Life Amphibianlife neighbor 0.2 Stronglife Shorelife 1.0 Stronglife Amphibianlife neighbor 0.2 Herdlife Shorelife 1.0 Herdlife Amphibianlife neighbor 0.2 Waterlife Shorelife 1.0 Waterlife Amphibianlife neighbor 0.2 Fastwaterlife Shorelife 1.0 Fastwaterlife Amphibianlife neighbor 0.2 Strongwaterlife Shorelife 1.0 Strongwaterlife Amphibianlife neighbor 0.2 Amphibianlife Empty 0.99 Empty Amphibianlife 0.01 Amphibianlife Amphibianlife neighbor 0.2 Amphibianlife Water 0.99 Water Amphibianlife 0.01 Amphibianlife Amphibianlife neighbor 0.2 Amphibianlife Marsh 1.0 Marsh Amphibianlife neighbor 0.5 Fire Amphibianlife 1.0 Empty Burnt neighbor 0.5 Burnt Amphibianlife 1.0 Burnt Burnt neighbor 0.2 Amphibianlife Plant 1.0 Empty Amphibianlife neighbor 0.2 Amphibianlife Fastplant 1.0 Empty Amphibianlife neighbor 0.1 Amphibianlife Undergrowth 0.99 Empty Amphibianlife 0.01 Parasite Amphibianlife neighbor 0.2 Amphibianlife Swamp 1.0 Swamp Amphibianlife neighbor 0.2 Amphibianlife Swampedge 1.0 Swampedge Amphibianlife self 0.005 Amphibianlife 1.0 Corpse # The workers of an alien group. Can become reproductive aliens, or soldiers, or build hives when threatened. element Dronealien 232 47 236 0 0 1 0.3 1 neighbor 0.2 Dronealien Dronealien 0.1 Dronealien Dronealien 0.1 Empty Malealien 0.1 Empty Femalealien 0.7 Empty Empty neighbor 0.4 Dronealien Empty 1.0 Empty Dronealien neighbor 0.4 Malealien Empty 1.0 Dronealien Malealien neighbor 0.4 Femalealien Empty 1.0 Dronealien Femalealien neighbor 0.4 Dronealien Slush 1.0 Plasma Dronealien neighbor 0.4 Dronealien Snow 1.0 Plasma Dronealien self 0.2 Dronealien 1.0 Empty self 0.02 Malealien 1.0 Empty self 0.01 Femalealien 1.0 Empty element Malealien 235 57 48 0 0 1 0.3 0 element Femalealien 62 98 221 0 0 1 0.3 0 pexplosion Malealien Femalealien 4 Dronealien element Plasma 22 254 207 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.1 Plasma 0.99 Plasma2 0.01 Revenant neighbor 1.0 Plasma Empty 1.0 Plasma Plasma2 element Plasma2 27 188 250 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.1 Plasma2 1.0 Plasma3 neighbor 1.0 Plasma2 Empty 1.0 Plasma2 Plasma3 element Plasma3 29 89 248 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.1 Plasma3 0.75 Empty 0.25 Dronealien neighbor 0.7 Plasma Fire 1.0 Fire Fire

neighbor 0.7 Plasma2 Fire 1.0 Fire Fire neighbor 0.7 Plasma3 Fire 1.0 Fire Fire neighbor 0.7 Plasma Burnt 1.0 Fire Burnt neighbor 0.7 Plasma2 Burnt 1.0 Fire Burnt neighbor 0.7 Plasma3 Burnt 1.0 Fire Burnt neighbor 0.7 Plasma Plant 0.5 Plasma Empty 0.5 Empty Plasma neighbor 0.7 Plasma2 Plant 0.5 Plasma2 Empty 0.5 Empty Plasma2 neighbor 0.7 Plasma3 Plant 0.5 Plasma3 Empty 0.5 Empty Plasma3 neighbor 0.7 Plasma Fastplant 0.5 Plasma Empty 0.5 Empty Plasma neighbor 0.7 Plasma2 Fastplant 0.5 Plasma2 Empty 0.5 Empty Plasma2 neighbor 0.7 Plasma3 Fastplant 0.5 Plasma3 Empty 0.5 Empty Plasma3 neighbor 0.7 Plasma Slush 1.0 Plasma Plasma2 neighbor 0.7 Plasma Snow 1.0 Plasma Plasma2 neighbor 0.7 Plasma2 Slush 1.0 Plasma2 Plasma3 neighbor 0.7 Plasma2 Snow 1.0 Plasma2 Plasma3 neighbor 0.7 Plasma3 Slush 1.0 Plasma3 Empty neighbor 0.7 Plasma3 Snow 1.0 Plasma3 Slush pexplosion Dronealien Fire 2 Empty pexplosion Dronealien Burnt 3 Empty pexplosion Malealien Fire 2 Empty pexplosion Malealien Burnt 3 Empty pexplosion Femalealien Fire 3 Empty pexplosion Femalealien Burnt 2 Empty neighbor 0.5 Dronealien Life 0.3 Dronealien Corpse 0.1 Dronealien Plasma 0.6 Empty Life neighbor 0.5 Dronealien Stronglife 0.15 Dronealien Corpse 0.05 Dronealien Plasma 0.8 Empty Life neighbor 0.5 Dronealien Corpselife 0.5 Empty Corpse 0.08 Dronealien Empty 0.04 Dronealien Plasma 0.38 Empty Corpselife neighbor 0.5 Dronealien Plant 0.95 Dronealien Hive 0.05 Mutantplant Mutantplant neighbor 0.5 Dronealien Fastplant 0.75 Dronealien Fastplant 0.2 Dronealien Alienspread 0.05 Mutantplant Mutantplant neighbor 0.5 Dronealien neighbor 0.5 Dronealien 0.6 Empty Amphibianlife neighbor 0.5 Dronealien 0.76 Empty Shorelife neighbor 0.1 Dronealien neighbor 0.1 Dronealien

Herdlife 0.05 Dronealien Corpse 0.95 Empty Herdlife Amphibianlife 0.3 Dronealien Corpse 0.1 Dronealien Plasma Shorelife 0.18 Dronealien Corpse 0.06 Dronealien Plasma Swamp 1.0 Dronealien Plasma Swampedge 1.0 Dronealien Plasma

neighbor 0.5 Malealien Life 0.3 Malealien Corpse 0.3 Malealien Plasma 0.4 Empty Life neighbor 0.5 Malealien Stronglife 0.25 Malealien Corpse 0.25 Malealien Plasma 0.5 Empty Stronglife neighbor 0.5 Malealien Herdlife 0.2 Malealien Corpse 0.2 Malealien Plasma 0.6 Empty Herdlife neighbor 0.5 Malealien Corpselife 0.4 Empty Corpse 0.15 Malealien Empty 0.15 Malealien Plasma 0.3 Empty Corpselife neighbor 0.5 Malealien Amphibianlife 0.3 Malealien Empty 0.3 Malealien Plasma 0.4 Empty Amphibianlife neighbor 0.5 Malealien Shorelife 0.25 Malealien Empty 0.25 Malealien Plasma 0.5 Empty Shorelife neighbor 0.1 Malealien Swamp 1.0 Malealien Plasma neighbor 0.1 Malealien Swampedge 1.0 Malealien Plasma neighbor 0.5 Femalealien Life 0.3 Femalealien Corpse 0.3 Femalealien Plasma 0.4 Empty Life

neighbor 0.5 Femalealien Stronglife 0.25 Femalealien Corpse 0.25 Femalealien Plasma 0.5 Empty Stronglife neighbor 0.5 Femalealien Herdlife 0.2 Femalealien Corpse 0.2 Femalealien Plasma 0.6 Empty Herdlife neighbor 0.5 Femalealien Corpselife 0.4 Empty Corpse 0.15 Femalealien Empty 0.15 Femalealien Plasma 0.3 Empty Corpselife neighbor 0.5 Femalealien Amphibianlife 0.3 Femalealien Empty 0.3 Femalealien Plasma 0.4 Empty Amphibianlife neighbor 0.5 Femalealien Shorelife 0.25 Femalealien Empty 0.25 Femalealien Plasma 0.5 Empty Shorelife neighbor 0.1 Femalealien Swamp 1.0 Femalealien Plasma neighbor 0.1 Femalealien Swampedge 1.0 Femalealien Plasma neighbor 0.1 Plasma Rock 1.0 Empty Empty neighbor 0.01 Plasma2 Rock 1.0 Empty Empty neighbor 0.001 Plasma3 Rock 1.0 Empty Empty neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

Plasma Plasma Plasma Plasma Plasma Plasma

Life 1.0 Plasma Plasma Stronglife 1.0 Plasma Plasma Herdlife 1.0 Plasma Plasma Amphibianlife 1.0 Plasma Plasma Shorelife 1.0 Plasma Plasma Plaguelife 1.0 Plasma Plasma

neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

Plasma2 Plasma2 Plasma2 Plasma2 Plasma2 Plasma2

Life 1.0 Plasma2 Plasma Stronglife 1.0 Plasma2 Plasma Herdlife 1.0 Plasma2 Plasma Amphibianlife 1.0 Plasma2 Plasma Shorelife 1.0 Plasma2 Plasma Plaguelife 1.0 Plasma2 Plasma

neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

Plasma3 Plasma3 Plasma3 Plasma3 Plasma3 Plasma3

Life 1.0 Plasma3 Plasma Stronglife 1.0 Plasma3 Plasma Herdlife 1.0 Plasma3 Plasma Amphibianlife 1.0 Plasma3 Plasma Shorelife 1.0 Plasma3 Plasma Plaguelife 1.0 Plasma3 Plasma

element Revenant 255 255 254 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.9 Revenant Empty 1.0 Revenant Plasma neighbor 0.9 Revenant Plasma 1.0 Plasma Revenant neighbor 0.9 Revenant Plasma2 1.0 Plasma2 Revenant neighbor 0.9 Revenant Plasma3 1.0 Plasma3 Revenant self 0.01 Revenant 1.0 Deadrevenant element Deadrevenant 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.01 Deadrevenant 1.0 Revenant neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

element Hive neighbor 0.1 neighbor 1.0 neighbor 1.0 neighbor 0.9 neighbor 0.9

Fire Revenant 0.994 Plasma Revenant 0.006 Burnt Burnt Burnt Revenant 0.994 Plasma Revenant 0.006 Burnt Burnt Fire Deadrevenant 0.5 Fire Burnt 0.5 Empty Deadrevenant Burnt Deadrevenant 0.5 Burnt Burnt 0.5 Empty Deadrevenant 111 120 166 0 0 1 0.7 0 Hive Empty 0.98 Hive Dronealien 0.02 Hive Hive Hive Malealien 1.0 Hive Hive Hive Femalealien 1.0 Hive Hive Fire Hive 0.9 Plasma Hive 0.1 Plasma Plasma Burnt Hive 0.9 Fire Hive 0.1 Burnt Fire

neighbor 0.5 Hive Hive 0.5 Plasma Hive 0.5 Plasma Plasma neighbor 0.8 Hive Plant 1.0 Hive Plantdisease neighbor 0.8 Hive Fastplant 1.0 Hive Plantdisease neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75

Life Hive 1.0 Life Hivedeath Stronglife Hive 1.0 Stronglife Hivedeath Herdlife Hive 1.0 Herdlife Hivedeath Amphibianlife Hive 1.0 Amphibianlife Hivedeath Shorelife Hive 1.0 Shorelife Hivedeath

hotneighbor 90 Hive Hive self 0.002 Hive 0.4 Dronealien 0.59 Empty 0.01 Hivedeath element Hive2 112 120 166 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.1 Hive2 Empty 0.98 Hive Dronealien explosion Hive2 Empty 255 255

0.02 Hive Hive

# Creates an alien hive. element Alienspore 50 150 255 0 0 1 0.3 1 pexplosion Alienspore Empty 2 Hive2 element Hivedeath 50 50 50 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.3 Hivedeath Hive 0.99 Hivedeath Hivedeath 0.01 Hivedeath1 Hivedeath1 self 0.1 Hivedeath 0.7 Deadhive 0.3 Empty element Hivedeath1 50 51 50 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.9 Hivedeath1 Hivedeath 1.0 Hivedeath1 Hivedeath1 self 0.1 Hivedeath 0.7 Deadhive 0.3 Empty # Terrain which forms around bodies of water. element Swamp 135 184 33 0 0 1 0.3 1 element Swampedge 78 131 29 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Swamp Empty 0.9 Swamp Swampedge 0.09 Empty Empty 0.01 Swamp Plant neighbor 1.0 Swampedge Water 1.0 Swamp Water neighbor 1.0 Swampedge Hive 1.0 Swamp Hive self 0.001 Swamp 0.5 Empty 0.5 Swampedge neighbor 0.01 Swamp Water 1.0 Swamp Marsh self 0.001 Swampedge 0.9 Swamp 0.063 Empty 0.007 Swampshrink 0.030 Swamplife element Marsh 45 132 99 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.01 Marsh Water 0.98 Marsh Water 0.01 Water Marsh 0.01 Marsh Marsh neighbor 0.001 Marsh Swamp 1.0 Swamp Swamp neighbor 0.01 Water Plant 0.9 Water Plant 0.1 Water Swamp neighbor 0.01 Water Fastplant 0.9 Water Fastplant 0.1 Water Swamp element Swampshrink 100 122 54 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.05 Swampshrink Swamp 1.0 Swampshrink Swampshrink neighbor 0.05 Swampshrink Swampedge 1.0 Swampshrink Swampshrink neighbor 1.0 Swampshrink Hive 1.0 Swampshrink Hivedeath neighbor 1.0 Swampshrink2 Hive 1.0 Swampshrink2 Hivedeath self 0.01 Swampshrink 0.99 Empty 0.01 Swampshrink2 element Swampshrink2 55 68 30 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Swampshrink2 Swampshrink 1.0 Swampshrink2 Swampshrink2 self 0.1 Swampshrink2 1.0 Empty neighbor 0.5 Fire Swamp 1.0 Fire Swampshrink neighbor 0.5 Fire Swampedge 1.0 Fire Swampshrink element Burntwood 73 60 10 0 0 1 1.1 0 neighbor 0.3 Burntwood Empty 0.5 Burntwood Burnt 0.5 Burntwood Fire self 0.1 Burntwood 1.0 Burnt neighbor 1.0 Burntwood Empty 0.5 Burntwood Burnt 0.01 Burntwood Burntwood 0.49 Burntwood Fire

# Similar to life, but won't leave the swamp. element Swamplife 86 69 12 0 0 1 0.3 1 neighbor 0.2 Swamplife Empty 0.9 Swampedge Swamplife 0.09 Swamp Swamplife 0.01 Swamplife Swamplife self 0.05 Swamplife 1.0 Corpse neighbor 0.4 Swamplife Swamp 0.9 Swamp Swamplife 0.1 Swamplife Swamplife neighbor 0.4 Swamplife Swampedge 0.5 Swamp Swamplife 0.49 Swampedge Swamplife 0.01 Swamplife Swamplife neighbor 0.4 Swamplife Marsh 1.0 Marsh Swamplife neighbor 0.8 Swamplife Water 0.1 Swamplife Marsh 0.8 Swamplife Water 0.1 Marsh Waterlife neighbor 0.8 Swamplife Plant 0.8 Swamplife Swampedge 0.1 Swamplife Swamp 0.05 Swamplife Empty 0.05 Empty Life neighbor 0.5 Swamplife Life 0.9 Swamp Swamp 0.05 Corpse Life 0.05 Swamplife Corpse element Poison 245 123 33 0 0 1 0.9 0 neighbor 0.3 Poison Life 1.0 Poison Poisoncorpse neighbor 0.3 Poison Stronglife 1.0 Poison Poisoncorpse neighbor 0.3 Poison Herdlife 1.0 Poison Poisoncorpse neighbor 0.3 Poison Waterlife 1.0 Poison Poisoncorpse neighbor 0.3 Poison Strongwaterlife 1.0 Poison Poisoncorpse neighbor 0.3 Poison Fastwaterlife 1.0 Poison Poisoncorpse neighbor 0.3 Poison Amphibianlife 1.0 Poison Poisoncorpse neighbor 0.3 Poison Shorelife 1.0 Poison Poisoncorpse self 0.05 Poison 1.0 Empty neighbor 0.5 Fire Poison 1.0 Fire Burnt element Poisoncorpse 221 235 44 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.3 Poisoncorpse Life 1.0 Poisoncorpse Poison neighbor 0.3 Poisoncorpse Stronglife 1.0 Poisoncorpse Poison neighbor 0.3 Poisoncorpse Herdlife 1.0 Poisoncorpse Poison neighbor 0.3 Poisoncorpse Waterlife 1.0 Poisoncorpse Poison neighbor 0.3 Poisoncorpse Strongwaterlife 1.0 Poisoncorpse Poison neighbor 0.3 Poisoncorpse Fastwaterlife 1.0 Poisoncorpse Poison neighbor 0.3 Poisoncorpse Amphibianlife 1.0 Poisoncorpse Poison neighbor 0.3 Poisoncorpse Shorelife 1.0 Poisoncorpse Poison neighbor 0.3 Poisoncorpse Empty 1.0 Poison Poison self 0.01 Poisoncorpse 1.0 Poison element Plantdisease 106 200 49 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.05 Plantdisease Plant 1.0 Plantdisease Plantdisease neighbor 0.1 Plantdisease Fastplant 1.0 Plantdisease Plantdisease neighbor 0.05 Plantdisease Flower 1.0 Plantdisease Plantdisease neighbor 0.05 Plantdisease Petal1 1.0 Plantdisease Plantdisease neighbor 0.05 Plantdisease Petal 0.99 Plantdisease Plantdisease 0.01 Forest Plantdisease neighbor 0.15 Plantdisease Undergrowth 1.0 Plantdisease Plantdisease neighbor 0.45 Plantdisease Fire 1.0 Fire Fire neighbor 0.45 Plantdisease2 Fire 1.0 Fire Fire self 0.005 Plantdisease 0.99 Empty 0.01 Plantdisease2 element Plantdisease2 107 200 49 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Plantdisease2 Plantdisease 1.0 Plantdisease2 Plantdisease2 self 0.05 Plantdisease2 1.0 Empty # Molten rock. Spreads across open terrain and solidifies. Causes fires. element Lava 247 213 21 0 0 1 1.1 1 self 0.04 Lava 1.0 Lava1

neighbor 0.03 Lava Empty 1.0 Lava Lava element Lava1 241 171 27 0 0 1 1.1 0 self 0.04 Lava1 1.0 Lava2 neighbor 0.015 Lava1 Empty 1.0 Lava1 Lava1 element Lava2 227 108 21 0 0 1 1.1 0 self 0.04 Lava2 1.0 Rock neighbor 0.006 Lava2 Empty 1.0 Lava2 Lava2 neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Lava Water 1.0 Lava1 Empty Lava1 Water 1.0 Lava2 Empty Lava2 Water 1.0 Rock Empty Lava Slush 0.5 Lava1 Empty 0.5 Lava Empty Lava1 Slush 0.5 Lava2 Empty 0.5 Lava1 Empty Lava2 Slush 0.5 Rock Empty 0.5 Lava2 Empty Lava Snow 0.5 Lava1 Empty 0.5 Lava Empty Lava1 Snow 0.5 Lava2 Empty 0.5 Lava1 Empty Lava2 Snow 0.5 Rock Empty 0.5 Lava2 Empty

# Upwelling of magma which will spread lava and create rocky areas. element Volcano 247 213 21 0 0 1 1.1 1 element Volcano1 248 213 21 0 0 1 1.1 0 element Eruption 249 213 21 0 0 1 1.1 0 neighbor 1.0 Lava Volcano1 1.0 Lava Lava neighbor 0.2 Rock Volcano1 1.0 Rock Rock pexplosion Volcano Empty 6 Volcano1 pexplosion Volcano Water 6 Volcano1 pexplosion Volcano Volcano1 6 Volcano1 pexplosion Volcano Desert1 6 Volcano1 pexplosion Volcano Desert2 6 Volcano1 pexplosion Volcano Plains1 6 Volcano1 pexplosion Volcano Plains2 6 Volcano1 pexplosion Volcano Snow 6 Volcano1 neighbor 1.0 Volcano1 Empty 1.0 Volcano1 Eruption neighbor 1.0 Volcano1 Water 1.0 Volcano1 Eruption neighbor 1.0 Volcano1 Desert1 1.0 Volcano1 Eruption neighbor 1.0 Volcano1 Desert2 1.0 Volcano1 Eruption neighbor 1.0 Volcano1 Plains1 1.0 Volcano1 Eruption neighbor 1.0 Volcano1 Plains2 1.0 Volcano1 Eruption neighbor 1.0 Volcano1 Snow 1.0 Volcano1 Eruption self 0.001 Volcano1 0.992 Volcano 0.008 Eruption2 explosion Volcano1 Empty 25 25 neighbor 1.0 Eruption Empty 0.5 Eruption Fire 0.3 Eruption Lava 0.1 Eruption Lava1 0.1 Eruption Lava2 neighbor 1.0 Eruption Water 0.5 Eruption Fire 0.3 Eruption Lava 0.1 Eruption Lava1 0.1 Eruption Lava2 neighbor 1.0 Eruption Water 0.5 Eruption Fire 0.3 Eruption Lava 0.1 Eruption Lava1 0.1 Eruption Lava2 neighbor 1.0 Eruption Desert1 0.5 Eruption Fire 0.3 Eruption Lava 0.1 Eruption Lava1 0.1 Eruption Lava2 neighbor 1.0 Eruption Desert2 0.5 Eruption Fire 0.3 Eruption Lava 0.1 Eruption Lava1 0.1 Eruption Lava2 neighbor 1.0 Eruption Plains1 0.5 Eruption Fire 0.3 Eruption Lava 0.1 Eruption Lava1 0.1 Eruption Lava2 neighbor 1.0 Eruption Plains2 0.5 Eruption Fire 0.3 Eruption Lava 0.1 Eruption Lava1 0.1 Eruption Lava2 neighbor 1.0 Eruption Snow 0.5 Eruption Fire 0.3 Eruption Lava 0.1 Eruption Lava1 0.1 Eruption Lava2 explosion Eruption Empty 25 25

explosion Eruption Water 25 25 neighbor 1.0 Eruption Rock 0.5 Eruption Fire 0.3 Eruption Lava 0.1 Eruption Lava1 0.1 Eruption Lava2 element Eruption2 235 145 44 0 0 1 1.1 0 pexplosion Eruption2 Lava 8 Eruption2 pexplosion Eruption2 Lava1 8 Eruption2 pexplosion Eruption2 Lava2 8 Eruption2 pexplosion Eruption2 Rock 16 Eruption+ pexplosion Eruption2 Volcano 8 Eruption2 pexplosion Eruption2 Volcano1 8 Eruption2 self 0.1 Eruption2 1.0 Eruption+ element Eruption+ 240 10 10 0 0 1 1.1 0 hotcolor Eruption+ 1 1 1 self 0.001 Eruption+ 1.0 Burnt pexplosion Eruption+ Burnt 2 Fire pexplosion Eruption+ Fire 2 Burntwood neighbor 1.0 Eruption+ Burntwood 0.3 Fire Fire 0.3 Eruption+ Empty

0.3 Eruption+ Fire 0.1 Lava Lava

# Drains most of a body of water, leaving it a swampy marshland. element Drought 54 119 227 0 0 1 0.3 1 element Drought1 54 119 228 0 0 1 0.3 0 element Drought2 54 119 229 0 0 1 0.3 0 element Drought3 54 119 230 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Drought Water 1.0 Drought Drought neighbor 1.0 Drought Empty 1.0 Drought1 Empty neighbor 1.0 Drought1 Drought 1.0 Drought1 Drought1 self 0.1 Drought1 1.0 Water neighbor 0.5 Drought1 Empty 1.0 Drought2 Empty neighbor 1.0 Drought2 Drought1 1.0 Drought2 Drought2 self 0.1 Drought2 1.0 Empty # Drains a body of water dry. element CompleteDrought 54 119 225 0 0 1 0.3 1 neighbor 1.0 CompleteDrought Water 1.0 CompleteDrought CompleteDrought self 0.1 CompleteDrought 1.0 Empty neighbor 1.0 CompleteDrought Waterlife 1.0 CompleteDrought Corpse neighbor 1.0 CompleteDrought Fastwaterlife 1.0 CompleteDrought Corpse neighbor 1.0 CompleteDrought Amphibianlife 1.0 CompleteDrought Corpse neighbor 1.0 CompleteDrought Strongwaterlife 1.0 CompleteDrought Corpse element Parasite 228 234 28 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.5 Parasite Empty 0.9 Parasite Parasites 0.1 Parasites Parasite element Parasites 239 242 119 0 0 1 0.3 0 element Parasites1 243 245 154 0 0 1 0.3 0 element Parasites2 239 242 120 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5

Parasites Life 1.0 Parasites1 Life Parasites Stronglife 1.0 Parasites1 Stronglife Parasites Herdlife 1.0 Parasites1 Herdlife Parasites Shorelife 1.0 Parasites1 Shorelife Parasites Amphibianlife 1.0 Parasites1 Amphibianlife Parasites1 Empty 1.0 Parasites1 Parasites

self 0.1 Parasites 1.0 Empty neighbor 1.0 Parasites2 Parasites1 1.0 Parasites2 Parasites2 self 0.1 Parasites2 1.0 Empty

self 0.01 Parasites1 1.0 Parasites2 neighbor 1.0 Parasites1 Corpse 1.0 Parasites2 Parasite neighbor 1.0 Parasites Corpse 1.0 Parasites Parasite neighbor 1.0 Parasites2 Corpse 1.0 Parasites2 Parasite neighbor 1.0 Parasite Corpse 1.0 Parasite Parasite self 0.05 Parasite 1.0 Empty neighbor 0.8 Fire Parasite 1.0 Fire Burntwood neighbor 0.8 Fire Parasites 1.0 Fire Burnt neighbor 0.8 Fire Parasites1 1.0 Fire Fire neighbor 0.8 Fire Parasites2 1.0 Fire Fire neighbor 0.95 Plasma Parasite 0.9 Plasma Plasma 0.05 Plasma Plasma2 0.05 Fire Fire neighbor 0.95 Plasma2 Parasite 0.9 Plasma2 Plasma2 0.05 Plasma2 Plasma3 0.05 Fire Fire neighbor 0.95 Plasma3 Parasite 0.9 Plasma3 Plasma3 0.05 Plasma3 Empty 0.05 Fire Fire neighbor 0.95 Plasma Parasites 0.5 Plasma Plasma 0.5 Plasma Plasma2 neighbor 0.95 Plasma2 Parasites 0.5 Plasma2 Plasma2 0.5 Plasma2 Plasma3 neighbor 0.95 Plasma3 Parasites 0.5 Plasma3 Plasma3 0.4 Plasma3 Empty 0.1 Plasma3 Plasma neighbor 0.95 Plasma Parasites1 0.5 Plasma Plasma 0.5 Plasma Plasma2 neighbor 0.95 Plasma2 Parasites1 0.5 Plasma2 Plasma2 0.5 Plasma2 Plasma3 neighbor 0.95 Plasma3 Parasites1 0.5 Plasma3 Plasma3 0.4 Plasma3 Empty 0.1 Plasma3 Plasma neighbor 0.95 Plasma Parasites2 0.5 Plasma Plasma 0.5 Plasma Plasma2 neighbor 0.95 Plasma2 Parasites2 0.5 Plasma2 Plasma2 0.5 Plasma2 Plasma3 neighbor 0.95 Plasma3 Parasites2 0.5 Plasma3 Plasma3 0.4 Plasma3 Empty 0.1 Plasma3 Plasma neighbor 0.5 Dronealien Parasite 0.9 Plasma Parasite 0.1 Parasites Parasite neighbor 0.5 Malealien Parasite 0.9 Plasma Parasite 0.1 Parasites Parasite neighbor 0.5 Femalealien Parasite 0.9 Plasma Parasite 0.1 Parasites Parasite neighbor 0.5 Dronealien Parasites 1.0 Dronealien Plasma3 neighbor 0.5 Dronealien Parasites1 1.0 Dronealien Plasma3 neighbor 0.5 Dronealien Parasites2 1.0 Dronealien Plasma3 neighbor 0.5 Malealien Parasites 1.0 Malealien Plasma3 neighbor 0.5 Malealien Parasites1 1.0 Malealien Plasma3 neighbor 0.5 Malealien Parasites2 1.0 Malealien Plasma3 neighbor 0.5 Femalealien Parasites 1.0 Femalealien Plasma3 neighbor 0.5 Femalealien Parasites1 1.0 Femalealien Plasma3 neighbor 0.5 Femalealien Parasites2 1.0 Femalealien Plasma3 element Flower 236 32 72 0 0 1 0.9 0 neighbor 1.0 Flower Empty 1.0 Flower Petal neighbor 1.0 Flower Plant 1.0 Flower Petal neighbor 1.0 Flower Fastplant 1.0 Flower Petal neighbor 1.0 Fire Flower 1.0 Fire Fire element Petal 253 236 239 0 0 1 0.9 0 self 0.8 Petal 1.0 Fire hotself 50 Petal neighbor 1.0 Petal Empty 1.0 Petal Petal1 neighbor 1.0 Petal Plant 1.0 Petal Petal1

neighbor 1.0 Petal Fastplant 1.0 Petal Petal1 self 0.8 Petal1 1.0 Fire hotself 50 Petal1 element Petal1 252 220 226 0 0 1 0.9 0 element Undergrowth 190 237 3 0 0 1 0.9 0 self 0.05 Flower 1.0 Undergrowth neighbor 1.0 Undergrowth Petal 1.0 Undergrowth Undergrowth neighbor 1.0 Undergrowth Petal1 1.0 Undergrowth Undergrowth self 0.8 Undergrowth 1.0 Fire hotself 50 Undergrowth neighbor 0.005 Undergrowth Empty 1.0 Undergrowth Undergrowth element Giantlife 124 41 94 0 0 1 0.3 0 pexplosion Giantlife Fire 3 Fire neighbor 1.0 Giantlife Giantlife2 1.0 Giantlife Giantlife1 neighbor 1.0 Giantlife Giantlife3 1.0 Giantlife Giantlife1 neighbor 0.05 Giantlife Giantlife1 1.0 Giantlife1 Giantlife element Giantlife1 176 60 133 0 0 1 0.3 0 element Giantlife2 206 111 170 0 0 1 0.3 0 element Giantlife3 223 170 230 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Giantlife Empty 1.0 Giantlife Giantlife1 neighbor 1.0 Giantlife1 Empty 1.0 Giantlife1 Giantlife2 neighbor 1.0 Giantlife2 Empty 1.0 Giantlife2 Giantlife3 self 0.1 Giantlife1 1.0 Empty self 0.1 Giantlife2 1.0 Empty self 0.1 Giantlife3 1.0 Empty neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

1.0 Giantlife3 Plant 1.0 Giantlife3 Empty 1.0 Giantlife3 Fastplant 1.0 Giantlife3 Empty 1.0 Giantlife3 Undergrowth 1.0 Giantlife3 Empty 1.0 Giantlife3 Swamp 1.0 Giantlife3 Empty 1.0 Giantlife3 Life 1.0 Giantlife3 Empty 1.0 Giantlife3 Stronglife 1.0 Giantlife3 Empty 1.0 Giantlife3 Herdlife 1.0 Giantlife3 Empty 1.0 Giantlife3 Dronealien 1.0 Giantlife3 Empty 1.0 Giantlife3 Malealien 1.0 Giantlife3 Empty 1.0 Giantlife3 Femalealien 1.0 Giantlife3 Empty 0.1 Giantlife3 Hive 1.0 Giantlife3 Empty 0.02 Giantlife3 Rock 1.0 Giantlife3 Empty

neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

1.0 Giantlife1 Plant 1.0 Giantlife1 Empty 1.0 Giantlife1 Fastplant 1.0 Giantlife1 Empty 1.0 Giantlife1 Undergrowth 1.0 Giantlife1 Empty 1.0 Giantlife1 Swamp 1.0 Giantlife1 Empty 1.0 Giantlife1 Life 1.0 Giantlife1 Empty 1.0 Giantlife1 Stronglife 1.0 Giantlife1 Empty 1.0 Giantlife1 Herdlife 1.0 Giantlife1 Empty 1.0 Giantlife1 Dronealien 1.0 Giantlife1 Empty 1.0 Giantlife1 Malealien 1.0 Giantlife1 Empty 1.0 Giantlife1 Femalealien 1.0 Giantlife1 Empty 0.1 Giantlife1 Hive 1.0 Giantlife1 Empty 0.02 Giantlife1 Rock 1.0 Giantlife1 Empty

neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Giantlife2 Giantlife2 Giantlife2 Giantlife2 Giantlife2

Plant 1.0 Giantlife2 Empty Fastplant 1.0 Giantlife2 Empty Undergrowth 1.0 Giantlife2 Empty Swamp 1.0 Giantlife2 Empty Life 1.0 Giantlife2 Empty

neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

1.0 Giantlife2 Stronglife 1.0 Giantlife2 Empty 1.0 Giantlife2 Herdlife 1.0 Giantlife2 Empty 1.0 Giantlife2 Dronealien 1.0 Giantlife2 Empty 1.0 Giantlife2 Malealien 1.0 Giantlife2 Empty 1.0 Giantlife2 Femalealien 1.0 Giantlife2 Empty 0.1 Giantlife2 Hive 1.0 Giantlife2 Empty 0.02 Giantlife2 Rock 1.0 Giantlife2 Empty

neighbor 0.5 Giantlife Giantlife 1.0 Empty Empty self 0.003 Giantlife 1.0 Empty element Alienspread 105 200 50 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.5 Alienspread Fastplant 1.0 Alienspread Alienspread self 0.1 Alienspread 0.5 Empty 0.5 Dronealien element Deadhive 73 73 73 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Deadhive Empty 1.0 Rottenhive Rottenhive element Deadmutant1 53 7 78 0 0 1 0.3 0 element Deadmutation 15 2 21 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Deadmutant1 Empty 1.0 Deadmutant1 Deadmutation self 0.05 Deadmutant1 1.0 Deadmutation self 0.006 Deadmutation 1.0 Empty hotneighbor 90 Deadmutation Deadmutation neighbor 1.0 Deadmutation Deadmutation 1.0 Burnt Burnt element Rottenhive 59 59 59 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Rottenhive Deadhive 1.0 Rottenhive Rottenhive self 0.006 Rottenhive 0.1 Empty 0.9 Rottenhive neighbor 1.0 Rottenhive Dronealien 0.49 Rottenhive Rottenhive 0.5 Deadhive Deadhive 0.01 Alienspore Alienspore neighbor 1.0 Rottenhive Rottenhive 1.0 Burnt Burnt hotneighbor 90 Rottenhive Rottenhive neighbor 0.05 Water Rottenhive 1.0 Water Water # Destructive event which will start fires and leave a rocky area. element Meteorite 100 100 100 0 0 1 0.3 1 pexplosion Meteorite Empty 120 M1 pexplosion Meteorite Rock 120 M1 pexplosion Meteorite Plant 120 M1 pexplosion Meteorite Fastplant 120 M1 pexplosion Meteorite Water 120 M1 pexplosion Meteorite Swamp 120 M1 pexplosion Meteorite Lava 120 M1 pexplosion Meteorite Plains1 120 M1 pexplosion Meteorite Plains2 120 M1 pexplosion Meteorite Desert1 120 M1 pexplosion Meteorite Desert2 120 M1 pexplosion Meteorite Snow 120 M1 pexplosion Meteorite Slush 120 M1 element M1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.01 M1 0.99 M1 0.01 Blast pexplosion M1 Empty 20 M2 pexplosion M1 Rock 20 M2 pexplosion M1 Plant 20 M2 pexplosion M1 Fastplant 20 M2 pexplosion M1 Water 20 M2 pexplosion M1 Swamp 20 M2

pexplosion pexplosion pexplosion pexplosion pexplosion pexplosion pexplosion

M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1

Lava 20 M2 Plains1 20 M2 Plains2 20 M2 Desert1 20 M2 Desert2 20 M2 Snow 20 M2 Slush 20 M2

element M2 pexplosion pexplosion pexplosion pexplosion pexplosion pexplosion pexplosion pexplosion pexplosion pexplosion pexplosion pexplosion pexplosion

2 2 2 0 0 1 0.3 0 M2 Empty 10 M3 M2 Rock 10 M3 M2 Plant 10 M3 M2 Fastplant 10 M3 M2 Water 10 M3 M2 Swamp 10 M3 M2 Lava 10 M3 M2 Plains1 10 M3 M2 Plains2 10 M3 M2 Desert1 10 M3 M2 Desert2 10 M3 M2 Snow 10 M3 M2 Slush 10 M3

element M3 3 3 3 0 0 1 0.3 0 element Blast 230 80 30 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.01 Blast 0.002 Lava2 0.998 Fire neighbor 1.0 Blast M1 1.0 Blast Blast neighbor 1.0 Blast M2 1.0 Blast2 Blast2 neighbor 1.0 Blast M3 1.0 Blast3 Blast3 neighbor 1.0 Blast Empty 0.1 Blast Shockwavetrail 0.79 Blast Fire 0.1 Blast Shockwave 0.01 Blast Lava2 element Blast2 251 166 9 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.01 Blast2 0.0 Lava2 0.98 Fire 0.01 Alienspore neighbor 1.0 Blast2 M1 1.0 Blast Blast neighbor 1.0 Blast2 M2 1.0 Blast2 Blast2 neighbor 1.0 Blast2 M3 1.0 Blast3 Blast3 neighbor 1.0 Blast2 Empty 0.5 Blast2 Shockwave 0.5 Blast2 Shockwavetrail element Blast3 244 227 15 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.01 Blast3 0.9 Lava0 0.1 Fire neighbor 1.0 Blast3 M1 1.0 Blast Blast neighbor 1.0 Blast3 M2 1.0 Blast2 Blast2 neighbor 1.0 Blast3 M3 1.0 Blast3 Blast3 neighbor 0.8 Blast3 Empty 1.0 Shockwave Shockwave element Shockwave 254 254 254 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.25 Shockwave Empty 1.0 Shockwave Shockwave self 0.2 Shockwave 1.0 Shockwavetrail pexplosion Shockwave Lava 2 Fire pexplosion Shockwave Rock 2 Fire element Lava0 253 235 15 0 0 1 0.3 0 element Lava01 253 235 15 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.001 Lava0 1.0 Lava1 self 0.1 Lava01 1.0 Lava1 neighbor 1.0 Lava1 Lava0 1.0 Lava1 Lava1

neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Lava1 Lava01 1.0 Lava1 Lava1 Lava2 Lava0 1.0 Lava2 Lava2 Lava2 Lava01 1.0 Lava2 Lava2 Lava0 Empty 1.0 Lava0 Lava01 Rock Lava01 1.0 Rock Rock

element Shockwavetrail 250 239 31 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.5 Shockwavetrail 1.0 Fire neighbor 1.0 Shockwavetrail Shockwave 1.0 Shockwavetrail Shockwavetrail pexplosion Shockwave Water 2 Drought element Illness 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Illness Empty 1.0 Empty Illness # A contagious illness which will spread through forests and infect all life. Will die when another organism begins to live off it (antiplague). element Plague 241 56 214 0 0 1 0 1 pexplosion Plague Empty 2 PlagueR self 0.1 Plague 1.0 PlagueR element PlagueR 241 56 214 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor 1.0 PlagueR Empty 1.0 Plague1 PlagueR explosion PlagueR Empty 50 50 element Plague1 203 170 249 0 0 1 0 0 self 0.01 Plague1 1.0 Illness neighbor 0.01 Plague1 Empty 1.0 Empty Empty pexplosion Illness Illness 2 Plague1 neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

0.5 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.5

Plague1 Plague1 Plague1 Plague1 Plague1 Plague1 Plague1

Life 1.0 Plague1 Plaguelife Stronglife 1.0 Plague1 Plaguelife Herdlife 1.0 Plague1 Plaguelife Waterlife 1.0 Plague1 Plaguelife Fastwaterlife 1.0 Plague1 Plaguelife Strongwaterlife 1.0 Plague1 Plaguelife Shorelife 1.0 Plague1 Plaguelife

element Plaguelife 159 97 243 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.15 Plaguelife Empty 0.8 Empty Plaguelife 0.2 Plague1 Plaguelife neighbor 0.5 Plaguelife Life 0.5 Plague1 Plague1 0.4 Plaguelife Plague1 0.1 Plague1 Life neighbor 0.5 Plaguelife Stronglife 0.5 Plague1 Plague1 0.2 Plaguelife Plague1 0.3 Plague1 Stronglife neighbor 0.5 Plaguelife Herdlife 0.5 Plague1 Plague1 0.05 Plaguelife Plague1 0.45 Plague1 Herdlife neighbor 0.5 Plaguelife Shorelife 0.5 Plague1 Plague1 0.3 Plaguelife Plague1 0.2 Plague1 Shorelife neighbor 0.15 Plaguelife Swamp 0.95 Swamp Plaguelife 0.05 Plaguelife Plaguelife neighbor 0.15 Plaguelife Swampedge 0.95 Swampedge Plaguelife 0.05 Plaguelife Plaguelife self 0.05 Plaguelife 0.9 Empty 0.1 Plaguegiant element Plaguegiant 82 13 174 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.3 0 pexplosion Plaguegiant Fire 3 Fire neighbor 1.0 Plaguegiant Plaguegiant2 1.0 Plaguegiant Plaguegiant1 neighbor 1.0 Plaguegiant Plaguegiant3 1.0 Plaguegiant Plaguegiant1 neighbor 1.0 Plaguegiant Plague1 1.0 Plaguegiant Plaguegiant1 neighbor 0.05 Plaguegiant Plaguegiant1 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Plaguegiant

element Plaguegiant1 97 15 208 0 0 1 0.3 0 element Plaguegiant2 118 30 238 0 0 1 0.3 0 element Plaguegiant3 140 65 241 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Plaguegiant Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant Plaguegiant1 neighbor 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Plaguegiant2 neighbor 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Plague1 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Plaguegiant2 neighbor 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Plaguegiant3 neighbor 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Plague1 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Plaguegiant3 self 0.1 Plaguegiant1 1.0 Plague1 self 0.1 Plaguegiant2 1.0 Plague1 self 0.1 Plaguegiant3 1.0 Plague1 neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

1.0 Plaguegiant3 Plant 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Fastplant 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Undergrowth 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Swamp 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Life 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Stronglife 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Herdlife 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Dronealien 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Malealien 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Femalealien 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Empty 0.1 Plaguegiant3 Hive 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Empty 0.02 Plaguegiant3 Rock 1.0 Plaguegiant3 Empty

neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

1.0 Plaguegiant1 Plant 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Fastplant 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Undergrowth 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Swamp 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Life 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Stronglife 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Herdlife 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Dronealien 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Malealien 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Femalealien 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Empty 0.1 Plaguegiant1 Hive 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Empty 0.02 Plaguegiant1 Rock 1.0 Plaguegiant1 Empty

neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

1.0 Plaguegiant2 Plant 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Fastplant 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Undergrowth 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Swamp 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Life 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Stronglife 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Herdlife 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Dronealien 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Malealien 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Empty 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Femalealien 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Empty 0.1 Plaguegiant2 Hive 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Empty 0.02 Plaguegiant2 Rock 1.0 Plaguegiant2 Empty

neighbor 0.5 Plaguegiant Plaguegiant 1.0 Empty Empty self 0.003 Plaguegiant 1.0 Empty neighbor 0.2 Plague1 Hive 0.2 Plague1 Plague1 0.8 Empty Plague1 hotneighbor 10 Plague1 Plague1

neighbor 1.0 Plague1 Plague1 1.0 Burnt Burnt pexplosion Fire Illness 3 Fire pexplosion Plaguegiant3 Fire 6 Fire # Occurs naturally, feeds off plague. Will eventually destroy plague and then die itself. element Antiplague 196 243 131 0 0 1 0.3 1 neighbor 1.0 Antiplague Plague1 1.0 Antiplague1 Plague1 element Antiplague1 196 243 131 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Antiplague1 Empty 1.0 Antiplague1 Antiplague neighbor 1.0 Antiplague Illness 1.0 Antiplague Antiplague neighbor 1.0 Antiplague1 Illness 1.0 Antiplague1 Antiplague1 self 0.005 Antiplague1 1.0 Plant self 0.005 Antiplague 1.0 Plant neighbor 1.0 Plague1 Petal1 0.3 Antiplague Antiplague 0.7 Empty Empty neighbor 1.0 Illness Petal1 1.0 Antiplague Antiplague # Tough life. Grows around rocky areas. element Lichen 198 174 79 0 0 1 0.3 1 element Lichen2 193 147 83 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.4 Lichen Empty 1.0 Lichen Lichen2 neighbor 0.4 Lichen2 Lichen 1.0 Lichen Empty self 0.01 Lichen2 1.0 Lichen3 element Lichen3 202 190 47 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.05 Lichen3 0.9 Empty 0.1 Undergrowth neighbor 1.0 Lichen Undergrowth 0.9 Undergrowth Lichen 0.1 Plant Plant neighbor 0.006 Rock Empty 0.994 Rock Empty 0.006 Rock Lichen neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Life Lichen2 0.9 Poison Poison 0.1 Illness Illness Stronglife Lichen2 0.9 Poison Poison 0.1 Illness Illness Herdlife Lichen2 0.9 Poison Poison 0.1 Illness Illness Shorelife Lichen2 0.9 Poison Poison 0.1 Illness Illness Corpselife Lichen2 0.9 Poison Poison 0.1 Illness Illness Dronealien Lichen2 0.9 Poison Poison 0.1 Illness Illness Amphibianlife Lichen2 0.9 Poison Poison 0.1 Illness Illness

# Harsh terrain; a habitat for certain creatures and plants. Will melt away after a brief winter. element Snow 249 255 254 0 0 1 0.3 1 neighbor 1.0 Snow Empty 1.0 Snow Slush neighbor 0.005 Snow Slush 1.0 Slush Snow self 0.005 Snow 1.0 Slush neighbor 0.005 Snow Snow 0.02 Tundratree Snow 0.98 Snow Snow element Slush 240 255 252 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.01 Slush 1.0 Empty neighbor 1.0 Slush Plant 1.0 Slush Plantdisease neighbor 1.0 Snow Plant 1.0 Snow Slush neighbor 1.0 Slush Fastplant 1.0 Slush Plantdisease neighbor 1.0 Snow Fastplant 1.0 Snow Slush neighbor 1.0 Slush Swampedge 1.0 Slush Swampshrink neighbor 1.0 Snow Swampedge 1.0 Snow Slush element Tundratree 113 197 37 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Tundratree Snow 1.0 Tundratree Tundrascrub self 0.05 Tundratree 1.0 Deadtundratree element Tundrascrub 86 111 40 0 0 1 0.3 0

element Deadtundratree 159 136 83 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.005 Deadtundratree 1.0 Empty neighbor 1.0 Deadtundratree Tundrascrub 1.0 Snow Tundratree self 0.1 Tundrascrub 0.98 Snow 0.02 Tundralife neighbor 0.5 Tundrascrub Slush 1.0 Tundrascrub Snow element Tundralife 240 174 36 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.2 Tundralife Snow 0.45 Snow Tundralife 0.45 Slush Tundralife 0.1 Babytundralife Tundralife neighbor 0.2 Tundralife Slush 1.0 Slush Tundralife neighbor 1.0 Tundralife Babytundralife 1.0 Tundralife Tundralife self 0.03 Tundralife 1.0 Snow neighbor 0.5 Tundralife Tundrascrub 0.9 Slush Tundralife 0.1 Tundralife Tundralife neighbor 1.0 Tundralife Tundratree 1.0 Slush Tundralife element Babytundralife 243 192 86 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.005 Babytundralife 1.0 Slush # Creates a small snow drift. element Minor_Snowstorm 240 255 254 0 0 1 0.3 1 pexplosion Minor_Snowstorm Empty 8 Minor_Snowstorm1 pexplosion Minor_Snowstorm Desert1 8 Minor_Snowstorm1 pexplosion Minor_Snowstorm Desert2 8 Minor_Snowstorm1 pexplosion Minor_Snowstorm Plains1 8 Minor_Snowstorm1 pexplosion Minor_Snowstorm Plains2 8 Minor_Snowstorm1 self 0.005 Minor_Snowstorm 1.0 Empty element Minor_Snowstorm1 240 255 253 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Minor_Snowstorm1 Empty 1.0 Snow1 Minor_Snowstorm1 neighbor 1.0 Minor_Snowstorm1 Desert1 1.0 Snow1 Minor_Snowstorm1 neighbor 1.0 Minor_Snowstorm1 Desert2 1.0 Snow1 Minor_Snowstorm1 neighbor 1.0 Minor_Snowstorm1 Plains1 1.0 Snow1 Minor_Snowstorm1 neighbor 1.0 Minor_Snowstorm1 Plains2 1.0 Snow1 Minor_Snowstorm1 explosion Minor_Snowstorm1 Empty 100 100 explosion Minor_Snowstorm1 Desert1 100 100 explosion Minor_Snowstorm1 Desert2 100 100 explosion Minor_Snowstorm1 Plains1 100 100 explosion Minor_Snowstorm1 Plains2 100 100 element Snow1 250 255 254 0 0 1 0.3 0 pexplosion Snow1 Empty 4 Snow pexplosion Snow1 Desert1 4 Snow pexplosion Snow1 Desert2 4 Snow pexplosion Snow1 Plains1 4 Snow pexplosion Snow1 Plains2 4 Snow # Creates a reasonably-sized snow drift. element Snowstorm 239 255 254 0 0 1 0.3 1 pexplosion Snowstorm Empty 8 Snowstorm1 pexplosion Snowstorm Desert1 8 Snowstorm1 pexplosion Snowstorm Desert2 8 Snowstorm1 pexplosion Snowstorm Plains1 8 Snowstorm1 pexplosion Snowstorm Plains2 8 Snowstorm1 self 0.005 Snowstorm 1.0 Empty element Snowstorm1 238 255 254 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Snowstorm1 Empty 0.5 Minor_Snowstorm Snowstorm1 0.5 Snow1 Snowstorm1 neighbor 1.0 Snowstorm1 Desert1 0.5 Minor_Snowstorm Snowstorm1 0.5 Snow1 Snowstorm1 neighbor 1.0 Snowstorm1 Desert2 0.5 Minor_Snowstorm Snowstorm1 0.5 Snow1 Snowstorm1 neighbor 1.0 Snowstorm1 Plains1 0.5 Minor_Snowstorm Snowstorm1 0.5 Snow1

Snowstorm1 neighbor 1.0 Snowstorm1 Plains2 0.5 Minor_Snowstorm Snowstorm1 0.5 Snow1 Snowstorm1 explosion Snowstorm1 Empty 100 100 explosion Snowstorm1 Plains1 100 100 explosion Snowstorm1 Plains1 100 100 explosion Snowstorm1 Plains2 100 100 explosion Snowstorm1 Plains2 100 100 # Creates a very generously-sized snow drift. element Major_Snowstorm 238 255 254 0 0 1 0.3 1 pexplosion Major_Snowstorm Empty 12 Major_Snowstorm1 pexplosion Major_Snowstorm Desert1 12 Major_Snowstorm1 pexplosion Major_Snowstorm Desert2 12 Major_Snowstorm1 pexplosion Major_Snowstorm Plains1 12 Major_Snowstorm1 pexplosion Major_Snowstorm Plains2 12 Major_Snowstorm1 self 0.005 Major_Snowstorm 1.0 Empty element Major_Snowstorm1 237 255 254 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Major_Snowstorm1 Empty 1.0 Snowstorm Major_Snowstorm1 neighbor 1.0 Major_Snowstorm1 Desert1 1.0 Snowstorm Major_Snowstorm1 neighbor 1.0 Major_Snowstorm1 Desert2 1.0 Snowstorm Major_Snowstorm1 neighbor 1.0 Major_Snowstorm1 Plains1 1.0 Snowstorm Major_Snowstorm1 neighbor 1.0 Major_Snowstorm1 Plains2 1.0 Snowstorm Major_Snowstorm1 explosion Major_Snowstorm1 Empty 200 200 explosion Major_Snowstorm1 Desert1 200 200 explosion Major_Snowstorm1 Desert2 200 200 explosion Major_Snowstorm1 Plains1 200 200 explosion Major_Snowstorm1 Plains2 200 200 # A massive block of ice which has broken adrift. Can erode rock. element Iceberg 184 249 254 0 0 1 0.3 1 self 0.005 Iceberg 1.0 Brokenice neighbor 1.0 Iceberg Water 1.0 Iceberg Iceberg1 neighbor 0.005 Iceberg Iceberg1 1.0 Iceberg1 Iceberg neighbor 1.0 Iceberg Iceberg2 1.0 Iceberg Iceberg1 neighbor 1.0 Iceberg Iceberg3 1.0 Iceberg Iceberg1 element Iceberg1 183 249 254 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.05 Iceberg1 1.0 Water neighbor 1.0 Iceberg1 Water 1.0 Iceberg1 Iceberg2 neighbor 1.0 Iceberg1 Iceberg3 1.0 Iceberg1 Iceberg2 element Iceberg2 182 249 254 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.05 Iceberg2 1.0 Water neighbor 1.0 Iceberg2 Water 1.0 Iceberg2 Iceberg3 element Iceberg3 181 249 254 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.05 Iceberg3 0.98 Water 0.01 Iceberg2 0.01 Iceberg1 neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

0.01 Iceberg3 Swampedge 1.0 Iceberg3 Water 0.01 Iceberg3 Swamp 1.0 Iceberg3 Water 0.01 Iceberg3 Rock 1.0 Iceberg3 Water 1.0 Iceberg3 Empty 0.9 Iceberg3 Slush 0.1 Iceberg3 Snow 0.005 Snow Water 1.0 Snow Iceberg

element Brokenice 168 247 253 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Brokenice Iceberg 1.0 Brokenice Brokenice neighbor 1.0 Brokenice Iceberg1 1.0 Brokenice Brokenice neighbor 1.0 Brokenice Iceberg2 1.0 Brokenice Brokenice neighbor 1.0 Brokenice Iceberg3 1.0 Brokenice Brokenice self 0.1 Brokenice 0.29 Water 0.69 Packice 0.02 Iceberg

# Broken up icebergs. element Packice 180 249 254 0 0 1 0.3 1 element Packice1 179 249 254 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Packice Water 0.3 Packice1 Packice 0.7 Packice Packice1 self 0.05 Packice 0.24 Iceberg2 0.04 Iceberg1 0.72 Water self 0.1 Packice1 0.05 Iceberg2 0.95 Water # Mutants are evanescent life created when aliens and normal life interact. element Mutantplant 124 41 94 0 0 1 0.3 1 neighbor 1.0 Mutantplant Mutantplant2 1.0 Mutantplant Mutantplant1 neighbor 0.05 Mutantplant Mutantplant1 1.0 Mutantplant1 Mutantplant element Mutantplant1 176 60 133 0 0 1 0.3 0 element Mutantplant2 206 111 170 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.8 Mutantplant Empty 1.0 Mutantplant Mutantplant1 neighbor 0.9 Mutantplant1 Empty 1.0 Mutantplant1 Mutantplant2 neighbor 0.1 Mutantplant2 Empty 1.0 Mutantplant Shrink element Shrink 5 5 50 0 1 0.3 1 neighbor 1.0 Shrink Mutantplant2 1.0 Shrink Shrink neighbor 1.0 Shrink Mutantplant1 1.0 Shrink Shrink self 0.1 Shrink 1.0 Empty self 0.05 Mutantplant 0.99 Empty 0.01 Mutant element Mutant 223 123 234 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.05 Mutant 1.0 Empty element Mutanttrail 202 44 220 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Mutant Empty 0.5 Mutant Mutanttrail 0.5 Mutanttrail Mutant self 0.1 Mutanttrail 1.0 Mutantkill element Mutantkill 208 140 244 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Mutantkill Mutantplant 1.0 Mutantkill Mutantkill neighbor 1.0 Mutantkill Mutantplant1 1.0 Mutantkill Mutantkill neighbor 1.0 Mutantkill Mutantplant2 1.0 Mutantkill Mutantkill neighbor 1.0 Mutantkill Shrink 1.0 Mutantkill Mutantkill self 0.1 Mutantkill 1.0 Deadmutant1 neighbor 1.0 Mutantkill Empty 1.0 Empty Mutantkill explosion Mutantkill Empty 40 40 pexplosion Mutantkill Mutantplant 3 Mutantkill pexplosion Mutantkill Mutantplant1 2 Mutantkill pexplosion Mutantkill Mutantplant2 1 Mutantkill pexplosion Mutantkill Shrink 3 Mutantkill neighbor 1.0 Mutantkill Mutantkill 1.0 Mutantkill Mutantkill explosion Mutantkill Mutantkill 60 60 neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Fire Fire Fire Fire

Shrink 1.0 Fire Fire Mutantplant 1.0 Fire Fire Mutantplant1 1.0 Fire Fire Mutantplant2 1.0 Fire Fire

# Harsh terrain which supports small lifeforms. Water will turn it into lush plains. element Desert 254 227 83 0 0 1 0.3 1 neighbor 1.0 Desert Empty 1.0 Empty Desert self 0.95 Desert 0.3 Desert2 0.7 Desert1 element Desert1 253 227 83 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.005 Desert1 Desert1 0.99 Desert1 Desert1 0.01 Cactus Cactus element Desertlife 247 89 235 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.3 Desertlife Desert1 0.99 Deserttrail Desertlife 0.01 Egg Desertlife

neighbor 0.3 Desertlife Deserttrail 0.99 Deserttrail Desertlife 0.01 Desertlife Egg self 0.02 Desertlife 1.0 Desert element Egg 254 241 253 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.1 Egg 1.0 Desertlife neighbor 0.1 Desertlife Egg 1.0 Eggeater Desert element Eggeater 148 7 137 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.9 Eggeater Desert1 0.3 Eggeater Deserttrail 0.7 Deserttrail Eggeater neighbor 0.3 Eggeater Deserttrail 1.0 Deserttrail Eggeater self 0.01 Eggeater 1.0 Desert element Deserttrail 233 199 3 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.1 Deserttrail 1.0 Desert element Cactus 163 230 6 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.005 Cactus 1.0 Desert neighbor 0.01 Cactus Desert1 1.0 Cactus Desertlife element Desert2 253 199 85 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.005 Desert2 Desert2 0.99 Desert2 Desert2 0.01 Cactus Cactus neighbor 0.3 Desertlife Desert2 0.99 Deserttrail Desertlife 0.01 Egg Desertlife neighbor 0.1 Desertlife Egg 1.0 Eggeater Desert2 element Eggeater 148 7 137 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.9 Eggeater Desert2 0.3 Eggeater Deserttrail 0.7 Deserttrail Eggeater neighbor 0.01 Cactus Desert2 1.0 Cactus Desertlife # Perfect grazing for larger life forms. element Plains 204 239 82 0 0 1 0.3 1 neighbor 0.5 Plains Empty 1.0 Empty Plains element Plains1 204 239 83 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.5 Plains1 Plains1 0.5 Fire Fire 0.5 Burnt neighbor 0.005 Plains1 Empty 0.005 Empty Empty 0.995 neighbor 0.005 Plains2 Empty 0.005 Empty Empty 0.995 neighbor 0.5 Plains2 Plains2 0.5 Fire Fire 0.5 Burnt neighbor 0.5 Plains1 Plains2 0.5 Fire Fire 0.5 Burnt hotneighbor 50 Plains1 Plains1 hotneighbor 50 Plains2 Plains2 hotneighbor 50 Plains1 Plains2 self 0.006 Plains1 0.006 Plainsbaby 0.994 Plains1 element Plains2 169 213 19 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.85 Plains 0.95 Plains1 0.05 Plains2 neighbor 0.95 Plains2 Plains 1.0 Plains2 Plains2 neighbor 1.0 Plainslife Fire 1.0 Fire Fire neighbor 1.0 Plainslife2 Fire 1.0 Fire Fire neighbor 1.0 Plainslife3 Fire 1.0 Fire Fire neighbor 1.0 Plainsbaby Fire 1.0 Fire Fire neighbor 1.0 Fire Eaten 1.0 Fire Fire neighbor 1.0 Fire Skeleton 1.0 Fire Fire neighbor 1.0 Fire Gone 1.0 Fire Fire

Burnt Plains1 Empty Plains2 Empty Burnt Burnt

element Plainslife 217 15 15 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.002 Plainslife 1.0 Plains neighbor 1.0 Plainslife Plains1 1.0 Plainslife Plainslife2 neighbor 1.0 Plainslife Plains2 1.0 Plainslife Plainslife2 neighbor 1.0 Plainslife Plainslife2 0.1 Plainslife2 Plainslife 0.9 Plainslife Plainslife2 neighbor 1.0 Plainslife Plainslife 1.0 Plains Plains element Plainslife2 217 15 14 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.05 Plainslife2 1.0 Plains neighbor 1.0 Plainslife2 Plains1 1.0 Plainslife2 Plainslife3

neighbor 1.0 Plainslife2 Plains2 1.0 Plainslife2 Plainslife3 element Plainslife3 217 15 13 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.1 Plainslife3 0.98 Plains 0.02 Plainsbaby element Eaten 191 187 40 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.05 Eaten 1.0 Plains element Gone 191 188 40 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.1 Plainslife3 Gone 1.0 Skeleton Gone self 0.05 Gone 1.0 Plains neighbor 0.1 Plainslife Eaten 1.0 Plainslife Gone element Skeleton 249 248 223 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Skeleton Plainslife 1.0 Skeleton Skeleton neighbor 1.0 Skeleton Plainslife2 1.0 Skeleton Skeleton neighbor 1.0 Skeleton Plainslife3 1.0 Skeleton Skeleton self 0.1 Skeleton 1.0 Plains element Plainsbaby 217 15 12 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.3 Plainsbaby Plains1 0.4 Plains1 Plainsbaby 0.4 Eaten Plainsbaby 0.2 Plains1 Plainslife neighbor 0.3 Plainsbaby Plains2 0.4 Plains2 Plainsbaby 0.4 Eaten Plainsbaby 0.2 Plains2 Plainslife neighbor 1.0 Plainslife Empty 0.9 Plainslife Empty 0.1 Plains Giantlife element Plainsgrow 107 166 19 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.05 Plainsgrow Desert1 1.0 Plainsgrow Plainsgrow neighbor 0.05 Plainsgrow Desert2 1.0 Plainsgrow Plainsgrow self 0.01 Plainsgrow 1.0 Plains neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Slush Slush Slush Slush

Plains1 Plains2 Desert1 Desert2

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Slush Slush Slush Slush

Empty Empty Plainsgrow Plainsgrow

# A prolonged drought transforms a body of water into a complete desert. element Desertification 185 149 6 0 0 1 0.3 1 element Desertification1 242 196 9 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.05 Desertification Water 1.0 Desertification Desertification neighbor 1.0 Desertification Plainsgrow 1.0 Desertification Desertification neighbor 1.0 Desertification1 Plainsgrow 1.0 Desertification1 Desertification self 0.01 Desertification 1.0 Desertification1 self 0.05 Desertification1 1.0 Desert neighbor 1.0 Desertification1 Water 1.0 Desertification1 Desertification neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Desert1 Desert1 Desert1 Desert2 Desert2 Desert2

Plant 1.0 Desert1 Plantdisease Fastplant 1.0 Desert1 Plantdisease Undergrowth 1.0 Desert1 Plantdisease Plant 1.0 Desert2 Plantdisease Fastplant 1.0 Desert2 Plantdisease Undergrowth 1.0 Desert2 Plantdisease

neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Desert1 Desert1 Desert2 Desert2

Swamp 1.0 Swampedge Swamp 1.0 Swampedge

Desert1 Swampshrink 1.0 Desert1 Swampshrink Desert2 Swampshrink 1.0 Desert2 Swampshrink

neighbor 0.1 Water Desert 1.0 Water Plainsgrow neighbor 0.005 Water Plains1 1.0 Water Water

# A flood of biblical proportions; will fill the entire map with water. Apply to water. element Flood 158 199 228 0 0 1 0.3 1 self 0.05 Flood 1.0 Water neighbor 1.0 Flood Water 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 element Flood1 158 200 228 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Flood1 Water 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 1.0 Flood1 Empty 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 self 0.2 Flood1 1.0 Flood2 element Flood2 111 170 215 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.1 Flood2 Empty 1.0 Marsh Marsh self 0.01 Flood2 1.0 Water neighbor 1.0 Flood2 Flood1 1.0 Flood2 Flood2 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Plant 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Fastplant 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.8 Flood1 Swamp 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.8 Flood1 Swampedge 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Plantdisease 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Plantdisease2 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Life 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Stronglife 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Herdlife 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Giantlife 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Giantlife1 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Giantlife2 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Giantlife3 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Parasites 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Parasites2 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Dronealien 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Malealien 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Femalealien 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.2 Flood1 Hive 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Deadhive 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Rottenhive 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Deadmutant1 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Deadmutation 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.95 Flood1 Slush 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.2 Flood1 Snow 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Plains1 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 neighbor 0.6 Flood1 Marsh 1.0 Flood1 Flood1 # Produces a small, tightly-packed pine forest. element Forest 154 211 103 0 0 1 0.3 1 pexplosion Forest Empty 3 Sapling1 self 0.01 Forest 1.0 Sapling neighbor 1.0 Forest Sapling 1.0 Sapling Forest neighbor 1.0 Forest Pinetree 1.0 Pinetree Forest neighbor 1.0 Forest Pinetree1 1.0 Pinetree1 Forest neighbor 1.0 Forest Pineneedle 1.0 Pineneedle Forest element Sapling1 105 169 49 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Sapling1 Empty 1.0 Empty Sapling1 self 0.01 Sapling1 1.0 Sapling element Sapling 136 83 47 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Sapling Empty 1.0 Sapling Saplingneedle self 0.006 Sapling 1.0 Pinetree neighbor 1.0 Fire Sapling 1.0 Fire Fire element Pinetree 136 81 47 0 0 1 0.3 0

pexplosion Pinetree Saplingneedle 2 Pinetree1 element Pinetree1 136 82 47 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Pinetree1 Saplingneedle 1.0 Pinetree1 Empty neighbor 0.006 Pinetree1 Pinetree1 0.01 Pinetree1 Forest 0.01 Pinetree1 Grandtree 0.98 Pinetree1 Pinetree1 self 1.0 Pinetree1 0.5 Burntwood 0.5 Burnt hotself 30 Pinetree1 element Pinebark 199 160 135 0 0 1 0.3 0 element Saplingneedle 105 169 48 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.5 Saplingneedle 0.5 Burntwood 0.5 Burnt hotself 40 Saplingneedle element Pineneedle 105 169 48 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.1 Pineneedle 0.5 Burntwood 0.5 Burnt hotself 50 Pineneedle neighbor 1.0 Pinetree1 Empty 1.0 Pinetree1 Pinebark neighbor 0.5 Pinebark Empty 1.0 Pinebark Pineneedle self 0.5 Pinebark 0.5 Burntwood 0.5 Burnt hotself 40 Pinebark element Grandtree 136 84 47 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.006 Grandtree Grandtree 0.006 Grandtree Treedisease 0.994 Grandtree Grandtree neighbor 1.0 Grandtree Pinetree 1.0 Grandtree Grandtree neighbor 1.0 Grandtree Pinetree1 1.0 Grandtree Grandtree neighbor 1.0 Grandtree Pinebark 1.0 Grandtree Grandbark neighbor 1.0 Grandtree Empty 1.0 Grandtree Grandbark neighbor 1.0 Grandtree Pineneedle 1.0 Grandtree Grandbark self 1.0 Grandtree 0.5 Burntwood 0.5 Burnt hotself 30 Grandtree element Grandbark 211 140 44 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 1.0 Grandbark Empty 1.0 Grandbark Grandneedle neighbor 1.0 Grandbark Pinetree 1.0 Grandbark Grandneedle neighbor 1.0 Grandbark Pinetree1 1.0 Grandtree Grandneedle neighbor 1.0 Grandbark Pinebark 1.0 Grandtree Grandneedle neighbor 1.0 Grandbark Pineneedle 1.0 Grandtree Grandneedle self 0.5 Grandbark 0.5 Burntwood 0.5 Burnt hotself 40 Grandbark element Grandneedle 27 118 33 0 0 1 0.3 0 self 0.1 Grandneedle 0.5 Burntwood 0.5 Burnt hotself 50 Grandneedle element Treedisease 193 142 66 0 0 1 0.3 0 neighbor 0.5 Treedisease Grandtree 1.0 Treedisease Treedisease neighbor 0.5 Treedisease Grandneedle 1.0 Treedisease Treedisease neighbor 0.5 Treedisease Grandbark 1.0 Treedisease Treedisease self 0.1 Treedisease 1.0 Empty

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