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Pastor Jan Marcussen - P O Box 68, Thompsonville, IL 62890 - Phone 618-627-2357 - Fax - 618-627-2712. My web-sites are,, and WBNS.US December Y2K+6

“And the nations

were angry, and thy wrath is

come, and the time

Exhibit #1 - Celebration church members waiting for Jesus to come

Exhibit #1

of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.”

Dear SDA friends around the world, Read all the boxes in this letter, then come back here and we’ll talk about what’s happening. Faith: We know from everything around us that time now is very short. We know that Jesus desires to come and take His dear people home to heaven. He wants to take us home more than we want to go. Why should He wait even a month longer? Why not just come tomorrow, or at least next week? Pastor Jan: Here it is - “I saw that some of the people of God are stupid and dormant and but half awake; they do not realize the time we are now living in, and that the man with the ‘dirt brush’ [SEE ‘WILLIAM MILLER’S DREAM,’ PAGE 81] has entered, and that some are in danger of being swept away. I begged of Jesus to save them, to spare them a little longer, and let them see their awful danger, that they might get ready before it should be forever too late. The angel said, ‘Destruction is coming like a mighty whirlwind.’ I begged

2 of the angel to pity MATTERS OF LIFE AND DEATH and to save those 'Peaceful pill' would give patients permanent rest who loved this © 2006 world, who were Philip Nitschke attached to their An Australian doctor who promotes suicide as a way to die has introduced a new "peaceful possessions and were pill" plan to advocates at a conference, touting the pill for its accessibility – and legality. In not willing to cut a report on Canadian Television, Dr. Philip Nitschke of Exit International said that his plan allows for the self-appointed date with death he advocates. [The devil can hardly wait.] loose from them and sacrifice to speed the "You can do everything yourself, acquire what you need, access what is ultimately the most peaceful way of a peaceful death," he told those attending a Toronto conference. "If you can messengers on their manage things yourself you don't break laws," he said about the instructions in his book on way to feed the the subject. The book describes a lethal barbiturate concoction that acts by depressing the hungry sheep who central nervous system, and observers say it appears similar to drugs used in the few countries where euthanasia is allowed. were perishing for The "self-help" idea earned some immediate opposition even from the right-to-die want of spiritual supporters. Donald Babey of Dying with Dignity Canada said it doesn't address the final food. solution of having physician assistance. Christian organizations such as Focus on the “As I viewed poor Family in Colorado Springs have written extensively on the issue of suicide and euthanasia. In one interview former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop said he believes euthanasia souls dying for want someday will dwarf the abortion industry. It's like letting a snake out of a basket, Focus of the present truth, said: Once it's out, there's no telling where it will slither. and some who professed to believe Exhibit #2. Notice the Vatican Nazi words - “final solution” - in the article above. Most the truth were letting people would never dream that Rome and the devil have anything to do with this type of professional trick on depressed “Protestants” and others in fulfillment of the Jesuit oath. them die by Here’s another sign of the shortness of time as the words of dear Jesus are being fulfilled withholding the concerning millions of His children whom the devil has chained to his car - moving in gloomy necessary means to procession toward hell. He said, “All they that hate me love death.” Prov. 8:36. If the devil and his doctor friends can’t trick them into killing themselves, Reader’s Digest revealed that [in carry forward the harmony with Rev. 18:23,24] doctors under the Vatican health system will kill 100,000 of them work of God, the each year with pharmaceia anyway. May our Lord Jesus use us to help reach the dear people sight was too painful, with God’s last saving message of love and warning before they’re dead, is my prayer. and I begged of the angel to remove it from me. “I then saw the glorious Redeemer, beautiful and lovely; that He left the realms of glory and came to this dark and lonely world to give His precious life and die, the just for the unjust. He bore the cruel mocking and scourging, wore the plaited crown of thorns, and sweat great drops of blood in the garden, while the burden of the sins of the whole world was upon Him. The angel asked, ‘What for?’ Oh, I saw and knew that it was for us; for our sins He suffered all this, that by His precious blood He might redeem us unto God! “The suffering Jesus, His love so deep as to lead Him to give His life for man, was again held up before me; also the lives of those who professed to be His followers, who had this world’s goods, but considered it so great a thing to help the cause of salvation. The angel said, ‘Can such enter heaven?’ Another angel answered, ‘No, never, never, never. Those who are Dear Sir, not interested in the cause of God on earth I have just read your can never sing the song of redeeming love book “National Sunday above.’ I saw that the quick work that God Law.” What a wonderful, was doing on the earth would soon be cut eye-opening book! It thrilled my heart to read short in righteousness and that the and learn. I hope that you messengers must speed swiftly on their will send me your followway to search out the scattered flock. An up book, “Great angel said, ‘Are all messengers?’ Another Controversy.” If you have answered, ‘No, no; God’s messengers have a mailing list, please put a message.’ me on it. Thank you. Bob “The mighty shaking has commenced and will go on, and all will be shaken out who are not willing to take a bold and unyielding stand for the truth and to sacrifice for God and His cause. The angel said, ‘Think ye that any will be compelled to sacrifice? No, no. It must be a freewill offering. It will take all to buy the field.’ I cried to God to spare His people, some of whom were fainting and dying. Then I saw Prince David, Prince Adrian, and dear that the judgments of the Almighty were speedily coming, and I begged of They look like they’ll enjoy it in the angel to speak in his language to the people. Said he, ‘All the thunders Joy. heaven with dear Jesus. Look at Prince and lightnings of Mount Sinai would not move those who will not be Adrian’s little wings. Look at him flying up to the mountains to pick the flowers and moved by the plain truths of the Word of God, neither would an angel’s then zooming back with his hands full of message awake them.’ them into the arms of his Mama and “I then beheld the beauty and loveliness of Jesus. His robe was whiter Daddy. Let’s go to heaven with them! Why not!!! I think we’ll like it there! than the whitest white. No language can describe His glory and exalted loveliness. All, all who keep the commandments of God, will enter in through the gates into the city and have right to the tree of life and ever be in the presence of the lovely Jesus, whose countenance shines brighter than the sun at noonday. “The saints will rest in the Holy City and reign as kings and priests one thousand years; then Jesus will descend with the saints upon the Mount of Olives, and the mount will part asunder and become a mighty plain for the Paradise of God to rest upon. . . The feet of the wicked will never desecrate the earth made new. Fire will come down from God out of heaven and devour them. . . The same fire that will devour the wicked will purify the earth.” EW 48-52. Hope: What did the prophet mean by “the man with the dirt brush?” Pastor Jan: On page 81 of Early Writings, God’s prophet recorded the dream that William Miller had. It’s a

3 symbolic dream from God about what’s going to be happening in the end of the world. In the dream are a number of things. The prophet said that “some are in danger of being swept away.” In the dream, the dirt, spurious jewels, and counterfeit coins were “swept away,” so they represent false teachings and sins, and those who hold onto them - who would be swept away with them. Hope: Do the gems and jewels represent God’s Bible truths, and His honest people who hold onto them - who are not “swept away,” but are in a beautiful “casket” [box]? Faith: And what does “casket” represent that holds the gems? Charity: Then there are people who come in and handle the jewels, and scatter them all over the place, until they are covered with dirt. Who are they? Then, in William Miller’s dream, the first casket that held the jewels gets broken as the jewels are being scattered and getting covered with dirt. What does that mean? This is from an article in the November issue of Pastor Jan: I won’t tell you. Church & State magazine. If you want the whole Charity: Why not? article, just ask when you write. The Roman Catholic Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts and Pastor Jan: Because it’s too shocking. Archbiship Wuerl are at the Roman Catholic “Red Faith: Who is the man with the dirt brush? Mass” - which Supreme Court Justices, and other Pastor Jan: He is from heaven. He brushes the dirt off the top government officials have been tricked by Rome into attending each year. The Roman jewels, and puts them into something. Catholic Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court is Hope: Into what? under the influence of these papal men - whose Pastor Jan: We’ll look at the dream now, and find out. Are own literature reveals that they are out to destroy this “Protestant” nation, and “make America you ready? Here we go. Catholic.” This is another sign that Rome is “I dreamed that God, by an unseen hand, sent me a curiously quickly succeeding in regaining “control of he wrought casket about ten inches long by six square, made of world,” undoing “all that Protestantism has done,” and is about to “restart persecution,” according to ebony and pearls curiously inlaid. To the casket there was a key attached. I immediately took the key and opened the casket, when, the testimony of Jesus Himself in GC 565, 566. to my wonder and surprise, I found it filled with all sorts and sizes of jewels, diamonds, precious stones, and gold and silver coin of every dimension and value, beautifully arranged in their several places in the casket; and thus arranged they reflected a light and glory equaled only to the sun. “I thought it was not my duty to enjoy this wonderful sight alone, although my heart was overjoyed at the brilliancy, beauty, and value of its contents. I therefore placed it on a center table in my room and gave out word that all who had a desire might come and see the most glorious and brilliant sight ever seen by man in this life. “The people began to come in, at first few in number, but increasing to a crowd. When they first looked into the casket, they Dear Sir, I would like to get more of the book would wonder and shout for joy. But when the spectators “National Sunday Law” to send to people. A increased, everyone would begin to trouble the jewels, taking friend of mine received one in the mail. Even them out of the casket and scattering them on the table. though he was drunk much of the time, he read the book and fell under conviction of the “I began to think that the owner would require the casket and Holy Spirit. He began worshiping God and the jewels again at my hand; and if I suffered them to be keeping God’s true Sabbath holy on Saturday. scattered, I could never place them in their places in the casket My Roman Catholic neighbor also got the book in the mail and called me, wanting to again as before; and felt I should never be able to meet the know if I sent it. I told her “no,” and told her accountability, for it would be immense. I then began to plead how thrilled I was to have gotten a copy of my with the people not to handle them, nor to take them out of the own. That book has made a tremendous difference in her life and she is now obeying casket; but the more I pleaded, the more they scattered; and now the commandments of God, and is they seemed to scatter them all over the room, on the floor and on campaigning to get the rest of her family to every piece of furniture in the room. I then saw that among the wake up to the truth. So I thank you for the book and for making it affordable. May God genuine jewels and coin they had scattered an innumerable bless you immensely. In Christ, Rhonda quantity of spurious jewels and counterfeit coin. I was highly incensed at their base conduct and ingratitude, and reproved and reproached them for it; but the more I reproved, the more they scattered the spurious jewels and false coin among the genuine. “I then became vexed in my physical soul and began to use physical force to push them out of the room; but while I was pushing out one, three more would enter and bring in dirt and shavings and sand and all manner of rubbish, until they covered every one of the true jewels, diamonds, and coins, which were all excluded from sight. They also tore in pieces my casket and scattered it among the rubbish. I thought no man regarded my sorrow or my anger. I became wholly discouraged and disheartened, and sat down and wept. “While I was thus weeping and mourning for my great loss and accountability, I remembered God, and earnestly prayed that He would send me help. “Immediately the door opened, and a man entered Dear Pastor Jan, the room, when the people all left it; and he, having a May God’s love and peace be with you. I am writing to dirt brush in his hand, opened the windows, and you from Kenya, Africa. I, like others around the world, am very much acquainted with your labours. The wellbegan to brush the dirt and rubbish from the room. known and widely circulated book “National Sunday “I cried to him to forbear, for there were some Law” I personally have distributed in very large precious jewels scattered among the rubbish. quantities in streets, institutions, schools, villages, and in both small and large churches. As we see that the “He told me to ‘fear not,’ for he would ‘take care new world order is tightening its grip in these last days, of them.’ we must do all in our power to spread the truth contained “Then, while he brushed the dirt and rubbish, false in this NSL book - in all languages and dialects. Would you please give me permission to translate your book jewels and counterfeit coin, all rose and went out of into the language of Kiswahili - which is the second the window like a cloud, and the wind carried them language of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. I want to away. In the bustle I closed my eyes for a moment; translate it for a massive printing. Please advise us. Time is short. when I opened them, the rubbish was all gone.

4 The precious jewels, the diamonds, the gold and silver coins, lay scattered in profusion all over the room. “He then placed on the table a casket, much larger and more beautiful than the former, and gathered up the jewels, the diamonds, the coins, by the handful, and cast them into the casket, till not one was left, although some of the diamonds were not bigger than the point of a pin. “He then called upon me to ‘come and see.’ “I looked into the casket, but my eyes were dazzled with the sight. They shone with ten times their former glory. I thought they had been scoured in the sand by the feet of those wicked persons who had scattered and trod them in the dust. They were arranged in beautiful order in the casket, every one in its place, without any visible pains of the man who cast them in. I shouted with very joy, and that shout awoke me.” EW 81-83. Faith: Since Jesus represents us Laodiceans in Revelation 3 {God’s true remnant church} as being “miserable, poor, blind, and naked,” and says that He will “spue” us out of His mouth, does this dream represent the experience of God’s dear people here in the end of time, and what is happening in God’s “casket” now? Is Rome’s great ecumenical unity movement scattering God’s jewels and covering them with the rubbish of Rome’s liturgies, and infiltrating false “believers” as they planned out in the Vatican II council? When he “closed his eyes for a moment,” did it mean his death, after which he wakes up in the special resurrection brought to view in Daniel 12 and Dear Jan Marcussen, FLB 182, to find that the rubbish of the false teachings, I’m writing to let you know that I read the book and those who hold to them will be gone soon before the “National Sunday Law” and I must say that I believe angels gather together the elect, from one end of heaven every word of it. Please send me your follow-up book “Great Controversy.” I understand more of God’s word to the other at the coming of Jesus - to go up to the through your book. Also, please send me some Bible heavenly “casket” with our Saviour? In the dream, it studies. May God pour out His blessings upon you and said that “They also tore in pieces my casket and your family so that you can keep reaching people like me who are confused. Also, please send me more of the scattered it among the rubbish.” Has this already been “National Sunday Law” books. Thank you. fulfilled before we were born, or will it happen by the horrors of the Sunday law when God’s real jewels will be scattered around the world by the persecution of the beast and its image before they are all “gathered up” and taken into the new and beautiful heavenly casket? Pastor Jan: God has given us another hint in the dream that Sister White had of the Catholic procession coming to her house and confiscating everything. Read about it in 1T 577, 578. She’s especially horrified when she sees that a number of the poor souls in the Catholic procession are “friends” of hers, but like Peter and Judas, have caved in to the pressure of the persecutions of the last days. Here’s a little of it - “That night I dreamed that I was in Battle Creek looking out from the side glass at the door and saw a company marching up to the house, two and two. They looked stern and determined. I knew them well and turned to open the parlor door to receive them, but thought I would look again. The scene was changed. The company now presented the appearance of a Catholic procession. One Dear Jan Marcussen, bore in his hand a cross, another a reed. And as they I have just finished reading your book “National approached, the one carrying a reed made a circle around Sunday Law” and I was totally shocked and amazed. I the house, saying three times: ‘This house is proscribed. couldn’t put the book down. Enclosed is a check for The goods must be confiscated. They have spoken against more of them. Please send them as soon as possible so I can give them to my family and friends. I was our holy order.’ Terror seized me, and I ran through the brought up as a Catholic, but I left the Catholic church. house, out of the north door, and found myself in the I knew it was wrong to pray to the statues because the midst of a company, some of whom I knew, but I dared 10 commandments said not to worship false gods. not speak a word to them for fear of being betrayed. I Now I adhere to the truth of the Bible. May God bless you always, and keep you in His care. Lynne Cheney tried to seek a retired spot where I might weep and pray without meeting eager, inquisitive eyes wherever I turned. I repeated frequently: ‘If I could only understand this! If they will tell me what I have said or what I have done!’” This was given by our dear Saviour to help us not to be overwhelmed when a similar thing soon happens after Rome “strikes” - as brought to view in GC 581. Faith: Does this dream of Ellen White reveal why the first casket in William Miller’s dream was “torn in pieces?” Pastor Jan: You’ll get a hint when I quote for you from an article I have. I’ll only quote part of it, but you’ll get enough to see something. From this quote, you’ll get a hint as to how far GC 565 and 566 have been fulfilled. Is everyone in the world in the Mickey Mouse club? Watch closely “In common with other monastic orders, the Jesuits are bound by vows... To these is added a vow 'to go without questioning or hesitation wherever the pope may command...' The fundamental idea of the Society is that of securing absolute domination over the spirits of men and of centralizing all power in one earthly head Dear Jan Marcussen, representing God on earth. Jesuitism is thus the most I just read your book “National Sunday Law,” and perfect embodiment of the papal idea. The society it has opened my eyes. I am from a Catholic combines high enthusiasm with careful selection and background but now I see that when prophecy talks thorough training of the individual members, and with about the “beast” it was talking about the system of the papacy. After reading your book, I want to find perfect organization. In such a combination, whether the where to worship God on His holy Sabbath day. principles involved be right or wrong, there is almost irresistible power." --Newman, page 568. “"Every Jesuit is encouraged--he is bound--to report to his Superior whatever he may know, and whatever he may suspect, relative to the conduct, to the private habits, or to the secret dispositions of every other. Every Jesuit is a spy upon every other Jesuit; a net-work of perfidy embraces the entire community, and from its meshes not even those highest in authority stand for a

5 moment clear.’ --Taylor, pages 340-341. Dear Jan Marcussen, “The novitiate usually lasts about two years, and if the Novice is After reading your book “National found to possess great energy and tact, and absolute obedience, he is Sunday Law,” I too am shocked at how accepted as a Scholar. . . The Scholars were a body of picked men, easily Sunday is accepted. I trust God and I thoroughly obedient to their superiors and devoted to their work. The know that Sunday is not of the Bible. Now I know that Rome changed the day. We are so utmost attention was paid to wholesome nourishment and physical easily deceived by the great deceiver! This culture; for the leaders realized from the beginning that to accomplish burden has been on my heart for some time their purposes a sound and hardy physique was just as important as a and our family no longer recognizes Sunday well-trained and well-stored mind. If at the end of the course of study and the other days of traditional festivities. the Scholar was regarded as highly promising, he was made a We left our Sunday church for a lack of life. Coadjutor.’ --Newman, page 371. [May God help us to take our Thank you for making a noise loud enough health as seriously - to work for dear Jesus as these fiends do for the to be heard. Charlene McCarthy devil!] “Coadjutors were to be their top-flight agents, and as such would be selected for the most difficult assignments: (1) As Priests to the royalty, leaders, and wealthy of the nations. (2) As Teachers in schools and especially in the universities of the land. These would either be Catholic schools, government schools, or as secret agents in Protestant schools. (3) As Secret Agents working directly within governments, Protestant church organizations, or pagan religious organizations such as Hinduism. Their role would be that of minister, teacher or a highly trained professional, such as an accountant, lawyer, etc. “Their determination to use political power for their own purposes caused them from the beginning to take the profoundest interest in politics. When they had once molded a ruler to their will and made him the subservient instrument of their policy, they were ever at his side dictating to him the measures to be employed for the eradication of heresy and the complete reformation of his realm according to the Jesuit ideal, and they were ever ready, with full papal authority, to conduct inquisitorial work. “When Catholic or Protestant rulers opposed their schemes they made use of intrigue in the most unscrupulous manner for securing their overthrow.” --Newman, pages 374-375. “It was for this reason that nation after nation eventually sought to expel the Jesuits from their borders. [America will never do this now because, as Sister White warned would happen, if Protestants didn’t take heed, it is now “too late to escape the snare.” “As teachers to the youth, as well as to those of more mature years, the Jesuits knew how to concentrate their efforts. The marked ability of the Jesuit teachers, their unsurpassed knowledge of human nature, their affability of manners, and their remarkable adaptability to the idiosyncrasies and circumstances of each individual, made them practically irresistible when once they came into close relations with susceptible youth." --Newman, page 383. [This is why most youth who attend secular or church schools where these friendly demon possessed smiling monsters are in control, they get corrupted and leave the lovely Jesus, never to return.] “The Coadjutors as Secret Agents - “The Jesuit missionary or worker in any sphere may adapt his dress, manner of life, and occupation to the exigencies of the occasion. He may disguise himself and figure as a Protestant, or a Brahmin, if by so doing he can gain an entrance otherwise difficult for Catholic teaching.” Newman, page 373. Dear Sirs, “It is as secret agents sent out into the political systems, into the My hunger for significance led me to my public schools and universities, and into Protestant church suffering. Drugs, alcohol and greed for money organizations, that they achieve their highest success, and in the fullest blinded me from the greatest love I have ever sense, fulfill the purpose of their extensive training. Working their way known. Presently I am in prison since the 4th of into these organizations, they rise to leading responsibilities within, May. I blamed everything on God. I was so due to their fantastic self-discipline and thorough training. From such a angry and cursed God for my misfortune. Little vantage point they suggest, counter, compromise, and finally change did I know that God had a great plan for me. I the political or religious orientation of the entire organization into a have now read the book “National Sunday Law” new current. And, equally important, from this vantage ground they are and it was such a revelation that I almost fell flat able to aid in the hiring of other Jesuits into the organization, and clear on my back. I*m still recovering from the the way that they may eventually rise to key positions of power and enormity of it all. I believe everything written in influence. this book as it is 100% backed by scripture, and “At this point, they begin to work together for a more rapid growth I am convinced in my heart. I have such a great of Catholic belief among the work force and among those sponsoring desire to help our fellow brothers and sisters the organization. For now, as one would more outspokenly present new with this astounding truth and to share it with concepts, the others are able, through their voices on significant great love and concern. committees, to effectually quash opposition to the new ideas and the Thank you Father for thou has shown me new ways of doing things. Gradually a quiet acceptance of great love and gave me a second chance. compromise becomes the order of the day. But this steady erosion of Please send me a copy of “National Sunday basic principles is accompanied by a developing opposition to the very Law” and “Great Controversy” so I can ones who would seek to maintain these neglected principles. continue what God has instilled upon my life. Denounced as overly strict, they would be silenced, or separated from God wants me to go and tell people that Jesus the organization. [Just the other day an SDA lady told me that she is coming soon and very soon. I don*t want to works in a certain department of Loma Linda Univ. medical center. I take on the mark of the beast and I strongly have sweet memories of there because that’s where I met and married would like to keep the Sabbath day. Sweet Vennita. She said that all the workers but her in her department Your loving brother in Jesus Christ are Roman Catholics, and the head one is a Mormon - sharing his faith. Inmate, Benoni Prison, South Africa At the very top are a few SDAs, but they don’t say anything. She said that if a SDA shares his distinctive faith there, he will be persecuted.] How long will it be until GC 581 is fulfilled when Rome “strikes?” I praise God that Jesus is coming soon!] “A continual expression and promotion of strong loyalty to the organization and to its leaders enables them to quickly gain confidence and move upward. Then they quietly work to undermine the basic principles upon which it is based, by introducing doubts concerning Scriptural inspiration, principles and those who defend them. This is accompanied by a careful turning of the direction of thinking toward new ideas and concepts that are more in harmony with those of Rome. They have had centuries to carry on their work of infiltration and sabotage. The church of Rome can afford to work slowly – for it works sure.” If you want this whole article, or any article shown in this letter, just send anything to help cover the cost. Anything above that will be used to reach as many as we can with God’s last message while there’s any time left. You can see why the prophet of God cries out - “In the very time in which we live, the Lord has called His people [that’s you and me] and has given them a message to bear. He has called them to expose the wickedness of the man of sin who has made the Sunday law a distinctive power, who has thought to change times and laws, and to oppress the people of God who stand firmly to honor Him by keeping the only true Sabbath, the Sabbath creation, as holy unto the Lord.” TM 117, 118.

6 To do it in a loving and kind way is why the NSL preachers were born. I praise our mighty God that He is moving to open the dear people’s eyes. He is using His people and His angels to 1) get His honest people out of Sunday Babylon, and 2) wake His dear SDA people up from a stupor and fill them with His tender love - to reach those in Babylon with the last message that will be given to this world. I also praise God that many Roman Catholics who read the NSL preachers are coming out to join God’s SDA people to keep all the commandments of God! Let the Jesuits and the devil leap up and down. Listen to what our mighty God will do “God in His providence brought the Hebrews into the mountain fastnesses before the sea that He might manifest His power in their deliverance and signally humble the pride of their oppressors. He might have saved them in any other way, but He chose this method in order to test their faith and strengthen their trust in Him. The people were weary and terrified, yet if they had held back when Moses bade them advance, God would never have opened the path for them. It was ‘by faith’ that ‘they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land’ (Heb. 11:29). In marching down to the very water, they showed that they believed the word of God as spoken by Moses. They did all that was in their power to do, and then the Mighty One of Israel divided the sea to make a path for their feet. [Praise God!] “The great lesson here taught is for all time. Often the Christian life is beset by dangers, and duty seems hard to perform. The imagination pictures impending ruin before and bondage or death behind. Yet the voice of God speaks clearly, ‘Go forward.’ We should obey this command, even though our eyes cannot penetrate the darkness, and we feel the cold waves about our feet. The obstacles that hinder our progress will never disappear before a halting, doubting spirit. Those who defer obedience till every shadow of uncertainty disappears and there remains no risk of failure or defeat, will never obey at all. Unbelief whispers, ‘Let us wait till the obstructions are removed, and we can see our way clearly:’ but faith courageously urges an advance, hoping all things, believing all things. “The cloud that was a wall of darkness to the Egyptians was to the Hebrews a great flood of light, illuminating the whole camp, and shedding brightness upon the path before them. So the dealings of Providence bring to the unbelieving, darkness and despair, while to the trusting soul they are full of light and peace. The path where God leads the way may lie through the desert or the sea, but it is a safe path. [Praise God!] “From the most terrible peril one night had brought complete deliverance. [Our mighty God will do it again!] That vast, helpless throng – bondmen unused to battle, women, children, and cattle, If our kind Father impresses you to help us reach our goal in the 40 Million Man March, to with the sea before them, and the mighty armies of Egypt pressing reach another million souls in the great city of behind – had seen their path opened through the waters and their Phoenix, mark it below. I will still give the enemies overwhelmed in the moment of expected triumph. Jehovah entire 15 part DVD/video series free to all who alone had brought them deliverance, and to Him their hearts were get 1000 little preachers for a donation of 39¢ each with free shipping in the U.S. to help turned in gratitude and faith. Their emotion found utterance in save souls. songs of praise. The Spirit of God rested upon Moses, and he led the people in a triumphant anthem of thanksgiving, the earliest and one of the most sublime that are known to man. . . . “That song does not belong to the Jewish people alone. It points forward to the destruction of all the foes of righteousness and the final victory of the Israel of God. The prophet of Patmos beholds the white-robed multitude that have ‘gotten the victory,’ standing on the ‘sea of glass mingled with fire,’ having ‘the harps of God. And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb’ (Rev. 15:2, 3). CC 92,93. “Every act of obedience to Christ, every act of self-denial for His sake, every trial well endured, every victory gained over temptation, is a step in the march to the glory of final victory. If we take Christ for our guide, He will lead us safely. The veriest sinner need not miss his way. [Praise God!] Not one trembling seeker need fail of walking in pure and holy light. Though the path is so narrow, so holy that sin cannot be tolerated therein, yet access has been secured for all, and not one doubting, trembling soul need say, ‘God cares nought for me.’ [Wonderful Jesus! He died for you and me!] “And all the way up the steep road leading to eternal life are well-springs of joy to refresh the weary. Those who walk in wisdom’s ways are, even in tribulation, exceeding joyful; for He whom their soul loveth, walks, invisible, beside them. [Praise God!] At each upward step they discern more distinctly the touch of His hand; at every step brighter gleamings of glory from the Unseen fall upon their path; and their songs of praise, reaching ever a higher note, ascend to join the songs of angels before the throne. ‘The path of the righteous is as the light of dawn, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day’” AG 264. Praise God friend. Praise God! Your friend in Christ, Pastor Jan Please send me 1000 NSL preachers to help save souls for a donation Mark the things you want free because of 39¢ each with free shipping, and with the free things that I’ve you are getting NSL preachers to help checked in the box to the right__. Send me 2000 NSL preachers for a save souls. Send me 1000 NSL preachers donation of 37¢ each with free shipping, and the free things I’ve free because I’m getting 10,000 for a checked in the box, plus to come free to the next one week medical donation of 36¢ each __. Send me the 15 part video__ DVD__ series entitled missionary soul-winning school __. Send me 10,000 NSL preachers “Catholic Charismatic Attack (on God’s for a donation of 36¢ each with 1000 extra free __. Please send me the SDA church),” plus send me the new DVD 15 part CCA video series ___ DVD series ___for a donation of $10 per __, video__, entitled “Behind Church Doors, (a shocking glimpse)” because I’m video or DVD __. Please send me the new DVD__ video__ “Behind getting 1000 NSLs__ to help save souls Church Doors” for my donation __. I want 100 NSLs for a donation of for a donation of 39¢ each __. 54¢ each with free shipping __ . I want 200 NSL preachers for a donation of 49¢ each with free shipping, and the new DVD__, video__. Please send me Pastor Jan’s song CD entitled “Songs That Touch Your Heart” for a donation of $10 each__. Please send me Pastor Jan’s new book for young people entitled Cousin Henry Potter {and the Terrible Time Machine} for my donation of $10 ___. Please use this donation to help bulk mail NSL preachers to reach another one million souls in the wicked city of Phoenix in the 40 Million Man ___. Number of books _____ videos ___ Amount of donation $___________ U.S. Name ____________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Address ________________________________________________City ________________________Zip_______ Make checks to M.V. Society of SDAs, P. O. Box 68, Thompsonville, Il. 62890 12.06

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