December Newsletter

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RSA Newsletter



Holiday Edition

Volunteer Opportunity

Social Events

Community News

E-mail [email protected] with contributions, questions, and comments.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Happy Holidays 1 Kids Corner


Game Night




Monthly Meet-








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Happy Holidays It’s Holiday Season again! Thanksgiving proved to be what it truly is intended to be– a time to reflect on all we have to be thankful for. Many RSA members came together to celebrate the holiday at the McRay’s house. It was truly a wonderful feast!

Although many of us were unable to be with our loved ones on Thanksgiving due to being on call, or just not being able to get any time off, it was wonderful to spend the holiday with our JPS family. Here’s to hoping for a Christmas as wonderful as this Thanksgiving

was! Thanks to the McRays, the Brantley’s, and everyone else who contributed to this year’s Thanksgiving feast!

Kid’s Corner: Christmas Cookies! We are trying to get more activities for JPS kiddos up and running. This month we have a great activity planned for Tuesday the 8th at 10 AM, Bring the kids over to Katie Hakes house, located at 1147 Grove court in Burleson, TX, for some fun decorating

sugar cookies! Please feel free to bring dough, cookie cutters, icing, and sprinkles. There will be some there, but the more the better! Afterwards, everyone can enjoy the cookies together.



Game Night! (Ornament Exchange Edition) Friday, December 11th, 7 P.M. BRING YOUR BEST GAME! Let’s get together for some fun and games!

This Game Night is also a holiday ornament exchange. Let’s keep it real and only get ornaments that are under five dollars! This gathering is pot-luck, so please bring your favorite snacks and drinks. Christmas type items. Hot cocoa, cookies, cider, or other holiday foods would be a great idea.

Bring games and an ornament to exchange.

Twilight: Midnight Mayhem by Merlyn Savvikko A Group of RSA girls got together for the midnight showing of Twilight

Twilight. Some people squeal when they hear, see or read that word while others die a little inside (according to men I have encountered). No matter what critics say or

people think, this movie was a big hit opening night. It holds the record for most box office single day ticket sales, ever! A favorite website of mine for movie re-

views, Rotten Tomatoes gave this movie a whopping 29%. They stated, “The Twilight Saga's second installment may satisfy hardcore fans of the series, but outsiders are likely

RSA Monthly Meeting/Toy Drive No Meeting This month! Toy Drive instead!


Due to the holidays, there will be no monthly meeting during the month of December. I figure we


could all use the extra time to do some Christmas shopping. We’ll meet again in January! In the meantime, bring toys to donate to JPS by Sara

Brinker’s house. 1701 S. Henderson Is the drop off location, and all toys will be donated to JPS kids in the hospital over Christmas.






In the Community with good friends and a to lot of laughs! celebrate All RSA memMerlyn’s bers and birthday! spouses and friends are invited for a night in Downtown Fort Worth. We are starting at Flying Saucer at 7 for a quick drink and dinner. A Night on the town

Thursday, December 17th Merlyn is turning 24! In celebration of one year away from her mid twenties, let’s spend the night

Then we’ll head over to Curtis Needs A Ride at Four Day Weekend for only 10 dollars a person for a show at 8pm. RSVP at [email protected] Your presence is the only present required!!

TWILIGHT (cont.) to be turned off by its slow pace, relentlessly downcast tone, and excessive length.” I would have to say the best part about this quote is the fact that hardcore fans DO enjoy the movies. The beginning of all this New Moon craze was when Samantha sent me a text, stating that she was buying New Moon tickets and would buy me mine as well if I was interested. I immediately contacted Denise and Lesley to inform them that Samantha, Sara and Trina had purchased their tickets and if we want to join them, I

need to know, NOW! After frantic text messages that felt like forever but really only lasted five minutes, I gave Samantha the green light to buy three more tickets. The excitement kicked in all too soon. We were a month away from the New Moon release date and the anticipation was extreme. The lovely RSA gals got together at my house for craft day. This craft day turned into New Moon tshirt making with a lot of creative ideas. Some shirt were PG while others were not, but all in good fun of course! Opening night had finally arrived and we were deter-

mined to make a night out of it! We all go together for dinner at Olive Garden where we realized that we subconsciously picked a restaurant that represents Italy- more specifically in our case, the Volturi. As we arrived we had eyes on our shirts. The silliness of it all kicked in as we giggled into our chairs. We had a group of girls offer us 300 dollars for tickets. I knew they were not serious as they were no older than


JPS RSA Check out our facebook group: JPS RSA

Twilight (cont.) 16. If they had the money, I still don’t know if I could give up such a great night with great friends! Our waiter took an extra interest in Denise’s Team Jacob shirt- he made dinner very entertaining! We arrived at the movie theater after dinner just in time to be 500th in line. This held true until about 10pm when everyone arrived to find their best friends saving a spot for them in line. Despite the cutting and saving spots in line, we were still closer to the front than the back. As we enter the theater, with all the excitement in me coming to the surface, I book it into a movie theater. I suddenly felt like a little school girl when I was informed by a Ridgmar Movie Theater employee to “Stop running!!” The girls found it entertaining and I have to admit, I did too. As we spot some seats for all of us to sit together I feel a huge amount of disappointment with sea the location. I truly felt that standing in line for that long deserved a better spot in the movie theater. I told the girls that I was on a mission to find us seats and warned Samantha to have her phone by her so I can call her WHEN I find something better. With my determination, I found us seats in the center, close enough to see every definition of Jacob’s abs. (Okay, I had to add that a 17 year old boy has the sculpted body of a man!). The girls were so understanding and willing to relocate which made me more happy than anyone else in that theater! We entertained ourselves by playing games, talking and watching Twilight clips on Trina’s phone. Samantha and I enjoyed watching the make-out scene over and over again. In order to not spoil the movie for future New Mooners, I will spare details of what parts were my favorite. I do want to say that the movie was well done, and followed the book closely and really grasped Jacob’s character- and body. (Okay, I know... but I can’t help it!) Bella and Edward went through a lot of emotions and the movie really portrayed their relationship- like the book. With some cheesy parts that were definitely for a good laugh, some intense scenes that had me biting my nails and the love triangle drama that had some of us rooting for Team Jacob and others for Team Edward, this movie was all I wanted it to be- and more. When it ended, my heart sank as I knew I wanted more! I know that if they offered to play it again that morning, I would have stayed. The overall experience with great friends I believe made the movie even better. I highly recommend you watch it, especially if your a Twilight fanatic. You can even borrow my Team Edward shirt! I do have a disclaimer: If you’re Team Edward- Jacob steals your heart away. (Really it’s the 30 pounds of muscle he gained- OK last time I promise!). In the end however, I’m still Team Edward because the words that come out of his mouth make my heart melt. Those that are Team Jacob- just beware... your love for him will only increase!!

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