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CS520: Introduction to Database Design & Engineering Fall 2002

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Database Course Differentiation Credit not given for both classes since they are similar in content


CS 425 Prerequisite: CS401 Emphasis:


» Database Design & Use » Application Development 

Project: » Application Development

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

CS 520 Prerequisite: CS402 Emphasis: » Database Design & Eng. » DBMS Development

Project: » DBMS Development



Introduction SQL Database Design Query Optimization Recovery and Concurrency Control Integration of Structured Data and Text Distributed Database Systems

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

1 - 44 45 - 122 123 - 188 189 - 211 212 - 233 234 - 241 242 - end



Initially, installations wrote separate applications with large amounts of repeated code to implement concurrency control, security, and recovery.

This was a lot of wasted effort that was also very much error prone

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Example of Common Functionality Payroll



User Interface Business Logic

User Interface Business Logic

User Interface Business Logic

Concurrency Control

Concurrency Control

Concurrency Control







(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Database System Example Payroll



User Interface Business Logic

User Interface Business Logic

User Interface Business Logic

Database System Concurrency Control Security Recovery (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



DBMS - a Database Management System is a set of routines that is capable of providing the following basic functions: » Add » Delete » Update » Retrieve

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Primitive Functionality 

Add (X) = Find (X); If not found then insert (X) else return (error_code)

Delete (X) = Find (X); If found then remove (X) else return (error_code) (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Primitive Functionality (cont) 

Update (X, Y) = Delete (X); If not error_code then Add (Y)

Retrieve (X) = Delete (X); If not error_code then Add (X)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Database Models 

Network » Any links supporting quick access

Hierarchical » Links but no cycles (hierarchy)

Relational » Data Independence

Object – Oriented » Entity Abstraction (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Inverted Index I N D E X

Posting List (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Inverted List Example Hank

Record 1

Record 3

Record 5

Query: find all occurrences of the name (value of attribute) is ‘Hank’ in the database: Hash to the value Hank in the “index” Scan the posting list for all occurrences

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Inverted Index 

Associates a posting list with each attribute value abacus: abatement: … zoology: 83: 2002:

(F3AB, 873A, FF32) (6A15) (D381, DA32) (F623, B001, 879D, 76AA) (AAAA, BBBB, CCCC)

Inverted because it lists for each attribute the location on disk where the value is stored. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Building an Inverted Index 

For each relation r in the collection » For each attribute t in relation r – Find attribute t in the item dictionary – If term t exists, add a new disk location to its posting list – Otherwise,  

Add attribute value t to the item dictionary Add a node to the posting list

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


File Organizations 

Unsorted files (Heap Files) – Good storage efficiency, fast insertion, deletion. – Slow searches

Sorted Files – Good storage efficiency and search of range – Slow insertion and deletion – not practical (files never sorted) => B+ tree data structure

Hashed-Based Files – –

Not efficient storage Fast insertion, deletion, and equality searches

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Sample Database 

Hank graduated: » Michigan » IIT » MIT

Hank worked: » IBM » Intel » Bellcore » Harris (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Network Model MIT



Graduated Hank Worked IBM


(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002




Hierarchical Model Hank Graduated



Worked IBM



(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

Intel Harris


Relational Model Person Hank Hank Hank

Graduated IIT MIT Michigan

Key: (Person, Graduated)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

Person Hank Hank Hank Hank

Worked IBM Intel Harris Bellcore

Key: (Person, Worked)


Object Oriented Model Type

EMPLOYEE begin name : char (20); graduated : SETOF (schools); worked : SETOF (companies); end;

INSERT ( 1,Hank, {IIT, Michigan, MIT}, {IBM, Intel, Bellcore, Harris} )

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Relational Model    

The initial paper on the relational model was written in 1969 by Codd. System R was a relational prototype implemented in the mid 70’s by IBM. Ingres was a relational prototype implemented at UC Berkeley in the mid 70’s. Finally, commercial offerings of relational systems started with Oracle in 1979 and was quickly followed by SQL/DS and DB2 by IBM in the mid 80’s.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Data Independence 

The relational model allows users to simply specify what data they require, not how to get them. This is referred to as data independence and is a key contribution of the relational model. Older models are referred to as navigational as users must navigate through the data and follow pointers from one datum to another.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Structure of RDBMS User Query Query Optimizer Operators File Manager Buffer Manager Disk Space Manager

Concurrency Control & Crash Recovery: Transaction Manager Lock Manager Recovery Manager

DB (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Relational Model 

Relational algebra is used to specify the operations allowed within the relational model.

Relational algebra is theoretically based on set theory.

A relation can be illustrated as a table of rows and columns. The table is referred to as a relation, rows are referred to as tuples, and columns are attributes.

Relational operators are closed. A relational operation applied to a relation always results in a relation.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Example Relation:

EMPLOYEE(emp#, name, department, salary)

















Table Row Column (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

= = =

Relation Tuple Attribute 25

Formal Definition IF R is the set of attributes (columns), commonly referred to as schema, then r(R) is a mapping of a set of tuples (rows ), commonly referred to as instance. Since each attribute is restricted to a limited domain, a relation is actually a subset of: dom(A1) x dom(A2) x dom(A3) where dom(X) indicates the domain or set of valid values for attribute X. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Characteristics of Relations  

No inherent ordering of tuples. Conceptually, no inherent ordering of attributes. In practice, attributes are ordered based on the initial schema definition. All attribute values within a tuple should be atomic (1NF).

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Key Attributes 


Since a relation is merely just a set of tuples, NO DUPLICATE ELEMENTS are theoretically possible. (Unfortunately, some implementations violate this uniqueness definition) A column or set of columns must uniquely identify a tuple. Superkey - any combination of attributes that uniquely identify a tuple.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Keys (continued) 

Key - a superkey from R such that the removal of any attribute results in a set of attributes that is NOT a superkey. Hence, a key is a: MINIMAL SUPERKEY

Ex: (emp#, name, department, salary) is a superkey but not a key, because name, department, or salary could be removed and we would still have the superkey, emp#.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Candidate Keys  

It is possible that more than one set of attributes qualify as a key. These are called candidate keys. Typically, one is chosen and referred to as the primary key. This key is underlined in the description of the relation. EMPLOYEE(emp#, name, department, salary)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Student-Grade Database Student #



1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 6

4.0 4.0 4.0 3.8 3.0 2.1 3.5 3.4 3.9 3.6 4.0 3.1

Bachelors Masters Doctorate Bachelors Masters Bachelors Bachelors Masters Doctorate Bachelors Associates Bachelors

Key: (Student#, Degree) – Assumes only one degree type per person (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


SELECT SELECT - extract tuples from a relation Syntax:

σ<selection condition> (Relation Name)

σGPA=4.0 (SG) - obtains all tuples from the Student-Grade (SG) relation where the GPA is 4.0. Student #



1 1 1 6

4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0

Bachelors Masters Doctorate Associates

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Project Project retrieves columns from a table Syntax:

π (Relation Name)

πstudent#, degree(SG) Retrieves student number and degree from the StudentGrade relation.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Single – Scan Project

πstudent#, degree(SG) Student #


1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 6

Bachelors Masters Doctorate Bachelors Masters Bachelors Bachelors Masters Doctorate Bachelors Associates Bachelors

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Multiple – Scan Project

πstudent#, GPA(SG) Student #


1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 6

4.0 4.0 4.0 3.8 3.0 2.1 3.5 3.4 3.9 3.6 4.0 3.1

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Undergrad & Graduate Student Grade Database Student # 1 1 2 4 4

Graduate (GSG) Key: (Student#, Degree)

Student #

Undergrad (USG) (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

1 2 3 4 5 6 6

GPA 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.4 3.9

GPA 4.0 3.8 2.1 3.5 3.6 4.0 3.1

Degree Masters Doctorate Masters Masters Doctorate

Degree Bachelors Bachelors Bachelors Bachelors Bachelors Associates Bachelors 36

Set Theoretic Operations: USG UNION GSG List all information on all students

Student #



1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 6

4.0 4.0 4.0 3.8 3.0 2.1 3.5 3.4 3.9 3.6 4.0 3.1

Bachelors Masters Doctorate Bachelors Masters Bachelors Bachelors Masters Doctorate Bachelors Associates Bachelors

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Set Theoretic Operations: πstudent#(USG) INTERSECTION πstudent#(GSG) List all students who were both graduate and undergraduate students

Grad & Undergrad (GU)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

Student # 1 2 4


Set Theoretic Operations: πstudent#(USG) DIFFERENCE πstudent#(GSG) List all students who were undergraduate but not graduate students

Only Undergrads (OU)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

Student # 3 5 6


Cartesian Product 

Relational Algebra includes: GU x OU For the sets:





GU 4

GU x OU =

5 6

<1,3> <2,3> <4,3>

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

<1,5> <2,5> <4,5>

<1,6> <2,6> <4,6> 40

θ - Join 

θ - Join is a Cartesian product with the addition of a

condition that determines which tuples are selected. 

Can be logically viewed as: » Step 1: Cartesian Product » Step 2: Select from result of Step 1

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Additional Join Types  

In a θ - Join, the joining attributes are explicitly specified. An Equi - Join is the most common θ - Join with an equality as the condition.

A Natural - Join is an Equi-Join where the joining attributes are all those attributes with a common name (implicitly specified)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


πstudent#,degree(GSG) Equi-Join πstudent#,GPA(USG) Student #



1 1 2 4 4

4.0 4.0 3.8 3.5 3.5

Masters Doctorate Masters Masters Doctorate

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Relational Algebra Summary       

Relations are viewed as sets. Relational operations are closed. Any operation on one or more relations yields a relation. No inherent ordering. Unary Operators: SELECT, PROJECT Binary Operators: UNION, INTERSECTION, SET DIFFERENCE, CARTESIAN PRODUCT, JOIN Single Scan: SELECT, PROJECT including key Multiple Scan: All others (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Structured Query Language (SQL)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Structured Query Language    

First relational query language, SQUARE was implemented in System R (1975). SQUARE was followed by SEQUEL. First commercial implementation, Oracle (1979), followed closely by SQL/DS in 1982. Major SQL DBMS vendors: Oracle, IBM (DB2), Sybase, Informix, Computer Associates, and Microsoft.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


SQL Overview 

Data Manipulation Language (DML) » » » »


Data Definition Language (DDL) » CREATE TABLE » CREATE INDEX » GRANT

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


SELECT Overview 

Single Relation » SELECT » Boolean Operators » IN » BETWEEN » Aggregate Operators » Calculated Attributes » Sorting » Wildcard Searches » GROUP BY » HAVING » NULLS » Varchar Multiple Relations

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Syntax: SELECT <list of columns> FROM <list of tables> Ex: SELECT p#,name,qty FROM PARTS Ex: SELECT * FROM PARTS

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002




1 2 3

Nut Bolt Wheel

42 25 15


Select with WHERE SELECT <list of columns> FROM <list of tables> WHERE <list of conditions> <list of conditions> is of the form: [=,<,>,<>,<=,>=] EX:


(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

name Wheel

qty 15


Use of Boolean Operators Conditions can be separated by Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT EX: “List information about parts 1 and 2” SELECT * p# name qty FROM PARTS Nut 42 WHERE p# = 1 OR p# = 2 1 2 Bolt 25 EX: “LIST information about all wheels that contain more than 20 in stock” SELECT * FROM PARTS WHERE name = ‘Wheel’ and qty > 20

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Shortcut Number 1: IN To find information for a list of values, the IN operator may be used: Ex: “List the name of all parts whose part # is 1,2, or 5” SELECT name FROM PARTS WHERE p# IN (1, 2, 5)

Name Nut Bolt

instead of: WHERE (p# = 1) OR (p# = 2) OR (p# = 5) (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Shortcut Number 2: BETWEEN To find values within a range, it is often easier to use BETWEEN. Ex: “Find all parts where the quantity on hand is greater than or equal to twenty parts, but less than or equal to fifty.” p# name qty SELECT * 1 Nut 42 FROM PARTS 2 Bolt 25 WHERE qty BETWEEN 20 and 50 instead of: WHERE qty >= 20 AND qty <= 50 (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Aggregate Operators A common requirement is to compute statistics such as MIN, MAX, and AVERAGE on a range of data. Ex: Find the min, max, and average quantity of all wheels. SELECT MIN(qty), MAX(qty), AVG(qty) FROM PARTS min(qty) max(qty) avg(qty) WHERE name = ‘Wheel’ 15 15 15

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Calculated Attributes A new attribute is obtained by using arithmetic operators (+,-, *, /) on other numeric attributes. All operators follow standard precedence. Ex: List all parts and their quantity given an increase of 20%

p# 1 SELECT p#,name,(qty+(qty*.2)) ‘qty’ 2 3 FROM PARTS

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

name qty Nut 50 Bolt 30 Wheel 18 55

Sorting ORDER BY <list of attributes> [DESC] can be added to SELECT to obtain sorted output. Ex: List all part names in ascending order: SELECT p#, name, qty FROM PARTS ORDER BY name

p# name 2 Bolt 1 Nut 3 Wheel

qty 25 42 15

For descending order change to: ORDER BY name DESC (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Sorting Calculated Attributes To refer to a computed attribute in the ORDER BY, use the position in the list of columns following SELECT. Ex: “List all part information in descending order of a projected 20 percent reduction in quantity” SELECT p#,name,(qty-(qty*.2)) ‘qty’ FROM PARTS ORDER BY 3 DESC (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

p# 1 2 3

name qty Nut 34 Bolt 20 Wheel 12 57

Wildcard Searches of Strings The LIKE operator is used to search parts of a string. The following wildcard characters are used: % - zero or more characters _ - exactly one character Ex: List all parts whose name starts with a ‘W’ p# name SELECT * 3 Wheel FROM PARTS WHERE name LIKE ‘W%’ (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

qty 15


More LIKE Examples Ex: List all parts whose name starts with a ‘W’ and ends with an ‘L’ p# name Wheel WHERE name LIKE ‘W%L’ 3 Ex: List all parts whose name is three characters long and starts with a ‘N’ name WHERE name LIKE ‘N__’ p# 1

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


qty 15

qty 42


Review List all parts whose name starts with a ‘W’ or whose part number is either 2,4,8,11,12,13,14,15. Sort the list in descending order by quantity. SELECT * FROM PARTS WHERE _____ LIKE _______ OR _____ IN (_,_,_) OR ______ BETWEEN __ AND __ ORDER BY ____ DESC (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Review (Answer) List all parts whose name starts with a ‘W’ or whose part number is either 2,4,8,11,12,13,14,15. Sort the list in descending order by quantity. SELECT * FROM PARTS WHERE name LIKE ‘W%’ OR p# IN (2,4,8) OR p# BETWEEN 11 AND 15 ORDER BY qty DESC (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


More Review Ex: List the total number of parts that would exist if quantity was increased by 25 percent.

Ex: List all parts that would have a quantity greater than 50, if the quantity was increased by 25 percent.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


More Review (Answer) Ex: List the total number of parts that would exist if the quantity was increased by 25 percent. SELECT SUM(qty + qty * .25) FROM PARTS Sum(qty + qty * .25) 103

Ex: List all parts that would have a quantity greater than 50, if the quantity was increased by 25 percent. SELECT * p# name 1 Nut FROM PARTS WHERE qty + qty * .25 > 50 (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

qty 42


GROUP BY It is often necessary to review data about groups of related tuples. Consider an employee relation that contains the “Department” attribute. Assume one employee may work in only a single department. DEPARTMENT partitions the EMP set into subsets: Sales Marketing Service Finance (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


GROUP BY (continued) EMPLOYEE (emp#, name, salary, department) emp# name salary department 1 2 3

Fred Mike Sam

200 300 400

Sales Sales Sales

4 5

Martha Juanita

350 500

Marketing Marketing





7 8

Tom Sue

200 900

Service Service

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


GROUP BY (continued) For each department, list the average salary. SELECT department, AVG(salary) FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY department department AVG(salary) Sales 300 Marketing 425 Finance 800 Service 550 (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Group By (continued) If a WHERE clause exists, it is executed as well. Ex: For each department, list the highest salary, but exclude all employees whose name starts with a ‘S’ SELECT department, MAX(salary) FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE name NOT LIKE ‘S%’ GROUP BY department (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


GROUP BY (continued) department Sales Marketing Service

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

max(salary) 300 500 200


GROUP BY (continued) More refined groups are obtained by using multiple attributes in GROUP BY. Add the attribute “REGION” to the employee relation. Now the department partition may be partitioned into different regions. North West




(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


GROUP BY (continued) EMPLOYEE (emp#, name, salary, department,rgn) emp# name salary department rgn 1 2 3

Fred Mike Sam

200 300 400

Sales Sales Sales

north north east

4 5

Martha Juanita

350 500

Marketing Marketing

west west






7 8

Tom Sue

200 900

Service Service

north south

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


GROUP BY (multiple partitions) To specify more than one partition, simply add more attributes after the GROUP BY: Ex: Compute the average salary for each region within each department. SELECT department, region, AVG(salary) FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY department, region (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


GROUP BY (continued) department Sales Sales Marketing Finance Service Service

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

reg avg(salary) north 250 east 400 west 425 south 800 north 200 south 900


HAVING (restricts groups) Syntax: HAVING (list of conditions) Aggregate functions used (SUM, MIN, MAX, COUNT). Ex: List the average salary for all departments that have more than two employees. SELECT department, AVG(salary) FROM EMPLOYEE department avg(salary) GROUP BY department Sales 300 HAVING COUNT(*) > 2 (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


HAVING (continued) Ex: List the minimum salary in departments sales, marketing and service as long as the department has an average salary greater than 400. SELECT department, MIN(salary) FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE department IN (‘sales’,’marketing’,’service’) GROUP BY department HAVING AVG(salary) > 400 department min(salary) Marketing 350 (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Multiple Entity Relationships Multiple tables needed to store multi-entity relationships. One to many: One parent may have many children Many to one: Many people may attend a single meeting Many to Many: Students graduate from multiple colleges Each college graduates by many students (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Single Relation Design It is tempting to try and stuff all multi-valued relationships into a single relation: emp# name salary 1 Fred 200 2 Ethel 300 3



(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

college1 Harvard IIT

college2 Michigan




college3 Unused Unused



Problems with Poor Design 

Incompleteness » Unable to store more than three colleges per individual. Many to many relationships can have an infinite number of values. Query Complexity » Queries such as “list all colleges attended by Mike” become substantially more difficult. Wasted Storage » Many entries are not used. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Multiple Relations: 2 Relations for Many-Many EMPLOYEE emp# name salary 1 Fred 200 2






emp# 1

COLLEGE name Harvard

2 2

IIT Michigan

3 3 3

MIT Stanford IIT

emp# in EMPLOYEE is a primary key emp# in COLLEGE is a foreign key emp#,name in COLLEGE is a primary key (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Preserving Relationships 

Joining the two relations restores the original relation assuming a key is part of the partitioning.

Poor partitioning may result in additional spurious tuples being introduced.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



Explicit indication of the join attribute conditions. Typically involves joining on foreign key attributes. List all colleges attended by “Mike” SELECT b.name FROM EMPLOYEE a, COLLEGE b WHERE a.emp# = b.emp# AND a.name = ‘Mike’ name MIT Stanford IIT

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Problem with only using Two Relations for Many-Many Suppose we need to maintain the college location as well. location must be replicated many times. EMPLOYEE emp# name salary 1 Fred 200 2






(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

COLLEGE emp# name 1 Harvard 2 IIT 2 Michigan 3 MIT 3 Stanford 3 IIT

location Boston Chicago Ann Arbor Boston Stanford Chicago


Use of 3 Relations To avoid needless repetition, we create a separate table for each of the two entities involved in a many-many relationship, and then a third “linking” relation to contain data about the relationship between the entities. All 1-1 information about employees: EMPLOYEE(emp#, name, salary) All 1-1 information about colleges: COLLEGE(col#, name, location) All data pertaining to a single employee attending a single college: ATTENDS(emp#, col#, gpa)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Use of Three Relations (continued) COLLEGE

EMPLOYEE emp# 1 2 3

name Fred Ethel Mike

salary 200 300 400

col# 11 22 33 44 55

name Harvard IIT Michigan MIT Stanford

location Boston Chicago Ann Arbor Boston Stanford

ATTENDS emp# 1 2 2 3 3 3

col# 11 22 33 44 55 22

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

gpa 2.45 3.79 3.65 2.85 2.65 4.0 83

Sample Query (3 Relations) Ex: List the names of all colleges attended by “Mike.” SELECT b.name FROM EMPLOYEE a, COLLEGE b, ATTENDS c WHERE a.emp# = c.emp# AND name b.col# = c.col# AND Michigan MIT a.name = ‘Mike’ Stanford

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Sample Query (3 Relations) Ex: List the names of all employees who attended Harvard. SELECT a.name FROM EMPLOYEE a, COLLEGE b, ATTENDS c WHERE a.emp# = c.emp# AND b.col# = c.col# AND name Fred b.name = ‘Harvard’

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Subqueries Instead of hard-coding the list that is used by IN, it is possible to dynamically generate the list using a subquery. Ex:

SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE emp# IN (1,2,3,4,5,7)

could be rewritten as; Ex:


Assuming SAMPLE(num) is a relation with tuples: 1,2,3,4,5, and 7. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


EXISTS EXISTS prefaces a subquery and evaluate to TRUE if one or more tuples are present in the result set of the subquery. Ex: List all employees who attended at least one college. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE a WHERE EXISTS (SELECT c.emp# FROM ATTENDS c WHERE c.emp# = a.emp#) (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


DISTINCT DISTINCT is used to remove duplicates. Ex: List all distinct salaries. SELECT DISTINCT(salary) FROM EMPLOYEE

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

distinct (salary) 200 300 400


UNION The union of two result sets (of the same data type) is obtained via the UNION operator (duplicates are removed). The OR query can be written using UNION: Syntax: <SQL select statement> UNION <SQL select statement> Ex: Obtain billing from 2000 and 2001. SELECT * FROM BILL2000 UNION SELECT * FROM BILL2001 (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


EXCEPT Syntax: <SQL select statement> EXCEPT <SQL select statement> Ex: Find employees, who attended IIT but not MIT. SELECT e.emp# FROM EMPLOYEE a, COLLEGE b, ATTENDS c WHERE a.emp# = c.emp# AND b.col# = c.col# AND b.name = ‘IIT’ EXCEPT SELECT e.emp# FROM EMPLOYEE a, COLLEGE b, ATTENDS c WHERE a.emp# = c.emp# AND b.col# = c.col# AND b.name = ‘MIT’ (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Other Data Manipulation 

UPDATE » Modify tuples in a single relation DELETE » Remove tuples from a single relation INSERT » Add tuples to a single relation

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


INSERT Syntax: INSERT INTO [list of columns] VALUES (<list of values>) Ex. For the relation: EMPLOYEE (emp#, name, salary) INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE (emp#, name, salary) VALUES (5, ‘Herbert’, 200) Note: If optional column list is not found, the values must be listed in the order of their initial definition

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


INSERT - Format 2 Syntax: INSERT INTO
(select statement) Ex: Copy all tuples in the EMPLOYEE relation and place them in NEW_EMPLOYEE INSERT INTO NEW_EMPLOYEE SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


<list of assignments separated by commas> WHERE where is of the form: SET = Ex: Modify John’s salary to 150 UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET salary = 150.00 WHERE name = ‘John’ (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


UPDATE (continued) An assignment statement may contain a numeric expression: Ex: Give all employees a ten percent raise. UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET salary = salary * 1.10

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


WHERE Ex: Remove all employees who work in department 5 DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE dept = 5 To remove all employees: DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Data Definition Language (DDL) » » » » » » »

Create Table Drop Table Create Index Drop Index GRANT REVOKE ALTER TABLE

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


[ ], .... [ ]


) typical data types are: CHAR(x), VARCHAR(x), SMALLINT, INTEGER, DATE, TIME, DECIMAL (x,y)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Varying Length Character VARCHAR(x) indicates that a string will be no longer than x characters. Fixed length strings are padded to fill fixed space. Varying length strings have a Length Indicator. FIXED 200

Hank FILL 252.35

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


4 Hank 252.35


Effect of Varying Length Columns on Performance FIXED tuple 1 tuple 2 tuple 3 tuple 4 tuple 5

VARCHAR tuple 1 tuple 2 (cont) tuple 3 (cont) tuple 4 tuple 5

tuple 2 tuple 3

A modification to the FIXED table only affects one tuple. A modification to VARCHAR might result in the reshuffling or copying to OVERFLOW of other tuples so that they fit on a single page. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Rule of Thumb (VARCHAR) Avoid VARCHAR when it is not necessary. One “rule of thumb” is to avoid VARCHAR when the maximum savings is less then thirty characters. Advantage: Save storage Disadvantage: Degrades performance of UPDATE

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



An attribute may be defined as null. This indicates that the value is unknown and avoids the need for user-defined special indicators. CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE (emp# SMALLINT, name CHAR(20), salary


(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Effect of Nulls on Performance Any data in a tuple that allows nulls is prefaced by a null indicator.

Null Indicator 200


252.35 Null Indicator (1 byte)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

No Null 200

Hank 252.35


Effect of Nulls on Performance    

A table that specifies about NULLS results in one byte added for each tuple stored in the relation. This can be a tremendous waste of storage if no data are ever NULL. Most DBMS default to allow NULLS, while many real world applications do not require NULLS. Performance of retrieval and update is slightly degraded because the null indicator must be examined before checking tuple content.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Syntax Modifications for Nulls 

Allow NULL specification in INSERT » To add an employee whose salary is unknown: – INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE (3,’Hank’, null) Use of NULL in select. SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE salary IS NULL

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



The relational model does not specify how data should be accessed. To create a separate access path, SQL allows users to use CREATE INDEX to create a separate structure, called access method. Usually B+tree is used. Ex: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX I1 ON EMPLOYEE (num) SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE num = 25 will use a B-tree instead of a sequential scan. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



To remove an index use: DROP INDEX

To remove a table use: DROP TABLE

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Referential Integrity  

When a primary key is modified, it is often necessary to delete the corresponding foreign keys. A single employee id might be a foreign key in many tables. Employee


(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002




Specification of Primary and Foreign Key EMPLOYEE(emp#, name, salary) and COLLEGE (emp#, col#, col_name) emp# is a primary key in the EMPLOYEE relation and emp# is a foreign key of the COLLEGE relation. CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE CREATE TABLE COLLEGE (emp# SMALLINT, (emp# SMALLINT, name CHAR(20), col# SMALLINT, salary DECIMAL(5,2), col_name CHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (emp#)) FOREIGN KEY K1 (emp#) REFERENCES EMPLOYEE ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY (emp#, col#)) (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Referential Integrity (continued) 

ON DELETE: » [CASCADE, SET NULL, RESTRICT] CASCADE » A delete to a primary key results in a delete of all corresponding tuples that contain the foreign key. SET NULL » A delete to a primary key results in null values placed in all corresponding foreign keys. RESTRICT » A delete to primary key results in an error if a matching foreign key exists.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Views A view is a logical relation. It is defined as a subset of tuples and attributes of a physical (base) relation. Syntax: CREATE VIEW as <sql select> Ex: Create a view on the EMPLOYEE relation such that the salary attribute is omitted. CREATE VIEW V1 AS (SELECT num, name FROM EMPLOYEE) Now a user may be given access to only V1 without access to the base relation: EMPLOYEE. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Views (continued) The tuples in the base relation may be restricted by adding a WHERE condition to the view definition. EX: Create a view that contains information only about employees in named ‘Steve’ CREATE VIEW V2 as (SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE name = ‘Steve’) Any queries against V2 are executed by merging the view definition with the query to ensure the result set only accesses data allowed by the view. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


View Insert An insert to a view that does not contain all of the attributes in the base relation results in the additional attributes being set to NULL. This is only valid if nulls are permitted. Ex: Consider the view V1 that omits the SALARY attribute. INSERT INTO V1 (4, ‘Hank’) is equivalent to: INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE (4,’Hank’, null) A null value will be placed in the salary attribute.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Security and Authorization Access to relations and views is controlled by the GRANT and REVOKE statements. GRANT [ALL, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE] ON to <list of userid> Ex: Give John access to all EMPLOYEE data and ensure that Mary and Sue may not look at employee salaries. GRANT ALL ON EMPLOYEE TO JOHN GRANT SELECT ON V1 TO MARY, SUE (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


GRANT (continued) 

Optionally, “with grant option” may be specified to allow the recipient to grant access to the privileges which are being given. If user1 issues: » GRANT SELECT ON T1 TO USER2 WITH GRANT OPTION User 2 may now: » GRANT SELECT ON USER1.T1 to USER3

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


GRANT (continued)  

A GRANT of the UPDATE operation may be restricted to only certain columns of the object. Ex: » Give John the ability to update only the SALARY attribute. » GRANT UPDATE(salary) on EMPLOYEE to JOHN » “PUBLIC” is a special user name that implies all users » GRANT ALL ON SUPPLIER TO PUBLIC gives all users access to all of the tuples in the SUPPLIER relation. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



Removes access from a user REVOKE ON FROM <list of userids> Ex: remove Mary’s access to look at employee data. REVOKE SELECT ON EMPLOYEE FROM MARY

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


System Catalogs 

System catalogs contain metadata (data about data). These catalogs can be queried with any valid SQL SELECT.

When a user issues a CREATE TABLE statement, the following catalogs are updated: » A tuple is added to the TABLES relation that indicates the name of the table and who created, time of creation, etc. » One tuple is added to the COLUMNS relation for each column in the CREATE TABLE statement to indicate the name and the data type of each column. » A tuple is added to the TABLE_AUTH to indicate that the creator has access to the relation. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Performance Aspects of Catalogs   

Catalogs often are a “hot spot” in that many users issuing DDL against the catalogs will result in contention. Some catalogs store information about when applications have been processed. Most installations support separate development and production systems.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Embedded SQL    

Some queries can not be answered conveniently by only SQL commands. The use of SQL commands within a program in a host language is called embedded SQL. The data types of SQL might not be recognized by host language, and vise versa. Thus, casting the data values. Programming languages typically do not support set of rows. Thus use of Cursors.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



Trigger is a procedure that is invoked by DBMS as the result of a transaction to perform the following: Maintaining database integrity Another database transaction Alerting users Supporting auditing and security checks by creating logs Collecting Statistics

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Database Design

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



Given some body of data to be represented in the database, what is the best logical structure for the data? » Identify Entities » Identify Relationships

Focus of this effort is on logical design, not physical

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Design Approaches 

Entity Relationship Model » Identify the general entities and relationships

Normalization » Refine the design

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Entity Relationship Model  

Developed by Peter Chen in 1976 Entity » A Distinguishable Object » Regular Entity » Weak Entity » Entities have properties Relationship

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


ER Diagram    

Each entity is shown as a rectangle Weak entities have a double rectangle (not shown here) Properties are shown as ellipses with the name of the property in question. Properties are attached to the specific entity. SSN Name Employee Salary (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Drawing Relationships 

Each relationship is labeled as a diamond.

The participants are connected to the relevant relationship with a line. Each line is labeled 1 or M to indicate the type of relationship: (1-1, 1-M, M-1 or M-M).

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Relationship Examples DEPARTMENT







(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002










ER Diagram 

Weak Entity » has a discriminator attribute (ex: p#) » does not exist without the strong entity (ex: no payment exists without loan)

Weak entity requires the primary key of the strong entity along with the discriminator to be identified. L#





(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



P-date amount

M Payment


DDL From E-R diagrams 

Each entity may result in a relation whose attributes are the properties for the entity

Each relationship may result in a relation whose attributes link the entities described in the relationship

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Example (1-M, M-1) s#








pname color


Supplier (s#, sname, city) Parts ( p#, pname, color) Sup-part (s#, p#) OR: Supplier (s#, sname, city) Parts ( p#, pname, color,s#) (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Example (1-M, M-1) s#






Supl-part qty


pname color



Supplier (s#, sname, city) Parts ( p#, pname, color) Sup-part (s#, p#, qty,date)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Example (1-1) ssn



name 1




name DOB


Employee (ssn, name, salary) Spouse (s-ssn, name, DOB) OR: Emp-Sp (ssn, s-ssn) Employee (ssn, name, salary,s-ssn) OR: Spouse (s-ssn, name, DOB) Employee (ssn, name, salary) Spouse (s-ssn, name, DOB,ssn) (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Example (M-M) ssn



name M






Employee (ssn, name, salary) Department (dname, city) Emp-Dept (ssn, dname)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Example (Weak Entity) L#







P-date amount

M Payment

Loan (L#, ssn, L-amount) Payment (L#, P#, amount, P-date)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Example (Class Hierarchies) Staff (ssn, name,phone) Full Time (ssn,salary,start-date) Part Time (ssn, hourly-rate)






Full Time Start-date


Part Time


(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

Full Time (ssn,salary,start-date, name,phone) Part Time (ssn, hourly-rate, name, phone)


Example (Ternary Relationship) ssn



name M






M Project

Employee (ssn, name, salary) Department (dname, city) Project (p-no,pname) E-D-P (ssn, dname,pno) (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002




Example (Aggregation) ssn



name M







active Employee (ssn, name, salary) Department (dname, city) Project (p-no,pname) Emp-Dept (ssn, dname) Active (ssn, dname,pno,date)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


1 Project

pname pno


Design Scenario Some Institute of Technology (SIT) is considering to modernize its administrative functions including is campus-wide information database. Since SIT is in the same financial shape as all universities are, it was decided to collect many free designs and evaluate them with the hope that some would be perfectly developed. That is were you come in. You have been graciously volunteered to design their database. You must state all of your assumptions. Failure to do so will lead to “general” assumptions and might violate your design. Your design must be in at least 3NF and must be able to store and query data on the following topics:

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Design Scenario Requirements • Academic Structure:

• Colleges – containing many departments, head by a Dean, etc. • Departments – containing many labs, faculty, courses, students, head by a Chair, etc.

• Classes:

• Locations, prerequisites, offerings, professors

• Personnel:

• Names, social security numbers, children, offices, phone numbers, email addresses, salary, etc.

• Cafeteria Offerings:

• Prices, item selection based on meal (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), purchases (date & cost), location, manager, etc.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


ERD for Design Scenario Lab College












1 M







Student M



CD loc

term Sec# CP


(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

M Course


M term

Sec# 142

Design Relation Definition 

Relations (Academic) » College( college#, dean, college_nm) » Dept( dept#, chair, dept_nm) » Lab (lab_nm, bld#, room#, capacity) » Student (ssn, first_nm, last_nm) » Faculty (f_ssn, first_nm, last_nm, salary, phone,email) » Course (c#,course_nm,credit_hrs)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Design Relation Definition 

Relationships (Academic) » DC (dept#, college#) » DL (lab_nm, dept#) /* ssn of student */ » DS (ssn, dept#) /* ssn of faculty */ » DF (dept#, f_ssn) » CF (c#, f_ssn, term, sec#, loc) » CD (c#, dept#) » CS (c#, ssn, term, sec#) /* Prereqs of Courses /* » CP( course#, prereq# ) (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Design Relation Definition 

Relations (Personnel) » Children (ssn, f_nm,l_nm, age)

Relationship (Personnel) /* ssn of faculty and child */ » FC (f_ssn, ssn)

Cafeteria » Meal( meal#, time ) » Café( café#, address, phone# ) » … etc. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Sample Query 1 Who is teaching CS 425 Section 051 during the fall 1999 term and where is it taught? SELECT f_ssn, loc FROM CF WHERE (c# = ‘CS425’ AND Sec# = ‘051’ AND Term = ‘Fall99’)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Sample Query 2 What are the names of the children of the faculty who taught classes offered at the Stuart Building during the fall 1998 term? SELECT Children.f_nm, Children.l_nm FROM Children, Faculty, FC , CF WHERE (loc = “Stuart Building” AND term = “Fall98” AND CF.f_ssn = Faculty.f_ssn AND FC.f_ssn = Faculty.f_ssn AND FC.ssn# = Children.ssn)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Sample Query 3 What are the common meal offerings that are available for both lunch and dinner? SELECT A.meal# FROM Meal A, Meal B WHERE (A.meal# = B.meal# AND A.time = “Lunch” AND B.Time = “Dinner”)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



Different normal forms have been defined to characterize a database design. Each NF is progressively more restrictive. U 3NF 2NF 1NF

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Functional Dependency 

Functional Dependency (FD) » A many-one or many-many relationship from one set of attributes to another within a given relation – ex: Supplier (S#), Part (P#) --> QTY » Functional dependency still holds even though for many combinations of S# and P#, there is only one quantity

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Broader FD  

A functional dependency can be defined if the attribute values for x uniquely determine those in y. A functional dependency is a statement about a relational scheme (i.e., all possible relations), and cannot be deduced from a particular relation.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Example S# S1 S1 S2 S2 S3 S4 S4

CITY London London Paris Paris Paris London London

P# P1 P2 P1 P2 P2 P4 P5

QTY 100 100 200 200 300 400 400

Functional Dependency: Whenever two tuples have the same value of x, they will also have the same value of y. Ex: S# -> CITY (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


FD Diagrams 

Draw a line to represent irreducible FD’s SNAME S#


An arrow will always exist from the primary key to the non-key attributes. Problems usually exist when other arrows are present. Normalization may be informally defined as the process by which extra arrows are removed. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Closure Of A Set Of Dependencies


What is F+?


F+ is the closure of F - the set of all functional dependencies derivable from F.

Equivalently, F+ is the set of all dependencies that follow from F by Armstrong’s axioms. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Armstrong’s Axioms Let R be a relational scheme with attributes U and functional dependencies FD. » Reflexivity - If Y is a subset of X, then X=>Y. » Augmentation - If X=>Y, and Z is a subset of U, then XZ=>YZ. » Transitivity - If X=>Y and Y=>Z, then X=>Z.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Completeness Proof Given that Armstrong’s axioms are complete prove that the FD set {Reflexivity, Augmentation, and Pseudotransitivity} is complete.    

Reflexivity - If Y is a subset of X, then X=>Y. Augmentation - If X=>Y then XZ=>YZ. Transitivity - If X=>Y and Y=>Z, then X=>Z. Pseudotransitivity - If X=>Y and WY=>Z, then XW=>Z. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Completeness Proof To demonstrate a FD set A is complete given a complete FD set B, must demonstrate that FD set A derives every FD in FD set B. FD Set A Reflexivity Augmentation

=> =>

FD Set B (Armstrong’s Axioms) Reflexivity Augmentation

To derive Transitivity, set W = {} in Pseudotransitivity, hence Pseudotransitivity simplifies to Transitivity.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Armstrong’s Axioms Extended (Projectivity) Projectivity - If X=>YZ, then X=>Y and X=>Z. 1. X => YZ 2. YZ => Y 3. X => Y 4. YZ => Z 5. X => Z

Given Reflexivity Transitivity 1, 2 Reflexivity Transitivity 1, 4

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Armstrong’s Axioms Extended (Additivity) Additivity - If X=>Y and X=>Z, then X=>YZ. 1. X => Y 2. X => Z 3. XY => YZ 4. X => XY 5. X => YZ

Given Given Augment Y on 2 Augment X on 1 Transitivity 4, 3

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Armstrong’s Axioms Extended (Pseudotransitivity) Pseudotransitivity - If X=>Y and WY=>Z, then XW=>Z. 1. 2. 3. 4.

X => Y WY => Z XW => YW XW => Z

Given Given Augment W on 1 Transitivity 3, 2

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Functional Dependency Derivation Using the Extended Armstrong’s Axioms

Given the following functional dependency set, FD = { AB=>E, AG=>J, BE=>I, E=>G, GI=>H }, prove AB=>GH. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Derivation Proof 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

AB => E BE => I E => G GI => H AB => G AB => BE AB => I AB => GI AB => H AB => GH

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

Given Given Given Given Transitivity 1, 3 Augment B to 1 Transitivity 6, 2 Additivity 5, 7 Transitivity 8, 4 Additivity 5, 9 162

Closure of Attributes 


Without computing F+, can identify if a given FD (X => Y) is in F+. Obtaining candidate keys Algorithm: closure = a; while there are changes to closure do if there is a FD x=>y such that x is subset of closure then closure = closure U y; end;

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Closure of Attributes (Example)  

R = (A, B, C, D) FD {A=>B, C=>A, C=>D} A+ = A, B B+ = B C+ = C, A, D, B D+ = D

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



relation is in 1NF if and only if all underlying domains contain scalar values.  No multi-valued attributes within a single “cell” of a relation.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Example of 1NF The following relation is NOT in 1NF Student # 1 2 ...

Courses {CS425, CS595, CS100} {CS525, CS548}

Key: <Student#>

The following relation is in 1NF Student # 1 1 1 2 2 ... (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

Courses CS425 CS595 CS100 CS525 CS548

Key: <Student#, Courses>


Problems with 1NF  Consider

the relation:

Professor# P1 P1 P1 P2 P2 P2 P3 P3 P4 P5

Student# S1 S2 S4 S1 S2 S3 S2 S4 S4 S5

(relation in 1NF but not 2NF) Course 425 100 595 525 525 548 548 425 525 548

Goal M.S. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.S. Ph.D. M.S. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.S.

FD: {Professor#, Student# -> Course, Student# -> Goal} Key: < Professor#, Student# > (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


1NF Problems 

Insertion Anomaly » Can not insert new professors without them teaching courses

Deletion Anomaly » Deletion of a tuple describing a particular student (S5) eliminates additional valid information (P5 exists)

Update Anomaly » The Goal value appears many times for the same student and is redundant.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Fixing the problems with 1NF 

To fix the problems, place information that is logically separate in separate relations.

STUDENTS » Facts about the individual students

PROFESSOR-STUDENTS » Facts about where a professor and a student first met

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


2NF  Consider

the following two relations:

STUDENTS Student# S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

Goal M.S. Ph.D. M.S. Ph.D. M.S.

Key: < Student# >

And by shear luck… also 3NF

PROFESSOR-STUDENTS Professor# Student# Course P1 S1 425 P1 S2 100 P1 S4 595 P2 S1 525 P2 S2 525 P2 S3 548 P3 S2 548 P3 S4 425 P4 S4 525 P5 S5 548

Key: < Professor#, Student# >

Note: Database valid for student information only!!! (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


2NF A relation is in 2NF if and only if it is in 1NF and every non-key attribute is fully dependent on the primary key. That is, no non-key attribute is dependent on only part of the key. is the key, but Goal is dependent on only Student#

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Problems with 2NF  Consider Emp# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

the relation in 2NF but not in 3NF: Age 30 45 52 44 50 52 49

City Chicago Washington New York Washington Chicago London Washington

Experience Accounting Computer Science Physics Computer Science Accounting Accounting Computer Science

FD: {Emp# ->Age, City, Experience, City ->Experience} Key: < Emp# >

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Problems with 2NF 

Insertion Anomaly » Can not insert fact that a city has a particular expertise until we have an employee located in the particular city.

Deletion Anomaly » Some deletes will not only eliminate the fact that an employee exists in a given location (employee number 6), but will also remove the information about the expertise in a city (London and accounting).

Update Anomaly » Experience is redundant (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Fixing problems with 2NF 

Replace with information about » EMPLOYEE – Facts about employees » OFFICE – Facts about company offices

That is, create a 3NF version of the design

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



relation is in 3NF if and only if it is in 2NF and every non-key attribute is nontransitively dependent on the primary key.


in English:

» Every non-key attribute is dependent on the key and nothing but the key.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


FD’s for Example City

Emp# -> City Emp# -> Experience Emp# -> Age City -> Experience



Note: There is a transitive dependency Emp# -> City and City -> Experience implying Emp# -> Experience


(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


3NF OFFICE City Experience Chicago Accounting Washington Computer Science New York Physics London Accounting


No anomalies exist!

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

Emp# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

EMPLOYEE Age City 30 Chicago 45 Washington 52 New York 44 Washington 50 Chicago 52 London 49 Washington

Key: < Emp# >


3NF – Unfortunately!!!  Consider

the following two relations:

STUDENTS Student# S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

Goal M.S. Ph.D. M.S. Ph.D. M.S.

Key: < Student# >

Relations are in 3NF, but anomalies exist !!! (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

PROFESSOR-STUDENTS Professor# Student# Course P1 S1 425 P1 S2 100 P1 S4 595 P2 S1 525 P2 S2 525 P2 S3 548 P3 S2 548 P3 S4 425 P4 S4 525 P5 S5 548

Key: < Professor#, Student# >


Anomalies Dependency 

For student information, no anomalies exist.

For the professorial information, anomalies exist !!! » Insertion Anomaly: – Can not insert P6 if never taught a student

» Deletion Anomaly: – If S5 terminates the university, P5 is dismissed!!! – ( You may like it, but as a professor, I do not!!! )

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


3NF Example FD: xy {trivial FD; x is a super key; y part of a key}

FD: {ssnsid, nm , sidssn} CK: {ssn;sid} R: ssn nm sid 1 3 2

Mary 10 Joe 30 Mary 20

What is the normal form of relation R? Do you see any anomaly?

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


3NF Example FD:{sid,programdegree; degreeprogram} Key: sid, program R: sid program degree 10 U BS 10 M MS 20 U BS 30 U BA What is the normal form of relation R? why? Do you see any anomaly?

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


BCNF Example FD: xy {trivial FD; x is a super key}

R: (sid, program, degree) FD:{sid,programdegree; degreeprogram} Key: sid, program sid degree degree program BS 10 BS U R2: MS R1: 10 MS M BS 20 BA U BA 30 What is the normal form of relation R? why? Do you see any redundancy? (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) A

relation is in BCNF if and only if it is in 3NF and every attribute is non-transitively dependent on the primary key.


in English:

» Every attribute is dependent on the key and nothing but the key.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Loss-Less Decomposition R1 ∩ R2 R1 or

R1 ∩ R2R2

R1 (sid,degree) and R2 (degree,program) R1 ∩ R2  R2 as we have FD: degreeprogram Thus: loss-less. R1 natural join R2:

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

sid program degree 10 U BS 10 M MS 20 U BS 30 U BA 184

Lossy Decomposition R1 (sid,program) and R2 (degree,program) R1 ∩ R2 : program ≠> R1 or R2 Thus: lossy decomposition. R1 natural join R2: sid program degree program U 10 BS U R2: M R1: 10 MS M U 20 BA U U 30

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

sid program degree 10 U BS 10 U BS 30 U BS 10 M MS 10 U BA 20 U BA 30 U BA


Dependency Preservation F+ = (Fx ∪ Fy)+ R: (sid, program, degree) FD:{sid,programdegree; degreeprogram} Key: sid, program

R1 (sid,degree) and R2 (degree,program) FD: {degreeprogram}

F+ ≠ (Fx ∪ Fy)+ Have to join to verify FD: sid,programdegree (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Minimal Cover Create the smallest set of functional dependencies by: •Removing transitive dependencies from non-key attributes to key. ssnprogram, degree => ssnprogram program degree •Union all functional dependencies that the left hand side is the same. ssn DOB ssn name => ssnDOB, name •Remove the extra attribute from the left hand-side of FD if the FD is valid after removal of that attribute. ssnaddress ssn, name address => ssnaddress (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Decomposition to 3NF using Minimal Cover 

IF relation R is not in 3NF then Create the Minimal Cover of FD on R. Create a Relation Ri for each FD in Minimal Cover. If the key of relation R is not in its entirety included in any of the relations Ri, then create one more relation with that key. This decomposition is loss-less and preserves dependencies. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Query Optimization

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Query Optimization 

A key difference in the relational model and other models is that it is entirely up to the DBMS how data are retrieved.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Query Processing Components 

Each SQL statement is implemented with the following steps: » Parse - Identify tokens in the query » Develop internal representation of the query (attempt to have an internal form such that two queries with different syntax, but similar functionality will have a uniform internal representation) » Execute the optimizer to choose the best access path to the data. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Access Paths 

Typical choices the optimizer must make are: » Is it better to implement a sequential scan than to use a b-tree? » Which b-tree should be used? » Given five relations that must be joined, what order should be implemented?

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002




Selectivity of a condition refers to the ratio of the number of tuples that satisfy a condition to the total number of tuples in the relation. Selectivity of a primary key is 1/N where N is the number of tuples An attribute with i distinct values will have a selectivity of (N / i) / N, assuming a uniform distribution. Typically, an index is used for terms with “good” selectivity (i.e., emp#) and a scan is used for terms with “bad” selectivity (i.e., gender)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Optimization with Boolean Logic (Conjunctive Expressions)

A conjunctive (only AND) query, e.g., A and B and C, is easy to optimize since any false match terminates the search.

In a conjunctive query, order the conditions according to selectivity, the lower the selectivity, the earlier is the condition evaluated.

Lower selectivity values (primary keys being the lowest) are typically indexed. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Optimization with Boolean Logic (Disjunctive Expressions)

A disjunctive (only OR) query, e.g., A or B or C, is more difficult to optimize.

In a disjunctive query, all conditions must be evaluated since truth in any of the conditions validates the expression.

Poor access paths, if they exist, none-the-less must be evaluated.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Join Algorithms 

Nested (inner-outer) Loop. For each tuple in the outer relation R, retrieve every tuple in S (inner) and test whether or not the join condition is satisfied.

Merge-Scan. Sort R and S by the join attributes. Scan the tuples matching those that have match conditions that restrict R and S.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Join Order Optimization (Cost Based)

Consider a join of EMPLOYEE with DEPARTMENT Assume EMPLOYEE requires e data blocks to store. Assume DEPARTMENT requires d data blocks to store.

Nested Loop Join (with n+1 blocks of memory available) I/O demands are computed as: – There are two potential algorithms:  

EMPLOYEE as the outer, DEPARTMENT as inner DEPARTMENT as outer, EMPLOYEE as inner

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Join Optimization (continued) 

EMPLOYEE as outer, DEPARTMENT as inner » EMPLOYEE is read into the n+1st buffer one block at a time, n blocks at a time of DEPARTMENT are read and then scanned: – Reading EMPLOYEE requires e block reads – The nested join, requires e/n iterations as only n blocks may be placed in memory at one time. – For each of the e/n iterations, a full scan of d blocks is required.

» Total I/O = e + (e) (d / n) 

Reversing the join order yields: » Total I/O = d + (d) (e / n) (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Join Order (continued)  

The importance of join order is seen when values are substituted into the equations. For d = 10 and e = 50 and n = 5: » EMPLOYEE as outer, DEPARTMENT as inner » Total I/O = e + (e) (d / n) » Total I/O = 50 + (50)(10 / 5) = 150

Reversing the join order yields: » Total I/O = d + (d ) (e / n) » Total I/O = 10 + (10)(50 / 5) = 110

Hence, for this situation, it is better to use DEPARTMENT as the outer relation.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Join Optimization (continued) Rule of Thumb for Nested Loop Join Computations The smaller number of relevant tuples should be the outer relation (Many other optimization techniques are available)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Cost Based Optimization  

Obtain cost estimates for each execution strategy. The cost depends on: » cost to access secondary storage » storage cost – need for temporary files

» computational cost – cost of in-memory operations

» communication cost – cost of shipping the query from the server to the client

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Cost-Based Optimization (Metadata Use)


System catalogs contain data that are used to estimate the cost for each access path. Metadata used includes: » number of tuples » number of blocks » existence of indexes » number of levels in a B-tree index » number of distinct values found in the index (selectivity) of an attribute. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Query Trees

(Rule Based Optimization) 

Query Tree » Structure that corresponds to a relational algebra expression by representing relations as leaf nodes.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Query Tree Transformation Ex: Find the last names of employees born after 1957 who work on a project named Aquarius EMPLOYEE (ssn, lname, fname, bdate) WORK_ON (essn, p#) PROJECTS (pno, pname)

- e tuples - w tuples - p tuples

SELECT lname FROM EMPLOYEE, WORKS_ON, PROJECTS WHERE (essn = ssn) and (p# = pno) and (pname = ‘Aquarius’) and (bdate > 1957) Initial query tree will JOIN the three relations first and then perform the selections and projections. O(e w p) tuples will be accessed. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Initial Tree PROJECT (lname) SELECT (pname = ‘Aquarius’, bdate > 1957) Join (p# = pno) PROJECTS

Join (essn = ssn)

WORKS-ON (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Migrate SELECT PROJECT (lname) Join Step 1: (p# = pno) Reduce size of join by computing SELECT Join early in the process. (essn = ssn) SELECT (pname = ‘Aquarius’) PROJECTS (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

SELECT (bdate > 1957)



Join Order Justification for Rules 

Both pno and ssn are key attributes. Thus, they both will yield only one tuple to be retrieved.

The cardinality of PROJECT is less than EMPLOYEE, thus join PROJECT first.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Reorder the Joins PROJECT (lname) Step 2: Order joins according to lower input and result sizes

Join (essn = ssn) Join (p# = pno)

SELECT (pname = ‘Aquarius’) PROJECTS (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

SELECT (bdate > 1957)



Final Query Tree Step 3: Move Projects early to reduce temporary relation sizes


SELECT (Aquarius)

PROJECT (lname)

Join (essn = ssn)

PROJECT (essn)

PROJECT (ssn, lname)

Join (p# = pno)

SELECT (bdate > 1957)

PROJECT (essn,p#)



(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Overview of Key Rules   


Partition each select of (A and B and C) to SELECT (A), SELECT (B), and SELECT(C) Move each select as far down the tree as possible Rearrange leaf nodes so that the small answer sets are processed first. Typically, use smallest selectivity to estimate this (found in system catalog). Combine a Cartesian product and a select of joining conditions in a join Move projection as far down the tree as possible Identify sub-trees that represent groups of operations that may be executed by a single access routine. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



Many commercial systems provide a utility to identify the path the optimizer will choose for a given query. Typically the utility is referred to as EXPLAIN and the syntax is: » EXPLAIN <sql statement>


Results are placed into relations that may be queried. Performance tuning is often done by changing an index and examining the effect on queries by repeating the EXPLAIN statement.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Recovery and Concurrency Control

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Recovery and Concurrency 

Transaction » Logical unit of work » Composed of one or more SQL statements » Either all of the transaction completes or none of the transaction is executed. Ex: Transfer money from savings account to checking. – Step 1: Subtract from savings – Step 2: Add to checking

It is critical that either both steps complete or neither.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Commit and Rollback 

Commit » Indicates that a transaction completed. There is no BEGIN and END TRANSACTION necessary as COMMIT marks the END of the current transaction and the start of the next transaction.

Rollback » Undo all work completed by the transaction that is currently in progress. This is implemented by saving all “in progress” work to a transaction log. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



After a failure, a DBMS checks the log to determine: » The transactions that were in process during the time of failure. These transactions are rolled back (UNDO).

To avoid lengthy restart times, the system periodically writes all contents of main memory to disk. This is referred to as a checkpoint. After a failure, all transactions that have completed after the last checkpoint must be redone because data have not been written from memory to disk.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Recovery (continued) 

In summary, after a failure a DBMS enters an UNDO phase to rollback all transactions that were in progress and a REDO phase to again execute the transactions that occurred after the last checkpoint and before the failure. Example below » Undo t3 » Redo t2 t1


Checkpoint (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Failure 216

Resilience to Failure 

Power Failure (only) » Undo and Redo processing Data Disk Failure » The last good data archive is restored and all logs since the point of failure are re-processed to REDO all transactions lost on the bad disk. Log Disk Failure » This is rare, but the only good means of avoiding this problem is to use dual logs in which all log writes are duplicated. » Without dual logging it is necessary to restore back to the last good data archive and all transactions since then are lost. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Concurrency Problems 

Problems occur when two transactions executing simultaneously become interleaved.

All proposed means of ensuring concurrency must be shown to be serializable. These algorithms must produce a result that is equivalent to some (arbitrary) serial execution of the transactions that they manage.

In summary, it is correct for transaction t1 to precede t2, or follow t2, but it is not correct for transactions t1 statements to be interleaved with t2.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Lost Update Problem 

Consider the following two transactions: The typical example is a husband and wife both withdrawing money from the same bank account. Husband: Withdraw $10 s1: Read Savings s3: Subtract 10 s5: Write Savings s7: COMMIT

Wife: Withdraw $10 s2: Read Savings s4: Subtract 10 s6: Write Savings s8: COMMIT

Consider the execution of: s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8. If savings starts at 100, after s1 and s2, each user determines savings is equal to 100, so after s8, it ends up at 90 even though 20 has been subtracted. Hence, one update has been lost. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Uncommitted Dependency 

This occurs when a transaction relies upon a value that may be rolled back by another transaction. Consider T1: s1: Add 5 to X s2: COMMIT

Consider T2: s3: Read X s4: Add X to Y s5: Write Y s6: COMMIT

If s1, s3, s4, s5, s6 execute, Y now has a value that will be incorrect if T1 does not execute s2, but instead rolls back.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Inconsistent Analysis 

Consider a transaction T1 that is computing the average salary of all employees; it scans all employee records.  Consider a transaction T2 that updates Hank’s salary.  If transaction T2 is executed and completes before T1 is finished, but after T1 has examined Hank’s salary, the result of T1 will be incorrect.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Concurrency Control 

Two different themes surround concurrency control algorithms: » pessimistic – These algorithms are based on the premise that conflict will occur, they use locks to force conflicting requests to wait until a lock is released.

» optimistic – These algorithms assume that conflicts are rare. Hence, a transaction executes without any waiting on others, but at the end, a check is made to determine if a conflict occurred (via timestamps). If so, the entire transaction is rolled back. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



Two Phase Locking (2 PL) algorithms have two phases, growing and shrinking, and are serializable.  As a transaction progresses, it only acquires new locks, growing.  Upon commit, the transaction releases all locks.  A transaction that adds locks, releases some, and adds again is not 2 PL and may not be serializable. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Types of Locks 

Share Lock » This is a read lock. Other users may read data have a share lock, but no users may write to data that contain a share lock.

Exclusive Lock » This is acquired during a write. No users may read data that have an exclusive lock. For the lost update problem, the UPDATE statements result in exclusive locks which preclude the interleaving seen in the example. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Lock Granularity 

Locks may be held at the row, page, or table level.  A page or table level lock saves space in the system lock table as only one lock may serve to lock millions of tuples, but concurrency is sacrificed.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Lock Hierarchy 

When a request for a lock on a single tuple is issued, an INTENT lock is acquired for each level of the hierarchy above it. This precludes a user issuing a page level lock and acquiring access to data already held by a row level lock. Table Page 1 row 1 (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

Page 2 row2

row 3

row 4 226

Lock Hierarchy (continued) 

When user 1 requests a share lock on row1, an intent share lock is placed first on the table, and then on the page, and finally a share lock is placed on row 1. Table IS - first Page 1 IS - second row 1 IS third


Page 2 row 3

row 4

At this point, a request for an exclusive lock on page 1 will be denied as an intent share lock exists. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Lock Wait 

When a user requests data that are currently locked, a wait ensues. Some DBMS allow a timeout to be specified that governs the longest a transaction must wait before a timeout.  This timeout must be balanced with the need to run many, valid transactions.  All DBMS provide a means of viewing the lock table, identifying the resources users are waiting on since this information is critical for resolving concurrency control problems. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Lock Levels 

Due to the need for improved concurrency DBMS, allow users to sacrifice integrity for run-time performance. This is done via different lock levels which may be set dynamically. Some commercial systems support up to five different lock levels. We describe the two most common. Repeatable Read (RR) refers to the strongest lock level. It is the type of lock we have discussed in which all locks are held until the end of a transaction. The key to repeatable read is that if a transaction reads the same datum twice, it is ensured that it will have the same value both times.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Cursor Stability (CS)  

For many applications, it not necessary to ensure maximum integrity. A transaction using repeatable read that is scanning a one billion row table effectively causes all users who are updating rows in the table to enter a lengthy lock wait. Cursor stability states that only the current rows being scanned will be locked. Immediately after the row is scanned the lock is released. For the 1 billion row table, under repeatable read, the number of locks could grow to 1 billion, with cursor stability, only one row is locked throughout the transaction.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Example RR after one row is read

CS after one row is read.

Row 1 (lock) Row 2 Row 3 ... Row 1,000,000

Row 1 (lock) Row 2 Row 3 ... Row 1,000,000

RR after one million Row 1 (lock) Row 2 (lock) Row 3 (lock) ... Row 1,000,000 (lock)

CS after one million Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 ... Row 1,000,000 (lock)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



A deadlock occurs when two users are waiting on each other to release resources. User 1: User 2: s1: read A s2: read B s3: write B s4: write A After s1 and s2 execute, user 1 and 2 each hold a share lock on A and B. With s3, user 1 begins a wait on user 2. With s4, user 2 begins a wait on user 1. All commercial systems implement deadlock detection periodically, and once detected, a victim is chosen and the transaction is rolled back. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Performance Tuning 

Concurrency can often be improved by using cursor stability instead of repeatable read. Many applications do not have a requirement for repeatable read, but it is the default for most systems. Many developers do not test an application under expected workloads. A single user test does not test any concurrency. It is essential to test multiple users prior to delivering an application. Applications should include code to test for the presence of a deadlock (SQLCODE = 911) or they will abnormally terminate when one occurs.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Integrating Structured Data and Text: A Relational Approach

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Mapping Text onto Relations Relation definition: DOCUMENT (DocID, Docname, Headline, Dateline) TERM (Term, df, idf) INDEX (DocID, Termcnt, Term) All inverted index entries <list of documents> e.g., vehicle term vehicle vehicle vehicle

D1, D3, D4 results in:


(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

D1 D3 D4 235

Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) Sample Document AP881214-0028 AP-NR-12-14-88 0117EST u i BC-Japan-Stocks 12-14 0027 <SECOND>BC-Japan-Stocks,0026 Stocks Up In Tokyo TOKYO (AP) The Nikkei Stock Average closed at 29,754.73 points up 156.92 points on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Wednesday.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Relational Document Representation DOCUMENT DocID 28

Docname AP881214-0028

Headline Stocks Up In Tokyo


INDEX DocID 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28

Dateline TOKYO (AP)

Termcnt 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1

Term nikkei stock average closed points up tokyo exchange wednesday

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

Term average closed exchange nikkei points stock tokyo up wednesday

df 2265 2208 2790 234 1627 2674 725 12746 6417

idf 1.08 1.08 1.00 2.07 1.23 1.00 1.58 0.30 0.60 237

Relational Query Representation QUERY TERM nikkei stock exchange american


TERMCNT 1 2 2 1

ORIGINAL QUERY: “nikkei stock exchange american stock exchange”

(Query Weight * Document Weight) SELECT d.docname, SUM(a.termcnt * c.idf * b.termcnt * c.idf) FROM QUERY a, INDEX b, TERM c, DOCUMENT d WHERE a.term = b.term AND a.term = c.term AND b.docid = d.docid GROUP BY d.docname ORDER BY 2 DESC

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Sample Term Query Result (Inner/Dot Product)

Term nikkei stock exchange american

Q-Termcnt Q-Weight D-Termcnt D-Weight 1 2 2 1 _____

2.07 2.00 2.00 0.60

1 2 1 0

2.07 2.00 1.00 0.00

Q-Wt * D-Wt 4.28 4.00 2.00 0.00

Similarity Coefficient 10.28

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Similarity Coefficients Several similarity coefficients based on the query vector X and the document vector Y are defined: t

Inner Prod uct

∑ xi ⋅ yi



∑ xiyi


Cosine Coefficient


2 x ∑ i •

i=1 (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


2 y ∑ i



Sample Relevance Ranking Query SELECT c.qryid, b.docid, SUM(((1+LOG(a.termcnt))/((b.logavgtf)* (229.50439 + (.20*b.disterm))))*(c.nidf*((1+LOG(c.termcnt))/(d.logavgtf)))) FROM trec6$d5$idx a, trec6$d5$docavgtf b, trec6$q6$qrynidf c, trec6$q6$qryavgtf d WHERE a.docid = b.docid AND c.qryid = d.qryid AND a.term = c.term AND c.qryid = 301 GROUP BY c.qryid, b.docid UNION SELECT c.qryid, b.docid, SUM(((1+LOG(a.termcnt))/((b.logavgtf)* (229.50439 + (.20*b.disterm))))*(c.nidf*((1+LOG(c.termcnt))/(d.logavgtf)))) FROM trec6$d4$idx a, trec6$d4$docavgtf b, trec6$q6$qrynidf c, trec6$q6$qryavgtf d WHERE a.docid = b.docid AND c.qryid = d.qryid AND a.term = c.term AND c.qryid = 301 GROUP BY c.qryid, b.docid ORDER BY 3 DESC;

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Distributed Database Systems

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



Distributed DBMS allow data stored at multiple sites to be accessed from a single site. One query may join data from two different sites. The key motivation for a distributed DBMS is to move data closer to the users. California DBMS 1

Data frequently accessed by California users

Chicago DBMS 2 Data frequently accessed by Chicago users

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

New York DBMS 3 Data frequently accessed by New York users


Overview (continued) 

Homogeneous DBMS » Each site contains the same implementation of a DBMS, (e.g., all sites are running Oracle)

Heterogeneous DBMS » Different DBMS are used at different sites (e.g, some sites are Oracle, some are IBM, and some are Informix)

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Overview (continued) 

For the remainder of this discussion, assume that a homogeneous distributed DBMS is used.  In practice, heterogeneous DBMS exist, but they require an additional layer of software that serves as a “global coordinator” or “mediator” of all the different DBMS.  Today, many research efforts focus on both internet and intranet mediators

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Distributed Concurrency Control 

An update over more than one site requires careful concurrency as it is possible that one site may fail while others have committed.  To avoid, this a Two Phased Commit (2PC) protocol is used.  A single site from which the update originates is the controlling site.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Two-Phased Commit 

Phase 1 » Send update to all sites » Receive acknowledgments

Phase 2 » After receiving all acknowledgments, send COMMIT to all sites. » If all acknowledgments are not received in a certain pre-defined time period, a ROLLBACK is sent to all sites. » Once, the COMMIT is sent, all sites commit the data. If a site fails before it receives the COMMIT, it will receive the COMMIT upon restart.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Two-Phased Commit (example) Assume EMP exists on site A and DEPT exists on site B. Transaction T1, adds a new department and several employees who work in that department. Assume T1 originates at site C, so site C will be the controlling site. A Update EMP C Phase 1: (EMP) (start) B Update Dept (DEPT) C (start)


Ack (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002



Two-Phased Commit (example) After Phase one, site C has received all acknowledgements and is now ready to send final commit.

Phase 2:

C (start)



C (start)



(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

A (EMP) B (DEPT) A (EMP) B (DEPT) 249

Two-Phased Commit Failure During Phase 1 Consider a case where site B fails after receiving the request for update but site A succeeds: A Update EMP C Phase 1: (EMP) (start) B Update DEPT (DEPT) C (start)



Site C receives only one acknowledgment but was waiting for two, so a rollback is sent to all sites. (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Two-Phased Commit Failure During Phase 2 Consider a case where site B fails after sending the acknowledgment in Phase 1. Phase 2:

C (start)




Site B will eventually restart, receive the COMMIT and phase two will complete. C (start)


Ack (C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

A (EMP) B (DEPT) 251


Since 2PC processing is expensive, a cheaper alternative is to replicate data so that they are at each site. Many replication algorithms exist, the goal of which is to propagate an update to all replicas. California DBMS 1 EMP Source

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

Chicago DBMS 2

Replica of EMP

New York DBMS 3

Replica of EMP


Write-All Copies 

The Write-all copies takes an update to a table at site A and before commit sends the update to all sites that contain the replica.  If any site is down, a commit does not occur.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


Shadow Copies 

A master copy is defined and one or more read-only replicas are created based on changes found in the log at the mater site. DBMS Site A

Master Copy

Read-Only Replica Site B


(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002

Log Site A


Read-Only Replica Site C


Shadow Copies 

Many replica algorithms exist that allow updates to the replicas, but they are not widely used in commercial products.  All commercial vendors provide some form of read-only replicas based on changes found in the log at the master site.

(C) Frieder, Grossman, & Goharian 1996, 2002


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