Db2 Tutorial

  • May 2020
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DB2 Universal Database SSI-Hub Texas A&M

DB2 is a multi-platform scalable, object-relational database server. This tutorial is for people with little or no experience with DB2. DB2 GUIS Over-View. Step by Step approach of how to accomplish some of the most important database tasks. Database tasks can be achieved in various ways, in this tutorial, the focus is on using the GUI tools Glossary is provided at the end, for the terms used in DB2.


Key Capabilities and Benefits Superior scalability DB2 Universal Database can run on everything from laptops supporting mobile users to massively parallel systems with terabytes of data and/or thousands of users. Multimedia extensibility It allows to extend the capabilities of the database to meet your specific organizational requirements. This includes the ability to support more advanced applications involving multimedia data such as documents, images, audio, video, and spatial data. Complete web-enablement One of the key new application areas is e-business. DB2 Universal Database is fully integrated with web technology so that data can be easily accessed from the Internet or from the company intranet Universal access DB2 Universal database can be accessed from almost any client workstation over almost any network. Multi-platform support DB2 Universal database is one of the most open database platforms available. It runs on the most popular UNIX and Intel server platforms, including AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, Linux, NUMA-Q, OS/2, and Windows. http://www-306.ibm.com/software/data/db2/udb/about.html


IBM DB2 - Menus After you have installed DB2,these are various options you will see if you go to IBM DB2 in the main programs. To reach the various GUIS, go to All Programs IBM DB2 Various options.

Command Editor

Development Center Control Center

Health Center

Configuration Assistant


The Command Editor This tool allows the user to input SQL statements or DB2 commands in an interactive window and see the results.

Type the SQL statements or DB2 commands here.

The result can be seen in this part if the window


Development Center Currently for class-projects you wont need to use the Development center as this is the tool that the administrator uses it to create stored-procedure or UDF (User define function). It is used for creating objects, the source code is copied on the server and the object is registered in the catalog table. when a Java object is built, it is complied on the Client application.


Control Center This is without a doubt the most important DB2 GUI tool. It provides you with a whole picture of your instances and databases, and allows the user to perform most database operations in DB2.


Detailed information about the item selected. If you select them you can further modify them.

More Wizard like help for the item selected.


Health Center Use the Health Center GUI tool to set up thresholds that, when exceeded, will prompt alert notifications, or even actions to relieve the situation. In other words, you can have the database manage itself!


Configuration Assistant If a user has DB2 UDB installed on the desktop in College Station, but would like to connect to a DB2 Server in Germany. How can the user connect to this remote server? The Configuration Assistant GUI tool can help with the set up and testing of the connection,

The Task Center


Creating a Database To create a database there are various options either one can create a database from the Command Centre or the Control Center. The option from the Control center is easy as it has a wizard that will guide through the process. Here the database creation through the Control Center is explained. Click on Databases on the left panel of the Control Center Right click on Databases and choose create -> Standard. Follow the panels from the create database wizard.



Cont... The wizard guides through the step by step process of creating the database, it asks for a database name, location to store the database and the various options about the maintenance of the data base.


Creating a Table From the Control Center again we would need three steps: 1.

Click on Tables on the left panel of the Control Center.


Right click on Tables and choose Create .


Follow the panels from the create table wizard.


Cont... This is how the wizard for creating a table looks like, it will ask for information and the user just fills in the blanks to create the columns in a table, long with the columns the user can also provide information about the constraints, keys. Following this same procedure one can create aliases, views, indexes, triggers, schemas, and so on.


Alter a table To alter some of the characteristics of a table, first specify which table needs to altered. Thus, using the Control center's right pane (contents pane), follow these four steps: 1.

Click on Tables on the left panel of the Control Center.


Click on the table name that needs to be altered.


Right click on the table name and choose Alter .


Follow the 'Alter Table' panels.

With the Alter panel one can change the data type, the keys , constraints or the properties of the table.


Performing Queries After creating a database and its table the next step is to perform queries on them. Queries like Insert, delete, update or select and so on. Follow the steps 1.




In the Control center select the database from the left side panel Select table and it show all the tables for the particular database in the right side panel Select the table in the right hand panel. Under the right panel there is an option for Query, select it



Cont... This is the window that comes up, you can type the query in the top panel. If you are using command panel directly, remember to connect to the database by the command connect to database name

Type the query here

Result Window

After typing the query press the green arrow sign, to run the query. The result will be displayed in a new tab window. In the result set you can delete or add an row in the table, there are options of committing and rollback present too. TEXAS A&M-SSI HUB

Query Assist Another easier way to frame the queries is to use the SQLAssist. 1.

Click on the selected tab, then click on SQL Assist.


This brings up an interactive window through which writing queries becomes easier.

SQL Assist

SQL Assist Window


Restricting Usage To prevent unauthorized users from messing up with the database or tables, there is provision for setting the privileges granted to the users 1.

On the left panel of the Control Center and within the desired database tree, click on User and Group Objects -> DB Users .


Click on the desired user on the right panel of the Control Center


Here change the privileges

Right-click on the desired user and choose change.


Accessing Data Through Java Applications DB2 provides support for Sun Microsystems's Java Database connectivity (JDBC) API through a JDBC driver that comes with DB2. Include the “import java.sql.*” at the top of the source files. For a Java Class, JDBC driver has to be loaded. It is better to load it in the constructor. Class.forName("COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver"); After loading the driver connect to the specific database. // connect to Database :database name, username n password to the database // Here hub is the name of the database, for different users it could be different. connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:db2:hub","db2admin","db2admin");


Example Java Class import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; public class Calendar { private String userName; private Vector events; public Calendar(String user) { ResultSet rs; Connection connection; PreparedStatement getRecords; try { Class.forName("COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver"); userName = user; events = new Vector(); connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:db2:hub","db2admin","db2admin"); getRecords = connection.prepareStatement("Select * from administrator.Calendar where username = ?"); getRecords.setString(1,this.userName); rs=getRecords.executeQuery(); while(rs.next()) { CalendarEvent task = newCalendarEvent(Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(1)),rs.getString(2),java.sql.Date.valueOf(rs.getString(3)) rs.getString(4),rs.getString(5),rs.getString(6)); events.addElement(task);



} rs.close(); getRecords.close(); connection.close(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); }


Glossary Database: A relational database presents data as

a collection of tables. The data in each table is logically related, and relationships can be defined between tables. Data can be viewed and manipulated based on mathematical principles and operations called relations (such as, INSERT, SELECT, and UPDATE).

Tables: A relational database presents data as a

collection of tables. A table consists of data logically arranged in columns and rows (generally known as records)

Table Space: The physical space within a

database is organized into a collection of table spaces. Each table space consists of a collection of containers, each of which is an allocation of physical storage (for example, a directory on a machine, a physical file, or a device such as a hard drive).

Schema: A schema is a unique identifier used to group a set of database objects. Most database objects have a two-part object name, the first part being the schema name and the second part is the name of the object.

Index : An index is a data access aid that can be

created on a table. It is an ordered set of pointers to rows in a table. Each index is based on the values of data in one or more columns in a table. An index is an object that is separate from the data in the table.

Instance: An instance is a logical database manager environment where you catalog databases and set configuration parameters. Multiple instances can be created on the same physical server providing a unique database server environment for each instance. Alias: An alias is an alternative name for a table,

view, or even another alias. These table-related aliases are somewhat different from database aliases. Assigning an alias to a database can avoid potential client connection problems in environments where different servers might have databases with the same name.

Views: A view is the result of a query on one or

more tables. A view looks like a real table, but is actually just a representation of the data from one or more tables. A view is a logical or virtual table that does not exist in physical storage.


Conclusion With this basic information, the users are ready to explore the more complicated actions. There are various automated tools for Database Maintenance, a place to get help from could be http://www106.ibm.com/developerworks/db2/library/techarticle/0 308chong/0308chong.html To compile this tutorial, help was taken from the tutorial provided by the IBM website.


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