Day 2 Bishop's Opening Message

  • June 2020
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MESSAGE TO HUMANITYi ~ Issued at the Beginning of the Second Vatican Council by its Fathers, with the Endorsement of the Supreme Pontiff ~ THE FATHERS OF THE COUNCIL We take great pleasure in sending to all men and nations a message concerning that wellbeing, love, and peace which were brought into the world by Christ Jesus, the Son of the living God, and entrusted to the Church. For this is the reason why, at the direction of the most blessed Pope John XXIII, we successors of the apostles have gathered here, joined in singlehearted prayer with Mary the Mother of Jesus, and forming one apostolic body headed by the successor of Peter.

MAY THE FACE OF CHRIST JESUS SHINE OUT In this assembly, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we wish in inquire how we ought to renew ourselves, so that we may be found increasingly faithful to the gospel of Christ. We shall take pains so to present to the men of this age God's truth in its integrity and purity that they may understand it and gladly assent to it. Since we are shepherds, we desire that all those may have their longing satisfied who seek God “if perhaps they might find Him as they grope after Him; though indeed He is not far from each of us.” Hence, obeying the will of Christ, who delivered Himself to death “that He might present to Himself the Church, not having spot or wrinkle...but that she might be holy and without blemish”, we as pastors devote all our energies and thoughts to the renewal of ourselves and the flocks committed to us, so that there may radiate before all men the loveable feature of Jesus Christ, who shines in our hearts “that God's splendour may be revealed”.

GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD We believe that the Father so loved the world that He gave his own Son to save it. Indeed, through this same Son of His He freed us from bondage to sin, reconciling all things unto Himself through Him, “making peace through the blood of his cross,” so that “we might be called sons of God, and be truly such”. The Spirit too has been bestowed on us by the Father, that living the life of God, we might love God and the brethren, who are all of us one in Christ. It is far from true that because we cling to Christ we are diverted from earthly duties and toils. On the contrary, faith, hope and the love of Christ impel us to serve our brothers, thereby patterning ourselves after the example of the Divine Teacher, who “came not to be served but to serve.” Hence, the Church was not born to dominate but to serve. He laid down His life for us, and we too ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. Accordingly, while we hope that the light of faith will shine more clearly and more vigourously as a result of this Council's efforts, we look forward to a spiritual renewal from which will also flow a happy impulse on behalf of human value such as scientific knowledge, technological advances, and a wider diffusion of knowledge.

THE LOVE OF CHRIST IMPELS US Coming together in unity from every nation under the sun, we carry in our hearts the hardships, the bodily and mental distress, the sorrows, longings, and hopes of all the peoples entrusted to us. We urgently turn our thoughts to all the anxieties by which modern man is afflicted. Hence, let our concern swiftly focus first on all those who are especially lowly, poor, and weak. Life Christ, we would have pity on the multitude weighed down with hunger, misery, and lack of knowledge. We want to fix a steady gaze on those who still lack the opportune help to achieve a way of life worthy of human beings. As we undertake our work, therefore, we would emphasise whatever concerns the dignity of

man, whatever contributes to a genuine community of peoples. “Christ's love impels us,” for “he who sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?”

THE ISSUES OF SPECIAL URGENCY CONFRONT US The Supreme Pontiff, John XXIII, in a radio address delivered on September 11, 1962, stressed two points especially. The first dealt with peace between peoples. There is no one who does not hate war, no one who does not strive for peace with burning desire. But the Church desires it most of all, because she is the Mother of all. Through the voice of the Roman Pontiffs, she never ceases to make an open declaration of her love for peace, her desire for peace. She is always ready to lend aid with her whole heart to any sincere effort on behalf of peace. She strives with all her might to bring peoples together and to develop among them a mutual respect for interests and feelings. This very conciliar congress of our, so impressive in the diversity of the races, nations, and languages it represents, it does it not bear witness to a community of brotherly love, and shine as a visible sign of it? We are giving witness that all men are brothers, whatever, their race or nation. The Supreme Pontiff also please for social justice. The teaching expounded in his encyclical Mater et Magistra clearly shows that the Church is supremely necessary for the modern world if injustices and unworthy inequalities are to be denounced, and if the true order of affairs and of values is to be restored, so that man's life can become more human according to the standards of the gospel.

THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRITUALITY To be sure, we are lacking in human resources and earthly power. Yet we lodge our trust in the power of God's Spirit, who was promised to the Church by the Lord Jesus Christ. Hence we humbly and ardently call for all men to work along with us in building up a more just and brotherly city in this world. We call not only upon our brothers whom we serve as shepherds, but also upon

all our brother Christians, and the rest of men of good will, whom God “wills that they be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.” For this is the divine plan, that through love God's kingdom may already shine out on earth in some fashion as a preview of God's eternal kingdom. The world is still far from the desired peace because of threats arising from the very progress of science, marvellous though it be, but no always responsive to the higher law of morality. Our prayer is that in the midst of this world there may radiate the light of our great hope in Jesus Christ, our only Saviour.


THE DOCUMENTS OF VATICAN II. Ed. Walter M. Abbott, SJ. Trans. Joseph Gallagher (Geoffrey Chapman: London, Dublin, 1966) pp 3 – 7.

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