Databases Marketresearch Nov2005 Af

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ISD Library

Market Research For specific frequently asked business questions and recommended sources try our database ‘Business Brain’ via the Portal. Still stuck? Email [email protected] and we will do our best to help.

Full Text Market Research Reports - UK Mintel Keynote

Full Text Market research Reports – International (including the UK) B.I. (Business Insight) E.I.U. (Economist Intelligence Unit) G.M.I.D. (Global Market Intelligence Database) Mergent (See note in the following alphabetic section)

Reports with Specialised Industry Coverage Fast Moving Consumer Goods - UK TNS Healthcare, Energy’ Finance, Consumer Goods, eCommerce & eTechnology B.I. (Business Insight) Telecoms, Energy, Automotive, Healthcare World Markets Analysis New Information Technologies Forrester Butler Group

Industries in Emerging Economies I.S.I. Emerging Markets

Industry Analysis - of international quoted companies Investext Plus Factiva (includes some Investext reports see note in alphabetic section.) Morgan Stanley

Market Statistics G.M.I.D (Global Market Intelligence Database) Marketing Pocket Books (various)

Trade & Specialist Journals Article Finder Factiva Business Source Premier ProQuest Direct ABI Inform

Further details about each resource can be found in the following section.

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SOURCES Electronic sources are indicated by the availability note Business Insight Availability: Global The Business Insight (BI) market research service provides reports covering these major sectors world-wide: Consumer Goods Energy Finance Healthcare eCommerce & eTechnology

Business Source Premier Availability: Global Business Source Premier (BSP) provides full text articles for some 2,400 academic and business journals covering management, economics, finance, accounting, international business and specific trades and industries. Market data will be included in certain articles.

Butler Group Reports Availability: Campus only Butler Group is a leading European provider of IT research and analysis in Europe with research which covers: broadband, e-commerce, CRM, technology infrastructure and operations.

E.I.U. (Economist Intelligence Unit) Availability: Global As well as its well know country reports offers specialised newsletters covering business in Asia, China, Eastern and Western Europe, together with an archive of industry research reports covering such areas as: healthcare, industrial motors, textiles and commodities.

Factiva Availability: Global Factiva comprises some 8,000 sources in 22 languages from 118 countries. It includes key newspapers, journals and trade press. Us the Intelligence indexing option to limit to market research. (Choose the Corporate/Industrial News heading, then pick the sub-headings Marketing Research and Market Search (‘or’ these together.) To access the limited selection of Investext reports available on Factiva go to the Companies/Markets tab and pick industry reports. Forrester Availability: Global Forrester research analyses technology change and its impact on business, consumers, and society. There are a limited number of individual user accounts which give access to Forrester Research. Current students, staff and faculty can apply for an account via the forum.

G.M.I.D. Availability: Global G.M.I.D.provides international statistics and market reports. The statistics provide background data (demographics, cultural and economic indicators key economic indicators) and also specific consumer product data such as volume and value data (actual and forecast). The Market Reports provide market studies covering both consumer and industrial markets for a wide range of countries. The reports are produced by Euromonitor.

I.S.I. Emerging Markets Availability: Campus Only As the name indicates this database only covers emerging market countries in Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, and Asia. It categorises information into news, companies, industries and research. Coverage varies from country to country, and on occasion reports may only be available in the native language. N.B. Datamonitor Reports are sometimes listed but these are not included in the subscription and as a premium service must be purchased.

Investext Plus Availability: Global Useful for Stock Exchange quoted companies, this database of analysts’ reports provides a slightly different source of commentary on how a company is performing compared to its market. In the lengthier reports one can often find detailed analysis of a particular aspect of a company’s operations and data on the market in which they operate. The database also includes some studies by trade associations such as the American Air Transport Association and the Sports Goods Manufacturers’ Association. Us the Industry drop down and/or the keyword option to access reports on market or industry sectors.

Keynote Availability: Global The Key Note reports database contains over 250 Keynote and Market Assessment report titles covering major UK consumer markets, and a small range of B2B and industrial markets.

Article Finder Availability: Campus only Trade and specialist journals can be a primary source of industry and market data. Article Finder is a meta-index of our print and electronic journal holdings. You can type the full journal name, or simply a possible title keyword and if we have electronic access it will link through to the relevant database. (It also indicates if the library has print coverage.)

Mergent Availability: Global Primarily a company database Mergent includes a set of 20 different industry reports for Asia Pacifc, Europe and North America. (Not all reports cover all regions.) Go to the Industry Reports tab and the click on download report for formatted output.

Mintel Availability: Global Mintel covers UK Consumer market research. The library subscribes to the following four series: Leisure intelligence, Market Intelligence, Personal Finance Intelligence and Retail Intelligence, which are available in print as well as electronically. N.B. We only have the standard report subscription but the database includes coverage at contents page level of other reports to which we do not have full text access.

Marketing Pocket Books Shelved together at 7 BD… Despite their small size these books contain a wealth of useful marketing and market data. UK pocket books cover topics such as Food, Drink, Financial Marketing & Retail. European pocket books exist on Marketing and Media. They are updated on an irregular basis

Morgan Stanley Research Availability: Campus only This database just covers selected equities and economics research made available to the school by Morgan Stanley. Searching is only available at title level, and the titles are often not indicative of the content.

ProQuest Direct ABI Inform Availability: Global Not just a database of management theory, PQD covers a large number of trade press sources which contain vital commentary on markets and products. Use the subject list to look up the words and phrases used as indexing terms for both industries and concepts.

TNS Availability: Campus only TNS is a database, by Taylor Nelson Sofres, of consumer expenditure on UK fast moving consumer goods. One can track volume, value, penetration and frequency of purchase data, on a huge range of very specific, regularly purchased items. The database also includes a selection of studies and presentations on topical retail issues and includes supermarket rankings. NB Our subscription is only to the Superpanel Data.

London Business School Students may use the library subscribed electronic database for personal educational research purposes only, and must comply at all times with the database copyright holders’ terms and conditions. Use for any other purposes, such as commercial activity, consultancy or resale is strictly prohibited. S:\ISD\Library\Resource guides\ResearchMARKET_RESEARCH_Nov05 _AF

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