Data Structure

  • Uploaded by: Kristine Bond
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,335
  • Pages: 55
/* ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION OF STACK ADT */ #include<stdio.h> #include #include<stdlib.h> #include #define STACK_SIZE 5 void displaymenu(); int PUSH(int); int POP(int *); int size(); int peek(int *); void view(); int top=-1,stack[STACK_SIZE]; int isfull(); int isempty(); void main() { int status,data,choice; clrscr(); while(1) { displaymenu(); printf("enter your choice: "); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: {

printf("\n enter the new data: "); scanf("%d",&data); fflush(stdin); status=PUSH(data); if(status==-1) printf("stack overflow on the PUSH"); break; } case 2: { status=POP(&data); if(status==-1) printf("stack overflow ont the POP"); else printf("The poped value is: %d",data); break; } case 3: { status=peek(&data); if(status==-1) printf("\n the stack is empty"); else printf("\n the top most value is: %d",data); break; } case 4: { printf("\n The stack size is: %d",STACK_SIZE);

printf("\n The current elements in the stack: %d",size()); break; } case 5: { view(); break; } default: printf("\n End of Run of your program"); exit(0); } } } void displaymenu() { printf("\n 1.PUSH"); printf("\n 2.POP"); printf("\n 3.PEEK"); printf("\n 4.SIZE"); printf("\n 5.VIEW"); printf("\n 6.EXIT \n"); } void view() { int i; if(isempty()) { printf("\n stack is empty");

return; } printf("\n Elements from the top of the stack: \n\n\t\t"); for(i=top;i>0;i--) { printf("--i %d",stack[i]); } if(isfull()) printf("\n stack is full"); } int size() { return top+1; } int peek(int *value) { if(isempty()) return -1; else *value=stack[top]; return 0; } int PUSH(int data) { if(isfull()) return -1; else stack[++top]=data; return 0;

} int isfull() { if(top==STACK_SIZE-1) return 1; else return 0; } int POP(int *value) { if(isempty()) return-1; else *value=stack[top--]; return 0; } int isempty() { if(top==-1) return 1; else return 0; }

OUTPUT: 1.push 2.pop 3.peek 4.size 5.view 6.exit Enter your choice:1 Enter the new data siva 1.push 2.pop 3.peek 4.size 5.view

6.exit Enter your choice:2 The popped value is: -28705 1.push 2.pop 3.peek 4.size 5.view 6.exit Enter your choice:3 The top most value is: -28705 1.push 2.pop 3.peek 4.size 5.view 6.exit Enter your choice:4 The stack size is: 5 The current element in the stack: 1.push 2.pop 3.peek 4.size 5.view 6.exit Enter your choice:5 Elements from top of the stack:->-28705 1.push 2.pop

3.peek 4.size 5.view 6.exit Enter your choice:6

/* ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION OF LIST ADT */ #include<stdio.h> #include #include<process.h> #define MAXLEN 100 char data; int p; typedef struct { int len; char element[MAXLEN]; } olist; olist init() { olist l; l.len=0; return l; } olist insert(olist l,char ch,int pos) { int i; if((pos<0)||(pos>l.len)) { fprintf(stderr,"insert:invalid index %d \n",pos); return l; }

if(l.len==MAXLEN) { fprintf(stderr,"insert:list is already full \n"); return l; } for(i=l.len;i>pos;--i) l.element[i]=l.element[i-1]; l.element[pos]=ch; ++l.len; return l; } olist deletes(olist l,int pos) { int i; if((pos<0)||(pos>=l.len)) { fprintf(stderr,"delete:invalid index %d \n",pos); return l; } for(i=pos;i
return -1; } char getelement(olist l,int pos) { if((pos<0)||(pos>=l.len)) { fprintf(stderr,"get element:invalid index %d \n",pos); return '\0'; } return l.element[pos]; } void print(olist l) { int i; for(i=0;i
clrscr(); printf("1.Insert ** 2.Delete ** 3.element at position ** 4.Position of element ** 5.View list\n"); l=init(); while(1) { printf("\nenter your choice"); scanf("%d",&c); switch(c) { case 1: { input(l,data,p); printf("\n"); break; } case 5: { printf("\ncurrent list is: "); print(l); printf("\n"); break; } case 4: { char ch; fflush(stdin); printf("Enter character to get position: "); ch=getchar(); printf("character present at %d",ispresent(l,ch));

break; } case 2: { int dp; printf("Enter position of element to be delete: "); scanf("%d",&dp); l=deletes(l,dp); printf("\n"); break; } case 3: { int gp; printf("enter position to get a element: "); scanf("%d",&gp); printf("element of position1:%c\n",getelement(l,gp)); break; } default: { printf("Invalid choice...end of your program"); exit(0); } } } }

OUTPUT: 1.insert** 2.delete** 3.element at position** 4.position of element** 5.view list Enter your choice: 1 Enter character to insert: 2 Enter position : 2 Insert : list is already full Enter your choice: 2 Enter position of element to delete: 1 Delete: Invalid index 1 Enter your choice:3 Enter position to get a element : 1 Getelement : invalid index Element of position 1 :0 Enter your choice: 4 Enter character to set position : 2 Character present at –1

Enter your choice : 5 Current list is god

/* POINTER IMPLEMENTAION OF STACK ADT */ #include<stdio.h> #include #include<stdlib.h> typedef struct node { int data; struct node*next; } stack; stack*getdata(); void view(); void displaymenu(); int push(int value); int pop(int*value); void releasenode(stack*newnode); stack*topstk=NULL; void main() { int data,status,choice; clrscr(); displaymenu(); while(1) { printf("\n enter the choice \n"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) {

case 1: printf("enter the elements \n"); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&data); status=push(data); if(status==-1) printf("\n mem is not available \n"); break; case 2: status=pop(&data); if(status==-1) printf("\n stack underflow on pop \n"); else printf("\n poped value is %d",data); break; case 3: view(); break; default: printf("\n end of the program \n"); exit(0); } }} void displaymenu() { printf("\n Representation of stack using linked list \n"); printf("\n\t1.push\n\t2.pop\n\t3.view\n\t4.exit"); } int push(int value)

{ extern stack*topstk; stack*newptr; newptr=getdata(); if(newptr==NULL) return(-1); newptr->data=value; newptr->next=topstk; topstk=newptr; return(0); } int pop(int*value) { extern stack*topstk; stack*temp; if(topstk==NULL) return(-1); temp=topstk; topstk=topstk->next; *value=temp->data; releasenode(temp); return(0); } stack*getdata() { return(stack*)malloc(sizeof(stack)); } void releasenode(stack*newnode) { free(newnode);

} void view() { extern stack*topstk; stack*top=topstk; if(top==NULL) { printf("\n stack is empty"); return; } printf("\n the content of the stack is"); for(;top!=NULL;top=top->next) printf("\n\t%d",top->data); }

OUTPUT: Representation of stack using linked list: 1.push 2.pop 3.view 4.exit Enter your choice: 1 Enter the element 23 Enter your choice: 1 Enter the element 45 Enter your choice:3 The content of the stack is 23 45 Enter your choice:2 The popped value is 45 Enter your choice:3 The content of the stack is 23

Enter your choice:4

/* POINTER IMPLEMENTATION USING LIST ADT */ #include<stdio.h> #include #include<stdlib.h> struct node { int data; struct node*next; }; struct node*start=NULL,*ptr; int n,element,index,delnode; void create(); void insert(); void deletion(); void disp(); void main() { int ch; clrscr(); do { printf("\nLINKED LIST: "); printf(" 1.create 2.insert 3.deletion 4.display 5.exit\n"); printf("\nEnter your choice: "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) {

case 1: create(); break; case 2: insert(); break; case 3: deletion(); break; case 4: disp(); break; case 5: break; } } while(ch!=5); } void create() { struct node*temp; printf("\nEnter the number: "); scanf("%d",&n); if(start==NULL) { start=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); start->data=n; start->next=NULL; ptr=start; }

else { temp=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); temp->data=n; temp->next=NULL; ptr->next=temp; ptr=temp; } } void insert() { struct node*temp,*x; printf("\nenter the element to be inserted: "); scanf("%d",&element); printf("\nenter the index of the element: "); scanf("%d",&index); ptr=start; while(ptr->data!=index) { temp=ptr; ptr=ptr->next; } x=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if(ptr!=start) { x->data=element; x->next=ptr; temp->next=x; } else

{ start=x; start->data=element; start->next=ptr; } } void deletion() { struct node*pre; printf("\nenter the node to be deleted: "); scanf("%d",&delnode); printf("\n%d is deleted from the list\n",delnode); ptr=start; while(ptr->data!=delnode) { pre=ptr; ptr=ptr->next; } if(ptr!=start) pre->next=ptr->next; else { start=ptr->next; free(ptr); } } void disp() { ptr=start; printf("\nThe element in the list: \n");

while(ptr!=NULL) { printf("%d\n",ptr->data); ptr=ptr->next; } getch(); }

OUTPUT: LINKED LIST: 1.create 2.Insert 3.Deletion 4.Display 5.Exit Enter your choice: 1 Enter the number: 2 LINKED LIST: 1.create 2.Insert 3.Deletion 4.Display 5.Exit Enter your choice: 1 Enter the number: 3 LINKED LIST: 1.create 2.Insert 3.Deletion 4.Display 5.Exit Enter your choice: 2 Enter the element to be inserted: 4 Enter the index of the element:2 LINKED LIST: 1.create 2.Insert 3.Deletion 4.Display 5.Exit Enter your choice: 4 The elements in the list are 4 2 3 LINKED LIST: 1.create 2.Insert 3.Deletion 4.Display 5.Exit Enter your choice: 3 Enter the node to be deleted: 2 2 is deleted from the list

LINKED LIST: 1.create 2.Insert 3.Deletion 4.Display 5.Exit Enter your choice: 4 The elements in the list are 4 3 LINKED LIST: 1.create 2.Insert 3.Deletion 4.Display 5.Exit Enter your choice: 5

QUEUE IMPLEMENTATION USING ARRAYS */ #include<stdio.h> #include #include<stdlib.h> int q[5],f=5,r=5; void main() { int ch,n,i; clrscr(); printf("1.enqueue\n2.dequeue\n3.display\n4.exit\n") ; while(1) { printf("\n\nenter your choice: "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: printf("\nenqueue operation\n"); if(r<0) { printf("\n\nThe queue is full\n"); } else { printf("\nEnter the number: "); scanf("%d",&n); q[r--]=n;

} break; case 2: printf("\ndequeue operation\n"); if(f==r) { printf("\nqueue is empty"); } else { n=q[f--]; printf("\n%d is deleted from the queue\n",n); } break; case 3: printf("\n\ndisplay operation"); if(f==r) { printf("\n\nqueue is empty"); } else { printf("\n\nThe elements in the queue are:"); for(i=f;i!=r;i--) { printf("%d\t",q[i]); } break; case 4: exit(0);

default: printf("\nenter the correct option..."); break; } getch(); } } }

OUTPUT: 1.Enqueue 2.Dequeue 3.Display 4.Exit Enter your choice:1 Enqueue Operation Enter the number:52 Enter your choice:1 Enqueue Operation Enter the number:23 Enter your choice: 1 Enqueue Operation Enter the number:24 Enter your choice:3 52 23 24 Enter your choice:2 Dequeue Operation 52 is deleted from the list Enter your choice:3 23 24 Enter your choice:4

/* REVERSE STRING USING STACK ADT */ #include<stdio.h> #include #define STACK_SIZE 80 int push(char value); int pop(char *value); void revstring(char *str); int top=-1; char stack[STACK_SIZE]; void main() { char str[STACK_SIZE]; clrscr(); printf("Enter the string\n"); gets(str); reversestring(str); printf("\n the reversed string is %s",str); getch(); } void reversestring(char *str) { int i; push(NULL); for(i=0;str[i]!=NULL;i++) push(str[i]); while(!=pop(str++)); } int push(char value) {

extern char stack[]; extern int top; if(top==STACK_SIZE-1) return -1; stack[++top]=value; return 0; } int pop(char *value) { extern char stack[]; extern int top; if(top==-1) return -1; *value=stack[top--]; return 0; }

OUTPUT: Enter the string: REVERSE The reversed string is: ESREVER

/* TOWERS OF HANOI */ #include<stdio.h> #include void towers_of_hanoi(int n,char *a,char *c,char *r); void main() { int n; clrscr(); printf("\n Enter the number of disc: "); scanf("%d",&n); towers_of_hanoi(n,"Tower1","Tower2","Tower3"); getch(); } void towers_of_hanoi(int n,char *a,char *c,char *r) { if(n<=0) return; towers_of_hanoi(n-1,a,r,c); printf("\n\t Move disc %d from %s to %s",n,a,r); towers_of_hanoi(n-1,c,a,r); }

OUTPUT: Enter the number of discs: 3 Move disc 1 from tower 1 to tower 3 Move disc 2 from tower 1 to tower 2 Move disc 1 from tower 3 to tower 2 Move disc 3 from tower 1 to tower 3 Move disc 1 from tower 2 to tower 1 Move disc 2 from tower 2 to tower 3 Move disc 1 from tower 1 to tower 3

/* CHECKING BALANCED PARANTHESIS USING ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION OF STACK ADT */ #include<stdio.h> #include #define STACK_SIZE 80 int push(char value); int pop(char*value); void balpar(char*); int top=-1; char stack[STACK_SIZE]; int icount=0,rcount=0; void main() { char str[STACK_SIZE]; clrscr(); printf("Enter the string: "); gets(str); balpar(str); printf("%s",str); } void balpar(char*str) { int i; push('/0'); for(i=0;str[i]!=NULL;i++) push(str[i]); while(!pop(str++)); if(icount==rcount)

printf("The expression is balanced"); else printf("The expression is not balanced"); getch(); } int push(char value) { int ch; extern char stack[]; extern int top; if(top==STACK_SIZE-1) return-1; stack[++top]=value; return 0; } int pop(char*value) { extern char stack[]; extern int top; if(top==-1) return -1; *value=stack[top--]; if(*value=='c') { icount++; } if(*value=='i') { rcount++; }

return 0; } OUTPUT: Enter the string: (A+B)*C) The Expression is balanced. Enter the string: ((A+B)*C The Expression is not balanced.

/* INSERTION SORT */ #include<stdio.h> #include void insert(int a[],int n); int i,j,n,temp,a[25]; void main() { clrscr(); printf("Enter the limit: "); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\n Enter the elements: "); for(i=0;i
temp=a[i]; for(j=i;j>=1;j--) { if(temp
/* QUICK SORT */ #include<stdio.h rel="nofollow"> #include int i,j,n,pivot,a[20]; void quick(int a[],int left,int right); void swap(int a[],int i,int j); void main() { int i,n,a[20]; clrscr(); printf("Enter the limit"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter the element to sort"); for(i=0;i
i=first; j=last; while(i<j) { while(a[j]<=pivot&&&i=pivot&&j>first) j--; if(i<j) swap(a,first,j); quick(a,first,j-1); quick(a,j+1,last); } } void swap(int a[],int i,int j) { int temp; temp=a[i]; a[i]=a[j]; a[j]=temp; }

OUTPUT: Enter the limit:5

Enter the elements to sort: 26 33 18 45 11 The sorted list : 11 18 26 33 45

/* SHELL SORT */ #include<stdio.h> #include void shell(int a[],int n); int i,j,n,k,temp,a[25]; void main() { clrscr(); printf("Enter the limit: "); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\nEnter the number: "); for(i=0;i=1;i=i/2) { for(j=i;j<=n-1;j++) {

temp=a[j]; k=j-i; while(k>=0 && temp<=a[k]) { a[k+i]=a[k]; k=k-i; } a[k+i]=temp; } } }

OUTPUT: Enter the limit: 5 Enter the number: 5 4 3 2 1 Before Sorting: 5

4 3 2 1 After Sorting: 1 2 3 4 5

* HEAP SORT */ #include<stdio.h> #include void main() { int r[50]; int n; clrscr(); printf("Enter the limit: "); scanf("%d",&n); readelement(r,n); getch(); } readelement(int r[50],int n) { printf("Enter the element: \n"); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",&r[i]); } hsort(int r[10],int n) { int i,t; for(i=n/2;i>0;i++) adjust(r,i,n); for(i=n-1;i>0;i++) { t=r[i+1]; r[i+1]=r[i]; r[i]=t;

adjust(r,j,i); } printf("The sorted list is:"); for(i=1;i
3 4 5 6 7

/* BINARY SEARCH TREE */ #include<stdio.h> #include #include<malloc.h> struct tree { int info; struct tree *left,*right; }; struct tree *root; void insert(int item) { struct tree *temp; temp=root; if(root==NULL) { root=(struct tree*)malloc(sizeof(struct tree)); root->info=item; root->left=NULL; } else { while((temp->info>item)&&(temp->left!=NULL)) temp=temp->left; while((temp->inforight! =NULL)) temp=temp->right; if(temp->info>item)

{ temp->left=(struct tree*)malloc(sizeof(struct tree)); temp->left->info=item; temp->left->right=NULL; temp->left->left=NULL; } else { temp->right=(struct tree*)malloc(sizeof(struct tree)); temp->right->info=item; temp->left->right=NULL; temp->left->left=NULL; } } } void search(int item) { struct tree *temp; temp=root; while((temp->info>item)&&(temp->left!=NULL)) { temp=temp->left; if(temp->info==item) break; } while((temp->inforight!=NULL)) temp=temp->right; if(temp->info==item)

{ printf("\nsearch successfull"); } else { printf("\nunsuccessful search"); } } void inorder(struct tree *t) { if(t!=NULL) { inorder(t->left); printf("\n%d",t->info); inorder(t->right); } } void preorder(struct tree *t) { if(t!=NULL) { printf("\n%d",t->info); preorder(t->left); preorder(t->right); } } void postorder(struct tree *t) { if(t!=NULL) {

postorder(t->left); postorder(t->right); printf("\n%d",t->info); } } void main() { int ch,item; clrscr(); root=NULL; do { printf("\n1.CREATION"); printf("\n2.INORDER"); printf("\n3.PREORDER"); printf("\n4.POSTORDER"); printf("\n5.SEARCH"); printf("\n6.EXIT"); printf("\n enter your choice:"); scanf("%d",&ch); printf("%d",ch); switch(ch) { case 1: while(1) { printf("\nenter the limit(0-exit)"); scanf("%d",&item); printf("%d",item); if(item==0)

break; insert(item); } break; case 2: inorder(root); break; case 3: preorder(root); break; case 4: postorder(root); break; case 5: printf("enter the element to be searched"); scanf("%d",item); search(item); search(item); break; case 6: printf("\nend of the operation"); break; default: printf("enter only 1 to 5"); } } while(ch<6); getch(); }

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