Dasar-dasar Tenses Dalam Bahasa Inggris

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  • Words: 2,071
  • Pages: 4
when u want to express

say it with

DOES + S-singular + V1 ?

IS + S-singular using the formula VERBAL ( menggunakan kata kerja)


ACTIVE * S-singular + IS everyday/every month once/twicea day daily activities/habit/job three times a week


+ V3

* S-singular + V1 es/s ex: He checks his bike every Friday

S-singular + DOESN'T +V1

ex: His bike is checked every Friday

S-singular + ISN'T + ex: His bike isn't checked every Friday

ex: He doesn't check his bike every Friday ex: Does he check his bike every Friday?

ex: Is his bike checked every Friday?

Yes, he does /No, he doesn't * S-plural + V1

Yes, it is / No, It isn't * S-jamak [they/we/I/you] + AM / ARE

ex: We check our bikes every Friday

ex: Our bikes are checked every Friday

S-plural + DON'T + V1 ex: We don't check our bikes every Friday

DO + S-plural + V1 ? ex: Do you check your bike every Friday ?

Yes, I do / No, I don’t now/right now at this time/at the moment Listen!..../Look!..... since / for… already / yet "sudah" or "belum"



S-plural [they/we/I/you] + AM / ARE NOT ex: Our bikes aren't checked every Friday

AM/ARE + S-plural ex: Are the bikes checked every Friday?

Yes, they are / No, they aren't

* S-singular + IS + V1-ing

* S-singular + IS BEING

ex: She is doing a research now

ex: A research is being done now

* S-plural + AM/ARE + V1-ing

* S-plural + AM/ARE BEING

ex: They are doing a research now

ex: Some researches are being done now

* S-singular + HAS + V3

* S-singular + HAS BEEN

ex: Dr. Green has already operated the patient

ex: The patient has already been operated

* S-plural + HAVE + V3

* S-plural + HAVE BEEN

ex: Dr. Green and I have already operated the

ex: The patients have already been operated

+ V3

+ V3



since + Simple Past a all this year all this time

* S-singular + HAS BEEN +V1-ing

* S-singular + HAS BEEN BEING

ex: Prof. Norman has been studying the planet since I was a kid

ex: The planet has been being studied since I was a kid

* S-plural + HAVE BEEN + V1-ing

* S-plural + HAVE BEEN BEING

ex: They have been studying the planets since I was a kid

ex: The planets have been being studied since I was a kid

means/conclusion: * S + is/am/are + still + V1-ing


Prof. Norman is still studying the planet

DID + S-(plural & singular) + V1? ex: Did Albert Einstein find Theory of Relativity ? when u want to express

say it with

Yes, he did/ No, he didn't

Yes, it was/ No, it wasn't WAS + S-singular ex:+Was Theory of Relativity found years ago ? * S-plural WERE ex: The F1 cars were checked on yesterday noon

S-plural + WEREN'T using the formula VERBAL (WERE menggunakan kata kerja) + S-plural

yesterday SIMPLE PAST * S-(plural & singular) + V2 last year/last… ex: Albert Einstein found Theory of Relativity when/while/because PAST * S-singular + WAS + V1-ing two days ago/...ago S-(plural & singular) + DIDN'T + V1 + Simple Past CONTINUOUS


* ..began…...until now

Prof. Norman began/started studying the planet when I was a kid until now

ex: The F1 cars weren't checked on yesterday noon


……….before + Simple Past Simple Past + after…….

+ V3

PASSIVE ex: Were F1 cars checked on yesterday noon? Yes,*they were/ No, they weren't S-singular + WAS ex: Theory of Relativity was found years ago

* S-singular + WAS BEING S-singular + WASN'T

ex: Detective Graham was examining the case ex:aAlbert Einstein didn't find Theory of Relativity when woman screamed

ex: The case was being examined when a woman screamed ex: Theory of Relativity wasn't found years ago

* S-plural + WERE + V1-ing

* S-plural + WERE BEING

ex: NBA members were practicing on the field when the coach came

ex: The books were being arranged when the light was off

* S (singular & plural) + HAD + V3

* S (singular & plural) + HAD BEEN

ex: The investigators had revealed the mystery before police arrived to the place

ex: The mystery had been revealed before police came

or .. Police arrived to the place after the investigators had revealed the mystery S (singular & plural) + HADN'T + V3 ex: The investigators hadn't revealed the mystery before police arrived to the place

HAD + S (singular & plural) + V3 ? ex: Had the investigator revealed the mystery before police came?

or….Police came after the mystery had been revealed S (singular & plural) + HADN'T BEEN ex: The mystery hadn't been revealed before police came

HAD + S (singular & plural) + BEEN ex: Had the mystery been revealed before police came?

+ V3 + V3

+ V3

when u want to express

say it with

using the formula VERBAL ( menggunakan kata kerja)

ACTIVE for….before/after + Simple Past



S (singular & plural) + HAD BEEN + V1-ing

S (singular & plural) + HAD BEEN + BEING

ex: The scientists had been exploring human genome for ten years before the result was announced

ex: Human genome had been being explored for ten years before the result was announced

S (singular & plural) + HADN'T BEEN + V1-ing

S (singular & plural) + HADN'T BEEN BEING

ex: The scientists hadn't been exploring human genome for ten years before the result was announced

ex: Human genome hadn't been being explored for ten years before the result was announced

HAD + S (singular & plural) + BEEN + V1-ing

HAD + S (singular & plural) + BEEN BEING

ex: Had the scientists been exploring human genome for ten years before the result was announced? Yes, they had

ex: Had human genome been being explored for ten years before the result was announced? No, they hadn’t

ex: Will the architect build a skyscraper next year? Yes, he will/ No, he won't

ex: Will a skyscraper be built next year? Yes, it will/ No, it won't


S + IS/AM/ARE + GOING TO + V1 next week/next…. tomorrow


ex: She is going to continue her trip to Mexico tonight * SThey (singular & plural) + WILL + V1 TV tonight ex: are going to repair my portable ex: architect will buildGOING a skyscraper S +The IS/AM/ARE NOT+ TO +next V1 year

ex: Ted's apartement is going to be emptied soon S (singular & plural) + WILL BE ex: The laboratories are going to be sterilized ex: will be built next year SA + skyscraper IS/AM/ARE NOT + GOING TO BE

ex: She isn't going to continue her trip to Mexico tonight ex: They are going to repair my portable TV tonight

& plural) + WON'T BE ex: S His(singular apartement isn't going to be emptied ex: The laboratories aren't going to be sterilized

IS/AM/ARE + S + GOING TO + V1 ? the day after tomorrow at 2 p.m tomorrow morning when + S. Present

u can also say


S (singular & plural) + WILL BE + V1-ing

ex: The architect won't build a skyscraper ACTIVEnext year

by the time plan (rencana) u want to bywhen the end of …. express by then


ex: Is Ted's apartement going to be emptied? ex: Are the laboratories going to be emptied?

S (singular & plural) + WILL BEING

+ V3

ex: The stuff will being unloaded when we arrive there

VERBAL ( menggunakan kata kerja)

WILL + S (singular & plural) + V1 S (singular & plural) + WILL HAVE + V3 WILL + S (singular & plural) HAVE + V3 ? ex: The farmers will have harvested all fruits

ex: Will the farmers havewe harvested using say it with bythe the formula time get thereall the fruits by the time we get S (singular & there? plural) + WON'T HAVE + V3 ex: The farmers won't have harvested all fruits by the time we get there

+ V3


ex: Is she going to continue her trip to Mexico tonight? Yes, she is/ No, she isn't (singular & plural) + your WILLTV NOT (WON'T) + V1 ex:SAre they going to repair portable tonight? Yes, they are/ No, they aren't

ex: Mike will be working at 8 p.m. tomorrow night

+ V3

ex: A skyscraper won't be built next year PASSIVE

+ S& (singular plural)HAVE + BEBEEN S WILL (singular plural) +&WILL WILL + S (singular & plural) + HAVE BEEN ex: All fruits have been harvested by the end of this month ex: Will all fruits have been harvested by the end of this month?

S (singular & plural) + WON'T HAVE BEEN ex: All fruits haven't been harvested by the end of this month

+ V3

when u want to express

WILL + S (singular & plural) HAVE + V3 ? they will have/ No, they won't have say it with Yes, using the formula ACTIVE

WILL + S (singular & plural) + HAVE BEEN VERBAL ( menggunakan kata kerja)

FUTURE FUTURE S (singular & plural) + WILL+HAVE S (singular & plural) WILL BEEN HAVE + V1-ing V3 PERFECT PERFECT ex: The farmers will have harvested all fruits CONTINUOUS by the end of …. by the time we get there for…..by the time ex: The patologist will have been analyzing the specimen S (singular plural) WON'T HAVE + V3 by then for 2 hours by the&time you + come

Yes, they will have/ No, they won't have PASSIVE

for…..by then by the time

ex: The have harvested all fruits S (singular & farmers plural) +won't WILL HAVEN'T BEEN + V1-ing

for…..by the end of this month

S (singular & plural) + WILL HAVEHAVE BEENBEEN BEING S (singular & plural) + WILL ex: All fruits have been harvested by the end of this month ex: The specimen will have been being analyzed & plural) + come WON'T HAVE BEEN forS2 (singular hours by the time you

ex: The specimen won't have been being analyzed for 2 hours by the time you come

WILL + S (singular & plural) + HAVE BEEN + V1-ing ? ex: Will The patologist have been analyzing the specimen for 2 hours by the time I come? Yes, he will/ No, he won't

ability (kemampuan)

MODALS can / could (is/am/are/was/were + able to)


+ V3

S (singular plural) + WILL BEEN BEING ex: All & fruits haven't beenHAVE harvested by the end of this month

by the time we get there

ex: The patologist won't have been analyzing the specimen for 2 hours by the time you come

+ V3

WILL + S (singular & plural) + HAVE BEEN BEING ex: Will the specimen have been being analyzed for 2 hours by the time I come? Yes, it will/ No, it won't




ex: A concorde can fly very fast within the speed of sound ex: Rubbish can be recycled into valuable goods A concorde is able to fly very fast within the speed of sound

possibility (kemungkinan) obligation (keharusan) permission

© n42lee_himura

may / might must (have/has/had to) / ought to may PAST MODALS must have could have should have would have might have

ex: It's cloudy, It may rain tonight

ex: The winner may be selected by the Queen herself

ex: You must (have to) prepare for your own future

ex: The letter must be sent as soon as possible

ex: May I borrow your dictionary? MODALS + HAVE + V3 ex: They must have come back from their vacation ex: She could have won the prize (means: She didn't win the prize) ex: Dean should have studied hard (means: Dean didn't study hard) ex: We would have had much time (means: we didn't have much time) ex: He might have got an accident (means: he didn't get an accident)

MODALS + HAVE BEEN + V3 ex: The painting must have been stolen ex: My bag could have been hidden ex: The game should have been well prepared ex: The words would have been written by the expert ex: The kid might have been injured

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