Dangerous People

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 34
DANGEROUS PEOPLE "The Pilot" Season 1, Episode 1

Written by Jeff Allen


FADE IN. INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT A long dark hallway. A door is the only thing that gives it personality. Moonlight shines through a window and everything seems perfectly still. The door clicks. A woman slowly emerges. She’s barley dressed. Only panties and a tight T-shirt. A long butcher knife is locked in her fingers as she moves silently down the hall. She’s ASHLEY KING, 21. HEAVY FOOTSTEPS echo from down the hall. Someone else is in the hall with her. She tries to see them -- they’re hidden in the darkness. Another heavy footstep. Ashley freezes. Her heavy breaths sound through the hall as -- CLICK -- a gun is cocked in the darkness. Oh god...


She steps back. Barley able to move. Another footstep from the darkness and then -- BANG! The gun is fired. BLACKNESS. The sound of a body collapsing against the floor. MOMENTS LATER... Ashley lies on the floor, by the moonlight. Her fingers quiver, they’re stained in blood. Soon the footsteps sound again behind her. She’s pulled down the hallway. Her nails dig into the floor as she tries to fight -- she isn’t strong enough. A long line of blood glistens in the moonlight. EXT. THE WOODS - NIGHT The trees sway in the dark, cold night. Each tree is the size of a sky scrapper. A shovel smashes into a large pile of dirt. It turns over and dirt falls inside a shallow grave. Nearly five feet deep.


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


Inside is a dirt covered and blood stained woman. Her fingers stick out. They quiver. Dirt falls over them. They disappear. The wind howls. BLACKNESS. SUPERIMPOSE: Four Months Earlier INT. FANCY RESTAURANT - NIGHT DAVID PETERS (21) sets across from ASHLEY KING. Ashley’s hair is shorter, she seems more innocent here. More vulnerable. David’s nervous. He’s finished another scotch and holds a hand deep inside his pocket. Ashley looks at him with a gaze. ASHLEY Food’s nice here. I really like -Ashley. Yeah?


DAVID I need a talk to you... Okay.


She stops eating. DAVID We’ve been dating since like... sophomore year. And I really, really love you. ASHLEY I love you too. David. What’s this about -DAVID I want to -- do you -- will you marry me? He slaps a ring on the table. It isn’t even in a box. He downs the last ounce of scotch and looks at her.


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


ASHLEY Oh my god... (Re: ring) It’s so beautiful David. DAVID Yeah. Took me like three months to find a good one. ASHLEY I just... I mean, we’ve been dating since sophomore year. He doesn’t reply. ASHLEY (CONT’D) It’s been fun but. I mean, marriage? DAVID Just forget I asked. He grabs the ring. No, David. It’s fine.


Ashley fights tears and tosses her napkin off her lap and onto the table. Excuse me.


She hurries towards the bathroom. INT. FANCY RESTAURANT - WOMAN’S BATHROOM - MOMENTS LATER Ashley hurries inside and looks at herself in the mirror. Her tears have beat her. They cover her cheeks. She breaks. In the middle of the bathroom. INT. FANCY RESTAURANT - LATER Their table is deserted. David’s scotch is empty. The food looks cold. Ashley stands in the corner looking at it. David’s gone.


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


INT. HOTEL - CONFERENCE HALL - SAME TIME A large conference hall. All the important people are here, fancy dresses and suits. Photos flash for the magazines and drinks are served. At a large table, a woman sets by herself. Nursing a glass of wine. She has long beautiful blonde hair and seems to be despising this place and everyone here. This is STACIE ANDREWS, late 30’s. She sips her wine and a woman walks over. She has dark hair -the woman can only be described as a vixen. She seems dangerous. She’s KRISTEN HAMILTON, 40’s. Stacie. Hi.


KRISTEN You’re not talking to anyone. People will think you’re a recluse or retarded if you don’t put yourself out there more. Kristen smiles and touches her shoulder. Thanks.


KRISTEN Really isn’t a problem. Have fun. They smile at each other, a man walks up to Kristen and kisses her as someone flashes a photo. The kiss seems foreign to both of them. He’s DANIEL HAMILTON, late 20’s. DANIEL Someone wants to ask us a few questions. KRISTEN Oh. Of course. DANIEL Hello Stacie. STACIE Hey Daniel.


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


KRISTEN Well let you get back to -(She eyes her wine glass) See you Stacie. Kristen smiles and walks with Daniel. Stacie stands, ready to leave. Photos are flashed of Daniel and Kristen: husband and wife trying to look so much in love. Stacie begins to walk out -- as she does, Daniel looks at her. For only a second, the two share a look. It’s only for a second. But something is in it. EXT. FANCY RESTAURANT - PARKING LOT - LATER Ashley sets on a bench next to a fountain watching the water fall through it as a car smashes to a halt in front of her. She looks at it with an odd smile. She stands. EXT. HIGHWAY - LATER An old, very deserted highway. The same car now zooms down it. INT. RYAN’S CAR (MOVING) - SAME TIME Ashley is in the backseat. RYAN ANDREWS, 22, drives. He’s good looking and extremely fucked up. Next to him is VIOLET HAMILTON, 17. She has long dark red hair and looks as dangerous as her mother. RYAN So why’d you call me? ASHLEY I knew you’d show up. Ashley watched the road. RYAN You sounded pretty desperate. What happened? David.


VIOLET Isn’t he poor?


"The Pilot"


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Ashley can’t help but laugh. RYAN He’s cool though. Violet shrugs as she digs through her purse -- finally finding her bottle of vodka. She unscrews the top. VIOLET Where we taking you? ASHLEY My apartment. It’s kind of close. (Beat) We’d probably be there if we didn’t take this way... RYAN I like this way better. You go like eighty on it. Nobody ever drives on it you know. I didn’t.


Violet takes a long swig of her vodka. What some?


Ashley gets ready to reject. Then Yeah...


Ashley takes an even longer swig. INT. HOTEL - LOBBY - SAME TIME Stacie walks towards the front, when Daniel walks up behind her. Stacie.


She whips around. He nods towards a back room -- the other conference hall. She nods back.


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


INT. HOTEL - CONFERENCE HALL 2 - MOMENTS LATER Daniel and Stacie stand in the poorly lit and much smaller conference hall. She’s uncomfortable, he’s pleading like a dog. DANIEL You can’t end stuff like you did Stacie. STACIE Look... It’s just. I’m over it. DANIEL You didn’t have to quit working with me though. Shit -- I’ll quit. You can come back. She laughs. STACIE No. We had a good run. But you’re gonna have an ever better run in a few months. A campaign is a huge thing Daniel. I don’t want to be in the way at all. DANIEL You won’t be. She turns to leave. He grabs her hand. They share the same look as before. But it’s more powerful now. They kiss. It’s tender and something they’ve both been dying for all night. INT. RYAN’S CAR (MOVING) - SAME TIME Ashley nearly finishes the vodka with another swig. There all having a good time now. Violet’s smoking a joint. RYAN I didn’t know this road was this long. Ashley laughs. Another drink goes down. ASHLEY I’m not in a hurry. The radio turns up. Music BUSTS through the night.


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


Ryan pushes 90. Violet blows smoke rings. Ashley finishes her bottle. She goes to hand it back to Violet. Violet takes it and laughs. What the fuck is she supposed to do with this? VIOLET Oh. Yeah, thanks. Ashley falls back in her seat. The car speeds up. Violet looks at Ryan, he’s concentrating on the road now. His window’s down. She throws the bottle past it, it flies out the window and smashes against the concrete. He looks at her - first he’s angry. Then he smiles. RYAN Don’t make me throw you out of the car. Violet giggles, takes a hit, blows the smoke in his face. Ryan goes in for a kiss. BAM. The glass shatters. Something rolls across the hood of the car and smashes on the pavement behind them. Ryan swerves, the side of the car smacking a tree. They set in silence. One by one they turn and look out the back window... Oh my god.


She covers her mouth. EXT. HIGHWAY - CONTINUOUS The car hums quietly. In the middle of the road is a BODY. Skin and blood ripped across the pavement. He’s gone. With a click, Ashley’s door opens and she slowly slides out. VIOLET (From inside car) What the hell are you doing? What?



"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen

VIOLET Get in the fucking car. Ashley freezes. What -Come on.


Ashley shakes her head and more tears come. ASHLEY Are you fucking joking? RYAN No. I’m not. Get in the goddamn car Ashley. We just --


Ashley points to the body. Words fail her. VIOLET We’re all fucked up Ashley. If we stay... Ashley starts to consider it. RYAN We can dip. I’ll get my car fixed in a few weeks. You’ll say we took the shorter way if David asks. ASHLEY He might be alive. NYU. What?


RYAN They accepted you. You think you’ll go there this fall even if we didn’t get in trouble for this shit? And finally... Ashley nods.



"The Pilot"


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She sets down in the car. Her fingers grip the door. She watches her reflection in the glass. Judging herself. Then closes the door. The radio revs up again. The metal twists at it pulls away from the tree and the car drives... The body lies in the middle of the road. Shivering. As their car pulls away into the shadows the wind howls. TITLE CARD. END OF TEASER


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


FADE IN. EXT. THE CITY - MORNING The sun shines. The morning’s begun. It’s a new day. INT. HAMILTON EMPIRE - OFFICE 1 - MORNING RACHEL STEVENS, mid 20’s, smiles. She’s beautiful and breath taking. KRISTEN Rachel. I do think you’ll enjoy working here. Rachel’s smile widens. Really?


KRISTEN Yes. You’re a perfect fit for our law team. RACHEL Thank you so much. She’s gushing. She can’t control it. RACHEL (CONT’D) I can’t wait. Sure.


Rachel goes to shake hands. Kristen’s phone vibrates, she checks it and then places it to her ear. Yes?


Intercut with-INT. HAMILTON MANOR - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Violet stands in front of a roaring fire. Her fingers are trembling. She warms herself by the fire place, still wearing the clothes from the night before.


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


VIOLET (Into phone) Mom... I did something. Really, really bad. Kristen stands. KRISTEN What’s going on Violet? VIOLET I need some help. Violet cries hard and hangs up the phone. She looks at the fire and the dried blood on her fingers. TIME CUT -Violet’s at the bar. Pouring a drink. She’s frantic and on edge. She takes a sip. Closes her eye. INT. HAMILTON EMPIRE - OFFICE 1 - CONTINUOUS Kristen sets her phone down and looks around. Then at Rachel. Get out.


Kristen grabs her purse. Rachel looks around. Then her phone rings. RACHEL (To phone) Kyle? (Beat) Damn. Who -- who is this? INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - HALLWAY - DAY David steps out of the elevator and walks towards a door. He knocks and then reconsiders it. The door opens. It’s Ashley, she’s in a towel, soaking wet. She hasn’t slept all night. David.


DAVID Can I come in.


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ASHLEY It’s not a great time David. I’m really... busy. DAVID You owe me a conversation. Come on. Yeah.


She sighs and walks away, leaving the door open. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - ASHLEY’S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS David walks inside and looks around. Boxes are cluttered everywhere. She’s moving. She stands in a corner next, her back to him, next to an open box labeled: ‘CLOTHES.’ She drops her towel and David tries to look away. He can’t. ASHLEY What’s there to talk about? DAVID I don’t... You don’t wanna get married. I get it. That’s neat and all. She laughs and slides panties on. His mouth drops. DAVID (CONT’D) But can we just... reconsider or go back to what things were? ASHLEY No. You know that isn’t possible, it’ll be awkward as shit for now on. She turns around -- tears in her eyes. ASHLEY (CONT’D) I just can’t give you my time right now. Please, just talk or call me later or something. Just not right now. DAVID Glad you can’t give me the time Ashley.


"The Pilot"


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ASHLEY You won’t understand. DAVID Of course not. He turns towards a box and puts both hands on it. Then walks away. He leaves the door open and Ashley looks around. Fighting tears -- again. Her eyes fall on the box. David left the ring. She smiles to herself silently. FADE TO -- BLACKNESS. SUPERIMPOSE: Four Months Later INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT The long hallway has a line of blood dragged down it. A bloody hand print is on the side of the wall. Another FOOTSTEP. Someone is standing in the hall. Something glistens in their hand. It’s a man. He stands just out of the moonlight. It glistens brighter -- it’s the ring. The man steps forward. The moonlight reveals David standing in the hall. A bloody hand print is wiped across the corner of his shirt. Tears in his eyes. In the distance -- police sirens. He starts to back up and gets ready to run. Fuck.


BLACKNESS. SUPERIMPOSE: Four Months Earlier Present Day


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


INT. HAMILTON EMPIRE - RACHEL’S OFFICE - DAY Rachel stands in her small office. Touching the wooden desk and looking at the smooth walls. Sun shines through the small window and she smiles. Her phone rings again. She answers it fast. RACHEL Kyle? (Beat) Damn it. Who is this? Her face turns pale... She holds onto the wall and listens slowly. RACHEL (CONT’D) Where do I need to go? INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - ASHLEY’S APARTMENT - DAY The flat-screen sets on the floor. Boxes all around. Ashley sets in front of the TV. Crying. REPORTER (From TV) The male’s body was found on Highway 69 just outside of a local upper class neighborhood. He was struck at speeds police figure are in the upper 80’s and many believe he died on impact. No report on who hit him, but he was not found for sometime. Officials say this an obvious - hit. And run. Ashley’s eyes close. INT. RYAN’S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY A decent apartment. A little dirty. Smells of drugs. Money sprawled out here and there. The sound of a gun being COCKED is heard. A woman CHUCKLES. The shower, from another room, shuts off. INT. RYAN’S APARTMENT - BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS Ryan throws open the curtain and steps out of the shower. He wraps a towel around himself. He hears the woman’s CHUCKLE.


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


Ryan freezes and opens the bathroom door. Hello?


He moves out of the bathroom. INT. RYAN’S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Ryan looks around. The blinds are closed. It’s dark. He clicks on the light switch. Violet sets on the couch in the corner of the room. Holding his gun. She points it at him and lets out another CHUCKLE. Bang!


Ryan doesn’t find it funny and walks towards her. He rips the gun out of her hands. RYAN What the fuck are you doing? VIOLET I wanted to see you. She smiles. Get out.


VIOLET Why are you in such a bad mood, Ryan? (She touches him) It’s all taken care of. My mom knows a guy who works near in a police station. Her law firm got him off for killing his wife or some shit like that, you know. He’s going to make sure the records from the corner say a big blue van hit that fucker. Violet’s smile grows. RYAN So what? We’re off the hook. VIOLET Pretty much. First time my mom’s paid off.


"The Pilot"


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Violet tugs at his towel. For sure.


His towel falls and she kisses his body. RYAN (CONT’D) Let’s get you in the shower. VIOLET But I’m already wet... They both laugh and fall onto the sofa. The passion begins. INT. MORGUE - DAY A man walks up and pulls the silver drawer open. The body lies inside. The man from the hit and run. He’s worn and torn, gravel from the pavement still stuck to his dried blood. RACHEL That’s Kyle. Rachel stands over the body and breaks down. She leans against the wall and slides down to her knees. MAN I’m so sorry. Thank you for your time. The Man walks away. RACHEL That’s him... That’s him. Rachel cries hard. He’s gone. She’s broken. EXT. ROAD - EVENING The sun’s beginning to set. A car drives down the road. Ashley’s behind the wheel. INT. ASHLEY’S CAR (MOVING) - CONTINUOUS Ashley looks lost. She’s speeding. Touching the wheel only when necessary. She’s driven far out, her surroundings are nothing but hills. She pulls up to a gate and stops.


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


She hands a card to a man at the gate. He motions for her to continue on. The gate closes. It’s name: ‘HILLSIDE MENTAL INSTITUTION’ shines in the setting sun. INT. HAMILTON MANOR - MASTER BEDROOM/BATH - EVENING Kristen drinks a scotch and has her phone to her ear. KRISTEN (To phone) Just change it Sam. Thanks. Money will be in the account by the morning. She hangs up and Daniel walks in. They share an awkward look. KRISTEN (CONT’D) Home a little early. DANIEL No traffic this evening. KRISTEN Violet’s in some trouble. She’s going to stay here for awhile. Daniel starts to change into different clothes. He’s laughing. DANIEL When’s she not in trouble? God... He’s laughing rises. Kristen hates it. Yeah.


Kristen starts to walk out of the room. KRISTEN (CONT’D) How are things in the firm department? DANIEL Fine. Met that new girl for a few seconds. Seconds?



"The Pilot"


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DANIEL She left early. KRISTEN On her first day? DANIEL Yeah. Family emergency or something. KRISTEN I’ll fire her on Monday. DANIEL She’ll work out I think. KRISTEN As well as Stacie? Daniel’s taken aback. What?


KRISTEN Stacie. She quit. What else would I be talking about Daniel. DANIEL Oh. Well sure. KRISTEN Have you seen her lately? DANIEL Stacie? No... Nope. Oh.


Kristen stands up and walks into the bathroom. Daniel starts to dress himself in sweats. INT. HAMILTON MANOR - BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS Kristen shuts the door and looks at herself in the mirror. Anger on her face. She rests against the counter. Her breaths getting louder. She’s furious. Her fists smashes against the mirror. It CRACKS. Her hand bleeds. She doesn’t care. The fury’s still there. We FADE OUT on it...


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


BLACKNESS. SUPERIMPOSE: Four Months Later EXT. GRAVEYARD - DAWN The sun’s only just rose. The grass is green and the place -for the most part is beautiful. In the middle of everything is a girl. On her knees, looking at grave. Depression all over her face. She pushes the hair from her face... It’s Rachel. RACHEL I’m sorry. You wouldn’t. (Beat for tears) You wouldn’t want anything to have happened the way it did. You have to understand, I wanted to do it for you. For what they did to you. Something shakes in her hand. She pulls out a PISTOL. She looks at it then at the grave. RACHEL (CONT’D) I miss you Kyle. I didn’t mean to... I didn’t mean to kill... Her tears can’t stop. Her eyes drift to the gun. A smile. BLACKNESS. SUPERIMPOSE: Four Months Earlier Present Day INT. ASHLEY’S APARTMENT - KITCHEN - NIGHT Only one small light is on. Ashley sets on a box. A wine glass in her hand. She plays with the engagement ring left behind. A KNOCK at the door interrupts her and pulls her back to the world. She stands. Walks to the door, David looks at her.


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


ASHLEY I’m sorry... DAVID I talked to Ryan... And Violet. Oh.


She grabs his shirt and pulls him into a kiss. The door slams. He slams her against it. They kiss fast, she unbuttons his shirt and lets tears roll down her cheeks. He wants her and needs her so bad. They need each other. INT. ASHLEY’S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER In the middle of slow, passionate sex. They kiss each other’s bodies. Holding on to each other. Not letting go for dear life. EXT. THE BANK - MORNING The sun bursts -- again. Stacie hurries down the steps of the bank. Purse clutched tight. A limo slides to a halt in front of her, the door opens. She smiles. INT. LIMO (MOVING) - CONTINUOUS Stacie falls inside. Her smiles fades. Kristen looks at her. KRISTEN Hello Stacie. Hi...


KRISTEN Were you expecting someone else? Not everyday a limo picks -- you up. Kristen gives her a smile. STACIE Not everyday. KRISTEN How’s Ryan? Little guy staying out of trouble I presume.


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


STACIE I haven’t heard anything. KRISTEN Of course not. How’s your other little one? The one in boarding school. STACIE Mandy’s fine... Why’d you pick me up Kristen. KRISTEN I haven’t spoken with you since you left Daniel’s part of the company. I’m sure he was devastated. Of course. Stacie’s uncomfortable. STACIE Wanted to relax. I was over law. KRISTEN Your dad also died. Money was nice I bet. Stacie doesn’t know what to say. KRISTEN (CONT’D) Oh. Was that rude? STACIE Not coming from you. No. KRISTEN I want to offer you a job. Lots of “poor” people you can help. (Under-breath) God knows why. And, a hefty salary. STACIE Why do you want me to work for you? Kristen smiles. INT. RYAN’S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - DAY Violet’s dressing. Ryan’s still asleep. She yawns loud. He stays asleep. She looks for her pants and sees a bag of white pills. Takes another look at Ryan -- he’s gonna be sleeping for awhile.


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


She slides two -- maybe four -- out. VIOLET Just to wake up a bit... She downs them all in an instant and finds her pants. Slides them on. Falls on the bed. Kisses Ryan on the cheek. Bye babe.


He doesn’t wake up. INT. HAMILTON EMPIRE - RACHEL’S OFFICE - DAY Rachel tries to concrete on her computer. Images of Kyle’s body flash through her. Daniel knocks on the door. Hey.


She jumps -- and turns to him. Yeah?


DANIEL You sure you’re good for today? Promise. Alright.


He tosses a file at her. DANIEL (CONT’D) You have some experience. This is a very low key and boring case. It should stay that way. Rachel smiles. RACHEL Thanks... Will your wife -Kristen, I mean. Be in today?


"The Pilot"


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DANIEL She works in the business section. This the law part. There’s a few parts here. He nods. Then walks away. Rachel looks out her window -- she’s on the 33rd floor. Its a long way down. She turns to her desk - opens the file. A picture of ALEX HENDERSON stares at her. Murder.


She flips through the pages. Alright.


EXT. HAMILTON EMPIRE - DAY The building is fucking massive. At least 50 floors. At least. INT. DAVID’S APARTMENT - DAY David stands in his apartment. It’s small -- the smallest thing we’ve seen. Old appliances. Old everything. He pulls on some pants and his phone rings. He picks it up. DAVID (To phone) Yeah? INT. RYAN’S CAR - DAY The car’s parked near the ledge of a cliff. Inside Ryan and David are chill -- smoking a joint. DAVID So yesterday. When you called me. RYAN Yeah. My bad for making it seem like that big of a deal. It really wasn’t. DAVID You all fuckin’ ran some dude over.


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


RYAN Violet’s crazy ass mom took care of it. DAVID Ashley’s a mess about it. How bad?


DAVID Like freakin’ out and shit. RYAN She told me you proposed. David laughs. I did.


They both laugh. Hard. RYAN We just got out of college. Marriage -- really? DAVID It be something to do. Sure.


They laugh again. RYAN (CONT’D) How freaked out was she? DAVID Like she wanted to turn herself in. After we -- after I got over there and stuff. She told me she was too guilty. She talked to someone who told her to turn herself in. RYAN She’s... telling... People? I guess.


Ryan blows smoke out of the side of his mouth and looks at David. Be-fucking-wildered.


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


INT. HAMILTON MANOR - VIOLET’S ROOM - DAY Violet sets on her bed. Dizzy. Her phone vibrates. She can’t see or understand what’s going on... She puts it to her ear. PHONE You have one new voicemail. What...


RYAN (From phone) Hey. Violet! Ashley’s gonna tell someone. Call your mom or something. I’m coming over. Violet drops her phone. Blood slides out of her nose... She can’t control it. It flows quick, soon it’s gushing. She falls off her bed and sets on the floor. Coughing -- blood dropping. She claws at the floor. Violet tries to grab her phone. She can’t. She closes her eyes. The blood keeps flowing... INT. WHITE ROOM - DAY Ashley looks out a window. She’s in a white-tiled room. The entire place is white. Someone sets in the corner. ASHLEY I really do think I should tell... It’s clawing at me. We just left him there. Right in the middle of the road. Dying. Bleeding. WOMAN You should tell, Ashley. It’s the right thing. In the corner of the room stands a WOMAN. Wearing a grey robe. ASHLEY Thanks mom. WOMAN When can I go home?



"The Pilot"


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WOMAN I told you I wanted to go home last time you were here. I want to go home Ashley. I want to go home. ASHLEY I know you do mom -WOMAN I want to go home. ASHLEY I can’t take -WOMAN I want to go home. ASHLEY The doctors don’t think you’re -WOMAN I want to go home. Ashley doesn’t know what to say. Her mother looks at her. Ready to rip her hair out. Go away.


Ashley grabs her purse and walks out of the room. The room’s cramped, completely white. Everything inside is perfect and completely untouched. Ashley hurries out the door. Slamming it. Her mother frowns. EXT. HILLSIDE MENTAL INSTITUTION - LATER Ashley’s car whips through the gate as it closes behind her. The words once again, becoming visible. INT. ASHLEY’S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - DAY Ashley sets on her bed. Remembering her visit. A phone in her hand. Ready to tell on herself and let it all out. But she doesn’t... She places the phone down on her bedside table and notices, the ring is still there. A smile.


"The Pilot"


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INT. HAMILTON MANOR - VIOLET’S ROOM - DAY Violet has crawled halfway across the room. But she’s frozen in place. Not moving. Barely breathing. Footsteps echo down the hall and soon someone walks in. It’s Daniel. He looks at Violet. Shocked. DANIEL Holy shit... Violet. She doesn’t reply. He looks over her. Whipping out his phone. Ready to call 911. Daniel looks at her, lying defenseless on the floor. DANIEL (CONT’D) Do you know what me and your -mother -- go through with you? Always getting in trouble with the law. Her covering it up. Ignoring me. The worst part is, your pretty sexy Violet. He rubs her hair. Violet’s eyes slowly flutter towards him. DANIEL (CONT’D) Could probably do a lot of things real good. But you just make yourself so -- worthless. Would anything change if you were dead? Would anyone care, Violet? Daniel smiles. Violet scratches at the floor. DANIEL (CONT’D) I’ll miss you. RYAN (O.S.) What the hell are you doing. Daniel jumps. Ryan’s behind him. DANIEL Wha -- I just found her. I was about to call the police. RYAN Looked like you were talking to her. Ryan hurries towards Violet. Her eyes meet Ryan’s. She pleads for help.


"The Pilot"


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DANIEL Yeah, my -- uh. A girl here has overdosed or something on some kind of pills. I need an ambulance soon. Ryan and Violet hold hands. She’s almost gone... INT. HOSPITAL - WAITING ROOM - EVENING Kristen stands. Freaked out. Daniel doesn’t care enough to comfort her. Ryan’s in a chair. Trying to keep his cool. The elevator bings. Stacie and David walk out. DAVID What the hell happened? STACIE Ryan are you okay? KRISTEN My daughter overdosed on pills. (Eyeing Ryan) I wonder where she got them Stacie. Kristen looks away. Stacie can’t object. Truth hurts. RYAN I’m sorry Mom. Ryan and Stacie hug. STACIE Don’t ever do anything like this. David pats Ryan on the shoulder. They nod to each other. A DOCTOR walks towards them. DOCTOR She’s awake. EXT. CAFE - EVENING The sun is beginning to set. Ashley sets outside of a cafe. Finishing her drink. Rachel sets at another table. Right next to each other. They share a look and then look away. Both only inches away from each other. Ashley stands and grabs her purse. She walks home. Rachel finishes her drink. Rachel walks the other way.


"The Pilot"


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As Rachel does - everything FREEZES with a click. Someone takes a photo from across the street. They’re following her. They take another. Rachel sets in her car. Another PHOTO. They zoom in on Rachel’s face. And everything FREEZES. Her face sets still. Showing her pain. INT. HOSPITAL - VIOLET’S ROOM - NIGHT Kristen sets by her daughter’s bedside. It’s late. Violet starts to stir awake. Her eyes flutter at Kristen. Kristen jumps up. Violet... Mom.


KRISTEN Don’t ever -Mom.


KRISTEN What you did hurt me so -VIOLET Mom... Ashley. She’s gonna tell. Violet closes her eyes. Still in pain. KRISTEN Don’t worry about her. It’s all okay now. Kristen smiles. INT. ASHLEY’S APARTMENT - BATHROOM - NIGHT Ashley stands and steps out of a bubble bath. Wrapping a towel around her. She studies herself in the mirror. Bump. She looks around. Bump. Bump. Footsteps. Somewhere in the apartment. ASHLEY What the hell... She reaches out to the door. Slowly pushing it open.


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


INT. ASHLEY’S APARTMENT - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Ashley steps into the long hallway and grips the towel around her as she takes a few more steps... Another FOOTSTEP down the hall. Someone is there with her. She moves further. Stepping into the shadows. She gets close to the living room. Holding her breath. Another FOOTSTEP from the living room. Oh god.


She grips the side of the door - Someone STEPS OUT. A man. Dressed in BLACK. She SCREAMS. He PUNCHES her in the face. Grabs her. Picking her up from behind and placing a hand over her mouth. She tries to scream. He SMASHES her against the floor. She’s knocked out. He hurries out. Slamming the door. MOMENTS LATER Written across her now bare living room wall are the words: ‘SHUT UP’ It’s written in dark long letters. Extremely bold. Ashley stirs. Slowly raising her head, some blood running down the side. Her eyes widen in fear at the letters. She cries. It turns into a SCREAM. BLACKNESS. SUPERIMPOSE: Four Months Later EXT. THE WOODS - NIGHT The grave has just been dug. The trees are blowing stronger than before. Inside the grave, a woman cries. Blood covers her body, she scratches at the dirt. Blood covers her fingers. The shovel stabs a pile of dirt, tossing more into the grave. The woman in the grave reacts. The shovel RISES in the air. It SMASHES down into the grave. The sound of skin and bones breaking break through the wind.


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen


Ryan rips the shovel back up. Wiping a bit of splattered blood off his cheek. END OF SHOW


"The Pilot"


Jeff Allen



ASHLEY KING.............................NINA DOBREV DAVID PETERS............................PAUL WESLEY STACIE ANDREWS....................ELIZABETH MITCHELL KRISTEN HAMILTON.....................LAURA LEIGHTON DANIEL HAMILTON........................TATE DONOVAN VIOLET HAMILTON......................DANNEEL HARRIS RYAN ANDREWS.........................JOSH HENDERSON RACHEL STEVENS..........................SOPHIA BUSH

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