Daily Lesson Planning Template.doc

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 914
  • Pages: 3
Daily Lesson Planning Template (Based upon the Madeline Hunter Model)

go to descriptions | return to home page | download form Tips and Considerations: Note that unit and lesson planning are like learning to drive; it's very difficult at first, but after practice, it becomes habitual. After much practice and feedback, you will begin to design your own format and develop abbreviations, etc. Good teaching is characterized by good planning, you will always need to spend time planning your lessons. Remember, the well-taught lesson is a thing of beauty! It shows your commitment to the expectation of learning by the students and sends you on your instructional trip with a thoughtful roadmap. Other suggestions: Do lesson plans for each major preparation you teach. Your students deserve quality from a professional. Consider the learning you had when you were taught by someone who was unprepared. Take notes after you teach a lesson! When you make notes of the successes and changes you want, it is easier to remember next time. Element



The timing of the lesson plan is very important. The teacher should estimate length of time the activity will take.

Learner Outcomes / Benchmarks

Before the lesson is prepared, the teacher should have a clear idea of learner outcomes (benchmarks) to be addressed each day. Ask the question, “What specifically should the student be able to do, understand, and care about as a result of the teaching today?” As the plan unfolds, the teacher must consider possible adaptations, i.e. extensions/accommodations/differentiations of the lesson plan. This will include modifying the lesson plans for students with individual and specific needs. Using various instructional models such as Bloom’s Taxonomy (examples of this model are included in the Forms for downloading section), Bernice McCarthy’s 4-mat, or Howard Gardner’s MI is necessary for differentiating plans and for addressing various learning styles and student ability.


Equally as important, is the pacing of the lesson plan. The teacher should consider the logistical issues that will arise as students move from one activity to another. Behavioral expectations and procedures must be established and practiced in order that students know what is expected of them as they are involved in and move from one activity to another.


The teacher needs to know what standards of performance are to be expected and what type of lesson is to be presented, procedures to be followed, and what students are expected to do. State and Content Standards should be included here.

Daily Materials Needed

The teacher will need to list, from the Unit Materials listing, those materials that are pertinent to this particular daily lesson.

Anticipatory Set

This puts the students in a receptive frame of mind. It addresses the motivation for the lesson. How will the students become enticed to become active learners? The anticipatory set includes enduring understandings and essential questions in order to activate the learners' previous knowledge so that new learning can take place.


This is based upon the final assessment and what you hope students will know and be able to do at the end of the daily lesson. Teachers must develop a repertoire of various assessment strategies and vary them accordingly. The final unit must include the specific assessment documents/tools.

Teaching the Lesson

Teaching the lesson includes three parts: input, modeling, and checking for understanding. During input the teacher provides the information through lecture, videos, etc. Once the material has been presented, the teacher uses it to show students examples of what is expected as an end product of their work. Finally, the teacher determines whether or not the students have “got it” before proceeding. If students to not appear to have grasped the material, re-teaching may be necessary.

Guided Practice / Instructional Strategies

This is the opportunity for the student to demonstrate grasp of new learning by working through an activity or exercise under the teacher’s direct supervision. The teacher moves around the room to determine the level of mastery and to provide individual help if necessary.


Assess the post-instructional accomplishments of the learners and calculate student-by-student, or for full classroom, or for a selected group of students the growth in learning achieved.


List those actions or statements by a teacher that are designed to bring a lesson presentation to an appropriate conclusion. The three purposes of closure are to cue students to the end of a lesson, to help organize student learning, and to help form the big picture for the student by reviewing key points.

Independent Practice

Once students have mastered the content or skill, it is time for reinforcement practice. It should be provided on a repeating basis. It may be in the form of homework, group work or individual work in class.

Summarize, Evaluate & Reflect

Summarize, interpret, and consider the gains in academic performance levels of students in relation to where students were prior to instruction, the context in which teaching and learning occurred, and the implications of this analysis for one’s own professional effectiveness and development. Reflection questions may include How did the class do as a whole? Based upon the circumstances in which you were teaching, are there any conclusions you can make? What would you do differently next time you teach this lesson? What worked well? How did you utilize parental involvement and feedback? Were all texts and additional resources appropriate? How have you personally grown as a teacher from this lesson? go to top | return to home page | download form


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