Dagget Resignation Generic

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 381
  • Pages: 2
Dear Mr. Chris Dagget,

The political and ideological landscape of our state and country has shifted drastically to the far-flung left, beyond Socialism and bordering on Fascism and Marxism. We are at the crossroads for our nations’ survival. A majority of our fellow citizens elected an arrogant, Marxist as the leader of our once great nation. He is an apologist and seemingly ashamed of our country and history. This man is trying, with his every breath, to transform our homeland into his Utopian ideal. He abhors our Constitution and the very fabric and foundation on which our nation was structured. New Jersey is the crucial early battle ground State. A victory by Chris Christie would be an important harbinger of things to come; an early signal that We the People, intend to save our country from descending into collapse and oblivion. WE MUST STOP THIS MARXIST TSUNAMI NOW!!! If John Corzine retains his stewardship of NJ, this will almost certainly cement Obama’s reelection and continue his agenda of obliterating every citizen’s rights and liberties. God only knows what will ensue. Corzine and Obama must be defeated. Now is not the time for our State and Nation to have a new party. Possibly the future will offer opportunities for a legitimate and credible new party and its candidates. Certainly your love for our Country and Constitution is equivalent to ours. However, your candidacy only fortifies Corzine’ chances and all but awards him a second term. You are siphoning crucially needed votes away from Christ Christie. We can’t withstand a repeat of the 1992 elections and the Ross Perot effect, which lead to the election of Bill Clinton. Of course, this assessment may be erroneous and not your intended goal. We don’t visualize being "spoiler" as your intentional agenda. We respect your right to participate in the electoral process and endeavor to become NJ’s next Governor. We feel almost certain that we agree on many issues since you appear to espouse many conservative values. However, we urgently implore you to terminate your campaign and endorse Chris Christie for New Jersey’s next Governor. Our State and Country need both you and your followers to work alongside of Christie. Please don’t automatically dismiss this suggestion. Instead, we urge you to seriously consider this option. Respectfully,

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