Daffodil Db Design-document

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  • Words: 57,454
  • Pages: 221
Daffodil DB Design Document (Beta)

Version 4.0 January 2005

Copyright © Daffodil Software Limited Sco 42,3rd Floor Old Judicial Complex, Civil lines Gurgaon - 122001 Haryana, India. www.daffodildb.com All rights reserved. Daffodil DB™ is a registered trademark of Daffodil Software Limited. Java™ is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


Table of Contents TABLE OF FIGURES...................................................................................................... 5 PREFACE.......................................................................................................................... 7 PURPOSE....................................................................................................................................... 7 TARGET AUDIENCE ...................................................................................................................... 8 PRE-REQUISITES ........................................................................................................................... 9

TOP LEVEL INTERACTION DIAGRAMS ............................................................... 10 EXECUTE DDL QUERY ............................................................................................................... 11 EXECUTE DML QUERY ............................................................................................................... 13 EXECUTE DQL QUERY ............................................................................................................... 15

JDBC DRIVER ............................................................................................................... 17 SERVER .......................................................................................................................... 18 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................. 18 SERVERSYSTEM ......................................................................................................................... 19

DML ................................................................................................................................. 21 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................. 21 CONSTRAINTSYSTEM ................................................................................................................. 75 TRIGGERSYSTEM ....................................................................................................................... 79 SQL............................................................................................................................................ 82

DDL .................................................................................................................................. 85 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................. 85 SQL............................................................................................................................................ 95 DESCRIPTORS ........................................................................................................................... 101

DQL................................................................................................................................ 105 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 105 SQL.......................................................................................................................................... 146 NAVIGATOR ............................................................................................................................. 149 EXECUTIONPLAN ..................................................................................................................... 153

SESSION........................................................................................................................ 156 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 156 SESSIONSYSTEM ...................................................................................................................... 170 DATADICTIONARY ................................................................................................................... 177

DATA STORE............................................................................................................... 182 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 182 FILESYSTEM ............................................................................................................................. 199 INDEXSYSTEM .......................................................................................................................... 205

PARSER......................................................................................................................... 210

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 210 PARSER SYSTEM ...................................................................................................................... 215

RELATED DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................... 218 SIGN UP FOR SUPPORT ........................................................................................... 219 WE NEED FEEDBACK! ............................................................................................. 220 LICENSE NOTICE ...................................................................................................... 221

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


Table of Figures FIGURE 1: TOP LEVEL INTERACTION DIAGRAM.................................................................. 10 FIGURE 2: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - EXECUTE DDL QUERY ........................................................ 11 FIGURE 3: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - EXECUTE DML QUERY ....................................................... 13 FIGURE 4: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - EXECUTE DQL QUERY ........................................................ 15 FIGURE 5: CLASS DIAGRAM - SERVERSYSTEM ............................................................................. 19 FIGURE 6: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - EXECUTE INSERT QUERY.................................................... 67 FIGURE 7: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - EXECUTE UPDATE QUERY .................................................. 68 FIGURE 8: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - EXECUTE DELETE QUERY .................................................. 70 FIGURE 9: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - CONSTRAINT CHECKING ..................................................... 72 FIGURE 10: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - TRIGGER EXECUTION ....................................................... 74 FIGURE 11: CLASS DIAGRAM - CONSTRAINTSYSTEM ( INTERFACES)........................................... 75 FIGURE 12: CLASS DIAGRAM - CONSTRAINTSYSTEM (CLASSES) ................................................. 76 FIGURE 13: CLASS DIAGRAM - TRIGGERSYSTEM (INTERFACES) .................................................. 79 FIGURE 14: CLASS DIAGRAM - TRIGGERSYSTEM (CLASSES)........................................................ 80 FIGURE 15: CLASS DIAGRAM - SQL (DML).................................................................................. 82 FIGURE 16: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - CREATION OF OBJECT ........................................................ 87 FIGURE 17: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - DROPPING OF OBJECT ........................................................ 89 FIGURE 18: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - GRANT USER PRIVILEGES .................................................. 91 FIGURE 19: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - REVOKE USER PRIVILEGES ................................................ 92 FIGURE 20: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - CHECK SEMANTIC ............................................................. 93 FIGURE 21: CLASS DIAGRAM - SQL (DDL) .................................................................................. 95 FIGURE 22: CLASS DIAGRAM - DESCRIPTORS ............................................................................. 101 FIGURE 23: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - EXECUTE SIMPLE QUERY ............................................... 129 FIGURE 24: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - EXECUTE QUERY INVOLVING JOINS ................................ 132 FIGURE 25: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - EXECUTE QUERY WITH GROUP BY CLAUSE ..................... 134 FIGURE 26: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - EXECUTE QUERY INVOLVING SET OPERATORS ............... 138 FIGURE 27: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - EXECUTE QUERY WITH ORDER BY CLAUSE ..................... 140 FIGURE 28: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - EXECUTE QUERY INVOLVING SUB-QUERY ...................... 142 FIGURE 29: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - EXECUTE QUERY INVOLVING VIEW................................. 144 FIGURE 30: CLASS DIAGRAM - SQL (DQL) ................................................................................ 146 FIGURE 31: CLASS DIAGRAM - NAVIGATOR................................................................................ 149 FIGURE 32: CLASS DIAGRAM - EXECUTION PLAN ....................................................................... 153 FIGURE 33: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - RECORD LOCKING ........................................................... 166 FIGURE 34: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - TRANSACTION COMMIT ................................................... 167 FIGURE 35: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - READ COMMITTED ISOLATION LEVEL ............................. 168 FIGURE 36: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - GET META DATA INFO ..................................................... 169 FIGURE 37: CLASS DIAGRAM – SESSIONSYSTEM (INTERFACES) ................................................ 170 FIGURE 38: CLASS DIAGRAM – SESSIONSYSTEM (CLASSES) ...................................................... 172 FIGURE 39: CLASS DIAGRAM – SESSIONCONDITION ................................................................... 175 FIGURE 40: CLASS DIAGRAM – DATADICTIONARY (INTERFACES) ............................................. 177 FIGURE 41: CLASS DIAGRAM – DATADICTIONARY (CLASSES)................................................... 180 FIGURE 42: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - UNCOMMITTED DATA HANDLING.................................... 195 FIGURE 43: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - PHYSICAL STORAGE OF A RECORD .................................. 196 FIGURE 44: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - INSERTION IN INDEX........................................................ 197 FIGURE 45: CLASS DIAGRAM – FILESYSTEM (INTERFACES)....................................................... 199 FIGURE 46: CLASS DIAGRAM – FILESYSTEM (CLASSES) ............................................................ 201

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


FIGURE 47: CLASS DIAGRAM – INDEXSYSTEM (INTERFACES).................................................... 205 FIGURE 48: CLASS DIAGRAM – INDEXSYSTEM (CLASSES) ......................................................... 206 FIGURE 49: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - PARSE QUERY .................................................................. 212 FIGURE 50: INTERACTION DIAGRAM - CLASS GENERATION FOR PARSING RULES ..................... 213 FIGURE 51: CLASS DIAGRAM – PARSERSYSTEM ......................................................................... 215

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


Preface Purpose Purpose of Daffodil DB Design Document is to describe the design and the architecture of Daffodil DB. The design is expressed in sufficient detail so as to enable all the developers to understand the underlying architecture of Daffodil DB. Logical architecture of JDBC driver, Server, DML, DDL, DQL, Session, Data Store and Parser of Daffodil DB are explained. Highlights of the documents are: ƒ

Interaction Diagrams of all the component modules of Daffodil DB are explained.


Classes and Interfaces of all the modules have been thoroughly explained.


Examples with valid and invalid cases are provided wherever necessary.

Note: Daffodil DB Design Document is a beta document. We are working towards making the document more user-friendly.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


Target Audience This Design document is intended to act as a technical reference tool for developers involved in the development of Daffodil DB/One$DB. This document assumes that you have sufficient understanding of the following concepts: ƒ

RDBMS and its various component modules.




Java and JDBC


Interaction Diagrams


Classes and Interfaces

Note: Daffodil DB Design Document is not intended for end-users.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


Pre-requisites Daffodil DB requires Java JRE 1.4 or higher. Since Daffodil DB is written in Java, it can run on any platform that supports the Java runtime environment 1.4 or higher. The compiled files are contained in Java Archives (JARs) and have to be defined in the CLASSPATH environment variable:

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


Top Level Interaction Diagrams JDBC Driver







Data Store


Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


execute DDL query User will execute its DDL (Data Definition Language) query through the Daffodil DB JDBC Driver. DDL queries can be used to create, drop or alter objects in the database. Objects allowed are schema, tables, views, triggers, domains, procedures, roles, and constraints. Objects once created will remain persistent in the database.







User will give call for 1: execute DDL query executing the DDL query through JDBC driver Server uses parser to parse the query. Parser will check the query

2: parse query

Server will pass the parsed object to DDL for execution

3: create object

4: execute query

DDL will do the semantic checking of the query and will store the information in the system tables Session will save information onto physical storage persistence

5: Update meta-data info

6: save info in physical storage

the the for

Figure 2: Interaction Diagram - execute DDL query

Flow Explanations: 1: JDBC driver will pass the user query to server for execution. Server will return an object having information about the result of the query. Exceptions: Query is invalid Object already exists. 2 & 3: Server will give the query to parser for parsing. Parser will parse the query and create a tree-type object representing the content of the query. The tree-type object will be Java classes representing different rules of the SQL grammar.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


4: Server will give call to the parsed objects for execution. DDL will perform the semantic checking of the query. After performing the semantic checking of the query, DDL will update the information about the object in the system tables. DDL will also apply the rules specified in SQL 99 specification for the given query. Exceptions: Violation of rule specified in SQL 99 specification. 5: Session will update the meta data information and interact with data store to save the info in the physical storage. 6: Data Store will interact with physical storage to store the meta-data info. Exception: No space on physical storage.

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execute DML query

JDBC Driver






User will execute DML query 1: execute DML query through the JDBC driver. Server uses parser to parse the query. Parser will check the query syntax.

2: parse query

Server will pass the parsed object to DML for execution

3: create object

4: execute query

DML will check the semantic of the query and will retrieve the affected rows from session. DML will pass the new values to session to change the affected rows. DML will apply the constraints and triggers on the affected rows. Session will save the affected rows onto physical storage.

5: navigate rows 6: retrieve rows from physical storage 7: Change affected rows 8: apply constraints and triggers

9: save changes 10: save affected rows to physical storage

Figure 3: Interaction Diagram - execute DML query

Flow Explanations: 1: JDBC driver will pass the user query to server for execution. Server will return the count of the rows affected by the query. Exceptions: Constraint violation. Execution Trigger in execution Query is invalid. 2 & 3: Server will give the query to parser for parsing. Parser will parse the query and create a tree-type object representing the overall structure of the query. The tree-type object will be Java classes representing different rules of the SQL grammar. 4: Server will pass the parsed object to DML for execution. DML will perform the semantic checking of the query. DML will check the rules specified in SQL specification for the given query.

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Exception Constraint violation 5 & 6: Session will be requested to retrieve all the rows of the given table according to the specified condition. Session will interact with Data System to retrieve rows from the physical storage. 7: Session will check for the locking of the rows being changed by the DML. Exception: Row modified by another user 8: DML will also apply the constraints and triggers created by the user on the given table. 9 & 10: After doing all the operations, DML will save the changes by interacting with the Session.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


execute DQL query

JDBC Driver User will give call to execute its DQL query through JDBC driver.






1: execute DQL query

2: parse query Server uses parser to parse the query. Parser will check the query syntax.

3: create object 4: execute query 5: make query execution plan

Server will pass the parsed object to DQL for execution.

6: retrieve rows DQL will check semantics of the query and will use session to retrieve the rows satisfying the query. DQL returns an iterator object which will be used to iterate the result of the DQL query.

7: retrieve rows from physical storage Loop for all the tables involved in query. 8: adjust retrieved rows according to query 9: iterator object 10: iterator object

Figure 4: Interaction Diagram - execute DQL query

Flow Explanations: 1: JDBC driver will pass the user query to server for execution. Server will return an iterator object which can be used to iterate the result of the DQL query. Exceptions: Query is invalid. 2 & 3: Server will give the query to parser for parsing. Parser will parse the query and create a tree-type object representing the overall structure of the query. The tree-type object will be java classes representing different rules of the SQL grammar. 4: Server will pass the parsed object to DQL for execution. DQL will perform the semantic checking of the query. DQL will also the query according to the rules of SQL specification. DQL will make an execution plan for the query. Execution plan will have the information about solving query optimally. DQL will interact with the session to retrieve rows according to the transaction isolation level of the user. DQL will create an iterator object. Iterator can be used to iterate the results of the query. Iterator can be navigated in forward and backward direction.

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5: Execution plan will be containing information about how to solve query optimally. DQL will retrieve meta-data info from Session and will use meta-data to find indexes for solving conditions specified in query. 6 & 7: Session will retrieve rows of the specified table according to the transaction isolation level. Session will interact with data system to retrieve rows from physical storage. Session will also check user privileges on the given table and columns. 8: DQL will adjust the retrieved rows according to query. DQL will be adjusting the rows according to join clause, group by clause, order by clause etc. 9 & 10: DQL returns an iterator object which will be used to iterate the result of the DQL query.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


JDBC Driver JDBC Driver responsiblities: Support for JDBC 3.0 API Executable in embedded and network mode JDBC Driver will be the main interface through which a user can interact with Daffodil DB. JDBC driver can be used to execute any type of query on the database. JDBC driver will function according to JDBC 3.0 API specified by Sun MicroSystems. JDBC driver will provide all the information about the database and its objects. JDBC driver will provide access to meta-data as well as data of the tables. JDBC driver will support the execution of all types of queries including DDL, DML, DQL and DCL. Using JDBC driver user will be able to execute SQL statements, retrieve results and perform changes to the database. For more comprehensive and up-to-date information on JDBC and JTA, please refer the following resources: •





JDBC driver will be given for Embedded as well as for Network version of Daffodil DB. We will be providing other interfaces like Command-Line tool, GUI-based tool (Graphical User interface) for performing the above mentioned operations.

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Server Overview Server responsibilities: Processing JDBC driver requests Managing currently active users Access to multiple databases concurrently Multi-threaded environment Server will be responsible for processing the JDBC driver requests. Server will provide the environment to the user for the execution of different type of queries. Queries can be DDL, DML, DQL and DCL. Queries can be executed on different databases concurrently. Server will be providing a multi-threaded environment for concurrent execution of queries on the same database. Server can be started in two modes i.e. Embedded and Network.

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ServerSystem Class Diagram: Classes UserImpl Server




Connection <<depends>>


XAResource PreparedStat ementImpl PreparedSta tement XAResourceImpl


Figure 5: Class Diagram - ServerSystem

Classes: Connection (Interface) Connection represents the interface through which the user interacts with the database server. Connection is responsible for handling transaction and executing SQL queries given by the user. Server (Interface) Server is responsible for providing the connections to the users and ensuring the databases are not used by another instance of database server. Server verifies the user while giving the connection to the database. ServerImpl ( ) ServerImpl provides the implementation of the Server interface. ConnectionImpl ( ) ConnectionImpl provides the implementation of Connection interface. DistributedConnectionImpl ( ) DistributedConnectionImpl provides the implementation of Connection interface in distributed transactions environment. DistributedConnectionImpl delegates its call to underlying Connection instance.

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PreparedStatement (Interface) PreparedStatement is responsible for executing the query with parameters. Users make an instance of PreparedStatement by passing the query to the Connection and then user executes the query by giving the values of the parameters. PreparedStatementImpl ( ) PreparedStatementImpl provides the implementation of the PreparedStatement interface. NonParameterizedStatement ( ) NonParameterizedStatement provides the implementation of PreparedStatement interface in case of queries having no parameters. User (Interface) User is responsible for interacting with the end-user through GUI. User manages the connections and provide functionality for creating/droping the database. UserImpl ( ) UserImpl provides the implementation of the User interface. XAResource (Interface) XAResource represents a distributed resource. XAResourceImpl ( ) XAResourceImpl provides the implementation of XAResource interface.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


DML Overview DML responsibilities: Executing DML queries Applying constraints and triggers Concurrent execution of queries DML will be responsible for executing all types of DML queries specified in SQL 99 specification. DML queries include insert, update and delete. DML will also take care of constraints and triggers. DML is very crucial in the overall performance of the database server. It needs to be optimized for best performance. Multiple users can execute different DML queries on the same table concurrently. DML queries include: Insert Update Delete Applying constraints Executing triggers Constraints: Constraints are used to specify or check the validity of the records inserted/modified. Different constraints are: Unique constraint: Constraint specifies that every combination or value of the specified columns should be unique. Null values are not considered for checking the constraint. In case the constraint is applied on a combination of columns and either of the column is having a null value, constraint is not checked for that record/row. Primary constraint: Primary constraint is similar to unique constraint but it does not allow null value in the columns. In case multiple columns are specified in the constraint then no column can have null value in it. Check constraint: Check constraint specifies a condition that must be satisfied by the column value of each row of the table. Constraint can be applied on single column or multiple columns. For checking the constraint the specified condition is evaluated and if the current value of the column doesn’t satisfies the condition, an error is thrown. Foreign constraint: Foreign constraint is also known as referential constraint. Foreign constraint specifies that the value of column(s) refers to a value of column(s) of some row in other table. This constraint is mostly used to refer Details to the Master record.

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In case of null value in the column(s), value is not checked in the other table. Foreign constraint also specifies what to do in case of update/delete of other table row. User can specify the following behaviour: No action, Restrict, Cascade, Set Default and Set Null. Null Constraint: Null constraint is used to restrict the Null value in the column, specified in the constraint. Triggers: Triggers are used to perform specified action on the occurrence of other operations on the table. Triggers can be applied in a variety of ways. Triggers are applied on DML operations performed on the table. There are two types of triggers: Statement-Level Trigger: Statement-level trigger is executed once for each DML statement. Row-Level Trigger: Row-level trigger is executed once for each record affected by the DML statement execution. Trigger can be applied on any of DML query i.e. Insert, Update and Delete. Trigger can be configured to be executed before or after execution of operation. It can be restricted by applying a “condition” for its execution. In case of Update, a list of columns can also be specified. Triggers have a set of SQL statements which are executed when the trigger is executed. Triggers can be nested i.e. an SQL statement of a trigger can initiate another trigger. DML Query Execution: DML query execution can be divided into four parts, mainly privileges checking, records modification, constraints checking and triggers execution. DML query specifies a single table whose records/rows will be modified. In case of insert query, user specifies the columns and values of the record. In case of update query, user specifies a “where condition” for records to be modified and expressions for retrieving column values. In case of delete query, user specifies a “where condition” for records to be deleted. DML query will first of all check the privileges of the user executing the query. Current User must have the privileges for the specified query and columns being affected. DML query will be locating the records to be operated by either solving the “where condition” or by making the record using the values specified. DML query will perform the specified operation on the records found above. DML query will also perform constraints checking on every record modified. In case there is a violation, DML query will rollback the changes done and will throw an error to the user. DML query will also execute the triggers applied by users on the above operation. As in the case of constraints, if there is any error or violation, DML query will rollback all the changes done and throw an error to user. DML query will always start a sub-transaction under current transaction so that changes done by the current query can be reverted in case of error and on successful execution, changes done under sub-transaction will become part of current transaction.

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Optimization of DML Query: Using Indexes to solve condition: If we have indexes created on the table and there is a condition on the columns of indexes, then we should use the index to solve the condition. Using Indexes for constraints checking: In case of Unique/Primary constraint, we can use the index created on the column of the constraints for checking. If the current value is present in the index, then an error should be thrown. Also in case of foreign constraint, we can use the referenced table index for checking the current value of the column(s). In case the current value is not present in the index, an error should be thrown. More details: Using Indexes: In case of update and delete statement, if a condition is specified then we can use indexes to solve it. • • • •

If more than one index is available on the columns involved in the condition then the index containing maximum number of condition columns should be selected. We can also consider size of columns for selecting an index. If we have a condition and it can’t be solved by a single index, then we should split the condition if the individual parts can be solved by indexes. We can also consider use of multiple indexes to solve the condition.

Removing redundant conditions: •

We can remove redundant conditions involving greater than and less than operator.

We can remove the conditions involving “AND” and “OR” using the following rules: Predicate “OR” True --- True Predicate “OR” False --- Predicate Predicate “AND” True --- Predicate Predicate “AND” False --- False

We can replace predicate containing null value with “Unknown” value. Eg a = null, a > null can be replaced with “Unknown” value.

Condition/query rewriting: •

We can rewrite the conditions to optimize the query execution. o We can use the following law of algebra to rewrite the condition involving NOT operator: NOT (A AND B) = NOT A or NOT B; A and B are predicates. NOT (A OR B) = NOT A and NOT B; A and B are predicates. o We can rewrite the predicate involving NOT and greater than/less than.

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NOT (A > 2) Æ A <= 2 NOT (A < 2) Æ A >= 2 NOT (A >=2) Æ A < 2 NOT (A <=2) Æ A > 2 NOT (A! = 5) Æ A =5 NOT (A = 5) Æ A! = 5 Using Indexes for constraints checking: We will be creating indexes on unique and primary constraint columns to speed up the constraints checking, retrieving and modification. • In case of unique and primary constraint, we can use index to check whether the current value of the column is existing in the table. • In case of foreign constraint, we can use index of the referenced table to check whether the current value is valid. Triggers Optimization: •

We can cache the parsed objects of SQL queries specified in the trigger. We can avoid semantic checking of SQL queries because SQL queries are checked semantically during trigger creation.

DML RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Insert 2. Update 3. Delete 4. Triggers 5. Constraints 6. Default clause 7. Auto Increment Values 8. Sequences


Semantic Checking ()

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Check for table existence Check the existence of columns of statement in table Check for column ambiguity Check for cardinality Check for degree Check the data types of values in query with the data types of column in table Check the semantic checking of Sub query, if any.

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Check the existence of table in SQL query Invalid: Insert into Tab1 values (1,”A”) Comment: No object called Tab1. Valid: Create Table Tab1 (a int, b char (1)) Insert into Tab1 values (1,’A’) Check the existence of columns names of statement in table Invalid: Create Table Tab1 (a int, b char (1)) Insert into Tab1 (a, c) values (1,’A’) Insert into Tab1 (T2.a) values (2) Valid: Create Table Tab1 (a int, b char (1)) Insert into Tab1 (a, b) values (1,’A’) Check for column ambiguity Invalid: Create Table Tab1 (a int, b char (1)) Insert into Tab1 (a, a) values (1, 2) Valid: Create Table Tab1 (a int, b char (1)) Insert into Tab1 (a) values (2) Check for cardinality (number of columns defined in insert statement should be equal to number of values specified) Invalid: Create Table Tab1 (a int, b char (1)) Insert into Tab1 (a, b) values (1, ‘A’,’B’) Insert into Tab1 (a) values (1,’A’) Insert into Tab1 (a) values (select * from Tab1) Valid: Create Table Tab1 (a int, b char (1)) Insert into Tab1 (a) values (2) Check for degree (number of rows from select query should be equal to one) Invalid: Create Table Tab1 (a int, b char (1)) Insert into Tab1 (a, b) values (1, ‘A’) Insert into Tab1 (a, b) values (2, ‘B’) Insert into Tab1 (a, b) values (select * from Tab1) Valid: Create Table Tab1 (a int, b char (1)) Insert into Tab1 (a, b) values (1, ‘A’)

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Insert into Tab1 (a, b) values (select * from Tab1) Check for data types of values in query with the data types of respective column in table Invalid: Create Table Tab1 (a int, b char (1)) Insert into Tab1 (a) values (‘abc’) Valid: Create Table Tab1 (a int, b char (1)) Insert into Tab1 (a) values (1) Execution Insert: 1. Convert the data type of values in insert statement, according to the data type of the columns defined in table. If user has created a table with column of varchar data type and inserting a numeric value without quotes, Daffodil DB will convert the numeric value to varchar type. 2. Add the default value, if user has not provided the values of columns defined with default clause, otherwise record will be inserted with user value. 3. Add auto increment value, if table has a column with auto increment property. If value is provided within the statement by user it takes precedence in respect to the auto generated value. 4. Add the value generated by sequence, if user has used any sequence in statement. 5. Finally insert these values in a table as a row. 6. If any sub query is used in insert statement, Daffodil DB will fetch all the records of the sub query to insert them into table. Update: 1. Convert the data type of values of set clause list in update statement, according to the data type of the columns defined in the table. If user has created a table with column of varchar data type and inserting a numeric value without quotes, Daffodil DB will convert the numeric value to varchar type. 2. Add the value generated by the sequence, if user has used any sequence in statement. 3. Update all the records if user has not specified any ‘where clause’. If user has specified it, get the navigator on condition and update all records, which satisfy the condition given in the statement.

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Delete: 1. Delete all records if user has not specified any ‘where clause’. If user has specified it, get the navigator on condition and delete all records, which satisfy the condition given in the statement. Examples: a)

Insert into Tab2(a, b) values (Default, Default) Default values for columns, b and a, are inserted through this query and rest of the columns are inserted with null values.


Insert into Tab1 default values Default values in all columns with default clause are inserted through this query and rest of the columns are inserted with null values.


Insert into Tab1 (b, a) values(’ATop’,1) Simply inserts records with value ‘ATop’ and 1 in columns b and a.


Insert into Tab1 select * from Tab2 This statement will insert all the records of Tab2 table in table Tab1. Number of columns in table Tab1 and Tab2 should be equal.


Insert into Tab1 (a) values (seq1.next ()), here seq1 is the sequence. This statement will insert a row with values returned by sequence.


Insert into Tab1 (a) values(1),(2),(3) This statement will insert 3 rows in table Tab1 with values 1, 2, 3 in column a.


Update Tab1 set a = 5 This statement will update all records of the table with value 5 in column a.


Update Tab1 set a = 5 where b = ‘A’ This statement will update all records, which is having the value ‘A’ in column b, of the table with value 5 in column a.


Update Tab1 set a = 3 , b = ‘T’ This statement will update all records of the table with value 5 in column a and value ‘T’ in column b.


Update Tab1 set a = 10 , b = ‘Z’ where a = 3 This statement will update all records, which is having the value 3 in column a, of the table with value ‘Z’ in column b and 10 in column a.


Update Tab1 set a = seq.nextval where a = 3; This statement will update all records, which is having the value 3 in column a, of the table with value generated by sequence.


Update Tab1 set a = 23 where a = seq.currentval

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This statement will update all records, which is having the value equal to the current value of the sequence in column a, of the table with value 23 in column a. m)

Update Tab1 set a = 50 were a in (select id from Tab2 where id >5) This statement will update all records, which is having the value of “a” is equal to any of the id we got from the select query.


Delete from Tab1 Deletes all record from table.


Delete from Tab1 where a = 1 All the record will be deleted which satisfy the condition a = 1


Delete from Tab1 where a > 5 All the record will be deleted which satisfy the condition a > 5

Default Clause: The default clause allows one to specify default values for a given column. Possible default values can be any literal / null value / datetime / valuefunction / USER / CURRENT_USER / CURRENT_ROLE / SESSION_USER / CURRENT_PATH / any implicitly typed value specification. Default value clause is set for a column at the time of creation of a table. And its values are provided at the time of insertion. We insert the default value in a row even when the user has not specified the name of default column in insert column list. Default value is overwritten when user has provided value for the column that has default value. For Example: Create table student (Rollno integer, SName varchar (20), memo varchar (200) DEFAULT CURRENT_USER); Insert into student (Rollno, Sname) values (1, ‘Rohan’); Insert into student values (1, ‘Rohan’, ‘deepak’); Select * from student; Result: Rollno









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Auto Increment: To assign incremental value for a column we use auto increment option. There is no need for the user to provide value for the column that has auto increment option because server itself provides incremental value for this column. However, user also can provide value for the column. By default, column value starts from 1 with Increment factor 1. User can declare only following data type field for auto increment option: BIGINT, BYTE, INT, INTEGER, LONG, SMALLINT, TINYINT, DOUBLE PRECISION, FLOAT, REAL, DEC, DECIMAL, NUMERIC For Example: Create table student (Rollno long autoincrement, SName varchar (20)); insert into student values (30, 'rohit'); insert into student (Sname) values ( 'rohit'); insert into student values (48, 'rohit'); insert into student (Sname) values ( 'george'); insert into student values (1, 'first'); insert into student (Sname) values ( 'last'); select * from student; Result:















Sequence: Sequences are very similar to auto increment except that auto increment applies on table level and sequence on database level. We can use single sequence in many tables

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For Example: create table users.users.Student( roll integer , address varchar(20)); create sequence seq start with 2 increment by 2 minvalue 2 maxvalue 100 cycle; insert into student values ( seq.nextval , '2' ); insert into student values ( seq.nextval , '3' ); insert into student values ( seq.nextval , '4' );

select * from student; Result: roll








Constraints: Types of Constraints 1. 2. 3. 4.

Primary Constraints Unique Constraints Check Constraints Referential Constraints

Primary Constraints: We check primary constraints only for insert and update statement. Primary constraints are checked even if user has not provided the column, having primary key, in his statement. For checking of primary constraints, we scan whole table to maintain uniqueness of the column. However, to check this constraint in optimized way, we use index created on primary column. For Example: Create table tab1 (c1 integer primary key, c2 char (10)) Here we created a table with two-column c1 with integer and c2 with char data type. In addition, we have applied a primary key on column c1. Following queries will show you the behaviour of the primary constraint. 1.

insert into tab1 values(1, ‘a’)

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This query will be executed successfully and in result of the query one row will be inserted in table with values 1 in column c1 and ‘a’ in column c2. 2.

Insert into tab1 (c2) values (‘a’) User on executing this query will face a Primary Key Violation exception. Because he has not mentioned any value for column c1 and null value is not allowed in Primary Constaint.


Insert into tab1 (c1,c2) values (2, ‘b’) On executing this query, one row will be inserted in table with values 2 in column c1 and ‘b’ in column c2.


Insert into tab1 (c1,c2) values (1, ‘c’) On executing this query user will face a Primary Key Violation exception because table has already a row with value 1 in column c1.

Unique Constraints: Unique constraints are very similar to primary constraint except that unique constraints allow null values in column. To check this constraint, database scan whole table to maintain the uniqueness of the column. Database use index created on columns that are included in unique constraint for optimization purpose. In this constraint database will check the unique constraint only if user has defined the column in statement. For Example: Create table tab1 (c1 integer unique, c2 char (10)) Here we created a table with two-column c1 with integer and c2 with char data type. In Additional, we have applied a unique constraint on column c1. Using following queries we are trying to show you the behaviour of the unique constraint. 1

Insert into tab1 values (1, ‘a’) This query will be executed successfully and in result of the query one row will be inserted in table with values 1 in column c1 and ‘a’ in column c2.


Insert into tab1 (c2) values (‘a’) This query will be executed successfully and one row will be inserted in table with value null in column c1 and ‘a’ in column c2.


Insert into tab1 (c1, c2) values (null, ‘b’) This query will be executed successfully and one row will be inserted in table with value null in column c1 and ‘b’ in column c2.


Insert into tab1 (c1, c2) values (1, ‘c’) User on executing this query will face a Unique Constraint Violation exception because table has already a row with value 1 in column c1.

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Check Constraints: To verify check constraint, database solves the condition applied by user on column. For solving condition, database use values from the current row which is being inserted or updated. Check constraints are applicable only on insert and update statement. Daffodil DB does not verify this constraint for delete statement. If any sub query is included in check constraint, then first the database solve the select statement and then verify the given check.

Examples: 1. Create table tab1 (c1 integer check (c1 > 5), c2 char(10)) Invalid: Insert into tab1 values (1,’A’) Valid: Insert into tab1 values (7,’A’) 2. Create table tab1 (c1 integer not null, c2 char(10)) Invalid: Insert into tab1 values (null, ‘A’) Valid: Insert into tab1 values (2l, ‘A’) 3. Create table tab2(c1 integer, c2 integer) Create table tab1 (c1 integer check (c1 >select max(c1)from tab2),c2 char (10)). Insert into tab2 values (2, 5) Insert into tab2 values (5, 10) Invalid: Insert into tab1 values (1, ‘a’) This query will throw check constraint violation exception because sub query will return value 5 as maximum value and value assigned in this statement is less than that. Valid: Insert into tab1 values (50, ‘a’) This query will execute successfully because sub query will return value 5 as maximum value and value assigned in this statement is greater than that which satisfy the check constraint.

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Referential Constraints: Referencing constraints are checked for insert and update statement. For checking the referencing constraints, database will scan the referenced table completely according the specified match type. As we know referenced table column, to which referencing column refers, is always a primary or unique column and for primary and unique constraint columns we create indexes. Therefore, we use these indexes for the optimization purpose. Types of Match: Simple Full Partial Criteria for matching rows for referencing constraints: Simple match type Insertion and modification in referencing table is allowed only if the referencing column has null value in any column or all non-null values should match to the corresponding referenced columns value of any row. Full match type Every referencing column value of a row should have null values in all referencing column or all referencing columns value should be equal to the corresponding referenced column value of any row. Partial match type Confirm Referencing columns of a row must have a non-null value and this non-null value should be equal to the corresponding referenced column value of any row. Example: Scenario 1: Create table country (Cname varchar (20), Cid Integer, Population Integer, Primary key (Cname, Cid, Population) Create table state (Sname varchar(20),Cname varchar(20),Cid Integer,Population Integer,Foreign key(Cname,Cid,Population) References country(Cname,Cid,Population) match full) Insert into country (‘India’, 91, 200000)

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Invalid: Insert into state (‘Delhi’, null, null, 200000) Insert into state (‘Delhi’, ‘India’, 1, 200000) Insert into state (‘Delhi’, ‘India’, 1, null) Valid: Insert into state (‘De’, ‘India’, 91, 200000) Insert into state (‘Delhi’, null, null, null)

Scenario 2: Create table country (Cname varchar(20),Cid Integer,Population Integer, Primary key(Cname,Cid,Population) Create table state (Sname varchar(20),Cname varchar(20),Cid Integer,Population Integer,Foreign key(Cname,Cid,Population) References country(Cname,Cid,Population) match partial) Insert into country (‘India’, 91, 200) Invalid: Insert into state (‘Delhi’, null, null, null) Insert into state (‘Delhi’, ‘India’, 1, null) Insert into state (‘Delhi’, ‘India’, null, 200) Valid: Insert into state (‘De’, ‘India’, null, null) Insert into state (‘Delhi’, null, 91, null) Scenario 3: Create table country (Cname varchar(20),Cid Integer,Population Integer, Primary key(Cname,Cid,Population) Create table state (Sname varchar(20),Cname varchar(20),Cid Integer,Population Integer,Foreign key(Cname,Cid,Population) References country(Cname,Cid,Population) match simple) Insert into country values (‘India’, 91, 200)

Invalid: Insert into state values (‘Delhi’, ‘India’, 1,200) Insert into state values (‘Delhi’, ‘India’, 91, 91) Insert into state values (‘Delhi’, ‘Aus’, 91, 200) Valid: Insert into state values (‘De’, ‘India’, null, null) Insert into state values (‘Delhi’, ‘India’, 91, 200)

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How to modify referenced table: Referenced constraints are checked for update and delete statement. Whenever user modifies the record in referenced table, we follow the rule, action and match type specified on that constraint to perform operations on Referencing table. We have two types of rules i.Update Rule ii.Delete Rule Both rules have the following actions: Cascade Restrict Set null Set default No Action In some of the following topics, you will find terms like matching rows and unique matching rows. Here is a brief description of these terms: Matching Rows: If Simple Match or Full Match is specified, then for a given row in the referenced table, every row in the referencing table such that the referencing column values equal the corresponding referenced column values in referenced table for the referential constraint is a matching row. If Partial Match is specified, then for a given row in the referenced table, every row in the referencing table has, at least one non-null referencing column value and the non-null referencing column value equals the corresponding referenced column values for the referential constraint is a matching row. Unique Matching Rows: If Partial Match is specified, then for a given row in the referenced table, every matching row for that given row, that is a matching row only to the given row in the referenced table for the referential constraint is a unique matching row. For a given row in the referenced table, a matching row for that given row that is not a unique matching row for that given row for the referential constraints is a unique matching row.


If Simple or Full Match is specified, then

Case: i.

If delete rule specifies cascade, then every matching row from referencing table corresponding to the referenced table will be deleted.

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If delete rule specifies set null, then every matching row from referencing table corresponding to the referenced table will be set as null value.


If delete rule specifies set default, then for every referencing table, in every unique matching row in referencing table, each referencing column in referencing table is set to the default value.


If delete rule specifies restrict and there are some matching rows, then an exception will be raised, “ Integrity constraint violation – restrict violation”


If delete rule specified no action, then no action will be performed on referencing table.


If update rule specifies cascade, for every referencing table, in every matching row in referencing table is updated to the new value of that referenced column.


If update rule specifies set null, for every referencing table, in every matching row in referencing table, each referencing column in referencing table that corresponds with a referenced column is set to the null value.


If update rule specifies set default, for every referencing table, in every matching row in referencing table, the referencing column in referencing table that corresponds with a referenced column is set to the default value.


If update rule specifies restrict and there are some matching rows in referencing table, then an exception will be raised, “ Integrity constraint violation – restrict violation”


If Partial Match is specified

Case: i.

If delete rule specifies cascade, then every unique row from referencing table corresponding to the referenced table will be deleted.


If delete rule specifies set null, then every unique matching row from referencing table corresponding to the referenced table will be set to null.


If delete rule specifies set default, then for every referencing table, in every unique matching row in referencing table, each referencing column is set to the default value.


If delete rule specifies restrict and there are some unique matching rows, then an exception will be raised, “ Integrity constraint violation – restrict violation”


If delete rule specifies no action, then no action will be performed on the referencing table.

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If update rule specifies cascade, for every referencing table, for each unique matching row in referencing table that contains a non-null value in the referencing column C1 in referencing table that corresponds with the updated referenced column C2, C1 is updated to the new value of C2.


If update rule specifies set null, than in every unique matching row in referencing table that contains a non-null value in a referencing column in referencing table that corresponds with the updated column, that referencing column is set to the null value.


If update rule specifies set default, for every referencing table, in every unique matching row in referencing table that contains a non-null value in a referencing column in referencing table that corresponds with the updated column, that referencing column is set to the default value.


If update rule specifies restrict and there are some unique matching rows, then an exception will be raised, “ Integrity constraint violation – restrict violation”

Examples: i.

Simple delete cascade: Create table country (Cname varchar(10) , Cid Integer , Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state ( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar (10) , Cid Integer , FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country(Cname,Cid)MATCH SIMPLE ON DELETE CASCADE ) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India2’, null) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, null, 12)

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Case: 1. On deleting record from country table with condition cname = ‘India4’, only one row from state table will be deleted which have sname as ‘s4’. 2. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India2’, one row from state table will be deleted that have sname as ‘s2’. 3. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India5’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row. ii.

Simple delete set null: Create table country (Cname varchar(10) , Cid Integer , Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10) , Cid Integer , FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH SIMPLE ON DELETE set null ) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India2’, null) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, null, 12)

Case: 1. On deleting record from country table with condition cname = ‘India4’, only one row from state table will be updated with null values in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s4’ 2. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India2’, one row from state table will be updated with null values in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s2’. 3. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India5’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row.

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Simple delete set default: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10) default ‘India1’, Cid Integer default 1, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH SIMPLE ON DELETE set default ) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India2’, null) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, null, 12)

Case: 1. On deleting record from country table with condition cname = ‘India4’, only one row from state table will be updated with ‘India1’ and 1 in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s4’ 2. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India2’, one row from state table will be updated with ‘India1’ and 1 in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s2’. 3. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India5’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row. iv.

Simple delete Restrict: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH SIMPLE ON DELETE restrict) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100)

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Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India2’, null) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, null, 12) Case: 1. On deleting record from country table with condition cname = ‘India4’, an exception will be raised, “Integrity constraint violation – restrict violation” because in state table a matching row exists. 2. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India2’, an exception will be raised, “Integrity constraint violation – restrict violation” because in state table a matching row exists. 3. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India5’, record from country table will be deleted and state table will remain same because there is no matching row. v. Simple delete no action: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH SIMPLE ON DELETE no action) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India2’, null) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, null, 12)

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Case: 1. On deleting record from country table with condition cname = ‘India4’, the particular record will be deleted from country table without affecting state table. 2. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India2’, the particular record will be deleted from country table without affecting state table. 3. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India5’, the particular record will be deleted from country table without affecting state table. vi.

Full delete cascade: Create table country (Cname varchar(10) , Cid Integer , Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10) , Cid Integer , FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH FULL ON DELETE CASCADE ) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 5, ‘India1’, 1)

Case: 1. On deleting record from country table with condition cname = ‘India4’, only one row from state table will be deleted which have sname as ‘s4’. 2. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India2’, one row from state table will be deleted that have sname as ‘s2’. 3. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India5’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row.

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Full delete set null: Create table country (Cname varchar(10) , Cid Integer , Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10) , Cid Integer , FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH FULL ON DELETE set null ) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1)

Case: 1. On deleting record from country table with condition cname = ‘India4’, only one row from state table will be updated with null values in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s4’ 2. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India2’, one row from state table will be updated with null values in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s2’. 3. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India5’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row. viii.

Full delete set default: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state(Sname varchar(10),Sid Int PRIMARY KEY,Cname varchar(10)default‘India1’,Cid Int default 1,FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid)REFERENCES Country(Cname,Cid) MATCH FULL ON DELETE set default ) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100)

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Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 5, ‘India1’, 1) Case: 1. On deleting record from country table with condition cname = ‘India4’, only one row from state table will be updated with ‘India1’ and 1 in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s4’ 2. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India2’, one row from state table will be updated with ‘India1’ and 1 in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s2’. 3. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India5’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row. ix.

Full delete Restrict: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH FULL ON DELETE restrict) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 5, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 6, ‘India1’, 1)

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Case: 1. On deleting record from country table with condition cname = ‘India4’, an exception will be raised, “Integrity constraint violation – restrict violation” because in state table a matching row exists. 2. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India2’, an exception will be raised, “Integrity constraint violation – restrict violation” because in state table a matching row exists. 3. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India5’, record from country table will be deleted and state table will remain same because there is no matching row. x.

Full delete No Action: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH FULL ON DELETE no action) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 5, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 6, ‘India1’, 1)

Case: 1. On deleting record from country table with condition cname = ‘India4’, the particular record will be deleted from country table without affecting state table. 2. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India2’, the particular record will be deleted from country table without affecting state table. 3. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India5’, the particular record will be deleted from country table without affecting state table.

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Simple update cascade: Create table country (Cname varchar(10) , Cid Integer , Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid )) Create table state( Sname varchar(10),Sid Int PRIMARY KEY,Cname varchar(10),Cid Int,FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid )MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE CASCADE)"; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India2’, null) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, null, 12)

Case: 1. On updating a record on country table with condition cname = ‘India4’ with value ‘India7’, only one row from state table will be updated with value ‘India7’ in column cname, which has sname as ‘s4’. 2. On updating a record on country table with condition cname =’India2’ with value ‘India8’, only one row from state table will be updated with value ‘India8’ in column cname, which has sname as ‘s2’. 3. On updation a record on country table with condition cname=’India5’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row. xii. Simple update set null: Create table country (Cname varchar(10),Cid Integer , Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10) , Cid Integer , FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE set null ) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100)

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Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India2’, null) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, null, 12) Case: 1. On updating record on country table with condition cname = ‘India4’ with value ‘India7’, only one row from state table will be updated with null values in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s4’ 2. On updating record on country table with condition cname =’India2’ with value ‘India8’, one row from state table will be updated with null values in column cname and cid that have sname as ‘s2’. 3. On updating record on country table with condition cname=’India5’ with value ‘India10’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row. xiii.

Simple update set default: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10) default ‘India1’, Cid Integer default 1, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE set default ) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India2’, null) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, null, 12)

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Case: 1. On updating record on country table with condition cname = ‘India4’ with value ‘India7’, only one row from state table will be updated with ‘India1’ and 1 in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s4’ 2. On updating record on country table with condition cname =’India2’ with value ‘India8’, one row from state table will be updated with ‘India1’ and 1 in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s2’. 3. On updating record on country table with condition cname =’India5’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row.


Simple update restrict: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE restrict) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India2’, null) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, null, 12)

Case: 1. On updating record on country table with condition cname = ‘India4’, an exception will be raised, “Integrity constraint violation – restrict violation” because in state table a matching row exists. 2. On updating record on country table with condition cname=’India2’, an exception will be raised, “Integrity constraint violation – restrict violation” because in state table a matching row exists. 3. On updating record on country table with condition cname=’India5’, record from country table will be updated and state table will remain same because there is no matching row.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


xv. Simple update no action: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname,Cid)) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE no action) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India2’, null) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, null, 12) Case: 1. On updating record on country table with condition cname = ‘India4’, record will be updated from country table without affecting state table. 2. On updating record on country table with condition cname ==’India2’, record will be updated from country table without affecting state table. 3. On updating record on country table with condition cname = =’India5’, record will be updated from country table without affecting state table. xvi.

Full update cascade: Create table country(Cname varchar(10),Cid int, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10),Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY,Cname varchar(10),Cid Integer , FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH Full ON UPDATE CASCADE ) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100)

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 5, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 6, ‘India1’, 1) Case: 1. On udating a record on country table with condition cname = ‘India4’ with value ‘India7’, only one row from state table will be updated with value ‘India7’ in column cname, which have sname as ‘s4’. 2. On updating a record on country table with condition cname =’India2’ with value ‘India8’, only one row from state table will be updated with value ‘India8’ in column cname, which have sname as ‘s2’. 3. On updation a record on country table with condition cname=’India5’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row. xvii. Full update set null: Create table country (Cname varchar(10),Cid Int , Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10),Sid Int PRIMARY KEY,Cname varchar(10),Cid Int,FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE set null ) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 5, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 6, ‘India1’, 1) Case: 1. On updating record on country table with condition cname = ‘India4’ with value ‘India7’, only one row from state table will be updated with null values in column cname and cid that have sname as ‘s4’

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


2. On updating record on country table with condition cname =’India2’ with value ‘India8’, one row from state table will be updated with null values in column cname and cid that have sname as ‘s2’. 3. On updating record on country table with condition cname=’India5’ with value ‘India10’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row. xviii.

Full update set default: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state(Sname varchar(10),Sid Int PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10) default ‘India1’, Cid Integer default 1, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE set default ) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 5, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 6, ‘India1’, 1)

Case: 1. On updating record on country table with condition cname = ‘India4’ with value ‘India7’, only one row from state table will be updated with ‘India1’ and 1 in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s4’. 2. On updating record on country table with condition cname =’India2’ with value ‘India8’, one row from state table will be updated with ‘India1’ and 1 in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s2’. 3. On updating record on country table with condition cname =’India5’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row.

xix. Full update restrict: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) )

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE restrict) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 5, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 6, ‘India1’, 1) Case: 1. On updating record on country table with condition cname = ‘India4’, an exception will be raised, “Integrity constraint violation – restrict violation” because in state table a matching row exists. 2. On updating record on country table with condition cname=’India2’, an exception will be raised, “Integrity constraint violation – restrict violation” because in state table a matching row exists. 3. On updating record on country table with condition cname=’India5’, record from country table will be updated and state table will remain same because there is no matching row. xx. Full update no action: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE no action) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table:

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Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 5, ‘India1’, 1) Insert into state values (‘s1’, 6, ‘India1’, 1) Case: 1. On updating record on country table with condition cname = ‘India4’, the particular record will be updated from country table without affecting state table. 2. On updating record on country table with condition cname = ’India2’, the particular record will be updated from country table without affecting state table. 3. On updating record on country table with condition cname = ’India5’, the particular record will be updated from country table without affecting state table. xxi. Partial delete cascade: Create table country (Cname varchar(10),Cid Integer , Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10),Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10),Cid Integer , FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH PARTIAL ON DELETE CASCADE ) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 100) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s6’, 1, ‘India1’, null) Insert into state values (‘s7’, 1, null, 100) Case: 1. On deleting record from country table with condition cname = ‘India1, only one row from state table will be deleted which have sname as ‘s1’ because this is the only unique matching row for table country. 2. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India2’, one row from state table will be deleted that have sname as ‘s2’.

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3. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India5’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row. xxii. Partial delete set null: Create table country (Cname varchar(10),Cid Integer , Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10) , Cid Integer , FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country(Cname,Cid ) MATCH PARTIAL ON DELETE set null ) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 100) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s6’, 1, ‘India1’, null) Insert into state values (‘s7’, 1, null, 100) Case: 1. On deleting record from country table with condition cname = ‘India1’, only one row from state table will be updated with null values in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s1’ because this is the only unique matching row for table country. 2. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India2’, one row from state table will be updated with null values in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s2’. 3. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India5’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row. xxiii. Partial delete set default: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10) default ‘India4’, Cid Integer default 4, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH PARTIAL ON DELETE set default ) ";

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Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 100) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s6’, 1, ‘India1’, null) Insert into state values (‘s7’, 1, null, 100) Case: 1. On deleting record from country table with condition cname = ‘India1’, only one row from state table will be updated with the values ‘India4’ and 4 in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s1’. 2. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India2’, one row from state table will be updated with the value ‘India4’ and 4 in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s2’. 3. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India5’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row. xxiv. Partial delete restrict: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH PARTIAL ON DELETE restrict) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 100) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s6’, 1, ‘India1’, null) Insert into state values (‘s7’, 1, null, 100)

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Case: 1. On deleting record from country table with condition cname = ‘India1’, an exception will be raised, “Integrity constraint violation – restrict violation” because in state table a matching row exists. 2. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India2’, an exception will be raised, “Integrity constraint violation – restrict violation” because in state table a matching row exists. 3. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India5’, the particular record from country table will be deleted and state table will remain same because there is no matching row. xxv. Partial delete no action: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH PARTIAL ON DELETE no action) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 100) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s6’, 1, ‘India1’, null) Insert into state values (‘s7’, 1, null, 100) Case: 1. On deleting record from country table with condition cname = ‘India1’, the particular record will be deleted from country table without affecting state table. 2. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India2’, the particular record will be deleted from country table without affecting state table. 3. On deleting record from country table with condition cname=’India5’, the particular record will be deleted from country table without affecting state table.

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xxvi. Partial update cascade: Create table country (Cname varchar (10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid)) Create table state( Sname varchar(10),Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10),Cid Integer, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH PARTIAL ON UPDATE CASCADE ) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 100) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s6’, 1, ‘India1’, null) Insert into state values (‘s7’, 1, null, 100) Case: 1. On updating a record on country table with condition cname = ‘India1’ with value ‘India7’, only one row from state table will be updated with value ‘India7’ in column cname, which have sname as ‘s1’. 2. On updating a record on country table with condition cname =’India2’ with value ‘India8’, only one row from state table will be updated with value ‘India8’ in column cname, which have sname as ‘s2’. 4. On updation a record on country table with condition cname=’India5’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row. xxvii. Partial update set null: Create table country (Cname varchar(10) , Cid Integer , Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10) , Cid Integer , FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country(Cname,Cid ) MATCH PARTIAL ON UPDATE set null ) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100)

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 100) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s6’, 1, ‘India1’, null) Insert into state values (‘s7’, 1, null, 100) Case: 1. On updating record on country table with condition cname = ‘India1’ with value ‘India7’, only one row from state table will be updated with null in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s1’. 2. On updating record on country table with Condition cname =’India2’ with value ‘India8’, one row from state table will be updated with null in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s2’. 3. On updating record on country table with condition cname=’India5’ with value ‘India10’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row. xxviii.

Partial update set default: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10) default ‘India4’, Cid Integer default 4, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH PARTIAL ON UPDATE set default ) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 100) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s6’, 1, ‘India1’, null) Insert into state values (‘s7’, 1, null, 100)

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


Case: 1. On updating record on country table with condition cname = ‘India1’ with value ‘India7’, only one row from state table will be updated with ‘India4’ and 4 in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s1’. 2. On updating record on country table with condition cname =’India2’ with value ‘India8’, one row from state table will be updated with default values ‘India4’ and 4 in columns cname and cid that have sname as ‘s2’. 3. On updating record on country table with condition cname =’India5’, state table will remain same because there is no matching row.


Partial update restrict: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH PARTIAL ON UPDATE restrict) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 100) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s6’, 1, ‘India1’, null) Insert into state values (‘s7’, 1, null, 100)

Case: 1. On updating record on country table with condition cname = ‘India1’, an exception will be raised, “Integrity constraint violation – restrict violation” because in state table a matching row exists. 2. On updating record on country table with condition cname=’India2’, an exception will be raised, “Integrity constraint violation – restrict violation” because in state table a matching row exists. 3. On updating record on country table with condition cname =’India5’, record from country table will be updated and state table will remain same because there is no matching row.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.



Partial update no action: Create table country (Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, Population Integer, PRIMARY KEY (Cname, Cid ) ) Create table state( Sname varchar(10) , Sid Integer PRIMARY KEY , Cname varchar(10), Cid Integer, FOREIGN KEY(Cname,Cid) REFERENCES country( Cname,Cid ) MATCH PARTIAL ON UPDATE no action) "; Records in country table: Insert into country values (‘India1’, 1, 100) Insert into country values (‘India2’, 2, 100) Insert into country values (‘India4’, 4, 100) Insert into country values (‘India5’, 5, 100) Records in state table: Insert into state values (‘s1’, 1, ‘India1’, 100) Insert into state values (‘s2’, 2, ‘India2’, 2) Insert into state values (‘s4’, 4, ‘India4’, 4) Insert into state values (‘s6’, 1, ‘India1’, null) Insert into state values (‘s7’, 1, null, 100)

Case: 1. On updating record on country table with condition cname = ‘India4’, the particular record will be updated from country table without affecting state table. 2. On updating record on country table with condition cname = ’India2’, the particular record will be updated from country table without affecting state table. 3. On updating record on country table with condition cname = ’India5’, the particular record will be updated from country table without affecting state table. Trigger While executing DML statement, we fire triggers to perform action specified by the user. First, we solve the when condition for the given trigger. If it satisfies, database executes all specified statements and every statement starts a new save point. User can also specify aliases in statement for distinguishing old state and new state. In row level triggers, we provide the old row values to old state and new record values to new state to execute the statement successfully. Similarly, in statement level trigger we provide old row set to old state and new row set to new state. We also handle recursions in trigger. To stop recursions we use trigger execution context to save the trigger states. Before executing the statement specified in a trigger, we add the current state of the trigger in Trigger Execution Context. We throw an exception if we got same state due to recursion. We can execute more than one statement within a trigger. These statements will be executed in the same sequence in which these were specified in trigger statement.

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Triggers are fired always in a predefined sequence as listed below: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

before statement level trigger before row level trigger after row level trigger after statement level trigger

We have some limitation in defining aliases, as we cannot specify an old alias with before insert option because we do not have any older version of a row that is going to be inserted. Similarly, we cannot specify new alias with after delete option because after deleting a row, what is the mean of refer that deleted row with any alias. Examples: Row Level Triggers:After Insert:create table country1(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country2(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country3(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) insert into country1 values(‘delhi’,1,2) insert into country2 values(‘india’,10,20) insert into country3 values(‘germany’,100,200) create trigger abc1 Before insert on country1 for each row insert into country2 values('NewIndia' , 100 , 1000) insert into country1 values('india11',11,11) (One row will be inserted into table country2 after inserting a row in table country1 with values ('NewIndia' ,100 ,1000))

After Update:create table country1(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country2(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country3(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) insert into country1 values(‘delhi’,1,2) insert into country1 values(‘delhi’,1,3) insert into country1 values(‘delhi’,1,4) insert into country2 values(‘india’,10,20) insert into country3 values(‘germany’,100,200) create trigger abc1 after update on country1 for each row insert into country2 values('NewIndia' ,100 ,1000)

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Update country1 set cname = 'Japan' where cid=1 (In all, three rows will be inserted into table country2, trigger will be fired after each update in country1, as update statement effects 3 rows in table country1 which will fire the trigger 3 times) After Delete:create table country1(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country2(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country3(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) insert into country1 values(‘delhi’,1,2) insert into country1 values(‘delhi’,1,3) insert into country2 values(‘india’,10,20) insert into country3 values(‘germany’,100,200) create trigger abc1 after delete on country1 for each row insert into country2 values('NewIndia' ,100 ,1000) delete from country1 where Cid = 1 (In all, two rows will be inserted into table country2; trigger will be fired after each delete on country1 with values (‘NewIndia’, 100, 1000)) Before Insert:create table country1(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country2(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country3(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) insert into country1 values(‘delhi’,1,2) insert into country1 values(‘delhi’,1,3) insert into country2 values(‘india’,10,20) insert into country3 values(‘germany’,100,200) create trigger abc1 Before insert on country1 for each row insert into country2 values('NewIndia' , 100 , 1000) insert into country1 values('india11',11,11) (One row will be inserted into table country2 before inserting a row in table country1 with values ('NewIndia' ,100 ,1000)) Before Update:create table country1(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country2(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country3(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer )

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insert into country1 values(‘delhi’,1,2) insert into country1 values(‘delhi’,1,3) insert into country2 values(‘india’,10,20) insert into country3 values(‘germany’,100,200) create trigger abc1 before update on country1 for each row insert into country2 values('NewIndia' ,100 ,1000) Update country1 set cname = 'Japan' where cid=1 (In all, two rows will be inserted into table country2; trigger will be fired before each update in country1) Before Delete:create table country1(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country2(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country3(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) insert into country1 values(‘delhi’,1,2) insert into country2 values(‘india’,10,20) insert into country3 values(‘germany’,100,200) create trigger abc1 before delete on country1 for each row insert into country2 values('NewIndia' ,100 ,1000) delete from country1 where Cid = 1 (One row will be inserted into table country2 before deleting record on country1 with values (‘NewIndia’, 100, 1000)) Statement Level Triggers:After Insert:create table country1_1(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country1_2(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) insert into country1_1 values(‘delhi’,1,2) insert into country1_2 values(‘india’,1,2) create trigger trigger3 after insert on country1_1 for each statement insert into country1_2 select * from country1_1 insert into country1_1 values ( 'sachni',2,1000) (Will insert two rows in table country1_2 after inserting row with Cid=2 in table country1_1 as Cname Cid Population india 1 2

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sachni delhi ).

2 1

1000 2

After Update:create table country1_1(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country1_2(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) insert into country1_1 values(‘delhi’,1,2) insert into country1_1 values(‘delhi’,1,3) insert into country1_1 values(‘delhi’,1,4) insert into country1_1 values(‘delhi’,1,5) insert into country1_2 values(‘india’,1,2) create trigger trigger5 after update on country1_1 for each statement insert into country1_2 select * from country1_1 update country1_1 set population = 999 where cid >= 0 (Will insert four rows in table country1_2 after updating population column in table country1_1) After Delete:create table country1_1(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country1_2(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) insert into country1_1 values(‘delhi’,1,2) insert into country1_1 values(‘mumbai’,2,3) insert into country1_2 values(‘india’,1,2) create trigger trigger2 after delete on country1_1 for each statement insert into country1_2 select * from country1_1 delete from country1_1 where Cid = 1 (Will insert one row in table country1_2 after deleting row with Cid=1 from table country1_1 as Cname Cid Population india



mumbai )



Before Insert:create table country1_1(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country1_2(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer )

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insert into country1_1 values(‘delhi’,1,2) insert into country1_2 values(‘india’,1,2) create trigger trigger3 before insert on country1_1 for each statement insert into country1_2 select * from country1_1 insert into country1_1 values ( 'sachni',2,1000) (Will insert one row in table country1_2 before inserting row with Cid=2 in table country1_1) Before Update:create table country1_1(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country1_2(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) insert into country1_1 values(‘delhi’,1,2) insert into country1_2 values(‘india’,1,2) create trigger trigger5 before update on country1_1 for each statement insert into country1_2 select * from country1_1 update country1_1 set population = 999 where cid >= 0 (Will insert one row in table country1_2 before updating population column in table country1_1)

Before Delete:create table country1_1(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country1_2(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) insert into country1_1 values(‘delhi’,1,2) insert into country1_2 values(‘india’,1,2) create trigger trigger1 before delete on country1_1 for each statement insert into country1_2 select * from country1_1 delete from country1_1 where Cid = 1 (Will insert one row in table country1_2 before deleting row with Cid=1 from table country1_1) Triggers with “atomic condition with before delete referencing column name” create table country4(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country5(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country6(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer )

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insert into country4 values(‘india’,1,200) insert into country5 values(‘delhi’,1,10)"; insert into country6 values(‘germany’,2,101)"; create trigger abc2 before delete on country4 referencing old o for each row Begin Atomic delete from country5 where cid = o.cid; delete from country6 where cid= o.cid+100; End delete from country4 where cid=1 (Rows from country5 having cid = 1 will be deleted as well as rows from country6 having cid = 1 + 100 =101 will be deleted) Triggers with Recursion create table country4(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer, Population Integer) create trigger abc1 after insert on country4 for each row insert into country4 values (‘acc’,1,1) insert into country4 values(‘india’,1,200) (Will start inserting values in table country4 recursively and will throw an error stating about recursion in trigger.) Triggers with When condition create table country28 (Cname varchar (15),Cid Integer,Population Integer) create table country29(Cname varchar (15) , Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country30( Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) insert into country28 values(‘delhi’,1,10) insert into country29 values(‘india’,10,100) insert into country30 values(‘germany’,100,200) create trigger abc12 after update on country28 referencing new n for each row when (n.cid < 20) update country29 set cid = 100 where cid = n.cid update country28 set Cid = 10 where Cid = 1 (Will fire the trigger for updating country29 if new value for updating Cid in country28 is < 20 i.e. above update statement will update country29 and set the value for cid to 100) Triggers with referencing Old Alias create table country10 (Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country11 (Cname varchar(15), Cid Integer,Population Integer )

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create table country(Cname varchar( 15), Cid Integer,Population Integer ) insert into country10 values(‘delhi’,10,10) insert into country11 values(‘india’,1,100) insert into country values(‘germany’,100,1000) create trigger abc4 after update on country10 referencing old o for each row update country11 set Cid = o.cid where Cid = 1 update country10 set Cid = 100 where Cid = 10 (Will fire trigger abc4 and update all the rows of country11 where Cid = 1, to old values of country10 i.e 10) Triggers with referencing New Alias create table country11 (Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) create table country ( Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer,Population Integer ) insert into country11 values(‘india’,1,100) insert into country values(‘germany’,100,1000) create trigger abc11 after update on country11 referencing new n for each row delete from country where cid = n.cid update country11 set Cid = 100 where Cid = 1 (Will fire the trigger abc11 and deletes all the rows from country having cid = new update value for country11 i.e. cid=100) Triggers with referencing New Alias and Old Alias both create table country(Cname varchar(15),Cid Integer, Population integer) create table population(Cid Integer, Population Integer) insert into country values(‘india’,1,100) insert into population values(1,100) Create trigger MainTrigger after update on population Referencing new as newRow old as oldRow For each Row Begin update Country set Population = newRow.population where Cid = oldRow.Cid; End Update population set population=1000 where cid = 1; (Will fire the trigger and updates the row in country with population = 1000)

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.




Insert Query


Trigger Executer

Constraint Verifier

1: execute query Insert query will check the rules specified in SQL 99 for validity purpose Insert query will interact with Session to check the privileges of the user to execute insert query

2: semantic checking 3: check insert privileges

Insert query will execute triggers applied as before insert triggers Insert query will pass the columns and values to Session for insertion in table Insert query will verify the constraints for the newly insert record Insert query will execute triggers applied as after insert triggers

4: execute before insert triggers 5: insert record 6: verify constraints 7: execute after insert triggers 8: save Record

Insert query will interact with session to save the newly insert record

Figure 6: Interaction Diagram - Execute Insert Query

Flow Explanations: 1& 2: When server calls for execute query, Insert Query will check for: Table existence Column existence Column-list should be unique (if any). Values specified (if any) should be valid according to column data type. Column indexes should be valid. Column and values specified should be equal in number.

3: Insert query will interact with Session to check the privileges of the user to execute insert query 4: Trigger executer will execute the triggers applied for execution before the insert operation.

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5: Insert query will give the columns and values to Session to insert a new record. Session will insert the record using the current transaction and record will treated as uncommitted data. 6: Constraint verifier will check all the constraints applied on the table on the newly inserted record. For a newly inserted record, Verifier will ensure that it doesn't have null values for a notnull column, that primary and unique columns have distinct value from other rows of the table, that referencing columns and columns of check constraints have valid values. 7: Trigger executer will execute the triggers applied for execution after the insert operation. 8: Session will save the newly inserted record and record modified through triggers and constraints to the physical storage by interacting with Data Store Execute Update Query


Update Query


Trigger Executer

Constraint Verifier

1: execute query 2: check rules of sql 99

Update query will check the rules specified in sql 99 for validity purpose

3: check update privileges Update query will interact with session to check the privileges for update evaluate update condition for all rows of the table Update query will execute triggers applied as before update triggers Update query will pass the columns and values to Session for updation in the record

4: navigate rows of table 5: evaluate update condition

Repeat step 5-8 for all rows satisfying update condition

6: execute before update triggers 7: update record 8: verify constraints

Update query will verify the constraints for the columns modified

9: execute after update triggers

Update query will execute triggers applied as after update triggers Update query will interact with session to save the affected records

10: save affected records

Figure 7: Interaction Diagram - Execute Update Query

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Flow Explanations: 1 & 2: When server calls for execute query, Update Query will check for: Update Query will check for: Table existence Column existence Values specified should be valid according to column data type. 3: Update query will interact with the session to check the privileges for update. 4: Update query will navigate all rows of the table to identify the rows to update. For solving condition optimally we will have to make use of execution plan of DQL. 5: Evaluate the condition specified in the update condition for the row retrieved from Session. For solving condition optimally we will have to make use of execution plan of DQL. 6: Trigger executer will execute the triggers applied for execution before the update operation. 7: Update query will assign the values to columns using the current values if an expression is given for the column and will pass the values for update to session. 8: Constraint verifier will check the constraints according to the columns modified. In other words, if a constraint is applicable on the modified column then only it will be checked. If a column referenced by some other table as foreign key is modified, then the update rule of foreign constraints is considered to validate the modification of column value. 9: Trigger executer will execute the triggers applied for execution after the update operation. 10: Session will save the affected records and records modified through triggers and constraints to the physical storage by interacting with Data Store

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Execute Delete Query


Delete Query

Trigger Executer


Constraint Verifier

1: execute query 2: check rules of sql 99

Delete query will check the rules specified in sql 99 for validity purpose

3: check delete privileges Delete query will interact with session to check privileges for delete evaluate delete 4: navigate rows of table condition for all rows of the table 5: evaluate delete condition

Delete query will execute triggers applied as before delete triggers Delete query will pass the record to Session for deletion from table

Repeat step 5-8 6: execute before delete triggers for all rows satisfying delete 7: delete record condition 8: verify constraints

Delete query will verify the constraints for the deleted record Delete query will execute triggers applied as after delete triggers

9: execute after delete triggers

Delete query will interact with session to remove record from Data Store

10: remove affected records

Figure 8: Interaction Diagram - Execute Delete Query

Flow Explanations: 1 & 2: When server calls for execute query, Delete Query will check for: Table existence 3: Delete query will interact with session to check privileges for delete. 4: Delete query will navigate all rows of the table to identify the rows to update. For solving condition optimally we will have to make use of execution plan of DQL. 5: Evaluate the condition specified in the delete query for the row retrieved from Session. For solving condition optimally we will have to make use of execution plan of DQL. 6: Trigger executer will execute the triggers applied for execution before the delete operation.

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7: Session will mark the record as deleted by the current transaction. 8: Deletion of the records needs to be validated according to the delete rule of referencing constraint using the columns of the table as foreign key. 9: Trigger executer will execute the triggers applied for execution after the delete operation. 10: Session will interact with Data Store to remove the records from physical storage. Session will save the records modified or inserted due to execution of triggers or constraints.

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Constraint Checking

DML Query

Constraint Verifier

1: verify constraint

Constraint verifier will check the entire not null constraints for the current record Constraint verifier will evaluate all of the check constraint for current record Constraint verifier will check the primary constraint for the current record Constraint verifier will check the unique constraint for the current record Constraint verifier will check the referencing constraints for the current record. It will also check update rule and delete rule of the referencing constraint

2: verify not null constraints

3: verify check constraints

4: verify primary constraints

5: verify unique constraints

6: verify referencing constraint

Figure 9: Interaction Diagram - Constraint Checking

Flow Explanations: 1 & 2: When the constraint is passed on to Constraint Verifier, it will check for null values of the columns having not null constraint. If any of the columns has null value, verifier will throw an exception. 3: Verifier will evaluate the check constraints condition for the record passed for verification. If any of the condition is not met, verifier will throw an exception. 4: Verifier will check the value of primary columns in the record passed, whether it is not null and distinct in the table. It will throw an exception if the column is having null value or a duplicate value.

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5: Verifier will check for uniqueness of the value of the columns in the record passed in the table. If the record passed is duplicate value of some other row, an exception will be thrown. Null values are allowed in the unique column. 6: Verifier will check the referencing column of the foreign key having either null value or a value existing in a row in the referenced table. In case of update, if a column of the table is being referred as foreign key in another table, then the update rule of referencing constraints of referencing table is considered for validation. If the update rule doesn't allow for changing the value, then an exception is thrown. In case of delete, if a column of the table is being referred as foreign key in another table, then the delete rule of referencing constraints of referencing table is considered for validation. If the delete rule doesn't allow for deletion with a row referring to the value of the row being deleted, then an exception is thrown.

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Trigger Execution

DML Query

Trigger Executer


SQL Query

1: execute triggers Trigger Executer will evaluate the trigger execution condition for the record passed in execute triggers step.

2: evaluate trigger execution condition Repeat step 2-5 for each trigger

Trigger executer will start a sub-transaction and execute all the SQL query in this transaction and on successful execution, execute will commit the sub-transaction to current transaction.

3: start sub-transaction

execute all query specified in trigger

4: execute query

5: commit sub-transaction

Figure 10: Interaction Diagram - Trigger Execution

Flow Explanations: 1 & 2: Trigger executer will evaluate the trigger execution condition using the record passed in the execute triggers step. If the record satisfies the condition, then only trigger will be executed. 3: Trigger executer will start a new sub-transaction under the current transaction so that triggered SQL query can be executed independently of the current transaction. 4: Trigger executer will execute all the SQL queries specified in the trigger. 5: On successful execution of all SQL queries, trigger executer will commit the subtransaction so that the changes done by SQL query become part of the current transaction. In case there is some error in any of the SQL query, trigger executer will rollback the sub-transaction and throw a trigger execution exception.

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ConstraintSystem CLASS DIAGRAMS: Class Diagram: Interfaces

ConstraintS ystem

ConstraintD atabase

ConstraintTa ble

Figure 11: Class Diagram – ConstraintSystem ( Interfaces)

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ConstraintSystem (Interface) ConstraintSystem is responsible for managing the constraint database objects in the server. It ensures that a single instance of constraint database is active is made. ConstraintDatabase (Interface) ConstraintDatabase is reponsible for managing constraint tables. It ensures that a single instance of a constraint table is active in the database. ConstraintTable (Interface) ConstraintTable is responsible for checking the constraints applied on the tables. It checks for constraint on insert, update and delete operations. Class Diagram: Classes DeleteCascadeReferenc RestrictReferenced Executer edExecuter


SetNullReferenced Executer ConstraintDatabaseImpl ReferencedVerifier ReferencedConstraint ReferencedExecuter SetDefaultReference dExecuter

<<depends>> ConstraintTableImpl ReferencingConstraints UpdateCascadeReferen cedExecuter <<depends>>

UpdatePartialCascadeRefer encedExecuter

<<depends>> ReferencingVerifier <<depends>>



ReferencingExecuter MatchSimpleReferencingExecuter

MatchPartialReferencing Executer



Figure 12: Class Diagram - ConstraintSystem (Classes)

Classes: ConstraintSystemImpl ( ) ConstraintSystemImpl provides the implementation of Constraint System interface.

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ConstraintDatabaseImpl ( ) ConstraintDatabaseImpl provides the implementation of ConstraintDatabase. It is responsible for making the various verifiers that are used by constraint table to verify the constraints. ConstraintTableImpl ( ) ConstraintTableImpl provides the implementation of the ConstraintTable interface. CheckVerifier ( ) CheckVerifier is responsible for verify all the check constraints applied on a table. Check constraints are verified on insert and update operations. ReferencedVerifier ( ) ReferencedVerifier is responsible for verifying the foreign key constraint when a row in the parent table is updated or deleted. All the foreign key constraints referencing the parent table are verified. UniqueVerifier ( ) UniqueVerifier is responsible for verifying all the unique constraints and primary constraint applied on the table. Primary constraint and unique constraints are verified on insertion and updation in the table. ReferencingVerifier ( ) ReferencingVerifier is responsible for verifying all the foreign key constraints applied on a table. It uses the ReferencingExecuter instances to verify the constraint according to the match option specified. ConstraintStore ( ) ConstraintStore stores information about the constraint condition, constraint columns etc. It also manages the navigator taken on the constraint condition which is used to evaluate the constraint. ReferencedConstraints ( ) ReferencedConstraints is responsible for verifying the foreign key constraint in the child table when a delete or update is performed in the parent table. ReferencedConstraints makes an instance of ReferencedExecuter on the basis of match type and option specified in delete or update. This class then uses ReferencedExecuter to verify the constraint. ReferencingConstraints ( ) ReferencingConstraint is responsible for verifying the foreign key value in the child table. Referencing constraint verifies the foreign key on insert and update operation. It uses ReferencingExecuter to verify the foreign key constraint. ReferencedExecuter ( ) ReferencedExecuter is an abstract class providing the functionality to verify the foreign key constraint's update or delete rule when a row in the parent table is updated or deleted.

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ReferencingExecuter ( ) ReferencingExecuter is an abstract class providing the functionality of verifying the foreign key constraint when a row is inserted or updated in the child table. MatchSimpleReferencingExecuter ( ) MatchSimpleReferencingExecuter is responsible for checking the foreign key value of the child table in the parent table when the match type Simple is specified in foreign key constraint. MatchPartialReferencingExecuter ( ) MatchPartialReferencingExecuter is responsible for checking the foreign key value of the child table in the parent table when the match type Partial is specified in foreign key constraint. MatchFullReferencingExecuter ( ) MatchFullReferencingExecuter is responsible for checking the foreign key value of the child table in the parent table when the match type Full is specified in foreign key constraint. DeleteCascadeReferencedExecuter ( ) DeleteCascadeReferencedExecuter is responsible for deleting the dependent rows in the child table when a row of parent table is deleted and child table is having cascade option on delete in its foreign key constraint. It handles all the match type (Simple, Full and Partial). UpdateCascadeReferencedExecuter ( ) UpdateCascadeReferencedExecuter is responsible for updating the dependent rows in the child table when a row in the parent table is updated and foreign key constraint's update rule specifies CASCADE option. This class handles Simple and Full match option. RestrictReferencedExecuter ( ) RestrictReferencedExecuter is responsible for verifying the dependent rows in the child table when a row in the parent table is updated or deleted and foreign key constraint specifies a RESTRICT option. This class throws an exception when there are dependent rows in the child table. UpdatePartialCascadeReferencedExecuter ( ) UpdatePartialCascadeExecuter is responsible for updating the dependenet rows of the child table when a row in the parent table is updated and foreign key constraint's update rule specifies CASCADE option and match type is Partial. SetNullReferencedExecuter ( ) SetNullReferencedExecuter is responsible for updating the dependent rows of the child table with Null value when the parent table row is updated or deleted and update/delete rule of the foreign key constraint specify the SET NULL option. SetDefaultReferencedExecuter ( ) SetDefaultReferencedExecuter is responsible for updating the dependent rows of the child table with a default value when the parent table's row is updated or deleted and update/delete rule of foreign key constraint specifies SET DEFAULT option.

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TriggerSystem CLASS DIAGRAMS: Class Diagram: Interfaces

TriggerSyste m

TriggerDatab ase


Figure 13: Class Diagram - TriggerSystem (Interfaces)

Classes: TriggerSystem (Interface) TriggerSystem is responsible for managing the trigger database which is active in the server. It ensures that only a single instance of trigger database is used in the server. TriggerDatabase (Interface) TriggerDatabase is responsible for managing the trigger table in a database. It ensures that only a single instance of a trigger table is active in the database.

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TriggerTable (Interface) TriggerTable is responsible for firing all the triggers applied on the table. Triggers are fired on insert, update and delete operation in the table.

Class Diagram: Classes


Tri ggerDatab aseImpl



Figure 14: Class Diagram - TriggerSystem (Classes)

Classes: TriggerSystemImpl ( ) TriggerSystemImpl provides the implementation of TriggerSystem interface.

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TriggerTableImpl ( ) TriggerTableImpl provides the implementation of TriggerTable interface. TriggerDatabaseImpl ( ) TriggerDatabaseImpl provides implementation of TriggerDatabase. StateChange ( ) StateChange stores the information about the trigger fired on the table. It is used to avoid the recursion of triggers in a data modification statement execution.

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SQL CLASS DIAGRAMS: Class Diagram: Classes InsertE xecuter S im ple

InsertE xecuter Default

Ins ertExecuterSu bQuery

DefaultV alues Ins ertStatem ent

SubQuery (fro m SQ L )

V aluesConstructor UpdateS tatem e nt

Colum nValuesList UpdateS tatem ent Ex ecuter

V alueE xpre ss ion (fro m S Q L )

W hereClause (fro m S Q L )

Delete St atem ent DeleteEx ecuter

Figure 15: Class Diagram of SQL (DML)

Classes: InsertStatement ( ) InsertStatement represents an SQL insert statement. InsertStatement has three options for specifying the column values. Options are values constructor, default and sub-query. UpdateStatement ( ) UpdateStatement represents an SQL update statement. Update statement consists of a column values list and where clause. Column values list specify the columns and expressions for the column values. Where clause specifies the condition according to which the records are to be updated.

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DeleteStatement ( ) DeleteStatement represents SQL delete statement. It consists of a tablename and an optional condition according to which records are to be deleted. InsertExecuterSimple ( ) InsertExecuterSimple is responsible for executing SQL insert statement with values constructor. InsertExecuterSimple inserts a new row in the table with the values specified in values constructor. InsertExecuterDefault ( ) InsertExecuterDefault is responsible for executing the insert statement with default clause. InsertExecuterDefault inserts a new row in the table and the columns of the row have default values. InsertExecuterSubQuery ( ) InsertExecuterSubQuery is responsible for executing an insert statement with select sub-query. InsertExecuterSubQuery is responsible for executing the select query represented by SubQuery and inserting the rows in the table by navingating the rows returned by the navigator of the select query. UpdateStatementExecuter ( ) UpdateStatementExecuter is responsible for executing the update statement. It takes a navigator for the "where clause" of the update statement and updates all the rows of the navigator with the values calculated from the value expression specified in column values list. DeleteExecuter ( ) DeleteExecuter is responsible for deleting the records from a table according to the delete statement. DeleteExecuter makes a navigator according to the where clause of delete statement and then deletes all the records of the navigator. WhereClause ( ) Where clause represents the Boolean condition which must be satisfied by the result of a select query. SubQuery ( ) SubQuery represents a query which is used in value expression or Boolean condition. ValueExpression (Interface) ValueExpression repesents an expression. It can be a simple column, numeric expression, string expression or a mathematical function. DefaultValues ( ) DefaultValues represents default clause of SQL insert statement. ValuesConstructor ( ) ValuesConstructor represents the columns and values of the insert statement. Columns are represented using their name and values can be literals or expressions.

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ColumnValuesList ( ) ColumnValuesList represents the columns and expressions representing column value in an SQL update statement.

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DDL Overview DDL will be responsible for handling all types of DDL queries. DDL will interact with Session to store the meta-data about the objects. DDL will interact with Session to create, drop and alter objects in the physical storage. Different types of DDL queries are: Database – Creation/Deletion Schema – Creation/Deletion Table – Creation/Deletion/Alteration Index – Creation/Deletion View – Creation/Deletion Trigger – Creation/Deletion Procedure – Creation/Deletion Domains – Creation/Deletion/Alteration User – Creation/Deletion/Alteration Roles – Creation/Deletion Privilege – Grant/Revoke DDL Query execution: Create Object: DDL query will first of all check for the privileges of the user for creating new object. DDL query will check the SQL 99 rules corresponding to the object. DDL will create a metadata for the object. All the information specified in the query will be loaded in the metadata. Meta-data can contain meta-data of sub-objects. DDL query will make sure that no other object with name is present in the database. DDL will assign name to the subobjects whose name has not been given by the user. DDL will save the content of the meta-data in the system tables of the database. DDL will also grant all privileges associated with the object to the current user. In case of table and index, DDL will interact with Session for allocating the space in the physical storage for the object. In case of table, DDL will create indexes on all the primary and unique constraint column(s). Drop Object: DDL query will first of all check for the privileges of the user for dropping an object. In case of drop object, a drop behaviour (Restrict/Cascade) is associated with DDL query. If Restrict drop behaviour is specified, then DDL will check for dependent objects and will drop the object only when there are no dependent objects otherwise DDL will throw an error. In case of Cascade behaviour, DDL will drop the object along with dependent objects. DDL will delete the meta-data of the object and sub-objects from the system tables. DDL will also revoke all the privileges associated with the object and dependent objects. In case of table, DDL will drop all the triggers and indexes created on the table and with the help of Session, space occupied by table and indexes on the physical storage will be de-allocated.

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Grant privileges: DDL query will check the user’s privileges for granting privileges to other users. User should be either owner of the object or should have privileges with grant option. DDL will create a meta-data corresponding to privilege being granted for each grantee. A single grant statement can be used for granting multiple privileges on the object to multiple grantees. DDL will load the privilege information in the meta-data and after that DDL will save the content of the meta-data in the system tables. Revoke privileges: DDL query will check the user’s privileges for revoking privileges from other users. Drop behaviour is also associated with revoke privileges. If Restrict behaviour is specified, and there is any dependency of privileges, then an error is thrown. If cascade is specified, then dependent privileges are also revoked. Dependent privileges are calculated in a recursive manner. After locating the dependent privileges, DDL will delete the meta-data of all the privileges along with dependent privileges from the system tables. A single revoke statement can be used for revoking multiple privileges on the object from multiple users.

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DDL Object Creator


1: c reat e object 2: check semantic

DDL query will check the semant ic of the query

3: commit current transaction DDL query will commit the current t ransac tion before execution 4: c heck privileges DDL query will check the privileges of user for object creat ion 5: verify object uniqueness DDL query will check if an object is already existing with same name 6: save meta-data of the object

DDL query will save the meta data about the object in the database DDL query will grant the necessary privileges to user for accessing/modifying the object

7: grant privileges on new object

8: allocat e s pace for object DDL query will interact with session to allocate space for object (if required)


Figure 16: Interaction Diagram - creation of object

Flow Explanations: 1: User is giving call to system by executing query through server for creation of objects like table, view, schema, index, database etc. 2: DDL Object Creation Query will check the semantic of the query before executing it. Semantic checking involves checking of rules specified in SQL 99 for object creation. Rules differ according to the type of object created but some rules are common like name of objects, uniqueness of sub-constituent like column, info according to subconstituents specification and type.

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3: Before executing the DDL query, query will commit the current transaction so that user data is saved. 4: DDL query will check for privileges of the current user for creating object. Current user must be the owner of the schema in which object is created. If a new schema is created then user must be a valid. 5: DDL query will ensure that no other object with same name is existing in the schema. Query will also check the other dependencies as specified in SQL 99 for the object. 6: DDL query will save the meta data about the object in the database by interacting with Session. 7: Query will grant privileges on the newly created object to the current user for accessing/modifying object. Current user will be allowed to grant/give these privileges to other users for accessing/modifying the data. Other users will not be able to modify the definition of object. 8: DDL query will interact with session to allocate space for object, if required (Like in case of table, index) in Data Store. 9: Control is returned to the server.

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Dropping Object DDL drop query can be used for deleting objects from the database. DDL drop query has a drop behaviour associated with it. Drop behaviour is of two types. 1. Cascade - In case of cascade, all the dependent objects associated with the current object are dropped from the database. 2. Restrict - In case of restrict, if there is a dependent object in the database then an exception is thrown.


DDL Drop Object Query


1: execute query

DDL query will check the semantic of the query

2: check semantic

DDL query will commit the current transaction before execution

3: commit current transaction

DDL query will check the privileges of user for dropping object. DDL query will check the dependency of other object on the dropping object DDL query will delete the meta-data of the dropping object from the database

4: check privi leges object dropping

5: check dependent objects

6: delete meta-data about object

7: revoke privileges of object

DDL query will revoke the privileges given on the dropping objects to the all users. DDL query will interact with session to deallocate the space used by the object.

8: deallocate space of object

Figure 17: Interaction Diagram - dropping of object

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Flow Explanations 1: User is giving call to system for dropping an object 2: DDL drop object query will check whether any drop behaviour is specified and the specified object exists in the database. 3: Before executing the DDL query, query will commit the current transaction so that user data is saved. 4: DDL query will make sure that user executing the query is the owner of the object. No other user has the privileges for dropping an object. 5: DDL query will find the dependent objects of the dropping object and on the basis of drop behaviour specified will take the appropriate action. 6: DDL query will delete all the meta-data of the dropping obejct stored in the database. 7: DDL query will revoke all the privileges given on the dropping object from all the users of the database. 8: DDL will interact with session to free the space used by the object in the datastore so that free space can be used by other objects.

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Grant Privileges Grant statement can be used for giving privileges to multiple users simultaneously by the owner of the object or the user having privileges with "grant option". Privileges are specific to object type. Some privileges are granted only to the owner of the object. Privileges are to be granted by the owner to a different user initailly but after that user with grant option can give part of their privileges to other users.


Grant statement


1: execute query 2: check semantic

Grant statement will perform semantic checking.

3: check privileges

Grant statem ent will chec k for grant pri vi leges of t he current user

4: commi t current transacti on

Grant statement will commit the current transaction. Grant statement will assign the privileges for all users

5: Assign privileges to all users

Grant statement will save the new privileges in the object meta-data

6: save privileges in object meta-data

Figure 18: Interaction Diagram - grant user privileges

Flow Explanation: 1: User is giving call to system for granting privileges for an object. 2: Grant statement will check the privileges to be granted are specific to object type. Grant statement will also check whether the specified users exist in the database. 3: Grant statement will check for grant privileges of the current user. 4: Grant Statement will commit the current transaction. 5: Grant statement will assign the privileges to all the users specified in the statement. All users will have same set of privileges and their privileges will also be the same. 6: Grant statement will save the new privileges in the meta-data of the object.

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Revoke Privileges


Revoke statement


1: execute query 2: check semantic

Revoke stat ement will perform semant ic chec king of the query Revoke stat ement will check the privileges of the current user to revoke privileges.

3: check privileges

Revoke stat ement will commit the current t ransaction

4: commit current transaction

Revoke stat ement will find the privileges granted by users to other users in recursive manner Revoke stat ement will remove the privileges from the object meta data

5: find privileges grant ed to other us ers

6: remove privileges from object meta-dat a

Figure 19: Interaction Diagram - revoke user privileges

Flow Explanations: 1: User is giving call to system for revoking privileges for an object. 2: Revoke statement will check for object existence in the database and users from which privileges are to be revoked. Revoke statement will also ensure that privileges being revoked are allowed on the object. 3: Revoke statement will check that the current user has granted the privileges to the users. Privileges granted by a user to another user can only revoked by the granting user and no other user is allowed to revoke the privileges. 4: Revoke statement will commit the current transaction. 5: If the users specified in revoke statement have granted privileges to other users, revoke statement will find all such privileges in recursive fashion. 6: Revoke statement will remove the privileges from the object meta data.

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Check Semantic

DDL create objection query


SQL statement

1: get Object schema

2: isSchemaValid

3: check data type compatiblity of expression

4: get Default Name

5: check semantic

Figure 20: Interaction Diagram - check semantic

Flow Explanation: 1: Object schema will be schema specified in the DDL query. In case schema is not specified in the DDL query, the current schema of the transaction is assigned to the object. 2: If schema is specified in DDL query, verify schema existence. 3: DDL query will ensure that expression has appropriate data type according to the rule in which expression is used. For example: Default clause for a column must have its data-type compatible with column's data type. 4: DDL query will assign default names to the rules which have optional name rule and for which user hasn't given any value. DDL query will take help of Session in getting the default name. For example: Constraint name is optional in the constraint-definition rule. Therefore, in case user didn't specifiy a constraint name; DDL query will assign a default name for the constraint.

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5: DDL query will perform semantic checking of all the SQL statements used in the query. For example: In case of view definition, semantic checking of the select query will be done to make sure that select query of the view is a valid query.

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SQL CLASS DIAGRAMS: Figure 21: Class Diagram of SQL (DDL)

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DatabaseDefinition UniqueConstraintDefinition

TableConstr aint


ReferentialConstraintDefinition SchemaDefinition

ColumnCon straint


DefaultClause DomainDefinition DomainConst raint RoleDefinition UserDefinition IndexDefinition SequenceDefinition

SQL_invokedProcedure GrantPrivilegeStatement


TriggerDefinition GrantRoleStatement

AddDomainConstraint DropDomainConstraint SetDomainDefaultClause

AlterSequenceStatement AlterDomainStatement

AlterDomain Action



AddColumnDefinition AlterColumnDefinition AlterColumn Action

AlterTableStatement AlterTableA ction


AddTableConstraint SetColumnDefaultClause DropColumnDefaultClause DropTableConstraint

DropDatabaseStatement DropDomainStatement DropIndexStatement



DropTableStatement DropTriggerStatement







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Classes: AlterTableAction (Interface) AlterTableAction represents a part of SQL query to make table level alteration in an existing table. AlterDomainAction (Interface) AlterDomainAction represents a part of SQL query which is used to make alteration in an existing domain. Alterations allowed are: adding or dropping of domain constraint and setting or resetting the default clause of the domain. AlterColumnAction (Interface) AlterColumnAction represents a part of SQL query used for column level alteration in an existing table. SchemaDefinition ( ) SchemaDefinition represents an SQL query to create a new schema in the database. Existing users can create the new schema.SchemaDefinition can contain other definition statements to create the object in the schema. TableDefinition ( ) TableDefinition represents an SQL query to create a new table in the database. ColumnDefinition ( ) ColumnDefinition represents a column of the table. It includes column name, column data type, default clause (if any) and column constraints (if any). CheckConstraintDefinition ( ) CheckConstraintDefinition represents an SQL query for creating a new check constraint in a table. CheckConstraintDefinition includes its name, characteristics and condition of the constraint. TableConstraint (Interface) TableConstraint represents a constraint applied on the table level. It is usually used when multiple columns are involved in the constraint. UniqueConstraintDefinition ( ) UniqueConstraintDefinition represents a part of SQL query to create a new (unique or primary) constraint in the table. ReferentialConstraintDefinition ( ) ReferentialConstraintDefinition represents an SQL query which is used to create a new referential constraint in an existing table. DefaultClause ( ) DefaultClause represents the default value for a data type. It’s used in column definition and domain definition to represent default value. ColumnConstraint (Interface) ColumnConstraint represents a constraint applied on a single column. ColumnConstraint can be of any constraint that is allowed. Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


DatabaseDefinition ( ) DatabaseDefinition represents an SQL query to create a new database. DatabaseDefinition includes database name, user, password and other properties for initializing the database. DomainDefinition ( ) DomainDefinition represents an SQL query to create a new domain in the database. DomainConstraint ( ) DomainConstraint represents a constraint applied on the domain. Domain constraint is basically a check constriant. GrantPrivilegeStatement ( ) GrantPrivilegeStatement represents an SQL query to assign privileges to users on the objects of the database. Statement can be used to assign privileges to multiple users simultaneously. GrantRoleStatement ( ) GrantRoleStatement represents an SQL query to assign roles to existing users. IndexDefinition ( ) IndexDefinition represents an SQL query to create a new index on an existing table. RoleDefinition ( ) RoleDefinition represents an SQL query to create a new role in the database. SequenceDefinition ( ) SequenceDefinition represents an SQL query to create a new sequence in the database. TriggerDefinition ( ) TriggerDefinition represents an SQL query to create a new trigger on the table. ViewDefinition ( ) ViewDefinition represents an SQL query to create a new view in the database. UserDefinition ( ) UserDefinition represents an SQL query to create a new user in the database. Only database owner can create new users. AlterSequenceStatement ( ) AlterSequenceStatement represents an SQL query to alter an existing sequence. AlterUserStatement ( ) AlterUserStatement represents an SQL query to alter an existing user. Statement can be used to alter the password for a user. AlterDomainStatement ( ) AlterDomainStatement represents an SQL query to alter an existing domain. AlterTableStatement ( ) AlterTableStatement represents an SQL query to alter an existing table. Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


AlterColumnDefinition ( ) AlterColumnDefinition represents a part of SQL query which is used to make a column level alteration in an existing table. AddTableConstraint ( ) AddTableConstraint represents a part of SQL query which is used to add a new table constraint in an existing table. DropTableConstraint ( ) DropTableConstraint represents a part of SQL query which is used to delete an existing table constraint from a table. AddDomainConstraint ( ) AddDomainConstraint represents a part of SQL query which is used to add a new domain constraint to an existing domain. AddColumnDefinition ( ) AddColumnDefinition represents a part of SQL query which is used to add a new column in an existing table. DropDomainConstraint ( ) DropDomainConstraint represents a part of SQL query which is used to drop a domain constraint on an existing domain. DropDomainDefaultClause ( ) DropDomainDefaultClause represents a part of SQL query which is used to delete the default clause of an existing domain. DropColumnDefaultClause ( ) DropColumnDefaultClause represents a part of SQL query which is used to reset the default value of a column of an existing table. DropColumnDefinition ( ) DropColumnDefinition represents a part of SQL query which is used to drop a column from an existing table. Any index (es) created on the columns are also dropped from the database. SQL_invokedProcedure ( ) SQL_invokedProcedure represents an SQL query to create a new procedure in the database. DropDatabaseStatement ( ) DropDatabaseStatement represents an SQL query to drop an existing database. DropDomainStatement ( ) DropDomainStatement represents an SQL query to delete a domain from the database. DropIndexStatement ( ) DropIndexStatement represents an SQL query to delete an existing index in an existing table.

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DropRoleStatement ( ) DropRoleStatement represents an SQL query to delete an existing role from the database. DropRoutineStatement ( ) DropRoutineStatement represents an SQL query to delete an existing routine from the database. DropSchemaStatement ( ) DropSchemaStatement represents an SQL query to delete an existing schema from the database. DropTableStatement ( ) DropTableStatement represents an SQL query to delete an existing table from database. DropTriggerStatement ( ) DropTriggerStatement represents an SQL query to delete an existing trigger from a table. DropViewStatement ( ) DropViewStatement represents an SQL query to delete an existing view from the database. DropSequenceStatement ( ) DropSequenceStatement represents an SQL query to delete an existing sequence from the database. RevokeRoleStatement ( ) RevokeRoleStatement represents an SQL query which is used to revoke assigned role from existing users in the database. Role can be revoked from multiple users simultaneously. RevokePrivilegesStatement ( ) RevokePrivilegesStatement represents an SQL query which is used to revoke the assigned privileges from users on an existing object. Privileges from multiple users can be revoked simultaneously. DropUserStatement ( ) DropUserStatement represents an SQL query to delete an existing user from the database. SetColumnDefaultClause ( ) SetColumnDefaultClause represents a part of SQL query which is used to set default clause in the column of an existing table. SetDomainDefaultClause ( ) SetDomainDefaultClause represents an SQL query which is used to set a default clause in an existing domain.

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Descriptors CLASS DIAGRAMS: Class Diagram: Classes Descriptor

All Classes implements the Descriptor interface ReferentialConstraintDescriptor TableConstraintDescriptor ConstraintDescriptor

KeyColumnUsageDescriptor UniqueConstraintDescriptor

TableDescriptor ColumnDescriptor




DomainConstraintDescriptor IndexDescriptor

RoutineDescriptor ParametersDescriptor













Figure 22: Class Diagram - Descriptors

Classes: Descriptor (Interface) Descriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information of objects from the system tables. CheckConstraintDescriptor ( ) CheckConstraintDescriptor is responsible for storing (insert/delete) and retrieving information about the check constraint from the system tables. PrivilegeDescriptor ( ) PrivilegeDescriptor is an abstract class responsible for storing and retrieving information about privileges from system tables.

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RoleAuthorizationDescriptor ( ) RoleAuthorizationDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information about roles assigned to users from the system tables. RoleDescriptor ( ) RoleDescriptor is responsilble for storing and retrieving information about the role from the system tables. RoutineDescriptor ( ) RoutineDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information about the routine from the system tables. RoutineDescriptor also manages its parameter information through ParameterDescriptor. RoutinePrivilegeDescriptor ( ) RoutinePrivilegeDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving informatoin about privileges given on routine from the system tables. SchemaDescriptor ( ) SchemaDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information about the schema from the system tables. SequenceDescriptor ( ) SequenceDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information about the sequence from the system tables. TableConstraintDescriptor ( ) TableConstraintDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information about the table constraints from the system tables ColumnDescriptor ( ) ColumnDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information about the column from the system tables. ColumnDescriptor also manages its DataTypeDescriptor. ColumnPrivilegeDescriptor ( ) ColumnPrivilegeDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information related to privilege given on a column from the system tables. ConstraintDescriptor ( ) ConstraintDescriptor is an abstract class responsible for storing and retrieving information related to constraints from system tables. DataTypeDescriptor ( ) DataTypeDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information related to data type of a column or domain in the system tables. DomainConstraintDescriptor ( ) DomainConstraintDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information about domain constraints from the system tables.

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DomainDescriptor ( ) DomainDescriptor is responsible for storing (insert/delete) and retrieving information related to a domain from the system tables. DomainDescriptor also manages its DataTypeDescriptor and DomainConstraintDescriptors. IndexDescriptor ( ) IndexDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving the information about the index from system tables. IndexDescriptor also manages its column information through IndexColumnDescriptors. IndexColumnDescriptor ( ) IndexColumnDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information about the index columns from the system tables. KeyColumnUsageDescriptor ( ) KeyColumnUsageDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information about the columns involved in constraints (unique and foreign key) from the system tables. ParametersDescriptor ( ) ParametersDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information about the parameters used in a routine from the system tables. ReferentialConstraintDescriptor ( ) ReferentialConstraintDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information about the referential constraint from the system tables. This class also manages KeyColumnUsageDescriptors.







UniqueConstraintDescriptor ( ) UniqueConstraintDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information about the unique constraint from the sytem tables. UniqueConstraintDescriptor is used to store unique as well as primary constraint. It also manages information about the columns through KeyColumnUsageDescriptor. TableDescriptor ( ) TableDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information about the table from the system tables. TableDescriptor also manages column and constraint descriptors. TablePrivilegeDescriptor ( ) TablePrivilegeDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information about the privilege given on a table from the sytem tables. TriggerDescriptor ( ) TriggerDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information about the trigger from the system tables. UsagePrivilegeDescriptor ( ) UsagePrivilegeDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving information about the privileges given on object like domains, character sets etc. from the system tables.

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ViewDescriptor ( ) ViewDescriptor is responsible for storing and retrieving informatoin about the view from the system tables. ViewDescriptor manages its column information through ColumnDescriptors.

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DQL Overview DQL will be responsible for execution of all type of Select Queries. Select query can be based on a single table or multiple tables. Query can refer tables as well as views. Select query can have cross joins, inner joins, outer joins, union, intersection and other features mentioned in SQL 99 specification. DQL will perform semantic checking of the query. DQL query performance is very crucial for the database server. DQL will take care that query is best optimized and gives its result in best possible time. Select query is used to retrieve a table like set with specified columns according to some criteria. Select Query can be divided as: Simple query [Single table query] Joins [Cartesian of two or more tables] Cross Join Inner Join Outer Join Group by [Grouping of Rows according to grouping expression] Set Operators Union [Query1 result Union Query2 result] Intersection [Query1 result intersect Query2 result] Except [Query1 result Except/Difference Query2 result] Views Order by [sorting the result according to ordering expression] Sub-query [Query using other query in where clause] Select Query Execution: Suppose that we have a query containing n-tables with join relations, where clause, group by clause, having clause and order by clause. Suppose S[i] be the set containing all the rows of table T[i] where T[i] be the table used in from clause of the query. Suppose that QS be the set containing the Cartesian product of all rows of all the tables. Remove all those rows from QS not satisfying the join relation of the tables and call this set as JQS. Apply “where clause” to further filter/remove rows from JQS and let’s call this set as WQS. Merge the rows of WQS according to group values to make a new set GQS. Apply having clause on the rows of GQS to remove the rows not satisfying having condition to make a new set HQS. Finally, apply the order to sort the rows of HQS to make a sorted set OQS. Rows of OQS are the result of select query. In case of a query containing set operators like union, intersect etc., each query contained in the set will be solved individually so that we have HQS[i] corresponding to each query. Apply set operator on these sets to make a new set SQS. Finally apply the order to sort the rows of SQS to make a sorted set OSQS. Rows of OSQS are result of select query.

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Handling of view: View is a select query, which can be referred as table. Executing a query involving a view will be similar to the above procedure except that the view query will be solved and a set of rows V will be made and used in Cartesian of the tables to make QS set. Rest of the procedure will remain the same. Handling of sub-query: Sub-query is a select query used in where/join/having clause of another query. In this case, sub-query will be executed using the above mentioned procedure. Set obtained by executing the sub-query will be used to filter rows of the main query.

Optimizing Select Query Execution: Procedure mentioned above is not the best or optimized way of execution of a select query. We can optimize the execution by considering the following points: Reducing the number of rows of table: One of the best ways to reduce the number of rows of individual table is to apply “where condition” on the rows of a table. This will result in the reduction of number of rows of Cartesian of the tables. For example, we have two tables and each is having 100 rows and their Cartesian will have 10000 rows without applying “where condition” on individual tables. Let’s say by applying the “where condition” on these 10000 rows we have 4000 rows as the result. Now suppose that we apply “where condition” on individual table and say we have 80 and 60 rows. Cartesian will be having 4800 rows instead of 10000. By applying the remaining “where condition” (which will not be shifted to individual tables), we will be having 4000 rows same as obtained above. Applying join condition on Cartesian of two tables: We can reduce the number of rows by applying the “join condition” on the Cartesian of two tables. As explained in select query execution, we are doing Cartesian of all tables first and then applying the “join condition” to make the JQS set. The result can be obtained by applying the “join condition” involving the two tables on their Cartesian and then doing the Cartesian with remaining tables. For example, we have three tables A, B and C with 100 rows each. Cartesian of these three tables will have 1,000,000 rows. Now by applying the join condition we have 50,000 rows as the result. Instead of doing this we can obtain the same result by doing Cartesian of A and B [10,000 rows] and applying “join condition” of A and B on these rows to remove the unsatisfied rows. Suppose that, finally we have 5,000 rows. Now we will be doing Cartesian of C to get 500,000 rows and then applying the “join condition” involving C on these rows to get 50,000 rows as the result. Using Indexes to solve condition: If we have indexes created on the tables involved in the query and there is a condition on the columns of indexes, then we should use the index to solve the condition and reduce the number of rows of the table. Also, if we have a “join condition” involving the column of index, then we can Cartesian the two tables using this index. This will reduce the time required to Cartesian the two tables.

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Removing redundant conditions: We can reduce the cost of the query by removing the redundant conditions involved in where, join and having condition. For example, we have a>5 and a>10 in where condition, then we can remove the condition a>5 as it is redundant in this case. Using Indexes to get sorted result: If we have order by clause present in the query and there is a corresponding index available in the database, then we can use the index to avoid the cost of sorting the rows obtained after solving the condition. Using Indexes to solve group by: If we have group by clause present in the query and there is a corresponding index available on the columns involved in group by, then we can use the index to reduce the cost of grouping the rows. Removing redundant outer joins: We can convert outer join into Inner join if there is a condition on the inner table of the outer join. This can help in optimizing the query execution. Suppose we have A Left outer join B on A.id = B.Aid and we also have a condition B.area > 500 in where clause, then we can convert this outer join into an inner join like A inner join B on A.id = B.Aid Set operators optimization: We can optimize the query involving set operators by sorting the results of individual queries and then applying merge/intersect on these sorted results. If we have two sorted sets, then we can calculate union/intersect in a very efficient manner as compared to union/intersect of two un-sorted sets. Views optimization: If we have a query involving view and we have a condition applied on view, then we should transfer this condition on the tables of the view’s query. This will result in reduction of number of rows returned by view. Also, if view doesn’t involve any set operator, group by and order by, then we can even think of merging the tables and conditions of the view’s query with current query and then executing the current query. Using order efficiently: Suppose we have group by and order by present on same columns, then we can sort the rows first and then group them. In this way group by is solved in an efficient manner. Same can also be applied in case of Set operators and distinct clause. Shifting order on tables: We can shift the order on individual tables to reduce the overall cost of sorting but in this case we will have to take care during Cartesian that order of the tables is maintained.

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Using Index for retrieving columns: If we are using an index for solving a where condition applied on the table and user has selected columns of the index in the query for this table, then we should return the value of these columns from the index instead of table.

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More Details Reducing the number of rows of table: •

If the condition involves only a single table, then we can evaluate the condition on that table. If the condition involves two or more tables then it needs to be checked whether we can split the condition into smaller parts which can be solved on individual table. We can split the condition involving “AND” into two parts easily and can solve the different parts on different tables. Smallest part of the condition is predicate. Each predicate reduces the number of rows to some extent and has a cost for evaluating it. If a table has a number of predicates to be evaluated on it, then we should evaluate the predicates on the basis of cost and reduction factor. Predicate with the highest reduction factor and smallest cost should be evaluated first.

Applying join condition on Cartesian of two tables: • • •

If we have to Cartesian more than two tables then we should start with the Cartesian of tables having least number of rows. If we have a number of tables with similar number of rows then we should start with the Cartesian of two tables whose join condition has the highest reduction factor of rows. We can use index for solving the join condition. If we have index available on the join columns of a table then we can seek the value of other table row in this index to get the Cartesian rows.

Using Indexes to solve condition: • • • •

If more than one index is available on the columns involved in the condition then the index containing maximum number of condition columns should be selected. We can also consider size of columns for selecting an index. If we have a condition and it can’t be solved by a single index then we should split the condition, if the individual parts can be solved by indexes. We can also consider use of multiple indexes to solve the condition.

Removing redundant conditions: • •

We can remove redundant conditions involving greater than and less than operator. We can remove the conditions involving “AND” and “OR” using the following rules: Predicate “OR” True --- True Predicate “OR” False --- Predicate Predicate “AND” True --- Predicate Predicate “AND” False --- False We can replace predicate containing null value with “Unknown” value. For example: a = null, a > null can be replaced with “Unknown” value.

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Using Indexes to get sorted result: •

If order by clause contains columns of a single table only and we have index on the columns of order by, then we can use the index to get the sorted results. If the sorting of index columns and order by are opposite, even then we can use the index. For example we have order by “a desc” and index available on “a” is in ascending fashion then we can give the result by reversing the row sequence. If order by clause contains columns of more than one table then it needs to be checked whether we can split the order in different parts belonging to individual tables. If order can be split and indexes are available on these columns then we should go for indexes.

Using Indexes to solve group by: • •

If group by clause contains columns of a single table only and we have index on the columns of group by, then we can use the index to group the rows. If group by clause contains columns of more than one table then it needs to be checked whether we can split the grouping columns in different parts belonging to individual tables. If grouping columns can be split and indexes are available on these columns then we should go for indexes.

Removing redundant outer joins: •

We can convert left outer join into inner join if a condition belonging to inner table is present in “where condition”. For example, we have left outer join of A and B table and a condition belonging to table B is present in where condition, then we can convert left outer join into inner join. We can convert right outer join into inner join if a condition belonging to inner table is present in “where condition”. For example, we have right outer join of A and B table and a condition belonging to table A is present in where condition, then we can convert right outer join into inner join. We can convert full outer join into inner join or simple outer join if a condition belonging to either table is present in “where condition”. We have the following cases: o If condition is present on both the tables, we can convert full outer join into inner join. o If condition is present on inner table, we can convert full outer join into left outer join. o If condition is present on outer table, we can convert full outer join into right outer join.

Set operators optimization: •

In case of set operator, we can sort the result of individual queries on the selected columns and use these sorted results to solve set operator. For example, intersect of two sorted sets can be done more efficiently than intersect of two un-sorted sets. In case of union operator, if order by clause is present then we can sort the result of individual queries on the order columns and use these sorted results to get overall sorted result. In case of union we have to give all the rows but since order

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is given, result should be sorted, so by sorting individual queries and then merging the results is more efficient than union of results and then sorting the result. Views optimization: • •

If we have a condition involving view, then this condition should be solved at view level. View will in turn check if the condition can be passed on the tables involved. If possible view will solve the condition on the table. If the query of view doesn’t contain any set operator, group by or aggregate function, then we can solve the current query by merging the tables and where condition of the view’s query with current query. For example, we have a query Select * from A inner join V on A.id = V.id and definition of V is Select * from B where B.area > 500 then we can solve the query like one A inner join B on A.id = B.id where B.area > 500

Using order efficiently: • •

If order by is present in a query involving distinct clause then we use the order by for solving distinct clause also. If order by is present in a query involving group by clause and order by column doesn’t contain any aggregate function and grouping column and order column sequence are same, then we can sort the result on order by before solving group by and then we can make the groups. If order by is present in a query involving aggregate functions without group by, then we can remove the order by clause. A query involving aggregate function without group by returns a single row.

Shifting order on tables: •

If order by clause is present in the query and it can be solved on the table involved, then we will be solving order by on the table itself. If some index is available, then we will use that index otherwise we will sort the rows of the table according to the order. In this manner we will be reducing the cost of sorting and improving the query execution speed. If more than one table is involved and order is to be solved on the individual table then during the Cartesian of tables we will be required to maintain the tables sequence so that we get the order of rows as specified in the query.

Using Index for retrieving columns: •

If we are using an index to solve condition or order on a table and all the selected column of the query belonging to this table are present in the index, then we should give the values of the columns from the index itself instead of the table. In this manner we will be avoiding reading of the table from the physical file and this will improve the speed of the query execution.

Condition/query rewriting: •

We can rewrite the conditions to optimize the query execution.

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We can use following law of algebra to rewrite the condition involving Not operator: NOT (A AND B) = NOT A OR NOT B; A and B are predicates. NOT (A OR B) = NOT A AND NOT B; A and B are predicates. o We can rewrite the predicate involving NOT and greater than/less than as: NOT (A > 2) Æ A <= 2 NOT (A < 2) Æ A >= 2 NOT (A >=2) Æ A < 2 NOT (A <=2) Æ A > 2 NOT (A != 5) Æ A =5 NOT (A = 5) Æ A != 5 We can rewrite the sub-query as inner join. o

Solution: Considering the details for select optimization, we will have to store conditions, sorting info, indexes info for the individual tables as well as for Joining of Tables. We will have to evaluate the different options for solving the query and choose a solution with best possible optimizations. Choosing a solution will involve comparing the different options and selecting the option with minimum cost and maximum performance. For solving a select query, we will have a sequence of steps to be done to get the resultset. Sequence of steps will involve the operations mentioned in “Select Query Execution”. Sequence of steps can also be considered as a tree object whose non-leaf node specifies an operation and leaf nodes represents the tables involved. SELECT RESPONSIBILITIES Glossary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Condition solvable at Table Level – SingleTable Condition Condition solvable at Two Table Level – Join Level Condition Condition solvable on Group by – GroupBy Level Condition Condition solvable after all Joins – Remaining Condition Order solvable at Table Level – Single Table Order Order solvable after all Joins – Join Level Order Order solvable on Group by – GroupBy Level Order

1. Semantic Checking b. Check for table existence c. Check for table ambiguity d. Check for column existence e. Check for column ambiguity f. Check that select list contains only aggregate columns or columns present in the group by clause, when either GroupBy / Aggregate columns are present in query. g. Outer query columns are valid in the inner query to support Correlated Sub Query. h. Check the “on condition” scope management in case of Qualified Joins

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i. j. k. l. m.

Check the data type compatibility, cardinality, and degree of predicates Check that the outer query columns are not used in “from subquery” Check that aggregate columns are not nested. Check the data type compatibility in Aggregates. Check that the having clause is permitted only when either group by or some aggregate column is present n. Check if Group by and Order by is specified then Order by should contain only columns mentioned in group by clause or Aggregate Columns o. Order by Ordinal no. in the order by clause is valid. But it should not exceed the range of selected column. p. Order by Alias Name in the order by clause is valid. q. Check For ambiguous order by column. r. Check that in the case of Set Operators the selected columns of each query has one to one correspondence and they have the same cardinality and their data type should be comparable. s. In the case of Set Operators, check that the columns present in the order by columns should be present in the first query’s select list. t. Check that in a view definition the columns are uniquely specified, and any aggregate, scalar, functional columns in select list must have an alias. u. Match the number of values passed and the number of parameters present in query in case of Parameterized query. v. Trigger’s column as well as variable of Procedure can be used in the query. w. Avoid the checking of the rights of underlying tables of views. x. Use the catalog name, schema name of view for its underlying tables. y. If Natural Join is specified, then the common column of both sides will be represented only by its column name, not by its qualified name in query. 2. Condition z. Rewrite the condition so as to remove redundant condition and to use index for solving that condition. aa. Shift the condition to lowest possible level. bb. Partition the condition as it is solved by index or not. cc. Choose the index for solving the predicates. dd. Use cost factors to choose the best possible index. ee. Use byte operations for solving the predicates. 3. Order ff. Avoid the redundancy of sorting needs of query. Query needs sorting in case of Order by, Group by, Distinct, and Set Operators (excluding Union All). gg. Shift the order to lowest possible level. hh. Use cost factors to choose best possible index for sorting. ii. Use byte comparison for temporary index. 4. Joins jj. Solve Condition involved in the qualified join optimally i. LOJ 1. Even the single table condition on left table is possibly solved as “on condition”

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2. Condition on right table is possibly solved as single table level condition. 3. Condition on both the tables is possibly solved as “on condition”. 4. When the condition involved in where clause includes condition on right table of LOJ, then LOJ should be treated as simple join. 5. If the join relation is seekable then only rows of Table1 can be used for seek in Table2. But the left side tree of this LOJ can be solved by best possible way of its type and nature. ii. ROJ 1. Right Outer Join is simply reverse of LOJ so make use of above conditions by simply inversing the tables involved in ROJ. iii. FOJ 1. Make Union of LOJ and ROJ with the same tables involved in FOJ if condition is non seekable. 2. IF condition involved in FOJ is solvable by index then possible index join of two tables are performed with possible consideration of Nulls appended in the final result. iv. Inner Join 1. If Join relation is seekable, then we can use seeking either way i.e rows of Table1 can be used for seek in Table2 or rows of Table2 can be used for seek in Table1. v. Natural [Qualified] Join 1. Natural [Qualified] join is similar to its counter part Join except that in this join, join condition is implicit. The join condition is on same columns of both sides. 2. If there is no column of the same name from both sides or one side has more than one column of same name, then this Natural [Qualified] join is considered as Cross join (Cartesian product) kk. Solve that Join Relation first, whose result is optimum in terms of rows reduced and index used. 5. Views/ From SubQuery ll. If possible, rewrite the query so as to treat it as a single query. Then all the optimizations are automatically applied to view definition. mm. If not possible then i. Shift the condition/ order of view to lowest possible level in view definition by mapping the columns of view to select list of view definition. ii. And for rest of View’s columns, which are used in query, Map the columns to Selected Columns of View Definition during RunTime. 6. Set Operators nn. Sort the underlying queries on their selected columns. oo. Make the appropriate selected columns of these Set Operators, based on the Selected Columns of underlying queries. These newly made Selected Columns contain the appropriate data type, size based on the Selected columns of underlying queries.

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pp. Adjust the sorting needs according to order by and Selected columns of underlying queries. 7. Group by / Aggregates qq. If possible, adjust the sorting needs of Group by according to order by. rr. Choose index to solve Aggregates like Max, Min. 8. Distinct ss. Check for the redundancy of Distinct. tt. Adjust the sorting needs of Distinct according to Order by. 9. Use Cost factors to choose the best possible way for solving Single table condition, join condition and Single table order. 10. Result Set uu. Updatable i. In which result set, Insert/Update/Delete could be possible. ii. Effect of Insertion, updation and deletion of any row can be checked. iii. Forward Fetching and Backward Fetching should be supported iv. You should be able to move to any specified row vv. Scrollable i. Forward Fetching and Backward Fetching should be supported ii. You should be able to move to any specified row ww. Non Scrollable i. Forward Fetching and Backward Fetching should be supported 11. Column Characteristics xx. Decide the appropriate data type, Size, Scale, and Precision of selected columns. They can be constant, aggregates, expressions and scalar functions. 12. Row Reader yy. Read the row based on the index and name of SelectedColumns. Row might not be in the same order as that of Selected Columns. zz. Provide key for a particular row. Each row is uniquely identified by its key. Key can be used to move to any specified row. aaa. To Provide Key Comparator. 13. Parametrized Query bbb. A query can be executed many times with different values of Parameters. In this case, compile time work (Semantic Checking, Choosing Way of Execution) should be done only once. Parameter value can be set in the ResultSet. ccc. To Provide ParameterInfo in which the name, data type, size of the column against the Parameter is required.

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Examples 1. Semantic Checking a. Check for table existence Invalid: select * from TT Comment: No object called TT. Valid: Create Table TT(a int) Select * from TT. b. Check for table ambiguity Invalid: select * from emp , emp . Comment: Tables ‘emp’ , ‘emp’ have the same exposed names. Valid : select * from emp ,emp e c. Check for column existence Invalid: select x from orders Select * from orders where x = 56 Comment: invalid column name ‘x’ d. Check for column ambiguity Invalid: select customerid from orders , customers Comment: Ambiguous column name, As both orders and customers contain the same column customerid. Valid: Select orders.customerid , customers.customerid from orders,customers Comment: This query works fine. e. Check that select list contains only aggregate columns or columns present in the group by clause, when either GroupBy / Aggregate columns are present in query. Invalid: select orderid from orders group by customerid Comment: does not work as the select list does not contain an aggregate or one of the attributes in the group by.

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Valid: select min(orderid) from orders group by customerid select sum(salary),depno from emp group by depno order by sum(salary) Comment: works f.

Outer query columns are valid in the inner query to support Correlated Sub Query. Valid: select * from orders o where 'brazil' = (select shipcountry from orders p where p.orderid = o.orderid) select * from orders o where 'brazil' = (select shipcountry from orders p where p.orderid = o.orderid and p.employeeid = (Select Sum(a1) from A where a2 = o.customerid))

g. Check the “on condition” scope management in case of Qualified Joins Valid: Select * from A left outer join B left outer join C on B.id = C.id on A.id = C.id Invalid: Select * from A left outer join B left outer join C on A.id = C.id on A.id = B.id h. Check the data type compatibility, cardinality, and degree of predicates i. Data compatibility Invalid: select orderid, customerid from orders where orderid=shipname comment : Syntax error converting the nvarchar value to a column of data type int. valid: select orderid , customerid from orders where orderid = customerid. ii. Cardinality Invalid: Select * from emp where (salary , depno , empid) = (4000,1) Valid: select * from emp where ( salary,depno )= ( 4000,1) iii. Degree Invalid: select * from emp where empid = ( select empid from emp ) comment: Because Inner query results in more than one row.

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Valid: select * from emp where empid = ( select max(empid) from emp ) i.

Check that the outer query columns are not used in “from subquery” Invalid: select * from (select * from emp where salary > 2000 and d.deptno =2 ) as e, dept as d order by e.salary DESC Valid: select * from (select * from emp where salary > 2000 ) as e,dept order by e.salary DESC


Check that aggregate columns are not nested. Invalid: Select max( min(salary)) from emp. Valid: Select max(salary) from emp.

k. Check the dataType compatibility in Aggregates. Invalid: select avg(shipcountry) from orders. Comment: shipcountry is of type Char. Valid: select avg(ordered) from orders l.

Check that the having clause is permitted only when either group by or some aggregate column is present Invalid: select depno ,avg(salary) from emp group by depno having avg(salary) > 3000 and depno=3 and empid=3 Comment: empid is neither included in the group by clause nor is it an aggregate column. Valid: select depno, avg(salary) from emp group by avg(salary)>3000 Select Sum(salary) from emp having max(depno) > 10



m. Check if Group by and Order by is specified then Order by should contain only columns mentioned in group by clause or Aggregate Columns. Invalid: select depno , sum(salary) from emp group by depno order by empid. Comment: empid is neither included in the group by clause nor is it an aggregate column.

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Valid: select depno , sum(salary) from emp group by depno order by depno ,sum (salary) n. Order by Ordinal no. in the order by clause is valid. But it should not exceed the range of selected column. Invalid : select empname,empid,salary from emp order by 5 Valid: select empname,empid,salary from emp order by 3 Comment: works as the number of selected columns is 3. o. Order by Alias Name in the order by clause is valid. Valid: select depno no , empid id from emp order by id p. Check for ambiguous order by column. Invalid: select productid,Suppliers.supplierid as productid from products,suppliers order by productid. Comment: It is not clear which column to sort. Valid: select productid,Suppliers.supplierid as productid from products,suppliers order by Product.supplierId. q. Check that in the case of Set Operators the selected columns of each query has one to one correspondence and they have the same cardinality and their data type should be comparable. Invalid: select productid from products union select supplierid, companyname from suppliers Comment: This query is not having same number of columns. select productid,unitPrice from products union select supplierid, companyname from suppliers Comment: In this query dataType of unitPrice(Numeric) companyName(Varchar) is not comparable


Valid: select productid,productname from products union select supplierid, companyname from suppliers

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In the case of Set Operators, check that the columns present in the order by columns should be present in the first query’s select list. Invalid: select productid,productname from products union select supplierid, companyname from suppliers order by supplierid select deptno from dept union select deptno from dept2 order by salary Comment: the columns present in the order by clause are not present in the select list of the first query. valid: select productid,productname from products union select supplierid, companyname from suppliers order by productid

s. Check that in a view definition the columns are uniquely specified, and any aggregate, scalar, functional columns in select list must have an alias. Invalid: Create view V1 as (Select state.countryId , country.countryId from state , country) Comment: as the Column countryId is ambiguous. create view v2 as ( select avg(salary ) , depno from emp group by depno) Valid: create view v2 (salary , dept_no )as (select avg(salary ) , depno from emp group by depno) create view v2 as (select avg(salary ) as abc, depno from emp group by depno) t.

Match the number of values passed and the number of parameters present in a query in case of Parameterized query. Select * from products where (productid, supplierid) = (? , ?) Comment: Valid if two values of Numeric type will be supplied.

u. Trigger’s column as well as variable of Procedure can be used in the query. i. E.g CREATE Procedure p1 te numeric(10) AS ii. Select b1 from B where b2 = te iii. Comment: In this query te is the variable of Procedure. Likewise Trigger column can also be used in Select query.

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v. Avoid the checking of the rights of underlying tables of views. Valid: Create view v1 as select * from A. Query: select * from v1 Comment: If a user has rights for the view v1 but no rights for the table A, then in this case if the user fires the query, he will get the result. w. Use the catalog name, schema name of view for its underlying tables. Suppose the definition of View is Select * from A and View is created in Schema S1 then Table A must belong to Schema A. x. If Natural Join is specified, then the common column of both sides will be represented only by its columnName, not by its qualified name in query. Invalid: Select productname , products.supplierid from products natural join suppliers Comment: supplierid is the common column in products and suppliers. Valid: Select productname , supplierid from products natural join suppliers. 2. Condition a. Rewriting of Condition i. Merging of two conditions on same columns to single condition 1. A > 2 and A > 3 Æ A > 3 2. A > 3 and A < 3 Æ false 3. A = 3 and A = 4 Æ false 4. A = 3 and A > 4 Æ false 5. A = 4 and A >= 4 Æ A = 4 ii. For using index 1. Suppose condition is b = 3 and a = 6 and index is on a,b then this condition will be treated as a = 6 and b = 3. b. Shift the condition to lowest possible level. i. Suppose Condition is A1 > 2 and B1 < 8 and A3 in (10,20,30), then A1 > 2 and A3 in (10,20,30) will be shifted to Table A and B1 < 8 will be shifted to Table B. ii. Suppose Condition is A1 = 7 and B2 > 9 then whole condition will be treated as remaining condition. iii. Suppose Condition is A1 = 7 and B1 = C1 and (b2 = 9 or A3 = 7) then A1 = 7 will be shifted to Table A. B1 = C1 will be treated as join condition of Table B and Table C. (b2 = 9 or A3 = 7) will be treated as Remaining condition. iv. Suppose Condition is (A1 = 8 and B1 >= 8) or (A2 < 9 and B3 != 8) then A1 = 8 and A2 < 9 will be shifted to Table A. B1 >= 8 and B3 != 8 will be shifted to Table B. And (A1 = 8 and B1 >= 8) or (A2 < 9 and B3 != 8) will be solved as remaining condition.

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v. Suppose condition is (A1 = 8 or A2 = 8) and sum (b2) > 10 then (A1 = 8 or A2 = 8) will be shifted to Table A and sum (b2) > 10 will be solved above GroupBy. Such a condition will be included in having clause with group by on a1, a2. c. Partition the condition as it is solved by index or not. i. Suppose index is on column(s) 1. A1 2. A2 and A3 3. A2 4. A4 and A3 ii. Now suppose condition is A1 = 2 and A3 = 5 and A2 = 6. iii. For Index1 A1 = 2 is indexed condition and remaining all are non indexed. iv. For Index2 A2 = 6 and A3 = 5 is indexed condition and A1 = 2 is non indexes v. For Index3 A2 = 6 is indexed and remaining all are non indexed. vi. For Index4 all conditions are non indexed. vii. Whenever a predicate of type less/greater/ lessThanEqualTo/ greaterThanEqualTo is encountered, then after it no predicate can be used in index. e.g Select * from testIndex where a > 5 and b = 5. In this query only a > 5 is used in index. viii. In case when range predicate exists, then we can use the whole range predicate for index. ix. Suppose condition is a1 = (Select Sum (b1) from B) and a2 != 10, then this condition is shifted to Table A, but both predicates are solved as non indexed. d. Choose index in all possible predicates i. Different Predicates should be rewritten in order to choose index like 1. Between Predicate a. By Symmetric we mean, boundary excluded b. By Asymmetric we mean, boundary included c. Condition A between symmetric 2 and 3 should be rewritten as A > 2 and A < 3 d. Condition A between asymmetric 2 and 3 should be rewritten as A >= 2 and A <= 3 e. Condition A not between symmetric 2 and 3 should be rewritten as Not (A > 2 and A < 3) which is equivalent to A <= 2 or A >= 3 f. Condition A not between asymmetric 2 and 3 should be rewritten as Not (A >= 2 and A <= 3) which is equivalent to A < 2 or A > 3 2. Like Predicate a. Condition A Like ‘A%’ should be rewritten as A >= ‘A’ and A < ‘B’ and A Like ‘A%’. Choose index according to condition A >= ‘A’ and A < ‘B’ and solve A Like ‘A%’ as non indexed condition b. Condition A Like 'abc%def' escape 'b' should be rewritten as A >= 'ac' and A < 'ad' and A Like 'abc%def' escape ‘b’. Choose index according to

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condition A >= ‘ac’ and A < ‘ad’ and solve A Like 'abc%def' escape ‘b’ as non Indexed Condition c. Condition A Not Like ‘A%’ should be rewritten as Not (A >= ‘A’ and A < ‘B’) which is equivalent to A < ‘A’ or A >= ‘B’, so complete condition is written as A < ‘A’ or A >= ‘B’ and A Not Like ‘A%’. Choose index according to condition A < ‘A’ or A >= ‘B’ and solve A Not Like ‘A%’ as non Indexed Condition d. Condition A Not Like 'abc%def' escape 'b' should be rewritten as Not(A >= 'ac' and A < 'ad') which is equivalent to A < ‘ac’ or A >= ‘ad’, so complete condition is written as A < ‘ac’ or A >= ‘ad’ and A Not Like 'abc%def' escape ‘b’.Choose index according to condition A < ‘ac’ or A >= ‘ad’ and solve A Not Like 'abc%def' escape ‘b’ as non Indexed Condition 3. In Predicate a. Condition like A In (2, 3, 4) should be written as A = 2 or A = 3 or A = 4 b. Condition like A Not In (2, 3, 4) should be written as A != 2 and A != 3 and A != 4 c. Conditions like A.A1 in (Select C.C1 from C) should be written as from A, C where A1 = C1. d. Conditions like A.A1 not in (Select C.C1 from C) should be written as from A, C where A1! = C1. e. How Cost Factors helps us to choose best possible index to solve condition i. Cost should be calculated according to different relational operators. Equal Operator should reduce maximum percentage of rows. Greater than and Less than Operator should reduce second maximum percentage of rows. Greater than Equal to and Less than Equal to Operator should reduce third maximum percentage of rows ii. The predicate which is solved by index has lower cost as that of the predicate which is not solved by index. f. Use Byte Comparison for each Predicate. i. For Each Predicate appropriate comparator must be initialized based on the dataType of both sides. So as we should compare the byte array which is the raw form of storage of Objects in the database, we need not to convert it into Objects until the columns are specified in Select List. 3. Order a. Avoid the redundancy of Order i. We need sorting for Order by, Set Operators, Distinct, Group by. These order are required in the same sequence. Top level ResultSet must be sorted according to Order by clause. So we will avoid the redundancy wherever required. 1. Select A1, B1 from A, B union Select C1, D1 from C, D Order by 1,2. In this query Order by is required on A1 and

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b1 in first query and C1, D1 on second query. Also for Union we need first query to be sorted on A1, B1 and second query to be sorted on C1, D1. So Order by and union both has same sorting needs. So we’ll sort the data of query only once. Select A1, B1 from A, B union Select C1, D1 from C, D Order by 2,1. In this query Order by is required on B1 and A1 in first query and D1, C1 on second query. Also for Union we need first query to be sorted on selected and second query to be sorted on selected column. Order by has higher precedence and union has no effect on Order Sequence of Selected columns. So we sort first query on B1 and A1 and second query on D1 and C1. Select distinct A1, B1 from A, B Order by B1. In this query we’ll sort the resultset on B1 and A1, which will suffice the sorting needs of both Order and Distinct, as Order has high precedence and distinct has no effect of Order Sequence of Selected columns. Select A1, B1 from A, B group by a1, b1 order by b1. In this query we’ll sort the resultset on b1, a1 which will suffice the needs of both OrderBy and group by. Select distinct a1,a2 from A Except Select b1,Sum(c2) from B,C group by b1. In the first query we want the order on a1,a2 for both except as well as for Distinct, so we’ll sort on a1,a2 only once. And in the second query, we firstl need sorting on b1 for GroupBy, then need sorting on b1, Sum(c2) for Except.

b. Shift the Order to lowest possible level i. Suppose Order by is A1,A2 then A1,A2 will be shifted to Table A. ii. Suppose Order by is A1,B1 then 1. if A1 is primary key then A1 will be shifted to Table A and B1 will be shifted to Table B. 2. else A1,B1 will be solved as Join Level Order. iii. Suppose Order by is A1+B1 then this order will be treated as Join Level Order. iv. Suppose Order by is A1,Sum(b1) then this order will be treated as GroupByLevel Order. v. Suppose the query is Select * from A LOJ B on a1 = b1 order by b1. In this query, order by b1 will not be shifted to Table B as it is involved in right portion of LOJ. vi. Suppose the query is Select * from A LOJ B on a1 = b1,C order by a1,c1 and a1 is primary key of Table A. In this query order by a1, c1 will not be shifted to Table A and C respectively, but if we are having order by on a1,b1,c1 and a1 and b1 are primary keys of their table then order can be shifted to their respective tables. c. Choose the best possible Index which can satisfy the Single table Order by its own. i. Suppose Table A has Order a1,a2,a3 and index is on a1,a2 and a1,a2,a3, then a1,a2,a3 index can solve the order by of Table A.

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ii. Suppose Table A has order by a1 and index is on a1 but Desc., then Table A must use the index a1 but with a trick to reverse the data. 4. Joins a. LOJ i. If Query is Select * from A Loj B on a1 = 5 then a1 = 5 will be solved as “on Condition”. ii. If Query is Select * from A Loj B on b1 = 5 then b1 = 5 will be shifted to Table B. iii. If Query is Select * from A Loj B on a1 = b1 then A will seek or scan in to table B based on whether index is present on b1 or not. iv. If Query is Select * from A Loj B on a1 = b1 where b1 = 5 then Query will be treated as IJ and b1 = 5 will be shifted to Table B. But If Query is Select * from A Loj B on a1 = b1 where b1 is null then b1 is null will be solved after LOJ. Also if there is join condition or remaining condition exists in ‘where clause’ on right table of Loj, then also Loj will be treated as IJ. E.g Select * from A Loj B, C on a1 = b1 where b1 = 10 or c1 between 2 and 10 will be same as Select * from A IJ B, C on a1 = b1 where b1 = 10 or c1 between 2 and 10. v. Suppose query is A Loj B on a1 = b1 Loj C on a2 = c2 where b2 = 5 so this query is treated as A IJ B on a1 = b1 Loj C on a2 = c2 where b2 = 5. And in IJ we’ve both possibilities of Left Seek Right and Right Seek Left. vi. Suppose query is (A Loj B on a1 = b1) Loj (C Loj D on c1 = d1) on a2 = c2 where c2 > 10 then this query is treated as (A Loj B on a1 = b1) IJ (C Loj D on c1 = d1) on a2 = c2 where c2 > 10. And if where clause contains condition d2 = 4 then query is treated as (A Loj B on a1 = b1) IJ (C IJ D on c1 = d1) on a2 = c2 where d2 = 4. b. ROJ i. Right Outer Join is simply reverse of LOJ. So make use of above conditions by simply inversing the tables involved in ROJ. c. FOJ i. Select * from A Foj B on a1 = b1 this is equivalent to Union of A Loj B on a1 = b1 and A Roj b on a1 = b1. ii. Select * from A Foj B on a1 = b1 where a2 like ‘g%’ then it will be treated as Select * from A Loj B on a1 = b1 where a2 like ‘g%’. If condition is on left Table then Foj will give the same result as that of Loj. iii. Select * from A Foj B on a1 = b1 where b2 like ‘g%_a’ escape ‘%’ then it will be treated as Select * from A Roj B on a1 = b1 where b2 like ‘g%_a’ escape ‘%’. If condition is on right Table then Foj will give the same result as that of Roj. d. IJ i. Select * from A IJ B on A1 = B1 1. If Condition has index on column A1, then Index A1 of A has to be chosen and Column B1 will seek into A to solve the condition. 2. If Condition has index on column B1, then Index B1 of B has to be chosen and Column A1 will seek into B to solve the condition.

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3. If Condition has index both on column B1 and A1, then both the index has to be chosen and join condition has to be solved using indexed join. ii. Select * from A IJ B on a1 + b1 > 10. This condition is not seekable, so it is solved on the cartesian product of A and B. iii. Select * from A IJ B on a1 = b1, C IJ D on c2 = d2. In this query we can solve any Join first. We choose to solve that join first whose cost is low. Suppose one join results into Zero rows, then there is no need to solve other join. e. NJ i. Select * from A NJ B. 1. A and B have same column c1, c2 then it will be treated as A IJ B on A.c1 = B.c1 and A.c2 = B.c2 2. A and B have no column of same name then it will be treated as A CJ B. ii. Select * from (A IJ B on a1 = b1) NLOJ C 1. A and C have common column c1 then it will be treated as (A IJ B on a1 = b1) LOJ C on A.c1 = c.c1 2. A,B and C have same column c1 then it will be treated as (A IJ B on a1 = b1) CJ C. f. Select * from A,B,C where A1 = B1 and B2 = C2. i. Suppose B1 can be solved by index then A1 will seek in B on index of b1, then this resultSet will scan into Table C. ii. Suppose B2 can be solved by index then C2 will seek in B on index B2, then this resultset will scan into Table A. iii. Suppose B1 and B2 can be solved by index but the join of B2 and C2 will produce lower number of rows so C2 will seek in B on index B2, then this resultset will scan into Table A. g. Select * from A,B where A1 = b1 and B2 = 9. i. Suppose b1 can be solved by Index, then firstly A1 will seek in B on index b1 then B2 = 9 will filter the resultSet. ii. Suppose A1 and B2 can be solved by index, then B will use seeking for B2 = 9 then seek into table A on index A1. iii. Suppose B1 and B2 both can be solved by index 1. If composite index is maintained then it’ll be used 2. Otherwise the best possible index of B will be choosen depending upon the number of rows of A and B. 5. Views/ From SubQuery a. If view definition contains Aggregate/ Groupby / SetOperators / FunctionalColumns in select list then we cant rewrite the query. b. If Query is Rewritable i. Select * from V8 where v1 in (5,8,9). The definition of V8 is Select a1 from A Loj B on a1 = b1 where a2 = 10 or a3 = 20. Then this query is treated as Select a1 from A Loj B on a1 = b1 where a1 in (5,8,9) and (a2 = 10 or a3 = 20) ii. Select * from A IJ B on a2 = b2 IJ V6 on a1 = v1. The definition of V6 is Select c1 as v1, d2 as v2 from C IJ D on c1 = d1. This query is rewritable and after rewriting it looks like Select A.*, B.*, C.c1, D.d2 from A IJ B on a2 = b2 IJ (C IJ D on c1 = d1) on a1 = c1. So now we are having three join relations a2 = b2, c1 = d1 and a1 = c1. We can choose any of these first.

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iii. Select * from V3 IJ C on v1 = c1 order by v1. The definition of V3 is Select b1 as v1 from A Loj B on a2 = b2. In this View, order can’t be shifted at B because B is the right table of LOJ. iv. Select * from A,D,V1 where A1 = 5 and V1.v1 = 6 and A2 = v2 and A3 = D3 order by v3. The definition of V1 is Select b1 as v1,c2 as v2,c3 as v3 from B IJ C on b1 = c1. Then query will be treated as Select A.*,D.*,B.b1,C.c2,C.c3 from A,D,B IJ C on b1 = c1 where A1 = 5 and B1 = 6 and A2 = C2 and A3 = D3 order by C3. c. If Query is not Rewritable i. Select * from V7 order by v1. The definition of V7 is Select case when a1 > 5 then a1 else 0 end from A. In this, order by v1 will be shifted to view and it’s on case expression. ii. Select * from V5 where v1 = 6. The definition of V5 is Select Sum (a1) from A. Then the condition v1 = 6 which is shifted to view, will become sum (a1) = 6 and it’s a groupby level condition. iii. Select * from V2 where v1 = 5. The definition of V2 is Select a1 as v1 from A union Select b1 from B. Then the condition a1 = 5 will be shifted to Table A of query1 and b1 = 5 will be shifted to Table B of query2. iv. Select v1 from V4 where v1 = 5. The definition of V4 is Select b1+c1 from B, C Union Select a1 from A. Condition a1 = 5 will be shifted to Table A of second query and for first query condition will be b1+c1 = 5 and it is a join level condition. When we’ve to give the rows from first query then v1 will be mapped to b1+c1 and when we’ve to give the rows from second query then v1 will be mapped to a1. 6. Set Operators a. Select a1 from A Union Select b1 from B. where A.a1 is of type integer and B.b1 is of type Double. Then the resultant column of this query will be of type Double. In case of Intersect and Except, the dataType of Selected Columns of left query will be sufficient as in Intersect and Except the rows of left query is returned. b. ((Select a1 from A Union Select b1 from B) intersection Select c1 from C) Unoin Select d1 from D. a1 is of type integer, b1 is of type Double, c1 is of type bigDecimal and d1 is of type Long. Then the resultant column of this query will be of type Double. c. Select a1 from A Union Select b1 from B where a1 is of type Char (10) and b1 is of type Char (20) then the resultant column will be of Char (20). d. Select a1 from A Intersect Select b1 from B Intersect Select c1 from C. All the queries will be sorted on their selected columns. So as the case with Union and Except. e. Select a1,a2 as A Union Select b1,b2 as B order by a2. Then first query need to be sorted on a2,a1 and second query on b2,b1. 7. Group by/ Aggregates a. Select Max(a1) from A. And if index is present on a1 then make use of it for getting the maximum value. b. Select Min(a1) from A. And if index is present on a1 then make use of it for getting the minimum value. c. Select a1 from A group by a1 and if a1 is primary key then group by is redundant.

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8. Distinct a. Select Distinct a1 from A and if a1 is primary/unique key then Distinct is redundant. b. Select Distinct a1 from A group by a1 then Distinct is redundant. 9. Condition and Order a. Suppose single table condition a1 = 5, join condition a2 = b2 and single table order a2 is present on Table A. i. In this situation the best solution is that if single Index is suffice for all condition, Order and QueryColumns of that table(A). i.e if index on a2,a1 is present. ii. If best solution is not present, then try to choose the index which solve maximum no. of predicates. iii. If index is not present on condition, then try to choose the index which satisfy the sorting needs.

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INTERACTION DIAGRAMS: Execute Simple Query Simple query is a select query involving a single table in from clause and with or without where clause. Example: Select * from Country Select * from country where area > 100;

Server Server will call execute query of Select Query for query execution

Select Query

Execution Plan



1: execute query 2: check semantic

Select Query will do the semantic checking of the query

3: create execution plan

Select Query will create an execution plan for the query and set the table info in it

4: set Table Info 5: get meta-data for table

Execution plan will use meta data info about the table to solve the query. Plan will also consider the indexes available on table

6: choose index for solving condition

7: execute

Select Query will call execute of plan to identify the rows.

8: create 9: navigate rows of table

Plan will navigate rows of the table using Session and solve the condition on the row and will add the row to the iterator object

10: evaluate the where clause 11: add row 12: return iterator object 13: return iterator object

Figure 23: Interaction Diagram - Execute Simple Query

Flow Explanation: 1: Server will call execute query of Select Query for query execution 2: Select query will perform following checks: Table existence Columns existence of column-list and where clause. Data type compatibility of predicates used in where clause.

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Select Query will retrieve meta-data information about the table from Session. 3: Execution plan will have following info: Table with its condition and selected columns. 4: Table Information includes Table Columns in column-list Condition in where clause 5 & 6: Execution plan will retrieve info about indexes on the table. It will check if the given condition can be solved using an index. If possible it will use this index to solve the condition. Index Selection criteria: Choose index containing the maximum number of columns of the condition. Choose index having smaller size of column. Suppose we have to choose among two indexes, one on a char type of column with size10 and another on an int type of column, then we must choose int type of column because size of int is 4. 7: Execute will create an iterator object and initialize it with the rows satisfying the query. 8 & 9: Session will return rows according to the current transaction isolation level. If execution plan chooses an index for solving the condition, Session will return rows using that index. 10: Row returned by session will be evaluated against the condition specified in where clause of the query. 11, 12 & 13: Row satisfying the where clause will be added to the iterator object and then it will be passed on to the server through selct query.

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Execute Query involving Joins Join is equivalent to cartesian product of two sets, if no relation expression is applied. Otherwise rows not satisfying relation are removed from the above cartesian. Join is a relation among two or more tables. eg State.countryid = country.id; Examples of join query: Select * from Country, State where country.id = state.countryid; Select * from Country inner join state on country.id = state.countryid; Join Types Cross Join: This is a join between two tables without any relation. Inner Join: This is a join between two tables with a relation relating the two tables. Outer Join: Left Right Full

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Select Query

Execution Plan



1: execute query 2: check semantic Select Query will do the semantic checking of the query

3: create

Select Query will create an execution plan for the query and set the table info for all the tables

Loop for all tables involved in join

4: set Table Info 5: get meta-data for table 6: choose index for solving condition

7: set join relation Select query will set all the join relation in plan and plan will adjust according to indexes availability on join relation

Do for all join relations of the query

8: choose index

9: execute 10: create 11: navigate rows of table Execution plan will navigate rows of the table and evaluate the table condition on it and finally the join relation on the row satisfying table condition. Row satisfying all the conditions and relations will be added to the iterator object.

Do for cartesian of all tables involved in query.

12: evaluate table condition 13: evaluate join relation 14: add row

15: return iterator object

16: return iterator object

Figure 24: Interaction Diagram - execute query involving Joins

Flow Explanation: 1: Server will call execute query of Select Query for query execution. 2: Besides checking for points mentioned in "execute simple query", select query will perform the following checks in case of joins:

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Table ambiguity Column ambiguity Join condition contains column of joining table. Joining table means any table involved in the join or the table involved in right/left hierarchy of join. 3: Execution plan will have the following info: Table with its condition and selected columns. 4: Table Information includes Table Columns in column-list Condition in where clause 5 & 6: Execution plan will retrieve info about indexes on the table. It will check if the given condition can be solved using an index. If possible it will use this index to solve the condition. Index Selection criteria: Choose index containing the maximum number of columns of the condition. Choose index having smaller size of column. Suppose we have to among two indexes, one on a char type of column with size10 and another on a int type of column, then we must choose int type of column because size of int is 4. 7 & 8: Plan will check if join relation can be solved using any index of the tables involved in the join relation. If possible, plan will be adjusted accordingly. One of the major issues involved will be handling of multiple indexes on the same table. Suppose that plan has choosen index Index1 for solving the table condition and index Index2 for solving the join relation, then rows to be returned are intersection of the rows obtained from the two indexes. 9: Execute will create an iterator object and initialize it with the rows satisfying the query. Plan will do cartesian of the tables involved and will evaluate the table conditions and join relations on the resulting rows. 10 & 11: Session will return rows according to the current transaction isolation level. If execution plan chooses an index for solving the condition, Session will return rows using that index. 12: Row returned by session will be evaluated against the condition (if any) given for the table 13: Row satisfying the table condition will be evaluated against the join relation involving the table. 14, 15 & 16: Row satisfying the condition of all tables and all join relations will be added to the iterator object and then it will be passed on to the server through selct query.

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Execute Query with Group by clause Group by clause is used for grouping the rows of the select query and retrieving info about the group. The info includes sum, count, max, min, and avg of the group. Sum will give the sum of all rows of the group. Count will give the number of rows in the group. Max will give the maximum value among all the rows of the group. Min will give the minimum value among all the rows of the group. Avg. will give the average value among all the rows of the group. Avg is equivalent to sum divided by count. In general, Null values are not considered while calculating the group info. If having clause is specified in the group by clause then the groups are evaluated against the having condition and rows satisfying the condition are returned. Examples: Select countryid, Sum (population) from states group by countryid; Select Count (orderid), Sum (units * itemAmount) from orderDetails inner item on orderDetails.itemid = item.id group by orderid having count (orderid) > 10 Figure 25: Interaction Diagram - execute query with group by clause

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Select Query

Execution Plan



1: execute query

2: check semantic

Select Query will do the semantic checking of the query

3: create Select Query will create an execution plan for the query and set the table info for all the tables

Select query will set all the join relation in plan and plan will adjust according to indexes availability on join relation

4: set Table Info

Loop for all tables involved in join

5: get meta-data for table 6: choose index for solving condition

7: set join relation Do for all join relations of the query

8: choose index

9: set group info 10: choose index

11: execute 12: create Execution plan will navigate rows of the table and evaluate the table condition on it and finally the join relation on the row satisfying table condition. Row satisfying all the conditions and relations will be added to the iterator object.

Do for all the tables involved in query

13: navigate rows of table 14: evaluate table condition 15: evaluate join relation 16: add row

Loop for all rows available in iterator

Plan will compute group info and having condition on the rows available in the iterator and will remove the rows not satisfying the having condition

17: compute group info 18: evaluate having condition 19: remove row

20: return iterator object 21: return iterator object

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Flow Explanation: 1: Server will call execute query of Select Query for query execution. 2: Besides checking for points mentioned in "execute simple query" and "execute query involving joins", select query will perform following checks in case of group by: Column-list contains column specified in group by clause or aggregate functions like sum, count etc. If having condition is given, column of the condition should be one specified in group by or aggregate functions. 3: Execution plan will have following info: Table with its condition and selected columns. 4: Table Information includes Table Columns in column-list Condition in where clause 5 & 6: Execution plan will retrieve info about indexes on the table. It will check if the given condition can be solved using an index. If possible it will use this index to solve the condition. Index Selection criteria: Choose index containing the maximum number of columns of the condition. Choose index having smaller size of column. Suppose we have to among two indexes, one on a char type of column with size10 and another on a int type of column, then we must choose int type of column because size of int is 4. 7 & 8: Plan will check if join relation can be solved using any index of the tables involved in the join relation. If possible, plan will be adjusted accordingly. One of the major issues involved will be handling of multiple indexes on the same table. Suppose that plan has choosen index Index1 for solving the table condition and index Index2 for solving the join relation, then rows to be returned are intersection of the rows obtained from two indexes. 9: Set the information regarding group. 10: If no index has been choosen for solving table conditions and join relations and an index is available on group by columns, then plan will use the index for solving group by. If the group by belongs to a table whos indexes have not been choosen for solving condition or join relation and group can be solved on any of the indexes, then plan will use that index. 11: Execute will create an iterator object and initialize it with the rows satisfying the query. Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


12 & 13: Session will return rows according to the current transaction isolation level. If execution plan chooses an index for solving the condition, Session will return rows using that index. 14: Row returned by the session will be evaluated against the condition (if any) given for the table. 15: Row satisfying the table condition will be evaluated against the join relation involving the table. 16: Row satisfying the condition of all tables and all join relations will be added to the iterator. 17: Computing group info means solving the aggregate functions for the group and specifying group columns values. This will result in reduction of rows present in the iterator. 18: Plan will evaluate having condition on the rows available after computing group info. 19: Remove the row not satisfying the having condition from the iterator. 20 & 21: Iterator object will be returned to server through select query.

Execute Query involving Set Operators Set Operators available in SQL 99 are: UNION INTERSECT EXCEPT Union is equivalent to mathematical union of two sets. In case of select query involving union, there are two or more select queries and the result will contain all the rows of all the queries. Example Select name, age from childs union Select name, age from parents Intersect is equivalent to mathematical intersection of two sets. In case of query with intersection, two or more queries are involved and the result will conatin those rows which are present in all the queries. Example Select name from students intersect Select name from students where age < 15

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Except is equivalent to mathematical difference of two sets. In case of query with except, two select queries are involved.


Select Query

Select Query

Execution Plan

Execution Plan


1: execute query 2: check semantic

Select query will perform semantic checking of individual queries involved. Select query will also perform semantic cheking specific to set operators

3: check semantic 4: set Select query

Select query will create a new execution plan and will set individual select queries. Plan will get the execution plan of individual queries

5: get execution plan Do for all 6: create select queries 7: return execution plan

8: execute Plan will execute individual execution plans to get iterator for the queries

Do for all select queries

9: execute 10: return iterator 11: create

Plan will navigate rows of all iterators to filter rows on the basis of set operator and will the rows in a new iterator

Navigate all 12: filter row rows of all iterators 13: add row 14: return iterator

15: return iterator

Figure 26: Interaction Diagram - execute query involving set operators

Flow Explanation: 1: Server will call execute query of Select Query for query execution. 2: Select query with set operator will call for checking the semantic of individual select queries involved in current query. 3: Semantic checking to be done specific to set operators as follows: Number of columns in column-list of all queries should be same. Data-type of columns in column-list of all queries should be comparable. For example: Int can be compared with Long but not with String.

4, 5, 6 & 7: Select query will set the individual select queries in Execution plan and execution plan will interact with individual select query to get their execution plan.

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8, 9 & 10: Plan will execute the individual query plan to get their iterators. 11: Plan will create a new iterator for the set query and filter rows according to the set operator specified. 12: Plan will filter the rows of different iterators on the basis of set operator. 13, 14 & 15: Row satisfying the condition of all tables and all join relations will be added to the iterator object and then it will be passed on to the server through selct query.

Execute Query with Order by clause Executing query with order by clause returns the rows sorted on the columns specified in order by clause. Example: Select * from country, state where country.id = state.countryid order by countryName, statename This query result will be sorted on countryname column of country table and statename column of state table. One important point, order by is specified with the top level select query only. Suppose we have a select query involving set operator, then order by can't be specified with each query. Instead it will be associated with the overall query.

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Select Query

Execution Plan



1: execute query 2: check Semantic

Select query will perform semantic checking considering order by clause

3: make plan 4: set order info

Select query will set order info into plan and plan will ajust the execution based upon the indexes available for order solving

5: choose index 6: execute

Plan will create an iterator and add rows according to the type of query

7: create

8: add rows satisfying iterator 9: sort rows

Plan will sort the rows satisfying the query if no index is used for order by columns.

10: add sorted rows 11: return iterator 12: return iterator

Figure 27: Interaction Diagram - execute query with order by clause

Flow Explanation: 1: Server will call execute query of Select Query for query execution. 2: Select query will perform the semantic checking according to the query type as mentioned in Sequence diagrams "execute simple query", "execute query involving joins", "execute query involving group by" and "execute query involving set operator". Semantic checking specific to order by clause is as follows: Order column-list contains columns of select column-list or expressions based on these columns. Order column are unique in order column-list. If order column are referred by numbers, then all the indexes should be valid. In case of set operator query, columns name of first query are considered for semantic checking.

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3: Select query will create the execution plan depending upon the type of select query. For details refer to sequence diagrams "execute simple query", "execute query involving joins", "execute query with group by", "execute query involving set operators". 4: Set order information 5: If plan has not choosen any index for condition, then plan will check if any index can be used for solving order and if possible it will use that index to navigate rows of the table. Plan will give preference to choosing index for condition solving or join relation evaluation. However, if the order column and condition column are same, then earlier choosen index can be used to solve order by. If order by can't be solved using any index on the table, then execution plan will sort the rows satisfying the query. 6: Plan will execute the query without order, depending upon its type. Plan will have an iterator with all rows satisfying the select query. 7 & 8: Plan will create an iterator and add rows according to the type of query 9: If Plan has added rows based on an index choosen for order, it will do nothing. Othewise it will sort the rows and add them in a new iterator. 10, 11 & 12: Iterator with sorted rows is returned by plan

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Execute Query Involving Sub-Query Select query specified in a condition is called a sub-query. Different types of sub-queries are: Scalar sub-query - is a query which returns a single column and a single row. Row sub-query - is a query which returns multiple columns but a single row Table sub-query - is a query which returns multiple columns and multiple rows.

Number of columns in the sub-query is defined as its cardinality and number of rows in the sub-query is defined as its degree. Select Execution Sub-querySub query Session Execution Plan Query Plan 1: execute query 2: check semantic 3: check semantic

Server Select query will perform the semantic checking of the query considering subquery. Select query will info in Execution will inturn get the plan of the involved.

set table Plan and execution sub-query

4: set Table Info 5: get Execution Plan 6: create 7: return execution plan 8: execute

9: execute 10: create

Plan will get the iterator of the sub-query by executing the sub-query plan.

Sub query iterator

11: return iterator

Iterator 12: create

13: navigate row of table Plan will navigate the rows of the table and evaluate the condition using current row and iterator of the sub-query.

14: evaulate condition using sub-query iterator 15: add row 16: return iterator

17: return iterator

Figure 28: Interaction Diagram - execute query involving sub-query

Flow Explanation: 1: Server will call execute query of Select Query for query execution. 2: Semantic checking specific to query will be done. 3: Semantic Checking specific to sub-query is as follows:

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Sub-query cardinality and degree must satisfy predicates cardinality and degree requirement. For example: area = Select totalArea from plots where plotid= 24. In the above predicate, the cardinality and degree of sub-query must be one. Columns data type of the sub-query are comparable to predicate data-type requirement. 4, 5, 6 & 7: Select query will set table info in Execution Plan and will inturn get the execution plan of the sub-query involved. Execution plan will check for sub-query in the condition passed. If a sub-query is involved, it will check it’s semantic and get the execution plan for sub-query. 8, 9, 10 & 11: When plan will be executed, it will execute the sub-query plan and get its iterator for solving condition. 12, 13, 14, & 15: Plan will navigate rows of table and evaluate the condition using the sub-query iterator and if condition is met, it will add the row of the iterator created for the query. 16 & 17: After adding the rows, iterator will be returned to the server.

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Execute Query involving View

Server will give call to Select Query to execute it.


Select Query will perform semantic checking according to SQL 99 specifications.

Select QueryExecution PlanSession

1: execute query 2: check semantic 3: create

Select Query will create an execution plan for the query and set the table info for all the tables.

4: set Table Info 5: get View Meta Data 6: get execution plan

Plan will check if a table is a view and in that case it will get view

7: create 8: merge view execution plan

Plan will get execution plan of view query

9: execute

Plan will merge the view execution plan with its execution plan.

Iterator 10: create

11: navigate rows of table

Select Query will execute the plan to get the iterator object. Plan will create an iterator and navigate the rows of the table. Plan will evaluate the query condition on the row and will add the row satisfying the query to iterator.

View QueryView Execution Plan

12: evaluate query condition 13: add row 14: return iterator 15: return iterator

Select Query will return the iterator to Server

Figure 29: Interaction Diagram - execute query involving view

Flow Explanation: 1: Server will give call to Select Query to execute it. 2: There is no extra consideration in case of views. View should be treated like tables. Select query will check for view existence and columns existence as done in case of table. 3: Select query will create the execution plan. 4: Select query will set the table info of all the tables involved. Plan will retrieve the meta-data of the table and if the table is a view then it will retrieve meta-data of the view. 5: Session will return the meta data of the view involved in the query. Meta-data of the view will contain the following info: View's Select Query Select Query columns mapping to view's column 6: Execution plan will get the execution plan of the view query.

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7: View query will create its execution plan depending upon the type of query. View query will skip the semantic checking of the select query because semantic checking is done at the time of creation of view. View query execution plan will be made by the following the steps mentioned in other sequence diagrams of DQL. 8: Plan will merge the view execution plan with itself so as to optimize the select query. Plan will add the table info's of view execution plan to it’s add table info. Plan will change the condition involving view to the underlying view query. Plan will also map the view column present in selected column list to the underlying view query columns. 9: Execute will create an iterator object and initialize it with the rows satisfying the query. Plan will do cartesian of the tables involved and will evaluate the table conditions and join relations on the resulting rows. 10 & 11: Session will return rows according to the current transaction isolation level. If execution plan chooses an index for solving the condition, Session will return rows using that index. 12: Plan will evaluate the condition involved in query on the rows returned by session. For details, refer to Diagram - execute query involving joins. 13, 14 & 15: Plan will add the row satisfying the query in the iterator and the iterator will return to the server.

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SQL CLASS DIAGRAMS: Class Diagram: Classes SelectStatement



ValueExpre ssion SelectQuery


SelectQuery Body

crossjoin Parenthesised Query


IntersectQuery TableExpression




naturaljoin FromClause



SingleTable WhereClause


GroupingColumn BooleanCondition

Havingclause SubQuery

Figure 30: Class Diagram – SQL (DQL)

Classes: SelectStatement ( ) SelectStatement represents the SQL query. It consits of SelectQueryBody and Order by clause. SelectQueryBody (Interface) SelectQueryBody represents a query. Query can be a select query, union query, intersect query or except query. OrderByClause ( ) Order by clause represents the ordering information about the result. SelectStatement sorts the result of SelectQueryBody according to the order by clause given. ExceptQuery ( ) ExceptQuery represents the difference of two select queries. Result of except query is equivalent to mathematical difference of two sets.

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IntersectQuery ( ) Intersect Query represents intersection of two select queries. Result of Intersect Query is equivalent to mathematical intersection of two sets. UnionQuery ( ) Union Query represents union of two select queries. Result of Union query is equivalent to mathematical union of two sets. SelectQuery ( ) Select Query represents a query involving tables and their cartesian, filtering and grouping. ColumnList ( ) Column List represents the value expressions whose values will be returned by the select query. Value expression can be a simple column, computed column or scalar query. FromClause ( ) From Clause represents the "from clause" of the Select Query. It consists of a table expression. Groupbyclause ( ) Group by clause represents the grouping clause of the Select Query. Result of Select Query is grouped according to the grouping column given. Havingclause ( ) Having clause represents the condition which is evaluated on the result of group by clause. Having clause can't be given without group by clause in Select Query. TableExpression ( ) Table Expression represents Relational Tables involved in the query, where clause, group by clause and having clause. WhereClause ( ) Where clause represents the Boolean condition which must be satisfied by the result of select query. ValueExpression (Interface) ValueExpression repesents an expression. It can be a simple column, numeric expression, string expression or a mathematical function. SubQuery ( ) SubQuery represents a query which is used in value expression or Boolean condition. GroupingColumn ( ) Grouping Column represents a column from the column list of select query according to which results are grouped.

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OrderingColumn ( ) Ordering Column represents the order specification according to which result of Select Query Body is sorted. Ordering column can contain column from the column list of select query or computed column or value expression. Also, sort can be done in ascending or descending manner. BooleanCondition (Interface) Boolean condition represents an expression which will evaluate to true, false or unknown values. Records from a Select Query are given when the Boolean condition returns true. TablesList ( ) Tables List represents a list of relational tables. RelationalTable (Interface) The relational table can be a database table or view, result of some other query, cartesian of other relational tables. crossjoin ( ) Cross join represents cartesian of two tables without any condition. Table can be a database table, view or any other join or parenthesized query. qualifiedjoin ( ) Qualified join represents cartesian of two tables according to the given join condition. naturaljoin ( ) Natural join represents the cartesian of two tables with an implicit condition. The implicit condition is derived using the common columns of the two tables. SingleTable ( ) Single table represents a database table or database view. ParenthesisedQuery ( ) Parenthesised Query represents a select query. It behaves like a view. joincondition ( ) Join condition represents the condition which is evaluated on the cartesian of two tables. Join condition is part of qualified join.

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Navigator CLASS DIAGRAM Navigator SelectNavigator SingleTableNavigator IndexedFilterNavigator NonIndexedFilterNavigator AbstractSemiJoinNavigator SemiJoinNavigator

GroupByNavigator AggregateGroupByNavigator ViewNavigator DistinctNavigator TemporaryIndexNavigator

SemiJoinIndexedNavigator UnionAllNavigator SemiJoinWithoutConditionNavigator UnionAllOrderedNavigator JoinIndexedNavigator


NestedLoopJoinNavigator IntersectAllNavigator NaturalFullOuterJoinNavigator FullOuterJoinNavigator

IntersectDistinctNavigator ExceptAllNavigator ExceptDistinctNavigator

Figure 31: Class Diagram - Navigator

Classes: AbstractSemiJoinNavigator ( ) AbstractSemiJoinNavigator is responsible for giving rows of left/right outer join of underlying navigators. It has two navigators representing the left and right relational table of qualified join. AggregateGroupByNavigator ( ) AggregateGroupByNavigator is responsible for returning the count of the underlying navigator. It extends GroupByNavigator functionality and comes into picture when a aggregate function is present in the select column list and no grouping column is given.

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DistinctNavigator ( ) DistinctNavigator is responsible for giving distinct rows of the underlying navigator. DistinctNavigator is made when the DISTINCT option is present in the column list of select query. ExceptAllNavigator ( ) ExceptAllNavigator is responsible for giving rows from the underlying navigators according to the Except All. It has two underlying navigator. ExceptDistinctNavigator ( ) ExceptDistinctNavigator is responsible for giving rows of the underlying navigators according to Except Distinct option. It has two underlying navigators. FullOuterJoinNavigator ( ) FullOuterJoinNavigator is responsible for giving rows of the two underlying navigators according to the full outer join specification. GroupByNavigator ( ) GroupByNavigator is responsible for giving rows by making the group of the rows of the underlying navigator. Grouping of rows is done according to the grouping columns. IndexedFilterNavigator ( ) IndexedFilterNavigator is responsible for solving the condition using an index of the table and returning rows satisfying the condition. IntersectAllNavigator ( ) IntersectAllNavigator is responsible for returning rows of the two underlying navigators according to intersect all specification. Intersection is done on the basis of values of selected columns. IntersectDistinctNavigator ( ) IntersectDistinctNavigator is responsible for returning rows of the two underlying navigator according to intersect distinct specification. Intersection is done on the basis of the values of the selected columns. JoinIndexedNavigator ( ) JoinNavigator is responsible for cartesian of two underlying navigators according to the join condition. It comes into picture when index is available on any of the column of join condition. JoinIndexedNavigator solves the join condition by seeking the value of one navigator into the index of the other navigator. NaturalFullOuterJoinNavigator ( ) NaturalFullOuterJoinNavigator is responsible for giving rows of the two underlying navigators according to full outer join specification with a join condition based on the common columns of the underlying navigators. NestedLoopJoinNavigator ( ) NestedLoopJoinNavigator is responsible for returning rows of the two underlying navigators by doing cartesian of their rows. It comes into picture when no join condition is present or join condition can't be solved using any index available.

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NonIndexedFilterNavigator ( ) NonIndexedFilterNavigator is responsible for returning the rows of the underlying navigator by solving the condition on them. It comes into picture when condition can't be solved using any index available. SelectNavigator ( ) SelectNavigator is responsible for interacting with user for retrieving the rows of the select statement and meta-data information about the select statement. SemiJoinIndexedNavigator ( ) SemiJoinIndexedNavigator extends the functionality of AbstractSemiJoinNavigator. It solves the join condition of outer join by using the index. SemiJoinNavigator ( ) SemiJoinNavigator extends the functionality of the AbstractSemiJoinNavigator. It solves the join condition on the cartesian of the underlying navigators. It comes into picture when join condition can't be solved using an index. SemiJoinWithoutConditionNavigator ( ) SemiJoinWithoutConditionNavigator extends the functionality of AbstractSemiJoinNavigator. It comes into picture when no join condition is given in the outer join. SingleTableNavigator ( ) SingleTableNavigator is responsible for returning rows of a database table. TemporaryIndexNavigator ( ) TemporaryIndexNavigator is responsible for sorting the rows of the underlying navigator according to the order by clause. It comes into picture when data is not available in sorted manner through any index. UnionAllNavigator ( ) UnionAllNavigator is responsible for giving the rows of the two underlying navigators according to Union all specification. Union is done on the basis of values of the selected columns. UnionAllOrderedNavigator ( ) UnionAllOrderedNavigator is responsible for giving the rows of the two underlying navigators according to the union all specification and order by clause. It comes into picture when order by and union all are both present in select statement. UnionDistinctNavigator ( ) UnionDistinctNavigator is responsible for giving rows of the two underlying navigators according to the union distinct specification. ViewNavigator ( ) ViewNavigator is responsible for giving rows of the view by executing the select query of the view. It comes into picture when select query of the view can't be merged with the main query being executed.

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Navigator (Interface) Navigator is responsible for giving rows, retrieving column values and supporting navigation in both directions.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.



RelationalTa blePlan


Distinct Plan



ViewPlan TableExpressionPlan









Figure 32: Class Diagram – Execution Plan

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Classes: RelationalTablePlan (Interface) RelationalTablePlan interface represents the plan for tables’ pesent in select query. It is required in the formation of query plan for optimal execution. SelectQueryPlan ( ) SelectQueryPlan represents execution plan of the select query. It creates the SelectNavigator for returning the rows of the select query. SingleTablePlan ( ) SingleTablePlan represents the execution plan of a database table. It solves the conditions restricted on the table and returns the rows in sorted manner according to the ordering column (if any). TableExpressionPlan ( ) TableExpressionPlan represents execution plan of the relational tables involved in "table expression" of select query. It contains the plans for each table. TableSequencePlan ( ) TableSequencePlan is responsible for keeping the tables according to the ordering column sequence when order of the query can be solved by restricting it on the tables of the database. In this case, TableSequencePlan ensures that tables are not shuffled because of involvement in join. TwoTableJoinPlan ( ) TwoTableJoinPlan represents the execution plan of two relational tables involving the join condition. It creates the appropriate JoinNavigator. ViewPlan ( ) ViewPlan represents the execution plan of the view's query which can't be merged with the query involving the view reference. AbstractJoinPlan ( ) AbstractJoinPlan represents the plan for joining two relational tables. It optimizes the cartesian by solving join condition using index (if possible). It creates the appropriate navigator for the join. FullOuterJoinPlan ( ) FullOuterJoinPlan represents the execution plan of full outer join of two relational tables. It checks for index usage in solving join condition. It creates the appropriate full outer join navigator. NestedLoopJoinPlan ( ) NestedLoopJoinPlan represents the execution plan for cartesian of relational tables. SemiQualifiedJoinPlan ( ) SemiQualifiedJoinPlan represents the execution plan of the two relational tables present in the qaulified left/right outer join. It checks whether join condition can be solved using the index. It creates the appropriate QualifiedJoinNavigator.

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DistinctPlan ( ) DistinctPlan is responsible for solving the Distinct option present in the column list of the select query. It is responsible for DistinctNavigator for the select query. GroupByPlan ( ) GroupByPlan represents the execution plan of query involving group by clause or aggregate functions without group by clasue. It creates GroupByNavigator or AggregateGroupByNavigator. SetQueriesPlan ( ) SetQueriesPlan represents the execution plan of two select queries of union/intersect/except. It creates the appropriate navigator according to the type of query and selects column distinct option. NaturalFullJoinPlan ( ) NaturalFullJoinPlan represents the execution plan of natural full outer join of two relational tables. It creates the NaturalFullJoinNavigator for returning rows of the join.

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Session Overview Session responsibilities: Managing currently active transactions. Supporting transaction isolation level. Providing Multi-threaded environment. Locking of rows/tables. Integrity/stableness of database. Providing meta-data information to other systems. Session will be responsible for managing currently active transactions. Session will be executing the operations in multi-threaded environment. Session will take care of all the locking issues involved in the multiple user environment. Session will be responsible for maintaining the database in a stable state. Session will provide meta-data information (details about table, view etc) to DQL, DML and DDL. Session will be responsible for providing support for all the transaction isolation level mentioned in JDBC and SQL 99 specification. Following are the transaction isolation levels supported in Daffodil DB Read Uncommitted Read Committed Repeatable Read Serializable Record Locking: To perverse the data integrity, locking of the record is required. When a transaction modifies record(s) of a table, transaction is supposed to lock the record(s) before modifying them. Lock is necessary to prevent other transactions from modifying the record(s) concurrently. Locking is required in case of update and delete. Session will lock the record before modifying it. In case, the transaction is unable to take the lock, an error will be thrown. Locking should be on first in, first out basis. Transaction Handling: Commit: When the user calls commit of a transaction, session will take the lock on the transaction so that no read/write operation is done. After taking lock, session will transfer the records modified by this transaction from uncommitted data pool to the physical storage and later delete the records from uncommitted data pool. After committing the changes, session will adjust the boundary of the transaction to the latest view of database. Adjustment of transaction boundary is required for handling transaction isolation level properly. Rollback: When the user calls rollback of a transaction, session will take the lock on the transaction. Session will delete all the records modified by this transaction from the uncommitted data pool. Session will also adjust the transaction boundary as in commit.

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Transaction Isolation Level Handling: For better understanding of these isolation levels, brief descriptions of the following terms are essential: Dirty Read – Suppose that SQL-transaction T1 modifies a row. SQL-transaction T2 then reads that row, before T1 performs a COMMIT. After that, if T1 performs a ROLLBACK, T2 will have read a row that was never committed and that may thus be considered to have never existed. Non-Repeatable Read - SQL-transaction T1 reads a row. SQL-transaction T2 then modifies or deletes that row and performs a COMMIT. If T1 then attempts to re-read the row, it may receive the modified value or discover that the row has been deleted. Phantom Read - SQL-transaction T1 reads the set of rows N that satisfy some <search condition>. SQL-transaction T2 then executes SQL-statements that generate one or more rows that satisfy the <search condition> used by SQL-transaction T1. If SQLtransaction T1 then repeats the initial read with the same <search condition>, it obtains a different collection of rows. Following four isolation levels guarantee that each SQL-transaction will be executed completely or not at all, and that no updates will be lost. The isolation levels are different with respect to the above described terms. Level

Dirty Read

Non-Repeatable Read

Phantom Read

Read Uncommitted




Read Committed

Not possible



Repeatable Read

Not possible

Not possible



Not possible

Not possible

Not possible

In Read Committed isolation level, if a transaction wants to read/modify dirty read then it must wait for the commit/rollback of the other transactions (transactions which have made the data as dirty). For supporting isolation levels, session will be maintaining multiple versions of the uncommitted records. Session will be giving data to the transactions depending upon their isolation level. Session will be responsible for giving the most appropriate version of the record. Session will be merging the committed data and uncommitted of the current transaction to give the most appropriate view of the data. In case there is some dirty data to be given, session will wait for other transaction to commit/rollback the changes done. If user has specified some execution time, session will wait for only that much time and after that it will throw an error.

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More Details: Record Locking: • Locking should be table specific. • Locking should be on first come, first serve basis. • Rows can be locked concurrently by different transactions. Transaction Handling: • When a commit/rollback is executing, no other operation can be performed under the current transaction. Some sort of locking will be required. • When a transaction is committing its data to physical storage, either it will be transferred completely or nothing will be transferred. This is required to maintain the integrity of data. Physical storage will be locking the tables involved in the commit. Locking of tables at physical storage level is also required to enhance the performance of commit. • Adjustment of transaction boundary after commit/rollback is required to maintain the transaction isolation level of the transaction. o If a transaction is having Uncommitted isolation level, its boundary can be defined as the latest data or latest version of the row. o If a transaction is having Read-Committed isolation level, its boundary can be adjusted by shifting the boundary to the last committed transaction boundary. o If a transaction is having a Repeatable-Read isolation level, its boundary can be adjusted by shifting the boundary to the last committed transaction boundary. Now all the data visible to this transaction will remain the same until the next commit/rollback of the transaction. Also, newly inserted records committed by other transactions will be visible. o If a transaction is having a Serializable isolation level, its boundary can be adjusted by shifting the boundary to the last committed transaction boundary. Transaction Isolation Level: • Whenever a committed record will be modified/deleted, a copy of the record will be maintained. Now, a transaction which is accessing this record wants to retrieve the records again, we can give the copy of record maintained so that the isolation level of the transaction is maintained. • After the completion of a transaction, the records modified by the transaction will be deleted, provided they are not accessed or required by any other active transaction. • Session will be checking for dirty data according to the condition for retrieving data. Uncommitted data of the table will be evaluated against the condition and if any record satisfies the condition, then session will make this transaction to wait for other transactions to complete. After completion of transaction, session will repeat the procedure. • Merging of uncommitted and committed data has to give the most appropriate version of the record. Suppose a transaction has modified a record, then this transaction will be given the latest version of the record and other transactions will be given the old version.

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Locks To provide the multi user environment and to maintain the consistency of the database we use the locking facilities. We implements both row level and table level locking to maintain the data integrity. Similarly, we implement locking on retrieval for some cases like read committed isolation level and for update statements. Row Level Row level locking is used in write operation to avoid the concurrent modification on same row. We allow only one user to modify a record at a particular time; others have to wait till first one unlocks the row. To lock the row, we use the value of rowId system column present in every table. Server itself provides the value of this column. We do not have same rowId value in two valid records. We use a special locking utility to handle row locking. This utility throws an exception if a user trying to access a row that is locked by another user. Further, this exception will be handled according to the isolation levels. If user is working with read committed isolation level then DML will try to modify the record after some time and if working in ‘isolation level’ other than read committed then he will get an exception ‘Row is locked by another user’. Suppose that both user A and user B want to modify same row having rowid 10 and working with isolation level session serializable. Both of them try to acquire the lock for row. If user B got success to acquire the lock and allowed to modify the record, then user A will get the exception ‘Row locked by another user’. Table level When we want to transfer records from memory to file system, we make use of table level locking. Table level locking ensure that concurrent operations on physical level will not affect the consistency of the data. In the process of transferring record from memory to file, first we collect the tables on which user has performed the changes in the current transaction and acquire lock for only these tables. Only after acquiring lock, we start transferring record from memory to file for the transaction. In the meantime, if another user also wants to transfer his changes on the same table then he would have to wait until first user releases his lock. Suppose users A, B and C are working on the database. User A has modified the data of table country, state, user B has modified the data of table country, and user C has modified the data of table district. To make all the changes permanent, all users forward call to session system using commit method. Suppose session system gets the call concurrently and start working to make the record persistent. There will not be any problem in doing the work of user C because no other user is working on table district. Therefore, user C will get the lock on table district. User A and B have worked on the same table; so only one user will get the control to transfer the records and second will have to wait for the first user to finish his job. Therefore, if user A gets the lock then user B will have to wait and if user B gets the lock then user A will have to wait for its turn.

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Retrieval locks: For Update: User through select statement can get a lock on a set of rows by specifying condition in select statement. If user has not specified any condition in the select statement, then he will get the lock on all rows of the table. Now if another user tries to modify these rows, he will get an exception “Row is locked by another user“. If user has specified a condition in select statement, then only those rows that satisfy the condition will be locked for that user. To provide the functionality we hold all the conditions for update select statement and use these conditions when we get the call to modify a record of that particular table. We solve these conditions on rows that are going to be updated by another user and throw an exception if it is evaluated successfully. Suppose user A executes a select statement to get the lock on all rows of table country that is having country name as ‘India’ (select * from country where countryname = ‘India’ for update). In the result of this query, we will return a result set of rows and maintain this specified condition (countryname = ‘India’) on session system. If user B tries to modify a row that is having value ‘Australia’ in column then session system evaluates the condition (countryname = ‘India’) with the rows that is to be modified. All rows will be modified successfully because condition does not satisfy the rows. And, if user B tries to modify the row with condition countryname = ‘India’, he will get an exception ‘Row locked by another user’, because condition provided by user A satisfies the rows which are going to be modified by user B. Isolation Levels: Daffodil DB supports the following isolation levels for transactions: Read Uncommitted Read Committed Repeatable Read Transaction Serializable Session Serializable Read Uncommitted: In this isolation level, a user can access all the valid records of a table whether they are committed or uncommitted. We get the result set from memory system and file system for the specified condition. Here, both the result sets will be merged before retuning it to user, i.e. user will be able to see other user committed as well as uncommitted records. In this Isolation level, user is in Read Only mode. For Example: User A: Insert into table students values (MCA01, ‘Maichael’); Insert into table students values (MCA02, ‘George’); Commit; Insert into table students values (MCA03, ‘John’);

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User B (in Read Uncommitted mode): Select * from students; Result Set: Rollno








Read Committed: In this isolation level user can access • •

All uncommitted valid records belonging to his session and, Valid committed records of the table.

We get the result set from memory system and file system for the specified condition. Result is returned to the user after merging both the result set records. In this isolation level, we use the locking when a user tries to retrieve a row that is marked dirty at that point of time (by dirty we mean:- a transaction reads data that has been modified by another transaction that has not been committed yet.). User will not come out of the lock until first user complete his transaction by either committing or roll backing. Whether a user will be locked or not is decided at the time of creation of result set. If user is retrieving result through a non-parameterized query and for parameterized queries, we perform this action when user passes the parameters for the query. For Example: User A: (in Read Committed mode): Insert into table students values (1, ‘Maichael’); Insert into table students values (2, ‘George’); Commit; Insert into table students values (3, ‘John’); Select * from students; Result: Rollno








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User B (in Read Committed mode): Select * from student where rollno < 3; Result: Rollno






Select * from students; Result: User B will be locked and has to wait until User A fires commit or rollback transactions Repeatable Read: In this isolation level, user can access • •

Uncommitted records belonging to his session Newly Inserted (committed) records of others, but user cannot access the modified record of the others. User will get the older versions of such records if reads again.

New transaction Id is provided to the session after every commit or rollback statement. We get the result set from memory system and file system for the specified condition. Merge the both result set record before retuning it to user. For Example: User A: Insert into table students values (1, ‘Maichael’); Insert into table students values (2, ‘George’); Commit; Insert into table students values (3, ‘John’); Update students set Rollno = ‘9’ where name = ‘George’; User B (in Repetable Read mode) Insert into students values (9, ‘Samantha’) Select * from students; Result: Rollno








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Read Transaction Serializable: In this isolation level, user can access, • Uncommitted records of itself. • Valid committed records of the table. Handling of this isolation level is very much similar to the read committed isolation level except that the new transaction Id is provided to the session after every commit or rollback statement where as in ReadCommitted level new transaction id is not provided after rollback or commit. We get the result set from memory system and file system for the specified condition. Merge the both result set record before retuning it to user. For Example: User A: (in Transaction Serializable mode): Insert into table students values (1, ‘Maichael’); Insert into table students values (2, ‘George’); Commit; Insert into table students values (3, ‘John’); Select * from students; Result: Rollno








User B (in Transaction Serializable mode): Select * from student where rollno < 3; Result: Rollno






Read Session Serializable: In this isolation level, user can access, • Uncommitted record of itself, • All committed records that were present in the database at the time of creation of the session. User will not get modified records of other users. He is restricted to access the older versions of such records.

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We get the result set from memory system and file system for the specified condition. Merge the both result set record before retuning it to user. For Example: Committed records in table before starting any session for user B: 1, ‘Maichael’ 2, ‘George’ 3, ‘Samantha’ User A: Insert into table students values (4, ‘rohit’); Insert into table students values (5, ‘vikas’); Commit; Update students set Rollno = ‘9’ where name = ‘George’; User B (in Session Serilizable mode) Insert into students values (9, ‘Samantha’) Select * from students; Result: Rollno










Handling of transactions: We delete all the records from memory as we transfer records from memory to file system. We cannot delete all the records immediately after transferring records from memory, because some of the isolation level requires older versions of the records as discussed above. We delete these records only when there is no other active session left that can access these older version records. Commit: Commit operations can be performed by the following steps: • • • • •

While committing, first we perform the deferred constraints checking on all tables that is included in the transaction that is going to be committed. We use constraint system to check the deferred constraints. We take a lock on all the tables on which user has performed operations. Transfer all record from uncommitted record pool to physical file. Delete all the records from uncommitted record pool, if no other session is dependent on these records. Release the locks.

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Roll Back: Roll back operations can be performed by the following steps: • • •

We take a lock for the roll back operation so that no other users of this session can give a call to commit or roll back. Delete all the records from uncommitted record pool if no other session is dependent on these records. Release the locks.

Save Mode: We start a new session, whenever a new write operation is performed. These new sessions for every operation are called as save points. After starting a save point user can make sure that data inserted before starting a save point will not be roll backed if an error occurred while executing current transaction. After starting the save point, when insert, update or delete is performed, we maintain the record key of that record on which operation is being performed. We use this record key while a save point is committed or roll backed. We maintain up to 100 keys for a save point and if this limit exceeds we release all keys from the list and perform commit or roll back on the condition bases. Working with record keys, we can get the better performance.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.



DML Query


Dat a St ore

1: perform operation 2: synchronize operation

Session will synchronize operation as t o maintain transaction boundary.

3: lock rec ord

Session will lock the record before exec uting operation Session will check if the record is modified by another transaction

4: check Record Modification

Session will change t he column values and t ransaction and session of the record

5: update columns and record transaction and session

Session will move the rec ord to the uncommitted data in datastore

6: move modified record to uncommitted data 7: release record

Session will release t he lock

Figure 33: Interaction Diagram - record locking

Flow Explanations: 1: DML query will pass the operation to Session. 2: Session will synchronize operation to maintain the transaction boundary. Session will allow concurrent execution of insert, update and delete operations; but when a transaction is executing commit or rollback no other operation will be executed. 3: Session will lock the record so that other transactions can modify it. 4: Session will check if the record is currently modified by another transaction. If so, session will throw an exception indicating that record is modified by another transaction. 5: Session will change the column values, transaction and session of the record so as to indicate that record has been modified by the current transaction and session. 6: Session will move the modified record to uncommitted data pool in data store. This is required to maintain transaction boundary and support isolation level. 7: Session will release the lock taken on the record.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


Transaction Commit

DML Query


Data Store

1: commit Session will synchroniz e operation as to maint ain transaction boundary.

2: synchronize operation

Session will retrieve the uncommit ted data of t he transaction from dat a store

3: get transaction uncommitted data

Session will interac t with dat a s tore to save records in phy sical storage

4: save records in physical storage

Session will delete the uncommitted data of the current transaction

Session will adjust the transaction boundary to recently committed data

5: delete transaction uncommitted data

6: adjust transaction boundary

Figure 34: Interaction Diagram - transaction commit

Flow Explanations: 1: Session will move the uncommitted data of the current transaction onto physical storage. 2: Session will synchronize operation to maintain the transaction boundary. Session will allow concurrent execution of insert, update and delete operations; but when a transaction is executing commit or rollback no other operation will be executed. 3: Session will retrieve the uncommitted records of the current transaction from the uncommitted data pool of the data store. 4: Session will shift the uncommitted records from uncommitted data pool to physical storage. 5: Session will delete the records from the uncommitted data pool of the data store. 6: Session will adjust the transaction boundary to the most recently committed data. This is required for supporting the transaction isolation level.

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Read Committed Isolation Level

Execution Plan

If there is dirty data then session will wait for other transaction to complete

Other Session

Data Store

1: navigate rows of a table

Session will navigate the rows of the table according to the read committed isolation level Session will check for dirty data in Data Store on the condition


2: check dirty data Repeat step 2-4, till there is some dirty data in DataStore

3: wait

4: notify

When the transaction is completed, other session will notify the session When there is no dirty data, session will navigate the committed and uncommitted data

5: navigate committed & uncommitted data

Figure 35: Interaction Diagram - read committed isolation level

Flow Explanations: 1: Session will navigate the rows of the table according to the read committed isolation level. 2: Session will check for uncommitted data according to the condition passed for navigating rows. If some other transaction has modified records satisfying the condition then session will wait for other transaction to complete. 3: If Session founds dirty data in Data Store for the current transaction, transaction will wait for the completion of all other transactions which have modified the data. 4: When a transaction is completed and some other transaction is waiting for its completion, transaction will notify the other transactions that the lock has been released. On receiving notification, the transaction which was waiting will start working with the dirty data. 5: Session will navigate the committed data of the table and uncommitted data of the current transaction.

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Get Meta Data Info

DML Query

Session will retrieve the meta-data info for the object.



1: get meta data 2: retrieve info from system tables

Session will retrieve the info from system tables in Data Store

Meta Data Info 3: create

Session will create the Meta Data Info object

4: populate meta data info

Session will the populate the meta data object with the info retrieved above

5: cache meta data object Session will cache the meta-data info object for further usage

Figure 36: Interaction Diagram - get meta data info

Flow Explanations: 1: Session will retrieve the meta-data info for the object. 2: Session will retrieve the information from the system tables in Data Store. Information will be retrieved using the qualified name of the object. 3: Session will create the Meta Data Info object. 4: Session will the populate the meta data object with the info retrieved above. 5: Session will cache the meta-data info object for further usage.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


SessionSystem CLASS DIAGRAMS: Class Diagram: Interfaces

DataDiction ary

SessionSys tem

(f rom Data Di.. .)


<> <<depends>>

<> SessionData base

SystemSes sion <>

<> Session

SessionTabl e

<<depends>> <<depends>>


UserSession Table

Figure 37: Class Diagram – SessionSystem (Interfaces)

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Classes: SessionSystem (Interface) Session System is responsible for managing the currently active databases SessionDatabase (Interface) Session Database is responsible for: Managing the currently active sessions on the database Managing the objects and meta-data info. [Creates, drops, alters objects] SystemSession (Interface) System Session is a session with admininistrator rights. System Session has the privileges to access the system tables and other related information. DataDictionary (Interface) DataDictionary is responsible for managing the meta-data info about the objects. Session (Interface) Session represents an active transaction on the database. Session is responsible for managing: Record-Locking Transaction Isolation Level Data Integrity SessionTable (Interface) Session Table is responsible for managing: Data modification operations specific to a table Data retrieval operations specific to a table Handling the uncommitted data specific to a table on completion of a transaction UserSessionTable (Interface) UserSessionTable is a user's specific session table. It is responsible for managing privileges of the user on the table. Privileges include insert, update, delete and select etc. UserSession (Interface) User session is a user's specific session. It is responsible for managing user privileges on the database. This is a Daffodil DB specific concept. In Daffodil DB, multiple users can be part of a single session.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


Class Diagram: Classes

DataDictionaryImpl (from DataDictionary)

SessionSystemImpl <<depends>> SystemSessionImpl <>


LockedRecords Handler

SessionCharacteristics <<depends>> TransactionIsolation SessionImpl LevelHandler <<uses>>




<<depends>> <<depends>>

UserSessionImpl SessionTableImpl IsolationLevel


ReadCommitted CommittedIterator <<depends>>SessionConditi on <<depends>> RepeatableRead RepeatableIterator

SavePoint <<depends>> <<depends>>



SavePointT racer

Figure 38: Class Diagram – SessionSystem (Classes)

Classes: SessionSystemImpl ( ) This class will provide the implementation of Session System interface. SessionDatabaseImpl ( ) This class will provide the implementation of the Session Database interface. DataDictionaryImpl ( ) This class will provide the implementation of DataDictionary interface. This class will be caching the meta-data objects. SystemSessionImpl ( ) This class will provide the implementation of the System Session interface SessionImpl ( ) This class will provide the implementation of Session interface.

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SessionTableImpl ( ) This class will provide the implementation of Session Table interface. UserSessionImpl ( ) This class will provide the implementation of user session interface. UserSessionTableImpl ( ) This class will provide the implementation of user session table interface. IsolationLevel ( ) Abstract class representing the transaction isolation level. TransactionIsolationLevelHandler ( ) This class is reponsible for managing the uncommitted data for the currently active transactions. This class will keep track of all the transactions. Each transaction on its completion will be informing TransactionIsolationLevelHandler and this class will check if any transaction is depended upon the committed or uncommitted data of the transaction completed. If there is a dependented transaction, uncommitted data will not be deleted. Uncommitted ( ) Uncommitted class will be responsible for handling the uncommitted transaction isolation level. This class will be extending the IsolationLevel class for general operations related to transaction isolation level. RepeatableRead ( ) RepeatableRead class is responsible for handling the repeatable read transaction isolation level. This class will be extending the Isolation Level class. Serializable ( ) Serializable class will be responsible for handling the Serializable transaction isolation level. This class will be extending the Isolation Level for common operations related to isolation level. ReadCommitted ( ) Read Committed class will be responsible for the Read committed isolation level handling. This class will be extending the Isolation Level class and implementing the requirements specific to read committed isolation level. SavePoint ( ) Save Point class will be responsible for handling a sub-transaction in the current transaction. Save point will be used internally as well as externally for managing subtransactions. Operation like insert, update and delete will be executed in a SavePoint so that effect of insert can be controlled in case of error. SavePointTracer ( ) Save Point Tracer will be responsible for managing the operations performed in a save point. It will keep track of all the insert, update or delete operations performed by a save point. Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


SelectForUpdate ( ) SelectForUpdate is a navigator on a table. This class will be responsible for locking the records given by the navigator. This class will come into the picture in case if a Select query is executed with "For Update" clause. SessionCharacteristics ( ) Session Characteristics class will be responsible for managing the properties of the session like transaction isolation level, current user, current role, transaction mode, commit mode etc. Session will be setting the properties if it is valid. UncommittedIterator ( ) Uncommitted Iterator is a navigator on a table. Its main responsibility is to provide records of the table according to Uncommitted transaction Isolation Level. RepeatableIterator ( ) Repeatable Iterator is a navigator on a table. Its main responsibilities are: Providing records of the table according to Repeatable Read Isolation Level. Waiting for completion of transactions holding locks on the records required by the current transaction. CommittedIterator ( ) Committed Iterator is a navigator on a table. Its main responsibilities are: Providing records of the table according to Read Committed Isolation Level. Waiting for completion of transactions holding locks on the records required by the current transaction. SerializableIterator ( ) Serializable Iterator is a navigator on a table. Its main responsibilities are: Providing records of the table according to Serializable transaction Isolation Level. Waiting for completion of transactions holding locks on the records required by current transaction. LockedRecordsHandler ( ) LockedRecordsHandler will be responsible for managing the records locked using the "Select For Update" Query. A single instance of this class will be made for a database. SessionTable class will be using this class to check for record locking.

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SessionCondition CLASS DIAGRAM

SessionCon dition

Unc omm itt edSe ssionCondition

CommittedSes sionCondition

RepeatableSessi onCondition

SerialzableSes sionCondition

Figure 39: Class Diagram – SessionCondition

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Classes: UncommittedSessionCondition ( ) UncommittedSessionCondition is a condition for filtering the records according to read uncommitted transaction isolation level. This class will be implementing the Session Condition interface. SerializableSessionCondition ( ) SerializableSessionCondition is a condition for filtering the records according to serializable transaction isolation level. This class will be implementing the Session Condition interface. RepeatableSessionCondition ( ) RepeatableSessionCondition is a condition for filtering the records according to repeatable read transaction isolation level. This class will be implementing the Session Condition interface. CommittedSessionCondition ( ) CommittedSessionCondition is a condition for filtering the records according to read committed transaction isolation level. This class will be implementing the Session Condition interface. SessionCondition (Interface) Session condition interface represents the condition for a particular operation. For example, in the case transaction isolation level we have condition for each isolation level.

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DataDictionary CLASS DIAGRAMS: Class Diagram: Interfaces

PrivilegesCha racteristics

DataDiction ary

TriggerChara cteristics

IndexCharac teristics

ColumnChar acteristics

SequenceCh aracteristics




ViewCharact eristics ConstraintCh aracteristics

ReferentialCo nstraint

UniqueConstr aint

CheckConstra int

Figure 40: Class Diagram – DataDictionary (Interfaces)

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Classes: DataDictionary (Interface) DataDictionary is responsible for managing the meta-data info about the objects. ColumnCharacteristics (Interface) Column Characteristics is responsible for providing all the information related to columns of a table like name, type, size, nullability etc. ConstraintCharacteristics (Interface) Constraint Characteristics will provide the information about the constraints applied on the table. Constraint Characteristics will provide primary, unique, referential and check constraints. IndexCharacteristics (Interface) IndexCharacteristics will provide information about the Indexes created on a table. Information about the indexes will be used by DML and DDL to optimize the condition evaluation. TriggerCharacteristics (Interface) TriggerCharacteristics will provide information about the triggers applied on the table. Triggers will be categorized using the operation on which trigger is applied i.e. Insert, update and delete. ViewCharacteristics (Interface) View Characteristics will provide information about the view. Information includes view columns, view query etc. View Characteristics will be used by DQL to execute queries containing views. PrivilegesCharacteristics (Interface) PrivilegesCharacteristics will provide information related to privileges for a particular user. SequenceCharacteristics (Interface) SequenceCharacteristics will provide information about the Sequences available in the database. UniqueConstraint (Interface) Unique constraint will provide information about the unique and primary constraint. Constraint will be either a unique constraint or a primary constraint. Information includes columns of the constraint, unique or primary constraint, and condition for constraint evaluation. CheckConstraint (Interface) Check constraint interface will provide the information related to a check constraint. Information includes columns, condition, constraint name etc. DML classes will be using this interface to evaluate check constraints for records inserted and updated.

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ReferentialConstraint (Interface) Referential Constraint will provide information about the referential constraint. Information includes referenced tables and columns, referential tables and columns, conditions for evaluating the constraint, update and delete rule etc. Sequence (Interface) Sequence will provide information about the Sequence declared by the user. Information includes data type, start value, current value, increment value etc. Sequence will be used by DML and DQL. Trigger (Interface) Trigger will provide information about the trigger applied on a table. Information includes trigger type, initiating operation, action type (before or after the operation), statements to be executed, trigger condition etc. Privileges (Interface) Privileges will provide the information about the user's privileges on a particular object.

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Class Diagram: Classes DataDictionaryS ys tem

Privilges Charcacteri s tics Im pl

Privileges Im pl

TriggerCharacteris tics Im pl

TriggerIm pl

S equ en ceC ha ra cte ri s tics Im pl

Seq uenceIm pl

DataDictionary Im pl

Colum nCharacteri IndexCha ra cteris tics Im pl s tics Im pl Cons train tCh ar acteri s ticsIm pl

ViewCharacteris tics Im pl

UniqueCons traintIm pl

ReferentialCo ns tr aintIm pl

Ch ec kCons tra intIm pl

Figure 41: Class Diagram – DataDictionary (Classes)

Classes: DataDictionaryImpl ( ) This class will provide the implementation of DataDictionary interface. This class will be caching the meta-data objects. IndexCharacteristicsImpl ( ) This class will provide the implementation of the IndexCharacteristics interface. This class will access the system tables to retrieve the information about the indexes on a table. ColumnCharacteristicsImpl ( ) ColumnCharacteristicsImpl class will provide the implementation of ColumnCharacteristics interface. This class will access the system tables to load the information related to columns of the table.

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ViewCharacteristicsImpl ( ) This class will be implementing the ViewCharacteristics interface. PrivilgesCharcacteristicsImpl ( ) This class will provide the implementation of the PrivilegesCharacteristics interface. SequenceCharacteristicsImpl ( ) This class will be implementing the SequenceCharacteristics interface. TriggerCharacteristicsImpl ( ) This class will provide the implementation of the TriggerCharacteristics interface. PrivilegesImpl ( ) This class will provide the implementation of the Privileges interface. SequenceImpl ( ) This class will be implementing the Sequence interface. This class will access the system tables to retrieve information about the sequence. TriggerImpl ( ) This class will provide the implementation of the Trigger interface. This class will access the sytem tables to retrieve the information about the trigger. ConstraintCharacteristicsImpl ( ) This class will provide the implementation of the ConstraintCharacteristics interface. This class will access the system tables to retrieve information about the constraints. UniqueConstraintImpl ( ) This class will be implementing the Unique Constraint interface. ReferentialConstraintImpl ( ) This class will implement the ReferentialConstraint interface. CheckConstraintImpl ( ) CheckConstraintImpl will provide the implementation of the Check Constraint class. This class will access the system tables for the information of the constraint. DataDictionarySystem ( ) DataDictionarySystem class will be managing the DataDictionary objects of various databases.

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Data Store Overview Data Store responsibilities: Interacting with physical storage. Save and retrieving meta-data and data. Providing indexes on the data stored. Data Store will be responsible for interacting with the physical storage. Data Store will be used to save and retrieve meta-data as well as data of the tables. Data store will take care of all the issues related to physical storage. One of the major responsibilites will be storing data in a platform independent manner so that database built on one platform can be used on other platforms without any changes. Physical Storage: Data Store will be interacting with the physical storage to store the data. Data Store will be allocating space to tables and indexes created in the database. Data store will be allocating space in such a manner that space will be sufficient for storing a significant number of records. When this space is occupied fully, data store will allocate a new space and link both spaces in the physical storage for a particular table. Data store will be saving the records in the tables by converting the column values into physical storage format. Data store will be de-allocating the space after the deletion of table. In case all the records present in a particular space are deleted, data store will de-allocate the space from table and re-use it further. Suppose we have to save a record of a particular table in a physical storage. We will be storing Null/Non-Null for each column value. Data Store will be doing padding of column values in case of fixed-type of columns. Padding a column value means adding a char to make up the length of column. In case of variable type of columns, no padding is required but for storing, we will be required to store its length and its content. Optimization Points: Physical File size: Size of physical file affects the read/write operation performance. Also, every operating system has a limit for single file. Data Store should be flexible enough to allow the user to choose the physical file size and its growth size. It should also be capable of handling multiple files for a single database. Caching: Read/Write operations on the physical file are very slow. This can degrade the overall performance of the database. Data Store should do caching of physical file to reduce the read/write operations performed on the physical file. Fixed-type record: If a table is having fixed type of columns; only then saving and reading of its records can be optimized. A separate format can be adopted for handling fixed type of records.

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Handling of Large Objects: Column with Large Objects should be handled separately. They should be saved separately in the physical file. They should not be saved in the space allocated to the table. Data store will be generating a key for each large object and key will be stored in the column. Record having large number of columns: If a table is having large number of columns and their total size is larger than the default space allocated by the data store, then the record should be saved by splitting it into smaller parts. Data Stability: Data Store should also take care that physical file state remains valid. All the changes done by a transaction should be done in the physical file simultaneously. A transaction can change different region of the physical file. In this case, data store should do the changes in such a manner that if the changes of the current transaction are not complete and some error occur in between; it can recover to the last valid state. Indexes: Data Store will be handling indexes created on the tables in the database. Data store will be storing the index in the physical storage. Space for indexes will be allocated and deallocated by the data store. Data store will keep the indexes in synchronization with the tables. Whenever a write operation will be done on the table, data store will perform the same operation on all the indexes of the table. Suppose a new record is inserted in the table, data store will insert the same record in all the indexes. In case of update of a record, only those index whose columns have been updated, will be modified. Index will be storing the column values of the record and a key corresponding to the record. Key will be used later for referring the record from the table. As explained in “Physical Storage” point, record can have null values as well as variable type of columns and Indexes will be required to handle both the cases. Optimization Points: Unique Index: Indexes created on column(s) having unique values can be treated separately. In this case, we can uniquely identify the record in case of delete and update and there is no need to match the key of the record to be deleted or updated. Fixed Columns: Indexes can take advantage of fixed type of column(s) and can adopt a different format for storing and reading them. Uncommitted Data: Data Store will be handling the uncommitted data of the currently active transactions. The uncommitted data should be treated separately from the data present in physical storage. Uncommitted data will also have the same considerations as explained in “Physical Storage” point. Optimization Point: Indexes: Data Store can create indexes on the uncommitted data, in case uncommitted data increases for a particular table so that the condition solving performance doesn’t degrade very much.

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More Details: Physical File size: • When a new database is created, a physical file will be created in physical storage to save the data and meta data. Initial file size is very crucial to the performance of data store. It should neither be too small or too large. • When the initial file is completely used, there is a requirement for increasing the file size. Data store will increase the file size in such a manner that it doesn’t require increasing the file very frequently. Increasing a file very frequently will defragment the file on physical storage; so Data store will try to avoid this situation. • Every operating system has a limit for single file. Beyond that it will not allow the file to grow. To overcome this problem, support for multiple files will be required. Moreover, read/write speed will degrade as the file size increases. • To enhance the performance, we can divide physical file in terms of pages. Pages will have a fixed size and data store will always read/write a complete page from the physical file. Caching: • We can’t afford to read/write the physical file for every operation. Data Store should do caching of pages of physical files to improve the speed and performance. Data store will load the pages of physical file when some read/write operation is performed. Data store will unload the pages from memory when the total memory taken by the loaded pages reaches a threshold. • We can also cache the record obtained by converting the physical file data into objects. Fixed-type record: We have two types of columns in the database. Column whose physical storage format is same for different values is called fixed type of column. Example of fixed type of column can be integer, long, char (10) etc. If user hasn’t given the value according to its size, then padding is done to make the size. Column whose physical storage format changes according to the value is called variable type of column. Variable type columns are used to save the physical storage required. Data store will be handling both types of columns. • If a table is having fixed type of columns, only then data store can optimize its read/write operations. Since the length of the record will always be same, any record can be read/write directly. Handling large object: We have large object data type for storing images, text document etc. One way is to treat them as variable type of column and storing their data along with other columns of the table. But this will degrade the speed of read/write of the record. Moreover, we will have to skip a lot of pages to get the next record. We can improve the speed and performance by storing the large object separately in the physical file and storing a pointer in the actual record. This will improve the navigation speed at the cost of very little overhead. Now when the user retrieves the large object, data store will locate the object using its pointer and will give the value to the user.

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Data Stability: Data stored in the physical file is very crucial and under any circumstances file should not get corrupted. Typical cases to be handled include power failure, inefficient storage and the like. Data store needs to handle all the cases during writing of records in the physical file. • Solution is that old pages should be copied to some other file and then new pages should be copied in the physical file. If new pages are copied properly, discard the old pages file and if there is some problem, then copy the old pages to the physical file to restore the database state. • Other solution can be copying new pages in a temporary file and if this goes through smoothly, then copy them to the main file. In this case also, if there is a problem then we can discard the temporary file as our main file is unaffected. Record larger than page size: Suppose we have a large number of columns in table and size of all columns exceeds the page size of the physical file. Other scenario can be that we have a small number of columns with large sizes and size of all columns combined together exceeds the page size. Data store needs to handle the cases mentioned above.

Indexes: Unique Index: Indexes created on unique columns can be optimized for data seeking, data modification etc. Since the index is unique we know in advance that a particular value will exists only once. Types of record in data store: We maintain two types of records in data store: fixed type record and variable type record. This distinction is made after considering columns included in table. Table is said to be fixed record table if all the columns of a table have the same physical storage for all the values inserted in the table. Examples of fixed type of column can be integer, long, char (10) etc. Similarly, a table is said to be variable record table if any of the column uses the variable physical storage for its values. Example of variable type of column can be varchar (20), decimal, bitvarying etc. Fixed type record and variable type record both have different storage format in pages. Fixed type record Fixed type record is further divided into two categories: full fixed type record and partial fixed type record. If a record is inserted in a single page then it is termed as full fixed type record and if record is inserted in more than one page then it is termed as partial fixed type record. Every record in a page is stored with a fixed format. We maintain some information (row header) along with every record that helps us in retrieving the particular record. We store the following information: • • •

Active/deleted: whether the record is active or deleted. Partial/complete: whether the record is written partial or completed in a page Null/not null: whether the value is null or not.

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When we insert a record in full fixed type record, then we store the information that the record is active and written completely on current page. But in partial fixed record, cluster record is written in more than one page. So in the page that include the starting values of the record, stores the status of record as partial and the page that stores the last values maintain the status as complete. For example: Full fixed type record- Suppose we create a table with 3 columns where the data types are integer, char and long respectively. Then we insert a record in this table. As the record must be of fixed size 4(integer) + 1(char) + 8(long) = 13 bytes, we insert these bytes in the table by appending a row header which helps us in retrieving these inserted values later. Format for storing this record is-> Active + Full + NOTNULL + NOTNULL + NOTNULL +Actual bytes (13) Partial fixed type record- Suppose we create a table with 3 columns where the data types are integer, char (page size (16384 Default) + 100), long repectively. Then we insert a record in this table. As the record must be of fixed size 4(integer) + 16484(char) + 8(long) = 16496 bytes, this record needs bytes greater then the Page size. In this situation, we have to insert this record partially in 2 pages say x and y respectively and we insert these bytes in the table by appending a row header which helps us in retrieving these inserted values later. In partial fixed type record we keep record written in first page as active and on rest of the pages it’s marked as Delete. Format for storing this record in page x: Active + Partial + NOTNULL + NOTNULL + NOTNULL +Actual bytes equal to free space in the page for insertion Format for storing this record in page y: Delete + Complete + bytes left unwritten in page x of this record. Variable type record Variable type record is also divided into two types: fixed variable type record and partial variable type record. When a record is inserted into a single page it is termed as fixed variable type record and when record is inserted in more then one page then it is known as partial variable type record. We maintain the following information on page for variable type record. • • • • •

Active/deleted: whether the record is active or deleted. Partial/complete: whether record is written partially or completely in a page Null/not null: whether the value is null or not. Variable column length: length of the variable column stored in the record Start Pointer: start point for the record in this page. Start Pointer for the record is kept at byte = Page size – 4bytes (for next page address to maintain link list) – 2* number of active record in a page (as each pointer takes 2 bytes).

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For example: Full variable type record- Suppose we create a table with 3 columns where the data types are integer, varchar (page size (16384 Default) - 2000), long respectively. We can insert a record in this table whose size can vary from 4(integer) + 1(varchar) + 8(long) = 13 bytes to 4(integer) + 14384(varchar) + 8(long) = 14396bytes. Suppose that we have inserted maximum number of bytes (i.e.14396 bytes) but still the record can be inserted in a single page in the table. We insert a record by appending a row header which helps us in retrieving these inserted values later. Format for storing this record is: Active + Full + NOTNULL + NOTNULL + NOTNULL + Variable column length (14384) + Actual bytes (14396) Partial variable type record - Suppose we create a table with 3 columns where the data types are integer, varchar (page size (16384 Default) + 100), long respectively. Then we insert a record in this table with 4(integer) + 16484(varchar) + 8(long) = 16496bytes. Now, as this record needs bytes greater than the Page size, we have to insert this record partially in 2 pages say x and y respectively and we insert these bytes in the table by appending a row header which helps us in retrieving these inserted values later. In partial variable type record we keep record written in first page as active and on rest of the pages it’s marked as Delete. Format for storing this record in page x: Active + Partial + NOTNULL + NOTNULL + NOTNULL + Variable column length (16484) + Actual bytes equal to free space in the page for insertion Format for storing this record in page y: Delete + Complete + remaining bytes left unwritten in page x of this record We leave some space in the page which can be used at the time of updation of records so that the records can be kept on the same page even after updation. If a record to be updated has the larger size than available in page, then we insert record, with updated values, in a new page and maintain a pointer to it in the old page. After maintaining the pointer in the old page, we delete the old record and shuffle all the records next to the record being updated. If a record is updated with the smaller or larger length, in the same page, then we perform shuffling with the difference of the length of older and the newer record. For example: Suppose that we update a record of original length (2000) in Page x and updates it with length of record of size 3000 while the free space left in this page is only 500 i.e. total space available for updating record = 2000 + 500 but updated record is of length 3000. In this situation, we mark this record as Update in page x and keep a pointer to the new page, say y with record number 5. Format for page x for this record is: Active+ Update+ Pointer for new position of inserted record (page y, 5) +next written bytes of the page shifted.

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Format for page y for this updated record -> Retrieve + Full + updated value (3000 bytes) Similarly, when we delete a record from a page, we change its status from active to delete and shuffle all the records next to it. We add the page in free list when all the records are deleted. For example: If we Delete a record inserted as record number 1 of size 4000 bytes in page x, then we mark this record as Delete in page x and shifts the bytes of the next written record by 4000 – 1(Delete byte for record 1) = 3999 and updates the insertable address of the page. Handling of Large Objects: Large Objects are not stored on the pages of the table. They are handled on different pages with different format. This separation is done for the optimization purpose. To handle these pages we hold the first page address for every large object type column and every page contains the address of the next page and previous page, to make the proper sequence of the included pages. We always insert a new value in the last page of the sequence and get a new page if last page has not sufficient space. If we have a table with two large object type columns, then we will have two page addresses for these columns. In addition, these addresses will be used to navigate through all the pages that were used to store the values for these columns. We perform special handling for insert, update, delete and retrieval of large object type column. For example: Suppose that we create a table with one integer column and two Blob Columns. Here we will allocate one page (suppose Page1) to this table and two pages (suppose Page2, Page3) each to the Blob Columns and address of the First page for respective Blob columns is maintained. Insertion: We never insert the values of the large object columns in to the pages of the table. We insert these values in separate pages and the pages of table holds the address of the pages in which actual data is written. For every large object column, we have a sequence of page addresses, but we always insert new row data in last page address. We maintain a row header for every row values. We maintain the following information on page for a record: • Active/deleted: whether a row is active or deleted • Full/partial: whether a row value is written partially or fully. • Length of large object: length of data of large object in bytes. • Start Pointer: start point for the record in this page. Start Pointer for the record is kept at byte = Page size – 4bytes (for next page address to maintain link list) – 2* number of active record in a page (as each pointer takes 2 bytes).

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For example: Now, for the above created table if we insert a record, then value for the integer column and the pointers for the blob columns are kept in the record inserted in page 1 while actual values for the blob columns get stored in page 2 and page 3 respectively. Record in Page 1 has format: Active+ Full + NOTNULL+NOTNULL+NOTNULL + actual bytes for integer column+ pointer for Blob column (Page2 + Record Number (1)) + Pointer for Blob column (Page3 + Record Number (1)) Now in Page 2, format for blob column is: Active + Full + Length of Blob bytes + Actual bytes Similarly in Page 3, format for blob column is: Active + Full + Length of Blob bytes + Actual bytes While inserting a large object value in a page, we do not use the complete space of the page. We always leave some part of the page which can be used, when we update large object value in that page. We use more than one page, when the given large object is larger than the available space of the current page. Suppose a value is written in three pages then first two pages will have the information ‘Partial’, for indicating the row as partially written and last page will have the information ‘Complete’ for indicating the row as completed in this page. For Example: If the blob value stored in page 2 exceeds the space for insert in page 2, then it will be stored in the next page say page 4 and keep on inserting value till the complete value is inserted (say with page 5 our values are complete). Now our format for Page2 is: Active + Partial + Length of Blob bytes + Actual bytes Format for Page4 is: Delete + Partial + Length of Blob bytes + Actual bytes Format for Page5 is: Delete + Complete + Length of Blob bytes + Actual bytes Updation: We update the row on the same page, if the size of the new value is less than or equal to the size of older row and the available space of the page. We rearrange the page to clear all unused space if the updating record is not the last record of the page. Otherwise, we delete that large object value from the page and insert it again with the new values. For example: If we update the blob column in first record with lesser bytes (12000) than the original bytes(suppose 15000), then we shift the next written bytes for the page with the

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difference i.e. 3000 and updates the start pointers for the next records in this page written at the last, accordingly and also updates the insertable address for the page. If we update the blob column in first record with equal bytes (15000) then we just had to update the bytes with new values. If we update the blob column with bytes (12000>bytes<= 13000) i.e. greater then the size of older row (12000) but less then or equal to the size of older row (12000) + free available space of the page (1000), then we use that free space for updating. Here we shifts the bytes of next written records in the page, if the record to be updated is not the last record in the page, else we just update the old bytes with the new ones. Now if we update the blob column with bytes (bytes>13000) then we mark this record as Delete and shifts all the bytes next to this record by the length of the old record – 1 bytes for marking the record as delete and Insert it at a new location with new values. Format for page2 for record 1 which is updated: Delete + bytes for record2+bytes of record3 +……………. Suppose if the record is partially written in 3 pages then we mark the record as Delete in first page of the record and add the 2nd page in free list i.e. frees that page to be reused and again adjust bytes for the 3rd page such that the bytes are shifted by the length of the partial bytes written in this 3rd page and then insert this record at the next available address in the last cluster with the new updated bytes. Deletion: On deleting a record, we set the information of that particular record as active to delete and shift all the rows values of all the records written next to it. In addition, we add the page in the free list if there are no more rows in it. We perform shifting to reuse the space freed by this row. For example: If we give a call to delete the record 1 in page 1, then for blob columns (page2, page3) we delete the column value by moving the pointer stored for the respective value in page 1 and then by moving to that particular pointer value in page 2, we mark the Active byte as Delete and shifts the bytes for all the next written record by the length of the old record (15000) – 1 (byte for Delete). In case, if the blob column bytes are stored partially in 3 pages (page2, page4, page5) then we mark the record as Delete in first page of the record and add the 2nd page in free list i.e. frees that page to be reused and again and adjust the bytes for the 3rd page such that the bytes are shifted by the length of the partial bytes written in this 3rd page. Retrieval: We provide two options to retrieve a large object column values: Full and Partial. User can retrieve the complete data with full option or few bytes with partial option. We provide the values from all pages if large object column value is written in more than one page.

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For example: If a user wants to retrieve blob bytes for a column which is 15000 bytes long, he has an option to retrieve these bytes at a single go i.e. in Full by calling get bytes from 1 to full length (15000) or he can retrieve the bytes in part by first retrieving bytes from 1 to 5000, then from 5001 to 10000, and then from 10001 to 15000 i.e. partially in chunks of 5000 bytes each time. Caching: We avoid working directly on physical file because of the performance issues. The working on physical file for every read/write operation degrades the overall performance of the database because physical file does not provide the sufficient speed to work on. We load the data of physical file on pages and keep these pages in memory to provide better speed and performance. Therefore, for every operation we load the data of a specified size from the physical file, if it is not already loaded into memory. Page has a status as read when it is loaded for the read operation and as write when it is loaded with the write operation. Caching of pages may produce a problem of memory overflow. To handle the problem we unload the pages, having read status, from the memory when pages in memory cross the defined threshold. We also remove the pages with write status when required. We store these pages in a separate file called temporary file (because these pages contains modified data) and create a mapping for the pointer in temporary file data and the address of the actual file. When the user again access the actual page, we load the data from the page in memory by using the data written in temporary file and put the address of temporary file in a list to reuse this address. For example: User is performing some operations on the database as a result of which we keep on loading the pages or caching the pages for improving the performance and this number reaches to the threshold level say 200 with no. of pages loaded for read = 50 and no. of pages for write = 150. Now if 1 page is to be loaded at this moment, then we remove 50 pages taken for read from the cache and load this page. In case our problem is not solved, as we have to load 51 pages but can remove only 50 pages which are taken for read, then we unload pages for write by writing in temp file with proper pointer for the database file. Handling of uncommitted data: For maintaining the uncommitted record, we handle a separate data store. Working of the file is very much similar to the actual physical storage file except when records are to be transferred in physical file. Its capacity to hold the pages are higher than the capacity of actual file. This is a temporary data store that is initializing and cleaning all the data stored in it when we start working again on it. This data store contains database schema corresponding to the actual data store. For example: If a user performs a number of read, write, update operations, then till the time user commits this data, it is stored in this temporary data store and when the user commits, it writes the data in the actual database file and deletes the record present in it. Multi Users: On the data store level, multiple users can work concurrently. They can work even on same table if they want to read data simultaneously, but read/write and write/write operation on same table is not allowed because this could corrupt the database. They

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are allowed to perform write operation on different table at a time. If three users come for write operation on same table, only one user is allowed to do the work and others will wait for the first to finish his work. Rest two users will work on first come first out basis. For example: If three users say A, B and C wish to work concurrently, then they can work on three different tables of the database simultaneously without corrupting the database. They can also work on the same table if they want to perform Read Operation. But if any user (say A) wants to perform write operation on that table, then it is not possible till the other 2 users B & C has read data from the table and released the lock. For the mean time A has to wait and when A will start working on that table, other two users can’t perform read/write operations on that table until A releases the lock on that table. Configurable Page size: We use pages to keep the data of physical file in memory. The default size of Page we use is 16k. We provide an option for the user to change the page size depending upon his requirement that gives him a better performance. User can set the page size from 4k to 32k. User can use the small page size if he has few records for his database and large page size if his record could not be fit into one page. By doing so, he will get better performance. For Example: If the user’s requirement is such that he has got records of small size say 3k and fewer numbers of records, then having a default page size of 16k will waste a lot of space. So here the user can set memory cluster size as 4k. On the contrary, if the user’s requirement is such that his record size is 17k and he goes for Default cluster size of 16k, then every record will be inserted partially which will degrade the performance as it has got its own overheads of retrieving from more than 1 cluster. So to avoid this degradation, user can set the cluster size as > 17k and hence will improve the performance. Free Cluster Management: When a page does not contain any record in it, we add the cluster in the free list so that we can use it again to utilize the space of physical file. We maintain all the free clusters in a system table called free list table. This functionality helps us in reusing the cluster. For example: If records added on page x are all deleted then we add this page x to free page list so that this space can be reused for next coming records and hence economizes the physical space available. Whenever new page is needed, first we check for any page available in free list; if it is available we use this page from free list. Multiple file support: We provide the functionality to store the data in multiple files. If user has huge amount of data, then it helps in storing and retrieving data efficiently. When a user works on a single file with huge amount of data, then due to large size of the file, he will not get satisfactory performance. In addition, operating system does not allow storing data after a specified file size. To handle these situations, we can use the multiple file functionality. We use the following parameters while creating database with multiple file support:

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Initial file size: Parameter value specifies the initial size of the database in MB. Default value is 5m. Increment factor: Specifies the factor by which the database size has to be increased after the space allocated to the database has been taken up or create subsequent file if MULTIFILESUPPORT is set to true. This is expressed in terms of percentage of the current size of the database. Default value for this parameter is 20%. Valid values for this parameter are 1 to 100. For example: Suppose that the user requires a huge database say of size 20 GB with initial size 50m and increment factor 50 and he doesn’t opt for MULTIFILESUPPORT, then a single file will go on increasing in length by 50%(25m). Whenever the threshold for it is reached in a single file then traversing such a huge file won’t give him satisfactory performance. On the other hand, if he opts for MULTIFILESUPPORT with initial size 50m and increment factor 50, then instead of a single file growing in size to 20 GB every time, when the threshold of a file is reached a new file which is 50% of 50m (i.e.25m) is created which results in higher performance. Indexes: We use indexes to improve the performance of the retrieval on a table. But, we bear some cost on insert, update and delete methods. To maintain the indexes we use B+ Tree. Whenever a record is inserted on table, we insert the values in btrees also. Every btree occupy some space in physical file to maintain the data in it. We do not perform write operation directly on physical file, as direct operations on physical file always degrade the performance. We use caching for better performance. We load the data of a btree on pages, as it is required and unload these pages as no. of pages in memory, cross its threshold. Btree is a set of key and value pair, where key is a set of columns and value is a pointer of actual record in physical file. We store the data in the pages according to the btree type. We have two types of btrees: fixed type btree and variable type btree. In fixed type btree every key have the same storage format and in variable type btree, format of the key could be different for each key. Fixed type btree: storage structure of the fixed type btree is as follows: • • • •

Total length: length of the row Null/not null: whether the value is null or not. Values: key and value Start Pointer: start point of the record in that particular page. Start Pointer for the record is kept at byte = Page size – 4bytes (for next page address to maintain link list) – 2* number of active record in a page (as each pointer takes 2 bytes).

For example: If we insert a record in a fixed table with 3 columns having data types integer, char and long respectively and there exists an index on all the 3 columns of this table, then we first insert record in page for table and let it be page x, record number5 and then insert this record in index existing on this table also and the format for this record will be: Length of the whole row + NOTNULL + NOTNULL + NOTNULL + values for the columns (Key) + pointer for the record in the physical file where the record is stored in table (Value= page x, 5).

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Variable type btree: Storing structure of the variable type btree is as follows: • • • • •

Total length: length of the row Null/not null: whether the value is null or not. Variable column length: length of the variable column stored for a record Values: key and value Start Pointer: start point for the record in that particular page. Start Pointer for the record is kept at byte = Page size – 4bytes (for next page address to maintain link list) – 2* number of active record in a page (as each pointer takes 2 bytes).

For example: If we insert a record in a variable table with 3 columns having data types integer, varchar (1000), long and there exists an index on all the 3 columns of this table, then we first insert record in page for table and let it be page x, record number5 and then insert this record in index existing on this table also and the format for this record will be: Length of the whole row + NOTNULL + NOTNULL + NOTNULL + Length of the variable column i.e. varchar which is actually stored + values for the columns (Key) + pointer for the record in the physical file where the record is stored in table (Value= page x, 5).

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INTERACTION DIAGRAMS: Uncommitted Data Handling


Session will insert a record as uncommitted in Data Store

Data Store

Uncomm itted Data Pool

1: insert uncommitted

2: insert

Dat a store will ask Uncommitted Data Pool to add the record of the table Uncommitted Data Pool will lock the t able for modification before inserting t he record After locking, data pool will insert the record in the table

3: lock Table

4: insert record

5: insert in Indexes

Dat a pool will insert the record in indexes to keep a consistent view

Data pool will release the table for further access

6: release Table

Figure 42: Interaction Diagram - uncommitted data handling

Flow Explanations: 1: Whenever a transaction requests a session to insert a record in a table, it will insert the record in data store as uncommitted record. Record will be transferred to physical storage only when the transaction is committed. 2: Data store will transfer the request to uncommitted data pool. 3: Uncommitted data pool will lock the table for modification before proceeding with any changes. Locking should allow multiple read and multiple write. Locking should be done in first in, first out fashion. 4: Uncommitted data pool will add the record in the table. It will convert objects into bytes.

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5: After adding the record in table, uncommitted data pool will add the record in the indexes. 6: After modifying the table and indexes, uncommitted data pool will release the table for other threads to access it.

Physical Storage of a Record

Data Store

Commit ted Dat a Pool

Byte Handler

Physical File

1: save Record

Data Store will save record on physical storage through Committed Data Pool

2: check Null Data Pool will check for null value in the column Byte Handler will give the bytes for the column value.

Repeat step 2-4 for all the columns of the record

Data Pool will add the column bytes to make record bytes

3: get Object bytes

4: add column bytes

5: seek record position Data Pool will seek the record position in the Physical File 6: write record bytes Data Pool will write the record bytes in Physical File

Figure 43: Interaction Diagram - physical storage of a record

Flow Explanations: 1: When a transaction is committed, session will save the records changed/inserted by the transaction. Data Store will give call to Committed Data Pool to save record in physical storage. 2: Committed Data Pool will check for null value of column and will keep status of nullability. 3: Data Pool will convert the non-null column value into bytes with the help of Byte Handler. There are two types of columns: Fixed Size – Column value will always take a fixed number of bytes.

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Variable Size – Bytes will vary according to the column value. In this case, length of the column is stored along with the bytes of the column value. 4: Data Pool will add the null status and column bytes of all columns to make bytes for the record. 5: Data Pool will seek the record position in the physical file to write the bytes. 6: Data pool will write the record bytes in the physical file starting from the seeked location of the record. Insertion in Index

Dat a St ore

Dat a St ore will give call to Data Pool for inserting a rec ord

Index will locate the index key of the record


Physical File

1: insert record

2: lock table

Dat a Pool will loc k the table before inserting the record Dat a Pool will ins ert record in all the indexes of the table

Data Pool

3: insert

Repeat for all indexes of table

4: locate record position

5: insert

Index will insert the record at the locat ed position

6: save changes

Index will save the c hanges in t he Physical File

Dat a Pool will release the lock taken above

7: release lock

Figure 44: Interaction Diagram - insertion in index

Flow Explanations: 1: Data Store will insert record through Data Pool. 2: Data Pool will take the lock on the table to maintain consistency of the indexes. When an insert/delete operation is in progress, no other operation (read or write) will be allowed on the table. When an update operation is in progress and no index is affected

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by it, lock will be taken on the row for writing. No other transaction can read/write the row. 3: Data pool will insert the record in all the indexes of the table. 4: Index will locate the record position using the index column values from the record. 5: Index will insert the record at the position found in the above step. Index will make the readjustment in the index so as to maintain consistent performance. 6: Index will save the changes done in the Physical File. 7: Data Pool will release the lock acquired.

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FileSystem CLASS DIAGRAMS: Class Diagram: Interfaces

DataSystem <>

Database <<depends>>

TableCharac teristics

<> <<depends>>

DatabaseUse r

<> Table RecordClust er

<<depends>> <<depends>> <<depends>>

UserTableOp erations

Navigator TableOperati ons

TableNavigat or

Figure 45: Class Diagram – FileSystem (Interfaces)

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Classes: RecordCluster (Interface) RecordCluster will be responsible for insertion, updation, deletion and retrieval of records from the clusters. RecordCluster will also provide information to number of records in the cluster, free space in the cluster etc. DataSystem (Interface) Data System will be responsible for managing Currently active databases. By active database we mean a database on which user is doing some operations. Creation and deletion of databases. Database (Interface) Database will be responsible for managing creation, deletion and alteration of table objects for data modifications and retrieval. Table (Interface) Table interface will be responsible for providing information related to a table like table characteristics. Navigator (Interface) Navigator will be responsible for navigation of records in a table. Navigation supported will be of scrollable type i.e. to and fro movement is allowed. Navigator will also provide key for current row. Key can be used later to align the iterator on a particular row. DatabaseUser (Interface) Database user will be used for locking the database for data modifications. Database User will be keeping tracks of the clusters affected during data modifications and finally these clusters will be stored in physical file. Locking of the database will be done on the table basis. TableNavigator (Interface) TableNavigator will extend the Navigator interface for providing functionality for retrieving columns values in different ways. TableCharacteristics (Interface) TableCharacteristics will represent the information about the columns. All information about the columns like type, size, name etc. can be retrieved. TableCharacteristics will be responsible for conversion of objects into bytes and vice versa. TableOperations (Interface) TableOperations will be responsible for insertion, updation and deletion in a table. TableOperations will be providing functionality to facilitate the data modifications operations. UserTableOperations (Interface) UserTableOperations will provide functionality to DatabaseUser for data modifications operations.

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Class Diagram: Classes FileGenerator

PersistentSystem PhysicalFile

EncryptedPhysicalFile PersistentDatabase WritableClustersFile ClusterManager FreeSpaceManager

DatabaseProperties ClusterCharacteristics




TableCharacteristics Generator

ColumnBytesTable UserLockManager LOBManager

<<depends>> <<depends>>PersistentTable TableCharacteristicsImpl PersistentUser <<depends>>



TableProperties TableKey

FixedRecord Cluster


VariableRecord Cluster

PartialFixedRecord PartialVariable Cluster RecordCluster

Figure 46: Class Diagram – FileSystem (Classes)

Classes: PersistentSystem ( ) PersistentSystem will provide the implementation of DataSystem interface. PersistentDatabase ( ) PersistentDatabase will provide the implementation of the Database interface. PersistentDatabase will also be responsible for managing: Physical File Caching of clusters

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Locks for data modifications Free Space in the physical file PersistentTable ( ) PersistentTable will be providing the implementation of Table Interface. PersistentUser ( ) PersistentUser will be providing the implementation of DatabaseUser Interface. PhysicalFile ( ) PhysicalFile will be responsible for interacting with the underlying operating system. It will be using RandomAccessFile provided by Java to do the operations. PhysicalFile will also handle the multiples files for a single database. ClusterManager ( ) ClusterManager will be caching the clusters used during data modifications and data retrieval. ClusterManager will also ensure that a single instance of cluster is being used in the data store at a given time. Clusters will be cached on the basis of operation in which they are involved. If a cluster is required for data retrieval, it will be loaded in a read mode. If a cluster is required for data modification, it will be loaded in a write mode. ClusterManager will manage the read-mode clusters and write-mode differently. Number of clusters cached in both modes can be configured by the end user. EncryptedPhysicalFile ( ) EncryptedPhysicalFile will be responsible for encryption and decryption of data stored in physical file. This class will be doing encryption of data being written in physical file using the encryption key and algorithm specified by the user at the time of creation. Also, data being read from physical file will be decrypted using the same key and alogrithm FileGenerator ( ) FileGenerator class will be responsible for creation and deletion of files on the operating system in case of multiple files for a single database. File Generator will also be managing the names and size of the files being created. WritableClustersFile ( ) WritableClustersFile will be responsible for handling clusters (write mode) flushed by cluster manager. Cluster Manager will be flushing the clusters whenever the limit specified by the user exceeds. We can't flush the cluster in write mode as such because it can cause loss of data. So before flushing the cluster, cluster manager will be saving the contents of cluster in WritableClustersFile. ClustersMap ( ) ClusterMap will be responsible for storing clusters loaded by cluster manager. ClusterMap will be using ClusterCharacteristics as key. FixedRecordClsuter ( ) FixedRecordCluster will be implementing the RecordCluster interface. FixedRecordCluster will be handling records consisting of only fixed type of columns

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(columns whose bytes are of fixed length irrespective of data). This class will be responsible for insertion, updation, deletion and retrieval of records from cluster. VariableRecordCluster ( ) VariableRecordCluster will be providing implementation of RecordCluster interface. It will be responsible for managing the records of table having variable type of columns. A table may have all or some columns of variable type. VariableRecordCluster will be responsible for insertion, updation, deletion and retrieval of variable type of records from the clusters of the table. PartialFixedRecordCluster ( ) PartialFixedRecordCluster handles the same responsiblity as FixedRecordCluster. This class is used when the size of records is larger than cluster size and all the columns are of fixed data type. PartialVariableRecordCluster ( ) PartialVariableRecordCluster will be handling same responsibilities as VariableRecordCluster. This class will come into picture when the bytes of the records are larger than cluster size and some columns of the table are of variable type. LOBManager ( ) LOBmanager is responsible for storing and retrieving blob & clob data type columns. Each table having large object data type column will have its own LOBManager. LOBManager will be doing data modifications and will be interacting with the persistent database for allocation and de-allocation of clusters. DBlobUpdatable ( ) DBlobUpdatable will be responsible for handling binary large data objects. This class will retrieve the contents of the object from the database. DClobUpdatable ( ) DClobUpdatable will be responsible for handling character large object. This class will retrieve the contents of the object from the database. TableCharacteristicsGenerator ( ) TableCharacteristicsGenerator class will be making the TableCharacteristics objects by reading the information from the system table used for columns info. TableCharacteristicsImpl ( ) TableCharacteristicsImpl will be implementing the TableCharacteristics interface. ClusterIterator ( ) ClusterIterator will be providing implementation of the Navigator interface. ClusterIterator will use clusters to the tables to navigate the records and their column values. FreeSpaceManager ( ) FreeSpaceManager will be responsible for managing the clusters marked as free because of deletion of records from clusters. A Cluster is marked as free when all the records in the clustes are deleted.

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FreeSpaceManager will maintain a table containing information about the free clusters. Whenever a cluster is freed, a new entry in the table will be inserted and when a free cluster is being allocated by the database to some table, its entry from the table will be removed. UserLockManager ( ) UserLockManager will be responsible for giving locks to DatabaseUser for acessing different tables of the database. UserLockManager will ensure that the tables are not accessed concurrently by different users. Also, lock will be given to the users on the First In, First Out basis. TableManager ( ) TableManager will be responsible for creating the Table object. TableManager will be doing manipulation on the system tables to save and retrieve the meta data about the tables. TableManager will ensure that only single instance of a table is created. TableKey ( ) TableKey represents the relative address of a record of a table in the database file. TableKey consists of cluster address and record number in the cluster. TableProperties ( ) TableProperties class will be providing information of columns in a ready to use manner to RecordCluster classes. Difference between TableProperties and TableCharacteristics is that TableCharacteristics provide functionality for converting objects into bytes and vice versa. ClusterCharacteristics ( ) ClusterCharacteristics is a unique value with which a cluster can be identified. ClusterCharacteristics is used as key for storing the clusters in the cache. Also, clustercharacteristics are stored in place of cluster itself so that cluster can be freed on the requirement of memory by the database server. ColumnBytesTable ( ) ColumnBytesTable will implement the Table interface. ColumnBytesTable will be converting individual column bytes into row bytes and vice versa. DatabaseProperties ( ) DatabaseProperties class will be representing the properties of the database. Properties will include creation time properties as well as run-time properties. For example, properties will include cluster size of the database, unicode support etc.

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IndexSystem CLASS DIAGRAMS: Class Diagram: Interfaces

IndexDataba se BTreeChara cteristics IndexTable

IndexIterator <<depends>>

IndexTableIt e rat or

Clust erProvi der

NodeManag er


Figure 47: Class Diagram – IndexSystem (Interfaces)

Classes: NodeManager (Interface) NodeManager provides the functionality for creation, deletion and retrieval of the nodes. It interacts with cluster provider to manage the clusters used by the nodes. Node (Interface) Node provides the functionality for insertion, updation, deletion and retrieval of elements in a btree node. It also provides functionality to manage the node like element count, level and split point. BTreeCharacteristics (Interface) BTreeCharacteristics interface provide the functionality for retrieving columns values of the index without accessing the table. ClusterProvider (Interface) ClusterProvider is responsible for providing clusters to the NodeManager. ClusterProvider provides the functionality for creating cluster, reading clusters and adding free clusters.

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IndexDatabase (Interface) IndexDatabase extends the functionality of the Database interface. IndexDatabase is responsible for managing Indexes (Creation and deletion) IndexTable (Interface) IndexTable extends the functionality of the table interface. IndexTable is responsible for managing indexes created on the table. IndexTable is responsible for insertion, updation and deletion of the data from the indexes of the table. IndexTableIterator (Interface) IndexTableIterator extends the functionality of the Navigator and IndexIterator. It also provides methods to get info about table and retrieve columns. IndexIterator (Interface) IndexIterator provides the functionality for searching data in the index and retrieving values of the columns involved in the index.

Class Diagram: Classes IndexSystem


BTreeCharacteristics SingleColumn

BTreeCharacterist icsImpl

ByteComparatorSingle Column

BTreeCharacComparator teristics


BTreeNavigator BTree

IndexTableImpl ColumnObjectTable <<depends>>


IndexDatabase User BlobClobColumn ObjectTable




FileNodeMan ager FixedFileNode


<<depends>> IndexColumnInfor mation

<<depends>> <<depends>><<depends>> FixedBTreeCluster


PersistentDatabase BTreeControlCluster

(from FileSystem)

Figure 48: Class Diagram – IndexSystem (Classes)

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Classes: IndexSystem ( ) IndexSystem provides implementation of the DataSystem interface at the index level. IndexSystem is responsible for managing databases, creation and deletion of the databases. IndexDatabaseImpl ( ) IndexDatabaseImpl provides the implementation of the IndexDatabase. It interacts with persistent database to provide access to table. IndexTableImpl ( ) IndexTableImpl provides implementation of the IndexTable interface. IndexDatabaseUser ( ) IndexDatabaseUser implements the DatabaseUser interface. It uses the PersistentUser class to provide the functionality of the database user. IndexTableIteratorImpl ( ) IndexTableIteratorImpl provides implementation of the IndexTableIterator interface. This class also takes care of the lock for read and write operations. BTree ( ) BTree is responsible for managing an index. BTree provides the functionality for data manipulation and data retrieval on the index. BTree also provide the functionality to search or seek a particular data in the index. BTreeNode ( ) BTreeNode represents a node of the btree. It consists of btreeElement arranged in a sorted manner. Each btreenode has a parent node and a parent btreeElement. BTreeElement ( ) BTreeElement represents a key and value pair of the index. BTreeElement key is the value of index columns and value is the record pointer of the record in the table. BTreeElement stores information about the node to which this element belongs. Also, information about the child nodes is stored in the btreeElement. FileNodeManager ( ) FileNodeManager implements the NodeManager interface. FileNodeManager stores the information in the btree control cluster. FileNodeManger also caches the nodes so as to avoid reading of the cluster from the database. FixedFileNode ( ) FixedFileNode implements the node interfaces. FixedFileNode object is created when all the columns of the btree are of fixed data type. FixedFileNode converts objects into bytes and vice versa and uses fixed btree cluster class to store and retrieve the bytes of the elements in the database.

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FileBTreeElement ( ) FileBTreeElement extends the functionality of btreeElement. FileBtreeElement is responsible for managing the child nodes in the database. BTreeNavigator ( ) BTreeNavigator is a navigator on the btree. It is also used to retrieve the column values of the record. BTreeNavigator provides scrollable type of navigation on the btree. BTreeKey ( ) BTreeKey represents the address of a key in the btree. It consists of a btreeElement and the position of btreeElement in the node. It is mainly used in the navigation of the btree. VariableFileNode ( ) VariableFileNode implements the node interface. VariableFileNode object is created when atleast one of the columns of the index is of variable data type. VariableFileNode converts object into bytes and vice versa. It interacts with btree cluster class to store and retrieve the bytes of the elements in the database. BTreeControlCluster ( ) BTreeControlCluster represents a page/cluster of the physical file. BTreeControlCluster is used to store information related to a btree. Information stored is starting cluster of the btree, size of the btree, index columns etc. IndexColumnInformation ( ) IndexColumnInformation provides information about the index columns. Info includes type, size, fixed data type, number of variable columns etc. PersistentDatabase ( ) PersistentDatabase will provide the implementation of the Database interface. PersistentDatabase will also be responsible for managing Physical File Caching of clusters Locks for data modifications Free Space in the physical file BTreeCharacteristicsImpl ( ) BTreeCharacteristicsImpl provide implementation of BTreeCharacteristics when multiple columns are involved in an index. BTreeCharacteristicsSingleColumn ( ) BTreeCharacteristicsImpl provide implementation of BTreeCharacteristics when a single column is involved in an index. BTreeCharacteristics (Interface) BTreeCharacteristics interface provide functionality for retrieving columns values of the index without accessing the table. Comparator (Interface) Comparator provides the functionality to compare the keys of the index to the btree.

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ByteComparatorSingleColumn ( ) ByteComparatorSingleColumn implements Comparator interface and is used by btree to sort the data in the index. This class is used when btree is made on a single column. ByteComparator ( ) ByteComparator implements Comparator interface and is used by btree to sort the data in the index. Bytecomparator uses the bytes of the columns to compare them. FixedBTreeCluster ( ) FixedBTreeCluster extends the functionality of the cluster. It also provides the functionality to insert, update, delete and retrieve a btree element in a node. It also manages the other info like next node address, node type (leaf or non-leaf). ColumnObjectTable ( ) ColumnObjectTable is responsible for converting objects into bytes and vice versa. ColumnObjectTable implements the IndexTable interface. BlobClobColumnObjectTable ( ) BlobClobColumnObjectTable is responsible for converting objects into bytes and vice versa. It also handles large object data type columns by interacting with LOBManager.

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Parser Overview Parser responsibilities: Parsing SQL statements Creating tree-type object corresponding to the SQL statements Generating Java classes Parser will be responsible for parsing the SQL Statements. Parser will parse the SQL Statements according to SQL-99 specifications grammar. Parser will create a tree-type object containing all the information about the query. Parser will create a tree-type java object representing the content of the query. The treetype object will be representing different rules of the SQL grammar and parser will be initializing the classes with the corresponding info from the query. Example: "Select * from Country". class SelectQuery{ columnlist columnList; tablelist tableList; whereclause where; orderbyclause order; } For the above query, parser will create an object SelectQuery. Parser will assign "*" in the columnlist object and "country" in the tablelist object. Where clause and order by clause will remain null because query doesn't have any where condition and order by. Parser will throw exception in case syntax is invalid. Parser will specify the position in the query and cause for error so that user can change the query easily. Parsing SQL statements: Any grammar can be divided into two parts, mainly tokens and rules. Tokens are the smallest individual and indivisible part of the grammar. Tokens placed in a sequence define a rule. Rule can also have other rules in its sequence. Parsing a query will involve token generation, checking for grammar rule and finally making a tree-type object corresponding to the satisfied rule and loading query information in the object. Token generation will involve breaking of query into tokens using the grammar. After tokens are generated, parser will match the first token of the query with first token of the grammar rules. Rule whose first tokens matches with query token will be selected and parser will match the next token of the query with next token in the rule. Parser will repeat the procedure and tries to match all the tokens with the tokens in the query. If all the tokens match, parser will create a tree-type object and load these tokens information into the object. If all the tokens didn’t match, parser will check the next rule of the grammar. If all the rules of the grammar are checked and no rule satisfies the given query, parser will throw an error.

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Creating tree-type object: Parser will be responsible for creating tree-type object corresponding to a query. When parser is matching query tokens with rule tokens and all the tokens match, then parser will create an object and initialize it with actual values of the tokens. Since rules can have other rules as part of its sequence, parser will set the object returned by the subrule in the main rule. In this manner, a tree type object will be created having content of the query. Generating Classes: To execute the query, we will be needing classes corresponding to grammar rules and parser will provide a utility to generate the classes for the given grammar. Classes generated will be representing the rules of the grammar. Each class will have a variable corresponding to the token or sub-rule occurring in its sequence. All classes will have a common method to execute/run them. Grammar Rules: Rule can be defined as a sequence of tokens or rules. A rule can contain other rules in its sequence. A grammar can have following type of rules: Simple rule: Rule containing a sequence of tokens only or containing another rule. Repetitive rule: Rule containing repetition of token or another rule. Optional rule: A rule whose occurrence is not compulsory in another rule. Multiple-sub rules rule: A rule containing a sequence of rules. Here a rule is made of other rules. Multi option Rule: A rule containing a set of rules such that any rule can be assigned to this rule. Parser will have to evaluate all the rules to check whether this rule is satisfied or not.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.



Server Server will give query to Parser




Grammar Java Class ForSub Rule Grammar Rule Rule

1: parse query 2: make tokens 3: create

Parser will give query to Tokenizer for creating tokens of the query Parser will parser query using the grammar rules. Grammar rule will match the current token with first token of the rule

4: parse

Check against all top-level rules, until query is parsed.

5: match token Repeat recursively 6: create for rule and sub-rule 7: parse

Grammar rule will create the

corresponding Java Class Object Grammar rule will request Sub-rule to parse the remaining tokens and sub-rule will return the java class object Grammar rule will set the sub-rule java object in its Java class object to make a tree type object

8: return java class object 9: set sub-rule object 10: return java class object

Parser will return the java class object returned by Grammar rule to server 11: return java class object

Figure 49: Interaction Diagram - parse query

Flow Explanations: 1: Server will give the query to Parser for parsing. If query is valid according to SQL 99 grammar, then an error will be returned. 2: Parser will request the Tokenizer to make tokens of the query passed. Token is the smallest meaningful information according to the grammar. Tokenizer will make tokens using the delimiter. Tokenizer will ignore the spaces and comments in the query. 3: Tokenizer will create token object. Token will be having information and type. Type will represent whether token is a keyword, identifier, constant or delimiter etc. 4: Parser will give the tokens to Grammar rule to parse. If the grammar rule, fails to parse the query, Parser will try the next the grammar rule. Parser will repeat this until all the rules of the grammar have been checked. If the query is not parsed in any rule, parser will throw an error. 5: Grammar Rule will match the current token with its first token to check whether query is parsable under the rule. 6: If current token matches with the first token, rule will create the Java Class Object representing the Grammar Rule.

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7: Grammar rule will pass the remaining token to its Sub-rule for parsing. Sub-rule will repeat the above steps to parse the remaining tokens. 8: Sub-rule will return the java class object corresponding to it. 9: Rule will set the sub-rule Java Class object in its Java Class object to create a tree type object. The tree type object will have the contents of the query represented in terms of Java objects. 10 & 11: Parser will return the Java class object to server Class Generation for Parsing Rules

Class Generator Class generator will give call to grammar rule to generate java class file Rule will generate classes for its Sub-rule Sub-rule will return the name of the java class generated

Grammar Rule

Sub Rule Sub Rule Java Class

Java Class

1: generate class 2: generate class Repeat for all 3: create java class Sub-Rule 4: return java class name

Rule will define the variables corresponding to sub-rules Rule will generate the name of its java class file Rule will create the physical file according to java language

5: define sub-rule variable

6: generate java class name 7: define java class 8: set sub-rule variables

Rule will set the sub-rules variables in the physical file

Figure 50: Interaction Diagram - Class Generation for Parsing Rules

Flow Explanations: 1: Class generator will give a call to Grammar rule to generate Java class corresponding to the rule. 2: Grammar rule will ask its sub-rule to generate their java classes. 3: Sub rule will create java class. 4: Sub rule will return the name of java class generated by it.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


5: Grammar rule will define a variable corresponding to the sub-rule using the java class name returned and type of the sub rule. Types of sub-rule can be: Repititive - Sub-rule can have 1 or more occurrences Optional – Optionally sub-rule may have occured in a query Combinational - Sub-rule consists of many rules. 6: Grammar rule will generate the name of the java class using the rule definition. 7: Grammar rule will create a java class file corresponding to it. 8: Rule will set the sub-rule variables in the java class file for all the sub-rules.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.


Parser System CLASS DIAGRAMS: Class Diagram: Classes ParseException


CharacterStringLiteralGrammarRule MultipleOptionGrammarRule



















Figure 51: Class Diagram – ParserSystem

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Classes: Parser ( ) Parser is responsible for parsing the query using the GrammarRule. Parser uses GrammarRuleFactory to create the GrammarRule objects. GrammarRule ( ) GrammarRule is an abstract class representing a rule of SQL grammar. GrammarRule is responsible for parsing the SQL query and creating the object of class and loading the content of query in it. GrammarRule also manages its sub-rules and query is parsed in a recursive fashion. GrammarRuleComparable ( ) GrammarRuleComparable is an abstract class extending GrammarRule. It is created when the starting token of a rule can be compared and a decision can be taken if a query will be parsed in this rule. DaffodilClassLoader ( ) DaffodilClassLoader extends Java class loader to load the class corresponding to grammar rules. Classes are loaded when a grammar rule is parsed and rule creates an instance of that class. Every grammar rule has the reference to class loader. MultipleOptionGrammarRule ( ) MultiOptionGrammarRule represents a rule which involves multiple rules and query will be parsed if any of the rules is satisfied. This rule will create the object of the rule which is satisfied. MultipleOptionGrammarRuleComparable ( ) MultipleOptionGrammarRuleComparable represents a rule which involves multiple rules which are comparable and query will be parsed if any of the rules is satisfied. Functionality of this class is very similar to MultipleOptionGrammarRule. MultipleSubRulesGrammarRule ( ) MultipleSubRuleGrammarRule represent a grammar rule which involves multiple rules and query will be parsed only when all the rules are satisfied. This rule will create an instance of class and set the objects of sub-rules in the newly created object. MultipleSubRulesGrammarRuleComparable ( ) MultipleSubRuleGrammarRuleComparable is same as MultipleSubRuleGrammarRule except that the first sub-rule is of comparable type. OptionalGrammarRule ( ) OptionalGrammarRule represents a rule which is not mandatory in the query to be parsed. This rule returns an object if users have specified it in the query. OptionalGrammarRule always contains another grammar rule. OptionalGrammarRuleComparable ( ) OptionalGrammarRuleComparable is same as OptionalGrammarRule except that the rule contained is of comparable type.

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ParseException ( ) ParseException is raised when a query is not representing any rule. Parser throws this exception when it has checked all the rules of the grammar and found that query can't be satisfied by any rule of the grammar. RangeGrammarRule ( ) RangeGrammarRule represents a rule which contains values lying in a range. For example, digit = 0-9 will be a RangeGrammarRule whose value lies between 0 and 9 RepetitiveGrammarRule ( ) RepetitiveGrammarRule represents a grammar rule which can be repeated to specify more than one set of values. RepetitiveGrammarRule parses the query and creates an object of the class and it continues to parse the query till the rule is satisfied. RepetitiveGrammarRuleComparable ( ) RepetitiveGrammarRuleComparable is the same in RepetitiveGrammarRule except that the rule is of comparable type.



SimpleGrammarRuleComparable ( ) SimpleGrammarRuleComparable contains a comparable type of rule. SimpleGrammarRule ( ) SimpleGrammarRule represents a rule representing some token or some other rule. StringGrammarRule ( ) StringGrammarRule represents a token of the grammar. CharacterStringLiteralGrammarRule ( ) CharacterStringLiteralGrammarRule is responsible for parsing of string literal given using single quote. This class makes a token for the string literal. KeyWordGrammarRule ( ) KeyWordGrammarRule is responsible for parsing keyword of a grammar. TokenGrammarRule ( ) TokenGrammarRule ( ) is responsible for parsing Tokens. GrammarRuleFactory ( ) GrammarRuleFactory is responisble for creating GrammarRuleComparable objects corresponding to a grammar.


TokenGrammarRuleFactory ( ) TokenGrammarRuleFactory is responisble for creating GrammarRule GrammarRuleComparable objects corresponding to tokens of a grammar.

Copyright 2005 Daffodil Software Ltd.




Related Documentation Daffodil DB documentation set consists of the following guides: Daffodil DB Getting Started Guide

Daffodil DB Tools Guide

Daffodil DB System Guide

Daffodil DB SQL Reference Guide

Daffodil DB JDBC Reference Guide

Designed to help new and intermediate Daffodil DB users navigate and perform common tasks like How to start and stop Daffodil DB, Understanding key variables used by Daffodil DB, User documentation bundled with Daffodil DB. Also briefly describes Daffodil DB Editions and Tools Explains how to use Daffodil DB Browser with Embedded as well as Server versions of Daffodil DB. Describes how to perform various database operations on Daffodil DB using Daffodil DB Browser such as creating a database, creating database objects, manipulating data, creating triggers etc. Describes the architecture of Daffodil DB and provides the information that the server administrator might need to keep Daffodil DB running with high performance and reliability in a server framework or a multi-user application server. Also describes the standards on which Daffodil DB had been built, transaction capabilities and some of the unique features supported by Daffodil DB. Covers all the SQL-99 features supported by Daffodil DB. This ready reference tool describes in detail the syntax and semantics of SQL language statements and elements for Daffodil DB. It explains how to use SQL with Daffodil DB and how to perform various database operations on Daffodil DB such as creating tables or indexes, managing transactions and sessions, Daffodil DB security features etc. Explains how to use Daffodil DB and JDBC technology to develop applications. It describes the basic Daffodil DB and JDBC concepts like JDBC 3.0 features supported by Daffodil DB, how to create and access Daffodil DB databases through JDBC API, Daffodil DB support for JDBC and JTA and how to use Daffodil DB in a Distributed Transaction Processing environment.

For latest information and updates on Daffodil DB/One$DB, please see our Release Notes at: http://www.daffodildb.com/daffodil-release-notes.html

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Sign Up for Support If you have successfully installed and started working with Daffodil DB/One$DB, please remember to sign up for the benefits you are entitled to as a Daffodil DB customer. For free support, be a part of our online developer community at Daffodil Developer Forum For buying support overview.html





For more information regarding support, write to us at: [email protected]

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License Notice © 2005, Daffodil Software Limited All Rights Reserved. This manual, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. The content of this manual is for informational purpose only, and is liable to change without prior notice. Daffodil Software Limited assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this documentation. No part of this product or any other product of Daffodil Software Limited or related documentation may be stored, transmitted, reproduced or used in any other manner in any form by any means without prior written authorization from Daffodil Software Limited.

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