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By : Name Student Number Section Group Assistant

: Pratiwi Kusuma Kurniawa : B1B017007 : D1 :5 : Rahmi Mutia Mawardi





Plant cytology is the study of the shape, composition, physical and chemical properties of cells, as well as the development of cell wall. Plant cells are defined as the universal basic unit of an organic structure. The structure that distinguishes plant cells from animal cells is the presence of a cell wall which is the outermost layer of cells bordering the plasma membrane. The cell wall will give the shape of a plant cell. The cell contents are separated by the presence of cell walls. In high-level plants there are various types of cells with variations in function, structure, and composition with varying cell wall structure complexity. The constituent components of plant cells can be divided into two groups, namely non-protoplasmic components or nonliving components (Setiowati, 2007). Protoplast is stated, that a cell is said to die if the cell's lumen is no longer contained protoplast. In protoplasm contained protoplasm, namely living substance. Thus, "non- protoplasmic objects in cells" means objects that are without living substance, which means also inanimate objects (Sumardi, 1993). In plant cells there are many non-protoplasmic objects, which are usually in vacuoles, in cell plasma and often in plastids. This non-protoplasmic object consists of organic or inorganic substances, can be liquid or solid. According to botanists, these non-protoplasmic objects are generally food reserves and are often found in large quantities in reserves of reserve food reserves, such as in roots, tubers, fruit, seeds and others. Non-protoplasmic objects are usually found in vacuoles, namely cavities in the cytoplasm that borders on tonoplasm. This vacuole has a purpose for regulating turgor stress, for the benefit of metabolic activities, and as a place of stockpiling of unused materials, which is the end result of metabolism. Some of the ergas are known for their functions, some are unknown (Sutrian, 2004).

II. OBJECTIVES The objectives of Cytology II laboratory activity is observing of non-living substances, such as Ca-oxalate and amylum.

III. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Materials Equipments used in Cytology II laboratory activity are microscope, object glass, cover glass, temporary report, razor, pipette, and light microscope. Objects used in Cytology II laboratory activity are longitudinal section of costa Carica papaya (papaya), cross section of petiole Colocasia esculenta (taro), starch of Solanum tuberosum (potato), and starch of Zea mays (corn). B. Methods Methods used on Cytology II laboratory activity are: 1. A thin longitudinal section of costa Carica papaya are made, the placed it on the center of clean objects glass and place a small drops of water, and covered with cover glass, 2. A thin cross section of petiole Colocasia esculenta are made, then placed on the center of clean objects glass then place a small drops of water, and covered with cover glass, 3. Each starch of Solanum tuberosum and Zea mays are taken, the fluid that come out (starch grains) are placed on the object glass, place a small drops of water, and covered with cover glass, 4. Starting with a 45 angle, gently lower a cover slip into the microscope slide, 5. Observed under the microscope, starting with the lowest magnification (40x) and switching to the next higher power objective, 6. A sketch of cells are drawn, and give some description.


Description: 1. Ca oxalate drusen shape



Image 1. Longitudinal Section Costa of Carica papaya (Papaya) magnification 400x Description: 1.

Ca oxalate crystal raphides shape


Image 2. Cross Section Petiole Colocasia esculenta (Taro) magnification 400x

Description: 1. Hilum 2. Lamella 3. Amylum

2 3 1

Type of starch : Eccentric

Image 3. Strach of Solanum tuberosum. L magnification 400 x Description: 1. Hilum 2. Lamella 3. Amylum

Type of starch: Concentric

3 1 2

Image 4. Starch of Zea mays (Corn) magnification 400 x

B. Discussion Ergastic substance are non-protoplasmic materials. Located in the cytoplasm, cell wall, and vacuole. In ergastic body cells can be found carbohydrates (starch), protein (aleurones and gluten), lipids (waxes, chitin, and suberin), and crystals (crystals of oxalate and silica). Ergastic objects have many functions for cells, such as food storage, for example starch. Maintenance of the structure (wax and protection), for example the presence of Ca oxalate crystal in a plant tissue can cause an allergic reaction to the animal that eats it, so that the animal will not desire to touch it for the second time (Konyar et al., 2014). Non-protoplasmic components, based on their nature can be distinguished into liquid and solid. Non-protoplasmic components (ergastic substance) that are liquid are found in vacuoles. Ergastic substances that are liquid will include: cell fluids, oils, and fats, volatile oils in plant cells, known as etheric and dammar oils (harsa) (Purnobasuki, 2011). Ergastic substances that are solid are certainly more tangible than those that are liquid, because the solid ones are usually in the form of granules or crystals. These granules or crystals are formed as the end result of metabolism (exchange of substances) in plants. Some are formed due to the deposition of liquid food reserves, so that it is in the form of granules. Below will only be mentioned about Ca-oxalate crystals, an-organic crystals, starch and aleuron grains. Ca-oxalate crystals are usually present in cortical cells but are not uncommon in parenchymal phloem cells and xylem parenchyma (Melisa, 2018). Another component that arranged ergastic substance are tannin (a heterogeneous group of phenol derivatives, usually related to glucosides. Tannin found abundant in the leaves of much plants in the xylem, in the testa of seeds and in pathological growth like galls), Saponin (the occurrence of saponin is rare and wherever present, they apparently remain to one or two organs, saponin is observed in the upper and lower epidermis, midrib parenchyma of leaves), glycoside (are the degradation product of carbohydrates, glycosides were observed in the upper and lower epidermis and midrib pith parenchyma of leaves also found in the cells of cortex parenchyma and pith parenchyma cells of root), alkaloids (are degradation of protein; were observed in the cells of mesophyll, mid-rib and phloem parenchyma of leaves; cortex, xylem parenchyma, vascular bundle and scattered cells of medullary rays of stem and cortex, xylem parenchyma and pith parenchyma of root) (Rahul & Kadam, 2017).

Based on the hilum location, starch items can be divided into two, namely: concentric and eccentric. Concentric has the characteristics of the hilum in the middle, where the lamella surrounds the hilum. Concentric starch grains are widely found in cassava plants, such as in sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas), cassava (Manihot utilissima), and others. Eccentric, hilum is located on the edge, where the lamella surrounds the hilum. Generally the shape of these kinds of starch is oval and never round, many are found in plant cells such as potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). Based on the number of hilum can be divided into three, namely: monoadelph, diadelph, and polyadelph. Monoadelph, in a starch there is only one hilum. For example: starch grains in yams, cassava, wheat and others. Diadelph, there are two hilum, each of which is surrounded by lamella, but then the lamella form around it. For example: starch grains on potatoes. Polyadelph, each item has more than one hilum and each hilum is surrounded by lamella which are separated from each other, if the amount is crammed into the cell, the sides form an angle. For example in some plants such as corn and rice (Sutrian, 2004). Some forms of calcium oxalate crystals that can be found in certain plant cells include: Druse form, a crystal in the form of a gland or globuse masses or druse. This form is only found in certain cells. The shape is often irregular, can be like a star, round, or other form. This form of calcium oxalate crystal can be found in cells papaya leaf stalk fiber (Carica papaya), and its presence often fills the cell lumen. Regular prism form, usually found in cells under the epidermis of orange leaves (Citrus sp.). The shape of the needle, can be found on the leaves of four o'clock flowers (Mirabilis jalapa). Small granules often called sand crystals can be found on the spinach leaf stalks (Amaranthus sp.). The form of raphides, or the form of needles arranged in parallel, can be found on the skin of palm fruit (Arenga pinnata), that is in the cells of the part of the parenchymal tissue (Kartasapoetra, 1991). Based on the results of the practicum we have done to observe ergastic substances from several preparations, the results are as follows: when viewed from under the microscope, longitudinal section of the costa Carica papaya has an ergastic substance in the form Ca oxalate crystal druse shape. This is in accordance with Kartasapoetra (1991), that Ca oxalate crystal which have druse shape can be found in the costa (leaf stalk fiber) of Carica papaya. Cross section of petiole Colocasia esculenta, when observed under a microscope shows that Colocasia esculenta has an ergastic substance in the form of Ca oxalate crystal raphides shape. This is in

accordance with Venugopal (2016), that Colocasia esculenta is included in plants that has Ca oxalate crystal with raphides shape. On starch of Solanum tuberosum preparation, we can seen hilum and lamella which are parts of amylum, when viewed more closely the starch type of Solanum tuberosum is the eccentric type. This is in accordance with Sutrian (2004), that generally eccentric type many found in plant cells such as potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). On starch of Zea mays preparation, we can seen hilum and lamella which are parts of amylum, when viewed more closely the starch type of Zea mays is concentric type. This is in accordance with Venugopal (2016), that Zea mays included in plants that has concentric type of starch.

V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion Based on the result and discussion, it can be conclude that the longitudinal section of costa Carica papaya has Ca-oxalate crystal druse shape, cross section of petiole Colocasia esculenta has Ca-oxlate raphides shape, starch of Solanum tuberosum has eccentric starch type, and starch of Zea mays has concentric starch type. B. Suggestion The suggestion for this practicum is in making preparations must be correct according to the procedure, for example in slicing the material must be as thin as possible so that it looks under the microscope and the microscope used should be really in good condition and good so that in making observations preparations are clearly visible.

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