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SANJAY K. MISHRA Senior Res. Fellow

Laser Plasma Theory Group Attosecond strong Field Science Division ELI-ALPS, Szeged-HU E mail: [email protected] Contact: +36 7059 12 905 Date of Birth: May 15, 1982

Active research areas Plasma physics:

Sheath physics (DC/ RF), Attention to sheath heating (collisional/ stochastic) Fluid/ kinetic modeling of Weibel like instabilities (FI / ICF concepts) (Relevance to running projects) Basic physics, Kinetics, crystal structures, Soft matters, application to space and industries, Ionospheric modeling, Space objects & plasma influence. Specific attention to Space Debris removal Utility of Advanced materials towards alternative energy sources and space/ technological applications Plasma Mirrors, Short Pulse amplification, Non-linear propagation of EM waves/ particle heating & acceleration in plasmas and other nonlinear medium (relativistic/ non-relativistic regime)

Complex (Dusty) plasmas:

Laser-plasma interaction:

Remarks Research Publications (International) Conferences/ seminars contributions Citations H-Index / I-10 Index Impact factor (Average)

82 (In total) :: 48 since Jan. 2013 ~ 40 (National & International platforms) ~750 (Source: Google Scholars) 15/ 25 (Source: Google Scholars) ~2.5

Academic/ Research Appointments Sept.2015 to Cont.… Jan.2012 to Aug.2015 Dec. 2009 to Dec.2011 July 2009 to Dec. 2009 Sept. 2008 to June 2009

Jan 2007 to Aug. 2008

Senior Researcher (Sr. Research Fellow) ELI-ALPS, Szeged, Hungary Visiting Scientist (VS) Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, INDIA Research Associate (RA), Department of Science & Technology (DST) DST Funded project, Govt. of India @ Lucknow University, INDIA Senior Research Fellow (SRF), Department of Science & Technology (DST) DST Funded project, Govt. of India @ Lucknow University, INDIA Project Scientist, Ramanna Fellowship Program Department of Science and Technology (DST) DST Funded project, Govt. of India @ Lucknow University, INDIA Junior Research Fellow (JRF), Department of Science & Technology (DST) DST Funded project, Govt. of India @ Lucknow University, INDIA

Academic Background Ph. D

Physics, Lucknow University, INDIA. Awarded: Dec. 2009, Defended: Oct.2009, Submitted: Apr.2009. Doctoral Thesis: Nonlinear propagation of EM beams in plasma Advisors: Prof. M. S. Sodha and Prof. P. Tandon


Qualified - June 2006 (An eligibility test for research/ lectureship in Indian Universities)

Masters (M. Sc.) Bachelor (B. Sc.)

Physics, DDU Gorakhpur University, INDIA (2005), First Division with 69% marks Physics, Maths & Chemistry, VBS Purvanchal University, INDIA (2003), First Division with 74% marks

Intermediate (10+2)

U. P. Board (1998), First Division with 70% marks

High School (10th)

U. P. Board (1996), First Division with 79% marks

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Award/ Honors/ Fellowships/ Recognitions 2015





2007/ 2009


 Senior Research Fellow (Visiting position) in ELI-ALPS, Laser Plasma Theory Group, Attosecond Strong Field Science Division, ELI-ALPS Szeged, Hungary (Availed: Sept.02).  Research Fellowship (Visiting position) in MOST-Project @ Institute of Space and Plasma Sciences, NCKU, Taiwan (Not Availed).  Department of Nuclear & Quantum Engineering, Plasma Physics Division, KAIST, South Korea (July 05-11).  Postdoc Research Fellowship (Visiting position) at IPR, funded by US Air Force Research Lab (Hawaii) & Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India (Jan.2014-July 2015).  Editorial Board JMSSE (Since Dec.2013)  High Energy Density Science (HEDS) in Asia, Busan, South Korea (Jan.19-22).  International Conference on Physics of Dusty Plasmas (ICPDP 2014), New Delhi, India (Mar.03-07).  Centre for Energy Studies (CES), IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India (May.27).  Postdoc Research Fellowship (Visiting position) at IPR, funded by Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Govt. of India (Jan.2012-Jan.2014)  Editorial board JEMAA (2012-13)  INSA, New Delhi India (Dec.12-13)  International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy (Oct.01-12).  Physical research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, India (Feb.28-29)  Institute for Plasma Research (IPR), Gandhinagar, India (Nov.07-08)  Max Plank Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE), Garching, Germany (May15-31)  Plasma Acceleration (FLA) Group, DESY, Hamburg, Germany (Jan.23-Feb.02)  DST Grant to visit ICTP Meet 2010 (College on Plasma Physics), Trieste, Italy.  Postdoc Research Fellowship, Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India (Apr.2009-Dec.2011)  Research Fellowship (for Ph.D), Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India (JRF:2007 & SRF: 2009)  Deptt. of Education & Physics, Lucknow University, Lucknow, India (Nov.19-25, 2007)  Physical research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, India (Jan.08-11, 2007) CSIR-NET (*: Invited research/ academic visits)

Specific Research findings/ contributions Dusty (Complex) plasmas  Prediction of quantum enhancement of thermionic, photoelectric and field emission currents from negatively charged metallic surfaces.  Prediction of a new charging mechanism: accretion through tunneling viz. inverse tunneling effect.  Derivation of the expressions for emission rates and mean energy of electrons from cylindrical particles.  Comprehensive modeling of the charging kinetics of complex plasmas including the balance of number & energy of the plasma constituents.  Prediction of the most ordered crystal structure formation in near earth space plasma.  Development of statistical mechanics of complex plasma for the charge distribution over dust particles.  Development of Uniform potential Theory, applicable to size distribution of dust particles.  Explanation of the natural phenomena of electron bite out, charge distribution and disappearance of PMSE structures in mesospheric layers at NLC altitude (Noctilucent clouds).  Explanation of observed charge (& distribution) in Saturn rings, cometary plasma and inter-planetary/-stellar space through kinetic modeling.  Explanation of the observed phenomenon of opposite charging of small and large grains in near earth space.  Countering communication blackout in rocket exhaust by spraying water.  Ionospheric plasma density modification for desired RF-signal processing by inserting fine dust grains in Elayer. The model further advanced to the F-layer using novel diffusion aspect,

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 Reduction of electron emission current from dust due to plasma shielding.  Comprehensive modeling of photoelectron sheath on lunar surface & dust levitation: collisionless & collisional regime.  Prediction of asymmetric photoelectron sheath over spherical objects in near earth space.  Concept of precursor solitons in upstream region, induced by moving debris objects in LEO region & introduction of detection scheme for small size (~cm) debris objects.  Dynamical modeling of meteor showering in day time earth atmosphere.  Theory: Statistical distribution of charge in a complex plasma having dust with a size distribution.  Prediction of sustenance (i.e. life time) of cylindrical/ spherical particles around SOL region in fusion devices.  Theory: Thermionic sheath formation on 2-d graphene sheet.  Prediction of optimum conversion efficacy utilizing cathode based Graphene in a TC configuration.  Proposal of FLG based thermionic converters  Theory of electron emission from coated surfaces  Analytical modeling of photoelectron sheath on lunar surface & dust levitation: inclusion of solar wind on sheath kinetics.  Kinetic modeling of laser irradiated nanoparticles cloud: operating regime for nanoparticles sustenance below sublimation threshold.  Plasma physics  Collimation of fast electron beams by modifying the background plasma density by ripples.  Emission induced cooling of boundary region surfaces in magnetic fusion devices.  Concept of emission induced cooling & thermionic divertors in toroidal magnetic fusion devices.  Verification of the existence of transient field structures in linear/ non-linear regime in CCP discharges via PIC simulation.  Derivation of expression for stochastic sheath heating in CCP discharge for non-sinusoidal wave form.  Control over ion energy over sheath by tuning the middle frequency in triple frequency RF discharge: analytical modelling + pic verification.  NL Laser plasma interaction  Higher order paraxial Theory: prediction of the condition & region for the bright/ dark rings formation in selffocusing region.  Development of a paraxial like approach, applicable to the off axis intensity profiles (e.g. DHGBs).  Weakening of NL effects in case of multi-ion plasma.  Enhancement in filament intensity via coupling of annular & Gaussian modes.  Recombination (e-i) assisted enhanced NL effects in tunnel ionized plasma.  A concept of invoking NL effect in X-ray regime by using beams with finite initial curvature.  Temperature dependence of plasma generation/ annihilation: A novel source of plasma nonlinearity in collisional regime; prediction of reduced non-linear effects due to this novel aspect.  Theory: Reflection of short pulses from plasma mirrors: Consistent to ELI-Alps setup.  Parametric configuration for resonant BRAmp installation to intensify weak-short secondary pulses of ELI-Alps facility. BRA scheme for pulse amplification in short wavelength regime.  An analysis describing the short/ ultra-short pulse reflection from plasma mirrors  A novel approach of describing the diffusion in ionospheric F-layer.  (*Detail research activities can be found on Page-04 onwards) Analytical/ Computational/ Numerical Skills Physics/ Math’s Computational Programming language Scientific software

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Theoretical/ Mathematical modeling: Complex plasmas, Plasma physics & NL propagation of EM waves in plasmas/ NL media. Numerical methods/ Analysis. C/C++ MATHEMATICA, MATLAB, Origin, SPIS (PIC simulation),

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Med-103 1D HD code, LPIC+++ Rel. em 1D pic code Windows/ Ubuntu


Relevance of my research experience to the host group/ Institution The work so far is primarily based on physics principles/ basic concepts and analytical/ numerical modelling; following skills/ strengths may be of interest to the group/ institution  Experience in theoretical/ analytical modelling of the physical systems.  Understanding of basic charging processes in dusty plasmas, specifically emission/ accretion mechanisms.  Pioneering work in the understanding of Complex plasma kinetics.  Understanding in linear/ nonlinear interaction processes and transport mechanisms in plasmas.  Familiarity in application of electromagnetic theory, particularly the parabolic equation, commonly applicable in theoretical/ numerical modelling.  Basic physics understanding of the sheath dynamics in RF CCP discharges.  Comfortable with numerical computations & knowledge of SPIS (Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Software) PIC simulation. Firm handling with Med-103 Hydrodynamic code and LPIC++ Relativistic em1D pic code. Personal Information Date of Birth/ Nationality Gender/ Marital Status Language Parents (Mother/ Father)

May 15, 1982/ Indian Male/ Single Hindi & English

Permanent Address Communication Address

Naukapura Colony, Lanka, Ghazipur-233001, U.P. (India)

Shrimati Madhuri Mishra/ Shri Gorakh Nath Mishra ELI-ALPS, ELI-HU Non-Profit Ltd. Dugonics tér 13, Szeged-6720, Hungary

------------------------------------------------------------------------Detail research contribution/ activities Publications (International repute): Journal articles/ book chapters/ books etc. Year: 2018 [1]



S. Madas, S. K. Mishra and M. U. Kahaly, Enhanced electron emission from coated metal targets: effect of surface thickness on performance, AIP Adv. Accepted (2018). (IF: 1.6). S. K. Mishra, M. U. Kahaly and Shikha Misra, Kinetics of laser irradiated nanoparticles cloud , Phys. Plasmas 25, 023703 (2018). (IF: 2.4) S. K. Mishra and Shikha Misra, An analytical investigation: Effect of solar wind on lunar photoelectron sheath , Phys. Plasmas 25, 023702 (2018). (IF: 2.4)

Year: 2017 [4]








S. K. Mishra, M. U. Kahaly and Shikha Misra, Efficient utilization of multilayer graphene structures towards thermionic convertors, Int. Jour. Therm. Sci. 121, 358-368 (2017). (IF: 3.6). Shikha Misra and S. K. Mishra, Propagation of short pulses in a non-uniform gas jet induced plasma, Opt. Commun. 402, 186-192 (2017). (IF: 1.5) M. U. Kahaly, Shikha Misra and S. K. Mishra, Photo-assisted electron emission from illuminated monolayer graphene, J. Appl. Phys. 121, 205110 (2017). (IF: 2.2) M. S. Sodha and S. K. Mishra, Modification of electron density in F layer of ionosphere by dust suspension , Phys. Plasmas 24, 043705 (2017). (IF: 2.4) S. K. Mishra, A. Andreev and M. P. Kalashinikov, Reflection of few cycle laser pulses from an inhomogeneous overdense plasma, Optics Express 10, 11637 (2017). (IF: 3.4) Shikha Misra, M. U. Kahaly and S. K. Mishra, Thermionic emission from monolayer graphene, sheath formation and its feasibility towards thermionic converters, J. Appl. Phys. 121, 065102 (2017). (IF: 2.2) S. Sharma, S. K. Mishra, P. K. Kaw and M. M. Turner, The effect of intermediate frequency on sheath dynamics in collisionless current driven triple frequency capacitive plasmas, Phys. Plasmas 24, 013509 (2017). (IF: 2.4) Shikha Misra, M. S. Sodha and S. K. Mishra, Self-focusing of coaxial electromagnetic beams in a plasma with electron temperature dependent electron-ion recombination coefficient, Opt. Commun. 385, 71 (2017). (IF: 1.5)

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Year: 2016 [12]






S. K. Mishra and A. Andreev, Amplification of ultra-short laser pulses via resonant Backward Raman Amplification in plasma, Phys. Plasmas 23, 083108 (2016). (IF: 2.4) Shikha Misra and S. K. Mishra, Day time flight of micrometeoroid in upper earth atmosphere, MNRAS 459, 2486 (2016). (IF: 5.1) M. S. Sodha and S. K. Mishra, Effect of collisions on photoelectron sheath in a gas, Phys. Plasmas 23, 022115 (2016). (IF: 2.4) Shikha Misra and S. K. Mishra, Charge distribution over dust particles configured with a size distribution in a complex plasmas, EPJ-D 70, 43 (2016). (IF: 1.6) Shikha Misra, S. K. Mishra and M. S. Sodha, Secondary electron emission from cylindrical particles, NASA 86, 75 (2016). (IF: 1.2) A. Sen, S. Tiwari, S. K. Mishra and Predhiman Kaw, Charging of Space Debris in the LEO and GEO regions, Report to Air Force Research Laboratory, Report No.: AFRL-AFOSR-JP-TR-2016-0008, (2016).

Year: 2015 [18]









S. K. Karkari, S. K. Mishra and P. K. Kaw, Sustenance of inhomogeneous electron temperature in a magnetized plasma column, Phys. Plasmas 22, 093704 (2015). (IF: 2.4). M.S. Sodha, R. Mishra, S. Srivastava and S. K. Mishra, Thermionic and photoelectric emission of electrons from positively charged particles in a plasma with Debye Shielding, Phys. Plasmas 22, 092107 (2015). (IF: 2.4). Shikha Misra, S. K. Mishra and M. S. Sodha, Photoelectric sheath formation around small spherical objects in space, Phys. Plasmas 22, 043705 (2015). (IF: 2.4). A. Sen, S. Tiwari, S. K. Mishra and Predhiman Kaw, Nonlinear wave excitation by orbiting charged space debris object, Advances in Space Research 56, 429 (2015). (IF: 1.35). S. Sharma, S. K. Mishra, P. K. Kaw, A. Das, N. Sirse and M. M. Turner, Sheath heating in CCP discharges via nonsinusoidal current driven sources, Plasma Sources Sci. Tech. 24, 025037 (2015). (IF: 3.05). Shikha Misra, S. K. Mishra and P. Brijesh, Coaxial Propagation of Laguerre Gaussian (LG) and Gaussian beams in a plasma, Laser & Particle Beams 33,123 (2015). (IF: 1.79) Shikha Misra and S. K. Mishra, Electron density modification in ionospheric E layer by inserting fine dust particles, Phys. Plasmas 22, 023706 (2015). (IF: 2.4) S. K. Mishra and Shikha Misra, Statistical mechanics of dust charging in a multi-ion plasma with negative and positive ionic species, Phys. Plasmas 22, 023705 (2015). (IF: 2.4) S. Sharma, S. K. Mishra, P. K. Kaw, M. M. Turner and S. K. Karkari, Effect of mass and charge of ionic species on spatiotemporal evolution of transient electric field in CCP discharges, Cont. Plasma Phys. 55, 331 (2015). (IF: 1.0)

Year: 2014 [27]




[31] [32]





S. K. Mishra, K. Avinash and Predhiman Kaw, Electron emission induced cooling of boundary region in fusion devices, Jour. Plasma Phys. 80, 863 (2014). (IF: 1.08) M. S. Sodha and S. K. Mishra, Lunar photoelectron sheath and levitation of dust particles, Phys. Plasmas 21, 093704 (2014). (IF: 2.4) S. Sharma, S. K. Mishra and Predhiman Kaw, Observations of transient electric fields in PIC simulation of capacitively coupled discharges, Phys. Plasmas 21, 073511 (2014). (IF: 2.4) S. K. Mishra and Shikha Misra, Statistical charge distribution over dust particles in a non-Maxwellian Lorentzian Plasmas, Phys. Plasmas. 21, 073706 (2014). (IF: 2.4) S. K. Mishra and M. S. Sodha, Kinetics of wet Sodium vapor complex plasma. Phys. Plasmas 21, 043703 (2014). (IF: 2.4) S. K. Mishra, Shikha Misra and M. S. Sodha, Kinetics of dust particles around SOL in fusion devices, PPCF 56, 055005 (2014). (IF: 2.4). Shikha Misra, S. K. Mishra, M. S. Sodha and V. K. Tripathi, Effect of Electron-Ion Recombination on Self-focusing/ defocusing of Laser Pulse in Tunnel Ionized Plasmas, Laser & Particle Beams 32, 21 (2014). (IF: 1.79) A. Sharma, Z. Tibai, J. Hebling and S. K. Mishra, Spatiotemporal focusing dynamics in plasmas at X-ray wavelength, Phys. Plasmas. 21, 033103 (2014). (IF: 2.4) S. K. Mishra, Predhiman Kaw, A. Das, S. Sengupta and G. Ravinadra Kumar, Stabilization of Beam Weibel Instability by Equilibrium Density Ripple, Phys. Plasmas. 21, 012108 (2014). (IF: 2.4) S. K. Mishra, ‘Kinetics of flowing complex plasmas: Chapter IV’, A book chapter in ‘Kinetics of complex plasmas’ (2014), Publisher: Springer, Authored by Prof. M. S. Sodha.

Year: 2013 [37]


Shikha Misra, S. K. Mishra and M. S. Sodha, Kinetics of complex plasma with liquid droplets, Phys. Plasmas. 20, 123701 (2013). (IF: 2.4) Shikha Misra, S. K. Mishra and M. S. Sodha, Self-focusing of a Gaussian EM beam in a Multi-ion plasma, Phys. Plasmas. 20, 103105 (2013). (IF: 2.4)

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S. K. Mishra, Shikha Misra and M. S. Sodha, Charging of dust particles in a Non-Maxwellian Lorentzian Plasma, EPJ-D 67, 210 (2013). (IF: 1.6) S. K. Mishra and A. Sharma, Spatiotemporal evolution of ponderomotive electron heating in axially inhomogeneous collisionless plasma, Phys. Plasmas 20, 073109 (2013). (IF: 2.4) A. Sharma, Shikha Misra, S. K. Mishra and I. Kourakis, Beam profile dynamics of dark hollow Gaussian laser pulses in relativistic plasma, Phys. Rev. E. 87, 063111 (2013). (IF: 2.3) Shikha Misra and S. K. Mishra, Charging kinetics of dust in interplanetary space plasma, MNRAS 432, 2985 (2013). (IF: 5.52) S. K. Mishra, Shikha Misra and M. S. Sodha, Charging and de-charging of dust particles in bulk region of an RF discharge plasma, Phys. Plasmas 20, 033705 (2013). (IF: 2.4) S. K. Mishra and M. S. Sodha, Kinetic theory of nonlinear transport phenomena in complex plasmas, Phys. Plasmas. 20, 033701 (2013). (IF: 2.4) A. Sharma, M. S. Sodha, Shikha Misra and S. K. Mishra, Thermal de-focusing of intense dark hollow Gaussian laser beams in atmosphere, Laser & particle Beams. 31, 403 (2013) (IF: 1.79) Shikha Misra, S. K. Mishra and M. S. Sodha, Modified theory of Secondary Electron Emission from spherical particles, Phys. Plasmas. 20, 013702 (2013). (IF: 2.4) S. K. Mishra, M. S. Sodha and S. Srivastava, Temperature of the interstellar Warm ionized region, Astrophysics & Space Science 344, 193 (2013). (IF: 1.7) M. P. Verma, S. K. Mishra and M. S. Sodha, Effect of inter grain attractive potential on lattice dynamics in complex plasmas, J. Plasma Phys. 79, 55 (2013). (IF: 1.08)

Year: 2012 [49]




S. K. Mishra, M. S. Sodha and Shikha Misra, Quantum effects in electron emission from and accretion on negatively charged spherical particles in a complex plasma, Phys. Plasmas. 19, 073705 (2012). (IF: 2.4) Shikha Misra, S. K. Mishra and M. S. Sodha, Effect of quantum tunneling accretion on charging of dust particles in complex plasmas, Phys. Plasmas. 19, 043702 (2012). (IF: 2.4) Shikha Misra, S. K. Mishra and M. S. Sodha, Charging of ice grains in Saturn E ring: theory and observations, MNRAS. 423, 176 (2012) (IF: 5.52) S. K. Agarwal, Shikha Misra, S. K. Mishra and M. S. Sodha, Quantum enhancement of thermionic and photoelectric electron emission from negatively charged metallic Surfaces, Can. J. Phys. 90, 265 (2012). (IF: 0.9)

Year: 2011 [53]

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S. K. Mishra, Shikha Misra and M. S. Sodha, Charge distribution over dust particles in a flowing plasma, Phys. Plasmas 18, 103708 (2011). (IF: 2.4) Shikha Misra, S. K. Mishra and M. S. Sodha, Charge Distribution in Mesospheric Clouds, AIP Conf. Proc.1397, 417 (2011). S. K. Mishra, Shikha Misra and M. S. Sodha, Impact of Mie Scattering on Charging of Dust Grains, AIP Conf. Proc.1397, 415 (2011). M. S. Sodha, Shikha Misra, S. K. Mishra and Amrit Dixit, Kinetics of polar mesospheric plasma layers: Comparison of theoretical results with observations, Phys. Plasmas 18, 083708 (2011). (IF: 2.4) M. S. Sodha and S. K. Mishra, Validity of Saha’s equation of thermal ionization for negatively charged spherical particles in dust clouds in thermal equilibrium, Phys. Plasmas 18, 044502 (2011). (IF: 2.4) S. K. Mishra, Shikha Misra and M. S. Sodha, Self-focusing of a Gaussian electromagnetic beam in a complex plasma, Phys. Plasmas 18, 043702 (2011). (IF: 2.4) M. S. Sodha, S. K. Mishra and Shikha Misra, Nonlinear dependence of the complex plasma parameters on applied electric field, Phys. Plasmas 18, 023701 (2011). (IF: 2.4) M. S. Sodha, S. K. Mishra and Shikha Misra, Kinetics of complex plasmas having dust of different materials with corresponding size distribution, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.39, 1141 (2011). (IF: 1.04) M. S. Sodha, S. Srivastava and S. K. Mishra, Role of the image force in the charging of dust grains in complex plasmas, J. Plasma Phys. 77, 529 (2011). (IF: 1.08). M. S. Sodha, S. K. Mishra and Shikha Misra, Kinetics of illuminated complex plasmas considering Mie scattering by spherical dust particles with a size distribution, Jour. Appl. Phys. 109, 013303 (2011). (IF: 2.31) [A brief press release on work by AIP Journal Editors indicating its relevance to science community]. M. S. Sodha, S. K. Mishra and Shikha Misra, Statistical Mechanics of distribution of charge on particles in complex plasmas, Phys. Scripta 83, 015502 (2011). (IF: 1.08)

Year: 2010 [64]


M. S. Sodha, Shikha Misra and S. K. Mishra, Kinetics of complex plasmas having spherical dust particles with a size distribution, Phys. Plasmas. 17, 113705 (2010) (IF: 2.4) M. S. Sodha, S. K. Mishra, Shikha Misra and S. Srivastava, Fluctuation of Charge on dust particles in a complex plasma, Phys. Plasmas 17, 073705 (2010). (IF: 2.4)

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M. S. Sodha, S. K. Mishra and Shikha Misra, Role of tunneling accretion on negatively charged dust particles, Phys. Lett. A 374, 3376 (2010). (IF: 2.2) M. S. Sodha, Shikha Misra and S. K. Mishra, Kinetics of Cometary plasma, Plasma Sources Sci. Tech. 19, 045022 (2010) (IF: 2.685). M. S. Sodha, S. K. Mishra, Shikha Misra and S. Srivastava, Hysteresis in photoelectric charging of dust particles in a complex plasma, Phys. Plasmas. 17, 053706 (2010) (IF: 2.4) M. S. Sodha, Shikha Misra, S. K. Mishra and S. Srivastava, Growth of embryonic dust particles in a complex plasma, J. Appl. Phys. 107, 103307 (2010). (IF: 2.31) M. S. Sodha, Shikha Misra and S. K. Mishra, Charging of dust particles in an illuminated open complex plasma, Phys. Plasmas, 16, 123705 (2009); Errata 17, 049902 (2010). (IF: 2.4) M. S. Sodha, A. Dixit, Sweta Srivastava, S. K. Mishra, M. P. Verma and L. Bhasin, Charge distribution of particles in an irradiated dust cloud, Plasma Sources Sci. Tech. 19, 015006 (2010). (IF: 3.05)

Year: 2009 [72]








M. S. Sodha, S. K. Mishra and Shikha Misra, Generation and accretion of electrons in complex plasmas with cylindrical particles, Phys. Plasmas, 16, 123701 (2009). (IF: 2.4) M. S. Sodha, Shikha Misra and S. K. Mishra, Growth of a ring ripple on a Gaussian electromagnetic beam in a plasma with relativistic-ponderomotive nonlinearity, Laser & Particle Beams 27, 689 (2009). (IF: 1.79) Shikha Misra and S. K. Mishra, Focusing of dark hollow Gaussian electromagnetic beam in a plasma with relativisticponderomotive regime, Prog. Electromagnetic Res. (PIER) 16, 291 (2009). (IF: 4.735) Shikha Misra and S. K. Mishra, Focusing of a ring ripple on a Gaussian electromagnetic beam in a magnetoplasma, J. Plasma Phys. 75, 545 (2009). (IF: 1.08) M. S. Sodha, S. K. Mishra and Shikha Misra, Focusing of dark hollow Gaussian electromagnetic beam in a magnetoplasma, J. Plasma Phys. 75, 731 (2009). (IF: 1.08) Shikha Misra and S. K. Mishra, Ring formation of electromagnetic beams propagating in a magnetoplasma, J. Plasma Phys. 75, 769 (2009). (IF: 1.08) M. S. Sodha, S. K. Mishra and Shikha Misra, Focusing of dark hollow Gaussian beams in a plasma, Laser & particle beams 27, 57 (2009). (IF: 1.79) M. S. Sodha, S. K. Mishra and S. K. Agarwal, Nonlinear propagation, Self-modulation and Faraday rotation of electromagnetic beams in the ionosphere, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 37, 375 (2009). (IF: 1.04)

Year: 2007-08 [80]



Shikha Misra and S. K. Mishra, On focusing of a ring ripple on a Gaussian electromagnetic beam in a plasma, Phys. Plasmas 15, 092307 (2008) (IF: 2.437). M. S. Sodha, S. K. Mishra and S. K. Agarwal, Self-focusing and cross focusing of Gaussian electromagnetic beams in fully ionized Collisional magnetoplasma, Phys. Plasmas 14, 112302 (2007). (IF: 2.4) M. Faisal, S. K. Mishra, M. P. Verma and M. S. Sodha, Ring formation in self-focusing of electromagnetic beams in plasmas, Phys. Plasmas 14, 103103 (2007). (IF: 2.4)


*(IF: Impact Factor)

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