Cursor Helping

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 472
  • Pages: 6
Thise-bo o k that hasbeencreated byS A K RK ids for Titles4E isabo ut how any o necanpick thecurso rstheyw ant to use. It usesA do beReader w hichy o u m ighthaveo n y o ur co m puter,o r m ight get o r upgradefro m http://w w w .ado m /. No w ,go o n,pro ceed to next pagew herey o u’ll get to learnhow to select a curso r for Windo w sXP. Fo r o ther platform s,runsearcheso n http://go o m /o r o nhttp://w w w .y ahoo .co m /.

F irst o fall,y o u’vego t to besureabo ut ify o u do haveany curso rspresent o ny o ur sy stem — y o u can’t ask theco m puter to display a nonexistent curso r!Under m o st Windo w splatform s,y o u m ayrunsearcheso fthe co m puter fro m thestart m enu.Ify o u w ant to ,search for “.cur” (static curso rs) o r for “.ani” (anim ated curso rs) . Yo u canalso lo o k for a few curso rsby click ing hereo r do w nlo ad Titles4E co ntestant curso rsby click ing here. O ncey o u’vego t thecurso r(s) ,go to next page.

No w ,y o u should o peny o ur sy stem ’sC o ntro l Panel.Yo u areentirelyrespo nsiblefor any changes y o u m ak eintheC o ntro l Panelexcept w hat w eare teaching y o u here. Inthe C o ntro l Panel, select “Mo use”, thenP o inters. Click o n B ro w se.

Thenselect thecurso r y o u w ant.Click “O pen” to co nfirm y o ur selection.Thisishow y o u’veselected y o ur No rm al curso r.D o thesam ew ithanyo fthecurso rsy o u w ant,thenclick “O K ”.Thisw ill applyy o ur changesand clo sethew indo w . Yo u canalso try a S chem ecreated byWindo w s o r a custo m ized S chem ebyselecting o nein thebo x.To createa schem e,first pick thecurso rsy o u w ant lo w er inthew indo w ,thenclick “S aveA s...” and give it a nam e.Click o n“O K ” to savey o ur changesand clo sethew indo w .

Fo r any feedback ,rem ark s,suggestionso r dem ands(and questions) ,m ail usat sak rk ids@ gm m ,o r m ail Titles 4E at titles4e@ gm m . Mail thecreato r and m anager o f S A K RK ids? and Titles4E ,w ho also created this,m ail him o n geo rgesak r3@ hotm m . Thank y o u for using o ur sitedo w nlo ads! S A K RK ids?.

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