Cure Your Heartburn

  • May 2020
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Congratulations!! On What Is Going To Be “A New You” You are about to experience a new life that is free of heartburn and acid reflux!

First of all I would like to thank you for purchasing a copy of my ebook “Cure Your Heartburn”. Although the book is not 2 or 3 hundred pages long, the information that it contains will help you understand your digestive system, why you experience heartburn, G.E.R.D. or acid reflux, and what you can do to stop it. Before we get started, let's take a look at the terminology the medical community uses to describe digestive problems. What is Heartburn? Heartburn is a burning sensation, which is felt primarily in your chest behind your breastbone. Because this feeling or sensation is felt in the center of your chest near your heart, the medical community has termed this condition as “heartburn.” Sometimes the pain is so bad it feels like your having a heart attack. If your pain persists for any length of time or the pain is extending out to your arm or jaw, you should seek medical help immediately. What is reflux or acid reflux? It is the medical term given for any stomach contents when they overcome the Lower Esophageal Sphincter valve at the end of your esophagus, and then enter into the esophagus. Whether it is the actual liquid, or the acidic stomach gases, it is still reflux. Even a simple burp or vomiting would be classified as reflux.


What is G.E.R.D.? G.E.R.D. or "Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease" is not a disease at all, but rather plain old reflux, with a fancy name. This can be a result of a faulty "Lower Esophageal Sphincter" valve that is damaged and swollen, and fails to close properly. Or it could be a stomach problem, such as Gastritis, (sore and inflamed stomach) H.pylori bacterium (a food or water-borne bacteria that presents in the stomach) Peptic Ulcers, or just being overly acidic. All of these things can increase the pressure in the stomach, and increased pressure will force the "Lower Esophageal Sphincter" valve to open, just enough to allow reflux. What is Indigestion? It is a general term for burping or belching, stomach ache, gas, flatulence or just being too acidic. Upset stomach can also be brought on by feelings such as rage, fear, or impatience. Some of the most common causes of indigestion are Candidacies, ( yeast infection) food allergies, H.pylori bacterium, Gastritis (inflamed stomach) dairy products, gastric or duodenum ulcers. There are basically two things that cause reflux: (1) Your "Lower Esophageal Sphincter" valve has sustained some damage and fails to close properly, allowing the acidic stomach fumes or gases to reflux and enter your esophagus. (2) You have a stomach problem that is increasing the pressure in your stomach, it will force the Lower Esophageal Sphincter valve open and allow the acidic stomach gases to reflux into your esophagus. If you have a damaged esophagus when this reflux occurs, you will experience a pain or burning sensation in your chest when these acidic gases come in contact with this damage.

Lower Esophageal Sphincter or L.E.S. The Lower Esophageal or L.E.S. is situated between the lower end of the esophagus, and the top of the stomach. The L.E.S. is a little ring of muscle that is forced open when you swallow, and permits the food or drink to enter


your stomach. After the food or drink passes through the LES it immediately closes up again to prevent the stomach contents from re-fluxing or entering the esophagus. Much like a pressure valve, the LES function is to hold the stomach pressure back and prevent reflux. Your L.E.S. is also a very delicate organ that can easily be damaged by swallowing harsh and crunchy foods that have not been completely chewed up properly. When the L.E.S. valve is damaged it can also become swollen and then fails to close-up tightly, allowing the stomach gases to seep by and reflux into your esophagus. The moment that you put food into your mouth and begin to start chewing, the salivary glands start producing saliva. The saliva mixes with the food to make it moist, which aids in swallowing. The more we chew our food the more we extract the vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function properly. It is the saliva, which helps lubricate the "Upper Esophageal Sphincter" and the "Esophagus", so the food will move easier down your food pipe, on its journey to the stomach. A little sip of water will also aid in swallowing. When you swallow, the esophagus performs a wavy-squeezing action that actually squeezes the food down toward your stomach. The medical term for this procedure is called “peristalsis”. If you picture cutting the end off a sausage and then squeezing it you will see how the contents of the sausage exit, leaving the casing empty. That is basically how the esophagus moves the food down towards the L.E.S. and then into the stomach. The walls of the esophagus are made up of very smooth and delicate cells, which can be damaged easily, if they are abused. As the food moves down through your esophagus it will come to a valve-like organ called the Lower Esophageal Sphincter or LES.


The food has to squeeze through this tight little valve before it enters the stomach, and then it closes up tightly again to keep the contents of the stomach in place. The L.E.S. also acts like a pressure release valve. When you consume too much food or drink the pressure in your stomach increases. This increase in pressure, also increases the pressure being exerted on your L.E.S. and too much pressure will force the valve open. When this happens the stomach gases will reflux into your esophagus. Once in the stomach, the food goes into an acidic environment, for further digestion. The stomach contains hydrochloric acid and also acidic gases, all of which are under constant pressure. Therefore the pressure from the stomach is always being exerted on the L.E.S. If the L.E.S. is not functioning properly, it will be forced open just enough to allow the acidic gases from your stomach, to reflux into the esophagus. When this happens you will have pressure building up in your chest. When the pressure builds up too much, the "Upper Esophageal Sphincter" valve or the U.E.S. will be forced open and a flow of rushing gas will exit your mouth in the form of a burp or belch. This action not only reduces the chest and stomach pressure, but also reduces the pressure being applied to the LES valve. The result is less pain and pressure until the next time you reflux.

How the L.E.S. Gets Damaged The (LES) is a sphincter muscle which is forced open just enough to let the swallowed food squeeze by and enter our stomach. Then the valve immediately tightens up again to prevent the reflux of acidic gases or food. The human body has 3 sphincter valves and they all work about the same way. Whether the “squeezed” food is coming or going the valve only opens enough to let the contents pass through. Sharp edges and all. Ouch! Let’s just say that you ate a harsh type of food. By harsh I mean crunchy foods, such as Mexican chips, pretzels, crackers, cereal, chips, bacon, nuts,


cookies, popcorn, toast, fried chicken, etc. All of this food has to be squeezed down the old food pipe, through the LES and into the stomach, and any sharp unchewed pieces are going to cause damage both to the esophagus and LES valve. Take a break for a minute, and go to the kitchen and get yourself a cracker. Then crunch the cracker up in your hand, and squeeze real tight. Do you feel the little sharp edges poking into your hand? Remember that the skin on your hand is many times tougher than the cells of your esophagus or L.E.S. Let’s get back to the harsh stuff we were eating and squeezing down the old food pipe. If those harsh foods that you just swallowed are not chewed up really fine, they are going to cause problems. The unchewed pieces of food are going to be scratching the smooth muscle wall cells of your esophagus, as they are being pushed down by peristalsis. The food isn’t falling down there, it is being squeezed down! Remember this when you are trying to swallow too much at a time. Now the food is about to be pushed through your L.E.S. Remember when we said that the "Lower Esophageal Sphincter" is a little ring of muscle that briefly opens to let the food squeeze by? And we also said that it is a very delicate little organ. Well those same little sharp unchewed bits of harsh foods are going to be scratching your L.E.S. also. If you continue not to chew your food up properly you will cause even more damage. Over a short period of time this constant scratching, scratching of your esophagus by these sharp little bits of food, is going to cause deep raw scratches in your esophagus. They will be like open sores and very sensitive to things that are acidic. Think that would give you heartburn? I know that it does to me. Yes, I can still experience heartburn, especially if I eat some harsh or crunchy type foods and don't chew them up properly. I am sure that you have eaten peanuts or other foods that do not digest very well and when the sharp little pieces exit your body they can actually cut and injure your large intestine and damage your anal sphincter valve.


Now lets assume for a minute that you gulp your food down and hardly ever chew it up properly. What you are doing is swallowing sharp little pieces of scratchy food day after day. And the more you fail to chew your food properly, the more damage will occur to your esophagus and LES valve. The damage that we are most concerned about is the damage to the L.E.S. If your L.E.S. gets damaged enough it will become inflamed and swollen and won’t close properly. If your L.E.S. valve fails to close properly, the acidic stomach gases will reflux up through the valve and start burning those little open sores that the harsh foods caused in your esophagus. Do you think if this cycle continues your esophagus and L.E.S. will suffer even more damage? Well you’re right! They will get damaged even more if you continue not to chew your food properly. This damage, unless corrected, will only get worse, and cause even greater health problems. Which could require surgery, or develop into Esophagitis, a Hiatal Hernia, Barrett's Esophagus, or even Cancer of the Esophagus. Those are things we definitely don’t need in our lives! The New England Journal of Medicine found that people with at least one weekly bout of heartburn are eight times more likely to develop esophageal cancer. When closed, the LES valve in normal condition, (not swollen or inflamed) maintains a higher pressure than the stomach, and will not allow the acidic gases to reflux into the Esophagus. However if it is too weak or badly damaged…it’s going to leak, or allow reflux. It is a normal function of the body, to burp and release stomach gas (acid) up through your (LES) and esophagus. When the gas pressure in the esophagus gets too high, it forces the Upper Esophageal Sphincter (UES) open and disperses the gas. This function will not cause any pain or discomfort, if the digestive organs are in good proper working order. Everybody burps!…But not everyone hurts! In other words, if


you do not have any damage to the esophagus, you will not experience any pain at all. I am sure that you have spilled vinegar on your hand. Doesn't hurt at all, does it? Even though vinegar is an acid! If you put vinegar on a cut, the pain is instant, because the vinegar (acid) is now coming in contact with an open wound, and your exposed nerve endings. Much like the acidic stomach gas does when it reaches your damaged Lower Esophageal Sphincter and the Esophagus, it causes pain and discomfort. You don’t necessarily have to have the liquid stomach acid splashing all over your scratched esophagus to experience the pain of heartburn. Even if acidic stomach gases come in contact with open sores it will hurt, and the result is you will feel a burning sensation in your chest, or what they call heartburn. At times very painful heartburn. It depends on the amount of damage you have. Now you know why you get a burning sensation when you drink things like orange juice, tomato juice or red wine. They are acidic, and even a mild acid will burn if it comes in contact with open sores. Ever notice how acidic drinks will hurt when you swallow them? The pain is usually felt when you are swallowing, because the acid is coming in contact with your sore esophagus when you are drinking acidic liquids or eating acidic foods.

How I Solved My Heartburn Problem OK, so now you know how your esophagus and L.E.S. got damaged. To correct the problem, I started by not eating any harsh foods, such as nuts, crackers, toast, popcorn, breakfast cereals, cookies, sports bars or anything else that was crunchy. If you keep on eating those crunchy foods, they will make my situation worse, and you don't want that.


If you are a smoker you should stop or at least cut back, because the chemicals in tobacco will cause pain when they come in contact with the sores in your esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter. Smoking does not cause the valve to relax like some medical people claim, but the chemicals in tobacco will cause discomfort. Try and limited your intake of coffee to one cup a day, if you can’t go without it. I couldn’t face the day without a coffee, but I found it was better not to drink the acidic beverage, because it gave me chest pain when I drank it. You only have to abstain for a few days, to give your esophagus a better chance of healing faster. If you really must have a coffee in the morning, just remember to cleanse with water afterwards to remove any acidic residue from your esophagus. I also didn't eat any spicy or acidic foods, because I felt that would only aggravate the situation and cause even more damage to the already inflamed and swollen digestive organs. Beer, alcohol, carbonated sodas and all acidic drinks were also eliminated for a few days. It’s only for a few days and then you can have a beer if you really want. I also drank a slightly warm or room temperature glass of water after every meal, to cleanse the esophagus and the LES. Cleaning the (LES) will allow it to close up tighter and help prevent the acidic gases from escaping into your tender esophagus and cause pain. If you are having chest pain or discomfort anytime during the day, simply have a glass of water, which will wash the acidic gases back down into your stomach where they belong. Then follow the water with a teaspoon of raw liquid honey or "aloe vera" juice or jell to promote faster healing. You can also have the honey before going to bed, and this will put a soothing coat on your sore esophagus, and it will continue the healing process even while you are sleeping. Be sure to cleanse with water first.


Raw liquid honey, available at health food stores is pure and unpasteurized. It not only works fast, but it has fantastic healing properties and is an excellent dressing for minor cuts, scrapes and burns. It also fights bacteria, blocks infection and combats inflammation, reducing pain and improving circulation. Honey also stimulates the re-growth of tissue, making healing faster and reducing scaring. My "Cure Your Heartburn" fast healing diet consisted of eating only soft foods like soups, soft breads, soft vegetables, fruits, eggs, mashed potatoes, cake, pasta (without tomato sauce) yogurts, pudding, Jell-O and any other foods that weren’t crunchy or contained any acid. We know that acid causes pain, and more damage, so we don’t want that. I also made sure to drink a glass of water after meals, and then took one 1 tsp. of raw honey, to promote faster healing. This program not only got rid of my heartburn in less than 5 days, it also had the same results on 1000's of others. After a few days when I started feeling better and didn't have the heartburn pain anymore, I went back to eating and drinking anything I wanted. You will too! Just make sure that you chew all crunchy food well so the sharp edges won't scratch and inflame your esophagus. Chew them up real fine, so no sharp pieces remain, before you swallow. I can’t really say for sure how long it will take to correct your heartburn problem, because I don’t know how bad your organs are damaged. Some people’s organs have more damage than others, and it may take a little longer to heal. Most people who watch what they eat, and make sure that they chew their food extra well, should experience relief and be heartburn free in a matter of days. In the future if you do happen to abuse yourself eating harsh foods and start to experience a little heartburn, you know what you have to do to correct the problem. It should only take a day or two before you are feeling great again. I have included an article on the benefits of raw honey for you. It really is a remarkable food that has great healing properties, and is very good for your overall health. Enjoy!


If for any reason you can not take honey, then you could try “Aloe Vera” which is available in health food stores. Many former sufferers have tried this and report very good results. The raw honey or Aloe Vera is only used to speed up the healing process; they are not something that you must take. By following the other instructions your problems will clear up. It just might take a little longer.

Stomach Problems Although the vast majority of people with heartburn or acid reflux have a damaged esophagus and upper and lower sphincters, there are other causes of reflux that can be looked at such as. Food Allergies: Food allergies can present the same symptoms as LPR laryngopharyngeal reflux) and sometimes are misdiagnosed as such. If you have any of these symptoms below, check and make sure that you just don't have a food allergy. Hoarseness, clearing your throat often, lots of mucus or phlegm, feeling of something stuck in your throat (globus sensation), Difficulty swallowing, heartburn, chronic cough or difficulty breathing, throat feels like it's closing up. To check if you have a food allergy or not, a person would go on a 72 hour diet of bananas, rice and applesauce. If your symptoms start to clear up then you can suspect a food allergy. H.pylori and Peptic Ulcers: You may also have stomach ulcers that are increasing the pressure in your stomach. Remember, too much stomach pressure can force the lower esophageal sphincter to open, and allow reflux. What is a peptic ulcer? A peptic ulcer is an open sore on the lining of the stomach or duodenum, which is the beginning of the small intestine. Peptic ulcers are common: One in 10 Americans develops an ulcer at some time in his or her life. One cause of peptic ulcer is bacterial infection, but some ulcers are caused by long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs), like aspirin and ibuprofen. In a few cases, cancerous tumors in the stomach or pancreas can cause ulcers. Peptic


ulcers are not caused by stress or eating spicy food, but these can make ulcers worse. What is H. pylori? Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria. Researchers believe that H. pylori is responsible for the majority of peptic ulcers. H. pylori infection is common in the United States: About 20 percent of people under 40 years old and half of those over 60 years have it. Most infected people, however, do not develop ulcers. Why H. pylori does not cause ulcers in every infected person is not known. Most likely, infection depends on characteristics of the infected person, the type of H. pylori, and other factors yet to be discovered. Researchers are not certain how people contract H. pylori, but they think it may be through food or a water-borne bacterium. Researchers have found H. pylori in the saliva of some infected people, so the bacteria may also spread through mouth-to-mouth contact such as kissing. How does H. pylori cause a peptic ulcer? H. pylori weakens the protective mucous coating of the stomach and duodenum, which allows acid to get through to the sensitive lining beneath. Both the acid and the bacteria irritate the lining and cause a sore, or ulcer. H. pylori is able to survive in stomach acid because it secretes enzymes that help neutralize the acid. This mechanism allows H. pylori to make its way to the "safe" area—the protective mucous lining. Once there, the bacterium's spiral shape helps it burrow through the stomach lining. This could lead to leaky gut syndrome. What are the symptoms of an ulcer? Abdominal discomfort is the most common symptom. This discomfort usually • is a dull, gnawing ache • comes and goes for several days or weeks • occurs 2 to 3 hours after a meal • occurs in the middle of the night (when the stomach is empty)


• is relieved by eating • is relieved by antacid medications Other symptoms include • weight loss • poor appetite • bloating • burping • nausea • vomiting Some people experience only very mild symptoms, or none at all. Emergency Symptoms If you have any of these symptoms, seek medical attention right away: • sharp, sudden, persistent stomach pain • bloody or black stools • bloody vomit or vomit that looks like coffee grounds They could be signs of a serious problem, such as • perforation—when the ulcer burrows through the stomach or duodenal wall • bleeding—when acid or the ulcer breaks a blood vessel • obstruction—when the ulcer blocks the path of food trying to leave the stomach Why don't all doctors automatically check for H. pylori? Changing medical belief and practice takes time. For nearly 100 years, scientists and doctors thought that stress, spicy food, and alcohol caused ulcers. Treatment involved bed rest and a bland diet. Later, researchers added stomach acid to the list of causes and began treating ulcers with antacids. Since H. pylori was discovered in 1982, studies conducted around the world have shown that using antibiotics to destroy H. pylori cures peptic ulcers. The prevalence of H. pylori ulcers is changing. The infection is becoming less common in people born in developed countries. The medical community,


however, continues to debate H. pylori's role in peptic ulcers. If you suspect a peptic ulcer and have not been tested for H. pylori infection, talk to your doctor. Points to Remember •peptic ulcer is a sore in the lining of the stomach or duodenum. •The majority of peptic ulcers are caused by the H. pylori bacterium. Many of the other cases are caused by NSAIDs. None are caused by spicy food or stress. •H. pylori can be transmitted from person to person through close contact and exposure to vomit. • Always wash your hands after using the bathroom and before eating. •A combination of antibiotics and other drugs is the most effective treatment for H. pylori peptic ulcers. However there are natural antibiotics that will help eradicate the bacterium. These would include "olive leaf, Oil of Oregano and raw garlic. I have personally found that eating raw garlic cloves will eradicate the H.pylori bacterium, if I follow this regimen: I cut one or two cloves of raw garlic into tiny pieces and then put the pieces in my mouth and wash them down with a glass of plain water. That way I didn't have to chew them so the odor is almost non-existent. Garlic is antiviral and is also a natural antibiotic. In most cases garlic will eradicate the H.pylori bacterium and help to clear up stomach ulcers. I have included an article on the health benefits of garlic, in this publication for you. I have been involved with many people who have had chronic diarrhea for months, and it completely cleared up in two days by eating 2 raw crushed or chewed-up garlic cloves. Gastritis Pain or discomfort in the upper stomach is the most common symptom of gastritis.


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The pain usually presents in the upper portion of the stomach. Sometimes the pain seems to go right through you and radiate to the back. The pain can feel like burning, aching, and may even feel sharp. Nausea and vomiting. Bloating. Feeling of fullness. Rapid heartbeat or sweating. Faint or short of breath. Chest pains or stomach pain. Vomiting blood. Smelly bowel movements, which may be dark or sticky.

pH or Acid Balance The first thing I recommend is checking your pH levels to see just how acidic you really are. If you are too acidic your stomach will have increased pressure and this increase in pressure will force the Lower Esophageal Sphincter valve open and allow the reflux of acidic stomach gases to enter your esophagus. Important: A body that is too acidic is like a disease magnet and can bring about many different health problems. However, a body that is in an alkaline state will not harbor disease, but will instead allow you to live a long and healthy life. pH levels: A person could have their pH levels really out of balance, which increase stomach pressure. Your pH levels can be checked with litmus paper, which is available at the health food store. The readings will tell you if you are too acidic or alkaline. NOTE: This test is important to do! The following will help you check your pH levels. CHECKING pH LEVELS You can purchase some "Litmus Paper" at the health food store, and check the "acidity of your saliva" which is an overall indicator of just how acidic you have become. Being too acidic is the major cause of disease such as heart disease and cancer so it is important to keep your pH levels in an alkaline state. A body that is in an acidic state means that all of your organs have to work


much harder, which is going to cause even further health problems. INSTRUCTIONS You fill your mouth with saliva a couple of times and then spit into a container. Tear off a little piece of the "Litmus Paper" and dip it into the saliva. Leave it there until it changes color. (approx 5 to 10 seconds) Then match your test paper up with the color chart on the package that the paper came in and you will see a value or a number. Your reading should be around 7.3 to 7.4, values higher or lower than these should be corrected. Do the test in the morning when your stomach is empty and then again in the evening before you retire and then you will have an average reading. P.S. If you cannot locate any test paper just send us an address where we can send you out a sample at no charge. If your pH or acid levels are out of balance, and you are too acidic, or too alkaline the stomach will have increased pressure. You may also experience a burning sensation in your stomach. If you remain too acidic for a long time you can develop acidosis. A condition where all of your organs have to work much harder and you are at risk of burning them out quicker. Acidosis can also effect the arteries, veins, heart tissues, and bring on premature aging and high blood pressure. Being overly acidic or too alkaline will not only cause stomach bloating, but may also cause you to burp or belch excessively. You may also experience days where you have a lot of flatulence. (gas) The following will help correct your pH or acid levels. 1. Diet should be 75% fruits and veggies...which are alkaline, and 25% meat and grains...which are acidic. 2. Chewing gum stimulates the salivary glands to produce saliva, and saliva reduces acidity by up to 50%


3. Drinking 2 or 3 cups of Kukicha Tea per day. (available at health food stores). 4. 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in a 1/2 glass of water with meals aids in digestion and helps to balance pH levels. 5. Calcium supplements are also good for balancing pH levels. 6. Bitter herbs such as Gentain will help balance pH levels. 7. Alfalfa tablets are very alkalizing to the body, 3 or 4 tabs after meals. 8. Greens Plus 9. Aerobic Oxygen 10. Umeboshi Plum (a Japanese product that is very good for balancing pH levels.) 11. Barley Pablum 2 or 3 bowls per day until the pH is balanced. NOTE: Be sure to check your drinking water with the pH paper to see how acidic it is. Your local health food store will have some coral calcium which will help balance the water's pH. Or you can make some red clover tea and then add a little to your water until the pH becomes balanced. I like to let my drinking water stand overnight so the chlorine has a chance to dissipate. Chlorine not only kills the bad bacteria in your drinking water it also destroys the good bacteria in your digestive tract. The following is a list of alkaline and acidic foods to help you correct your pH levels.

Alkaline Foods Vegetables: Asparagus, Alfalfa, Beets, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Barley Grass, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery, Chard, Chlorella, Collard Greens, Cucumber, Dulce, Dandelions, Egg Plant, Edible Flowers, Fermented Veggies, Garlic, Kale, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Mustard Greens,


Nightshade veggies, Onions, Parsnips, Peas, Peppers, Pumpkin, Rutabaga, Sea Veggies, Spirulina, Sprouts, Squash, Water Cress, Wheat Grass, Wild Greens. Fruits: Apple, Apricot, Avocado, Banana, Berries, Cherries, Cantaloupe, Currants, Dates/ Figs, Grapes, Grapefruit, Honeydew Melon, Lemon, Lime, Nectarine, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Tangerine Tropical Fruits, Watermelon. Protien: Almonds, Eggs, Cottage Cheese, Chicken Breast, Chestnuts, Eggs, Flax seed, Millet, Nuts, Pumpkin seeds, Squash seeds, Sunflower seeds, Yogurt. Other: Apple Cider Vinegar,(health food store) Bee Pollen, Banchi Tea, Dandelion tea, Fresh Fruit Juice, Green Juices, Green Tea, Ginseng Tea, Herbal Tea, Kombucha, Vegetable Juices, V8 Juice (low sodium) Mineral Water. Spices: All Herbs, Cinnamon, Curry, Chili Pepper, Ginger, Sea Salt, Miso, Tamari. Oriental Veggies: Daikon, Dandelion Root, Nori, Reishi, Kombu, Maitake, Reishi, Shitake, Sea Veggies, Umeboshi, and Wakame.

Acidifying Foods: Fats & Oils: Avocado Oil, Canola Oil, Corn Oil, Flax Oil, Hemp seed Oil, Lard, Olive Oil, Safflower Oil, Sesame Oil, Sunflower Oil. Grains: Amaranth, Barley, Buckwheat, Corn, Hemp Seed Flour, Kamut, Oats (rolled), Quinoi, Rice (all), Rye, Rice Cakes, Spelt, Wheat Cakes, Wheat. Dairy: Butter, All Cheese, and Milk. Nuts & Butters: Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Peanuts, Peanut Butter, Pecans, Tahini, Walnuts.


Animal Protein: Beef, Carp, Clams, Fish, Lamb, Lobster, Mussels, Oyster, Pork, Rabbit, Salmon, Shrimp, Scallops, Tuna, Turkey, and Venison. Pasta: Macaroni, Noodles, and Spaghetti. Drugs & Chemicals: Chemicals, Drugs, Pesticides, and Herbicides. Alcohol: Beer, Hard Liquor, Spirits, and Wine. Beans & Legumes: Almond Milk, Black Beans, Chick Peas, Green Peas, Kidney Beans, Lentils, Lima Beans, Pinto Beans, Red Beans, Rice Milk, Soy Beans, Soy milk, White Beans. There are some stubborn cases of heartburn but with a little medical "detective work", the problem can be solved and you can return to your former health. If I can be of any help or assistance give me a call at 1-800-667-4277

Pure Raw Honey "The Survivors Nutritional Pharmacy" by Dr. Cass Igram D.O.

Prescription antibiotics kill only bacteria and then merely certain types. Plus, bacteria can develop a resistance to these agents, and they can develop resistance to most of the standard germicides and antiseptics. A safer and more versatile treatment is the use of various natural compounds known to kill almost any type of microbe, while blocking the development of its resistance. One of the most powerful antiseptics known to mankind is not produced in chemistry labs. It is a substance made by bees. Pure Raw Honey. Bees are among nature's finest chemists. Their most abundant production is honey, that sweet substance of varying taste, color, and aroma. They also synthesize bees' wax, royal jelly and propolis.


To many people it may seem astonishing that something so sweet could also be such a potent antiseptic. After all, honey is a food, not a drug. Let's review the relevant history and chemistry in an attempt to understand how this could be true. Bees are gregarious creatures. They live in a colony in close proximity to one another. Anyone who has seen a picture of the inside of a hive knows how tightly packed the bees are. Can you imagine what would happen if infection developed within the hive? Once a single bee is infected, the whole clan would rapidly become decimated. Not surprisingly, beehives are normally sterile. What keeps the hives sterile? First the bees' foods are sterile: bee pollen, royal jelly and honey. When bees make honey, they secrete within it natural antibiotic-like substances, increasing its anti-microbial action. Plus, they fan the moisture out of the honey in order to eliminate any possibility of infection. What happens is that the elimination of moisture from the honey causes a change in its chemistry? This is through the phenomenon of osmosis. Osmosis represents a process which water or other fluids either move toward or away from an area. Honey being free of moisture, draws water to it. Honey craves water by a powerful osmotic effect. Microbes are almost 90% water, and this is precisely why honey is so antagonistic to them. It literally drains the water and, therefore, life right out of them. Honey is exceptionally effective against bacteria and parasites, since they are mostly water. Plus, raw honey contains natural antibiotics, which help kill microbes directly. Raw honey when applied topically, speeds the healing of tissues damaged by infection and /or trauma. It contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, as well as sugars, all of which aid in the healing of wounds. Raw honey has been used in medicine for centuries. Russian surgeons, prior to the advent of antibiotics applied raw honey to wounds after surgery, finding that infection was curbed and the rate of healing increased. They used raw honey to draw the pus out of wounds and applied it to infected tissues, such as boils and cysts, successfully destroying these infections.


Currently, British doctors are using raw honey on open surgical wounds, as they too have found that it prevents infection and speeds the healing of wounds. Unfortunately, the vast majority of medical professionals have no knowledge of raw honey's astounding medicinal capacities. Raw honey applications cause infections to come to a head, drawing out the pus and secretions as well as accelerating wound healing. Decades ago American surgeons found raw honey to be of value. They used it post-operatively to pack wounds, noting that localized post-operative infections were essentially eliminated. Plus, wounds healed more quickly with less scarring. Few if any American surgeons currently use it. This is unfortunate, since the application of raw honey on wounds would serve to reduce pain and suffering as well as save limbs and lives. Primitive cultures have utilized raw honey as a medicine for centuries. Honey was discovered in the tombs of the pharaohs, and, although it was nearly 4000 years old it was still edible. The ancients used it as a digestive aid, and there is evidence that they applied it topically to wounds. The physicians of ancient Greece prescribed it often and used it as a carrier for many of their medicines. More recently, the Journal of Pediatrics found honey considerably more effective than glucose syrup in the treatment of diarrheal illness in infants. All of the holy books speak of honey in "glowing" terms. The Bible glorifies it frequently, mentioning it as a food of the prophets and the heavens. The Qur'an praises it as "a medicine for all mankind" Raw honey is easy to preserve and store requiring no refrigeration. It will hold up to extremes of heat and cold while still retaining its nutritional value and antiseptic qualities. A tightly sealed jar of honey is one medicine the elements cannot destroy. What is Pure Raw Honey? The kind of honey that is used makes a difference in terms of achieving optimal curative effects. Like any other food, honey can be processed. That processing may destroy its active ingredients. The key is to find honey, which goes through minimal heating, therefore, the designation of raw. A second designation is unfiltered. Beekeepers often heat and filter honey to


make it more "appealing" to the consumer. Heating prevents honey from crystallizing and increases the ease at which it can be removed from the hives. Filtering removes the particulate matter that might cause the consumer to be concerned about "purity." Crystal-clear, highly purified honey is not the type needed for survival. Only unheated and unfiltered honey can be relied upon to get the job done. The primary reason commercial producers heat the honey to high temperatures is to sterilize or "pasteurize" it. This is unnecessary, as there are no microbes in honey. The only way microbes can get into it is from contamination by human hands after it is extracted. Even then, these microbes will immediately be destroyed by the raw honey's osmotic powers. The pasteurizing temperatures often exceed 180 degrees Fahrenheit. Honey, which is heated up gently up to 130 degrees, still retains most if not all of its biological activity. Heating the honey to high temperatures causes the destruction of vital elements which are responsible for its capacity to heal wounds, kill infections and soothe internal organs. These elements include vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antibiotics, bioflavanoids and organic acids. Filtering eliminates another vital component: the pollen. Pollen acts as a digestive aid and is a source of quality nutrition, primarily in the form of Bvitamins, protein and nucleic acids. In a crisis situation people will need as much nutrition as they can get. Additionally, the protein in pollen stimulates wound healing when applied topically and also when taken internally. Honey as a Food: Honey is unique as a survival aid for several reasons. First, it is a food, which cannot spoil. Because of its high sugar content and the powerful osmosis this creates, no microbes can live in it. As long as it is sealed, it will last through floods, quakes, storms or any other natural disasters and still retain its potency. Secondly, infants, toddlers, teens and adults can eat it alike. The only exception would be diabetics.



What Is Honeybee Pollen? Pollen is the male element of the flower and is necessary for the fertilisation of the plant and continuation of the species.The honeybee is directly responsible for over 80% of all vital pollination. What's In It For You? NATURAL WEIGHT CONTROL - 1oz. of honeybee pollen 10-15 minutes before eating stabilizes faulty metabolism, often involved in unhealthy weight gain or loss. Rich in lecithin, pollen causes a speedy increase in calorie burning. Antiputrefactive effect benefits digestion. COMPLETE NUTRITION Honeybee pollen gives you all the essential nutrients, all vitamins, all minerals, enzymes and trace elements needed for glowing good health and vitality. Skin, Restorative Power Exhaustive studies abroad show honeybee pollen can improve unhealthy and/or aging skin when taken internally. Eliminates acne and clears unattractive age spots, and plumps wrinkles. The clear skin of youth and health comes from within. INCREASES RED BLOOD CELLS Studies show that honeybee pollen increases vital oxygen-carrying red blood cells up to 25%. You feel better when your circulation is better. INCREASES RECOVERY POWER A two-year research programme at Pratt Institute in New York shows that pollen improves the crucial recovery power of athletes after stressed performance. Just think what it can do for you daily! THE POWER OF STEROIDS: Honeybee pollen-power out-powers harmful steroids without harmful side effects. "Honeybee pollen is the greatest body-builder on earth, contributing not one ounce to obesity or excess fat and should be the cornerstone for every weight-loss diet." says F. Huber, a German naturalist. INCREASED SEXUAL STAMINA Soma Magazine reports pollen contains natural hormonal substances, which stimulate and nourish the reproductive systems of both men and women, with a direct impact on sexual ability.


LONG LIVES ARE ATTAINED BY BEE POLLEN USERS "It is one of the original treasure-houses of nutrition and medicine", says Dr. Joirich of the USSR. WHAT POLLEN CONTAINS There are 22 basic elements in the human body. Enzymes, Hormones, Vitamins, Amino Acids plus several others, which must be renewed by nutrient intake. No one food contains them all except Bee Pollen. HOW IS POLLEN COLLECTED? The honeybee fills her polien baskets, one on each rear leg, with these golden grains on every trip back and forth from the hive. Pollen is a microscopically-fine dust and is mixed with honey by the bee for transport. The bee passes through a series of screens in the pollen trap as she enters the hive. This results in approximately 60% of the pollen granules being brushed into the pollen-drawer for harvest by the beekeeper. The honeybee instinctively collects only the freshest and most potent pollen from those available. As there are numerous varieties of flowers in bloom at any given time, the pollen collection varies with the season, resulting in all colors of pollen with differing and distinctive taste, some bitter and some sweet. Although pollen is a food and not a drug it should be eaten because it's good for you, not because is tastes good. RECOMMENDED USE Take one teaspoonful of bee pollen granules daily for great health.

WHAT HEALTH AUTHORITIES SAY Dr. Betty Lee Morales, says: "Bee pollen is the only known food which contains every essential nutrient needed by mankind for perfect health. This fact can hardly be disputed since it has been proven by analysis in the laboratories of the world many times Dr. Leo Conway by 1972 had treated over 60,000 verified cases of allergies with bee pollen and says, "I believe pollen immunisation can be achieved by


incorporating pollen in food." Resistance is built by continuing ingestion of bee gathered (entermophile) pollens from any location. Steven Blauer of the Hippocrates Health Institute, says: "Pollen minimises, reduces or eliminates craving for heavy concentrated protein. An additional benefit is that pollen self-digests, aiding in the healthy digestion of other foods as well. Dr. G. J. Binding, a British scientist, says: "Pollen is a giant germ-killer in which bacteria simply cannot exist and not only builds up strength and energy, but gives increased resistance to infection." Lars-Eric Essen, M.D. a Swedish Dermatologist, says: "Pollen has a profound biological effect preventing premature aging of cells and promoting growth of new tissue, it smoothes away wrinkles and stimulates blood supply to all skin cells. Dr. Maurice Hanssen, a British researcher, says: Pollen should be a part of the ideal athlete's diet. A diet pattern which produces maximum performance with no harmful side effects. Pollen is rich in micro-elements that may not be present in the normal diet. The presorption of pollen allows the trace elements to be incorporated in the body without excessive loss. Dr. Howard H. Hillman, Director of the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, says: Virgil, Hippocrates and Pilny all considered pollen to contain the secret against old age.

The Benefits of Natural Apple Cider Vinegar For centuries people have been drinking natural organic apple cider vinegar because it makes them feel better and is good for overall health. Natural apple cider vinegar contains cholesterol-reducing pectin and is the perfect balance of 19 minerals, including potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, iron, fluorine and silicon. Natural apple cider vinegar also contains 93 different components that are beneficial to the human body.


Some of the benefits of natural apple cider vinegar include: 1. Antibacterial and anti-fungal and gives a good boost to the immune system. 2. Good remedy for food poisoning. 3. Urinary tract infections. 4. Fighting Osteoporosis. 5. Helps remove body toxins. 6. Promotes a youthful body. 7. Natural antibiotic and germ fighter. 8. Improves digestion and assimilation 9. Regulates and lowers blood pressure. 10.Relieves arthritis pain and stiffness. 11.Promotes digestion. 12.Improves metabolism. 13.Helps flush the Gall Bladder. 14.Controls weight. 15.Helps fight Osteoporosis. 16.Relieves sore throats and laryngitis. 17.Soothes sunburn, shingles and bites. 18.Helps prevent dandruff, baldness and scalp itch. NOTE: Apple Cider Vinegar taken on a regular basis removes toxins from the body and you will notice that the odor from sweat or stool is no longer present. Apple Cider Vinegar is the # one food that is recommended for maintaining the body’s vital acid-alkaline balance. Simply put 3 teaspoons of Natural Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of distilled water and drink. Repeat this 2 or 3 times a day for maximum benefit. Warning: Make sure to have a glass of warm or room temperature water afterwards to cleanse the esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter because the vinegar is acidic, until it is ingested and then it leaves behind an alkaline residue so it is classified as an alkaline food.


HEALING with GARLIC Garlic does not cure epilepsy or deafness, but an enormous amount of scientific evidence shows beyond doubt that "the poor's man's treacle" is an herbal wonder drug. During World War 1, garlic's success in treating infected wounds and amoebic dysentery (caused by the protozoan Endameba histolytica) clearly showed that it had potent antibacterial and anti-protozoan effects, validating thousands of years of herbal tradition. But garlic's antibiotic constituent remained a mystery until the 1920s, when researchers at Sondoz Pharmaceuticals in Switzerland isolated alliin (pronounced AL-lee-in) from the herb. Alliin by itself has no medicinal value, but when garlic is chewed, chopped, bruised, or crushed, the alliin comes in contact with a garlic enzyme (allinase) which transforms it into another chemical (allicin) which is a powerful antibiotic. Since the 1920s, garlic's broad spectrum antibiotic properties have been confirmed in literally dozens of animal and human studies. Garlic kills the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, food poisoning, and woman's bladder infections. Garlic also may prevent infection by the influenza virus. Chinese researchers report success using garlic to treat 21 cases of cryptococcal meningitis, an often-fatal fungal infection. And several studies show the herb to be effective in treating the fungi that cause athlete's foot (Trichophyton mentagrophytes) and vaginal yeast infections (Candida albicans) HEART DISEASE and STROKE No standard medications can match garlic when it comes to acting on so many cardiovascular risk factors at the same time. Some drugs reduce blood pressure. Others decrease cholesterol. And some reduce the likelihood of internal blood clots, which trigger heart attacks and some strokes. But garlic does all these things--thanks to alliicin and another chemical in the herb (ajoene).


Several studies dating back to Sandoz experiments confirm garlic's ability to reduce blood pressure in animals and humans. More than a dozen journal reports document garlic's ability to reduce cholesterol. In one experiment published in the British medical journal Lancet, researchers had volunteers eat a meal containing about 4 ounces of butter, which raises cholesterol. Half the group also ate about nine cloves of garlic. After three hours, the average cholesterol level in the nongarlic increased 7 percent. But in the garlic group, it decreased 7 percent. The researchers concluded: "Garlic has a very significant protective action (against high cholesterol). Finally, garlic helps prevent the blood clots that trigger heart attack. One researcher called the herb "at least as potent as aspirin." Which has recently been promoted as an anticlotting heart-attack preventer. However drugs such as aspirin taken over a long time can cause stomach problems DIABETES. Garlic reduces blood sugar levels in both laboratory animals and humans. Diabetes is a serious condition, requiring professional treatment, but if you have diabetes, there's no harm in upping your garlic consumption in addition to standard therapy. CANCER. Tantalizing evidence suggests garlic plays a role in preventing and treating cancer. In a study reported in the journal "Science", researchers separated mouse tumor cells into two groups. One group of tumor tissue was left alone. The other was treated with allicin. Then both batches of tumor cells were injected into mice. The mice who received the untreated cells quickly died, but there were no deaths among the mice that received the garlic-treated tumor cells. Since then other animal studies have shown similar results. Of course, animal findings don't necessarily apply to humans, but a study reported in the "Journal of the National Cancer Institute" suggests garlic may help prevent human stomach cancer. Researchers analysed the diets of 1,800 Chinese, including 685 with stomach cancer. Those with the cancer ate considerably less garlic. The researchers concluded a diet high in garlic "can significantly reduce the risk of stomach cancer". LEAD POISONING. European studies show garlic helps eliminate lead


and other toxic heavy metals from the body. Lead interferes with thinking and causes other serious medical problems. Exposure to leaded gasoline has introduced this metal into the body of everyone in North America. Children are particularly susceptible to lead's effects. Add garlic liberally to spaghetti sauces and other foods children enjoy. LEPROSY. Ancient Ayurvedic healers were on to something when they used garlic to treat leprosy, now called "Hansen's disease". In one study, Indian researchers gave Hansen's sufferers a garlic ointment and food containing large amounts of the herb. Compared with others, who did not receive the herb, those in the garlic group showed significant improvement. AIDS. Studies that look at garlic as a treatment for AIDS are preliminary but exciting. In one study, seven AIDS patients who took a clove of garlic a day for three months experienced significant increases in immune functions usually destroyed by the disease. And while the patients were taking garlic, chronic herpes sores cleared up in two of the seven, and in two others chronic diarrhea, a common AIDS symptom, also improved. Rx for GARLIC. You're undoubtedly anxious to put garlic's powerful infection-fighting action to the test. But how do you take it? For minor skin infections, garlic juice is applied externally may prove sufficient, but unless you are an experienced herbalist, it's a mistake to rely exclusively on garlic to treat infectious diseases. No antibiotic, including garlic, kills all disease-causing micro-organisms. The standard medical approach is to conduct what's known as a sensitivity test in which several antibiotics are tested against the germ. The doctor then prescribes the one that works the best. You might ask your physician to include garlic in a sensitivity test. Or simply take the herb in addition to standard medication. Researchers have found that 1 medium-size garlic clove packs the antibacterial punch of about 100,000 units of penicillin. Depending on the type of infection, oral penicillin doses typically range from 600,000 to 1.2 million units. The equivalent in garlic would be about 6 to 12 cloves. It's best to chew 3 cloves at a time, two to four times a day. To help reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, and the likelihood of internal


blood clots, three to ten cloves of fresh garlic a day is recommended. Garlic must be chewed, chopped, bruised, or crushed to transform its medicinally inert alliin into antibiotic allicin. USING IT IN COOKING. Raw garlic has a sharp, biting flavor; some people experience a burning sensation on the tongue. Cooking eliminates the bite and softens the flavor. In foods, season to taste. (The cloves' papery skins peel easily if you smash them with the flat side of a cleaver.) For an infusion, chop 6 cloves per cup of cool water and steep 6 hours. For a tincture, soak one cup of crushed cloves per quart of brandy, shake daily for two weeks, then take up to 3 tablespoons a day. Garlic may be given cautiously to children under age 2. WHAT ABOUT THE SMELL? Since 3000 B.C., the main problem with garlic has been its odor. The stinking rose continues to bother some people, but in recent decades, garlic-rich Italian and Asian cuisine's have become increasingly popular, and some of the nations finest restaurants now proudly serve dishes heavily flavored with garlic. We may well be entering the Age of Garlic Chic, but we're probably a long way from appreciating garlic breath. To eliminate garlic breath, try chewing traditional herbal breath fresheners: parsley, fennel, or fenugreek. THE SAFETY FACTOR. Garlic's anti-clotting action may help prevent heart attack and some kinds of stroke, but medicinal amounts could conceivably cause problems for those with clotting disorders. If you have a clotting disorder, consult your physician before using garlic in medicinal amounts. Some people with allergies to garlic develop a rash from touching or eating the herb. If the herb gives you a rash, don't eat it. Garlic-induced upset stomach has also been reported. Garlic enters the milk of nursing mothers and may cause colic in infants. It has never been implicated in miscarriage or birth defects. OTHER CAUTIONS. For otherwise healthy non-pregnant, non-nursing


adults who do not have clotting disorders, garlic is considered safe even in large amounts. Garlic should be used in medicinal amounts only in consultation with your doctor. If garlic causes minor discomforts, such as stomach upset, use less or stop using it. Let your doctor know if you experience unpleasant effects or if the symptoms for which it is being used do not improve significantly in two weeks.

Oil of Oregano OIL of OREGANO is a potent health aid. Its active ingredient, Carvacrol, when laboratory tested, proved to be one of the strongest antiseptics known to man. Carvacrol and other phenolic compounds in Oregano quickly and naturally eliminate a wide variety of pathogens such as bacteria, yeast, fungi, parasites and viruses. A great advantage of Oregano Oil is that pathogens cannot build up immunity to it, as is the case with pharmaceutical drugs. The potentially hazardous side effects of drugs are eliminated along with the dangers of creating virulent bacterial & fungi mutations. Internally, you may use Oil of Oregano for the following conditions: •Colds * Flu * Sore Throat * Cough •Fatigue * Candidiasis * Allergies * Arthritis •Bladder * Kidney and other infections •Hepatitis * Headaches * Peptic Ulcers * Indigestion •Parasites including Cryptosporidium and Giardia •Sinusitis * Bronchitis * Asthma •Prostrate disorders * Bad breath and more. •Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Externally, you may use Oil of Oregano to treat: •Gum Disorders * Toothaches •Dandruff & Seborrhea * Acne * warts •Cold Sores * Puncture Wounds •Sore Joints * Back Pain * Athlete’s Foot •Boils * Nail Fungus * Rosacea * Ringworm •Bed Sores * Head Lice * Scabies •Arthritis * Psoriasis * Eczema Apply a small amount of the oil to affected areas. Dilute 50% or more with olive oil if skin is sensitive. Do not use on mucus membranes and sensitive skin areas. Oil of Oregano is produced from Wild Oregano, hand picked in the Mediterranean wilderness. The Oregano leaves and flowers are steamed distilled at low temperature and low pressure in stainless steel crucibles. Each batch of essential oil is numbered and then analysed using “Mass Spectography” and “Gas Chromotography”. This rigorous testing assures that only the correct species of edible Oregano with high Carvacrol content is present in the “Oil of Oregano”. Enhance your health, by using this age-old remedy which modern science is only now beginning to discover. Oil of Oregano is available at most health food stores. CAUTION: Keep away from children Just to recap the things I did to solve my digestive problems.


1. Checked my pH levels to see just how acidic I was. 2. Increase your intake of fruits and veggies to balance pH levels if you are too acidic. 3. Added coral calcium or a little red clover tea to my drinking water. (it was acidic) 4. Stayed on a soft food diet for a few days, so my Esophagus would heal. 5. Drank some warm or room temperature water after meals or anytime during the day I was experiencing discomfort to cleanse my Esophagus. 6. Had one teaspoon of raw liquid honey after the water to coat the lesions in my Esophagus and promote faster healing. You shouldn't have any trouble correcting your digestive problems by following what 1000's of others have done. If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to call me at 1-800-667-4277 or email [email protected] Dedicated to your health William Lagadyn

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