Crystal Treasure

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  • Words: 18,600
  • Pages: 48
Crystal Treasure by Dave Kuzminski The best treasures are found within

Crystal Treasure/Kuzminski


Prologue "Helm, ease us into port," Captain Henry Crystal ordered. "Aye, sir!" "Ionic wave incoming!" the navigator shouted. Captain Crystal ordered, "Full reverse!" and slapped a switch. Immediately, an announcement rippled through the ship. "Impact imminent. Seal all compartments. Brace for impact. This is not a drill. Impact imminent. Seal all compartments. Brace for impact. This is not a drill." "We're not going to make it!" one of the crew shouted. Then the impact came as a scraping sound that reverberated within the hull as the huge passenger ship collided with the space station it was attempting to dock with. More warnings and more messages mingled with the scraping and crushed metal sounds as crew members raced to seal off every compartment within their areas amid passengers who appeared upon the verge of panic. *** Captain Crystal gripped a stanchion to steady himself as the casualty reports came in. His face paled upon hearing twenty passengers and three crew members were dead. He had yet to hear how badly the space station had fared. He knew from glancing out a view port that it wasn't good at all. Probably worse since the station had even less warning than the people in his ship. *** "Captain Henry Crystal, having heard the testimony, this board has no alternative than to recommend that your license be revoked." Captain Crystal barely heard the rest of the Safety Board president's speech as he went through the litany of what went wrong. If only the black box hadn't been lost from the ship during the collision. Then there would have been evidence other than that from his bridge crew. Their testimony obviously hadn't been enough to satisfy the Safety Board members. Though his crew had spoken the truth and stated that Captain Crystal wasn't at fault, the disappearance of the black box made it appear that they were covering for him instead. For that reason alone, it was clear that a scapegoat was needed in compensation for the forty lives lost. There was no one else to choose from since it was his command. Wearily, he stood patiently until the Safety Board president finished, then saluted, turned, and strode out of the hearing chamber bereft of his command. As he left, he hoped that the board was right in its recommendation that space tugs be designed and built to eliminate such an occurrence from taking place ever again. The board hearing was something he didn't want to see another space-going captain go through as it was more like an inquisition.

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Chapter 1 The young woman entered the Twilight Space Station through the double air locks, checked the station navigational map displayed on a prominent bulkhead, then turned and made her way to the operations heart of the station. Her stride left no doubt in anyone's mind. She had clearly been in space for some while because there was no hesitation in her manner of walk. The uniform she wore equally left no doubt in anyone's mind that she was a commercial spacer, even though her rank was concealed by what appeared to be a furry neck adornment to the uninitiated. Upon reaching the station commander's office, she paused, then knocked on the wall beside the open hatch. Captain Belson, tall, black, and distinguished in appearance, lifted his head and nodded to the woman to enter. "Captain Celeste Crystal reporting, sir." "I've been expecting you. Take a seat if you like." "Thanks, but I'd like to keep this short and get to my ship so I can check it out." "Eager to get to work?" "That and to find out if my ship has any glaring deficiencies that need attention." "Good attitude, Captain. In that case, I won't keep you long. I understand that you'll be commanding the Claudine. She's an old tug, but dependable." "Well, I'll be." "Something wrong, Captain?" "Not at all, sir. I began my career as a pilot on the Claudine. Never thought I'd actually be commanding her someday." "Then you already know something about your ship. I'm sorry you're getting one of the oldest tugs we have." "It's to be expected. After all, this is my first command since graduating from officer training." "Yes, I'm aware of that. Your records indicate you performed well as a first officer at the Mars space station. Still, you're probably going to catch some hell since the rest of the tug commanders are men and they're considerably older than you. Not many of them rose as quickly as you have." "I'll keep that in mind, sir." "Regardless, if things get out of hand, feel free to speak with me. There's a good chance that I can...." "I'll get along with the other officers. Thank you anyway, sir." "You're not concerned about them learning about your grandfather?" "I'm my own person. They'll have to accept me for who I am and what I can do, not who I'm related to." "Nonetheless, I've kept that information quiet since it's none of their business. It might be best if you did the same as well." "I understand, sir." *** Celeste entered the Claudine and quietly made her way to the bridge. She paused at the bridge entrance where she watched some of her former crewmates at work without disturbing them. As she observed quietly, her fuzzy waller shifted enough around her collar to reveal her

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emblem of rank. "Officer on the bridge!" a startled crew man shouted moments later upon glancing up and spotting Celeste. "As you were! Hi, Smitty." "Cap... Captain Crystal?" Smitty replied. "You better believe it. I thought you might have retired from the company by now." "It's only been four years since I last saw you. Are you our captain or just visiting?" Celeste answered, "I'm now officially captain of the Claudine. Who else is left from the old gang?" "Well, except for Captain Green, First Officer Wizzen, and you, though you're back now, the rest of us are still assigned to the Claudine. That's Muia who announced you. He took your place as our pilot after you left. I guess as soon as we get a new first officer, we can get back into business." "First Officer Rudakov will be along shortly. Right now, let's conduct an inspection of the Claudine. Pleased to meet you, Muia." *** "Anyone seen the captain?" a ruggedly stocky man asked. "And you might be?" Smitty asked. "Lieutenant Mikhail Rudakov, your new first officer." "Welcome aboard, sir. Celeste, I mean, Captain Crystal is inspecting inside the black hole." Rudakov knelt down and poked his head inside the hatch to what was called the black hole. "Captain, I've got the gear you wanted." "Excellent, Mikhail! Give it to Smitty. He can install it after we finish the inspection. You want to take the bridge apart?" "Apart?" "By that, I mean inspect it." "Uh, sure." "Good, then you can follow along and inspect the rest of the ship like I'm doing. If she passes both our reviews, then we'll know she's up to whatever demands we might place on her." "You want me to inspect the entire ship?" "How else are you going to prepare yourself to become a captain someday?" "Uh, right. I'll begin at the bridge, Captain." Celeste hollered, "Smitty, have Gurvar show Lieutenant Rudakov our inspection route and assist him." "Can do, Captain!" Smitty shouted into the open hatch. "You heard the Captain, Gurvar." Rudakov said, "I guess these are yours for now." "This way, sir," Gurvar said. Smitty accepted the packages from the new first officer, then watched as Gurvar led the first officer to the bridge. "Hey, Captain, what are these for?" "Those are new electronic instruments I want you to install later. Hopefully, those will give us an additional edge in our daily operations." *** Smitty looked up from the control panel he was partly underneath. "What's this one for,

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Captain?" Celeste replied, "Heavy metal detection." "Can't see how this will help us." "It will. We'll know more about the makeup of any asteroids or junk coming our way. Then we'll know whether to blast it or duck." "Yeah, that makes sense. Hope we're not snagged if it comes to ducking." Celeste said, "It's got enough range on it that we'll have more than enough time to duck if something's coming at us that we can't blast apart or deflect." "I'm surprised this tug is still in service," Mikhail said as he entered the bridge. "She's in pretty good shape considering her age," Celeste said. Mikhail said, "Oh, she's in good shape. No doubt about that. Still, this tug is almost thirty. She's almost as old as...." Smitty said, "Older than Captain Crystal, you mean." "You're not even thirty yet? I thought it was some kind of facial treatment you indulged in that makes you look so young," Mikhail exclaimed. "Sorry to disappoint you, Mikhail." "If you're really younger than thirty, I'd do well to listen to you so I can make captain before I reach that age." Celeste said, "I've already got our assignments for tomorrow. We've got two ships coming in that need docking. Two that need undocking. They're all ours." "No assists?" Mikhail asked. "Not tomorrow. They're not very large ships," Celeste answered. Smitty said, "Besides, we're all experienced. Just not with each other. Well, not with you, First Officer. No offense meant." "None taken, crewman. I take it electronics is your specialty?" "Call me Smitty, sir. Unless we're moving, I pitch in on the electronics. Otherwise, I man the number one asteroid gun." Celeste said, "Smitty taught me how to shoot." "She's good, too. Almost as good as me," Smitty stated. "I'll take your word on that, Smitty. So, any trophies?" Smitty said, "We never get the opportunity to attend the competitions. Seems like we're the ones who always get the details on holidays and such. I think everyone else is afraid of the competition I might give them." Celeste said, "Smitty's being modest. He's got one trophy. He aced the score that year." "Not one miss?" Mikhail asked. Celeste answered, "Not a one. He's probably right about why Claudine is always on detail when competition time rolls around since only two other gunners have ever aced the score." "They're both retired," Smitty said with a grin. "Glad to have you on board, Smitty," Mikhail said while nodding his head. He didn't have to state the obvious. Every ship wanted top notch gunners on board since they were a ship's only defense against asteroids and space junk. Particularly on board a tug where circumstances might not permit the ship to dodge the oncoming debris. Celeste said, "Gurvar is an excellent gunner as well. He placed second the year that Smitty won." Mikhail said solemnly, "Then we're obviously in good hands. If you or Gurvar have any

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problems, be sure to see me. I'll do my best to stand by you." "I'm already getting to like you as much as Celeste. I mean, Captain Crystal, sir." "Yes, I do believe we'll get along. Is that almost finished?" Mikhail asked. "Just about, sir. Captain Crystal was just now telling me that this will give us long range detection of heavy metal asteroids that we can't blast apart into harmless dust." *** "So you're the new captain of the Claudine?" Captain Marcel Sly asked as Captain Crystal and Lieutenant Rudakov entered the Loading Dock, a favorite Twilight hangout for working spacers. The Twilight and Dawn space stations were competitive commercial way stations for traffic bound to and from Earth and the Moon. Space traffic coming from Riz and Mars would also stop at one of the two stations for health and safety inspections. As well, the stations contained emergency medical aid and ship maintenance facilities. Celeste replied, "I am." "You look too young to be a captain." "You look too old to be one." "Well, I've got experience which is better than you. Fresh out of the academy, I'll bet." "Sorry to disappoint you, but I just transferred here from the Mars station where I spent two years as a first officer." "So you've got space legs. Big deal. That don't mean you know anything about the ionic currents here. They're worse here, you know." Mikhail said, "Captain Crystal worked her way up from pilot. She was assigned here as a pilot before she entered the academy and then went to Mars with her commission. I think she pretty much knows about the ionic currents around here." "Who the hell are you?" Marcel Sly asked. "First Officer Mikhail Rudakov of the Claudine, sir." "Well lady, you've got a good first officer. At least he sticks up for you." "I can stand on my own, thank you, gentlemen. Of course, I figure you'll all make sure we're on docking detail when this year's asteroid shooting competition takes place since I know you won't want to be shown up by a female captain." "Oh yeah? Says who?" Marcel replied. "That's the rumor I've heard going around," Celeste stated. Marcel said, "Well, it's probably only a rumor. I'm not afraid of competing against you." Mikhail suggested, "How about a drink to celebrate Captain Crystal's first command?" Celeste said, "Mikhail, no, please?" "You don't drink?" Marcel asked. Celeste answered, "Only on occasion." Marcel said, "Seems to me that getting a first command is an occasion. Unless you'd rather insult us all by not drinking with us?" Celeste replied, "Okay, I'll have one drink with my fellow captains as this is an occasion." Captain Sly shouted, "Hey barkeep! Send a round over here on Captain Crystal's tab!"

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Chapter 2 "Gunners to their stations. Engines ahead slow," Celeste ordered. "Engines ahead slow," Muia replied. Celeste nodded as the intercom blared back with acknowledgements from the asteroid gunners that they were in position. She stroked her fuzzy waller briefly, then placed her on a bulkhead where she could be out of the way and explore if she chose to do so. Celeste's fuzzy waller was one of the species indigenous to Riz. The first fuzzy wallers came with traders from Riz on a visit to Mars. Spacers particularly liked the creatures because the fuzzy wallers were quick to give an alarm about any drop in atmospheric pressure. Sudden changes disturbed the creatures. If anything, it was viewed by the crews as a good sign when someone on board the ship possessed one. "Test the snags," Celeste ordered as the tug broke free of the station and moved far enough away to do so. "Deploying snags," Rebecca announced. "Snag engines rippling out," Chiandri stated. Celeste nodded, then ordered, "Fold 'em back in now." Moments later, Rebecca stated, "Snags back in place." Muia said, "Coming up on target. Freighter Maru Kensai is in orbit now." "Very well. Let's do this one right. She's carrying water, so take that into account, everyone," Celeste said. The Claudine eased into position beside the Maru Kensai. As soon as speeds were matched, the snags deployed once more, only this time for real. Padded claws extended and unfolded until they appeared to resemble two giant claws capable of ripping through the hull of the larger ship. Then the claws slowly closed until sensors alerted the servos and arrested the motion as the claws clamped firmly into position around the freighter. Once that took place, the snag engines rippled outward along the claws until engines under control of the tug circled the freighter. Without those in place, the freighter might go into a pitch or yaw while being moved with disastrous consequences for both it and the tug. "Snag engines locked in place," Chiandri announced. Celeste ordered, "Take her out of orbit and let's get her docked." "Aye, aye, captain. Passing control to the helm." "Helm acknowledging control." "Captain! Twilight is calling you!" Celeste nodded and flipped a toggle for her communications panel. "Captain Crystal speaking." "Traffic control here. Hold up with the Kensai. We've got an emergency docking coming in, so stay clear. Please acknowledge." "Captain Crystal acknowledging. Helm, ease us back into stationary orbit and hold us there." Muia answered, "Affirmative, Captain. What's up?" Celeste said, "Someone's apparently coming in hot." Mike exclaimed, "You aren't kidding, Captain! I've got them on the screen now. They're more than hot! They're half torn apart!" "Put that on my screen, Mike."

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Celeste studied the image on the screen before her command chair. The ship that was heading for the station was indeed torn up. Whoever snagged that ship would have to be extremely careful or the ship would fall apart inside the clasps. For a moment, she was wondering how the ship even managed to stay together after surviving what appeared to be major asteroid damage. Mike said, "Captain, I've got their communications channel on. You might want to listen in." Celeste nodded and flipped her communications set to the new channel. "Yes, we were shot up by some aliens." "Who fired upon you, Ionic Queen?" "We don't know, Twilight. They didn't give us a warning or anything. Just came in shooting at us. The Rizoids were doing all they could just to fight off whoever hit us. Thank goodness the Rizoids are our friends. Otherwise we'd still be back there in lots of little pieces." "Can the Rizoids hold them off?" "Not likely. Not without help, that is." "Well, I guess that means we'll be going to war then. I think we have a treaty with them." "Darn right we have a treaty! They honored their part by coming out to our rescue without us even asking, even though they were outnumbered five to two. We better do the right thing and honor our part by sending our Navy out to help them now." "We're already passing on this information to the Navy. How many on board are hurt?" "More like who's not hurt or dead. Half my crew is gone. The rest of us are wounded or injured from being bounced around by the impacts of their hits on us." Mike asked, "Are we at war, Captain?" "Sounds like we will be," Celeste answered. "Ionic Queen, Captain Sly just informed me on another channel that he doesn't think your ship can be snagged without tearing it apart." "We suspected as much." "Captain Sly here, Ionic Queen. We're alongside now and inspecting your air locks already. You're in deep trouble, my friend. At least one of your air locks is gone. The other appears heavily damaged. Do you have suits on board?" "We're already in our suits. Otherwise we'd all be dead right now. Thank goodness we had a fuzzy waller on board. Bless its soul, it began trilling shortly after we sealed the hatches and warned us that we were losing atmosphere." "In that case, we can get you out. How are your air tanks?" "Not good. You have any spares?" "We've got spares. Right now, get your speed down more so we can take you off." "I'm not sure we can. We felt darn lucky just getting the ship slowed from star drive speed without falling completely apart. I think you better match speeds with us and just transfer us across as soon as possible." Sly said, "I'm not sure I can get your air lock open if it's jammed unless...." "The hell with it then. This ship is finished anyway. Just rip it open with your snags. We'll jump out like popcorn and you can take us on board." "I hope you know what you're saying. We might not get all of you. What's your count of living?" Sly replied. "Twenty."

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Sly said, "Then we're going to need some assistance. Station master, you better send out more tugs. I'll even take help from a shuttle." "Can do, Sly. All tugs monitoring this action, if you're available, we need you now. Coordinates are...." "Detach the freighter!" Celeste ordered. "Ma'am?" Chiandri asked. "We're going out to help Captain Sly. He's got a hot load that's going to break apart," Celeste replied. Muia said, "But Captain, we don't have the speed to reach the Nova Scotia in time to be of assistance." Celeste answered, "Maybe not, but we can back them up from here. If nothing else, we'll be the Ionic Queen's last chance for its crew before hitting the Earth's atmosphere and burning up. Now let's get ourselves into position. Navigation, plot an intercept course for Muia." Pierre said, "The captain's right. We've got just enough time and speed to reach an intercept point before they get to us. Here Muia, I'm shifting the course over to your panel." "I see it on my panel now. Thanks, Pierre." Chiandri announced, "Snag disengaged." "Execute," Celeste ordered. *** Pierre said, "Oh man, it's a real mess. I've never seen a ship torn apart like that." Mike said, "We better get used to it if there's going to be a war." Celeste said, "Keep a close watch on your monitors for anyone in the wreckage. We'll get only one chance at grabbing them." *** "I see one! He's not with the main wreckage!" Rebecca shouted. "Where? Where?" Muia asked. "Starboard, up twenty degrees!" "I see him!" Mike shouted. Muia hollered, "Turning about, okay, Captain?" "Yes, do it, Muia," Celeste responded. Chiandri said, "Captain, we might be able to catch him with the snag." Celeste pondered for a moment as Muia turned the ship to the new course to intercept the only person they had spotted. She was about to speak when Muia spoke up. "Captain, I can put the ship into a spin as we catch him. That might reduce his velocity so he doesn't hit hard provided we close the snag around him quickly enough." Rebecca said, "I think I can do it. Should we try it, Captain?" Celeste said, "Yes, do it. I don't think we have time for anything else. Deploy the snag." *** The Claudine turned toward the stricken man as Muia judged everything by eyesight alone. There simply wasn't enough time to glance at the gauges to see what those might impart in the way of information. "Closing the snag! Go for it, Muia!" Rebecca shouted. Quickly, Muia shifted his engine controls to spin the ship so that the velocity of the man they were catching could be slowed and hopefully lessen the impact he might feel as the snag grappled him.

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"Have you got him?" Celeste asked. "Got him!" Rebecca shouted. "Okay, this might be rough on him. I've got to turn the ship some more now so I can completely arrest his momentum," Muia announced. "Do what you have to," Celeste replied. "Snag is holding firm. I guess it's a good thing we're not trying to do this with a ship," Chiandri said. "Need a bearing, Muia?" Pierre asked. "Yes, and a mark would help, too." Pierre said, "Nice and gentle turn coming up on your panel. Get ready... now." Muia's hands shifted about his controls to reduce the spin the Claudine was in and execute the turn. Pierre said, "Keep turning." "Gotcha, Pierre. Thanks," Muia replied. Rebecca said, "I don't think he's alive. I haven't seen any movement yet." "Alive or dead, we did what we could," Celeste said. "Captain, we're in position to orbit now," Muia said. Celeste said, "In that case, put us into orbit. Edward, ready to go outside?" "Aye, ma'am!" Edward replied over the intercom. "In orbit now, ma'am," Muia said. "Okay, Edward, go get him," Celeste ordered. *** Marcel nodded as Celeste entered the Loading Dock. "Nice work, Captain, even though the man was already dead. At least his relatives will get back his body." "Thanks, Marcel. You and your crew did a good job. Don't let anyone tell you differently," Celeste replied. "Buy you a drink?" "Nothing alcoholic. This isn't an occasion." "It is for me. Hope you don't mind if I celebrate saving twenty lives." "No, I don't mind. You earned it."

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Chapter 3 "You blundering fools! You were supposed to capture that ship intact! A little damage would have been acceptable...BUT NOT WHAT YOU FOOLS CAUSED! WHAT'S you let that ship escape anyway." The ship commanders blanched as their admiral's face flared into brilliant grayish-blue, a clear indicator that he was more than just a little angry. For a moment, they relaxed as he lowered the volume of his voice. Too late, they saw that it was merely the prelude to even worse in store for them. Admiral Geet's disruptor gun flashed out quickly at the nearest personnel to himself. Then he glanced around with penetrating eyes at the warriors who were lined up behind the remains of the ship captains. "Ranks, step forward!" he ordered. Immediately, every warrior within the briefing chamber moved forward with the front row stepping into the ashen remains of their former captains. "THE NEXT orders are not followed, I will demote more than just the first rank. Those of you in line for promotion someday would be wise in supporting your new commanders thoroughly. The setting I use the next time will take out the first three ranks or more, not just the first rank. AM I UNDERSTOOD?" "YES, ADMIRAL!" the throng of warriors shouted. "Now I must report this to our imperial Grand Dragor. He will not be pleased at hearing of this disaster." "Admiral! His imperial Grand Dragor wants to speak with you urgently!" an assistant suddenly said upon entering the briefing room on the admiral's ship. "He already knows what happened!" "How? Who told him?" "The Rizoids dared him to send back our ships that ran from them." For a moment, Admiral Geet's face turned brilliant grayish-blue once more. Then he took a deep breath and quickly took command of his emotions once more. "Order those imbeciles back to their ships. If I have to say another word to them, I'll probably demote a few more ranks." "Yes, sir! I'll see to it!" Admiral Geet left the briefing chamber and rushed to the communications room. Even though he hurried, he didn't run or give the appearance that he felt any panic or fear. He had been in command for too long. Unlike his anger, those emotions were under control. *** Upon viewing the imperial Dragor on the screen, Admiral Geet drew and placed his own dagger to his throat. "At your service, Grand Dragor!" "Tell me what happened." "I sent a squadron of ships to capture a vessel from Earth for intelligence purposes. The former captains botched the assignment. They fired from long range instead of getting close enough to the Earth ship to disable and capture it as I instructed. Then the Rizoids reacted to the attack on the Earth vessel and the squadron ran after a brief skirmish." "Then you have demoted those responsible?" "Personally, your highness."

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The Grand Dragor nodded. For a moment, there was quiet. Not another word was exchanged as Admiral Geet kept his eyes trained on the monitor displaying the broadcast image of the imperial Dragor. All the while, the dagger remained at Admiral Geet's throat. "Fortunately, we've intercepted enough human broadcasts to know that a political solution is possible without tipping them off concerning our intentions. You shall have to conclude your plans without the additional military intelligence you desired." "Yes, your highness." "Did you record the demotions?" "Yes, your highness." "Transmit those to me. We'll use those to prove to the humans that we have punished those responsible already and desire only peace. That should be enough to placate them for the time being. Unfortunately, it means they now know more than I wished them to know about us." Geet said, "My plans will take that into account, your highness."

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Chapter 4 Marcel said, "Mistake, my ass. Those men on the Ionic Queen said there was no doubt in their minds that it was intentional. They communicated their identity in an attempt to get the Dragorians to cease fire. They even tried to surrender. When that didn't work, they had no choice but to engage their star drive." "I believe you," Celeste said from across the table at which she and the other tug captains stationed at Twilight were seated. Marcel shouted, "Hey, barkeep! How about changing the station? I don't want to listen to the Dragorians since they didn't want anything to do with us before." "Sorry, but I've been asked to leave it there by Captain Belson. He wants everyone to hear whatever news there is concerning the Ionic Queen incident." Marcel said, "Oh, so now it's just an incident? Try telling that to the spacers who didn't get off her alive!" The barkeep shouted, "Well, that's what the news is calling it!" Celeste said, "Look on the bright side, Marcel. At least we're not at war after all. Neither are the Rizoids." Marcel said, "The Rizoids are lucky they didn't get wiped out. They're no match for the Dragors from what we've seen on the news. If there's any bright side, it's that our government is increasing the size of our Navy. It might mean more work for us, but I can stomach that better than seeing spacers lost without a fight." Captain Jeckal of the Snaggletooth spoke up. "Hear, hear! You're on target there, Marcel! Don't you agree, Ramon?" Captain Ramon Guitarrez of the Piranha nodded. Marcel said, "I've heard they're going to build five new warships immediately. Then five more after that when they have the budgeting for them. Personally, I don't think we'll see more than the five they begin building. You know how politicians are. They start something and then stop halfway when the taxpayers start to complain." Ramon said, "Even one ship in the right place at the right time can create a crucial difference. Five might be enough. I don't see any need for us to get ourselves into a Twentieth Century arms race with the Dragorians." Marcel said, "That's easy for you to say. You're going to be here with us while someone else has to eventually face the Dragorians. Try telling that to our people in the Navy that five more might be enough. I'm betting that they'll feel and think differently about that." Ramon said, "I'm not saying they don't have a right to more. Only that they might have to make do with what the government provides. I'm hoping that whatever is provided is enough. But just like you, I hope they get what they need." "Good evening, Captains," Captain Belson stated as he paused by their table. "Evening, Commander," Celeste replied with the other captains. Belson said, "Got some bad news for you, Celeste. I'm going to have to put your ship on sensor duty seeing as your ship is the oldest. Plus we have some large ships coming in that are better handled by the other tugs." "Sensor duty? We can handle that. If nothing else, it'll give my crew an opportunity to practice their teamwork for the upcoming competition," Celeste replied. "I'm glad you're taking the assignment with a good outlook. That makes my job easier,"

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Belson stated. "No problem at all. Besides, I know I can use some practice myself just to be sure I give these gentlemen and the crews from Dawn Space Station some real competition." "You better practice a lot in that case," Marcel stated. Celeste said, "Well, I'm certainly not going to just let you win for a third time in a row. You're going to have to earn it, Marcel. However, I've heard that the Anaconda stationed at Dawn is going to be the one to beat this year. Of course, I'm not saying that either the Bulldog or Tarantula are slackers since they're also new tugs." "You still think you can win? Hah!" "Want to make a bet?" Celeste asked. "What kind of bet?" Captain Belson said, "I'd best be moving along. Uh, try to keep your betting reasonable so I won't have to call any of you before me for breaking station regulations." As Belson walked away, Celeste said, "If I win, you'll have to wear a dress for a week when you're not on duty." "Yeah? Well, if I win, you have to give me a kiss when the trophy is presented and be my waitress for a week. Agreed?" "Agreed. Do you want me to order your dress now?" Marcel said, "Ooooh, she's just begging to be beaten by asking that. Isn't she, gentlemen?" Ramon asked, "Out of curiosity, what size does Marcel wear?" "Ramon! You're supposed to be on my side!" Celeste said, "I'd say a size 20." Ramon exclaimed, "Hell if I am! I'm trying to win that trophy as well!" "Phooey on you then! Just remember, I don't have to wear a dress unless Celeste wins." Jeckal said, "Maybe you both ought to prepare. Marcel, you could give Celeste your measurements just to be sure and Celeste could practice asking, 'Would you like flies with that?' for her waitressing duty." "Flies! She better not!" Marcel stormed. "I think Marcel would look gorgeous in a flowery dress," Ramon said. Jeckal said, "I'd rather see Celeste in one of those waitress uniforms. Marcel probably has knobby knees." Marcel shouted, "Hey, barkeep! How about turning up the volume on the news? Maybe I can stomach watching his lizard-headedness apologize once more for shooting up one of our ships after all."

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Chapter 5 "Twilight control to Claudine. Our air lock is secure. Traffic is open. You are cleared to leave." Celeste rechecked her command panel. She answered, "Affirmative, Twilight. Claudine executing departure now. Out." "Snags open," Rebecca stated. "Rotating ship," Muia said. Carefully, the Claudine rotated around the outer ring it was docked at to clear the station's docking air lock. "Withdraw snags," Celeste ordered. "Snags withdrawn." "Jet away from the ring," Celeste ordered. "Jetting away." Small jets shoved the Claudine away with a sideways motion from the space station. Pierre announced the level of clearance until the tug was ten meters from the ring. "Ahead slow," Celeste ordered upon hearing Pierre reach ten. Moments later, Twilight became small and toy-like as the tug steadily increased the distance between it and the station. Pierre said, "I'm passing the course to your panel now, Muia." "Thanks." *** The Claudine approached the first of several sensor satellites that her crew would inspect and repair, if necessary. "Satellites sure show up better with the new electronics," Pierre said. Muia said, "I just feel better knowing we won't have to worry as much about a small heavy metal asteroid sneaking up and ripping into us. Finding the satellites is easy." Celeste said, "Let's get this day's work over with so we can get in some practice for the shooting competition." "Heck, Smitty doesn't need any practice," Muia said. "He might not, but I do. Remember, I have to command the ship's maneuvering while our gunners knock out asteroids." "Well, we won't let you make any mistakes," Muia said. "Maybe not, but the judge might not like watching us operate that way. When we win, I want it to be because we all did our part." "Satellite coming into visual sight," Pierre said. Muia said, "Yeah, I see it." "Slow ahead. Prepare to trap the satellite," Celeste ordered. *** Mikhail exited the air lock beside Edward, one of the two engineers. It was their job to inspect the satellite and evaluate its condition. For some problems they might encounter, they even carried replacement parts and could make the repair on the spot. Though the front and rear of the clasps that held the satellite like a basket were open, the two men were still tethered to the ship. Safety was always the first concern since space possessed no compassion for the careless or clumsy.

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"Broken antenna. Probably clipped by an asteroid," Mikhail said. "No problem. We've got plenty of spares for that," Edward replied as he opened the inspection case to retrieve the right tools and spare part. At that moment, one of the Claudine's guns opened fire. Mikhail asked, "Does that ever get to you when you're out here like this?" "What, sir?" "Our gunners shooting at asteroids." "Naw. If anything, it makes me feel better since I know they're looking out for me. I'd be more concerned if our guns never fired. Then I'd wonder if anyone was awake. That happened once before on a tug assigned to the Dawn Space Station." Mikhail said, "Yes, I remember seeing the news about that when they court-martialed the gunner who fell asleep. He was lucky that he only got a year in prison. It would have been worse for him if anyone had been hurt or killed." "Got it replaced, sir. The rest of the satellite looks good. I'll plug in the computer diagnostics so we can be positive it's okay on the inside in case a micro-asteroid penetrated." *** Mikhail entered the bridge. "Well, that's the last one scheduled for today." "You did well, Mik. Now we'll go hunting asteroids and get in some target practice," Celeste replied. "What they shot while we were working wasn't enough?" "We need to provide our gunners with some multiple targets. Pierre, give Muia a course to the best location for finding asteroids and space junk." "Dark side or light?" Pierre asked. "Dark," Celeste answered. Pierre said, "Okay, Brisbane, get ready for a sky show! Muia, I'm sending the course to your panel now." "Yes, I see it. Thanks." Celeste said, "Mik, you can act as the judge for now. Don't hold back any punches in your rating. We've got to know just how well we're performing as a team." *** The Claudine docked at Twilight. On board, everyone shut down their equipment except for Celeste. She remained seated in her command chair. Mikhail said, "I'm starved. How about you, Captain?" "I'll be along in awhile. I want to sit here and think some." "Wasn't the target practice good enough?" "Not about that. Just things in general." "Got a problem with a man?" "No, not that it's any of your.... Sorry, I shouldn't snap at you for asking out of concern. As a matter of fact, it does concern a man, but he's not a boyfriend. Never will be, either. Just that I'm worried about him since he's getting old and.... Well, he's a relative of mine. I'm just sitting here thinking it would be nice to see him again sometime soon." "Ah, family. Yes, I guess we all care about our families. Is he in poor health?" "Somewhat, yes." "Then maybe you ought to take some leave time. I doubt if you've had any in the last year."

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"Actually, not in the last two years. I didn't take any leave while I was assigned to Mars." "All the more reason to take some now. If you don't want me to take the Claudine out, I can always supervise maintenance on her." "I do trust you with the Claudine, but I'm not going to take any leave right now. Really, I wish I could explain this, but I can't at the moment." "Well, don't delay too long in taking some leave. You've looked just a bit tired lately." Celeste nodded, then returned her attention to the monitor that presented the information from the metals detector while Mik left to enter the station. She knew debris from her grandfather's accident over thirty years ago was still in orbit. For that reason, she knew it was possible the black box from the Celestial Princess might also still be in orbit, even though it never gave out a responder signal as it should have. That failure was one of the damning pieces of evidence against her grandfather. The failure of the responder made it appear that he'd deliberately disposed of the black box in a futile effort to protect himself. Of course, it was possible the missing black box might also be moving at the same speed as Twilight. For that reason, Celeste was more than grateful for the opportunity to circle the globe inspecting the satellites since it gave her an added opportunity to find what was more like a grain of sand in a haystack rather than a needle. The one thing she couldn't accept was that the black box had dropped to Earth. She could never accept that alternative since it meant her grandfather's name could never be cleared. For her, the black box could only be orbiting. For her, there was only one recourse. She had to find it before her grandfather's declining health claimed him so he could die happily with the knowledge that his name had been cleared. *** "Where's Celeste?" Marcel asked as Mik entered the Loading Dock. Mik answered, "Still on board, deep in thought. Apparently one of her relatives is old and sick enough to worry her. She said she'd be along soon." "I'll keep that in mind, Mik. Thanks for the tip. Care for a drink?" "Sure, I'll have one with you soon as I get my dinner. But just one, mind you. I'm bowling tonight. I don't want someone claiming I tried to toss the ball through the bulkhead." "Never happen. Not in that section. That part of Twilight is super reinforced." "Oh, they heard about my bowling?" Marcel glanced around, then motioned Mik closer. When Mik approached, Marcel whispered, "No, that's where the Celestial Princess hit Twilight over thirty years ago. Crushed a whole section. Poor devils inside never had a chance. After that, they didn't dare put any new quarters in that section, so they doubly reinforced it and put in the bowling alley instead that was planned for the next station expansion. I guess you didn't notice the plaque that dedicated the alley in their memories." "Uh, no, I didn't see the plaque." "Probably covered over with some notice or something." "I'll look for it. Sounds like it was a nice gesture," Mik replied. "Nice gesture, my ass. They were going to put in quarters after replacing the outer bulkhead, but some people claimed they saw ghosts. The station manager convinced headquarters to put in the bowling alley instead after he heard the stories about the ghosts. Fortunately, they weren't far enough along in the repair work that they couldn't change their plans."

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"Ghosts on Twilight?" "Keep it quiet. No one wants people reporting things that aren't there. Don't go making people see things." "Did anyone document it?" Mik asked. "Hell if I know. If I was you, I'd let the matter drop right here. It doesn't do anyone any good to go stirring up the past." "I won't say a word to anyone. Now I better get my dinner. Go ahead and order my drink. I'll be right back." "Yeah, good idea." *** Mikhail paused beside the entrance to the bowling alley. He spotted the memorial plaque hidden behind some decorations for a party long since held. Reverently, he pushed aside the decorations and solemnly read the plaque. He was startled when he finished reading the plaque. He hadn't expected to see one name in particular mentioned in the text. For a moment, he was unsure how to react. Then he gathered his wits and entered the alley as he planned on doing.

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Chapter 6 Mik said, "Not this time. You're coming to dinner with me. You're moping around too much over something you can't do anything about." "I'm not moping. If anything, I'm also practicing dry runs while I'm sitting here. Why else do you think I've still got my panel on?" Celeste responded. "Regardless, you can afford to miss one practice. You're coming to dinner with me. Then I'm taking you bowling." "Bowling? I don't know how to bowl." "I'll teach you. It's easy. Well, it's easy on Earth. It's a bit different here since the lanes are curved." *** "Okay, just grip the ball like this with your fingers. Then walk up to the line and release it down the center of the alley at the pins. Try not to loft the ball. The alley management hates it when anyone does that," Mik said. Celeste picked up a ball from the return rack and placed her fingers in the ball like Mik demonstrated. She then swung her arm back as she walked to the line and released it on her forward arm swing. It rolled down the center of the lane and knocked down the pins in the center leaving a split. Mik exclaimed, "Not bad for your first try! Now just aim for one side or the other. If you're lucky, one of the pins will bounce over and knock the others down. If that happens, you'll have a spare which is good." "That's allowed?" she asked. Mik nodded. "It's allowed." Celeste waited anxiously for her ball to return. She approached the line once she had her ball and stopped suddenly without throwing the ball. She stared down the alley at the figure she was seeing. The figure was pointing to the other side of the alley. Celeste blinked her eyes, then swung the ball from her standing position and released it at the pins on the side the figure was pointing toward. "Oh well, you get a six for this frame," Mik said as he watched Celeste's ball go into the gutter. Celeste looked again down the alley, but the figure wasn't there anymore. She turned and made her way back to the seating for her lane. "You feeling okay, Celeste? You look pale." "I'm fine, Mik. You're probably right that I needed to get out tonight. I'm tired enough that I'm seeing things. So, now what? Is a six good?" "Well, no, but you'll get better as you learn more about how to bowl." "Evening, Celeste." "Captain Belson. Good evening, sir." "No need for formalities in here. I'm just Rikuyu or Rik in here. A six?" Belson said upon noticing her score. "I'm learning. First time I ever bowled." Mik said, "I'm teaching her." "Then you have a good instructor. Mik should be in a league with his level of play," Belson said.

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"He should?" "Well, he's a better bowler than me. You're looking a bit tired. I guess you'll be glad when you finish satellite inspection," Belson said. Mik said, "It's more likely from practicing too much for the upcoming competition. She even does dry runs on her own after we're docked. I had to drag her out of the ship to get her to rest some." "You call this rest?" Celeste exclaimed. Both men laughed. Mik said, "Okay, it's not easy, but it's fun. It's also a great way to relieve stress since you get to throw things around." Belson said, "Well, enjoy it while you can. Next week, we'll have a contingent of construction workers arriving to expand the station and assemble the shipyard for the Navy's new ships they're going to build. It'll be our responsibility to protect the shipyard from asteroids. That's why they're assembling it near us. Plus we'll be quartering the workers and some of the military inspectors. To do that, we'll have to place some of them in here with cots for them to sleep on. We might not be at war after all, but at least the military will have more ships in case the Ionic Queen incident was merely a harbinger of things to come." "No bowling after next week?" Mik groaned. "Sorry, no bowling after they arrive. Well, I better get over to my lane now. Looks like my victims are getting impatient for me to deprive them of a round of drinks." Belson then left. Mik picked up his ball and threw a gutter ball before he realized that he was letting his attention wander. He returned to the scoring table a bit dejectedly. "You all right, Mik?" Celeste asked. "I'm fine. It's just that I was looking forward to bowling every night. I guess we don't always get what we'd like. Anyway, I'll look on the bright side. Once the construction is complete, we'll have the bowling alley back again. Right?" "I guess so. I still don't see where or how this is fun." "You will. It's your turn. Get up and bowl. Try to put just a bit of language on the ball as you release it." "What do I say to it?" "Give it a spin with a bit of wrist action like this," Mik demonstrated. "Oh? What's that do?" "Makes the ball curve so that you won't hit the pins head on. Then you'll be more likely to get a strike." "Curve? The lanes are already curved. If I curve the ball anymore, I'll be launching it at the ceiling." "Naw. You'll be giving it a sideways curve. Watch Captain Belson in his lane. Now watch the ball as he releases it. See how he throws it toward the gutter but it curves back toward the center of the lane?" "Yes, I see that now. Is that what I'm supposed to be doing?" "Partly. Anyway, just give it a try." Celeste took her ball and studied the lane for a moment as she considered where she should throw the ball to make it curve. Once more, she saw a figure pointing on her lane. Without thinking, she made her approach and released the ball only to make another gutter. "Tough luck!" Mik shouted.

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"I was only throwing where...." Celeste paused and glanced back down the lane. The figure was no longer there. *** Celeste said, "Well, I can't say I didn't enjoy the evening. However, I don't think I'm cut out to be much of a bowler." "Nonsense. You almost made one strike. That shows you can improve. Next time we bowl, I'm sure you'll make a strike." "Maybe I can improve. Regardless, I think you made a point tonight by letting me see just how tired I really am. Maybe I am pushing myself too much. If that's the case, then I'll try to slow down a bit and be just a bit easier on myself."

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Chapter 7 "Twilight to Claudine. We have hold of the CB One. You are cleared to release the ship from your care." Celeste answered, "Acknowledged. Releasing CB One now." At her nod, Chiandri toggled a switch to open the clasping arms so that the CB One was free of Claudine's grasp. Celeste ordered, "That was our last today. Time to dock, Muia." "Aye, Captain. Proceeding toward docking station." *** Celeste entered the docking entrance with her crew. She made her way to the long corridor leading to the center of the station where Twilight's main air lock was located. By positioning it there, the engineers and designers had protected the air lock from direct impact with any space debris that might get past one of the station's protective guns. For anything to hit the air lock, it had to bore through half of the station or one of two heavily armored gun platforms at what were called the top and bottom of the station. In actuality, there were two identical main air locks in the center. One led to the upper docking ring. The other led to the lower docking ring. It was simply another redundancy in the level of protection built into the space station. She reached the long corridor and was turning into it to head for the center when a familiar voice shouted, "Celeste! Celeste!" "Rocky?" she said as she stopped and glanced about for the source of the familiar voice. "Yeah, it's me!" Rocky said just before reaching his sister's side. "What are you doing here?" "I passed my tests. I'm here as a construction worker. A welder second class to be exact. I'll be here until we finish building all the ships. First though, we've got to build the shipyard and expand the station." "How's everyone at home doing?" Rocky glanced around, then asked quietly, "No luck yet?" "Not yet, but I just know it's still in orbit. I'll find it." "The family's concerned that you don't call, even if you don't have any good news to report." "I just can't face them with nothing to tell." "You should call anyway." "Oh Mik! I want you to meet someone special to me." Mik stopped as he was about to pass by Celeste and glanced at Rocky. "Isn't he a bit young for you? He doesn't look over eighteen." "I am eighteen, sir." "Rocky is my brother, Mik. I thought you'd like to meet him." "You're Captain Crystal's brother? Yes, I am glad to meet you." Rocky accepted Mik's handshake. "Yes, you're definitely a construction worker. Not only your name, but your grip says that you are." Rocky said, "It's just my nickname. It kind of stuck when I was young, even though it sometimes sounds a bit corny. Rocky Crystal. Get it?"

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Mik smiled. "Yes, I get it. However, with that grip, I doubt if anyone will make any fun of you." "Crystal! Get a move on!" "Gotta go! That's my boss hollering for me to get my butt in gear. Be sure to call the folks, Sis," Rocky said. "I will. Take care of yourself, Rocky!" "You've got a nice brother. Did he have any news about your grandfather?" "How'd you know it was my grandfather?" Celeste asked. "A lucky guess," Mik replied. "No change. I guess I'll have to call now." "Let me know if you need any moral support." "Thanks for the offer. However, I'll have to face them by myself. I don't want to confuse the issue by having them see you and think that you're my...." "Boyfriend? No, I understand. I can stand off out of sight when you call if you want. That's if you want me there." "I'll give it some thought. Thanks again." "We better get to dinner. It's going to be crowded from now on." "Yes, I guess it will. I hadn't realized we'd be receiving so many people." As they resumed walking toward the center, Mik said, "You remember when we first inspected the Claudine and you were in the black hole?" "Yes. What of it?" "I've been doing some checking. If we use the black hole as a fuel tank again, we can probably get some extra performance out of Claudine during the competition. The chemical engines are still in perfect shape." "They still have fuel on Twilight?" "Believe it or not, I found out that they still have plenty of fuel inside their storage tanks that they don't have any use for since they use isotope engines like everyone else. Plus I inspected the black hole and found it was completely intact. No leaks at all." "It wouldn't be cheating, would it?" "Nothing in the rules against using all our engines. If nothing else, it might put us closer in speed to the other tugs. Remember, it's not just a matter of hitting all the targets. We also have to get through the Perseids within a time limit. With our current speed, we're right at the margin of success and failure. Add the chemical engines to the mix and we're sure to finish within our allotted time. It's not our fault that the Nova Scotia doesn't have any chemical engines on board since she's newer." They paused to wait their turn at the air lock hatch. Celeste glanced around to see who was near them. Then she said, "Let's do it, but keep it quiet. I don't want Marcel complaining before the competition and forcing a ruling from the judges since there aren't any rules against this." "I quite agree. I'll see to it that the tank is topped off tonight." "Why tonight?" "So we can get used to the increased mass the Claudine will have. She's going to handle differently with more mass." "Yes, of course. You're right about that. We'll need to practice some more." "Real practice, not dry runs."

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"Of course." "And we'll have to use both engine systems together as well." "What if someone spots us?" "We'll pick our time and place so we won't be spotted. Then just leave it to me to get the tank refilled." "You really want to win this competition, don't you?" "I think our crew deserves to win. Not just me." "You're a good man, Mik."

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Chapter 8 "Yippee! We're going to get the bowling alley back for awhile!" Mik shouted as he entered the Claudine. "We are? How come?" Celeste asked. "Because the ships they sent up contained the shipyard structure, not the station expansion. That's why. Plus, they're going to bunk down in their own ship when they're attached to the shipyard after they get the shipyard put together so they won't have to travel back and forth as much. I can't say that I blame them since that many of them going through the air lock means a delay just getting to work each shift." "That all?" "Not really, but the rest is just trivial to us." "But not to them?" "Well, I heard some of them saying they weren't looking forward to expanding the station because they'll have to dismantle some of the side guns. Apparently working on the station is more dangerous than working on the shipyard since they'll have all the station's guns covering them against asteroids while they construct the shipyard and the ships." "Can't say as I blame them since the Perseids will be due soon. Speaking of which, we don't have much time left to practice." "No problem. The fuel is already in the tank. I explained it to Captain Belson. He thinks it's about time someone gives Marcel a real run for the trophy. Unofficially, he wished us luck and promised he'd try to send us out on some satellite repairs so we can practice." "That's nice of him. Well, let's get going. We've got a ship to snag and I don't want to be late."

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Chapter 9 Rocky suited up, then grabbed his gear and followed the other construction workers to the air lock. At the hatch, each of them paused to check each other using the buddy system. Their foreman observed them carefully as it was the first time in space for many of them. He didn't want to lose any of them if only because he dreaded the paperwork, let alone the fact that it might be days or longer before he could receive a replacement. As well, the company didn't want any of them killed since it had to pay huge premiums to insure each and every worker. It only required one or two deaths for their rates to skyrocket. That wasn't even taking into account how much each worker was earning for what was clearly a dangerous job. "Radio check. Everyone hear me?" Rocky waited his turn, then answered the foreman. Eventually, all the workers replied and the group moved into the air lock. Once it cycled them through, they took seats inside one of the station's shuttles. Except for the lack of snags, the shuttles were basically made from the same design as the tugs. The shuttles, like the tugs, were heavily armored and possessed powerful isotope engines. Highly maneuverable, the shuttles could move about in any direction as needed. The shuttles could also ferry large loads of personnel and equipment since they had more room and a smaller crew. Again, that was because the shuttles didn't need snag operators and didn't have snag stations inside. Whereas the tugs had a crew of ten and two officers, the shuttles had a crew of six and one officer. The ride was short. After all, the ship with the shipyard parts wasn't but a kilometer away from the station. Of course, it was between the station and Earth so the station could defend it against any asteroids. Rocky watched out the thick plate glass viewing port even though the view was basically the same as from the CB One and the space station. Still, it was something to do as the shuttle maneuvered into position beside the transport with the parts he and the other workers would assemble. "All right, time to earn your pay. Take your time, do things carefully. You get only one chance out here. There won't be any chewing out if you make a mistake. Only a letter to your relatives. You have your instructions. Move out," the foreman radioed.

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Chapter 10 "Admiral, the humans are constructing something near one of their stations." "Could you make out what they're constructing, Captain Yoot?" Geet asked. "It's only beginning to take shape. Whatever it is, it's huge. It reminds me of a ship construction facility." "A ship construction facility? Remain on station and report in daily on their progress. I want to know what they're constructing. This could impact my plans considerably. Do not fail me." "Yes sir. We will remain at our observation station and report in daily on their progress." "Good. End transmission." Admiral Geet stood beside the communication console momentarily as several of his assistants waited patiently upon any orders he might have. After several moments, he finally moved in the direction of his planning chamber. Upon reaching it, he went to his star charts and pondered what little information he had on the human solar system. "You! Return to the communication station and call Captain Yoot! Tell him I also want accurate reports on all asteroid formations the Earth passes through. Now!" The assistant who Admiral Geet pointed to hurriedly left the planning chamber and ran to the communication station in response to his orders.

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Chapter 11 Mik said, "Let's try it again. Your orders aren't crisp enough, Captain." Celeste responded, "Not crisp enough? Muia is getting us through without a scratch." "Muia is doing his work and part of yours. You're paying too much attention to the monitors instead of where we're going. You're not afraid of a heavy metal asteroid hitting us, are you?" "Not in the least." "Then why are you paying so much attention to that panel?" Muia asked, "How about if we break for lunch first, then practice some more?" Celeste said, "That sounds like a good idea. Mike, notify the station we're returning. Pierre, give Muia a course." *** "Aren't you joining us for lunch? You can't sit here going through more dry runs by yourself." At that moment, Celeste heard a chirping sound. She glanced up. "Are you hungry, Ermine?" More answering chirps convinced her that Ermine was hungry. "Well, Mik, looks like Ermine is on your side right now. She wants to eat too, so I guess I'll go with you so I can feed her." Mik asked, "What's Ermine like to eat?" "French fries. I think all fuzzy wallers like those. Aside from cheese, I haven't seen fuzzy wallers eat anything else." "Then I'll buy her an entire large order of fries." "Don't you dare! You want to make her sick?" "But...." "She'll want only a few. That much will be more than enough for her without making her sick. I made that mistake once, but never again. She can share from my order of fries." "I'll take your word on that," Mik stated. *** As Mik and Celeste entered the restaurant, Ermine cooed. "I guess she smells the food," Mik said. "No, she wants to climb to the ceiling and pounce down on her prey. Here you go, Ermine," Celeste replied as she placed Ermine on a bulkhead. "Pounce on her prey?" Mik asked. "Well, I don't know what else to call it. She just gets into position, then drops down on what she wants. We'll leave enough space open on our table for her to land." "And her French fries in the open space?" "Right, Mik. You catch on fast." "Well, I've never owned a fuzzy waller." "I don't really own Ermine. Fuzzy wallers adopt you, not the other way around." "You mean Ermine chose you to live with?" Celeste answered, "Exactly. Of course, she was smaller then. I was just out of officer training and still in my first week at Mars when she dropped into my life. Back then, I could only give her one French fry to eat. Now I can give her several."

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"But how did you know she adopted you?" "Well, the Rizoid who Ermine's mother was living with told me after Ermine decided to jump ship from her mother and take up with me. Since then, she's been a delight for the most part." "For the most part?" Mik asked. Celeste glanced around, then whispered, "When she was smaller, she'd crawl inside my clothes and tickle me without mercy. Fussy too about what I wore. One time she fussed...." "How does Ermine fuss?" "By deliberately tickling me." "Oh." "She fussed until I figured out what she didn't want me to do." "What was that?" "She wanted me to wear cotton underwear instead of synthetic. Apparently, synthetics give her static shocks." So she's never bitten you?" "Fuzzy wallers absorb their prey. They don't have mouths." "Then how do they talk or make sounds?" Mik asked. Celeste said to the counter person, "Cheeseburger and small fries." Mik said, "I'll have the same. What about drinks, Celeste?" "Just water for me." "Milk for me," Mik said. "Well, they make some sounds by undulating their bodies. Other sounds they make through their breathing pores." "GET THIS DAMNED THING OFF ME!" Celeste turned quickly and looked at the source of the commotion. It took her only a moment to recognize Ermine on the head of some man who had stood up from his chair and was reaching for Ermine with his hands as his friends laughed and made comments about his new hair piece. She left the counter and ran toward the man. However, she didn't reach him in time before he grabbed Ermine and tossed Ermine onto the floor in front of him. He lifted his foot to stomp on Ermine. Celeste threw her body against the bald man to keep him from harming Ermine. She and the bald man both fell over amidst the bolted down tables and chairs. Before he could react further, Celeste had one hand on his suit and her other hand clenched into a fist that she held back from using. "Don't you even think about harming my fuzzy waller! Not ever!" Then the bald man twisted loose from Celeste. He was about to throw a punch of his own when a pair of legs stepped in between the bald man and Celeste as they prepared to slug it out on the floor. "Evidently you didn't hear the woman and don't understand the situation, Mister. Right now, you'd be wise to take my advice and pick up an education unless you want to start a fight between you and every spacer in this restaurant." "I don't need the military telling me what to do!" At that moment, the bald man felt something more on his head. He reached up to swat at it when the officer grabbed the man's hand. "Don't you dare hit that creature or I'll hurt you myself."

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Celeste said, "First time I've ever known a fuzzy waller to show bad judgment." "Let go of me!" The officer said, "Not until you listen to what I have to say. You don't ever harm a fuzzy waller. They're too valuable and more important than anyone. Even you." "What?" exclaimed the bald man. Mik assisted Celeste to her feet while saying, "Fuzzy wallers can tell when your cabin is losing atmosphere. They give decompression warnings. Right now, you're lucky since you've got a personal warning system because they adopt people to live with." "They what?" the bald man asked as the small fuzzy waller crawled down his head to his right ear. "Ah, come on. Just let me remove the darn thing!" "Are you all right, Ermine?" Celeste asked after picking up Ermine. "I don't need a fuzzy waller. Besides, I don't know how to care for one." Celeste said, "I'll teach you. Anyway, they don't eat much. All you have to do is give it a French fry every other day. And a piece of cheese once a week." "I ain't got time to be caring for a fuzzy waller. Don't have the time to take it for a walk or clean up after it," the bald man said as he got to his feet with the officer still holding his hands away from the small fuzzy waller. Celeste said, "They walk themselves and you don't have to clean up after them. Their metabolisms use everything they eat unless you feed them too much." "I think you better sit down with the lady and let her give you some instructions before you cause a riot in here. Haven't you noticed how you're surrounded by upset spacers right now?" The bald man glanced around. All he saw were menacing faces ready to jump in at him if he so much as pinched the fuzzy waller that adopted him. "Well, uh, no. I don't guess I want to start a riot." Celeste said, "Sorry I knocked you down, but I couldn't let you harm Ermine." "Are these fuzzy wallers really that important?" the bald man asked as the officer released him before walking away. "I'll get our food. You find a table for us," Mik said. The bald man said, "Might as well sit at my table since it's empty now." "Thanks for the invite. I will join you. By the way, I'm Captain Celeste Crystal." "Oh my god, I was about to strike an officer? I'm really sorry, but you caught me off guard. I'm really sorry. Really I am. I just don't like being shoved around. I'm Noble Paris. Hey, you said Crystal. We've got a welder with that name." "He's my brother, Noble." "He is? Well, I'll be. I hope you don't have it in for construction workers or your brother. I mean, you two are friends, aren't you?" "I was merely protecting another friend. Ermine, I wish I'd known that you were expecting or already had a baby." "Ermine?" Celeste answered, "Well, it's what I call her. I guess you can name yours whatever you want since she's adopted you." Noble asked, "Still, why does anyone need a fuzzy waller? Aren’t the anti-asteroid guns sufficient to prevent one from hitting our ships or station?" "Some asteroids are too small to blast apart and others are laden with metals. Hit one of

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those and there's no effect unless it's so small it just melts temporarily before it hits your ship or station anyway. That’s why we always keep patches available where they can be reached quickly." "They didn’t brief us on Earth about some of the asteroids containing metals or rocks you can’t blast into dust. Now I understand why, but aren’t sensors capable of detecting air leaks?" "Sure, we have sensors capable of that, but fuzzy wallers happen to be more sensitive and quicker at responding to slow decompression." Ermine cooed suddenly as Mik sat down with the meals. Celeste took out two French fries and placed them on the table, then held Ermine above them. A moment later, Ermine detached herself from Celeste's hand to drop onto what Ermine believed were unsuspecting French fries. "That's all there is to feeding them," Celeste said. "That's it?" Noble asked. "Yes, take one of my small fries. Place it on the table in front of you. Then lean over so your right ear is over it and wait a moment." Noble did as he was instructed. Two seconds later, a small mustache-sized fuzzy waller fell from his ear onto the French fry. "How long does it take them to eat?" "If she's not finished, just pick her up carefully, French fry and all. That's if you don't want to make it difficult on her finding you again. Otherwise, she'll find you later when she's finished," Celeste answered. "Even if I'm not..? No, I guess she wouldn't find me if I wasn't on board. That would have been a stupid question," Noble said. Celeste said, "Oh, don't ever leave her behind. She could die just pining away for you." "What? Why?" Noble asked. Celeste said, "Since they don't need mates to reproduce, they fasten their emotions upon whoever they adopt. It's her equivalent of love and she picked you out of everyone in this restaurant. Fuzzy wallers are supposed to be great judges of character. Evidently you've got a heart of gold according to your fuzzy waller." Noble whispered loudly, "Don't you dare tell that to anyone! Otherwise I'll never be able to get the men to work and get my own work done as well." "Well, I suppose you could explain it differently to any of your workers if they happen to ask. Maybe you could tell them she happens to like bald men." "Yeah, I suppose that might work. So I'm stuck with her?" Celeste answered, "Unless you want every spacer on board after you." "You two getting along now?" the officer asked as he paused beside the table on his way out of the restaurant. Celeste looked up at the officer to see his face for the first time. For a moment she was speechless. "Am I interrupting?" the officer asked. "Captain Crystal and I are getting along fine, sir. I've been adopted, it seems," Noble replied. "Uh, yes, we're fine, uh, Lieutenant Dash," Celeste answered at last after reading the officer's name tag. "I'm pleased to hear that. Take care," Dash said. "Won't you, uh, join us for a moment?" Celeste asked.

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"Oh, is there a problem after all?" Dash asked. "No, not really. It's just that I'd like to take the time to thank you," Celeste replied. "You just did." Celeste asked, "Then perhaps we'll see each other again?" "Perhaps. It's a small station," Dash replied. "No hard feelings, Lieutenant?" Noble asked. "Not on my account. Sorry I had to restrain you," Dash said. Noble said, "I understand why now. I'm glad you stopped me before I could make an even bigger fool of myself." "Forget it. In the meantime, take care. You too, Captain Crystal," Dash replied. Celeste watched the officer leave until she realized that Mik was speaking to her. She asked, "What was that, Mik?" "We better get back to the ship for practice," Mik repeated. "Um, yes, you're right. Well, Noble, take care. I have to get going as well," Celeste said as she gently picked up Ermine while making sure Ermine's French fries came along as well. "I've got some extra fries in case those aren't enough," Mik said. "Uh, right. Good thinking. She might want one or two more." *** Mik turned to stare at Celeste. She was once more staring at the panel with the readout for the heavy metal detector. "Captain, this isn't working out right. Why are you so intent on watching that scope?" Celeste said, "Pierre, set a course back to the station. It's getting close to dinner time. Mike, coordinate with the station to let them know we're coming in. Muia, execute when you have the course. Okay, Mik. We'll talk about this when we get back. You're right. I'm paying too much attention to this scope, but I don't want to discuss it until we can have some privacy." *** Mik waited until the last of the crew members left the tug. Then he closed the hatch and turned his attention to Celeste. "Okay, we're private now. Why is that scope so important to you? You said before that you're not worried about a metal asteroid hitting us, so what is the reason?" Celeste said, "I'm searching for treasure." "Treasure? You mean like rare crystalline metals?" "In a way, yes." "Really, Captain, this is a bit difficult for me to believe. I just don't see you as caring that much about any treasure. Your grandfather's health, sure, but a treasure? I think I know you well enough not to believe that you're interested in profit." "Mik, it has to do with my grandfather. There's only one treasure I want to find." "And it's out here?" "Yes, it is." "Well, don't keep me guessing. You've told me this much, you might as well trust me with the rest." "The treasure I'm searching for is the black box from the Celestial Princess. It's the one thing that can clear his name." "After over thirty years, you believe that the Celestial Princess's black box is still in orbit?" "I can't believe otherwise."

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"Well, if you continue behaving this way, you'll lose the competition. You'd be letting your crew down after putting them through a lot of hard practice." "But...." "Okay, finding the black box is important to you just as the competition is to the others. So far, you've led them into believing they can win, but you're not helping them. Not much, that is. However, there is another way." "Another way?" Celeste asked. "Yes, there is. Let us help you by acting as your eyes so you can concentrate on commanding the Claudine. Otherwise, everyone's going to come out a loser. Then you'll have your crew deserting you by asking for transfers. I doubt if you'd be able to look for the black box if you don't have a crew." "I'd probably get kicked out of the tug service," Celeste stated. "That's a distinct possibility, though remote at present. I'd rather keep it as remote as possible since I know you're a good skipper I can learn from." "Right now, you seem to be doing the teaching." "I'm merely pointing out something too close for you to see yet. Nothing more. Now if you want to continue on as before, then I suggest you prepare the crew for losing. Otherwise, you need to trust them as well by letting them in on what you're doing."

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Chapter 12 "Yes, Captain Yoot," Admiral Geet replied as he faced his communications monitor. "Admiral, the structures are definitely ship construction facilities. The humans have the facility closed in so they cannot be observed. However, they opened one of the main hatches for too long and we observed the nose of a large ship under construction." "You're certain that the ship wasn't brought up from Earth? "It was definitely under construction. We observed humans assembling it while the hatch was open." "How many ships does the construction facility contain?" "We could see only the one ship, but there are five hatches on each of two sides, Admiral." "Enough to upset our advantage if the Rizoids stand with them," Admiral Geet mumbled. "Sir?" "Nothing that concerns you, Captain Yoot." "Yes sir. Continuing my report, there is an asteroid cluster due to intersect with the Earth in three weeks." "Large enough to cloak a squadron?" Geet asked. "Just barely, sir." "Continue your observations and daily reports. You have done well so far."

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Chapter 13 Celeste ordered, "Left 20 degrees! Slow to half speed!" "One metallic asteroid confirmed!" Pierre said. Celeste restrained herself from glancing at her metal sensor. Instead she ordered, "Right rudder. Slow to one-quarter." Rebecca said, "Gurvar just blasted two asteroids with two shots!" Chiandri said, "Ouch! Smitty missed one on his first shot! What's wrong, Smitty? Need glasses?" Smitty's voice came over the intercom, "Uh, no. Maybe my gun needs recalibration." Mik suddenly said, "I think we've practiced enough today. What do you think, Captain?" Celeste glanced at Mik, then said, "Pierre, set a course for the station. Mike, call control and get us clearance." "Here's the course, Muia." "Got it, Pierre," Muia responded. "Execute when Mike gives us clearance," Celeste said. *** Celeste held back at the ship as the crew left. Mik noticed and remained behind with her. When the last of the crew were gone, she said, "We're not going to win anyway, are we?" Mik asked, "What makes you think that?" "Smitty's having trouble hitting anything lately." "Could be that he's waiting for confirmation of the targets before he blasts them. I think he's doing that on your account." "You mean he's taking rotten shots just on my account?" "Could be. After all, your crew understands what you're doing now. They want to help as much as possible even though I suspect most of them don't believe the black box is still orbiting. I'd say they respect and care enough about you that they're willing to do just about anything you ask of them." "In that case, how did I do this afternoon?" "Significantly better. If you continue performing like this afternoon, we won't lose because of you." "I'm relieved to hear that." "Well, you better go get something to eat. It might be a good idea to linger with the other captains some while I see to replacing the fuel we used in practice." "Keep them busy?" "Right. Just act normally around them." *** Celeste made her way to the tug captains' usual table only to see there weren't any vacant seats. Marcel said, "Oops! Sorry, Celeste. This is Captain Van Dorm of the Anaconda from Dawn. He came over to coordinate the competition with us." Celeste took a seat at the next table. She replied, "Welcome to Twilight, Captain Van Dorm." "Thanks. Things are sure busy here. We heard how crowded it is over here and thought it might be a good idea to suggest that the ceremonies be held on Dawn," Van Dorm said.

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"I don't have any problem with that," Celeste said. Marcel said, "In that case, we're all agreed. It won't make any difference to my crew or me about where we receive our trophy." "You haven't got it yet," Celeste said. "Mind if I sit here? Seems like all the tables are full." Celeste turned to see Lieutenant Dash standing with his meal in his hands. "Why certainly. Help yourself, Lieutenant." "You may call me James if you prefer," he said as he sat beside Celeste. "I really do appreciate you stepping in yesterday afternoon." "Think nothing of it. I'm just glad everything worked out for the best. At least no one got hurt." "Same here. I'm glad we have this opportunity to talk since I really feel...." "Like I said, no more thanks are needed." "I noticed that we don't have any military ships around." "I'm here to inspect one of the ships under construction for the military." "Oh, you're an inspector?" "Not actually. I'm really a pilot assigned to the inspection team. When the Andromeda is completed, I'll be assigned to her. So, in about a month I'll be leaving. Then someone else will take my place to inspect the next ship scheduled to launch." "I started out as a pilot. Maybe if I had joined the military instead, I could have become an officer just like you." "That might have happened." "Have you been in long?" "Three years. How long have you been in space?" "Four years." "I didn't think you'd been out here very long." "Oh? How come?" "You're very young looking." "Why thank you. Sometimes, though, I think I'm going to have gray hair before I reach another birthday." "Is the job that tough?" "Well, not really if you know what you're doing." "You must know what you're doing since you're a captain." "I do my best." *** Marcel shook hands with Captain Van Dorm as Van Dorm prepared to leave. Marcel was about to suggest to Celeste that she might want to switch tables to the now open seat when he noticed she was thoroughly engrossed in conversation with a military officer. "Not going to ask her over?" Ramon asked. Marcel shook his head. "Somehow, I get the feeling she's where she wants to be." *** "Would you like for me to show you around the station?" Celeste asked. "I don't want to interfere with your plans for the evening," James replied. "I don't have any plans for this evening. It'd be my pleasure to show you around." ***

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James said, "I'm impressed with the station. What really impresses me is that it's fully functional despite all the work going on around us." Celeste said, "I overheard they're dismantling the rim guns one section at a time so they can add the new outer section. This station is only going to get bigger and more complex." "Isn't that dangerous taking guns off line?" "It would be, but the tugs and shuttles will be taking shifts to protect the station against any asteroids hitting the exposed, unprotected areas." "Sounds like your ships have more going for them than I suspected." "Would you like to tour my ship? I'd be only too glad to show you around the Claudine." "You're sure I won't be in the way?" "I'm positive. In fact, right now, there's no one aboard since we're docked. Our shift doesn't come around until tomorrow morning so my crew is probably out relaxing or getting some sleep." "Well, uh, sure, I'd like to take a tour of your ship. I always like to learn more than I already know. Nice name, Claudine. Did you name it?" "No, that was the name her first captain gave her. He thought it seemed fitting that his tug ought to sound like a woman giving an embrace with her loving arms even though the name makes them sound like claws. Anyway, no one's seen any reason to change it." *** "Well, this is the bridge. Uh, good evening, Chiandri. How come you're here?" "Evening, Captain. Just thought I'd check out the equipment," Chiandri answered. Celeste said, "Um, sure. Carry on. Anyway, James, as you can see...." James said, "I can see you have a dedicated crew." "Yes, I do," Celeste answered without revealing that she noticed Chiandri was operating only the metal sensor. "This is a rather homey bridge you have." "Homey?" "It appears very comfortable. It'd be nice if more ships were as comfortable as this." "I hadn't thought about it that way. Are military ships uncomfortable?" "Not really. The engineers try to design them with some comfort for the crews. It's just that they're more stark than your bridge. Your ship actually comes across as appearing comfortable to work in. Ours still look like military ships." "Now I think I understand what you mean." "Maybe we should leave so your crew member can do her work. We could be disturbing her." "We're not, but we can move on anyway." *** "Want to go bowling?" Celeste asked upon reaching the bowling alley with James still beside her. "You have a bowling alley?" James asked. "Yes, we do." "Well, sure, we can go bowling." *** "A curved alley? How novel! Okay, you'll have to promise you won't beat me too badly. I've never bowled on a curved alley before," James stated.

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Celeste exclaimed, "Me? Beat you? I've only bowled twice in my life so far." "Really? Well, then I guess we might be matched well tonight." "I'm beginning to think the same thing." "You want to go first?" "Uh, sure. I might as well let you find out now just how bad I am at bowling." Celeste approached the line with her ball and released it toward where she suddenly once more saw a figure pointing. Her ball went into the gutter well before reaching the pins. "Aw! Too bad! Maybe this is going to be tougher than I thought." Celeste waited for her ball to return. When she released her ball the second time, she deliberately placed it down the center of the alley so that she could knock down at least a few pins. "Your turn." James picked up a ball from the rack, then made his approach. He stopped suddenly before reaching the line and stared down the alley momentarily. "Something wrong?" Celeste asked. James blinked, then turned around, and walked back to make his approach once more. "Uh, nothing. I was just off my stride. For a moment, I thought...." "Thought what?" "Uh, nothing. I guess I've been working too hard and needed this relaxation more than I realized." "You call this relaxing, too? I still think it's hard work." *** "Gee, that's the first time I ever won a game," Celeste said as she and James left the alley. James said, "You're a fast learner." "Are you sure you didn't just let me win the third game?" "Me? Throw a game? Never!" "But you beat me so badly the first two games." "You're still learning. I predict that someday if you keep practicing, you'll be a consistent winner." "Maybe in about fifty years, if I can still lift the ball then." The two stopped beside a portal and glanced out at the stars. "Do you ever take time to view the stars?" "Changing the subject?" she asked. "Kind of. I was just wondering though what you think of the stars." "Well, they're beautiful, of course. I'm glad we've got star drives now so we can visit them." James said, "Well, I was just thinking about how the stars pale in brightness next to you. If nothing else, you've made my first evening here at Twilight the most memorable yet in my life." "You know what?" she asked. "What?" "I feel the same way. I can't remember ever having as much fun as we had tonight."

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Chapter 14 "Captain Crystal here. What's up, Captain Belson?" Celeste answered on her communications set from the bridge of the Claudine. "I want you to head out for our deep traffic satellite as soon as the moon blocks the Perseids. Apparently the Perseids claimed it as a victim earlier since it's not operational right now. Then you can continue on around to the competition at Dawn." "Understood, Commander." "Good luck in the competition." Pierre caught Celeste's attention, held up his hand, and opened his fingers twice to indicate how many minutes before they could leave. Celeste answered, "Thanks, Commander. We'll be leaving our position in another ten minutes. You should have full blocking of the Perseids by the moon then." *** Mike said, "The Octopus just finished with a 92 score. That leaves Nova Scotia still in the lead with her 95." "We can beat that. Who’s up next?" Celeste replied. Mike answered, "The Anaconda is up next." Celeste exclaimed, "Well, just one satellite to take care of. Then we're on our way to Dawn for our turn. Everyone ready?" Smitty replied over the intercom, "I'm just itching to take that trophy away from the Nova Scotia." *** "Holding position," Muia said. "Captain, I'm picking up large metal objects in the Perseids," Pierre announced. Celeste said calmly, "Just see to it that Muia receives enough warning to evade those. Deploy the snags." The snags opened promptly and properly. Then the Claudine maneuvered until the damaged satellite was within their grasp. It was just then that Pierre suddenly shouted, "My god, those are ships in the Perseids! Five of them!" "Ships? Can you tell who they are?" Celeste replied. "They're not close enough for identification with all the asteroids intermittently blocking us from them." Celeste said, "Well, I hope they know what they're doing. If not, I guess we'll all get a call soon enough for a rescue mission." *** "Captain! There is an Earth vessel repairing the satellite we destroyed!" Captain Fuit ordered, "Ignore it. Tell all gunners not to engage that ship. Even if we are seen by it, we must not give away our intentions right now." *** "Release the satellite," Celeste ordered. Rebecca replied, "Snags opened and withdrawing." "Satellite floating free and loose," Chiandri announced. Pierre exclaimed, "Hey! Orbiting heavy metal object approaching the satellite! My god! It's orange!"

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"Orange?" Celeste shouted. "Yes, it's blaze orange! It's a black box! You were right, Captain! There is a black box in orbit!" Pierre shouted excitedly. Celeste glanced down at the view Pierre was seeing. Briefly, tears welled up in her eyes. "What the hell just now happened?" Muia exclaimed right after a bright light flared next to the Claudine as the ship shook. Pierre shouted, "We were just fired upon by those ships in the Perseids! Oh god, they're Dragorians! I'm sure of it now! My scope shows them heading for Twilight!" "Evasive action, Muia! Warn the space stations, Mike!" Celeste ordered. "But what about the black box?" Muia asked. "I'm not getting any response on the communications set! No signals coming in!" Mike suddenly reported. For a moment, Celeste hesitated. She realized suddenly that there was only one way to warn the stations if her communications were disabled. Much as she wanted to retrieve the black box, she understood only too clearly it would have to wait. "Evasive action and set a course for Twilight! Use all our engines! Execute! Mike, keep trying. Send Twilight the enemy coordinates and our condition. Maybe they can hear us anyway. We have to warn them somehow. Everyone else, damage control. Is everyone all right? Let me know right away if anyone's hurt." "Captain, okay to shoot back?" Gurvar asked. "All gunners return fire if you’ve got a shot at them through the asteroids," Celeste ordered. *** "Demote the fool who fired against my orders!" "But Captain! He wasn't aware yet of your orders!" "Are you questioning my order?" Captain Fuit asked. "No sir!" Another under-officer reported, "The humans are returning fire and signaling their station. Should we fire upon them now?" Captain Fuit glanced at his control panel. He could clearly see the asteroids were providing his ships with plenty of cover against so few guns on the little ship for his ships were reporting no damage as yet. "No, we’ll be out of their range in a moment. We don’t dare linger here dealing with them while giving their station more time to prepare. Ignore that ship and continue on course for the station." *** "Captain, they’re not firing back. Should we keep firing at them?" Smitty reported. Muia asked, "Should I return to the satellite to search for the black box?" Before Celeste could answer either of them, Mike reported, "The Dragorians are moving out of range. They’re still on course for Twilight." "Negative, Muia, continue on course for Twilight. All gunners, cease fire," Celeste replied as she threw away her opportunity to retrieve the black box a second time. *** Captain Belson said, "This isn't going to be pleasant. We're stuck here with a ship that can fight but we can't move it out of the shipyard until we have a tug." Lieutenant Dash said, "Sir, we're transferring over to the Andromeda anyway. Whatever happens, send the first tug back to shove us out."

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Belson said, "Then you'll have to ferry over in shifts. I can't tie up all my remaining shuttles getting you and your men over there when the shuttles can help fight off the Dragorians when they arrive." "I understand. Good luck to you, sir." "And to you, Lieutenant." *** Celeste suddenly heard Ermine trilling excitedly. It took her only a moment to realize Ermine was warning of an atmosphere leak. Evidently the one shot fired at them by the Dragorians had caused more damage than her crew had found. "Suit up, everyone! Ermine, come to me now!" *** Captain Belson asked, "Any luck getting through to the Claudine?" The communications operator answered, "No sir. We're picking them up fine now, but they can't see or hear us on their end. They're probably still making repairs." "Let me know when you have contact. They're a good crew and probably doing their best right now to fix their problem like you said. I just hope they aren't too badly damaged to help our situation here." "They've only reported minor damage so far." Belson nodded. "That's good. I need them to shove the Andromeda out and they're the closest to us. I know they've already done plenty for us by sending us a warning, but I still need them." The station rocked from a hit fired by the Dragorians. Captain Belson grabbed at a support stanchion and rode out the vibration. Another operator reported, "Commander! Gun number seven is out of action! Damage control is already sealing the hit section." Belson responded, "Good. How are we doing against the Dragorians?" "Looks like one of them took a solid salvo from us. It might be only four to one now. No, correction on that! He's rotating around so his other side can fight. It's still five to one. Looks like they're maneuvering to a position where all our guns can't fight back at the same time." *** Rocky staggered as the shipyard was hit by incoming Dragorian fire despite the return fire that Twilight was sending out at the five attacking ships. "You okay, kid?" Noble asked. "Sure, I'm fine. No one told me we'd be getting shot at, though." "Well, if we make it through this, I'll mention to the company that we deserve combat pay." "So, what do we do now?" Rocky asked. "Wait until someone tells us what needs to be fixed. Then we'll fix it." *** James said, "Well, at least we've got the power on in the Andromeda now. Now if we can only get out of here, we can show those Dragorians they picked the wrong day to attack." *** "Twilight ahead. They're under attack!" Muia exclaimed as the Claudine’s guns opened fire once more upon the Dragorian ships as those came into view. Immediately, shots passed close by the tiny tug.

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Edward said, "Try the communications again. I think I've got it fixed!" Mike said, "Claudine to Twilight. We think we’ve got our communications fixed. Come in!" "Twilight control to Claudine. Can you hear us now?" Mike almost shouted, "Yes, we can hear you now! What's the situation?" "Put Captain Crystal on." "Captain Crystal here." "Captain Crystal, is your ship in condition to give the Andromeda a shove out of the shipyard? They need to get out so they can help us fight." Celeste said, "Affirmative! We're on our way. Okay, Muia, you heard what they want. Head for the shipyard!" "Captain Belson here. Thank you all for transmitting the warning. Because of you, the station was ready for them." *** "Captain, it's that small ship again!" Captain Fuit replied, "Ignore it! Concentrate all fire on the station! We must destroy the station first before concerning ourselves with the small stuff." *** Rocky said, "Man, that hit was close." "Yeah, my ear is still ringing," Noble remarked. "Maybe you should go to sick bay." "No, it's just my right ear. I can still hear fine though. Besides we might be needed soon." Rocky exclaimed, "Wow! That fuzzy waller of yours is sure stretching about on your ear." "My fuzzy waller?" Nobel asked while lifting one hand to his right ear. Then he realized what it meant. "Everyone suit up now! It's Emily I'm hearing! She's telling me we have an air leak in here somewhere!" *** "Is there enough room for us to get in?" Celeste asked upon seeing the rear hatch to the shipyard suddenly halt after a hit from the enemy on the shipyard structure. Muia answered, "Sure, there's more than enough room for us to get in. The question is whether someone can get either of the hatches open enough for us to shove the Andromeda out." *** Rocky stumbled back to his feet. He looked at the gaping hole left in the ship that was his quarters. Then he toggled his helmet radio and asked, "You okay?" Noble answered, "Yes. That was sure close. Good thing we had our full suits on." Rocky said, "I just wish there was something we could do. I don't like sitting here waiting for someone to give us orders." Their suit radios suddenly blared, "Attention all construction workers. The shipyard hatches are jammed. We need electricians and welders immediately at both hatches to dock one." Noble said, "You just got your wish, Rocky. Come on! It's our turn to do something!" *** As the Claudine entered the dock, Muia gasped, "That's a big ship!" Celeste said, "We can handle it. Just as long as someone opens the hatch, we can get it outside."

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"This is Lieutenant Dash on board the Andromeda calling the Claudine. Can you blast the front hatch open and then shove us out?" Celeste answered, "James, you're on board?" "Yes, I am. Now can you blast open the hatch?" he replied. "Probably, but the blast might damage your ship." "We don't care about the damage so long as you can shove the rest of the ship out." Captain Belson’s voice suddenly came over the communications channel. "Negative! Do not blast the hatch! We have construction workers clearing it now!" Celeste replied, "Understood, Captain Belson. We'll hold our position until they're clear or the hatch opens." *** "Okay, kid. Get busy cutting away on that hatch. Doesn't have to be neat. When you finish, we're going to need you topside," Noble said. Rocky nodded, then went to work with his torch to cut away the hatch. *** Rebecca said, "Sure is a big ship. We don’t have a very good grip with the snags, Captain." "Just do your best and pray they hold," Celeste replied. Chiandri reported, "Snag engines in place. Be careful, Muia. We don’t have the snags completely around her so the engines aren’t fully balanced. She could pitch and yaw on you." Muia replied, "Acknowledged. Taking control. Ready to proceed when the hatch is open." *** "Can anyone join this party? We heard the Claudine talking about a party and felt left out," Marcel asked as his tug and six others in a V-formation approached Twilight from over the horizon on the night side of Earth. Captain Belson replied, "Welcome to the party. Choose your partner and dance away!" Marcel shouted, "In that case, everyone charge!" *** "The hatch is loose. Just bump it and it'll float out of the way," Rocky announced over his suit radio. Celeste ordered, "Go for it, Muia! Let's get the Andromeda out of here!" *** Rocky reached the top side of the shipyard. "Boss, where are you?" "Over here! In the freighter! You're just in time! We really need you here now!" Noble answered. Rocky made his way to the freighter and entered through a gaping hole caused by a hit. "What do you want me to do?" Noble said, "Just start welding that mount to the deck. Those Dragorians don't realize just how big a mistake they made in hitting this supply ship." "That's a big mount," Rocky exclaimed. Noble replied, "It ought to be. It's the base mount for a Model Five gun meant to go on a cruiser. I figure the Navy won't mind us installing it right here to use for a little bit. By the time you have the mount welded, I should have the cabling installed. Pete! Ivan! Get the gun ready to slap onto the mount as soon as Rocky has it secure!"

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*** "Hey, the hatch is snagged on the nose of the Andromeda! They won't be able to fire their main guns with it in the way!" Muia exclaimed. "Don't worry about it. Just get the ship out first. Then we'll get rid of the hatch," Celeste replied while hoping the snagged hatch didn't make piloting too difficult later for James. Pierre said, "Something's happening on board the Andromeda. They've got hatches opening along the sides. Big hatches, too!" *** "Captain! The humans bring out a big ship!" "Then fire upon it! Destroy it before it can bring its guns to bear upon us!" Captain Fuit commanded. *** Celeste shouted, "All right! The Dragorians just messed up! They blasted the hatch off the Andromeda's nose! Give it to 'em, guys!" Slowly, the Andromeda moved out of the shipyard as the sturdy Claudine shoved with all her power. As soon as the Andromeda's forward main guns were in the clear, those opened fire upon the Dragorian ships. Then as soon as the opened hatches were out in the clear, something unexpected happened. "What was that? Did something explode?" Muia asked while shielding his eyes. Lieutenant Dash communicated, "All fighters form up on me." Celeste suddenly realized what they were seeing leave the Andromeda every few seconds as the Claudine continued to shove the large ship clear of the shipyard. She exclaimed, "They're fighters! They're launching fighters! No wonder they needed out! The Andromeda is a carrier!" "Woo, boy! Are the Dragorians going to be upset now! This ought to really change the odds!" Mike shouted. Lieutenant Dash ordered, "All fighters charge! Pick your targets and good luck!" "Good luck to you all," Celeste added softly.

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Chapter 15 "Where is Admiral Geet?" Captain Goop blanched at the sight of the Grand Dragor on his screen. Immediately, he fumbled for his dagger and placed the point to his neck before answering. "Your highness, the humans demoted Admiral Geet." "But the attack was a surprise? After all, my force outnumbered the humans." Captain Goop replied, "Yes, the attack was a surprise. Twice." "Twice? How did Admiral Geet manage to surprise the enemy twice before his demotion?" the Grand Dragor asked in amusement. "He didn't, your highness. The humans provided the second surprise when they suddenly outnumbered us by ten to one. My ship was fortunate to escape intact." "WHAT? You ran from the inferior humans?" "Your highness, we had to. We were the only ship left against hundreds of human ships. They had more ships hidden inside their large ships. I can only guess that the squadron sent against Earth ran into the same kind of surprise. Is that allowed, your highness?"

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Chapter 16 "Yes, Boss?" Rocky asked. Noble said, "Now that we've beaten the Dragorians off, the station needs some help with their repairs. Welders in particular, so I volunteered your services." "Nice to be wanted." "Just hop the next shuttle to the station. When you get there, report to Chief Jones. He'll show you where they've got work for you." *** James said, "I've only got a moment to say good bye before I leave with the Andromeda to join the fleet." Celeste said, "You didn't tell me that you're a fighter pilot." "I didn't want you thinking I was a hotshot show off trying to score on you." "James, I'm going to miss you." "We won't be gone for long. Just long enough to get the Grand Dragor's signature on a peace treaty unless he wants us to destroy his last few ships first before he surrenders." "Then you'll come back to me?" James replied, "I will if only because I intend to ask for your hand. So you better take care of yourself until then." "My hand? Yes, I'll take care of myself, of course. You do the same!" she managed to say before he took her into his arms and kissed her. *** As Celeste entered the Claudine, Pierre said, "I think I know where the black box is at based on what data we gathered when we saw it." Celeste's eyes lit up. "Are you sure, Pierre?" "Fairly sure. We didn't have much time, but I recorded what was going on and used that to extrapolate the location." "Pierre, you're wonderful! Give Muia a course and we'll get going after it before we head for the satellite." *** Pierre said, "I'm scanning. It's got to be somewhere near here. My figures can't be off too much." Muia asked, "Did you take into account that it might have collided with the damaged satellite and spun off in another direction?" "Uh, not really. I figured it probably missed," Pierre answered. Celeste said, "Which reminds me. We still have a satellite to repair. We'll check it out first and see if there's any evidence showing which way the black box went if they collided." Pierre said, "Shifting a new course heading to your panel, Muia." "Got it," Muia answered. "Execute," Celeste ordered. *** "Think you can fit into that narrow space with your gear?" Jones asked. Rocky glanced at the torn bulkhead that left a section of the station open to space. "Well, now I know why I was needed since I'm not too big. I'll give it a try, sir." ***

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"Holy smokes! Can you beat that?" Pierre exclaimed. Celeste cried when she saw the blaze orange colored black box stuck in the side of the damaged satellite her crew would repair. She sat and watched as Mik and Edward left the Claudine to repair the satellite and recover the black box.



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Chapter 17 Celeste left the Claudine with the black box tucked under one arm. Her crew somberly followed her. There wasn't any gladness on any of their faces as they followed her to Captain Belson's office. *** Celeste paused at the door to Captain Belson's office, then knocked. Celeste said with a twinge of sadness in her voice when she noticed she had his attention, "Afternoon, Captain Belson. We recovered this in space. It's the black box from the Ionic Queen. It's probably not much good since everyone knows how she was destroyed by the Dragorians, but we thought you'd want it anyway." Captain Belson said, "Come on in, Captain Crystal. I was just now going to call for you anyway. I have something to show you. Rocky, you want to show your sister what you found between the bulkheads on Twilight?" Celeste turned to see that Rocky was inside the office off to the side out of sight. He was grinning like a cat after an encounter with a hapless canary. In his hands was another black box much like the one she held. "I found the Celestial Princess's black box, Sis. It was stuck in between the bulkheads right beside the bowling alley all along," Rocky said. "You found it! All right, Rocky!" she exclaimed excitedly. Captain Belson said, "We've already processed the data from it and sent that to headquarters on Earth. Quite likely, it'll clear your grandfather's name since it proves his ship was shoved into the station by an unexpectedly large ionic wave." Celeste cried, "Thank you all so very much. My family and I will always remember what you've all done for us." Captain Belson said, "I think we'll all remember how much we needed and helped each other. By the way, since the target competition wasn't completed, there won't be a trophy awarded for this year." Celeste said, "Well, you can bet on us for next year. We'll be ready. Right crew?" A chorus of voices behind her in the corridor shouted in agreement. }|{ the end }|{

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