Crm Module Description

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,144
  • Pages: 16
customer relationship management. CRM entails all aspects of interaction a company has with its customer, whether it be sales or service related. Computerization has changed the way companies are approaching their CRM strategies because it has also changed consumer buying behavior. With each new advance in technology, especially the proliferation of self-service channels like the web and Wap hones, more of the relationship is being managed electronically. Organizations are therefore looking for ways to personalize online experiences (a process also referred to as mass customization) through tools such as help –desk software, e-mail organizers and web development app

CRM Dashboard Views True individual Dashboarding delivers data your sales team, your management and your executive team. The sales and support team will view critical reports quickly follow up on activities, leads and sales. potentials all from one sales management view. The Dashboard, highly configurable, will also show outstanding invoices, trouble tickets that need attention, and quote and order metrics.

Dashboard The Dashboard is an important and powerful part of our tool. Dashboards can be set up precisely to display the heart and soul of your sales and customer service business. Top metrics can be selected by the user to be displayed and even better, reports can be created quickly and easily. The Dashboard is the diving board, or jump off point, that propels users directly into the most important Accounts, Leads, Optys, Trouble Tickets and more... The flexibility here gives you sales power


Marketing Marketing campaigns are created and expectations can be set and than measured. Marketing efficiencies will soar measured in lower cost per lead and measurable and sustainable marketing campaigns. Your marketing dollars will be spent wisely to keep your sales teams busy with warm leads that can close.

Account & Contact Management Your customers are your most valuable asset. Customers will be nurtured with quality touches and customers will be promptly supported as needs arise. This visibility to activity, all potentials, trouble tickets, orders, invoices and all customer history will help your team delight your customers. Accounts and Contacts are organized in the most efficient way. Contact ownership is assigned and monitored and your intellectual property, your important relationships, are safeguarded.

Contact Management Your contacts are safely and securely accessible in one place. This makes marketing and sales more efficient. All touches and activity that surround each contact are recorded ensuring your valuable relationships are strengthened, not neglected.

Contact Management List View DataForce CRM provides full featured Account and Contact Management. Your Contact list views can be edited quickly creating customizable views which can be saved for reuse.

Contact List Your contacts can be viewed in a easily configurable views. Edits and filters can be applied to display contact data precisely the way your users wish.

Document Management Key documents are associated with your relationships and your activity. All users with viewing privileges can use and view documents. This becomes your repository for Quotes, for Purchase Orders, for Presentations and other important information. This ends the searching for important information that is spread out across your company and spread out in different locations. This makes you better. This make you more efficient. This makes you money.

Sales Order Your team users create a Sales Order with a single click from the Sales Quote. Your company will avoid duplicate work and streamline the time needed to get Sales Orders to the right person. Create a printer friendly Sales Order and deliver to the customers through the integrated E-mail service. Then display all Sales Orders in a user friendly report.

Daily Calendar Views Your calendar can be view in several ways including list and calendar views. All events and to dos can be assigned by users to other sales people. Alerts can be configured to make sure all activities are completed. All sales team activities are visible to management if desired.

Document Storage Electronic files are attached to your Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Optys, and your Order Management Modules making retrieval simple, making documents accessible and searchable across your company. This can streamline your business, cut waste and give a boost to customer support and sales.

Sales Quotes Easily create Sales Quotes from Sales Potentials. Track outstanding quotes from your list view and see your companies top outstanding quotes right in your Dashboard. Select different prices for the same product as per customer segment and create printer friendly Sales Quotes to be delivered to your customers fast. All Sales Quotes are visible and accessible for quick follow up by sales to close more deals and close sales deals faster.

Opportunity LIsts or Reports Opportunity lists are configured using a report builder. Each sales person, sales manager and executive can create customized reports to display data that is important to the individual. Opportunity lists can be customized, reported, exported and edited to maximize selling efficiency and sales results.

Administration User Roles DataForce CRM is easily configurable to business hierarchies. Data is disseminated to users that need to view it based on administered privileges.

Products Management Manage organization wide-products and get a 360 view of all product related activity. This includes sales potentials, and even trouble tickets. Export Product details and create Price Books as per customer segment. Procure products from a selected vendor list and even import product details from other applications. All this functionality is designed to automate and simplify your business so your people can do the highest value added activities.

Order Management Purchase Orders Streamline organization wide procurement and fulfillment. Track outstanding orders form the Orders list view. Customize fields to your requirements and add line items to the Orders and update subtotal, taxes, and grand totals automatically.

Reports Flexible reporting gives all users the ability to set up reports and apply advanced filters to deliver precise data. Reports can be added to the Metrics view right on your dashboard. All reports can be saved for re-use and then re-edited to fine tune the columns, the order of columns and the filters. The key is to get data into the tool fast and easily and then deliver the data in a format the user is comfortable with and can be effective with.

Administration of User Groups Groups can be created to segment data and to flow information across teams. Users can be added to one or many groups to add value for a teaming approach. Teams can be created and disbanded quickly based on the business requirements. One case begging for a team approach is a complex sale that has several components.

Administration Editing Groups Groups can be created to define management or selling and marketing teams. These groups can be created quickly and then the right data can flow to your users cutting waste and double entry. One way to use this is putting together a team to sell to a large opportunity. You sure want to cover all the bases

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