Critical State Soil Mechanics - A Newly Proposed Geoscientific Approach - Mukabi Jn - 2012 Ieee

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  • Words: 189
  • Pages: 1
Critical State Soil Mechanics: A newly proposed geoscientific approach J.N. Mukabi, Kensetsu Kaihatsu Limited

ABSTRACT: The existing theories that define lateral pressures, under the framework of classical soil mechanics assume that failure for normally consolidated clayey geomaterials occurs at the Critical State Line (CSL) irrespective of drainage conditions, loading rate and stress path traversed towards the CSL. On the other hand, Critical State Soil Mechanics (CSSM) has been developed on the basis of Rendulics generalised principle of effective stress which fundamentally states that for a soil in an initial state of stress and stress history, there exists a unique relationship between voids ratio (℮) and stress variations. Based on long term research and experimental testing, this study demonstrates that the CSL is not unique and is dependent upon variations in strain rate, drainage and stress path traversed towards the CSL. The mathematical and scientific approach developed is introduced and the geotechnical engineering parameters discussed. Modified relations that can define and characterise the Critical State behaviour of geomaterials are summarised within a newly proposed CSSM framework.


Mukabi-16-IEEE2012-Critical State Soil Mechanics-A newly Proposed Geoscientific Approach.doc - Nov. 24, 09

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